- originated from Latin word “persona”
- persona - theatrical mask
- summing up everything about yourself MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- what defines you as an individual Personality Traits
- collection of traits makes up one’s personality
Gordon Allport
- measure personality in terms of 200 traits
- trait - enduring and consistent disposition of
human beings
Raymond Cattell Knowing Oneself Through Others
- traits are reaction tendencies and is Johari Window
sometimes permanent parts of personality - Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
- for interpersonal awareness and self-
Classification of Traits development
Surface Traits
- observable by others Lesson 2 – Knowing Oneself
- unstable impermanent
- may weaken or strengthen Physiological Development
Source Traits - body, senses, movement
- core personality Social Development
- single, stable, and permanent - one forms a self through bonding with a
- elements of behavior mother or a caregiver and later the family
Classifications of Source Traits - Past experiences can affect self-concept and
Constitutional Traits interaction with other people
- biological origins Spiritual Development
- resistant to change - soul, spirit, or the “inner essence”
Environmental-Mold Traits - belief and values
- environmental origins - discovering meaning of life
- influences of social and physical Emotional Development
Robert McCrae & Paul Costa
- Big Five
- these traits remain stable after 30 years old
- beliefs, feelings, and behavioral
- tendencies towards socially significant
objects, groups, events, or symbols
- affect behavior cognition
B. F. Skinner
- a person is the sum of behaviors that were
rewarded by his/her environment Lesson 4 – Challenges of Middle & Late
- rewards and punishment Adolescence
Albert Bandura
- observational learning Self-esteem
- modeling - believing in oneself,
- vicarious reinforcement - confidence in one’s own value as a person
Human Agency - seeing oneself in a positive way
- capacity of humans to exercise control over Physical Appearance
their own lives - teenagers are more self-conscious
Self-efficacy - sense of self-attractiveness
- belief that you can succeed in what you do Group Belongingness
- based on past performances, social - feel the need to find a group to belong to and
modeling, social persuasion, and physical or fit well in
emotional state Relationships
- with parents, peers, and romantic partner
Lesson 3 – Developmental Stages (applies some teenagers)
Sexuality & Sexual Relationships
Erik Erikson - control and limit one’s sexual expression
- personality develops throughout the life cycle - knowing the consequences of sexual
- in each stage, there is a psychosocial behavior
struggle that needs to be resolved Academic Concerns
- Epigenetic Principle - part of our personality - distractions that hinder fulfillment of academic
arises out of another obligations
Psychosocial Struggle - fear of failure
- identity crisis Socio-Emotional Challenges
Psychosocial Stages of Development - Anxiety
(description in ppt lesson 3) - Panic Attack
1. Infancy - Grief
2. Early Childhood - Depression
3. Play age - Eating Disorder
4. School age - Substance Abuse
5. Adolescence - Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
6. Young adult
7. Adulthood Sigmund Freud
8. Old age - Psychoanalytic Theory
- people are motivated by drive of which they
Developmental Tasks during Adolescence have little or no awareness
- mind as an energy system
Dreams as gateway to the unconscious
Manifest Content
- what you remember when you wake up
Latent Content
- underlying meaning of dreams
Alfred Adler
- people are mostly motivated by social
influences and by striving for success
- normal to feel inferior
Carl Jung
Personal Unconscious
- rules one's being
- repressed experiences of an individual
- self-realization
- integrating all our opposite poles
Karen Horney
- interaction styles as response to anxiety