GOs & Circular 2009

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Circular of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai-10.

Thiru. Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,

Circular No. 11 /2009
(Rc.11774/2009 TFMC) Dated: 09-04-2009.

Sub Cooperation – Implementation of the revival package for

STCCS - Guidelines on expenditure and manpower
norms of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Societies (PACS) – Issued – Regarding.

Ref: Letter NB.TN/DCRR/234/DCRR-2/2008-09 dated

13.01.2009 from the Chief General Manager, National
Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Chennai.


The Government of Tamil Nadu have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

(MoU) on 03.01.2008 with the Government of India and National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development to initiate necessary action to revive Short Term Cooperative Credit
Structure (STCCS). Accordingly, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 has been
appropriately amended, in which under section 136-D (2) Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Societies (PACS) have been given autonomy to decide on financial and administrative
matters such as Personnel Policy, Staffing, Recruitment, Posting and Compensation to staff.
However this does not mean unfettered freedom: PACS while enjoying their autonomy must
ensure that they remain viable in long run and they act within the approved bylaws and special
bylaws duly registered by RCS. Further, to maintain long term viability it is essential that cadre
strength and compensation are based strictly on 'Capacity to Pay'.

2. NABARD in the reference cited has issued general gudelines to facilitate prudent
business management in PACS by defining 'Capacity to Pay', prescribing permissible levels of
cost of staff and cost of management and laying down principles for running viable noncredit
business and for prudent human resource management including cadre strength, recruitment,
qualifications and outsourcing. These guidelines have been refined and recast in Tamil Nadu
context and set down in this circular for guidance and further action.

3. A PACS should think of increasing its establishment expenditure only when it has
the 'Capacity to Pay' : A PACS is said to have 'Capacity to Pay' if

(a) It is earning profit continuously for three years. PACS should have earned profit after
making full provision for

(i) outstanding expenses

(ii) non-performing assets(bad debts)
(iii) depreciation on assets etc., as per accounting norms/NABARD,RBI,
Department guidelines.
(b) Has Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) of 7 % (or as revised from time to time by
NABARD/RCS) of risk-weighted assets for the last three years continuously.

(c) Does not have accumulated losses for the last three years continuously. (please refer
Annexure 1 for guidance)

If this condition is not satisfied, PACS management may desist from doing anything
such as increasing cadre strength, increasing pay, etc., which may further weaken the financial
position of the concerned PACS.

4. (a) Even when PACS has 'Capacity to Pay' it may limit its cost of management in
the range of 40-50% of total income(net interest income plus other income ). (please refer
Annexure 2 & 3 for guidance).

(b) Similarly staff cost of PACS viz. pay, allowances, PF and other staff expenditure
should be kept with in the range of 20-30% of the total income (net interest income plus other
income). (please refer Annexure 2 & 3 for guidance).
Wherever the PACS have exceeded this range they may accordingly arrive at excess
manpower and take steps to arrive at optimum strength.

5. PACS carry out a number of noncredit business such as PDS, fertilizers, insurance, etc.
Each business should be identified as a profit centre and the income and expenditure from such
operations may be calculated on monthly basis to ensure profitalibity of such businesses. For
existing business this exercist may be done for the year 2007-08 and 2008-09 (an example is
attached in annexure-2). Where there are losses action be taken to reach break-even level or stop
the activity. If it is essential to run like PDS it should be continued only when losses are fully
recouped by Government.
6. PACS may prepare its annual budget of income and expenditure, based on an annual
Business Development Plan indicating how its finances are at variance with norm given above
and how it is going to tackle it in the coming year. After approval by General Body, each PACS
may review the performance on monthly basis. Ways of increasing income are expansion in
credit, taking up / increasing retailing & input sales, if profitable, sale of financial products such
as insurance, offering services such as bill payment, common service centres, agri clinics and
advisory services, couriering, etc. (details given annexure-4). Cost cutting will include sending
excess staff on deputaion, non filling up / abolishing vacant posts, cutting contingency
expenditure and in extreme cases, limiting salary payment within margin and if necessary,
reducing it through appropriate provisions of Industrial Disputes Act.
7. PACS henceforth will maintain regular staff for core activities only and engage staff
on outsourcing basis for seasonal work such as agri marketing and paddy procurement, account
closing, interest calculation and demand service, suspension, vacancies, etc., if absolutely
essential. Such outsourcing may be limited to a maximum of 6 months and age of outsourced
staff should not exceed 23 years. For specified work, services of agencies can be engaged
instead of individuals. However PACS may try their best to get volunteer members to take up
seasonal work to reduce cost.

Based on such and based on capacity to pay each PACS may work out their core cadre
strength and work out requirement for fresh recruitment / downsizing as the case may be. Each
PACS should also clearly mention the tasks that should be outsourced and mode of outsourcing.
8. Fresh recruitment may be done only after getting prior approval from General Body
after placing 3 years accounts, CRAR and need for direct recruitment. It may be done from the
list obtained from employment exchange or as per the existing procedure followed by other
cooperatives. If required, help of professional bodies such as Cooperative Recruitment Bureau
can be taken. However, for filling up of vacancies, promotion should be the first option given
the staff in feeder categories have required experience and eligibility in terms of qualifications.
9. Based on such, each PACS may immediately work out profit / loss of each operation –
credit / insurance / PDS / retail / fertilizer / etc., and evaluate its management and staff costs
against norms set in paragraph-4 and work out surplus / deficit manpower alongwith ideal cadre
strength. Then they may work out strategies to rectify the anomaly by deputation / decrease in
pay and allowances / reduction in cadre strength / increase in turnover and accoudingly prepare
BDP and annual budget for 2009-10. This work may be completed by 30.04.2009. Joint
Registrars may review the progress of this work on daily basis and pull up staff who do not
adhere to these limits.
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank may prepare required formats to facilitate
PACS to undertake this work.
10. From the month of May 2009, PACS will be evaluated strictly against the
prepared BDPs and budget and managements will be required to explain the shortfall failing
which appropriate action will be taken as per existing rules and regulations.
/By order/
For Registrar .
1. Annexure-1. (3 Pages)
2. Annexure-2. (4 Pages)
3. Annexure-3. (1 Page)
4. Annexure-4. (1 Page)

1. All Regional Joint Registrars.
2. All Circle Deputy Registrars.

Copy to
1. The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai-1.
2. The Special Officers of All District Central Cooperative Banks.
3. All Sections in Credit Wing in this office..
4. OE and GC sections in this office.
5. Stock file.

Annexure-1 (3 pages)
Computation of capacity to pay of ‘X’ PACS

1.Balance Sheet as on 31.3.07

Sl. Sl.
Liabilities Amt. Rs. Amt. Rs. Assets Amt. Rs.
No. No.
1 Paid up Shares 1 Cash 4127.00
Bank Accounts -
a Members 278714.00 2 7506.77
Investments - FD
b Govt. 82000.00 360714.00 3 266886.65
with DCCB
Loans outstanding
2 Reserve Fund 4124.46 4 3562025.50
from members
3 Other Funds 5 Land and Building 125000.00
a Building Fund 155.91 6 Furniture 47684.43
Other Assets and
b Depreciation 38274.00 7 610913.93
Misappropriation and
c Depreciation 97521.00 8 58011.50
d Gratuity Fund 88000.00 223950.91 9 Closing Stock 2847.00
DCCB Accumulated losses
4 2874655.00 10 295869.55
Borrrowings – Net
ST Borrowings
5 from 30588.59
6 Govt. Borrwings 142105.65
7 Deposits 244021.31
8 Other Liabilities 219450.50
Brought Forward
9 373091.17
Provisions for
10 508170.74
Total 4980872.33 Total 4980872.33

2. Profit & Loss position for the 3 years

2004-05--Profit Rs.1.50 Lakhs, 2005-06-profit-Rs.2.75 lakh, 2006-07- profit Rs.1.75 lakh

3. CRAR(Capital to Risk weighted Asset Ratio)- (Formula for calculation given in next
2005-06 2004-05 - 3%- 4.5%

4. Calculation of Risk weighted Assets

(Amt Rs)
Risk Risk Weighted
Assets Amount * Weight Assets
(%) (3*4)/100

1 2 3 4 5

1 Cash on Hand 4127 0% 0

2 Balances with DCCB

a In Current Account 7507 20% 1501
b In Savings Bank Account 22.5%
Balances with Other Banks / institutions
3 (specify each institution)

a In Current Account 20%

b In Savings Bank Account 22.5%

c Others 22.5%

4 Investments

a Government Securities 2.5%

b Shares in Other Cooperative Institutions 102.5%

c Fixed Deposits with DCCB/ Other banks 266887 22.5% 60050

d NSC/KVP 2.5%
Staff PF balance with PF Trust / As deposits with
e Banks 22.5%

f Others - Deposit with Marketing Societies 102.5%

5 Loans & Advances

a ST / MT / LT Loans to Members 3562025 100% 3562025

Loans to Staff covered by mortgage

b /superannuation benefits 20%

c Other Loans (specify) 100%

6 Closing Stock 2847 100% 2847

7 Fixed Assets

Land & Buildings, Godown (net of

a depreciation/fund) 27479 100% 27479

Furniture & Fixtures, Banking Counter, Computers

b & Electrical Installations(net of depreciation / fund) 9410 100% 9410

c Vehicles 100%

d Agriculture Machinery 100%

8 Other Assets

a Interest Accrued but not overdue 100%

b Overdue Interest 100%

c Interest Receivable on Investments 100%

d Sundry Debtors 100%

e Other Receivables 610914 100% 610914

f Amount involved in Frauds 58012 100% 58012

g Prepaid Expenses 100%

9 Total Risk weighted assets 4332238

*Net of provisions
Loans and advances/fixed assets etc., outstanding position should be indicated net of provisions.

S. No. Condition Complied or not

1 should earn profit for Condition complied
last 3 years
2 should be 7% for
last 3 years
Calculation of CRAR as on 31.03.2007
i)Total risk weighted assets Rs.4332238
ii)7% of (i) Rs. 303257
iii)Calculation of existing capital
Share capital Rs.360714
+ Reserve Fund Rs. 4124
+ Building Fund Rs. 156
+ Credit balance in P&L A/c -
Total Rs.364994
Less Accu. Losses Rs.295870
Existing capital Rs. 69124
iv)% of existing capital to risk weighted assets 1.59%
69124 / 4332238 x 100 = 1.59%
As CRAR is below 7% during last three years,
the condition is not complied
3 There should not be There is accumulated loss during 2006-07.
accumulated loss Therefore condition not complied with.
during last 3 years

1. Conditions to be fulfilled for satisfying the norm ‘Capacity to Pay’.

Thus, out of 3 conditions, two conditions not complied with by the ‘X’ PACS. Therefore ‘X’ PACS has no
capacity to pay. The PACS should not incur additional expenditures on cost of management and should
enhance income and reduce expenditures to acquire capacity to pay.

Annexure – 2 (4 Pages)
Computation of total income, cost of Management and Staff Cost


Trading Account for the year 2006-07

Amt. Rs.

1 Opening Stock 51991 Food Grains - Sales 1413517

Food Grains –
2 1292269 Fertilisers - Sales 2396414
3 Fertilisers – Purchases 2339940 Kerosene - Sales 823369
4 Kerosene – Purchases 775478 Gunny Bags - Sales 21060
5 Coolie Charges 117408 38916
6 Commercial Taxes 9549 Closing Stock 19865
7 Licence Fee 40
8 Weights and Measures 635
9 Trading Profit 125831
Total 4713141 Total 4713141

Annexure -2 contd….
Profit and Loss Account for the year 2006-07
Sl. Sl.
Expenditure Amt. Rs. Amt. Rs. Income Amt. Rs.
No. No.
1 Interest on Borrowings 244747.00 1 Trading Profit 125831.00
Plus Provisions 155641.00 2 Interest on Loans 842168.00
Interest on
400388.00 3 15345.00
2 Interest on Deposits 186739.00 4 30841.00
RD Commission Comml.Bank.
3 53804.00 5 20769.00
Charges A/c.Interest
GoI 2% Interest
4 Salary to Staff 187850.00 6 83121.00
DCCB Fixed
5 PF 17556.00 7 9298.00
Deposit Interest
6 Travel Expenditure 9300.00 8 Other Income 15887.00
7 Printing 19220.00
8 Daily Wages 17850.00
Postage and
9 5986.00
10 Share Fees 700.00
Expenses on General
11 16000.00
Body Meetings
12 Staff PF Interest 25390.00
13 Xerox and Typing 3685.00
14 Electricity 867.00
15 Meeeting Expenses 5440.00
16 Recovery Drive 11000.00
17 Godown Insurance 4311.00
Taxes - Consultancy
18 8774.00
and others
19 Stationery 6550.00
20 Deposit Insurance 3020.00
21 Provisions
a Building Depreciation 20523.00
b Depreciation 7839.00

22 Net Profit 130468.00

Total 1143260.00 1143260.00

Annexure 2.—contd….

Computation of Total Income, Cost of Management and Staff Cost

Sr. Calculation

1 Computation of Calculation of net interest income

total income
Interest Income

i. Interest on loans 842168

ii. Interest on Investment 15345
iii. DCCB SB A/c. Interest 30841
iv. Comml.Bank. – Account Interest 20769
v. GoI Interest Subsidy 83121
vi. DCCB – FD Interest 9298

Total Interest Income 1001542

Interest Expenditure

6. Interest on borrowings 400388

7. Interest on Deposits 186739
8. RD-Commission charges 53804
9. Deposit Insurance 3020
Total Interest Expenditure 643951

Total Interest Income 643951
Less total interest expenditure
Net Interest Income 357591
Calculation of other income
i) Trading Income 125831
ii) Other income-fees, commission 15887

Total Other Income 141718

Calculation of Total Income

5. Net Interest Income 357591
6. Total other income 141718

Total Income 499309

2 Computation of cost i) Salary of Staff 187850

of Management ii) PF 17556
iii) Travel Expenditure 9300
iv) Printing 19220
v) Daily Wages 17850
vi) Postage and Telephone 5986
vii) Share fees 700
viii) Expenditure on General Body 16000
ix) Staff – PF interest 25390
x) Xerox and Typing 3685
xi) Electricity 867
xii) Meeting Expenses 5440
xiii) Recovery Expenses 11000
xiv) Godown Insurance 4311
xv) Taxes 8774
xvi) Stationery 6550

Total Cost of Management (COM) 340479

% of COM to Total Income =

340479 x 100 = 68.19%


3 Computation of 3. Salary to Staff 187850
Staff Cost 4. PF 17556
5. Travel Expenses 9300
6. Daily Wages 17850
7. Staff PF interest 25390

Total Staff cost 257946

% of staff cost to total income =

257947 x 100 = 51.66%


COM is 68.19% of total income as against ideal limit of 50%. Staff cost is 51.66% of total
income as against ideal limit of 30%. Therefore, ‘Y’ PACS should initiate necessary steps for
reducing COM and staff cost. Further, ‘Y’ PACS should not incur any additional expenditure on
COM and Staff cost.

Annexure 3 (1 page)
Explanations for some accounting terms used in the guidelines
S. Particulars Explanation
1 Capital Share Capital + Reserve Fund +other free
reserves +Recapitalisation assistance
received from GoI and State Government
+Net credit balance in P& L account(if any)
minus accumulated losses
2. Risk Weighted Assets This may be calculated as per details given in
Annexure 2
3. Cost of Generally COM will be equal to total of the
Management(COM) expenditure in the P & L account * minus
(i)depreciation(ii)provision for NPA(iii)interest
expenditure(Please also see the example given in
Annexure 2)
4 Total Income Net interest income plus other income
5 Net Interest Income Total interest earned minus Total interest
Note: (a) Interest earned includes interest on loans
and advances and also receipt of interest
subsidy/subvention from the Government plus
interest on investment, FD and other bank deposits
(b) Interest expenditure includes interest
paid/payable on deposits and borrowings, RD
commission paid and deposit insurance paid.
6 Other Income Trading profit + fees, commission, etc (as in P & L
7 Trading Profit Total trading income minus total trading expenditure
This has to be prepared separately for each of the
non credit activities undertaken by the PACS

*Expenditure relating to trading activities has to be recorded in the trading account. Hence
such expenditure does not find place in P & L account.

ANNEXURE-4 (1 page)

Services PACS can offer to its members in its area of operation


All types of vii. Supply of Procure All Govt. Electrifying 10. Payment
loans - Agri fertilizers (both ment of Sponsored villages of
and Non- organic and food programm Providing electricity,
Agril -Direct inorganic) grains es such as drinking water telephone
iii) All types of Pesticides and such as public Conduct of and other
loans - Agrl seeds paddy, distribution family planning bills of
and Non xvii) Supply of maize, system(Rat camps, eye villagers
Agrl - nursery wheat ion Shops), camps, health by levying
Indirect as saplings etc. as midday camps, krishi small
an agent Supply of agent meal melas service
8. All types of sprayers, for FCI schemes, charges.
deposits power tillers on consumer service through Providing
All types of tractors etc., on commis stores,etc. LIC and transport
financial custom hire sion 7. Supply of General facilities to
products *Supply of poultry Procure cooking Insurance villagers
offered by feed, other AH ment gas, gas Companies & Providing
other feed. and stoves etc., Private STD
agency by P&H Crop related Marketi Petrol Bunk Insurance facility
acting as an and AH related ng of Supply of Companies to through
agent. medicines food mobile its members PCO

Pipelines, pump grains handsets Setting up of Providing
sets on custom as a and SIM mutually marriage
hire busines cards welfare fund related
Supply of Diesel, s Meeting funeral services
petrol activity expenses such as
on its Janatha shamiana,
own accident policy chairs,
Food Life insurance vessels
process cover etc.,
Merit Providing
units, technical
scholarship to
Seed students services
process such as
Electric motor soil
Cotton Cattle and other
procure seed
insurance testing
and Crop loan training to
ginning insurance members

* - [Establishing Agri Clinics in PACS – Registrar's letter Rc.11291/09 CBP1 dated 03.02.2009]

For Registrar .



THIRU. Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No. 13 /2009

(Rc. 50475/2008/CBP1) Dated : 8.5.2009

Sub: Cooperation – Charging of interest @ 4% to those

farmers who remit their dues on due dates for the
issue of crop loan issued during 2008-09 – instructions

Ref: G.O.Ms.No.115, Cooperation, Food and Consumer

Protection Department, dated 24.6.2008
Communicated in Registrar’s Lr.Rc.50475/08 CBP1
Dated 30.6.2008.
In order to encourage the borrowers for prompt repayment of
crop loans the Hon’ble Finance Minister in his budget speech for the
year 2008-09 announced that with a view to incentivising those
farmers who repay their dues in time, the rate of interest will be
reduced from 7% to 4%

2) Accordingly, in the Government orders cited, Government

have issued orders that interest shall be charged @ 4% to those
farmers who availed the crop loans @ 7% during 2008-2009.
3) The following operational guidelines are issued for
implementing the above Government orders.

1. Eligibility:
All borrowers who have availed crop loans @ 7% after 1-4-
2008 and repay the entire crop loans promptly on or before
the due dates will be eligible for 3% interest reduction. In
such cases, the interest @ 4% will alone be collected from
the borrowers. Excess interest, if any, collected more than
4% shall be credited to the farmers’ savings account under
intimation to them. The loans issued prior to 1.4.2008 but
due in 2008-2009 will not be eligible for the interest
reduction and loans issued during 2008-2009 and repaid
after the due date will not be eligible for the concessional
interest at 4%.

2. Commencement:
In accordance with the Government orders cited, the crop
loans that were issued on or after 1.4.2008 will be eligible for the
interest reduction.

3. Method of allowing 3% interest reduction of member

For a borrower who had availed crop loans @ 7% in 2008-
09 (i.e. after 1.4.2008) when comes for repaying the crop loan
on or before the due date(s), then the interest will be charged at

4. Claiming of 3% interest reduction amount by P A C Ss /

DCCBs/Apex Bank

(i) The P A C Ss will prepare a list of borrower-wise particulars in

duplicate containing date of sanction/amount/due date/date of

repayment of crop loan and the eligible interest reduction for the
loan repaid on monthly basis. The list will have to be certified by
the Secretary, Circle Supervisor/Taluk Field Manager of the
District Central Cooperative Bank and the Special Officer of the
respective PACSs and submitted to the District Central
Cooperative Bank under copy to the respective Circle Deputy
Registrars and Regional Joint Registrars on or before 20 th of the
succeeding month. The Deputy Registrars should ensure that the
PACSs in their jurisdiction submit the claims in time and they are
sent to the DCCBs on or before 20th of the month promptly.

(ii) The District Central Cooperative Banks will have to scrutinize

the claims received from the PACSs and the eligible amount of
claim may be settled to the respective PACSs before 25th of the
same month. The DCCBs in turn have to forward their
consolidated claim giving all the details furnished by the PACSs
before the end of the succeeding month to the Apex Bank.

(iii) The Apex Bank shall pass on the eligible amount of 3%

interest reduction claim settled by the DCCBs before the end of
the month.

(iv) The Apex Bank will prepare a District Central Cooperative

Banks-wise statement for the 3% interest reduction allowed to
the DCCBs on a quarterly basis and forward the same to the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies for recommending the same to
the Government, for the release of the funds.

4) However, in respect of the farmers who have availed the

loan amount during the year 2008-09 i.e. from 1.4.2008 to
31.3.2009 and remitted the same on due dates, a single claim
must be prepared and submitted to the DCCBs on before
20.5.2009. The DCCBs shall prepare the claim to the Tamil Nadu
State Apex Cooperative Bank on or before 30.5.2009 after
releasing the payment to the PACSs . The Tamil Nadu State Apex
Cooperative Bank, after passing on the eligible amounts to the
respective DCCBs, shall consolidate the claims and send
necessary proposals to Registrar of Cooperative Societies for
claiming the amount from the Government before 5.6.2009.

5) The Joint Registrars of all regions and Special Officers of

all DCCBs (except Chennai) are requested to issue necessary

instructions to the PACSs in the region for effecting the interest
reduction to the farmers prompt in repayment. As the scheme is
intended to encourage the farmers for the prompt repayment
and the benefit has to be extended to the farmers in time, the
Circle Deputy Registrars, and the Regional Joint Registrars are
requested to monitor the implementation of the Scheme at their
level and review the progress during the Review Meetings. The
Deputy Registrars, and Regional Joint Registrars and the Special
Officers/General Managers of the DCCBs are requested to verify
the genuineness of the claims by conducting test verification of
the claims when they inspect the PACSs. The success of the
Scheme depends on the collective effort of the Cooperative
Department and the DCCBs. Therefore, all the Officers are
advised to work in coordination with each other and implement
the scheme without giving room for complaints/malpractices. If
any such occurrence is brought to notice, severe action will be
initiated against all concerned.

6) The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers of

all DCCBs are requested to acknowledge the receipt of the
circular by next post. The Special Officers of the DCCBs are
requested to issue instructions to the PACSs and to mark a copy
of the instructions to this office for reference and record.

/By Order/

For Registrar
The Special Officer,TNSAC Bank, Chennai-1
The Joint Registrars, of All Regions
The Special Officers of All DCCBs
Copy to
The Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai
The Deputy Registrars of All Circles
Copy to: PACS, ACS, CCA, PB and CBS sections in Office

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if, br‹id.10
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®,

R‰w¿¡if .v© 20/2009 ehŸ 28-5-2009.

(ef. 57440/2009 ktbfh1 )

bghUŸ:- T£LwÎ - bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f« -étrhæfS¡F »hhk ã®thf mYtyçl«
rh‹¿jœ bg‰W g殡fl‹ tH§FtJ F¿¤J
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš - bjhl®ghf.
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ étrhæfŸ fl‹
njitia¥ ó®¤Â brŒtJl‹, k‰w ÏLbghU£fisÍ« étrhæfS¡F cça neu¤Âš
tH§Ftjid Kj‹ik neh¡fkhf¡ bfh©L brašgL»‹wd.

2) bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¤Â‹ brayU«, gâahs®fS«

j§fŸ r§f¤Â‹ gâ¥gu¥Ãš cŸs étrhæfŸ étu«, rhFgo gu¥ò, gæ® rhF¥go
gUt« ngh‹w mid¤J étu§fisÍ« KGikahf guhkç¡f m›t¥nghJ
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. Ϫãiyæš gæ®fl‹ bgwtU« étrhæfël« Á£lh
efš tèÍW¤j¥gLtjhš jhkj« V‰gL»wJ v‹W«, Ãw tâf t§»fëš Á£lh
tèÍW¤j¥gLtšiy v‹W«, mjdhš T£LwÎ t§»fëY« Á£lh tèÍW¤j¡TlhJ
vd étrhæfŸ nfhç tU»‹wd®. Ãw tâf t§»fŸ nghš mšyhkš »uhk¤ÂYŸs
étrhæfŸ g‰¿a KG étu§fisÍ« T£LwÎ r§f gâahs®fŸ bjçªJ it¤JŸs
ãiyæš Á£lh efš bg‰W kDbrŒjhš k£Lnk fl‹ tH§f¥L« v‹w ãiyia js®Î
brŒJ g殡fl‹ tH§Ftj‰F »uhk ã®thf mYtyç‹ rh‹¿jœ mo¥gilæš
g殡fl‹ tH§fΫ rªnjf« mšyJ bjëÎ Ïšyhj é©z¥g« bgw¥gL«
g£r¤Âš r«kªj¥g£l bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ bray®fŸ fl‹
nfhU« étrhæfë‹ éisãy¤Âid neuoahf gh®itæ£L« Á£lh cŸgl Ïju
Mtz§fis¢ rçgh®¤J fl‹ tH§fyh« vdΫ m¿Îiu tH§f¥gL»wJ.

3) Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ

r§f§fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤Â, nkny f©l m¿Îiufis jtwhJ Ëg‰w¥gLtjidÍ«
v›éjkhd òfh®fS¡F« Ïlä‹¿ gæ® fl‹ tH§FtijÍ« cW brŒJ bfhŸSkhW
mid¤J Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå
mYty®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.



mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

jå mYty®fŸ,
kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»

jå mYty®,
jäœehL khãy jiyik T£LwÎ t§»,

gÂths® mYtyf ntfÂ, ktbfh3, ntCt,
ãm k‰W« bjhntTt ÃçÎfŸ
k‰W« ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò.


Thiru. Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No. 17/2009

(Rc. 152712/2008/CBP1) Dated : 5.6.2009

Sub: Cooperation – Issue of Medium Term(Agri)Loans

MT(Agri)Loan to the extent of Rs.50,000/- on surety
basis– instructions Issued – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Registrar’s Letter Rc.91905/2008/ARDB 1 dated

2. Letter from the Special Officer, Dharmapuri
Dist. Central Coop. Bank letter Rc/058/2008/C3
Dated 18.12.08.
In Registrar’s letter first cited, the Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies have been permitted to issue loans for
minor irrigation purposes to the extent of Rs.50,000/- on surety basis.
In the reference 2nd cited, the Special Officer, Dharmapuri District
Central Cooperative Bank has indicated that the farmers have
represented for sanction of M.T (Agri) Loan amount upto Rs.50,000/-
on surety basis. The reguest has been examined with reference to the
RBI Security norms in force.

Keeping in view the importance of flow of credit to

agriculture/allied activities, all the Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Societies may lend upto Rs.50,000/- without any
security/collateral requirement in respect of all M.T(Agri)Loans
including precision farming, micro and minor irrigation, drip and
sprinkler irrigation. Hence, the Special Officers of District Central
Cooperative Banks are requested to issue necessary instructions to the
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies for issue of M.T(Agri)
Loan upto Rs.50,000/- on surety basis net of subsidy and to monitor
this flow of credit closely and ensure that the target fixed for the year
2009-10 is fully achieved. It should be ensured that all the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies ensure proper credit appraisal
and to monitor the creation of assets/utilization of funds for the
purpose for which the loan was sanctioned. The Field staff of the
District Central Cooperative Banks should also ensure this.

The Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks

are requested to acknowledge receipt of this Circular by return of post.
/By Order/

For Registrar

The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks

Copy to
The Special Officer,TNSAC Bank, Chennai-1
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai
The Joint Registrars, of All Regions
The Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai
The Deputy Registrars of All Circles
Copy to: PACS, ACS, OE, GC and AR sections in Office
Stock file (CBP1 and CBP3)

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No. 26 / 2009 CBP.1

(RC 91671 / 2009 CBP1) dated 27-8-2009

Sub: Cooperation – Issue of crop loans by the P A C S – Certain

instructions issued.

It has been brought to the notice that in certain areas, the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies are not issuing crop loans to the extent
of the scale of finance fixed for the crop, with the result the farmers are not in a
position to meet the cultivation expenses in full.
Scales of finance for various crops are fixed based on the cost of
cultivation and any under financing will put the farmer-members in hardship.
With a view to avoid the hardships of the farmers and to crop loans are issued to
the members properly, the following instructions are issued in regard to issue of
crop loans

(i) Crop loan should must be disbursed strictly as per scale of finance
fixed for various crops

(ii) Seeds required by farmers must be procured and kept by the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies and issued as kind component. If
seed is not available, cash thereof should be disbursed.

(iii) Fertilizer as required by farmers should be stocked in the Primary

Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies godowns and issued as kind

(iv) Pesticides may be stocked and issued to farmers, if they require.

(v) If there is a paucity of fund, instead of keeping applicants waiting
loans may be sanctioned, kind portion be given and remaining be
given in 2 installments, depending upon the need of the farmer.

The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are

requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies to follow the above instructions scrupulously. They
are also requested to provide required funds to issue loans by Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies.
All the Inspecting Officers from District Central Cooperative Banks and
from the Department should physically cross check the application received for
crop loans and whether the quantum of crop loan is issued as per scale of finance.
The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers of the District
Central Cooperative Banks should also verify the above, when they visit Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies.
Receipt of the circular should be acknowledged at once.

Sd/ Jatindra Nath Swain

/By Order/

For Registrar

The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
Copy to the Principal Secretary to Government, Cooperation, Food and
Protection Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9
Copy to the Special Officers, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai 1
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles (except Chennai)
Copy to PACS section in this office
Copy to Stock File.

T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if

ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹., Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®,

R‰w¿¡if v© 42 /2009
e.f.120296/08/bjhntr.1 ehŸ. 2 .12.09

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fŸ – gâahs®fë‹ CÂa« k‰W« gâ ãiyfŸ
– CÂa Óuik¥ò¡ FGé‹ gçªJiufŸ – muR
MizfŸ btëæl¥g£LŸsJ – m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš
– bjhl®ghf.
gh®it: 1) muR Miz v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, ehŸ.4.6.99
2) muR Miz(ãiy) v©.258, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, ehŸ.13.8.08
3) muR Miz(ãiy) v©.189, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, ehŸ. 17 .11.09

gh®it 1š fhQ« murhizæ‹goahd bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd CÂa x¥gªj¡fhy« 30.6.2002 cl‹ KotilªjJ. Ïij¤
bjhl®ªJ gh®it 2š fhQ« murhizæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥
gâahs®fS¡fhd òÂa CÂa é»j« k‰W« gâãiyfis kh‰¿aik¤ÂlΫ,
V‰bfdnt bg‰W tU« CÂa§fëš cŸs Ku©ghLfis fisªÂlΫ XŒÎ bg‰w
TLjš gÂths® ÂU.n#.v‹.»UZz‹ mt®fë‹ jiyikæ‹ Ñœ x‹gJ eg®fŸ
bfh©l FG x‹W mik¡f¥g£lJ. m¡FG më¤j gçªJiufis¥ gçÓè¤J gh®it-
3š muR MizfŸ btëæ£LŸsJ. mj‹ efš ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤J mD¥g¥gL»wJ.

m›turhizæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ tif¥ghL,

gâahs® gâ ãiy¤Âw‹, òÂa CÂa é»j« k‰W« Ïju Ïd§fŸ M»ad 1.4.08
Kjš eilKiw¥gL¤j¥gL« vd muR Mizæ£LŸsJ. ÏJ bjhl®ghf Ñœ¡fhQ«
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
1. r§f§fë‹ tif¥ghL, ( Classification of Primary Agricultural
CooperativeCredit Societies )
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fis mt‰¿‹ Ïyhg / e£l
mo¥gilæš eh‹F tF¥òfshf (v, Ã, Á k‰W« o) tif¥gL¤Â muR Mizæ£LŸsJ.
i) kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æèUªJ ahbjhU ã cjéÍ«
bgwhkš KGtJkhf brhªj ãÂæid¡bfh©L bjhl®ªJ IªJ
M©LfŸ ãfu Ïyhg¤Âš brašgL« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik
T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ mjhtJ 2003-04« M©oèUªJ ‘v tF¥ò’
(g殡 fl‹, muR rh®ªj £l§fshd lh¥br£nfh, lh«nfh,
jh£nfh k‰W« Ïju £l§fŸ jéu)
ii) kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ ã cjé bg‰W bjhl®ªJ
IªJ M©LfŸ ãfu Ïyhg¤Âš brašgL« r§f§fŸ (2003-04« ‘à tF¥ò’
iii) flªj IªJ M©Lfëš VnjD« X® M©oš el¥ò M©L
Ïyhg¤ÂY« Mdhš ãfu e£l¤ÂY« brašgL« r§f§fŸ ‘Á tF¥ò’
(2003-04« M©oèUªJ)
iv) bjhl®ªJ el¥ò e£l¤Âš k‰W« Féªj e£l¤Âš brašgL« ‘o tF¥ò’
r§f§fŸ (2003-04« M©oèUªJ)

òÂa CÂa x¥gªj« eilKiwæš ÏU¡F« nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ

fl‹ r§f§fë‹ tif¥ghL, r§f¤Â‹ Ïyhg¤Â‹ mo¥gilæš, khW« nghJ CÂa
é»j§fëš kh‰w« VJ« brŒa¥gl¡TlhJ.

2. gâahs® gâãiy¤Âw‹ (Cadre strength)

31.3.07-š bjhl¡f T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¤Â‹ cW¥Ãd®fŸ mséš ãYitæš
cŸs fl‹ mo¥gilæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®
gâãiy¤ Âw‹ Ñœ¡f©lthW mikÍ«.

gâæl égu«
mséš KJãiy vG¤j® / cu

cjé Vty®/
t. fl‹ vG¤j® / j£l¢r® / é‰gid-
bray® bray®/ ÏuΡ
v© ãYit fz¡fhs® eif ahs® /
nkyhs® fhty®
(31.3.2007š / fhrhs® kÂ¥Õ£lhs® Á‰bwG¤j®
1 %.1 nfho
1 - - 1 - - 2
2 %,1 nfho
Kjš 3 1 - - 1 1 - 3
nfho tiu
3 %,3 nfho
Kjš 5 1 1 1 - 1 1 5
nfho tiu
4 %,5 nfho
Kjš 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 7
nfho tiu

gâ XŒÎ/gjé éyfš/gâkh‰w« ngh‹w fhuz§fshš V‰gL« fhè¥

gâæl§fis nk‰go tiuaW¡f¥g£l gâ ãiy¤Âw‹ vŒJ« tiu v¡fhuz«
bfh©L« ó®¤Â brŒÂl¡ TlhJ. r§f¤Â‹ mtru ntiy ãä¤jkhf njit¥go‹
egh®L ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L fhyKiw¥ gâfS¡F Âd¡Tè / x£Lbkh¤j r«gs
mo¥gilæš gâahs®fis ãaä¤J¡ bfhŸsyh« ( system of hiring for seasonal
work ).
3, òÂa r«gs ã®za« (Fixation of New Pay)
murhizæš F¿¥Ã£LŸsthW 1.4.2008-š bg‰W tªj mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤ij
fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfh©L òÂa r«gs é»j« 1.4.08 Kjš ã®za« brŒa¥glnt©L«.
1) v k‰W« Ã tF¥ò¢ r§f§fS¡F 1.4.2008 m‹WŸs mo¥gil¢ r«gs« + 84%
mféiy¥go, m¡TLjš bjhif¡F 10 % ca®Î më¤J òÂa mo¥gil r«gs«
Kiwna bghU¤J¥g£oaš 1 k‰W« 2 š f©lthW ã®za« brŒa¥glnt©L«.
2) Á k‰W« o tF¥ò¢ r§f§fS¡F 1.4.2008 m‹WŸs mo¥gil¢ r«gs« + 84%
mféiy¥go, m¡TLjš bjhif¡F 5 % ca®Î më¤J òÂa mo¥gil r«gs« Kiwna
bghU¤J¥g£oaš 3 k‰W« 4 š f©lthW ã®za« brŒa¥glnt©L«.

(i)òÂa mo¥gil¢ r«gs« ã®za« brŒÍ« bghGJ muR Miz v©.131,
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ.4.6.99I Ëg‰W« r§f§fŸ,
muR foj« v©.6768/Áv‹.1/05-2 ehŸ.4.4.05‹go Áw¥ò mDk bg‰w r§f§fŸ k‰W«
murhiz v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ.4.6.99I él
Fiwthf r«gs« bg‰W tU« r§f§fëš 31.3.08-š bg‰W tªj mo¥gil r«gs¤ij
fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfh©L òÂa r«gs é»j« ã®zæ¡f¥glnt©L«.
murhiz v©.131š ã®zæ¡f¥g£lijél Fiwthf r«gs« bgWgt®fŸ òÂa
r«gs é»j¤Âš Fiwªjg£r r«gs é»j¤ij¥bgwhj ãiy ÏU¥Ã‹ mªjªj
r§f§f§fë‹ tif¥gh£o‰F V‰g bghU¤J¥g£oaš 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 š brhšy¥g£l
gâãiy¡Fça Fiwªjg£r r«gs é»j¤Âš ã®za« brŒJ bfhŸsnt©L«.
(ii) muR Miz v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw
ehŸ.4.6.99-š ã®zæ¡f¥g£LŸsij él Kiwa‰w tifæš
TLjyhfgâahs®fS¡F r«gs« më¤J tU« r§f§fŸ nk‰go murhiz v©.131-
‹go, 1.7.1997èUªJ mo¥gil¢ r«gs« kWã®za« brŒJ (Notionally Refixed) mj‹go
31.3.08 njÂæš kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£l mo¥gil r«gs¤Â‰F 1.4.08-š j‰nghJ muR
mDk¤jthW gâahs®fë‹ òÂa r«gs é»j« fz¡»l¥glš nt©L«.
nkny g¤Â 3(i) k‰W« 3(ii) š F¿¥Ã£l bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f§fŸ g¤Â 1š F¿¥Ã£lŸs vªj tF¥Ã‹ Ñœ tU»‹wnjh mªj tF¥ò¡Fça
r«gs bghU¤J¥g£oaš go CÂa ã®za« brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«.
V tF¥ò r§f¤Âš cjé¢brayhs® gâæš cŸst® 1-4-2008š murhiz 131
‹go % 3495-100/5-3995-110/7-4765-125/5-5390-140/5-6090-155/8-7330-170/3-7840-
185/3-8395 š % 6400 /- mo¥gil r«gs« bg‰W tªjhš mtU¡F ËtU« tifæš
mo¥gil¢ r«gs« ã®za« brŒa¥glnt©L«

1-4-2008š mo¥il¢r«gs« % 6400

mféiy¥go 84% % 5376
TLjš % 11776
CÂa ca®Î 10% % 1178
TLjš % 12954
òÂa mo¥gil¢r«gs«= 12954X100 :% 11566

Ït®j« r«gs« òÂa r«gs bghU¤J¥g£oaèš % 11525 Mf ÏU¡F«.
é¤Âahr¤bjhif ((% 11566 (-) % 11525)) % 41 Ït®j« jå CÂakhf ÏU¡F«.
(iii)xUÁy ne®Îfëš gâahs® j‰nghJ bg‰W tU« fhyKiw CÂa¤Â‹
filÁ ãiyfëš (slab) cŸs nghJ mt®fS¡F òÂa fhy Kiw CÂa¤Âš CÂa«
ã®za« brŒÍ« nghJ giHa r«gs ãiy¡fhd (slab) òÂa r«gs ãiy Ïšyhkš
ÏU¡fyh«. m›thwhd Ïd§fëš r§f§fë‹ tif¥gh£o‰F V‰g , gâahs®
t»¡F« gjé¡F V‰g, òÂa r«gs é»j¤Âš filÁ ãiy bghU¤J¥g£oaèš fy« (7)š
cŸs filÁãiy mo¥gil r«gskhf ã®za« brŒa¥gl nt©L«. Ït®fS¡F
Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xUKiw CÂa« tH§f¥glnt©L«.
cu é‰gidahs® /Á‰bwG¤j® v tF¥ò
j‰nghJŸs murhiz 131 ‹go Ï¥gâ¡fhd r«gs V‰w Kiwæš filÁ ãiy
% 4435 MF«. òÂa r«gs bghU¤J¥g£oaèš % 4325¡F mo¥gil¢r«gs«
bfhL¡f¥g£LŸsJ. giHa r«gs é»j¤Âš % 4325¡F nkš r«gs« bg‰W tU«
gâahs®fS¡F r«gs bghU¤J¥g£oaš fy« v© (7) ‹ òÂa r«gs V‰w Kiwæš
filÁ ãiyæš cŸs % 7700/- òÂa mo¥gil¢r«gskhf ã®za« brŒa¥gl
1-4-2008š mo¥il¢r«gs« % 4435
mféiy¥go 84% % 3725
TLjš % 8160
CÂa ca®Î 10% % 816
TLjš % 8976
òÂa mo¥gil¢r«gs«= 8976X100 :% 8014

Ït®j« r«gs« òÂa r«gs bghU¤J¥g£oaèš % 7700 Mf ÏU¡F«. é¤Âahr¤bjhif

((% 8014 (-) % 7700)) % 314 Ït®j« jå CÂakhf ÏU¡F«.
3(iv)CÂa ãYit
Ï›ñÂa ca®édhš gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gl nt©oa CÂa ãYit¤
bjhifia mt®fsJ tU§fhy it¥òã fz¡»š tuÎ it¡f¥gl nt©L«.

nkY«, nk‰go r«gs ca®thš V‰gL« TLjš ã¡F muÁläUªJ ã cjé
vJΫ v®fhy¤Âš më¡f ÏayhJ v‹gij mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
fl‹ r§f§fS¡F« bjçé¡f k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

4. mféiy¥go
r«gs« bghU¤J¥g£oaèš cŸsthW 1.4.08-š fz¡»l¥g£l òÂa mo¥gil
r«gs¤Â‰F murhiz v©.189, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw
ehŸ. 17.11.09-‹go 12 éG¡fhL mféiy¥go mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
5. nj¡fãiy CÂa ca®Î (Stagnation increment)
gâahs®fŸ mtuJ fhyKiw CÂa¤Âš (Time Scale) ÏW ãiyia
milªÂU¥Ã‹, mtç‹ mL¤j CÂa ca®Î (Increment) Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xU
CÂa ca®Î v‹w Kiwæš tH§f¥glnt©L«.
6. nj®Îãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy
xnu gâ ãiyæš 10 / 20 M©LfŸ jFÂahd gâ Ko¤jt®fS¡F Kiwna
nj®Îãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy¡fhf mªjªj tif¥gh£o‰fhd r«gs é»j¤Âš xU M©L
CÂa ca®Î (one increment) tH§fnt©L«.
murhiz nj¡F ÃwF nj®Îãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy jFÂbgW« gâahs®fŸ
bjhl®òila gâãiyæš (in that category) nr®ªj ehŸ Kjš jFÂahd gâ¡fhy«
k£Lnk Ïj‰bfd fz¡»š bfhŸs¥glnt©L«. (Notionally from the date of
appointment in the present category)
nj®Îãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy vŒÂa gâahs®fS¡F jå CÂa é»j« (separate
time scale) ã®za« brŒa¡TlhJ.
7. X£Le® r«gs«
bjhl¡f ntzh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fëš , <¥ò thfd« guhkç¤J tU«
r§f§fë‹ x£Le®fS¡F, r§f« vªj tF¥Ã‹ Ñœ tU»‹wnjh mªj tF¥Ã‰fhd
Vty® gâæl¤Â‰fhd r«gs é»j« murhiz btëæl¥g£l njÂæèUªJ
8. éL¥ò¢ rYif fŸ

gÂthsuhš x¥gë¡f¥g£l mªjªj r§f§fë‹ Jiz é / gâahs® Áw¥ò
Jiz éÂfS¡F£g£L mDk¡fyh«.
9. tU§fhy it¥òã k‰W« gâ¡bfhil
tU§fhy it¥òã k‰W« gâ¡bfhil mªjªj r£l§fë‹go mikÍ«.

10. ÏUr¡fu thfd fl‹

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ ÏU r¡fu thfd«
th§f %.50,000/- tiu mDk¡f¥gL«. mÂfg£r jtizfŸ 60 khj§fshf ÏU¡F«.
t£o é»j«
Ïj‰fhd t£o é»j« r§f§fŸ bg‰w fl‹fS¡F brY¤j¥gL« mÂfg£r
t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«. brhªj ãÂia¡bfh©L brašgL« r§f§fis bghW¤j
k£oš, mit it¥ò¤ bjhiffS¡F tH§F« mÂfg£r t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«.
11. fšé¡ fl‹
fšé¡ fldhf, mid¤J tif¢ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F« %.10000./- mšyJ
gŸë / fšÿç¡F brY¤j¥gL« oôr‹ f£lz« Ïš vJ Fiwnth m¤bjhif
Ïu©L FHªijfS¡F äfhkš mDk¡f¥glnt©L«. mj‹ jtizfŸ 12 Mf
t£o é»j«
Ïj‰fhd t£o é»j« r§f§fŸ bg‰w fl‹fS¡F brY¤j¥gL« mÂfg£r
t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«. brhªj ãÂia¡bfh©L brašgL« r§f§fis bghW¤j
k£oš, mit it¥ò¤ bjhiffS¡F tH§F« mÂfg£r t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«.
12. ÂUkz¡ fl‹
ÂUkz¡ fldhf jyh %.10,000/- tiu mÂfg£rkhf Ïu©L FHªijfS¡F
mDk¡f¥gL«. ÂU¥Ã brY¤J« jtizfŸ 12 vd ã®zæ¡f¥gLtnjhL Kjš
flD¡fhd mrš k‰W« t£o KGtJkhf tNš brŒj ÃwF Ïu©lhtJ fl‹

t£o é»j«
Ïj‰fhd t£o é»j«, r§f§fŸ bg‰w fl‹fS¡F brY¤j¥gL« mÂfg£r
t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«. brhªj ãÂia¡bfh©L brašgL« r§f§fis bghW¤j
k£oš, mit it¥ò¤ bjhiffS¡F tH§F« mÂfg£r t£o é»jkhf ÏU¡F«.

13. FL«g ey¤ £l«

murhiz (ãiy) v©.22, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw,
ehŸ 4.2.2008 ‹go muR v¥bghGbjšyh« fh¥Õ£L¤ bjhif mÂfç¡»wnjh mj‹go
m›t¥nghJ m¤bjhif bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥gâahs®fS¡F«
mÂfç¤J tH§f¥gL«.
14. kU¤Jt¥go (Medical Allowance)
j‰nghija kU¤Jt¥go %.50/- bjhl®ªJ mDk¡fyh«.
15. Å£L thlif¥go k‰W« efu <£L¥go
Å£L thlif¥go k‰W« efu <£L¥ gofis bghW¤jk£oš, V‰fdnt
murhiz(ãiy) v© 131,T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw ehŸ 4.6.99š
bg‰Wtªjij¥ ngh‹W Ïu©L kl§fhf ca®¤Â tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
16. kiythœ go k‰W« Fë®fhy¥go
egh®L t§»æ‹ ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L kiythœgo k‰W« Fë®fhy¥go
17. ÓUil (Uniforms)
j‰nghJ gâòçÍ« filãiy Cêa®fS¡F mDk¡f¥gL»wJ k‰W«
v®fhy¤Âš gâæš nrUgt®fS¡F Ï¢rYif Ú¡f¥gL»wJ.
18. ryit¥go (Washing Allowanace)

j‰nghJ bg‰WtU« ryit¥go, khj« %.50/- Mf ca®¤j¥gL»wJ.

19. gaz Âd¥go (Daily Allowances)

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd gaz Âd¥go,
gâahs®fŸ bg‰WtU« mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Âš 5 rjÅj¤Â‰F äfhkš ehgh®L
t§»æ‹ ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L ËtUkhW ÏU¡fnt©L«.

Kjšãiy¥ gâahs®fŸ %.50/-
(bray®, cjé bray®, KJãiy cjéahs®,
fz¡fhs®, fhrhs®)
Ïu©lh« ãiy¥ gâahs®fŸ %.40/-
(cjéahs®, j£l¢r®, Á‰bwG¤j®, é‰gidahs®)

_‹wh«ãiy¥ gâahs®fŸ %.30/-

(Vty®. fhty®, cjé é‰gidahs®, ng¡f®)

20. Ïju Ïd§fŸ

muR Mizæš F¿¥Ã£LŸs Ïd§fŸ jéu, Ïju rYiffŸ v¡fhuz¤ij¡
bfh©L« mDk¡f¡TlhJ. murhizæš F¿¥Ã£LŸs Ïd§fis¤ jéu ntW
vJΫ x¥gªj¤Âš nr®¤Âlš TlhJ. m›thW V‰gL¤Âdhš r«gªj¥g£l jå mYty®
KG¥ bghW¥ghth®. ÏJ bjhl®ghf bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹
jå mYty®fS¡F j¡f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§» ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ f©fhâ¡f
j¡f m¿ÎiufŸ tH§» mjid f©fhâ¡f k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
21. r«gs« bfhL¡F« Âw‹ ( Paying Capacity)
nkY« nk‰go murhiz g¤Â v© (6)š bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F òÂa r«gs« më¡F« nghJ r§f§fS¡F r«gs«
bfhL¡F« Âw‹ ( Paying Capacity) g‰¿ gçÓè¤ÂLkhW bjçé¡f¥g£LŸsJ.
vdnt òÂa r«gs é»j« ã®zæ¤J tH§Ftj‰F K‹ ÏjidÍ« fU¤Âš
bfhŸSkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. Ïj‰bfd tH§f¥g£l njÁa t§» k‰W« gÂths®
m¿ÎiufŸ Kiwahf Ëg‰w¥gl nt©L«.
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F òÂa r«gs é»j«
1.4.08 Kjš òÂa r«gs ã®za« brŒtJ bjhl®ghd got« k‰W« CÂa ãYit
fz¡ÑL brŒtJ bjhl®ghd got« M»ait Ïiz¥ò-I k‰W« IIš
bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ. mj‹go rçgh®¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ x¥òjš më¡f
nt©L«. mj‹ÃwF mªjªj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f ã®thfK«
gâahs®fS« mªjªj kht£l bjhêyhs® mYty® (Labour Officer) K‹åiyæš

bjhê‰ jfuhW r£l¥ÃçÎ 12(3)‹ Ñœ x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfh©l ÃwF òÂa r«gs«
nk‰T¿a tifæš V‰gL¤Â¡ bfh©l x¥gªj« r§f¤Â‹ ãuªju Mtzkhf
guhkç¡f¥gl nt©L«. Ïj‹ efš ruf¤Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F«
rk®¥Ã¡f¥gl nt©L«.
nk‰go òÂa r«gs é»j« mDk¤J tH§f¥gL« gâia Ko¤J mj‹ ãiwÎ
m¿¡ifæid cl‹ mD¥ÃLkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS«
Ï¡foj¤Âid cça Ïiz¥òfSl‹ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òifia cl‹
mD¥ÃLkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.


1) murhiz efš,
2) r«gs fz¡Ñ£L¥ got« 1
3) r«gs bghU¤J¥ g£oaš 1, 2, 3, 4, ( Fitment Table 1,2,3, & 4) k‰W«
4) r«gs ãYit fz¡»Ljš got«. 11

mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
(br‹id Ú§fyhf)
efš mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
efš jå mYty®, jäœ ehL khãy¤jiyik T£LwÎ t§», br‹id 1.
efš mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò-2009

murhiz (ãiy) v©.189, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (Áv‹.1) Jiw
ehŸ 17.11.2009
T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fë‹ CÂa« k‰W«
gâ ãiyfŸ – CÂa Óuik¥ò¡ FGé‹ gçªJiufŸ – gçÓè¡f¥g£L MizfŸ


1. muR Miz (ãiy) v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®

ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 1.6.1999.
2. muR Miz (ãiy) v©.258, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 13.8.2007.
3. muR Miz (ãiy) v©.12, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 25.1.2008
4. muR Miz (ãiy) v©.197, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 19.11.2008.
5. T£Lw΢ r§f§f.‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ foj« v©.e.f.
10296/2008 bjhntr 1 ehŸ 29.4.2009.A
gh®it x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l muR Mizæ‹go bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡
T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F 1.7.1997 Kjš ã®thf¤ÂdU¡F«
gâahs®fS¡Fäilna bjhê‰ jfuhW r£l¥ÃçÎ 12 (3) ‹ Ñœ nk‰bfhŸs¥g£l 5
tUl§fS¡fhd CÂa x¥gªj« 30.6.2002 cl‹ KotilªJŸsjhš nk‰go fl‹ r§f¥
gâahs®fë‹ CÂa« k‰W« gâ ãiyfis¤ ÂU¤Â mik¡f nt©oÍŸsJ.

2. mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹

gâahs®fS¡F« Xnu Óuhd CÂa é»j§fis tH§f nt©L« vD« neh¡Fl‹
bjhl¡f ntsh©©k¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fë‹ CÂa« é»j« k‰W«
gâ ãiyfis MuhŒªJ m¿¡if më¡f T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ XŒÎ bg‰w TLjš
gÂths®ÂU. n#.v‹. »UZz‹ mt®fis jiytuhf¡ bfh©L xU CÂa Óuik¥ò¡
FG mik¡f¥g£lJ. Ï¡FG jdJ m¿¡ifæid 19.9.2008 m‹W T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gÂthsU¡F më¤JŸsJ. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nkny 5š
go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš CÂa Óuik¥ò¡ FGé‹ gçªJiufis gçÓyid brŒJ cça
gçªJiufSl‹ jkJ m¿¡ifia muÁ‰F rk®¥Ã¤JŸsh®.

3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ nk‰go m¿¡ifæid e‹F MuhŒªj

Ëd® xU Áy kh‰w§fSl‹, FGé‹ gçªJiufis muR V‰W¡ bfhŸ»wJ.
mj‰nf‰g Ï¥gçªJiufë‹ Ûjhd muÁ‹ MizfŸ Ï›thuizæ‹ Ïiz¥ò I & II
Ïš F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸsd.

4. nkny g¤Â 3š F¿¥Ã£LŸs muR Mizfë‹go, cça elto¡if

vL¡FkhW T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®.
5. Ï›thizfë‹go bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥
gâahs®fŸ, 1.4.2008 Kjš CÂa ca®Î bgw jF cilat®fŸ Mt®. Ï›ñÂa
ca®édhš gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gl nt©oa ãYit¤ bjhif mt®fsJ tU§fhy
it¥ò ã¡ fz¡»š tuÎ it¡f¥gl nt©L«.

6. òÂa r«gs« më¡F« nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fŸ jkJ gâahs®fS¡F r«gs« tH§F« jFÂæid (Capacity to Pay)
cWÂ¥gL¤Â¡ bfhŸSkhW« nk‰f©l r«gs ca®édhš V‰gL« TLjš ã¢Rikia
muR V‰W¡ bfhŸshJ v‹gijmid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f§fS¡F« bjçé¡f T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ ggjths® m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wh®.

7. Ï›this ã¤Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w F¿¥ò v©.89/DS(SRM)/09-1, ehŸ

17.11.2009š bg‰w ÏirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik brayhs®


T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®


ÂU. n#.v‹. »UZz‹,
TLjš gÂths® (XŒÎ) jiyikæyhd bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fë‹
CÂa Óuik¥ò¡ FGé‹ mid¤J cW¥Ãd®fŸ
tê: T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10

kh©òäF Kjyik¢rç‹ brayhs®, br‹id,9

kh©òäF ãÂaik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
ã¤Jiw Kj‹ik brayç‹ jå¢ bray®, br‹id.9
T£LwΤ Jiw Kj‹ik brayhsç‹ jå¢ brayhs®, br‹id,9
Ïiz¢ brayhs®, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, br‹id.9
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiiæ‹ mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
ã (T.c (k) E.gh)¤ Jiw, br‹id.9
ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò / cÂç efš

// Miz¥go // mD¥g¥gL»wJ //

ÃçÎ mYty®

From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies Chennai Region, Chennai
170, Periyar E.V.R. Main Road,
Chennai.600 010 The Joint Registrars of all Region

Rc.No.118836/2008/UB.1 dated 26.02.2009

Sub: Employees Cooperative Credit Societies – Fixation of pay to
Employees Cooperative Credit Societies as per G.O.Ms.No.89
Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department dated
16.05.2000 Grouping of Employees Societies under Grade “A”,
“B” or “C” on the basis of loan outstanding – Regarding.
Ref: Letter received from the Joint Registrar, Cuddalore Region
Rc.622/2006/Niva dated 03.12.2008.

In the letter cited clarification has been sought for fixing the cut off date
for classifying the Employees Cooperative Society based on the loan outstanding as
whether to classify employees credit society under Grade “A”, “B” or “C” on the basis of
loan outstanding as on the date of notional wage revision (i.e. on 01.01.1996) or on the
date of Government Order (i.e. on 16.05.2000) on which Government Order have been
issued for adopting uniform pay scale.

Normally, the date of loan outstanding should be nearest to the date of

fixation of pay even though the pay is fixed notionally. The Committee for Streamlining
the pay scales and service conditions of the Employees of Cooperative Credit Societies
has recommended the cut off date as 31.3.1995 for classifying the Employees
Cooperative Society. Hence the outstanding less OD as on 31.3.1995 as per the
audited financial statements may be taken to classify the Employees Cooperative
Society for pay revision.

It is therefore informed that it should be ensured that the Employees

Cooperative Credit Societies are classified according to grades namely grade “A” ‘B’ or
“C” on the basis of loan outstanding (Less O.D) as on 31.3.1995 of the Societies
/By order/

For Registrar

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if, br‹id.600 010
ÂU.a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©.24/09 ehŸ: 9.7.2009
(e.f. v©.69000/2009/ tM1)

bghUŸ: mid¤J¥ gâahs®fŸ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ / t§»fŸ

cW¥Ãd®fS¡F tH§F« fl‹ c¢r tu«Ãid ca®¤Â ã®za«
brŒjš – m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.
gh®it: gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.12/2006 (e.f.106791/2006et1)
ehŸ 9.6.2006.

gh®itæš fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹/

t§»fë‹ cW¥Ãd®fS¡F tH§F« xU§»izªj xnu fl‹ mjhtJ Ãiz¡ fl‹
(Surety Loan) jå eg® c¢r tu«Ãid %.2.00 Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.3.00 Ïy£rkhf
ca®¤Â mDk¡f¥g£lJ.

2. “muR JiwfŸ k‰W« muR rh®ªj k‰W« jåah® ãWtd§fë‹

gâahs®fS¡bfd brašg£L tU»‹w gâahs® T£LwÎ Á¡fz ehza
r§f§fëš / t§»fëš cW¥Ãd®fS¡F j‰nghJ tH§F¥gL»‹w jå eg® fl‹
msÎ %.3.00 Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.5.00 Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§f¥gL«” vd kh©òäF
T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r® mt®fshš m¿é¥ò brŒa¥g£LŸsJ.

3. Ϫj m¿é¥Ã‰»z§f gâahs® T£Lw¢ r§f§fë‹ / t§»fë‹

cW¥Ãd®fS¡F j‰nghJ mDk¡f¥gL« xU§»izªj xnu fldhf mjhtJ
Ãiz¡ fl‹ (Surety Loan) jå eg® c¢r tu«Ãid %.3.00 Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.5.00
Ïy£rkhf ca®¤Â tH§f Ñœ¡fhQ« ãgªjid¡fS¡F£g£L mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ.

m. flidÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤J« jtiz¡fhy« 120 khj§fS¡F£g£L

ÏU¤jš nt©L«;

M. mÂfg£r fl‹ msÎ %.5.00 Ïy£r« mšyJ cW¥Ãd® bgW« bkh¤j

r«gs¤Âš 25 kl§F Ïš vJ Fiwnth m¤bjhif fldhf tH§f¥gl nt©L«;

Ï) tH§f¥gl nt©oa fl‹ bjhifæš g¤Âš xU g§F (1/10) g§F¤

bjhifahf fl‹ bgW« cW¥Ãd®fëläUªJ bgw¥gl nt©L«.

<) cW¥Ãd®fŸ V‰fdnt bg‰WŸs k‰W« bgwΟs fl‹fS¡fhd

khjhªÂu jtiz k‰W« Ïju Ïd§fS¡fhf cW¥Ãd®fë‹ khjhªÂu CÂa¤Âš
Ão¤j« brŒa nt©oa bjhif, fl‹ bgW« cW¥Ãd®fë‹ khjhªÂu bkh¤j
CÂa¤Âš 50 rjÅj¤Â‰F äf¡ TlhJ.

c) gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ / t§»fŸ Ï¥òÂa c¢r msÎ %.5.00
Ïy£r¤ij x›bthU r§f¤Â‹ ã ãiyia¡ fU¤Âš bfh©L jFÂÍŸs r§f§fŸ
mªjªj ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsçl« j¡f Jizé¤ ÂU¤j§fŸ nk‰bfh©L gÂÎ
brŒj Ëdnu òÂa c¢rtu«Ã‹ mo¥gilæš fl‹ tH§f nt©L«.

4. Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òifæid kW mŠrèš

mD¥Ã it¡FkhW« k‰W« Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid j§fŸ k©ly¤Âš Ïa§» tU«
mid¤J¥ gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ / t§»fS¡F bjhl®òW¤jkhW« TLjš
gÂths® br‹id k©ly« k‰W« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡

(x«) a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹gÂths®

TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

1) jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id.1
2) jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
3) jå mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
4) mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
5) Jiz¥gÂths® (MŒÎ ÃçÎ) gÂths® mYtyf«
6) mYtyf ktbfh, tM, et k‰W« mgm ÃçÎfŸ
7) ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò – 2009.

T£LwΤ Jiw

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹‹ , Ï.M.g., 1) TLjš gÂths®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® br‹id k©ly«
v‹.é.eluhr‹ khëif, 2) Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy mid¤J k©ly«
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10

e.f.69000/09 tM1 ehŸ 15.9.2009

bghUŸ : gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ cW¥Ãd®fS¡F
tH§f¥gL« Ãiz¡ fl‹ c¢rtu«ò %.5 y£rkhf
ca®¤j¥g£lJ – bjëÎiufŸ tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf

gh®it : gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.24/2009 (e.f. 69000/09

tM1) ehŸ 9.7.2009
gh®itæš F¿¥Ã£LŸs gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡ifæš gâahs®
T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ / t§»fë‹ cW¥Ãd®fS¡F tH§f¥gL«
Ãiz¡fl‹ c¢r tu«ò %.3.00 Ïy£r¤ÂèUªJ %.5.00 Ïy£rkhf
ca®¤j¥g£lJ. Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæš F¿¥Ã£LŸs ãgªjid v© (<)š...
cW¥Ãd®fŸ V‰fdnt bg‰WŸs k‰W« bgwΟs fl‹fS¡fhdkhjhªÂu
jtiz k‰W« Ïju Ïd§fS¡fhf cW¥Ãd®fë‹ khjhªÂu CÂa¤Âš Ão¤j«
brŒa nt©oa bjhif fl‹ bgW« cW¥Ãd®fë‹ khjhªÂu bkh¤j CÂa¤Âš
50 rjÅj¤Â‰F äf¡TlhJ” vd¤ bjçé¡f¥g£LŸsJ. Ϫãgªjid bjhl®ghf
bjëÎiufŸ tH§FkhW gâahs® r§f§fŸ nfhç¡if éL¤JŸsd.
mjdo¥gilæš Ñœ¡F¿¥Ã£lthW bjëÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

1) T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš jtiz jt¿a fl‹ bjhifæ‹ msÎ

mÂfhç¡f¡ TlhJ v‹gj‰fhfnt Ϫãgªjid é¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

2) ÏJ bjhl®ghf gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fëèUªJ bgw¥g£l

nfhç¡ifæid gçÓè¤J, T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« Ïju mid¤J
Ão¤j§fS« nr®ªj bkh¤j Ão¤j« cW¥Ãdç‹ khjhªÂu CÂa¤Âš
75 rjÅj¤Â‰F äf¡TlhJ vd bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

3) gâahs®fŸ mt®fŸ bgW« flid ãYitæ‹W ÂU¥Ã brY¤j

Ïay¡Toa ãiyæid m¿ªJ fl‹ tH§f bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

nk‰F¿¥Ã£l bjëÎiufis j§fsJ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs ruf
Jiz¥gÂths®fS¡F« rh®ãiy mYty®fS¡F« k‰W« gâahs® T£LwÎ
fl‹ r§f§fŸ / t§»fS¡F« j¡f elto¡if¡fhf bjhl®òW¤JkhW nf£L¡

/ Miz¥go /



1) jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id.1

2) jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
3) jå mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
4) mYtyf ktbfh, ãm, »f, k‰W« mgm ÃçÎfŸ.

T£LwΤ Jiw

mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹‹ , Ï.M.g., 1) TLjš gÂths®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® br‹id k©ly«
v‹.é.eluhr‹ khëif, 2) Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy mid¤J k©ly«
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
e.f.69609/09 tM1 ehŸ 9.10.2009
bghUŸ :mid¤J gâahs® T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ /
gâahs® T£LwÎ t§»fŸ cW¥Ãd®fS¡F
fšé¡ fl‹ tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf

1. gâahs® T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ / gâahs® T£LwÎ

t§»fë‹ cW¥Ãd®fsJ FHªijfë‹ fšé¢ bryΡfhf %.2.00 Ïy£r«
tiu Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ tH§f¥gL« vd kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw mik¢r®
mt®fshš m¿é¥ò btëæl¥g£lJ.

2. mik¢rç‹ m¿é¥Ã‰»z§f mid¤J gâahs® T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fŸ / gâahs® T£LwÎ t§» cW¥Ãd®fsJ FHªijfë‹ fšé¢
bryΡfhf %.2.00 Ïy£r« tiu fl‹ tH§f mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ. Ïj‰fhd
be¿Kiwfis ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤JD¥ÃÍŸns‹. mj‹go j¡f Jiz éÂ
ÂU¤j« nk‰bfh©L, fšé¡ fl‹ tH§f elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs gâahs®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ / t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fS¡F j¡f m¿Îiu tH§FkhW
nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

3. Ï¡foj¤Âid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òifæid kW mŠrèš

mD¥Ã it¡FkhW« nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

1. mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
2. jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik T£LwÎ t§», br‹id
3. jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id
4. jå mYty®fŸ mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
5. Jiz¥gÂths® (MŒÎ¥ ÃçÎ), gÂths® mYtyf«
6. mYtyf ktbfh, ey, mgm, »f k‰W« ãm (3 efšfŸ) ÃçÎfŸ



Primary objective of Employees Cooperative Societies are to collect

Thrift from the Members and to land to its members through a variety of
instruments such as Personal Loan, Surety Loan, Festival Loan etc. As
such, Educational Loans may also be issued to the members of the society
for the purpose of Education to their children.

These regulations shall be called “Regulations governing sanction
of Educational Loans is pursue Collegiate Education”.


The loans shall be granted to meet only the expenses of Tutition

Fees concerned to the studies of the members’ children.


The following courses are eligible for the sanction of the loan for
the present.

Sl.No. Course Nomenclature of study

1 Graduation Under Graduate Courses in Arts, Science,
Commence etc.
2 Post Graduation Post Graduate Courses in Arts, Science,
Commence etc.
3 Computer Science M.C.A./B.Sc. (Computer Science)/B.C.A.
4 Management B.B.A./M.B.A./B.B.M./M.B.M.
5 Agriculture and B.Sc.(Agri) /B.E.(Agri. Engg)/ M.Sc. (Agri) /
Cooperation B.Coop./ M.Coop.
6 Diploma Courses Diploma Engineeringf
7 Engineering B.E. / B.Tech./B.Arc./M.E./M.Tech.
8 Medical MBBS/BDS/BVSc
9 Para Medical B.P.T./B.Pharm / B.O.T./D. Pharm.

Regular courses mentioned above, conducted by Universities/

Colleges / Polytechnics / Institutes approved and recognized by the Board/
Government/ Universities / UGC etc., can be eligible for availing Educational

At the members of the Employees Cooperative Credit Societies

with adequate means to repay the Principal and Interest of the loan are
eligible to apply for the loan, towards their children to pursue collegiate
education as mentioned above.

Applicant will be Parent

The Surety shall also the member of the ECS

The minimum carry home salary should be 25% after deduction of

all the loans including the EMI for the education loan sanctioned.

The Borrower and the Surety both should have a left over service of
10 years. If the left over service is less than 10 years the Employees
Cooperative Society may consider sanctioning the loan to the Member, on
case to case basis, by increasing the EMI, if the carry home salary remains
25% after deduction of all the loans including the EMI of education loan.


i) The maximum amount of loan will be Rs.2.00 lakhs only

ii) 5% of the loan amount will be held with the Society as share.
iii) The loan to be disbursed in every academic year directly to the institution
as per the intimation given by the Educational institution.


a) Application shall be made in the prescribed form issued by the Employees

Cooperative Society, accompanied by a certificate from the College
Institute or University as the case may be confirming.

The approximate expenditure towards tuition fees for entire course with
break up details per annum.
b) Promissory Note
c) The Copy of the Bonafide Certificate and the copy of the original receipt
d) Remittance of fees from the concerned Educational Institution
e) Latest Salary Certificates of Co-obligator and surety
f) Declaration of surety for the repayment of debts, in case of default by the

A Surety should be one of the member of the concerned
Employees Cooperative Society.

The repayment period will commence after completion of course.
+1 year or 6 months after getting a job by the student, whichever is earlier.


The loan amount with interest will be repayable within a period of 4

years preferably on monthly basis, after Moratorium Period. But the interest
will be calculated from the date of disbursement of loan during every
academic year.


Interest will be charged at rate prescribed by the ECS from time to

time and currently at 12% per annum.

The Interest payable shall be calculated on daily product on

diminishing balances of Principal outstanding. In case of default in the
repayment of monthly loan instalment, the member is liable to pay penal
interest at 1.5% p.a. on the overdue amount over and above the normal
interest rate.


The required Bye Laws / Amendments are to be made by the

societies procedurally for issue of Educational Loans.

For Registrar

murhiz (ãiy) v©.10 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Á¥Ã2) Jiw ehŸ
T£LwÎ – nfh¤j»ç- efu T£LwÎ t§» (fiy¡f¥g£lJ) t§»æ‹ K‹dhŸ
cjéahs® ÂU,m. Át‹ v‹gt® Úy»ç T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Âš Ïsãiy vG¤j® nt‰W¥
gâ mo¥gilæš j‰nghJmuntQ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æš fhèahf
cŸs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš gâak®¤J« brŒjš MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f. v©. 63615/2008 et3 ehŸ 21.10.2008
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nkny go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš fiy¡f¥g£l
nfh¤j»ç T£LwÎ t§»æš gâòçªj gâahsŸhfS¡F muR Miz (ãiy) v©.43,
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw ehŸ 06/03/2008š kWthœÎ më¡F«
tifæš, fUiz mo¥gilæš gâæl« fhèahf cŸs T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš
mt®fë‹ jF¡nf‰g gâãakd« brŒa¥g£lh®fŸ. nk‰f©lfiy¡f¥g£l
T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Âš cjéahsuhf gâòçªj ÂU. m. Át‹ vdgt® Úy»ç T£LwÎ
ãWtd¤Âš Ïsãiy vG¤juhf gâak®¤j« brŒa¥g£lh®. 14 M©LfŸ gâah‰¿
tªJŸsh®. j‰nghJ gâòçªJ tU« Úy»ç T£LwÎ ãWtd« xU T£LwÎ g©lf
rhiy v‹gjhš mš jd¡F éU¥gä‹ikia bjçé¤J muntQ bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æš fhèahf cŸs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš j‹id
gâmk®¤JkhW ÂU. m. Át‹ mt®fŸ nfhçÍŸsh®.

2) muntQ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æš gâãiy¤ Âw‹go 6

cjéahs® gâæl§fŸ cŸsd. j‰nghJ 3 cjéahs® k£Lnk gâò绋wd®. 3
cjéahs® gâæl§fŸ fhèahf cŸsd. Ϥ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»
Áw¥ghf brašòçªJ tU»wJ. mj‹ bkh¤j cW¥Ãd®fŸ 2932. g§F bjhif 19.69
Ïy£r« Ï›t§» mj‹ brhªj ãÂæš brašg£L Ïyhg¤Âš Ïa§F»wJ. Ïj‹
eilKiw _yjd« %.342 Ïy£rkhf cŸsJ. t§»æ‹ elto¡iffŸ
mÂfç¤JŸsjhš fhèæl§fis ãu¥g njit V‰g£LŸsJ. t§»¥gâ
mDgtKŸsÂU. m. Átid Ï›t§»æš fhèahfΟs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš
ãakd« brŒa, Ï›t§»ahf jå mYtyuhš Ô®khd« Ïa‰w¥g£LŸsJ. Úy»ç
T£LwÎ ãWtd« mtiu éLé¡f Ô®khd« Ïa‰¿ÍŸsJ.

3) Úy»ç T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Âš Ïsãiy cjéahsuhf¥ gâòçªJ tU«

ÂU.m. Át‹ v‹gtiu j‰nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æš fhèahf
cŸs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš cjéahsuhf <®¤J¡ bfhŸs VJthf jäœehL T£LwÎ
r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ÃçÎ 170‹ Ñœ muR¡F më¤j mÂfhu¤Âid ga‹gL¤Â jäœehL
T£LwÎ r§f éÂfë‹ é 149(2) k‰W« 149 (3) ¡F éÂéy¡F më¡fyh« vd
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®.

4) T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ fU¤JUéid muR ftdkhf

gçÓyid brŒJ, Ñœ¡f©l Úy»ç T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Âš Ïsãiy cjéahsuhf
gâòçªJ tU« ÂU. m. Át‹ v‹gtiu j‰nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
t§»æš fhèahf cŸs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš cjéahsuhf <®¤J¡ bfhŸs VJthf
jäœehL T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ÃçÎ 170‹ Ñœ muR¡F më¤j mÂfhu¤Âid
ga‹gL¤Â jäœehL T£LwÎ r§f éÂfë‹ é 149(2) k‰W« 149 (3) ¡F éÂéy¡F
më¤J Ñœ¡f©l ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L ÂU.m. Át‹ v‹gtiu muntQ bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»æš fhèahf cŸs cjéahs® gâæl¤Âš ãakd« brŒa
muR MizæL»wJ.

1) nk‰f©l gâahsç‹ gâ ãakd« òÂa ãakdkhf fUj¥gL«

2) gâak®¤j« brŒa¥gl cŸs gâahsU¡F mªj gâ¡fhf r«gs V‰w

Kiwæš Fiwªj g£r r«gs¤Âš mt® j« r«gs« ã®zæ¡f¥gL«.

3) V‰fdnt gâah‰¿a fhy¤Â‰F _¥òçik (Service Seniority) k‰W« V‰fdnt

bg‰W tU« r«gs¤Â‰F Ïizahf CÂahf nfhu¥gl¡ TlhJ (Pay Protection).

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR brayhs®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
br‹id.600 010.

/Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ/

ÃçÎ mYty®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœ¥gh¡f«
br‹id.600 010.

nk.F.v©.63615 / 2008 et3 ehŸ : 27.2.2009

muR Miz (ãiy) v©.10, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Á¥Ã.2)
Jiw ehŸ 06.02.2009 ‹ efš j¡f elto¡iffhf bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ. ÂU. m. Át‹
Úy»ç T£LwÎ ãWtd¤ÂèUªJ éLé¡f¥g£l k‰W« muntQ bjhl.¡ ntsh©ik
T£LwÎ t§»æš gâæš nr®ªj njÂfis¤ bjçé¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.

/Miz¥go /



T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®

Úy»ç k©l«
cjf k©ly«

efš: ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®

cjf k©ly«

“ mYtyf ET, bjhntt k‰W« »f ÃçÎfŸ

“ gÂthsç‹ ne®Kf cjéahs®
“ ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò.

From To

Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar,

Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region,
170, Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Chennai.600 018
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
All Regional Joint Registrars

Rc.16547/2004/UB.3 dated 7.10.2009

Sir / Madam,

Sub: Cooperation – Urban Cooperative Banks – Fixation of

Cadre Strength for Urban Cooperative Banks Committee
constituted – Report submitted – Implementation –
Ref: 1. Registrar’s Proceedings Rc.16547/2004/UB3
dated 14.2.2008

2. Report dated 8.12.2008 received from the

Chairman, Cadre Strength Committee on Urban
Cooperative Banks in Tamil Nadu

A Committee has been constituted in the
Registrar’s proceedings 1st cited under the Chairmanship of Additional
Registrar, Chennai Region / Director, Tamil Nadu Federation of Urban
Cooperative Banks with Joint Registrar /General Manager, Tamil Nadu State
Apex Cooperative Bank and General Manager, Vellala Urban Cooperative
Banks as members to fix the norms for revising the cadre strength of Urban
Cooperative Banks in Tamil Nadu taking into account the existing Government
Orders issued in this regard, recommendations of Madhavarao Committee and
the existing cadre strength and business scenario and potential. In response,
the Committee went about its task and submitted its report on 8.12.2008. The
report has been examined in detail and accordingly a set of guidelines are,
hereby issued for fixing Cadre Strength in Urban Cooperative Banks and their
branches. They are given below in subsequent paragraphs.
1) Category of posts:-

The following category of posts are to be followed in Urban

Cooperative Banks:-

Sl.No. Category of post

1 General Manager
2 Assistant General Manager
3 Manager
4 Assistant Manager
5 Assistants, Jewel Appraiser
6 Sub-Staff

2) Department / Sections of Urban Cooperative Banks :-

The Head Office of the Urban Cooperative Banks shall have the
following Departments / Sections
1 Banking
2 Advances
3 Development
4 Board and Administration
5 Internal Audit

The Staffing pattern shall be within the over all cadre strength
fixed for Urban Cooperative Banks with option to deploy the available
personnel among the departments depending upon the workload in each
3) Classification of Urban Cooperative Banks :

The Urban Cooperative Banks are classified into the following 5

categories based on their working capital.
Sl.No. Category
1 Working Capital less than Rs.25 crores
2 Working Capital between Rs.25 to 50
3 Working Capital between Rs.50 to 75
4 Working Capital between Rs.75 to 100
5 Working Capital more than Rs.100

The working capital should be based on the audit report for the
period ending 31.3.2008. Working Capital should be average of 12
months of a financial year (Rule 2(m) of Rule 1988. In the event of an
Urban Cooperative Bank achieving the norms prescribed (working
capital) to a higher status such Urban Cooperative Banks shall deemed
to have achieved higher status only if the norms prescribed to such
higher status maintained atleast for 3 financial years continuously.

(4) Cadre Strength to be adopted for Urban Cooperative Banks:-
The following Cadre Strength is approved for Urban Cooperative
Banks :
Worklng Working Working Working Working
S. Name of the Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital
No. post less between between between more
than Rs.25 to Rs.50 to Rs.75 to than Rs.
Rs.25 50 75 100 100
crores crores crores crores crores
1. General 1 1 1 1 1
2 Asst. General -- 1 1 1 2
3 Manager 1 2 2 3 4
4 Asst. Manager 2 3 4 5 6
5 Assistant 4 6 7 9 12
6 Jewel 1 1 1 2 2
7 Sub-Staff 1 1 2 2 3
TOTAL 10 15 18 23 30

(5) Engagement of watchman in Head Office, if absolutely needed,

may be done through outsourcing.

II. Branches

Working Working Working

S.No. Name of the post Capital Capital capital above
below Rs.5 between Rs.5 Rs.10 crores
crores to Rs.10
1 Manager 1 1 1
2 Asst. Manager -- -- 1
3 Assistant 2 3 3
4 Jewel Appraiser 1 1 1
TOTAL 4 5 6

(6) Establishment and contingent expenditure should not exceed

2% of the working capital.

(7) The Urban Cooperative Banks are advised to maintain overdue

position at less than 5% to Demand.

(8) The Urban Cooperative Banks should obtain permission from

Registrar of Cooperative Societies, if any anomaly arises in fixing cadre
strength etc. mentioned as above.
If the present staff strength is in excess of the cadre strength fixed
now, the excess staff may be allowed to continue until their promotion /
retirement / resignation and the vacancies arising out of this should not
be filled up. Only the vacancies arising as per the cadre strength fixed now
should be filled up following due procedures prescribed, if it is absolutely

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all other Regional

Joint Registrars are requested to issue suitable instructions to the Urban
Cooperative Banks to adopt the above Cadre Strength by properly
amending the Special Bylaws and registering with circle Deputy Registrars
concerned immediately. The AdditionaL Registrar, Chennai Region and all
other Regional Joint Registrars should ensure that because of the
increased cadre strength and pay thereon, the Urban Cooperative Banks
existing financial strength is not weakened. A compliance report should
be sent to the Registrar in the format enclosed.

The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged at once.


For Registrar

Copy to the Director, Tamil Nadu State Federation of Urban Cooperative

Banks, Chenai.18
Copy to the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank,
Copy to the Joint Registrar / General Manager, Tamil Nadu State Apex
Cooperative Bank,Chennai.1
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to the Special Officers of all Urban Cooperative Banks through the
Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to Stock file.

Thiru. Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No. 18 /2009

(Rc. 52363/2008/CBP1) Dated : 11.6.2009

Sub: Cooperation – State Cooperative Bank/DCCBs/Cooperative

Urban Banks – adoption of prudential norms and proper
tax planning – Proper accounting procedure – certain
instructions - Issued – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Reserve Bank of India’s Letter RPCD No.BC 155/07-

037-03/05-96 dated 22.6.1996
2. Registrar’s Circular o.14/2008
(Rc.52363/2008/CBP1) dated 4.6.2008.
3. Registrar’s Letter Rc.52363/2008/CBP1 dated 11.8.08
4. RBI’s Letter No.UBD (Che) No.I&L/1095/12.03.060/
2008-09 dated 5.1.2009.
In the reference 2 cited, instructions were issued to the Tamil Nadu
State Apex Cooperative Bank/District Central Cooperative Banks /Urban
Cooperative Banks to follow the guidelines on Prudential Norms for State and
Central Cooperative Banks from the year ending 31.3.2008. They were also
requested to follow the principles of not taking unrealized income, to Profit and
Loss Account, as detailed below:
i) Interest shall not be charged to overdue loans. Such shall
not be taken to Profit and Loss Account.

ii) Only realized interest will be taken to income head in Profit

and Loss account at the time of receipt irrespective when it

iii) Fees, Commissions and the income may be treated as

income only when the account is treated as standard.

In the reference 3rd cited, it has been instructed to treat interest on

Investment Accounts, Staff Loan Accounts and Government Guarantee advance
accounts on accrual basis as per RBI master Circular from the year ending

In the reference 4th cited, the RBI has suggested the following
modifications and requested for issue revised instructions in this regard.
(i) Interest on performing assets/Standard assets are permitted
be taken to income in the Profit and Loss Account on accrual

(ii) Only in respect of non-performing assets (NPAs) the realized

interest (and not accrued interest) should be treated as

After examining the views of the Reserve Bank of India, the

following instructions are issued for the treatment of accounting procedures.

(i) Interest on performing assets/Standard assets are permitted o

be taken to income in the Profit and Loss Account on accrual

(ii) Only in respect of non-performing assets (NPAs) the realized

interest (and not accrued interest) should be treated as

The above norms shall come into effect from the financial year
ending 31.3.2009.

The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to issue necessary

instructions to the Cooperative Urban Banks in their regions and ensure

The Special Officer of all the District Central Cooperative Banks and
Regional Joint Registrars of Cooperative Societies are requested to acknowledge
the receipt of the Circular by return of post.
/By Order/

For Registrar

The Special Officers
All the District Central Cooperative Banks
The Additional Registrar, Chennai
The Joint of Coop. Societies of all Regions
Copy to
The Special Officer,TNSAC Bank, Chennai-1
The Director of Cooperative Audit, Chepauk, Chennai.5
The Director, TANCUBFED, Chennai.600 018
The Deputy Registrars of All Circles
The General Manager, R B I, Chennai.
Copy to: PACS, CBS, UB, BI, TFMC, OE, GC and AR sections in Office
Stock file (CBP1 and CBP3)


From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., All the Regional Joint Registrars
Registrar of Cooperative Societies The Special Officers of
No.170, EVR Periyar High Road, All District Central Cooperative
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010 Banks

Rc.50483/2008 CBP1 Dated : 9.7.2009


Sub: Cooperation – Bancassurance – Strategic alliance of

Cooperative Banks in Tamil Nadu with Insurance Companies-
Instructions - Issued – Regarding

Ref: 1. Registrar’s Proc. Rc.50483/2008/CBP1 dt. 20.4.208

2. The report of the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex
Cooperative Bank dt. 12.6.2009.

M/s. Bajaj Alliance has submitted the proposals for utilizing the services of
the Central Cooperative Banks for the distribution of their Life Insurance and
Pension Products. Similarly proposals were received from the Special Officers of
Villupuram and Cuddalore District Central Cooperative Banks to undertake
Insurance Business through Oriental Insurance, Cuddalore Branch. In the
reference 1st cited, Registrar of Cooperative Societies constituted a committee
under the Chairmanship of the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Cooperative
Bank to submit the report. Accordingly, the Committee has submitted its report
on 12.6.2009. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, the following
instructions are issued to execute the Insurance Business in
DCCBs/Cooperative Urban Banks / PACS.

1. A District Level Bancassurance Monitoring Committee (DLBMC) be

constituted in each District to initiate, implement, develop, monitor and
review the Insurance Business in the respective District at DCCBs/UCB
and Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies level.

The DLBMC shall consists of

The Regional Joint Registrar (Chairman)

- Special Officers of the DCCBs/UCB/ PACS and Circle Deputy
Registrars as members
- General Manager of the D C C B (Convenor)

2. The Apex Bank, DCCBs, CUBs, and Primary Agricultural Cooperative

Credit Societies should undertake the Insurance Business, both Life
and Non-Life on Referral Model, initially for 3 years without risk
participation as per the companies allotted to the district in the

3. The DLBMC should negotiate with the insurance Company allotted to

the District (as per Annexure) regarding the commission to be given to
Cooperative Institutions and providing necessary infrastructural training
to the Staff of the Cooperative Institutions as required by IRDA to create
awareness among staff.

4. Each District Central Cooperative Banks/UCB/PACS and the Apex

Bank should enter MoU with the allotted Insurance Co. (both Life and

5. Cooperative Banks and Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit

Societies are requested to popularize the products of Micro Insurance,
Janata Insurance etc. to cater to the Insurance needs of the Rural
people and to expand the Insurance to cover the lives and the assets
and liabilities of the clients under Group Insurance Scheme.

6. Cooperative Institutions should sell the traditional products of Insurance

initially for one year and to consider to sell ULIP products only after a
period of one year.

7. DLBMC should review the progress in the Insurance Business every

month and the report has to be sent to the Apex Bank and Registrar of
Cooperative Societies Office by the District Central Cooperative Bank
within 3 days.

8. The Apex Bank plays the role of Nodal Agency for Bancassurance of all
DCCBs/CUBs/PACS in the State.

9. The Insurance Companies should act in good faith and without causing
conflict of interest of the Apex Bank/DCCBs/CUBs/PACS in their core
function and to maintain the confidentiality of the clients and secrecy of
their accounts.

10. The Apex Bank /DCCBs / CUBs/PACS shall not be liable for any
financial implications including legal expenses arising out of acts or
omissions and shall not entertain any claims/grievances from the

11. Legal jurisdiction shall be the local jurisdiction of the Apex Bank
/DCCBs / CUBs/PACS concerned .

12. Any of the covenants of the MoU may be modified/deleted only with
prior approval of the DLBMC. DCCBs/CUBs/PACSs and Insurance Co.

13. If the Insurance Company violates/breaches any terms and

conditions of the MoU, the Cooperative Banks / PACSs may terminate
the agreement after giving one month’s notice.

14. The Banks shall have the right to sue upon the Insurance Company
for compensation for any acts or omissions.

15. The Cooperative Banks should develop expertise among staff

members on Insurance Business, parallel to Banking.

16. The Banks / PACSs having undertaken the Insurance Business on

Referrral Model initially for 3 years may switch over to corporate agency

17. With regard to having Micro Insurance arrangements with IFFCO-

TOKYO, the Cooperatives are advised to continue the arrangement if
they have already entered into Insurance agreement with IFFCO-
TOKYO. Other Cooperative Banks may take up with the Non-Life
Insurance Companies that have been allotted to the district concerned
after the approval of DLBC.

18. Regarding Group Insurance Schemes to the S.B.A/c holders and the
borrowers under SHG, the Banks are advised to get suitable schemes
devised by Insurance Co. allotted to the district concerned.

19. If any of the banks could not enter into an agreement with the
Insurance Co. allotted to them they may approach the Nodal Agency to
suggest an alternative Insurance Co.

20. Cooperative Institutions shall make necessary amendments in its

Byelaw by incorporating the insurance as one of the objectives of its

21. The District Level Committee has to choose the Branches in which
the Insurance Business to be introduced and the Committee has to hold
discussion with the Insurance Co. regarding terms of MoU to be signed
and the commission and other benefits extended to the Cooperatives
should be incorporated in the MoU.

22. The District Level Committee should fix roles and responsibilities of
DCCBs/CUBs/PACSs and the Insurance company to execute the
Insurance Business.

23. The Insurance product shall be marketed through this arrangement

without affecting the core business of the DCCBs/CUBs.

24. MIS/Reports should be sent to Registrar of Cooperative Societies

and Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank on monthly basis.

25. The DCCBs/CUBs/PACSs should maintain teamwork as regards to

Insurance Business in each branch and the Cooperative Bank shall
obtain licence under B.R. Act from R.B.I.

26. The Insurance premium collected must be accounted for

immediately as per terms of MoU.

27. The Bank should make it clear to the prospective Insurance clients
that the bank plays a referral role only and issuing policy, servicing and
settlement shall be done by the Insurance Company.

28. The Banks should accept standing instructions between Banks and
Insurance Company concerned.

29. No client should be compelled to take Insurance Policy.

30. Banks shall not adjust insurance maturity / any sum due by
Insurance Company towards the dues to the client without their written

31. The amount of loan/Overdue to client shall not be adjusted towards

payment of premium on Insurance Policies.

32. Bank’s clients who are interested to take Insurance through the
DCCB/CUBs/PACSs should not be diverted to any other Insurance
Company which was not allotted to the District.

The list of Companies for Life and Non-Life Insurance (General)

areherewith enclosed in Annexure I and this shall be followed without any

I request you to follow the above instructions scrupulously while taking

insurance business with the Insurance Companies.

I request you to acknowledge the receipt of this letter by return of post.

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


For Registrar
Copy to:

The Special Officer,

Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai.1

- With a request to develop MIS and MoU in this regard and send it to
the DCCBs under copy to this office.

All the Circle Deputy Registrars

ACS, PACS, UB and AR Sections in this office
Copy to Stock file.

District Name of the Life Insurance Non-Life Insurance
Chennai Chennai TATA-AIG Bajaj Allianz General
Coimbatore Coimbatore Bajaj Allianz IFFCO-TOKYO
Cuddalore Cuddalore Bajaj Allianz Oriental
Dharmapuri Reliance Cholamandalam MS
Dindigul Dindigul Bajaj Allianz United India
Erode Erode Bajaj Allianz IFFCO-TOKYO
Kancheepuram Max New York IFFCO-TOKYO
Kanyakumari Kanyakumari Reliance New India
Madurai Bajaj Allianz United India
Nilgiris Nilgiris Bajaj Allianz IFFCO-TOKYO
Pudukottai Pudukottai Shriram IFFCO-TOKYO
Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram Shriram United India
Salem Reliance Cholamandalam MS
Sivagangai Sivagangai Shriram United India
Thanjavur LIC of India IFFCO-TOKYO
Tiruchirapalli LIC of India IFFCO-TOKYO
Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Reliance New India
Tiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai Max New York National
Kumbakonam LIC of India IFFCO-TOKYO
Thoothukudi Thoothukudi Reliance New India
Vellore Vellore Max New York National
Villupuram Villupuram Bajaj Allianz Oriental
Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Reliance New India

Sd/- Registrar

For Registrar.


Circular No 29 /2009 Dated 14 –9-2009

RC 31135/2009 CBP1

Sub: Cooperation – 0% interest concession to those farmers who

remit their crop loan dues on due dates - instructions-

Ref: GO Ms 94, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection

Department, dated 31-7-2009.

In order to encourage the farmer-members of the Primary

Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies for prompt repayment of crop
loans, the Hon’ble Finance Minister in his budget speech for the year
2009-10 announced that with a view to incentivising those farmers who
repay their dues in time, no interest will be charged on the crop loans
availed from 1-4-2009 onwards. Government have also announced that
the entire interest commitment will be borne by the Government.

2. Accoridngly, Government in the GO cited have ordered that no

interest will be charged to those farmers who were sanctioned and
availed the crop loans at 7% during 2009-10 and remit the same within the
due date. A copy of the Government orders is enclosed.

3. Accordingly, the following operational guidelines are issued for

the implementation of the scheme.
1. Eligibility:
All borrowers who have availed crop loans at 7% after 1-4-2009 and
repay the entire crop loans promptly on or before the due dates will be
eligible for 0% interest concession. In such cases, interest should not be
collected from the borrowers. The loans issued prior to 1-4-2009 but
due in 2009-10 will not be eligible for the 0% interest concession and loans
issued during 2009-10 and repaid after the due date will not be eligible for 0%
interest concession.

2. Commencement:-
In accordance with the Government orders, the crop loans that
were issued on or after 1-4-2009 will not be charged any interest for their
timely repayment.

3. Method of allowing 0% interest reduction at member level.

For a borrower who had availed crop loans @7% in 2009-10 (i.e., after 1-
4-2009) when comes for repaying the crop loans on or before the due
date(s), then no interest will be charged for his loan
4. Claiming of 0% interest concession amount by PAC S/DCCBs/Apex Bank.
(i) The Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies will
prepare a list of borrowers wise particulars in duplicate
containing date of sanction/amount/due date/date of
repayment of crop loans and the eligible interest
concession at 7% for the loan repaid, on monthly basis.
The list will have to be certified by the Secretary of the
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies, Circle
Supervisor/ Taluk Field Manager of the District Central
Cooperative Bank and the Special Officer of the
respective Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Societies and submitted to the District Central Cooperative
Bank under copy to the respective Circle Deputy Registrars
and Regional Joint Registrars on or before 20th of the
succeeding month. The Deputy Registrars should ensure
that the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
in their jurisdiction submit the claims in time and they are
sent to the District Central Cooperative Banks on or before
20th of the month promptly.

(ii) The District Central Cooperative Banks will have to

scrutinize the claims received from the Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies and the eligible amount of
claim may be settled to the respective Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Societies before 25th of the same
month. The District Central Cooperative Banks in turn have
to forward their consolidated claim giving all the details
furnished by the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Societies before the end of the succeeding month to the
Apex Bank.

(iii) The Apex Bank shall pass on the eligible amount of 7%
interest concession settled by the District Central
Cooperative Banks before the end of the month.

(iv) The Apex Bank will prepare a District Central Cooperative

Bank wise statement for the 7% interest concession allowed
to the District Central Cooperative Banks on a quarterly
basis and forward the same to the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies for recommending the same to the Government,
in Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department for the release of the funds.

4. The Joint Registrars of all Regions and the Special Officers of all
District Central Cooperative Banks (except Chennai) are requested to
issue necessary instructions to the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Societies in the Region for effecting 0% interest concession to the farmers
prompt in repayment. As the scheme is intended to encourage the
farmers for the prompt repayment and benefit has to be extended to the
farmers in time, the Circle DRS and Regional Joint Registrars are requested
to monitor the implementation of the Scheme at their level and review
the progress during the review meetings. The Deputy Registrars and the
Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers / General Managers of
the District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to verify the
genuineness of the claims by conducting test verification of the claims
when they inspect the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies.
The success of the scheme depends on the collective effort of the
Cooperative Department and the District Central Cooperative Banks.
Therefore, all the Officers are advised to work in coordination with each
other and implement the scheme without giving room for complaints /
malpractices. If any such occurrence is brought to notice, severe action
will be initiated against all concerned.

5. The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers of the District
Central Cooperative Banks are requested to acknowledge the receipt of
the circular by next post. The Special Officers of the District Central
Cooperative Banks are requested to issue instructions to the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies and to mark a copy of the
instructions to this Office for reference and record.
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Special Officer,
TNSACB, Chennai 600 001
The Special Officer of all District Central Cooperative Banks
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to the Special Officer,
TNCU, Chennai 600 010
Stock File

murhiz(ãiy ) v© 94, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (
ÁÁ1) Jiw, 31.7.2009 njÂæ£l murhizæ‹ efš,
T£LwÎ - 2009- 2010 M« M©oš tH§f¥g£l T£LwÎ gæ®fl‹fis cça
fhy¤Âš ÂU¥Ã¢brY¤J« étrhæfS¡F t£o brY¤JtÂèUªJ éy¡fë¤jš -
Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id-10 mt®fë‹
foj v© 31135/2009 /ktbfh1 ehŸ 16.4.2009.
2009-2010M« M©o‰fhd ãÂãiy m¿¡ifæš, kh©òäF ã mik¢r®
mt®fŸ k‰w m¿é¥òfSl‹ ËtU« m¿é¥Ãid btëæ£LŸsh®fŸ.

“ϪÂa ÂUeh£onyna Kj‹Kiwahf jäHf¤Âš tU« ãÂah©L Kjš

T£LwÎ gæ®fl‹fis cça fhy¤Âš ÂU¥Ã¢brY¤J« mid¤J
étrhæfS¡F«, Ïånkš t£o »ilant »ilahJ. mªj t£o¤ bjhifia
munr brY¤ÂéL«.”
2. Ï›t¿é¥Ãid mKšgL¤JtJ vd muR KobtL¤J ËtUkhW
“2009-2010M« M©oš x¥gë¡f¥g£L tH§f¥g£l T£LwÎ
gæ®fl‹fis cça fhy¤Âš ÂU¥Ã¢brY¤J« étrhæfël«,
m¥æ®fl‹fS¡F t£o VJ« tNè¡f¥glkh£lhJ”

3. Ï›thiz ã¤Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w¡ F¿¥ò v© 41890/CF&

CP/09, ehŸ 22.7.2009 x¥òjYl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go )

muR brayhs®
// c©ik efš /

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if, br‹id.10
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®,

R‰w¿¡if .v© 30 / 2009 ehŸ 12-10-2009.

(ef. 70930/2009 ktbfh1 )

bghUŸ: T£LwÎ - bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fŸ mt‰¿‹ cW¥Ãd®fŸ/tho¡ifahs®fë‹
fhnrhiyfis tNè¡f mD¥òtJ – F¿¤J

gh®it: 1. ϪÂa çr®› t§» foj« v©. RPCDCO.RF.BC

78/07-38.03/2005-06 ehŸ 27.4.2006
2. ϪÂa çr®› t§» foj« v©. PCDCO.RF.BC.NO.
18/07-38.03/2009-10 ehŸ 7.9.2009
gh®it x‹¿š fhQ« foj¤Âš, ϪÂa çr®› t§», khãy jiyik
T£LwÎ t§»fŸ / kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ, tho¡ifahs®
mšyhjt®fëëd fhnrhiyfŸ bgw¡TlhJ v‹W«, fhnrhiyfëš bga®
F¿¥Ãl¥glhj eg®fë‹ fhnrhiyfis bgWtij jilbrŒtjhf
bjçé¤ÂUªjJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš, njÁa ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á
t§»Í« mj‹ 15.4.2009 ehë£l foj¤Âš kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§»æUªjJ. j‰nghJ, gh®it Ïu©oš fhQ« ϪÂa çr®›
t§»æ‹ foj¤Âš khãy jiyik T£LwÎ t§»fŸ k‰W« kht£l k¤Âa
T£LwÎ t§»fŸ mt‰¿‹ cW¥Ãd® r§f§fŸ më¡F« fhnrhiyfis
Account Payee vd¡ nfho£L më¡f¥gL« fhnrhiyæš F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs
egç‹ fz¡»š fhnrhiy¡bjhif tuÎ it¡f¥gL« v‹w cW bkhêæ‹
mo¥gilæš bgwyh« v‹W bjçé¤JŸsJ. (There should be a clear
undertaking from the sub – member to the effect that the proceeds of the account
payee cheque will be credited to the payees a/c only upon realization) ϪÂa
çr®› t§»æ‹ nk‰T¿a foj efš ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤J mD¥g¥gL»wJ. ÏJ
F¿¤J j¡f m¿Îiufis, j§fë‹ t§»æš cW¥Ãduhf cŸs bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F tH§FkhW
nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. nkY« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f§fŸ tNY¡F nfho£l fhnrhiyfis kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ
t§»fS¡F më¡F« nghJ ËtU« cWÂbkhê më¡f¥gLtij cWÂbrŒJ
bfhŸSkhW nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

“Beneficiary a/c will be credited on realization. Please pay to District Central
Cooperative Bank or order”

Ï¡foj¤ij, Ïiz¥òfSl‹ bg‰W¡bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy

cl‹ mD¥g¡ nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. nkY« ÏJ bjhl®ghf bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F tH§f¥g£l R‰w¿¡ifæ‹ efš
x‹iw mD¥Ã it¡FkhW« mid¤J Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« kht£l k¤Âa
T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fŸ nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.



mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§», jå mYty®fŸ
mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jå mYty®,
jäœehL khãy jiyik T£LwÎ t§»,
gÂths® mYtyf ntfÂ, ktbfh3, ntCt,
ãm k‰W« bjhntTt ÃçÎfŸ
ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò.

Copy of letter No RBI/2005-06/376 RPCD. CO.RF. BC 78/07.38.03/2005-2006 dated
27.4.2006 from the Reserve Bank of India addressed to All State Cooperative Banks/
District Central Cooperative Banks/ Regional Rural Banks.

Collection of account payee cheques – prohibition on crediting proceeds to

third party account

Please refer to our circular RPCD.NO.BC 31/07.38.01/96-97 dated September 2,

1996, advising that the banks should not collect third party “account payee”
instruments on behalf of their constituent societies. As banks are aware, an
account payee cheque is required to be collected for the constituent.

2. In view of the recent misuse of Initial Public Officer (IPO) process by certain
individuals/ entities and reports received in this regard from SEBI, the Reserve
Bank of India took up detailed investigations at some banks to ascertain the
modus operandi adopted by different parties in manipulating the system. It was
observed that despite the above mentioned instructions, banks had credited the
proceeds of individual account payee refund orders into the accounts of the
brokers instead of to the individual accounts on the request of the associates of
depository service providers. This has resulted in manipulation of the payment
system and has facilitated the perpetration of irregularities. This manipulation
would not have taken place but for the banks deviating from the procedure for
collection of account payee cheques.The deviations can also not be sanctified as
a prudent market practice since it has the potential to expose the banks to
various risks.

3. Being satisfied that in consonance with the legal requirements and in particular
the intent of the Negotiable Instruments Act, and with a view to protecting the
banks being burdened with liabilities arising out of unauthorized collections, and
in the interest of the integrity and soundness of the payment and banking
systems, and in order to prevent recurrence of deviations observed in the recent
past, the Reserve Bank has considered it necessary to prohibit the banks from
crediting “account payee” cheque to the account to the account of any person
other than the payee named therein. The Reserve Bank accordingly directs the
banks that they should not collect account payee cheques for any person other
than the payee constituent.
4. These directions are issued in exercise of the powers conferred under section
35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (As Applicable to Cooperative Societies
and Regional Rural Banks)
Yours faithfully,
Executive Director
/By Order/
For Registrar

Copy of letter No RBI/2009-10/148 RPCD. CO.RF. BC 18/07.38.03/2009-10 dated
7.9.2009 from the Reserve Bank of India addressed to All State Cooperative
Banks(StCBs)/ District Central Cooperative Banks(DCCBs)

Collection of Account Payee Cheques –

Prohibition on CreditingProceeds to Third Party Account

Please refer to our circular RPCD. CO.RF. BC 78/07.38.03/2005-2006 dated April 27,
2006 in terms of which banks are prohibited from crediting ‘account payee’ cheque to
the account of any person other than the payee named therein.

2. It has been brought to our notice that some banks are collecting third party account
payee cheques on behalf of cooperative credit societies who are their constituents.
While reiterating that such practice of collection of third party cheques is not
permissible, in order to facilitate collection of cheques from the payment system angle,
account payee cheques deposited with the sub-member for credit to their customers,
account can be collected by the member bank (referred to as the sponsor member) of
the Clearing House. Under such arrangements, there should be a clear undertaking
from the sub-member to the effect that the proceeds of the account payee cheque will
be credited to the payee’s account only, upon realization.

Yours faithfully,

Chief General Manager
/By Order/

For Registrar

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No. 35/2009

RC 118325/2009 CBP1 dated: 9-11-2009

Sub: Cooperation – Restructuring of Panchayat Level

Federations – Self Help Groups – Admission of
Members – Issuing of bulk loan – Regarding

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.125, Rural Development & Panchayat

Raj Department dated 21.7.2008
2. G.O.Ms.No.465, Rural Development & Panchayat
Raj Department dated 23.07.200
3. State Level Bankers’ Committee Recommendation
SLBC/TN/2009-10 dated 22.10.2009
4. Registrar’s Lr. Rc.130140/2008 TFMC dt.10.11.200
With a Copy of Government Gazettee dt.21.10.2008
5. D.O. Letter No. 1122/MC/2009 of Managing
Director,Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development Of
Women dt. 30.10.2009
In the reference 5th cited, proposals have been received from
the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women
(TNCDW) with a request to issue bulk loan to Panchayat Level Federations
(P L F) constituted as per the G.Os 1st and 2nd cited. In the light of the
G.Os cited above, it is hereby permitted to admit PLFs as associate
members of PACSs and DCCBs as stipulated in Registrar’s Lr. Rc.
130140/2008 TFMC dt.10.11.2008.

As per the provisions contained in Chapter XIV-A Section 136

(D) (1) of TNCS Act, 1983, PACSs can admit Panchayat Level Federations as
associate members. As per the provisions of the Rule 32 (3) (i) of the Tamil
Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988, DCCBs are permitted to admit the
PLFs as associate member for the purpose of issuing bulk loan.

The copies of the G.Os referred above are enclosed for your
reference. Details of guidelines in this regard will be issued.


For Registrar
The Additional Registrar
Chennai Region, Chennai.
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officers of all DCCBs.

Copy to the Special Officer,

Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank

Encl: 1.Copy of G.O.(Ms) No.125 Rural Development and

Panchayat Raj (CGS-3)Department dt. 21.7.2008
Along with Annexure.
2.Copy of G.O.(D) No.465 Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj (CGS-3)Department dt. 23.7.2009
Along with Annexure.
3. Copy of Government Lr. No. 15870/CGS-3/2009-2
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department
Dt. 12.8.2009 (Amendment to G.O.(D) No.465 dt. 23.7.2009

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No.36/2009 Dated 9-11-2009

Rc 118325 /2009/CBP1

Sub: Cooperation-Formation of Panchayat Level

Federations- Admission of members- issue of loans
– model regulations - Communicated.

Ref: Registrar's Circular No 35/2009 (Rc 118325/2009

CBP1) dated 9-11-2009.
In continuation of circular cited, model regulations governing the santion of
loans to Panchayat Level Federations by the DCCBs/Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Society are enclosed for guidance and adoption.
The Special Officers of all DCCB are requested to communicate the
model regulations to all P A C S in their area of operation with instructions to
Special Officers of the P A C S to get the model regulations duly registered by the
concerned Circle Deputy Registrars.

All the Regional JRs are also requested to issue necessary instructions to the
Circle Deputy Registrars to register the model regulations.

The Special Officers of the DCCB and the Regional Joint Registrars are
requested to give top priority to this item of work and requested to monitor the
progress in the registration of the model regulations by the P A C S in the Region.

The receipt of the circular should be acknowledged by next post.


For Registrar
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officers of all DCCB
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank,, Chennai 600 001
Copy to AR (Two copies), PACCS, ACS, CBP3 Sections`
Copy to Stock File.


1. Short title:

These regulations shall be called the regulations governing grant of

loans to PLF by DCCB and PACS

2. Definitions:
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Society means for the
purpose of these regulations all the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies,
Cooperative Rural Banks and Farmers Service Cooperative Societies in the
State of Tamil Nadu.

District Central Cooperative Bank means for the purpose of these
regulations all the District Central Cooperative Banks and its branches in the
State of Tamil Nadu.

c) HLF

Habitation Level Forum; hereinafter will be called as HLF.

d) PLF
Panchayat Level Federation hereinafter will be called as PLF.

e) “SHG” means Self Help Group, the basic building unit.

f) “TNVKP’ means Tamilnadu Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project

g) ‘TNCDW’ means Tamilnadu Corporation for Development of

Women Limited.

3. Concept of PLF:

The federation of the SHGs will be at two levels i.e. at habitation level
and at Panchayat Level. Each habitation with atleast 5 SHGs will constitute a
Habitation Level Forum (HLF) with representation from every credit rated SHG.
Each Village Panchayat with atleast 10 SHGs will have a Panchayat Level
Federation. In case the number of SHGs in the Village Panchayat is less than
10 there will be no PLF and the SHGs may join the nearest PLF of their choice.

The PLF will have an Executive Committee (EC) and a General Body.
All the members of federated SHGs will constitute the General Body of PLF.
Executive Committee of PLF will be constituted with representatives from
Habitation Level Forums and both PLF and HLF will have office bearers to
discharge their functions effectively.
SHGs which are 6 months old and have passed the first credit rating
are eligible to become members of PLF. All types of SHGs that are functioning
as per norms (except youth SHGs) in a Village Panchayat irrespective of their
promoters can become members of PLF.

4. Admission of PLF as member of District Central Cooperative


The District Central Cooperative Bank / PACS on identification of

suitable PLF may admit them as associate member.

5. PLF to open S.B. Account in DCCB/PACS

The PLF shall be allowed to open a Savings Bank account in the name
of PLF after getting interse agreement executed by the members of PLF. The
PLF need not necessarily have availed credit from the banks before opening
S.B. Account.

6. Pre-sanction appraisal and credit rating of PLF

The Panchayat Level Federations grading shall be carried out by a

team consisting of the following:-

a) Two community professionals and one representative from bank (if

DCCB is financing directly to PLF through Branch then either the branch
manager or the Field Manager as deputed by the Special Officer, if the PACS
is lending to PLF with refinance from DCCB, the concerned PACS Area Branch
Manager or the Field Manager as deputed by the Special Officer of DCCB and
the concerned PACS Secretary) as Members and one Assistant Project Officer,
Mahalir Thittam or Assistant Project Manager / Team Leader of Vazhndhu
Kaattuvom Project as the Member- Convener.

b) For the purpose of this, Community Professionals means

representative of well functioning Community Based Organizations (i.e. Self
Help Groups, Panchayat Level Federations, Village Poverty Reduction
Committees) selected by the District Collector.

Adequate number of grading teams will be formed at district level by

Project Officer, Mahalir Thittam / District Project Manager, Vaazhnthu
Kaatuvom Project.

The grading team members shall be given a training on grading process

and related activities. Project Officer, (Mahalir Thittam ) and District Project
Manager ( Vaazhnthu Kaatuvom ) are responsible to train the grading teams.

7) Grading process of PLF

The grading process shall be as detailed below:-
 The Grading event will be organized every quarter till such
time all the Panchayat Level Federations obtain good grade
 The quarterly grading exercise will grade all the
restructured Panchayat Level Federations which have
become eligible during the concerned quarter
 Each grading team will grade not more than 10 Panchayat
Level Federations by undertaking field visits, verifying
documents and interacting with community members.
 Grading will be conducted in a common place with
participation of all members of Panchayat Level Federation.
The results have to be displayed in the notice board for
atleast 7 days to ensure wide dissemination.
 The Panchayat Level Federations will be graded for a
maximum marks of 100
 The Panchayat Level Federations which secure Grade ‘A’ or
Grade ‘B’ will be considered as ‘successful’.
 The Panchayat Level Federations which are securing Grade
‘C’ have to undergo grading again after 3 months.
 The report will be given to the district office along with a
copy to the concerned Panchayat Level Federation.

Parameters for first Grading of PLFs (at least 6 months old)

Sl. Main Sub indicators Mark
No. Indicators s
1. Inclusion in Constitution of PLF Executive Committee
PLFs as per norms
a) Min.50% target poor representation in EC 4
b) Inclusion of a disabled representative in EC 2
c) Representation of target poor (PIP/BPL) in
EC office bearer positions (President,
Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer)
- All 4 members 6
- 3 target poor 4
- 2 target poor 2
2. Participation a) Meetings conducted in the last 4
in PLF months with quorum (proportionate
- PLF EC meetings (No.) 0-8
-HLFs meetings (%) 0-8
-PLF GB meetings (No.) 0-4

b) % of Average attendance in P.L.F EC

meetings conducted during last 4
- Above 70% 4
- 51 – 70% 2
3. Maintenance a) Book Keeper in place & trained 4
of registers & b) Quality of maintenance of registers & 0-10
book keeping Transparency
4. Fund Position % of mobilization of membership fee
and subscription
- Above 90% 10
- 70-89% 6
- less than 70% 0
Performance a) % of member SHGs linked atleast once
of member with bank
SHGs - 80% and above 10
Fund Position - 60-79% 6
- 40 -59% 2

b) On time repayment rate of bank loans

obtained by member SHGs
- 100% repayment 8
- 90-99% repayment 6
- less than 90% repayment 0
c) Interest rate charged by member SHGs
on internal loans and PLF loans from
its members
- less than 13% 8
- 13-15% 6
- More than 15% 0
6. Special Eg. Sanitation, School Enrollment, Freeing 6
initiatives of bonded labourers, child labourers etc.,
7. Special - State level Manimegalai Awards 8
achievements - District level Manimegalai Awards 4
of PLFs - Other Awards 2

Grade Eligibility Marks

A Above 80
B 60 – 80
C Less than 60

8. Eligibility for PLF to avail loan from PACS/DCCB

Those PLF which obtain A grade Above 80 marks, B grade (60-80) marks
alone are eligible to get loan from PACS and DCCB. PLF should obtain a list of

defaulted SHGs from the banks in and around the Village Panchayat and will
debar those groups from obtaining loan from the PLF.

9. Type of Loan:

Since most of the members will utilize the loan for Rural Farm and Non-
farm activities which generate income at regular intervals, loans can be
sanctioned as term loans.

10. Quantum of loan:-

Savings of SHGs constituting PLF may be analyzed and 4 times of the

total savings of SHGs constituting PLF may be sanctioned as Bulk loan to PLF
as term loan. If it is for a economic activity, each activity should be assessed
and actual credit requirement of each SHG should be summed to arrive a
quantum for bulk lending to PLF. However the viability of SHGs and the credit
rating of PLF should also be considered while arriving at the quantum of loan
to PLF.

11. Purpose of loan

The purpose of the loan is to enable the PLF to reach out to the SHGs
and in turn to enable SHGs reach all its members to supplement their financial
needs for their livelihood.

12. Security to be obtained / Documentation

Primary Security:- Inter se agreement to be entered into between the

Bank/Society and PLF.

Between PLF and SHGs (a) joint and several promissory note and (b) a
hypothecation agreement.

Bank / Society may also obtain a agreement deed from the individual
Self Help Group constituting PLF and availing loan for prompt repayment.
In this regard, the annexure VI and VII communicated in Registrar of
Cooperative Societies Circular No, 128999/99 CBP 1 dated 21.03.2000 can be
taken as a model.

13. Disbursement of Loan

The eligible loan amount sanctioned to PLF should be credited to PLF

account maintained in the DCCB branch / Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Society. Only the authorized signatories allowed to operate the account,
should be allowed to operate. Cheque operation shall be joint operation as in
case of SHGs. The individual SHGs affiliated to PLF should also have account
with the respective DCCB branch / PACS. On request from the authorized
signatory, as per the Quantum of loan requested to be transferred to the
constituent SHGs, the respective Branch Manager / PACS Secretary should
debit the PLF account and credit it into respective SHG account.

14. Rate of Interest

Rate of interest will be as recommended by the State Level Interest

Rates Committee for Cooperative Banks.

15. Loan to PACS for financing to PLF

Such PACS which have not defaulted to DCCB with regard to

repayment of SHG loans and which is not having non refund of matured
deposit and non payment of salary problem and which is not having cover
deficit or imbalances to their borrowings of DCCB may be permitted to issue
loan to PLF through refinance facility with DCCB. In case where PLF are
formed in the areas where PACS is not eligible to get refinance facility for PLF
lending as in the above mentioned cases, the branches of DCCB may be
permitted to take the activity of lending to PLF directly.

16. Repayment of loan by PLF:

The PLF shall repay the loan to DCCB / PACS in regular monthly
instalments or as determined at the time of lending based on the local
conditions and activities undertaken by the members of PLF. The total
repayment period shall not exceed 3 years for any loan given to PLF. However,
it shall be ensured that no loan instalment is kept unpaid for more than 3
months. The Special Officers of DCCB / PACS shall ensure prompt recovery of
loans by frequent contacts with the members of PLF.

17. Monitoring Performance of PLF / Passing on Recovery

As proper identification of PLF is the key to the success of micro

credit scheme in rural areas, the DCCB/PACS shall involve themselves in the
proper identification and credit rating of PLF along with representatives of

The DCCB/PACS should actively participate in the group meetings

conducted by the PLF and in checking of accounts maintained by PLF. In
general the DCCB/PACS should have frequent contact with office bearers as
well as the members of PLF, for not only having a personal knowledge about
their credit requirements but also for their repayment of loans. The
DCCB/PACS should evolve a system of constant rating of functions of PLF so
that any symptom of sickness can be identified in time and rectified

Though lending is done to PLF the ultimate end user is the SHG.
Hence where the loan to PLF is issued by Branches, the branches should
clearly watch whether loan issued to SHGs through PLF is utilized properly by
SHGs and the repayment made by the SHGs to PLF are promptly passed to

Similarly for the loans issued to PACS for lending to PLF, care should
be taken to monitor the passing and recovery to DCCB from PACS. PACS
which have obtained refinance from DCCB for lending to PLF should monitor
the activity of SHG closely and should ensure that amount remitted by SHG to
PLF is properly remitted to PACS by PLF. PACS on receipt of recovery from
PLF should pass it to DCCB immediately.

The DCCB should watch the demand of PLF in case of direct lending
and the demand of PACS where it has refinanced Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Society for lending to PLF.

18. Role of DCCB Chief Revenue Officer/Field Manager/Supervisor:

In case where PLF are directly financed by DCCB or through PACS

refinance, the concerned Field Manager/Supervisor in whose area the PLF is
functioning should frequently interact with SHGs to assess their credit
requirement, their group activities, their internal lending, book-keeping and
also should watch recovery from members. They should actively monitor
repayment of SHGs to PLF and PLF to DCCB branch / PACS and from PACS to

The Chief Revenue Officer, General Manager and Assistant General

Manager of DCCB should routinely inspect the Self Help Group activity and
PLF activity. Regional Joint Registrars and Special Officer of DCCB should also
closely monitor the activities of the PLF and SHGs.

19. DCCBs/PACSs participation in Group meeting of PLF:

Representatives from the DCCB in cadre of Field Manager/Supervisor /

Branch Manager and PACS Secretary shall participate and supervise the
proceedings of the meetings convened by PLF. The Special Officers of DCCB,
General Manager and Chief Revenue Officer should also periodically participate
in the PLF meetings for which Special Officer may fix the target.

20. Supervisory and monitoring aspects:

The Regional Joint Registrars along with the Special Officers of District
Central Cooperative Banks shall review the progress in the issue of loans to
PLF by DCCB/PACS during their monthly review meetings along with the
officers of TNCDW and TNVKP. Any internal problem regarding provision of
credit to PLF shall be sorted out at this meeting.

21. Role of TNSACBank with regard to PLF

The Apex Bank shall also review the implementation of micro credit
programme by PLF in rural areas during its inspection of affiliated DCCB. It
should also arrange for prompt refinance from NABARD.


/By Order/

For Registrar


Mahalir Thittam – Restructuring of Panchayat Level Federations – Structure of

Panchayat Level Federation (PLF) Membership Qualifications, Administrative
structure of Federation, duties and responsibilities, Formation of Social Audit
Committee, Bank Accounts and Maintenance of Registers, Income and
Expenditure and Formation of Habitation Level Forums and its functions –
Approval of Detailed guidelines – Orders – Issued.
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-3) Department

G.O.(Ms) No.125 Dated: 21.7.2008

Read :

1. G.O.Ms.No.116 SW & NMP Department, dated:

2. G.O.Ms.No.132, Rural Department & Panchayat Raj
(CGS-1) Department , dated 20.07.2007.
3. G.O.Ms.No.177, Rural Department & Panchayat Raj
(CGS-II) Department, dated 05.12.2006.
4. G.O.Ms.No.104, Rural Department & Panchayat Raj
(CGS-1) Department, dated 19.06.2007.
5. From the Managing Director, TNCDW Ltd
D.O.Lr.No.1719/B/2008 dated 7.7.2008.

In the Government Order first read above, orders prescribing norms for
formation of Panchayat Level Federations and Block level Federation, its
Membership, imparting Training, Functions, Systems & Procedures to be followed
in the Federation, were issued.

2.The Honourable Minister for Rural Development and Local

Administration has announced on the floor of the Assembly that “PLFs will be
restructured and will be registered so as to give them legal status”. Based on the
announcement, the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for
Development of Women Limited in his letter 5th read above, has sent a proposal
stating that many PLFs continue to be weak due to various reasons and variation
of number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) and number of habitations in the Village
Panchayats of Tamil Nadu, there is an imperative need to restructure the present
PLFs and requested orders of Government to restructure the PLFs.

3.The Government after careful consideration of the proposal of the

Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited
issue the following changes to the Government Order first read above in relation
to restructuring of Panchayat Level Federation.

(i)The Panchayat Level Federation of Self Help Groups will be at two

levels i.e. a Habitation level and at Panchayat Level. The Government Order that
at Habitation level a Habitation Level Forum (HLF) amd at Panchayat Level a
Panchayat Level Federation (PLF) of SHGs shall be formed. The structure of the
Panchayat Level Federation of SHGs, the qualification and membership PLF and
Habitation Level Forums of SHGs, and their Administration and other activities
etc., are prescribed in the detailed guidelines annexed to this order. The units
mentioned as above shall be formed and …………….. accordingly.

(ii) All the reorganized PLFs shall register under Tamil Nadu Societies
Registration Act 1975.

(iii) The Government authorize the Principal Secretary to Government.

Rura; Development & Panchayat Raj Department to amend the guidelines based
on the operational requirement, in consultation with the Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited.

(By Order of the Governor)


Principal Secretary to Government


The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for

Development of Women Limited, Chennai-600 032.
The Commissioner of Rurual Development and Panchayat Raj,
Chennai-600 015.
All District Collectors
(Through the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for
Development of Women Limited, Chennai-600 032.)
All Project Officers (Mahalir Thittam),
(Through the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for
Development of Women Limited, Chennai-600 032.)
The Accountant General (A&E / Audit), Chennai-600 018.
The Pay and Account Officer (South), Chennai-600 035.

Copy to:
Hon’ble Chief Minister’s Office, Chennai-600 009.
The Finance (Rural Development) Department, Chennai-600 009.
The Special Personal Assistant to Hon’ble Minister
(Rural Development & Local Administration), Chennai-600 009.
The Private Secretary to Secretary, Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj Department, Chennai-600 009.
The Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (Budget and Coordination)
Department, Chennai-600 009.

// Forwarded // by Order //
Section Officer


Detailed Guidelines on Structure and Activities of Panchayat Level

Federation(PLFs) and Habitation Level Forums (HLFs)

1. Institutional structure for the PLF:

The federation of the SHGs will be at two levels i.e. at habitation level
and at Panchayat Level. Each habitation with atleast 5 SHGs will constitute a
Habitation Level Forum (HLF) with representation from every credit rated SHG.
Each Village Panchayat with atleast 10 SHGs will have a Panchayat Level
Federation. In case the number of SHGs in the Village Panchayat is less than 10
there will be no PLF and the SHGs may join the nearest PLF of their choice.

The PLF will have an Executive Committee (EC) and a General Body. All
the members of federated SHGs will constitute the General Body of PLF.
Executive Committee of PLF will be constituted with representatives from
Habitation Level Forums and both PLF and HLF will have office bearers to
discharge their functions effectively.

2. Eligibility criteria for PLF Membership:

SHGs which are 6 months old and have passed the first credit rating are
eligible to become members of PLF. All types of SHGs that are functioning as per
norms (except youth SHGs) ub a Village Panchayat irrespective of their promoters
can become members of PLF.

3. Habitation Level Forums (HLF):

This forum will act as a bridge between the Panchayat Level Federation
and the individual Self Help Groups. This will provide a platform for active
participation of SHGs, particularly in panchayats with many habitations and large
number of SHGs.

Single habitation Village Panchayats with less than 20 SHGs will have
only PLF and there is no necessity to form Habitation Level Forum. In case of
Single habitation Village Panchayats with more than 20 SHGs, one HLF can be
formed for every 20 SHGs. In multi-habitation Village Panchayats, each
habitation with minimum 5 SHGs will have a HLF. In case the number of SHGs
in a habitation is less than 5, there will be no HLF and the SHGs have to join the
nearest HLF of their choice.

The HLF will be constituted in the following pattern:

Number of SHGs in a Number os HLFs in a
Village Panchayat
habitation habitation
Village Panchayat with Less than 20 No HLF
single habitation Above 20 One HLF for very 20
SHGs can be formed
Village Panchayat with Less than 5 No HLF
single habitation 5 to 20 One HLF
21 & above One additional HLF for
every more groups can
be formed

a) HLF Members :
HLF will be constituted with one representative from each SHG which
has passed the first credit rating in the habitation. The term of the HLF Members
will be 2 years. At least 50% of the HLF members should be from the poor. The
members from the families included in the BPL list will be considered as target
poor. In Vazhndha Kaattuvom Blocks, the identified PIP population comprising
poor, very poor and vulnerable categories will be considered as target population.

b) HLF Meetings :
The HLF will meet at least once in a month. The quorum of the meeting
will be minimum 50% of its members.

c) HLF Office Bearers :

Each HLF will have 2 office bearers viz., Secretary and Treasurer of
which at least one should be from target poor. The term of the HLF office bearers
will be 2 Years. The same person cannot become the office bearer for more than
two terms. The office bearers should be rotated every two years in such a way
that all SHGs in the habitation, are represented as office bearers. In this way, all
SHGs in the habitation will get an opportunity to be office bearers of the HLF by

d) Role of Habitation Level Forum :

The main role of the PLF will be to act as a bridge between the PLF-EC and
SHG members and to disseminate information about PLF-Executive Committee
decisions. Assessing the capacity building needs to SHGs and making requisition to
P.LF/Village Poverty Reduction Committee (VPRC), furnishing periodical progress
reports to the P.LF, preparing Micro Credit Plan for the habitation and monitoring
loan repayment performance of SHGs are the other responsibility of the PLF.

4. Panchayat Level Federations :

a) General Body (PLF -GB) :

All members of the federated SHGs in the village Panchayat will constitute
the General Body of the PLF.

b) General Body Meetings :

The General Body Meeting will be held four times in a year (on 26th
January , … st May, 15 August and 2nd October) on the dates when Grama Sabhas
are held the quorum of the meeting will be representation of 50% of Self Help
Groups federated and attendance of 20% of all SHG members. The President of
the PLF will preside over the General Body meetings. In her absence, one of the
SHG members selected by the members present will preside over the General

c) Executive Committee of the PLF (PLF-EC) :

The P.LF-Executive Committee will have minimum 11 members representing

of HLFs. Minimum 10 members will be women SHG members representing all
…………. The village. Atleast half of EC members should be from BPL /
Participately identification of Poor (PIP) category. P.LF-EC will be constituted as
follows :

In Panchayat’s with single habitation :

Number of SHGs in Size of PLF-EC
Village Panchayat
Less than 10 SHGs No PLF
More than 10 SHGs Minimum 10 Women SHG
members +1 coopted
disabled member

PLF-EC in Panchayats with multiple habitations :
Each HLF will send their representatives to PLF-EC in the following
pattern :
Number of SHGs in the Number of representatives
habitation to PLF
5-10 SHGs 2 representatives
11-20 SHGs 3 representatives
21-40 SHGs 4 representatives
More than 40 SHGs 5 representatives

The General Body of the PLF will elect EC members in case the panchayat
has only one habitation. In case of multiple habitations, all SHG members of a
habitation will elect P.LF-EC members to represent their habitation. Atleast half of
the EC members nominated by the habitation should be from PBL/Poor – Very
Poor category. Wherein the size of PLF-EC falls below 11 due to lesser number of
habitations and / or due to lesser number of SHGs, then the General Body
members of PLF will nominate the remaining number of representatives in the
Annual General Body Meeting. The GB will also decide from where the
additional representatives will be drawn. The term of PLF-EC members will be 2
years. The retiring members are eligible to get re-elected.

d) Office Bearers :
The PLF will have four office bearers namely President, Secretary, Joint
Secretary and Treasurer. The PLF-GB will select the office bearers from among the
EC members. Atleast two office bearers should be from target poor (BPL/PIP list)
and either the Secretary or the Treasurer should be from the target poor. The
term of PLF office bearers will be 2 years. The same person cannot be the office
bearer for more than two terms. A maximum of two of the out going Office
Bearers are eligible to get an elected and function an office bearers. The office
bearer should be rotated every two years in such a way that all the habitations in
the Panchayat are represented as office bearers. No person should hold the
position of office bearer in more than two institution at village level (excluding

e) PLF-EC Meeting
The PLF-EC will conduct meetings atleast once in a month. The quorum
of the meetings will be minimum 50% of the members.

f) PLF Elections
Election of office bearers of the PLF-EC will be conducted in the General
Body convened on 15th August. Detailed guidelines about elections will be issued

5. Roles & Responsibilities :

a) Panchayat Level Federatio :

The main responsibilities of the PLF are mobilizing all eligible women into
Self Help Groups, strengthening and furthering the activities of the SHGs,
information dissemination among SHGs, preparation of Capacity Building Plan
and arranging for grading, credit rating and credit linkages in right time. They
should extend support to the SHGs in maintenance of accounts and audit, to
undertake income generating activities and conflict resolution among SHGs. They
should take up such activities that would benefit the SHGs and their members but
cannot be taken up by individual SHGs and from networking with Government
agencies and other external institutions like insurance companies for women

b) Responsibilities of PLF-GB :
The PLF-GB will be responsible for election of PLF office bearers election of
PLF-EC members, substitution/replacement of PLF-EC members who are not
attending 3 consecutive EC meetings, approval of Annual Action Plan and
approval of budget.

c) Responsibilities of PLF-GB :
The main responsibilities of the PLF-EC are Certification of NGO claims on
Group formation, monitoring and training, maintenance of common assets of PLFs
and infrastructure for the benefit of SHGs. They can enter into agreement with
Mahalir Thittam / VPRC to discharge SHG related activities. They are responsible
for periodic internal grading of members SHGs, Monitoring the credit rating of
SHGs, monitoring the loan repayment of SHGs, monitoring the performance of
community SHG trainers and procure services like micro-insurance for the SHG

d) Responsibilities of PLF Office Bearers :

President :
The President will preside over the General body meetings and Executive
Committee meetings of PLF. She will represent the PLF in different forums.

Secretary :
The Secretary will convene the EC meetings atleast once in a month. She
will maintain the minutes book and operate PLF accounts jointly with the
treasurer. She will represent the PLF in different forums along with / in the
absence of the President. She will authenticate reports, agreements for and on
behalf of the PLF. She will be responsible for sending progress reports to VPRC
or Mahalir Thittam.
Joint Secretary :
She will carry out the functions of the Secretary in her absence.

Treasurer :
The Treasurer will be responsible for maintenance of books of accounts
and registers, maintenance the petty cash of the PLF, periodical audits and placing
the report before the General Body for approval. She will operate PLF accounts
jointly with the Secretary and authenticate reports, agreements for and on behalf
of the PLF along with the Secretary.

6. Sub Committees :
PLF can discharge wide range of activities for the betterment of its
members and village. For this purpose the following subcommittees may be
constituted by PLF-GB.
1. SHG Formation and Strengthening Sub Committee
2. Credit linkage monitoring Sub Committee
3. Livelihoods Sub Committee
4. Sub Committee on Social issues.

The size of sub-committees will be 5. Out of which, 2will be the PLF-EC

members and other 3 members will be nominated by PLF-GB from among
federated SHG members. Atleast 3 out of these 5 members should be from the
target poor.

7. Social Audit Committee :

A Social Audit Committee will be constituted by PLF-GB to monitor the
activities of PLF. The size of Social Audit Committee will be 5. All 5 members
will be selected from among federated SHG members who are not part of PLF-
EC or HLF office bearers. Atleast 3 out of these 5 members should be from target
population. This committee will report its findings, recommendations etc., to PLF-
GB periodically. In Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project Panchayats, the existing Social
Audit Committee will perform the functions of social audit and a new social audit
committee will not be formed.

8. Bank Accounts :
Each PLF will have a Bank account which will be jointly operated by the
Secretary and Treasurer of the PLF based on the resolutions of the PLF-EC. The
HLF will not have a Bank account as no financial transactions are expected at the
level of the HLF.

9. Registers to be maintained by the PLF:

The following registers will be maintained by the PLF-EC.

(1) Attendance & Resolution Register

(2) Membership Register
(3) Cash Book
(4) General Ledger
(5) Loan Ledger
(6) Asset Register

The General body of the PLF will maintain only a minutes cum attendance
register. The HLF will maintain minutes cum attendance register and the Loan
Tracking Register. However, the list and form of registers to be maintained by
PLF and HLF will be finalized later.

10. Maintenance of Books of Accounts :

PLF can appoint one SHG women member as a book keeper. The service
conditions will be decided by general body.


Principal Secretary to Government

// True Copy //
Section Officer


Self Help Groups – Panchayat Level Federations (PLF) Grading of Restructured

Panchayat Level Federations – Grading process and Indicators – Training of Grading
Team – approved – orders – Issued.

G.O.(Ms) No.465 Dated: 23.7.2009

Read :-
From the Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for
Development of Women Limited, D.O.Letter No.1719/D1/2009
dated 15.7.2009
The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women
Limited, in his letter read above has stated that as on 31.3.2009, there are 3.91 lakh Self
Help Groups with membership of 62.93 lakh women and to ensure sustainable growth
of Self Help Groups, it is necessary to promote strong federations of Self Help Groups at
different levels. With this objective in mind, federation of Self Help Groups are formed t
the Village Panchayat Level called the Panchayat Level Federations (PLFs). In order to
give the Panchayat Level Federations legal status and access to bulk loans from Banks for
on lending to member Self Help Groups at reasonable rate of interest, the Government
have ordered that the Panchayat Level Federations have to be restricted and registered as
societies under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975.

2. The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women

Limited, has stated that in order to closely monitor the growth of the Panchayat Level
Federations, it is necessary to grade them against certain parameters at regular intervals
and this will help Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited, as well
as Vaazhndhu Kaatuvom Project (VKP) in assessing the performance of the Panchayat
Level Federations and to identify the areas where support is needed. Accordingly he has
suggested constitution of grading team and training them and a detailed grading process,
grading indicators etc.,

3.The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women

Limited, has requested the Government to issue necessary orders for grading the
Panchayat Level Federations as proposed above and to authorize the Principal Secretary
to Government, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department to amend the
guidelines based on the operational requirements in consultation with the Managing
Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited, and the Project
Director, Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project.

4.The Government after careful examination accept the proposal and accordingly
issue the following orders:-
1. The Panchayat Level Federations shall be graded after their restructuring
and registered as societies under Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act,
2. The first grading shall start after completion of 6 months after their
3. At the end of 6 months from the receipt of the first credit linkage from
banks the Panchayat Level Federations will be subject to another grading to
assess its performance and capacity to take up higher level financial
intermediary role and economic activity.
4. The Panchayat Level Federations grading shall be carried out by a team
consisting of the following :-
a) Community Professionals of well functioning Community Based
Organizations (i.e. Self Help Groups, Panchayat Level Federations,
Village Poverty Reduction Committees)
b) Members of Panchayat Level Federations Panchayat Level
Federations and Self Help Groups which have received Manimegalai
award will be given priority.
c) Representative from the concerned bank in which the Panchayat
Level Federation is having the bank account.
5. Adequate number of grading teams will be formed at district level by
Project Officer, Mahalir Thittam / District Project Manager, Vaazhnthu Kaatuvom Project.
6. The Grading team members shall be given a training on grading process
and related activities. Project Officer, (Mahalir Thittam ) and District Project Manager (
Vaazhnthu Kaatuvom ) are responsible to train the grading teams.
7. The grading process shall be as detailed below :-
 The Grading event will be organized every quarter till such time all
the Panchayat Level Federations obtain good grade
 The quarterly grading exercise will grade all the restructured
Panchayat Level Federations which have become eligible during the
concerned quarter
 Each grading team will grade not more than 10 Panchayat Level
Federations by undertaking field visits, verifying documents and
interacting with community members.
 Grading will be conducted in a common place with participation of
all members of Panchayat Level Federation. The results have to be
displayed in the notice board for atleast 7 days to ensure wide
 The Panchayat Level Federations will be graded for a maximum
marks of 100
 The Panchayat Level Federations which secure Grade ‘A’ or Grade
‘B’ will be considered as ‘successful’.
 The Panchayat Level Federations which are securing Grade ‘C’ have
to undergo grading again after 3 months.

 The report will be given to the district office along with a copy to
the concerned Panchayat Level Federation.
8. Detailed Grading indicators and marks to be awarded for the first grading
at the end of 6 months is given in Annexure.
9. Orders approving the grading indicators for second grading will be issued
10. Once the Panchayat Level Federation has demonstrated its credit
worthiness to receive the external financial assistance for on-lending to its member Self
Help Groups, it can access banks to obtain credit assistance directly.
11. The Government authorize the Principal Secretary to
Government, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department to amend the grading
guidelines based on the operational requirements in consultation with the Managing
Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited and Project
Director, Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project.


Principal Secretary to Government


The Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Corporation for

Development of Women Limited, Chennai-32.
The Project Director, Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom, Chennai-18.
All District Collectors
All Project Officers (Mahalir Thittam) and All District Project Director,
Vaazhndhu Kaattuvom Project) (Through the Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited,
And Project Director, Vaazhnthu Kaatuvom Project)
Copy to:
Hon’ble Chief Minister’s Office, Chennai-9.
The Private Secretary to Secretary, Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj Department, Chennai-9.

/ Forwarded / by Order /
Section Officer

Parameters for first Grading of PLFs (at least 6 months old)
Sl. Main Sub indicators Marks
No. Indicators
1. Inclusion in Constitution of PLF Executive Committee as
PLFs per norms
a) Min.50% target poor representation in 4
b) Inclusion of a disabled representative in 2
c) Representation of arget poor (PIP/BPL) in
EC office bearer positions (President,
Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer)
- All 4 members 6
- 3 target poor 4
- 2 target poor 2
2. Participation in a) Meetings conducted in the last 4
PLF months with quorum (proportionate
- PLF EC meetings (No.) 0-8
-HLFs meetings (%) 0-8
-PLF GB meetings (No.) 0-4
b) % of Average attendance in P.L.F EC
meetings conducted during last 4
- Above 70% 4
- 51 – 70% 2
3. Maintenance a) Book Keeper in place & trained 4
of registers & b) Quality of maintenance of registers & 0-10
book keeping Transparency
4. Fund Position % of mobilization of membership fee
and subscription
- Above 90% 10
- 70-89% 6
- less than 70% 0
5. Performance a) % of member SHGs linked atleast once
of member with bank
SHGs - 80% and above 10
Fund Position - 60-79% 6
- 40 -59% 2

b) On time repayment rate of bank loans
obtained by member SHGs
- 100% repayment 8
- 90-989% repayment 6
- less than 90% repayment 0

c) Interest rate charged by member SHGs

on internal loans and PLF loans from its
- less than 13% 8
- 13-15% 6
- More than 15% 0
6. Special Eg. Sanitation, School Enrollment, Freeing 6
initiatives of bonded labourers, child labourers etc.,
7. Special - State level Manimegalai Awards 8
achievements - District level Manimegalai Awards 4
of PLFs - Other Awards 2

Grade Eligibility Marks

A Above 80
B 60 – 80
C Less than 60


Principal Secretary to Government

// True Copy //

Section Officer

Rural Development and
Panchayat Raj Department
Secretariat, Chennai-9.
Web site : www.tnrd.gov.in
Telephone: (044)-25672169
Fax No: (044)-25675849

Letter No.15870/CGS-3/2009-2, Dated 12.8.2009

Tmt. Pooja Kulkarni, I.A.S.,
Deputy Secretary to Government.

The Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of
Women Limited, Chennai-32.
The Project Director,
Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project,
All District Collectors
All Project Officers (Mahalir Thittam) and
All District Project Managers (VKP)
(Through the Managing Director,
Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited,
and Project Director, Vaazhnthu Kaatuvom Project)


Sub : Selef Helpt Groups – Panchayat Level Federations – Grading of

Restructured Panchayat Level Federations – Grading Process and
indicators – Training of Grading Team – Approved – Orders issued –
Amendment Issued.

Ref : G.O. (D) No.465, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS-III)
Department dated 23.7.09

The following Amendment is issued to the Government Order cited.

1. In the said Government Order, under Sub para 4 of Para 4, the following shall
be included as (a).
(a) Two community professionals, one representative form bank and
one Assistant Project Officer, Mahalir Thittam / Assistant Project Manager or Team
Leader, Vazhndhu Kaattuvom Project as the convener.

2. The existing (a), (b) and (c) shall be read as (b), (c) and (d) respectively.

Yours faithfully,

For Deputy Secretary to Government

Copy to
The Senior Personal Assistant to the Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Chennai-9
The Private Secretary to Principal Secretary to Government.
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Chennai-9.


SLBC/TN/ /2009-10 22.10.2009


All Members Banks in Tamil Nadu

Dear Sir,

Credit linking Panchayat Level Federations (PLFs)

Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Limited (TNCDW)

has been forming and strengthening Panchayat Level Federatioons (PLF)

Government of Tamil Nadu have issued the following Government Orders

for grading and linking of PLFs. (Copies enclosed)

1. G.O.126 dated 21.7.2009 on the guidelines for restructured PLFs

2. G.O.135 dated 14.8.2008 for registering PLFs as Society.
3. G.O.465 dated 23.7.2009 on grading the PLFs.

Financing of PLFs has been discussed in detail in State Level Review

Meeting (SLRM 2008) held on 24.12.2008 under Special Agenda 2 and
the Forum decided that Banks would credit link 5 PLFS per district on a
pilot basis and based on the experience gained after a period of 6 months
or so scaling up of financing of PLFs can be decided.

In some districts, loans have been availed by the restructured PLFs on

pilot basis. It is found that PLFs are performing well, having successfully
undertaken onlending activities. Their recovery-conduct have also been
very good. The Government of Tamil Nadu have also introduced a system
of grading the PLFs.

The questions which were discussed in the SLRM Meeting on 24.12.2008

(i) Legal status of PLF
(ii) Development of uniform application form
(iii) Documentation process
(iv) Computation of eligible amount
(v) Security.
(vi) Monitoring mechanism
(vii) Auditing and Rating etc.

Meanwhile, the Government have decided that all PLFs would be
registered as societies under the Tamil Nadu Societies Act. The byelaws
of the societies also provide the borrowing powers. This would put at
rest the questions about PLF’s legal status and their ability to borrow.

As regards other points, every Bank has their own system of financing
NGOs, which can be applied to PLFs also, because PLF is functionally
same as on NGO engaged in micro finance.

Now, Government of Tamil Nadu have decided to release bulk loans to all
eligible PLFs promoted by TNCDW and Tamil Nadu Vazhnthu Kattuvom
Project (TNVKP) in a function at Chennai to be chaired by Hon’ble
Deputy Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu on 16.11.2009. District Collectors
will grade the PLFs as per the guidelines and forward the applications to
the concerned bank branches.

WE advise the member Banks to give necessary instructions to their

branches for sanction of these loans to PLFs. All Banks are also
requested to participate in the function which is being specially
organized for upscaling finance to PLFs.

General Manager, IOB&
Convenor, SLBC (TN)

// true copy //

Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain , I.A.S.,

Circular No. 39 /2009

(RC.2607/09CBP1) Dated : 16-11-2009

Sub: Cooperative Banks – Deregulation of interest rates

on deposits and lending – Recommendation of State
Level Committee to guide cooperative banks on
fixing of interest – Revised interest rates –
instructions - Regarding.
Ref: 1 Registrar’s Circular No 7/2009 in Rc
2607/2009CBP1 dated 23-3-2009
2 Proceedings of the meeting of the State Level
Committee to guide the Cooperative banks on
fixing interest rates on deposits and
advances held on 11-11-2009
3 Letter. C.No.00001/ACS/2009-2010 dated
12-11-2009 from the Tamil Nadu State Apex
Cooperative Bank, Chennai.


The State Level Committee under the Chairmanship of Special Officer, Tamil
Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank with Additional Registrar (Finance & Banking), the
General Manager, TNSARDB and Special Officers of select District Central Cooperative
Banks and the select Regional Joint Registrars and representatives drawn from the
Cooperative Urban Banks, PCARDB, Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
to guide the cooperative banks on fixing interest rates on deposits and advances held its
meeting on 11-11-2009.
After detailed discussions, the Committee has recommended the following
i. The maximum rate of interest for deposits of one year and above
may be reduced from 9.50 % to 8.50% in respect of Primary
Societies and Section 11(i) non-compliant DCCBs and to
8.00% for other Banks.
ii. No additional rate of interest to the Bulk Deposits shall be
iii. The additional rate of interest provided at 0.50% to the Fluid
Deposits of PACS and surplus funds of PACS/UCBs held with
DCCBs may be allowed to continue.
iv. The ceiling on additional rate of interest provided at 0.75% to
the Deposits held by Senior Citizens may be reduced to 0.50%.

However, the fixation of such additional interest may be left to
the discretion of the individual Banks.
v. All other categories of rates of interest on deposit which are
currently in force may be continued.

Taking into account the market rate of ornamental gold and the
per gram rate offered by other Banks, the Committee has recommended
i. Increase the per gram rate of gold from Rs.900/- to
Rs.1050/- for the purpose of jewel loan.
ii. Increase the quantum of jewel loan from Rs.4.00 lakhs
to Rs.5.00 lakhs (upper loan limit) per borrower.
iii. Reduce the Maximum Rate of Interest for Jewel loan from
13.50% to 12.50%.

i. Non- Agricultural Advances:

The committee recommended reducing the rates of interest on various

Non-Agricultural advances as detailed below.
Existing Recommended for Revision
No. of loan to to to to
DCCB Members DCCB Members
1 9.25% 10.50% 13.50% 8.75% 9.50% 12.50%

Jewel Loan 13.50% 12.50%

2 10.25% 10.00%
(Branches) (DCCB to Members) (DCCB to Members)
11.50% 10.50%
3 10.50% (DCCB to 13.50% 10.00% (DCCB to 12.00%
5.00% 3.50%
Jewel Loan (Chargeable) (Chargeable)
4 9.50% 13.50% 8.75% 12.50%
(Special CC) & 6.00% & 6.00%
(from PCDF) (from PCDF)

The rates as recommended for JL (PACS) are also recommended for

adoption by TNCSARDB for their Jewel loans to PCARDBs as given
8.75% 9.50% 12.50%

ii. Sugar mills (consortium):

The existing rate of interest at 12.50% charged by Co-operative

Banks to Sugar Mills may be reduced to 12.00%.
(Refinance provided by NABARD)
Consequent on the downward revision on the rate of interest for
Investment Credit communicated by NABARD, vide their Letter No.NB
(TN)/ICD/808/DB37/2009-10 dated 10.11.2009, from 8.00% to 7.50%,
the committee recommended to reduce the rates of interest on various
Investment Credit as detailed below.

Existing (w.e.f.28.07.2009) Recommended for revision

NABAR B Ultimate NABAR B Ultimate
s s
D to to Borrowe D to to Borrowe
to to
s s
8.00% 8.75% 9.50% 11.50% 7.50% 8.00% 8.75% 11.00%

Consequent on the announcement of policy
for sanction of Short term credit limit to Co-optex and Primary weavers’
Coop. Societies for the year 2009-10 by the NABARD, the Apex Bank has
fixed the following rates of interest with effect from 01.04.2009.


TNSCB Co-optex DCCBs Societies
7.50% 8.25% 8.00% 10.00%


With reference to the proposal of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative State
Agricultural and Rural Development Bank to fix a uniform rate of interest
for availing clean Cash Credit limits by their branches from the DCCBs
to meet the credit needs of PCARDBs, the committee recommended to
fixing the rate of interest at 12% for the purpose.

7. The recommendations of the Committee are accepted and shall come into
force from the date of this order.
8. The Special Officers of all the DCCBs are requested to advise the PACS
about the revision of rate of interest etc.,
9. The Joint Registrars of all Regions are requested to communicate the
contents of this circular to all the cooperative banks / societies under
their control immediately.
/By Order/

for Registrar

The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officers of all DCCBs.
Copy to
The Special Officer, TNSAC Bank/ TNCSARD Bank/ TNCU Chennai.
All Zonal Officers.
The Deputy Registrars of all Circles.
All Administrative Sections in office.
AR Section in office (2 Copies) and ‘OE’ section.
PC to Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
Stock File (CBP1 and CBP3)

Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, IAS.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No.40/2009 Dated: 16.11.2009

Rc. 97070/2008 CBS1

Sub: CCBs- Wage revision to the employees of the District

Central Cooperative Banks Recommendations of the
Committee constituted to Negotiate with the Employees’
unions – implementation Of the Recommendations of the
Committee – orders – issued.

Ref: 1. Registrar’s letter Rc 36405/2001CBS 1 dated 11-10-2003

` 2 . Government letter No 31707/CC1/2008-1,CF and CP
Deptt., dated 20-11-2008
3. Registrar’s Proceedings RC 97070/08 CBS 1 dated
4. Committee’s Report dated 4.11.2009
5. GO (Ms) No.251, CF and CP (CJ1) Department dated
In the reference first cited, instructions for the wage revision to
the employees of the District Central Cooperative Banks based on the
recommendations of the third streamlining committee and Government.
Government while issuing orders on the recommendations of the third
Streamlining Committee, in GO (Ms) No.220, Cooperation, Food and
Consumer Protection Department dated 24-6-2003 have ordered that
next pay revision to the employees of the District Central Cooperative
Banks will be considered, only when the State Government revises its
scales to its employees. The State Government have issued orders for
the revision of pay with effect from 1-1-2006, the Employees Unions of
the District Central Cooperative Banks have represented to consider their
wage revision. They have also requested to arrive at a wage settlement
by negotiations with the Unions. Government in their letter No
31707/CC1/ 2008 dated 20-11-2008 have requested the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies to pursue action to hold negotiations with the
Employees Unions in order to arrive at new wage settlement.
Accordingly, Registrar of Cooperative Societies has constituted a
committee in Proceedings Rc 97070/2008CBS1 dated 2-12-2008 to hold
negotiations with the Employees Unions for arriving a new wage
settlement to the employees of the DCCBs. After the negotiations with
the Employees Unions, the Committee has submitted its report. The
recommendations of the Committee has been examined. Under the
provisions conferred upon Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Rule
149(1) of the TNCS Rules, 1988, the following instructions are issued.


The Third Streamlining Committee has recommended for
classifying the DCCBs into two categories viz., Category I District Central
Cooperative Banks complying with Section 11(1) of the BR Act 1949 and
Category II DCCB not complying with the Section 11(1) of the BR Act
1949. However, the Government in their GO(Ms) 220, Cooperation, Food
and Consumer Protection Department, dated 24-6-2003 and GO (2D)
No. 201, C F and CP Department dated 1-10-2003, issued orders for
the classification of D C C Bs into three categories.

Now, based on the recommendations of the Committee, the DCCBs

are classified into two broad categories and they are permitted to extend
the following wage increase to their employees as noted against each.

Category I District Central Cooperative Banks 14%

complying with the Section 11(1) of the BR
Act 1949 (As on 31-3-2008)
Category II District Central Cooperative Banks not 7%
complying with the Section 11(1) of the BR
Act 1949. (As on 31-3-2008)

Sl.No Name of the DCCB Sl.No Name of the DCCB
1 Chennai D C C B 8 Kumbakonam
2 Coimbatore 9 Pudukkottai
3 Cuddalore 10 Salem
4 Dharmapuri 11 Tiruchirapalli
5 Erode 12 Tiruvannamalai
6 Kancheepuram 13 Vellore
7 Kanyakumari 14 Villupuram


Sl.No Name of the DCCB Sl.No Name of the DCCB

1 Dindigul D C C B 6 Thanjavur
2 Madurai 7 Thoothukudi
3 Nilgiris 8 Thirunelveli
4 Ramanathapuram 9 VirudhuNagar
5 Sivagangai
Based on the recommendations of the Committee, uniform pay
scales are prescribed and the DCCBs are permitted to fix the pay to
their employees with the increase of 14% or 7% as the case may be, on
case to case basis. The uniform pay scales for adoption are given below:-

The new scale of pay shall notionally be fixed as on 1.1.2996 and

financial benefits shall be extended with effect from 1.1.2007.
i) Basic Pay:
During the last pay revision, revised pay was arrived at after
merger of 1684 points of DA as on 01.07.1999 with the existing Basic
Pay. Now, the Banks are permitted for the merger of 2288 points as on
1-1-2006 and to revise the pay scales accordingly.

As per G.O.(Ms) No.220, CF & CP Dept. dated 24.6.2003, Section

11(1) Non-complaint Banks are drawing their pay scales at the merger of
600 points of DA since 01.07.1999 without any reason.
In order to maintain uniformity, all DCCBs are permitted to revise
the pay scales of the employees of these Banks with the merger of 2288
points as on 1-1-2006.
ii) Fixation of Pay in the Revised time scale:
Depending upon the category of the Bank, fitment has to be worked
out by adding 7 % or 14 % (as the case may be) of the existing Basic
Pay, Personal Pay, if any, and DA as on 01.01.2006. From the sum so
arrived, the revised Basic Pay and revised DA shall be segregated, in
such way that the employees gets a benefit of 7% or 14% of Basic Pay
plus Personal Pay if any, plus DA as on 01.01.2006.]
As far as Dharmapuri, Kumbakonam and Pudukottai District
Central Cooperative Banks are concerned, the Banks have recompiled
the provisions of Sectiopn 11 (1) of the BR Act 1949 (AACS) as on
31.3.2007 as per the NABARD’s inspection and accordingly the Banks
are permitted to revise the pay with the 7% increase from 01.01.2006 to
31.3.2007 and another 7% increase from 1.4.2007.

While arriving the new BP, if the Basic Pay is not fitted exactly in
the revised Scale of Pay then Personal Pay must be given along with the
corresponding lower Basic Pay in the appropriate stage, so as to get the
benefit of 7% or 14%. The Personal Pay so given shall be treated as pay
for all purposes. The Personal pay shall be absolved as and when the
individual moves to the next scale of pay.


Sl. Cadre Existing Revised
1. General Category A & B:-
Manager Rs.11350-540/5-14050-
550/9-19000. Rs.15000-
Category C:- (Nilgiris) 570/14-22980.
2. Asst. Category A:-
General Rs.7500-500/4-9500-
Manager 540/15-17600.

Category B:-
Category C:-(Nilgiris)

3. Manager Category A:-

Category B:- 15600-540/7-
Rs.1970-170/7-3160- 19380.
200/2-3560-220/10-5760. *-Adjustable Pay
Category C:- (Nilgiris)
4. Asst. Category A:-
Manager Rs.4500-330/5-6150-
Category B:- Rs.6500-450/3-
Rs.1550-100/2-1750- 7850-525/1-
120/2-1990 -140/3-2410- 8375-
170/5-3260-200/7-4660. (530+75*)/3 -
Category C:- (Nilgiris) (530+100*)/9-
Rs.1400-100/4-1800- 15860-530/2-
120/2-2040-140/3-2460- 16920.
160/5-3260-200/5-4260. *-Adjustable Pay

200/2-4220. (Sel. grade)
5 Assistan Category A:-
t Rs.3050-200/4-3850-
340/3-7830-370/4-9310. Rs.5000-230/1-
Category B:- 5230-300/8-
Rs.1030-70/11-1800-95/4- 7630-400/4-
2180-115/4-2640-135/4- 9230-
3180. (400+65*)/7-
Category C:- (Nilgiris) 12485-
Rs.910-60/2-1030-70/11- (400+65*)/6-
1800-95/4-2180-115/4- 15275-400/2 -
2640-135/2-2910 .(Ordy) 16075.
1800-100/6-2400-120/4- *-Adjustable Pay
(Sel. grade)

6 Drivers/ Category A:- Drivers

Sub- Rs.2400-180/6-3480- Rs.3500-260/6-
Staff 200/3-4080-225/14-7230. 5060-290/2-
Category B:- 5640-325/15-
Rs.820-60/6-1180-70/14- 10515.

Category C:- (Nilgiris)
Rs.720-55/4-940-60/4- Sub-Staff
1180-70/13-2090-80/2- Rs.3250-250/6-
2250. 4750-270/3-
(Ordy) 5560-305/14-
Rs.775-60/6-1135-75/6- 9830.
1585-90/11-2575. (Sel.

The Section 11 (1) non-compliant banks will be considered for the

higher increase of pay i.e.7% to 14% after the Bank’s compliance with
provisions of Section 11(1) on declaration by NABARD.
For the purpose of sanction of increase of pay, the Bank has to
maintain its compliance status during subsequent inspection by
NABARD. The increase will be considered with effect from the succeeding
year of compliance.

iii) Dearness Allowance:

The rate of DA for every rise or fall of 4 points over and above 2288
points in the quarterly average of the All India Average Working Class
Consumer Price Index General (Base 1960 = 100) shall be payable at
0.18% of Pay.
iv) Fixation of Separate scale of pay to Drivers:-
At present, the scale of pay for Sub-staff and drivers are the same.
But it has been represented that the nature of work performed by the
Drivers differ from that of Sub-staff and the duty hours coincide with
that of Officers and hence there is need for higher time scale than sub-
staff., even though they are getting Rs 200 as monthly allowance.
Moreover, even though the sub-staff and drivers are of the same scale
presently, the retirement age of the sub-staff is 60 and that of drivers is
58. Considering the position of drivers, a separate time scale is
prescribed for them.
v) Fitment Tables for the DCCBs:
SETTLEMENT”, the Banks were classified under two broad categories,
they are further classified into give categories, as A1, A2, B1, B2 and C2
based on their compliance under Sec. 11(1) of BR Act 1949 (AACS), and
pay increase is ordered to the Banks as detailed below. Fitment Tables
for all categories are provided in the Annexures enclosed to the Circular.

There should not be any deviation, from the fitment formula given and
fitment statements of the respective Banks on any account.
1 Chennai 11 Banks
2 Coimbatore The first 11 Banks are already under A
3 Cuddalore Category and eligible for 14% increase from
4 Erode 01.01.2006 – A1 - Table (14%)
5 Kancheepuram
6 Kanyakumari
7 Salem
8 Tiruvannamalai
9 Trichy
10 Vellore
11 Villupuram

12 Kumbakonam 1.Kumbakonam
13 Pudukottai These Banks recompiled with the provisions of
Sec. 11(1) of BR Act 1949 from 1.4.2007.
They are eligible for 7% increase from 01.01.2006
and 14% from 01.04.2007
From 01.01.2006 – A2 Table (7%)
From 01.04.2007 – A1 Table (14%)
(Notional effect from 01.01.2006)

1 Dindigul These Banks though already at A category,
now become Section 11(1) Non-Compliant
2 Madurai
Banks. Hence they are eligible for 7% only.
3 Ramanathapuram From 01.01.2006 – A2 Table (7%)

1 Dharmapuri The Bank is originally Section 11(1)
Non-Compliant Bank, now satisfying
the Sec.11(1) norms as on 31.3.2007
and hence eligible for 7% increase from
01.01.2006 and 14% from 1.4.2007.
From 01.01.2006 – B2 Table (7%)
From 01.04.2007 – B1 Table (14%)
(Notional effect from 01.01.2006)


1 Sivagangai These Banks are originally Section

2 Thanjavur 11(1) Non-compliant Banks. They still
3 Tirunelveli continue in the same position. Hence
4 Tuticorin eligible for 7% increase.
5 Virudhunagar
From 01.01.2006 – B2 Table (7%)

1 Nilgiris The Bank is originally Section 11(1)
Non-Compliant Bank, still continue in
the same position. Hence eligible for 7%

From 01.01.2006 – C2 Table (7%))

Illustrations are given below:

1. A Sub-staff of “ A” Category Bank was drawing a Basic pay of

Rs.4530/- as on 01.01.2006 in the pre revised scale of Pay
Rs.2400-180/6-3480-200/3-4080-225/14-7230. The Revised
scale of pay for the Cadre of Sub-Staff is Rs. Rs.3250-250/6-4750-
Basic Pay in the revised scale of Pay is fixed as follows:
Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 : Rs.4530.00
DA as on 01.01.2006 : Rs.2653.00
Total Rs.7183.00
Add 14 % of BP+DA : Rs 1006.00
Total BP+DA in the Revised Scale of Pay : Rs.8189.00

New BP in the revised scale of pay = Total (BP+DA) x 0.8566

Rs.8189 x 0.8566 :Rs.7014.00

As there is no BP as Rs.7014.00 in the revised Scale of Pay, new

Basic Pay will be fixed as Rs.6780.00 (in the lower stage) along with
Personal Pay Rs.234.00 (difference of New BP to be fixed and BP fixed).

As such new pay as on 01.01.2006 will be fixed as given below:

New Basic Pay : Rs. 6780.00
Personal Pay : Rs. 234.00
DA (for Rs.7014)=(7014 x 0.1674) : Rs. 1174.00
Rs. 8188.00
While extending next annual Increment, Personal Pay will be
continued as Rs.7085+234, Rs.7390+234 etc., till he moves on to the
next scale of pay.

1. A Assistant of “B” Category Bank was drawing a Basic pay of

Rs.2525/-and Personal Pay of Rs.85/- as on 01.01.2006 in the
pre revised scale of Pay Rs.1030-70/11-1800-95/4-2180-115/4-
2640-135/4-3180. The Revised scale of pay for the Cadre of
Assistant is Rs. Rs.4150-270/4-5230-300/8-7630-400/4-9230-

Basic Pay in the revised scale of Pay is fixed as follows:

Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 : Rs. 2525.00

Personal Pay : Rs. 85.00
DA as on 01.01.2006 : Rs. 8938.00
Total Rs.11548.00
Add 7 % of BP+DA : Rs 808.00
Total BP+DA in the Revised Scale of Pay : Rs.12356.00

New BP in the revised scale = Total (BP+DA) x 0.8566
Rs.12356.00 x 0.8566 :Rs.10584.00

As there is no BP as Rs.10584.00 in the revised Scale of Pay, new

Basic Pay will be fixed as Rs.10160.00 (in the lower stage) along with
Personal Pay Rs.424.00 (difference of New BP to be fixed and BP fixed).

As such new Basic pay as on 01.01.2006 will be fixed as given

New Basic Pay : Rs. 10160.00
Personal Pay : Rs. 424.00
DA (for Rs.10584)=(10584 x 0.1674): Rs. 1772.00
Rs: 12356.00
v). Increment for stagnation in the same cadre

Employees other than in the post of General Manager and

Assistant General Manager, who stagnate in a cadre for 12 years shall
be paid one increment in the same time scale of pay.
vi). Additional Increments for CAIIB Holders:

One additional Increment for passing of CAIIB Part- I / JAIIB and

another two Increments for passing of CAIIB Part – II and thus for
passing of CAIIB, three increments will be sanctioned.

vii).Additional Qualification Increments for ICWA/CA Holders::

One Increment for passing the professional examinations

conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India
(AICWA), Calcutta and two increments for passing the professional
examinations conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ACA).

viii) Extension of Pay scale to the Stenographers and Typist:

The Bank shall extend the Pay Scale (Only Scale of Pay and no
other perks/facilities) applicable to the Assistant Manager for
Stenographers and Typist who continue to remain in the cadre for over
15 Years and if they do not opt for conversion. In view of fixation of pay

in the higher pay scale applicable to Assistant Manager, they will not be
eligible for one increment on completion of 12 years.

ix) Annual Increments:-

While fixing the Basic Pay in the Revised Scale of Pay, if there is no
minimum Basic Pay to be fixed in the revised Scale, their Basic Pay
should be fixed at the 1st Stage of the revised Scale of Pay for the post.
They will be eligible for their annual increment January Quarter of every
year only irrespective of their eligibility to draw their annual increment
prior to 1.1.2006.

While fixing the revised Basic Pay, the arrears amount in-respect
of the Staff whose BP fixed at the 1st stage due to non availability of
relevant BP in the revised scale of pay, should be restricted to the extent
of amount of arrears as applicable to the BP fixed at the next below
Stage (just above minimum BP) for which the increase is minimum.

Illustrations :
Three Asst. Managers of “ C ” Category Bank were in the first 3
Stages of BP as on 01.01.2006 viz., at Rs.1400.00, Rs.1500.00 and
Rs.1600.00 respectively in the pre revised scale of Pay Rs.1400-
The Revised scale of pay for the Cadre of Asst. Manager is Rs.

Basic Pay in the revised scale of Pay will be fixed as follows:

Stage – I Stage-II Stage-III
Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006: Rs.1400.00 Rs.1500.00 Rs.1600.00
DA as on 01.01.200 : Rs.4831.00 Rs.5176.00 Rs.5521.00
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------
Total Rs. 6231.00 Rs.6676.00 Rs.7121.00
Add 7 % of BP+DA Rs. 436.00 Rs. 467.00 Rs. 498.00
------------------- -------------- --------------
Total BP+DA in the
Revised Scale of Pay: Rs. 6667.00 Rs.7143.00 Rs.7619.00
New BP in the revised scale
(= Total (BP+DA) x 0.8566): Rs. 5711.00 Rs.6119.00 Rs.6527.00

As the BP of Rs.5711.00, Rs.6119.00,
Rs.6527.00 is less than or nearly at the initial Basic Pay of Rs.6500.00 in
the revised scale of Pay, new Basic pay will be fixed as Rs.6500.00 and
Personal Pay to be fixed accordingly as given below:

BP as on 01.01.2006 : Rs.6500.00 Rs.6500.00 Rs.6500.00

Personal Pay : --- --- Rs. 27.00
DA : Rs.1088.00 Rs.1088.00 Rs.1093.00
-------------- ------------- -------------
TOTA : Rs:7588.00 Rs:7588.00 Rs:7620.00
Increase : Rs.1357.00 Rs. 912.00 Rs. 499.00
While calculating the arrears amount payable to the Staff Members
in the stages I & II, the same should be restricted to the extent of the
amount as applicable to the staff Members in the III stage. In the above
example for stage I & II, the amount of increase to be taken as
Rs.499.00 only and not Rs. 912 and arrears have to be calculated
accordingly. They will be eligible to draw their annual increments
during January quarter of every year.

1. House Rent allowance:-

Rates of House Rent allowance to the employees of the Central

Cooperative Banks are prescribed as detailed below:-
i) For Chennai City:-

a) For Sub-Staff & Assistants at 8.5% of BP subject to a maximum

of Rs.2000.00

b) For Officers at 9% of BP subject to a maximum of Rs.2000.00

ii) Other Corporations Limits:-

6 % of BP subject to a minimum of Rs.550.00 and maximum of


iii) Other districts Head Quarters:-

5 % of BP subject to a minimum of Rs.450.00 and maximum of


iv) Other Places:-

4.5 % of BP subject to a minimum of Rs.250.00 and maximum of


2. City Compensatory Allowances:-

The Rates of City Compensatory Allowance to the employees of the

Central Cooperative Banks are prescribed at the rates indicated below:-

i) For Chennai Corporation:-

4 % of BP subject to a maximum of Rs.700.00

ii) Other Corporations:-

3 % of BP subject to a minimum of Rs.150.00 and maximum of

3. Medical Allowance:

Medical allowance shall be enhanced to Rs.150/-PM.with the

existing norms and regulations.

4. Medical concession:
Medical concession shall be worked out as a separate Special
Scheme linked with Insurance Co.,
5. Leave Travel Concession:

Existing norms and Procedure shall continue with the following

1. Distance:
Sl.No. Block Distance in KMs.
1. 2 Years Block 2000 KMs(for both Way)
2. 4 Years Block 4000 KMs(for both

2. Actual fare shall be reimbursed for all categories of Staff in-respect of

Package tours conducted by All India Tourism Department and Tamil
Nadu Tourism Department subject to the maximum amount of fare
applicable to respective Eligibility Class.

6. Travelling allowance /Daily allowance:

Existing norms and Procedure shall continue with the following


With in Other Other Chennai Bombay / Delhi

the District Municipal and other / Calcutta.
District H.Q. Corporati State
Category ons Capitals
L. B. L. B. L. B. L. B. L.
Rs Rs. Rs Rs. Rs Rs. Rs Rs. Rs
S.O. / GM /
- 75 150 75 200 100 300 150 600 200
Manager /
- 50 100 60 150 75 250 100 400
A.M. 150
- 50 100 50 100 50 200 100 250
- 50 100 50 100 50 150 100 200 100

7. Fixed Traveling Allowance:

Existing norms and Procedure shall continue with the following

1. a) Field Manager Rs.500/- p.m.
b) Supervisors Rs.250/-p.m.

2. a).Manager key Allowance Rs.150/-p.m.

b)Cashier Rs.100/-p.m.

8. Special Allowance for Half Yearly Closing of Accounts:

Special Allowance for Half Yearly Closing of Accounts shall be

enhanced as given below:
1. Manager : Rs.300/-Per Half year
2. Others : Rs.150/-Per Half year

9. Allowances to the Physically Handicapped Employees:

Allowances to the Physically Handicapped employees shall be

enhanced to Rs.300 PM. with the existing norms and regulations.

10. Perquisites for Officers:

The Bank shall supply one English and Tamil Newspaper to the
residence of the Special Officer, Chief Revenue Officer, General Manager
and Asst. General Managers.


1. Housing Loan:

The DCCBs are permitted to sanction Housing Loan to the

employees of the Bank upto Rs.10.00 lakhs. The existing terms and
conditions shall be in force for sanction of Housing Loan.

2. Vehicle Loan :

The existing terms and conditions shall continue with the following
Type of
Sl.No. Cadre Quantum of Loan
90% of the Quotation ---
Two Maximum Rs .50,000.00
1. All Cadres
Manager , 80% of the value -Maximum
2. Car Rs.3/-Lakhs

3. Marriage Loan:-

The existing terms and conditions shall continue with the following
a) For Women Employees

Sl.No. Maximum Amount

– Rs.
1. Self Marriage Rs.30,000.00
2. Son Marriage Rs.20,000.00
3. Daughters Marriage Rs.30,000.00

b) For Male Employees:

Sl.No. Maximum Amount

– Rs.
1. Self Marriage Rs.20,000.00
2. Son Marriage Rs.20,000.00
3. Daughters Marriage Rs.30,000.00

4.Educational Loans:

A maximum loan of Rs 1.5 Lakhs shall be sanctioned and

disbursed through out the period of the Course on production of tuition
fee receipt. The amount sanctioned will be exclusive of the educational
concession already received i.e., difference between the actual fees
and concession received will be sanctioned as loan.

5. Rate of Interest for all Loans:

The rate of Interest for all loans, except for the loans for which
specific rate has been fixed, shall be at the highest rate of Interest on
deposits.( as applicable for General Public and not Senior Citizens)


1. Date of effect and Period of Settlement:

The date of effect of the revised Pay scales shall take notional effect
from 1st January 2006 and for purpose of monetary benefits and
payment of arrears (Basic Pay, Personal Pay, DA, Stagnation Increments
) arising out of revision in conditions of Service shall be from the 1St
January 2007 and in-respect of other Payments / HRA and other
allowances etc., the same shall be prospective from the date of

However terminal benefits in-respect of Staff Members those

who retired during the year 2006 shall be paid based on the revised
Scale of Pay applicable on the date of retirement.

The new pay scales shall be operative till 31-12-2011.

2. Rectification of any anomaly:

If any anomaly in fixing the Pay of the employees or any doubt in
fixing the pay etc., arises it shall be referred to the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies for clarification and necessary instructions
should be obtained.
3. Cases pending before High Court/Labour Courts
It has been brought to the notice of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies that there are Cases /Writ petitions pending before the
Labour Courts/High Court/ legal forum regarding the adoption of pay
scales in regard to previous wage settlements/ adoption of new
concessions such as selection grade etc.,

(i) Dharmapuri District Central Cooperative Bank:-

Like other District Central Cooperative Banks have done, the
Dharmpuri District Central Cooperative Bank should also effect fitment
to the present scale of pay, from the scale of pay as prescribed in
G.O.Ms.No.161, CF & CP Department dated 5.9.196 and in G.O.144 (D)
Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department dated 6.7.2000.

(ii) Nilgiris District Central Cooperative Bank:-

The Bank is informed that there is a case pending before the Court
and the Bank is informed that the new Pay Scales to the employees
should be fixed on withdrawal of the case pending before the Court.
Otherwise, it is informed that existing pay scales shall continue till a
final verdict is passed in the cases pending before the Courts or any
other Legal Forum.

The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are

informed that if there is, any case, pending before any legal forum in
regard to adoption of pay scales due to previous wage settlements /
adoption of new concessions such as selection grade etc., they should
report the fact to Registrar of Cooperative Societies within 30 days from
the date of receipt of this Order and get clearance before entering into
wage settlement.

The Special Officers of the DCCBs are requested to ensure that the
pay fixation statement, prepared by the DCCBs on the lines indicated
above, should be got checked by the Cooperative Audit Officers of the
concerned DCCBs. It should be ensured that the drawal of arrears of
revised pay and allowances as per the above instructions to the
employees of District Central Cooperative Bank are permitted only after
the pay fixation statements are got checked by the Departmental
Auditors of the Bank and after getting the 12(3) settlement executed.
The Special Officers of the DCCBs are requested to acknowledge
the receipt of the Circular and they are requested to see that the above
process is completed early and necessary 12(3) settlement signed. Two
copies of the settlement shall be furnished to this Office for record

Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain


For Registrar.

The Special Officers of the DCCBs
Copy to the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank, Chennai
Copy to the Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai
Copy to the Joint Registrars of all Regions.
Copy to Stock File.


Tribal Sub Plan - Government Assistance to Tribal Cooperative LAMP Co-
operative Society 2008-2009 – Orders issued
1. G.O. (3D) No.1 Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department Dated 2.1.2008
2. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter
CCA3 dated 6.11.2008
The LAMP Societies are service oriented organizations established for
the upliftment of Tribals. For the implementation of various schemes under ITDP.
Government continue to provide financial assistance to the Tribal Cooperative.
Under the Tribal Sub Plan for the year 2008-2009 the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies has sent proposal for sanction of subsidy claim to the tune of Rs.90.00

2. After careful examination of the proposal of the Registrar of

Cooperative Societies the Government sanction a sum of Rs.90.00 lakhs
(Rupees ninety lakhs only) as subsidy claim to the LAMP Cooperative Societies
for the year 2008-2009 as detailed below:-
(Rs. in lakhs)
S.No. Name of the Scheme Amount required
I Share Capital Subsidy 2.00
II Interest subsidy 82.00
III Transport Subsidy 3.00
IV Subsidy for Drivers Pay and Maintenance of 3.00
Total 90.00

Further the Registrar of Cooperative Societies is directed to ensure that the

amount is utilized for interest subsidy on these loans only and the amount should
not be used for setting any outstanding liability of the society and beneficiaries.

3. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies is also directed to send a

report on the utilization of the funds provided for the year 2007-2008. The details

of the utilization of funds released previous year should be indicated in the
proposals for financial assistance for LAMP Cooperative Societies in future.

4. The Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Finance and Banking)

Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, is authorized to draw and
disburse the amount to the concerned LAMP Cooperative Societies and District
Central Cooperative Banks through the Tamil Nadu Apex Cooperative Bank,

5. The Subsidy claim assistance sanctioned in para 2 above shall be

debited to the following head of account (Both ITDP and Non ITDP)

“2425-00 Cooperation-796 Tribal Areas Sub Plan Schemes in the

Five Year Plan II State Plan JA Assistance to Cooperative Institution in
Areas – 11 Subsidies 02 General Subsidy (DPC 2425-00-796-JA 124)”

6. This Order issue with concurrence of Finance Department vide its

U.O. No.8 (DS (PV)/09 /Finance (Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department ) 2009 Dated 12.1.2009.

// True Copy//
nk.F.v©. 52491/2008 bghgF.3 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id,10

murhiz (3o) v©.1, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ág 2) Jiw ehŸ
21.1.2009‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.

// Miz¥go//

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
nry«, ehk¡fš, jUkòç, ÂU¢Á, ÂUt©zhkiy, ntYh®, éG¥òu«, <nuhL,
Úy»ç k©ly«
efš: jå mYty® nry«, ehk¡fš, jUkòç, ÂU¢Á, ÂUt©zhkiy, ntYh®,
éG¥òu«, <nuhL, Úy»ç kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»
efš: mYtyf Âtbr, xbr, jk, »f, ãm ÃçÎfŸ
ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò¡F

muR Miz (thyha«) v©.6, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W«
ÁWgh‹ikæd® ey (Áe1)¤ Jiw, ehŸ 23.1.2009 ‹ c©ik efš
ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥Ã‰gL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« ÁWgh‹ikæd® ey¤Jiw –
bghUshjhu¤Âš Ë j§»ÍŸs FW k‰W« ÁW étrhæfS¡F Ú®ghrd trÂ
V‰gL¤jš - khåa« k‰W« t§»¡ fl‹ tH§F« £l« - Ϥ £l
gadhëfS¡F ä‹rhu Jiw tH§f K‹ tªJŸs Ïytr ä‹ Ïiz¥òfis
kht£l thçahf g»®ªJ më¤J Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
1. murhiz (ãiy) v©.111 ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W«
ÁWgh‹ikæd® ey¤ Jiw, ehŸ 31.12.2007
2. murhiz (ãiy) v©.100, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W«
ÁWgh‹ikæd® ey¤ Jiw, ehŸ 24.9.2008
3. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® ey Mizaç‹ foj v©.o2/342/2008 ehŸ 14.10.08.
ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥Ã‰gL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® Ïd¤ij¢
nr®ªj ÁW k‰W« FW étrhæfS¡F Ú® ghrd tr V‰gL¤Jtj‰fhf
mÂfg£r« %.1,00,000/- tiu khåa¤Jl‹ Toa fl‹ tH§F« £l¤Âid
bra‰gL¤j t§»¡fl‹ k‰W« mj‰F Ïizahd mÂfg£r« %.50,000/-
mséyhd 50 éG¡fhL kh‹a¤Jl‹ Toa £l¤Âid 2007-2008 k‰W« 2008-
2009 M« M©Lfëš M©blh‹W¡F %.25.00 nfho bryéš brašgL¤Âl
x¥òjš më¤J Kiwna gh®it 1 k‰W« gh®it 2 Ïš go¡f¥g£l murhizfëš
MizfŸ btëæl¥g£ld.
2. Ϥ£l¤Âid brašgL¤JtJ bjhl®ghf 18.9.08 m‹W fhiy 10.30
kâaséš kh©òäF ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® ey¤Jiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ
jiyikæš eilbg‰w T£l¤Âš 2007-2008 k‰W« 2008-2009 M«
M©LfS¡F ä‹thça« tH§f K‹tªJŸs 1000 Ïytr ä‹ Ïiz¥òfis
(M©blh‹W¡F 500 Åj«) kht£l thçahf g»®ªjë¡f KoÎ brŒa¥g£lJ.
nk‰F¿¥Ã£l Ko鉻z§f ä‹thça« tH§f K‹ tªJŸs 1000 ä‹
Ïiz¥òfis kht£l thçahf g»®ªjë¥gj‰fhd bra‰F¿¥Ãid mD¥Ã
it¤JŸs ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® ey Miza® Ïj‰fhd MizæidÍ« bg‰W
tH§FkhW« nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.
3. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® ey Mizaç‹ bra‰F¿¥Ãid muR e‹F
ftdKl‹ gçÓè¤J 2007-2008 k‰W« 2008-2009 M« M©Lfëš
ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥Ã‰gL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® Ïd¤ij¢ rh®ªj ÁW
k‰W« FW étrhæfS¡F khåa¤Jl‹ Toa fl‹ tH§F« £l¤Â‹ Ñœ
nj®Î brŒa¥g£l gadhëfS¡F ä‹rhu thça« tH§f K‹tªJŸs 1000 ä‹
Ïiz¥òfis M©blh‹W¡F 500 Ïiz¥òfŸ Åj« Ïiz¥Ãš f©LŸsthW
kht£l§fS¡F g»®ªjë¡f muR MizæL»wJ.
/c©ik efš /

(X«) e. thRnjt‹

tH§f¥gl nt©oa Ïytr ä‹
t.v© kht£l«
Ïiz¥òfë‹ v©â¡if
1 br‹id 0
2 fhŠÁòu« 35
3 ÂUtŸq® 35
4 ntYh® 35
5 ÂUt©zhkiy 35
6 flYh® 35
7 éG¥òu« 35
8 jŠrhñ® 45
9 ehf¥g£od« 45
10 ÂUth%® 45
11 ÂU¢Á 40
12 f%® 35
13 mçaYh®/bgu«gYh® 30
14 òJ¡nfh£il 35
15 kJiu 40
16 njå 35
17 ©L¡fš 35
18 Ïuhkehjòu« 35
19 éUJef® 45
20 Átf§if 35
21 ÂUbešntè 40
22 Jh¤J¡Fo 35
23 f‹åahFkç 20
24 nry« 35
25 ehk¡fš 35
26 j®kòç 15
27 »UZz»ç 15
28 <nuhL 40
29 nfha«ò¤Jh® 40
30 Úy»ç 15
bkh¤j« 1000

nk.F.v©. 93289/2008 ntCt1 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10
ehŸ 18.2.09

murhiz (thyha«) v©.6, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®, äf¥ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W«

ÁWgh‹ikæd® ey¤ (Áe1) Jiw ehŸ 23.1.2009 Ï‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f
elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.
// Miz¥go//

jå mYty®,
jäœehL T£LwÎ khãy ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf
ts®¢Á t§»,
br‹id.600 004

mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ (br‹id k©ly« jéu)

mid¤J jå mYty®fŸ,
efš: mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
Jiz¥gÂths® (fl‹) Jiz¥gÂths® (fld‰wit) br‹id jéu

efš: Ï›tYtyf ‘»f’ ÃçΡF

ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò¡F

From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Special Officer,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Tamil Nadu State Cooperative
170, E.V.R. High Road, Agricultural and Rural Development
Kilpauk, Chennai.10 Bank,
Post Box No.1091 Chennai.600 004
All the Regional Joint Registrars
(Except Chennai)

Rc. 94505/09 ARDB1 dated 25.9.2009

Sub:Cooperation – Bancassurance – strategic alliance of Cooperative
Banks in Tamil Nadu with insurance companies – Instructions
issued – Regarding
Ref:1. Registrar’s Letter Rc.50483/2008/CBP1 dt.9.7.2009
2. Letter No.Dev./F.2162/2009-10 dt.31.8.2009 of the Special
Officer of Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Agricultural and Rural
Development Bank, Chennai.4.

The Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Agricultural and Rural

Development Bank’s Head Office, Regional Offices and Primary Cooperative
Agriculture and Rural Development Banks have been permitted to do both
insurance and non-insurance business with the companies earmarked for each
district as per Registrar’s Circular 1st cited.

/By order/

For Registrar
Copy to:
All the Circle Deputy Registrars
Except Deputy Registrar (Credit) and (Non-Credit) Chennai
Copy to A.R. Section in this office
Copy to Stock file.

CHENNAI.600 010

Rc.NO.30777/2009/CMI, Dated: 15.5.2009

(Circular No.15/2009)
Sub: APCMS-Issue of jewel loan by agricultural Procedures
Cooperative Marketing Societies-Instructions-Issued.

Ref: Registrars letter Rc.No.68587/93/CMI, Dated:8.7.1994.

In reference cited, Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies (APCMS) in this state were permitted to issue jewel loan subject to
certain conditions. Most of the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies need to diversity and increase their turnover. Issue of jewel loan to
member is a viable option. Therefore all Agricultural Producers Cooperative
Marketing Societies have been introduced to include issue of jewel loan in their
Business Development Plan(MDP) and accordingly most have started Jewel loan
operations. At this stage, it is necessary that all Agricultural Producers
Cooperative Marketing Societies follow clear, transparent and uniform set of
guidelines so that there is no confusion in actual implementation and
management, auditors and regulatory authorities are able to perform their tasks
of supervision monitoring correctly. Accordingly, a set of guidelines are
enumerated in Annexure-I for guidance and strict adherence. Agricultural
Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies desirous of undertaking Jewel Loan
operations shall incorporate such in their by laws/regulations before starting
actual operations:

2) All the Joint Registrars are requested to communicate the contents

of the circular to the Special Officers of all Agricultural Producers Cooperative
Marketing Societies. The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative
Banks are requested to communicate the contents of the circular to all
supervisory staff/inspecting staff for strict compliance

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


Encl: Annexure-I &II for Registrar

All Regional Joint Registrars.
Copy to the Special Officers, District Central Cooperative Banks.
Copy to the all administrative sections.
Copy to the ‘CM3’ Section in Office.
Copy to Stock File-2009.


1. Issue of Jewel loan by Agricultural Producers Cooperative

Marketing Society should be started after making necessary amendments to
bylaws/regulations required as per the bylaws of Agricultural Producers
Cooperative Marketing Society.
2. Jewel loan should be issued only to members of the society.
3. The subsidiary regulations for issue of jewel loan shall envisage
appointment of appraisers for valuation of the Jewels, the mode of appraising
jewels, the security deposit on par with Assistant cadre of the society should be
obtained from the appraisers, their responsibility for any loss arising out of
negligence error in their valuation etc. The antecedents of the appraisers should
be carefully looked into so as to ensure that those who are guilty of offences
including cheating etc. are not appointed. The appointment authority will also be
held responsible for any loss to the cooperative institution if it is found that due
care not exercised in the appointment of the appraisers.
4. ROI for Jewel loan charged by the cooperative should be as per the
interest rate committee’s norms.
5. Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Society having cash
credit or doing Jewel loan business with their owned funds shall retain a
minimum cash balance depending upon volume of business and shall amend
their bylaws providing for retention or cash balance. The officers of financing
bank of department shall review the same during their visits. Insurance should be
taken for the cash balance against risks of fire and burglary.
6. The society should be housed in a pucca building equipped with iron
7. Burglar Alarm of reputed company should be fixed in the premises
of the society.
8. There should be a full time paid secretary to whom the responsibility
for the sanction of Jewel loan should be entrusted.
9. The appraiser will apprise the jewels. He should not be in charge of
custody of jewels. The Chief Executives in the cooperative institutions should be
given training regarding appraisal of jewel, prescription of registers to be
maintained, records to be maintained for Jewel loan operation for one or two
days at the headquarters of the Central Cooperative Banks. The staff to be
trained may include cashiers, secretaries besides the officers/members of the
committees as the case may be, deputed for verification.
10.The Jewels pledged should be kept in a cloth bag tied by a twine
with a slip indicating therein the jewels pledged, weight of jewels, loan No., Name
of the loanee etc., The appraiser should affix his seal at the end of the thread tied
to the cloth bag containing jewels. The president/treasurer and the paid secretary
of the society should be the joint custodians. In case of societies where Special
Officer/ Managing Director are working, the special officers/Managing Director
and the secretaries of the societies should be the joint custodians.
11. The jewels should be kept strongly under double lock system. The
non official who is the first custodian of the jewels should not handover the key to
any employee of the society, as such practice leads to madpractices in the

custody of jewels. However, in unavoidable cases where the non official joint
custodian has to be away from the headquarters of the institutions, the key may
be handed over under proper acknowledgement to the committee
member/employee of the society duly authorized by the committee.
12. The Regional Joint Registrars and Circle Deputy Registrars shall
visit at least two CMS issuing jewel loan in their jurisdiction every month and
conduct surprise verification of jewels.

(i) Joint Registrar/Deputy Registrar shall verify not less than 10%
of total jewel loans by physical verification of jewel in the custody of society. On
verification they should ensure that all the wax seal affixed on the jewel bag
taken out by the key custodian are intact.
(ii) They shall make random check of the interest calculations made
on the loan
(iii) They shall ensure that the electronic jewel weighing machine is
in order duly got stamped by the competent authority for a specified period in
accordance with section 17 of the weight and measurement act 1985.
(iv) They shall check the actual weight of jewels and compare with
the Book weight any under weighment/overweight should be strictly dealt with.
They should also check whether quantium of loan sanctioned is adequate.
(v) They shall ensure that the society keeps adequate stock of
acid required for testing the touch/fitness/quality of the gold.
(vi) They shall verify all the jewels pledged for the loan which have
become over due.
13. The Special Officer of the Cooperative Marketing Society shall
verify not less than 10% of the total jewels pledged at a particular date of
verification not less than 50 every month.

(i)He shall ensure that the description of the jewels pledged for
the loan their gross weight special description like breakage, other metal items,
precious stones and beads attached/studded in the individual loan ledger sheet
and the counter full of the pledge receipt tally with concerned jewels verified by

(ii) He should make random check every month for the interest
calculation on the loans cleared during the period from the date of issue of loan.
He shall ensure at the time of checking that the jewels redeemed during the
period between the date of two checks were handed over to the borrowers
concerned after collection of dues, principal, interest and other charges if any.

(iii) He should physically verify the jewel bags in the safe and tally
them with the total number of jewel loan in existence, jewel loan cleared but jewel
not released and also jewel bags involved in death/ court cases. This work has to
be invariably undertaken by him during the first week of the month and record the
fact or verification in the concerned ledger. He shall check the postings made in

the jewel loan ledger to ensure that loan ledgers are posted properly then and

(iv)He should ensure every month that the loan issued in each
jewel loan is within the limits prescribed and is adequately covered by the market
value of the concerned gold jewels pledged.

(v) He shall physically verify every month the genuineness of the

jewels pledged as overdue loans. However he should bring the jewels on
overdue loans for auction sale after giving reasonable time for redemption to the
borrowers. Any loss on account of delayed realization of jewel loan dues, the
Special Officer will be held responsible for the loss.

1. The register showing verification of jewels shall be maintained in

the form prescribed in annexure II.

14. Regional Joint Registrars shall arrange to conduct 100% physical

jewel verification once in a year by responsible officers with the assistance of
jewel appraiser deputed specially from other societies/Banks/Branches and take
necessary follow up action on the findings of such verification.

15. The personnels responsible for keys under double lock system/safe
custody are required to maintain absolute integrity and honesty. Being the
custodians of the public property entrusted in good faith they should live up to the
expectations and should discharge their duties and responsibilities properly.

16. Action should be taken to close the jewel loan account on the expiry
of the loan period. Overdue under jewel loans account should be periodically
reviewed by the circle Deputy Registrars and ensure that the overdue in jewel
are cleared then and there. In case of any overdue in jewel loans without valid
reasons, Deputy Registrar has to initiate appropriate action against the Special
Officer and Secretary of the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Society for their failure to discharge duties properly.

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


for Registrar

1. Name of the verification officer :
2. Designation of the verification officer :
3. Date of verification of jewels :
4. Total number of jewel loans outstanding
on the date of verification :
5. No of loans to be verified :

Loan Nos. in Weight of the Actual weight of Results of

which jewels jewels as per the jewels as verification
pledged were Jewel Loan appraised by the
verified Register Verification Officer
4. etc.,


“ Certified that I have all the jewels in respect of jewel loan

Nos………. in the presence of the appraiser and in the presence of joint
custodians of the jewels. Certified that the weight of jewels and ornaments agree
with the entries in the jewel loan registrar/except in the cases indicated above”

Signature of Verification

Committee Member.
The verification of jewels has been done in our presence.

Signature of Cashier/ Signature of

Appraiser. Signature of President/
Paid Secretary
Special Officer.

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


for Registrar

Present:-Thiru.Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No. 31/2009
Rc.No.56599/09/CM3 dated 14-10-2009

Sub:- Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies – Dues from

Private Traders –Long Term Dues –One Time Settlement Scheme

As on 31-3-2009, Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies

all together have Rs.29.51 Crores as dues to be collected from private traders.
Out of which , Rs.28.16 Crores is overdue by 3 years and above. Despite
statutory action taken by them by way of filling of Arbitration Claim and Executive
Petition, there has been no marked improvement in the recovery of the dues.
Some of the cases are under litigation and some under stay on the properties
attached in the recovery process. The stagnancy in the recovery of these old
dues has resulted in substantial amount being locked up, instead of being used
for business purpose.

There is an immediate need to realize these needs so as to improve the

financials of the concerned societies. It has been suggested by some of the
Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies that a kind of One Time
Settlement Scheme (OTS) may be helpful for recovering these assets. These
aspect was examined in detail and accordingly a One Time Settlement Scheme
(OTS) has been formulated after due consultation with Agricultural Producers
Cooperative Marketing Societies management for settlement of dues from private
traders. The scheme has been formulated based on the special loan settlement
scheme for Cooperative Banks vide G.O. (2D)77, Cooperation, Food and
Consumer Production Department,dt.22-7-2999. The essence of the settlement
scheme is to give a final opportunity to the trader debtors to settle their dues to
the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies. It is expected that
this scheme would result in early realization of Non Performing Assets (NPA) due
to substantial interest relief being offered. The details of the One Time Settlement
Scheme (OTS) is given below:-

2) The objective of this One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) is to ensure

early settlement of private trader’s dues to Agricultural Producers Cooperative
Marketing Societies by giving incentive in terms of interest relief. The operational
guidelines for the One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) shall be as follows:-

a) All dues standing in the accounts of Agricultural Producers

Cooperative marketing Societies from the private traders “as due by” will be
eligible for this One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS).

b) The scheme shall be approved by the board of the Agricultural
Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies concerned. The scheme is non
discretionary and non discriminatory. The powers to sanction waiver/remission of
interest and other charges and to make all related decisions shall be vested with
the board.

c) To avail benefits under the scheme, the borrower should pay25% of

the amount calculated under the One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) and enter
into an agreement with the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies before 31-12-2009. He must also undertake to repay the remaining
75% of the amount within 3 months(31-3-2010) from the date of agreement in a
maximum of 3 installments. The agreement shall be supported by proper board
Resolution incorporating the mode of repayment in one lump sum or in 3 months

d) Under the One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) interest will be

charged on the principal outstanding at 10% simple interest from the date on
which the dues outstanding has occurred to the Agricultural Producers
Cooperative Marketing Societies, up to the date of agreement.

e) Overdue Interest, penal interest, if any, charged to the private dues

account will be waived by the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies. Interest loss due to this waiver shall be borne by the Agricultural
Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies concerned by following the
procedures laid down in section 178 of the TNCS Act,1983. Proposals for waiver
of interest and other charges shall be sent to Registrar of Cooperative Societies
with general body resolution.

f) If any repayments have already been made, such will be

appropriated into interest amount calculated at 10% and principal outstanding on
the respective day of repayment. Based on this principle, the final amount to be
paid by the borrower will be arrived at. an illustration for calculation of dues from
private traders opted for is given in annexure.
g) If the due amount so calculated is less than the amount already
repaid then the dues will be treated as fully settled. At any cost, no amount
should be repaid to the Sunday debtors.

h) If the private trader after paying 25% and signing the agreement
fails to repay the remaining 75% dues within 3 months, from the date of
agreement, he is deemed to have forfeited the benefits and all benefits under this
OTS will be withdrawn.

i) In those cases, where arbitration claims/Execution Petitions have

been filed or decrees obtained or conditional attachments effected, the
settlement extended under this One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) will be

effected on condition that only on full settlement of the dues these litigations shall
be withdrawn. Necessary provision to this effect shall be made in the agreement
entered upon with the traders by Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing

j) This One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) shall be applicable only

for the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies working under the
control of Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

k) The Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies

concerned shall give proper intimation to all private traders who are indebted to
the society as on date about the One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) within two
days from the receipt of this circular.

l) The concerned Circle Deputy Registrars shall personally check the

correctness of the calculation of dues to be paid by the private traders opted for
One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) in the Agricultural Producers Cooperative
Marketing Societies functioning under their control and shall furnish a certificate
to this effect to the Regional Joint Registrar. The Regional Joint Registrar who in
turn super check the same and ensure the smooth implementation of One Time
Settlement Scheme(OTS) by the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies for collection of long pending private traders dues and send a monthly
report in the form prescribed before 5th of every month in future.

m) The Regional Joint Registrars and Circle Deputy Registrars shall

conduct a special review of Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Societies concerned on the implementation of One Time Settlement Scheme.

Sd/-(Jatindra Nath

for Registrar.

Encl:-Illustration for Calculation of One Time Settlement

amount by private traders and form sending progress report.

All Regional Joint Registrars.
Copy to the Special Officer, TANFED, Chennai.
Copy to all Officers in the office of the Registrar of Cooperative societies.
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars.
Copy to the Stock File.

Illustration for Calculation of One Time Settlement amount by private
traders to APCMS
1) Principal outstanding on the date of occurrence - Rs. 100 Lakhs
i.e., 1-4-2000

2) Date of agreement - 31-10-2009

3) Interest for the principal outstanding @10% from - Rs.95.83 Lakhs

1-4-2000 to 31-10-2009

4) Dues to be paid by the private traders on the date - Rs.195.83 Lakhs

of agreement.

5) Amount settled by the private traders before - Rs.50 Lakhs

entering into agreement for OTS.

6) Amount to be paid by the private traders under OTS. - Rs.145.83 Lakhs.

Simple interest shall be calculated at reducing balance.

for Registrar.

Name of the region:
Name of No.of No.of Amount Amount Balance to
the CMS Private private calculated collected at be
Traders and traders under OTS the end of collected
principal opted for scheme the month
amount to OTS
be collected scheme
on the date
1 2 3 4 5 6

for Registrar.


mD¥òe® bgWe®

ÂU a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, mid¤J k©ly

Ï.M.g., Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ.
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® ,
170, bgçah®
Ñœgh¡f«, br‹id.10.
e..f.21056/09/ér1, ehŸ 18.12.09.
bghUŸ : bešbfhŸKjš - ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®
T£LwÎ é‰gid r§f§fŸ k‰w« bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ _y«
Kft® Kiwæš jäœehL Ef® bghUŸ thâg¡
fHf¤Â‰F bešbfhŸKjš nk‰bfhŸSjš -
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it : gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.10/09, ehŸ 02.04.2009

gh®itæš fhQ« gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡ifæ‹ jäHh¡f« j¡f
elto¡if¡fhf ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤J mD¥g¥gL»wJ.
/ Miz¥go /

Ïiz¥ò - nk‰f©lthW

1. muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw, jiyik¢ brayf«, br‹id-9 - mt®fS¡F
gâªJ mD¥g¥gL»wJ.
2. jå mYty® , mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
3. nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe®, jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf«,
4. mYtyf “bjhntnrr” ÃçÎ
5. ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò 2009.

T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if

K‹åiy : ÂU.a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹,

T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f.v©.21056/2009/ér1 ehŸ 02.04.2009.
(R‰w¿¡if v©.10/09)

bghUŸ : beš bfhŸKjš - ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®

T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« bjhl¡f
ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ _y« Kft®
Kiwæš jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤Â‰F
beš bfhŸKjš nk‰bfhŸSjš - m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§Fjš - bjhl®ghf.

gh®it : 1) murhiz v©.57, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«

Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw, ehŸ 25.03.2008.
2) muR foj« e.f.20541/BI/2008-1, T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw
(BI) ehŸ 08.09.2008.
gh®it 1-š f©l murhizæš, 2007-2008 fç¥ gUt¤Âš, blšlh
mšyhj gFÂfëš éisÍ« bešiy jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg fHf¤Â‰fhf
T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ bfhŸKjš brŒa be¿KiwfŸ btëæl¥g£LŸsJ. gh®it
2-š f©l muR foj¤Â‹ _y« 2008-2009 M©oš mid¤J gUt¤ÂY«
bešiy bfhŸKjš brŒa, T£LwÎ ãWtd§fS¡F mDk më¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

Raã trÂÍŸs ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs® T£LwÎ é‰gid¢

r§f§fŸ k‰W« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ Kjyhdit
jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg fHf¤Â‰fhf beš bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« têKiwfŸ
m›t¥nghJ Ï›tYtyf¤ÂèUªJ tH§f¥g£LŸsd. jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ
thâg¡ fHf¤Â‰F beš bfhŸKjš brŒtj‰F muR k‰w« jäœehL
Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« tF¤jbe¿Kiwfë‹ mo¥gilæš xnu khÂçahd
eilKiwia mid¤J T£LwÎ r§f§fS« filÃo¡f Ñœ¡f©l têKiwfŸ
k‰W« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

1) beš bfhŸKjš nk‰bfhŸtJ bjhl®ghf, muR têfh£Ljš k‰W«
eilKiwfis f©o¥ghf Ëg‰w nt©L«.
2) T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ murhš ã®zæ¡f¥g£l éiy¡F (Minimum
support price)¡F k£Lnk étrhæfëläUªJ bešiy bfhŸKjš
brŒa nt©L«.
3) étrhææ‹ taènyh, mUfhikæYŸs T£LwÎ r§f¤Ânyh
étrhæ¡F miy¢rš k‰W« bryÎfŸ Ïšyhj tifæš beš
bfhŸKjš brašgl nt©L«.
4) éahghçfŸ k‰W« Ïil¤juf®fë‹ jiypLfŸ mwnt Ïšyhkš
bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
5) j‹åiwÎ bg‰w T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ j§fŸ iftr« cŸs cŸ
f£lik¥ò trÂfŸ, gâahs® k‰W« bjhl®ò tiyaik¥ig
(Cooperative Network) bfh©L r§f¤Â‹ ts®¢Á¥ gâ¡F beš
bfhŸKjš brŒJ r§f¤Â‹ Ïyhg¤ij mÂfç¡fyh«.
6) jäœehL ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« beš bfhŸKjY¡fhd
ju¡f£L¥gh£L Kiw¥go bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gL« bešè‹ ju«
gçnrh¡f¥gl nt©L«..
7) bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gL« bešè‹ ju« k‰w« <u¤j‹ik Ñœ¡f©l
étu¥go nrhjid brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

m) x›bthU uf bešY¡F« Ñœ¡f©l étu¥go khÂç vL¡f¥gl


_£ilfë‹ v©â¡if khÂç vL¡F« msÎ

5 _£ilfŸ tiu 500 »uh«
6-20 _£ilfŸ tiu 2 »nyh
20 _£ilfS¡F nkš 2 »nyh.

M) beš khÂçæ‹ xU gFÂæš <u¥gj khåia¥ ga‹gL¤Â <u¥gj«

fz¡»l¥gl nt©L«

Ï) 20 ä.è. beš vL¡f¥g£L mš cŸs njita‰w fåk¥ bghU£fŸ,

ma‰bghU£fŸ k‰W« fy¥ò uf bešfis msÎ Áè©liu¥
ga‹gL¤Â Ãç¤J vL¡f nt©L«.

<) 20 ä.è khÂç bešèš V‰f¡ Toa njita‰w fyitfŸ mÂfg£r

éG¡fhL Ïiz¥ò-1š më¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

8) ã®zæ¡f¥g£l mÂfg£r njita‰w fyitfë‹ éG¡fh£ilél

mÂf msÎ bfh©l bešiy bfhŸKjš brŒa¡ TlhJ.

9) bešbfhŸKjš brŒa bešiy ö‰¿ bfh©Ltu étrhæfŸ
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«. bešiy ö‰Wtj‰F T£LwÎ
r§f¤Âš beš ö‰W« ÏaªÂu¤ij (Winnowing Machine) mik¤J
Fiwªj f£lz« mšyJ Ïytrkhf bešiy ö‰¿ étrhæfël«
bešiy bfhŸKjš brŒa V‰ghL brŒa nt©L«.

10) bfhŸKjš brŒa nt©oa beš khÂçæ‹ ju¥ gçnrhjid brŒÍ«

K‹dnu bešö‰W« elto¡if Ko¡f¥gl nt©L«.
11) beš bfhŸKjš ãiya§fëš beš bfhŸKjš bjhl®ghf
Ñœ¡f©l gÂntLfŸ ngz¥gl nt©l«. Ïit Ïiz¥ò-1š f©l
cça got§fëš guhkç¡f¥gl nt©L«.
(i) étrhæfë‹ bga®, Kftç k‰W« ifbaG¤Jl‹ Toa
milahs m£ilfS¡fhd gÂntL
(ii) khÂç gF¥ghŒÎ gÂntL
(iii) beš bfhŸKjš - uÓJ ò¤jf«
(iv) beš bfhŸKjš eh£ gÂntL
(v) neuo bešbfhŸKjš k‰W« ef®Î gÂntL
(vi) buh¡f¥ g‰W¢ Ó£LfŸ

12) jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤Âl« ÏUªJ beš

bfhŸKjY¡F njitahd Ñœ¡f©l bghU£fis fl‹
mo¥gilæš bg‰W it¤J¡bfhŸs nt©L«. ešy ãiyæYŸs
T£LwÎ ãWtdnk Ïiz¥gÂths® mDk bg‰W Ñœ¡f©l
bghU£fis th§» it¤J¡ bfhŸsyh«.
(i) nkil vil juhR
(ii) <u¥gj« f©l¿Í« fUé
(iii) jh®¥ghŒ
(iv) beš ö‰W« ÏaªÂu«
(v) g¢ir ãw rzš
(vi) °bl‹Áš m£il mšyJ gyif
(vii) g¢ir ãw ik
(viii) beš khÂç vL¡f F¤öÁ

13) T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ j§fŸ trKŸs fhè nfhâ¥igfis beš

bfhŸKjY¡F ga‹gL¤Â bfhŸs nt©L«.

14) beš bfhŸKjš gâ¡F T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Âš cŸs
thfd§fisnah, guhkç¥ò, vçbghUŸ Kjyhd bryéd§fisnah
T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ nk‰bfhŸs¡ TlhJ

15) Ϫj tifahd beš bfhŸKjY¡F ntsh© é‰gid tç

brY¤j¥gl nt©oašiy.

16) Ïiz¥ò-IIIš f©lgo jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤jhš

Ëg‰w¥gL« beš bfhŸKjY¡fhd ju« Ãç¡F« Kiwfis
T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ beš bfhŸKjè‹ nghJ Ëg‰w nt©L«.

17) bfhŸKjš brŒj mid¤J beš _£ilfëY« ika v©. beš uf«,
khÂç v© étu§fis g¢ir ãw¤Âš °bl‹Áš gyif _y«
vGj¥g£L, g¢ir ãw rziy¡ bfh©L Fiwªjg£r« 9 ijašfŸ
nghl nt©L«.

18) beš bfhŸKjš brŒa¥g£l beš _£ilfŸ ju« thçahf

mL¡f¥gl nt©L«. Kjèš bgw¥g£l beš _£ilfŸ Kjèš
jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤Â‰F mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.
mUfhikæYŸs T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ »l§Ffis njit¥gL«
ne®Îfëš Jiz¥ gÂths® mDkÂÍl‹ ga‹gL¤Â bfhŸsyh«.

19) Ñœ¡f©l bryéd§fis jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡

fHf¤ÂèUªJ beš bfhŸKjš gâæš <LgL« T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ
Ûs bgw nt©L«..
(i) beš bfhŸKjš éiy
(ii) murhš mDk¡f¥g£l beš bfhŸKjY¡fhd C¡f¤
(iii) beš bfhŸKjš brŒa¥g£l ehŸ Kjš jäœehL
Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« bešiy vL¤J¡bfh©l ehŸ
mšyJ jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf beš
bfhŸKjY¡fhd bjhif tH§»a ehŸ Ïš vJ
êijanjh mªj ehŸ tiuæyhd t£o.
(iv) bešiy vilnghLjš, _£ilia¤ ij¤jjš, Ãçthf
it¤J guhkç¤jš m»t‰W¡F MF« bryΤ bjhif
(v) jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤Â‰F bešiy
bfh©L bršy tH§f¥gll V‰W Tè k‰W« Ïw¡F Tè
(vi) jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« mDk¤j
ngh¡Ftu¤J bryÎfŸ

(vii) fhè nfhâ¥igfS¡F kht£l ã®za FGthš
ã®zæ¡f¥g£l éiy.

20) T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ bešiy bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« £l¤ij

k¡fëilna Ãugy¥gL¤Â T£LwÎfŸ ÛJ k¡fŸ ešby©z«
bfhŸs brŒa nt©L«. murhš ã®zæ¡f¥g£l Fiwªjg£r beš
bfhŸKjš éiyia étrhæfŸ mila VJthf Ϥ£l¤ij¥
Ãugy¥gL¤j nt©L«.

21) étrhæfŸ r§f«, étrhæfŸ T£L bghW¥ò¡ FG¡fŸ, cGt®

k‹w§fŸ, ATMA FG¡fŸ Kjyhdt‰¿‹ nritia Ï¥gâæš
T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ ga‹gL¤Â bfh©L mÂf mséš beš
bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

22) mWtil¡F K‹ neuo bfhŸKjš £l« k‰W« T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fŸ beš bfhŸKjš brŒjš g‰¿ “étrhæfŸ rªÂ¥ò”
el¤Â Ïj‰bfd T£LwÎfŸ më¡F« trÂfŸ, Ϥ£l¤Â‹
ga‹fŸ M»ait F¿¤J bjëth¡f nt©L«.

23) neuo beš bfhŸKjš gâæš <LgL¤j¥gL« T£LwÎ ãWtd¥

gâahs®fS¡F jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf mDgtä¡f
mYty®fis¡ bfh©L j¡f gæ‰Á më¡f¥gl nt©L«.

24) Ϥ£l¤Âid brašgL¤J«nghJ T£LwÎ r§f§fS¡F

Ïl®ghLfŸ VJ« ÏU¥Ã‹ mjid gÂths® mšyJ TLjš
gÂths® (é‰gid £l« k‰W« ts®¢Á) mt®fë‹ ftd¤Â‰F
bfh©Ltu nt©L«. k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ Ãu¢ridfis
jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf nkyh©ik Ïa¡Feç‹
ftd¤J¡F vL¤J¢ br‹W cldo¤ Ô®Îfh©gJl‹ mt‰iw
gÂths® mt®fë‹ ftd¤Â‰F« bfh©L tu nt©L«.

25) T£LwΤJiwæ‹ mid¤J myty®fS« jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ

thâg¡ fHf mYty®fSl‹ R_fkhd cwit ngâ Ãu¢ÁidfŸ
V‰g£lhš mt‰iw m›tYty®fŸ _y« R_f¤ Ô®Îfhz nt©L«.

26) neuo beš bfhŸKjèš <LgL« T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ ehŸnjhW«

tuÎ bryÎ fz¡if ngâ, Ï¡bfhŸKjè‹ ga‹, yhge£l
étu§fis Âdrç f©l¿a¥gl nt©L«. Ϥ£l¤Âid
eilKiw¥gL¤Jtj‹ _y« r§f¤J¡F e£l« V‰g£lhš cldoahf
beš bfhŸKjš brŒtij ãW¤j nt©L«.

27) T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ Ϥ£l¤ij brašgL¤Jtj‰fhd fhR¡
fl‹ trÂia kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»æèUªJ bg‰W
bfhŸsyh«. mj‰bfd jåahd v°Fnuh (Escrow) fz¡F
ngz¥gl nt©L«.

nk‰f©l têKiwfis mid¤J rh®ãiy mYty®fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤Â

mj‰fhd x¥òjiy¥ bg‰W¡ nfh¥Ãš Ïiz¡f k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd®.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy cl‹

mD¥òkhW nf£L¡bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd®.

/ Miz¥go /
Ïiz¥ò - I, II, & III

mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

1) muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw, jiyik¢ brayf«, br‹id-9 mt®fS¡F
gâªJ mD¥g¥gL»wJ.
2) jå mYty® , kht£l k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
3) nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe®, jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf«,
4) mYtyf bjhntnrr ÃçÎ
5) ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò 2009

Ïiz¥ò - 1

20 ä.è.njita‰w fyitfë‹ mÂfg£r éG¡fhL

1) ma‰bghU£fŸ
a) fåk« 1%
b) fçk¥ bghU£fŸ 1%

2) nrjkilªj, ãw« kh¿a, Kiwf£oa, ó¢Á 4%

jh¡f« milªj beš kâfŸ

3) K®¢Áa‰w, RU§»a ko¥ò V‰g£lJ 3%

4) ã®zæ¡f¥g£l ju¤ijél Ñêd¡ fyit 7%

5) <u¥gj« 17%


nk‰T¿a ju¡ TWfŸ (Norms) m›t¥nghJ khW«nghJ T£LwÎfŸ

mt‰iw jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf¤ÂèUªJ ϪÂa czÎ
fHf¤ÂèUªJ bg‰W mj‹go beš bfhŸKjš brŒa¥gl nt©L«.

(x«) gÂths®

Ïiz¥ò - II

bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« / cHt® gâ¡ T£LwÎ r§f« / ntsh©ik
c‰g¤Âahs® T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f«

milahs m£il gÂntL

ehŸ t.v©. milahs étrhææ‹ thfd¤Â‹ beš bgw¥ V‰W¡/ V‰W¡ V‰W¡ <u¥gj étrh gâ F¿¥ò
m£il bga® v©. tif/ g£l bg‰W¡ bfhŸs¥ bfhŸs¥ rjÅj« ææ‹ ahs®
v©. ju« _£il bfhŸs¥g£l glhj / glhj ifbah if
fŸ _£ilfŸ kW¡f¥ j‰fhd / ¥g« bah¥
g£l kW¡f¥ g«
_£ilfŸ g£lj‰fhd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(x«) gÂths®

khÂç gF¥ghŒÎ gÂntL

t.v©. étrhææ‹ bga® milahs m£il v©. <u¥gj« rjÅj« V‰W¡bfhŸs¥g£lit /

ÂU«g mD¥g¥g£lit
1 2 3 4 5

(x«) gÂths®

ÏU¥ò k‰W« ef®Î gÂntL
beš bfhŸKjš ãiya« got« DPC 6

milahs v©.

Mu«g ÏU¥ò tuÎ

ef®Î étu«
bfhŸKjš nrj« bkh¤j«
nj _£ilfŸ vil vL¤J
»» vil vil vil thfd bknkh
_£ilfŸ _£ilfŸ _£ilfŸ bršy¥gL«
»» »» »» v©. v©.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8

(x«) gÂths®

ãfu vil ÏWÂ ÏU¥ò x¥òjš étu§fŸ mÂf« FiwÎ
x¥òjš x¥gë¥ò tH§f¥g£l
TLjš TLjš RU¡b v©.(k) _£ilfŸ v©â¡if RU¡
_£ fh¥g« bfh¥g«
_£il _£ilfŸ _£il nj _£ilfŸ »» _£ilfŸ »»
ilfŸ _£ilfŸ TLjš
fŸ fŸ

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

(x«) gÂths®

bfhŸKjš ehŸ ò¤jf«

beš bfhŸKjš ãiya«

milahs v©. nj :

t. étrhææ‹ bfhŸ ju« / _£ilfŸ ãfu Fé©lhš kÂ¥ò <u¥gj ju« tH§f¥ cgnahf¥ nrj F¿¥ò
v©. bga®/Kftç Kjš tif v©â¡i vil x‹W¡F rjÅj« g£l gL¤j¥ g£l fêÎ
uÓJ f bfhŸKjš ãfu¤ fhè rh¡F étu«
v©. Ú bjhif fë‹
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(x«) gÂths®

Ïu©lhtJ efš got« DPC-3

jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« è£ . . . . . . . . . . . . . k©ly«

beš bfhŸKjš uÓJ

beš bfhŸKjš ãiya« v©.


milahs v©.

étrhææ‹ bga®


rh®£ / ju« ---------------------- ÃçÎ v©. -----------------

<u¥gj rjÅj« --------------------- ju« ----------------

ãfu vil %. ig.

Fé©lhš »uh«

_£il v©â¡if ( )

Fé©lhš x‹W¡F éiy ( )

1) <u¥gj«
2) ju«
Ïil¡fêÎ bryÎfŸ
ãfu éiy

ju« k‰W« <u¥gj¤J¡F fêÎ

brŒÂl r«kj« më¡»nw‹

%ghŒ ------------------------------------

ifbah¥g« vG¤j®
étrhæ ifbah¥g«.

Ïiz¥ò - 3

beš ju ã®za«

bešè‹ ju« beštif bga® murhš

mÂfg£r é‰gid
éiy (Fé©lhš)
A »nuL Ús« k‰W« 1) bgh‹å tiffŸ
mfy« 2.5% ¡F 2) MLJiw 36,38,39
mÂf« 3) IR 20
4) IR 50 %.1050/-
5) AST 19
6) J 13
7) ghg£yh

rhjh uf« 1) MLJiw 37

Ús« k‰W« mfy« 2) CR 1009
2.5% FiwÎ 3) Át¥òfh® %.1000/-
4) ÂU¢Á 1
5) TKM 9
6) F©L beš

ËF¿¥ò :-

jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf beš ju be¿KiwfŸ M©LnjhW«

kh‰w¤J¡F£gL¤j¥gLtjhš mj‰nf‰g T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ beš bfhŸKjš brŒa

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if, br‹id.600 10
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g

R‰w¿¡if v©.19/2009
e.f.46941 / 2009 Ïg2 ehŸ 15.6.2009

bghUŸ: éijfŸ – T£LwÎfŸ _y« jukhd éijfis

ntsh© bgUk¡fS¡F é‰gid brŒjš – F¿pL
ã®za« brŒa¥g£lJ – braš £l« - têfh£Ljš
be¿KiwfŸ – tH§Fjš F¿¤J
ntsh©ik brê¡fΫ, ntsh© c‰g¤Âia bgU¡fΫ ntsh©
c‰g¤Â¤ Âwid nk«gL¤jΫ, ešy jukhd rh‹W éijfis ntsh©
bgUk¡fS¡F tH§f nt©oaJ Ï‹iwa eÅd ntsh©ikæ‹ f£lhakhF«.
bgU«ghyhd bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« k‰W« ntsh©ik
c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid r§f§fëš äf¡ Fiwªj msényna
étrhæfS¡F éij é‰gid brŒa¥gL»‹wJ. étrhæfS¡F¤ njitahd
ešy rh‹W éijfis k‰W« c©ik étu éijfis rçahd éiyæš rçahd
neu¤Âš tH§» r§f§fë‹ éij é‰gidia mÂfç¡f¢ brŒtJl‹, étrha
c‰g¤Âia bgU¡», étrhæfŸ TLjš tUkhd¤ij <£ol cjé nt©oaJ
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ jiyaha flikahF«.

Ïjid¡ fU¤Â‰ bfh©L, nfha«ò¤Jh® éij¢ rh‹W Ïa¡Fe®,

jäœehL ntsh©ik¥ gšfiy¡ fHf¤ jå mYty® (éijfŸ) M»nahUl‹
fyªjhnyhÁ¤J gyju¥g£l Ïl§fëš k© k‰W« j£gbt£g ãiy¡nf‰g gšntW
tifahd gæ®fS¡F¤ njit¥gL« éijfŸ th§f muR el¤J« é‰gid
ãiya§fŸ, jåah® Kft®fŸ, éij th§F« Ïl« k‰W« ÏU¥ò cŸë£l gy
bghU£fŸ gçÓè¡f¥g£L 2009-10 M« M©oš, éijfŸ é‰gid¡F vd
brašÂ£l« cUth¡f¥g£LŸsJ.

Ϥ£l¥go brayh‰¿ ã®zæ¡f¥g£l F¿p£oid milaΫ,

tU§fhy§fëš étrhæfS¡F¤ jukhd ešy éijfë‹ é‰gidia
T£LwÎ mik¥òfŸ bjhl®ªJ brŒJ tuΫ elto¡iffŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥gl
nt©L«. Ïj‰bfd Ñœ¡f©l têfh£Ljš k‰W« be¿KiwfŸ mid¤J
ãiyfëY« jtwhkš filÃo¡F« bghU£L tH§f¥gL»‹wd.

1) jäœehL T£LwÎ é‰gid Ïiza«, ÂU¢br§nfhL T£LwÎ

é‰gid r§f«, JoaYh® T£LwÎ étrha nrth °jhgd«, jŠrhñ® T£LwÎ
é‰gid Ïiza«, nfhà ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid¢
r§f«, Úy»ç ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid r§f«, M¤Jh®
ntsh©ik T£LwÎ c‰g¤Âahs® r§f«, ©otd« ntsh©ik
c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid r§f« M»a nj®ªbjL¡f¥g£l T£LwÎ
ãWtd§fŸ éij é‰gid¡F bkh¤j é‰gidahsuhf (Seed Wholesale
Cooperatives) ãaä¡f¥g£LŸsd. Ït‰W¡bfd xJ¡f¥g£l gæ® tif¡fhd
m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l éij ãWtd§fis miH¤J, éijfŸ tH§Ftj‰fhd éiy,
tu‹KiwfŸ M»at‰iw ã®zæ¤J mjid k©ly§fS¡F ϪãWtd§fŸ
bjhl®òW¤j nt©L«. éiy ã®za« brŒÍ« nghJ ngu« ngÁ éiyia¡
fârkhf¡ Fiw¤J jukhd éijfis th§Ftij cWÂ brŒa nt©L«. éij
bfhŸKjš brŒa éij ãWtd§fis nj®Î brŒÍ« K‹ mªãWtd§fŸ
c‰g¤Â brŒÍ« éijfë‹ ju« k‰W« e«gf¤ j‹ikia éij¢ rh‹W
Ïa¡Feuf¤Âš cW brŒJ, Ëd® bfhŸKjš brŒa elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs

2) k©ly§fëš nfhu¥gL« gæ® tiffëš éij njit¥g£oaš

jahç¤J bkh¤j é‰gidahs® r§f§fS¡F mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.
k©ly§fëèUªJ bgw¥gL« njit¥g£oašgo éijfŸ ãWtd§fëèUªJ
bfhŸKjš brŒJ, F¿¤J fhy¤Âš kht£l§fS¡F bkh¤j é‰gidahs®fŸ
mD¥g nt©L« (Ïiz¥ò 2).

3) k©ly¤ÂYŸs xU ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs® T£LwÎ

é‰gid¢ r§f« kht£l éij xU§»iz¥ghsuhf¤ nj®ªbjL¡f¥g£LŸsJ
(District Seed Coordinator) (Ïiz¥ò 3) mt®fë‹ flikfŸ k‰W« bghW¥òfŸ
Ñœ¡f©lthW ã®zæ¡f¥gL»wJ.

a) éij njitia bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ

k‰W« T£LwÎ é‰gid r§f§fëš ÏUªJ bg‰W khãy mséš éij
bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« bkh¤j é‰gidahs® r§f¤Â‰F mD¥g nt©L«.

b) bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« éij njit

fz¡ÑL brŒa cjÎ brŒa nt©L«.

c) kht£l« KGtJ« vªjéij ãWtd§fŸ v›tsÎ éij

é‰gid brŒ»‹wd v‹w òŸë étu« Âu£o, éij njit fz¡ÑL brŒa
cjé brŒa nt©L«.

d) éij é‰gid¡F bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹

r§f§fS¡F £l« tF¤J më¡f nt©L«.

e) “ étrhæfë‹ rªÂ¥ò ãfœ¢Á” nk‰bfh©L jukhd éijfis
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« _y« é‰gid brŒa jFªj V‰ghL
brŒa nt©L«.

f) éij bjhl®ghd Ãu¢ridfis¤ Ô®¡f bjhl¡f ntsh©ik

T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F cjé òça nt©L«.

bghJthf kht£l¤Âš éijfŸ é‰gidæš kht£l éij

xU§»iz¥ghs® r§f« mid¤J T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ rh®Ãš ngR«
fUéahf brayh‰w nt©L«.

4) bkh¤j é‰gidahs® 1%, kht£l xU§»iz¥ghs® T£LwÎ

r§f§fŸ 2% étrhæfS¡F é‰gid brŒÍ« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
fl‹ r§f« / T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f« 4 to 7% v‹w é»j¤Âš éij
é‰gidæš brŒÍ« Ï¢nrit¡F és«ò¤ bjhif it¤J é‰gid éiy
ã®za« brŒa nt©L« btë¢ rªijfëš ãyΫ éij ãWtd§fë‹
éiyia¡ fU¤Â‰ bfh©L éijfë‹ é‰gid éiy ã®za« brŒa

5) éij é‰gidæš <LgL« bkh¤j é‰gidahs®, kht£l

xU§»iz¥ghs®, bjhl¡f T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ mid¤J« Ïj‰fhd cçk« bgw
mid¤J elto¡iffS« vL¡f nt©L«.

6) bjhl¡f T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ mj‹ étfhu všiyæYŸs

étrhæfS¡F ‘ étrha rªÂ¥ò ãfœ¢Á’ V‰ghL brŒJ ešy éijia
ga‹gL¤Jtjhš V‰gL« e‹ik, mÂfç¡F« kfNš M»at‰iw vL¤Jiu¤J,
mªjªj gUt¤Â‰nf‰g éij njitia¡ fz¡»l nt©L«.

7) éij¤ njit fz¡»L« bghGJ Ñœ¡f©l be¿Kiwfis¡ fil¥Ão¤jš

1) bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f étfhu všiyæš cŸs
bkh¤j gæçl¥gL« étrha gu¥gsÎ (V¡fçš)
2) gæ® thçahd gu¥gsÎ
3) xU V¡fU¡F njit¥gL« éijæ‹ msÎ
4) njit¥gL« éijæš étrhæ k‰W« rf étrhæfëläUªJ
bgW« éijæ‹ msÎ
5) cŸq® k‰W« Ïju tifæš étrhæfS¡F »il¡F« éijæ‹
6) btë¢ rªijæš étrhæfŸ bgw¡Toa éijæ‹ msÎ
7) m¥gFÂæš gæçl¥gL« gæ®fŸ
8) gæ® tiffë‹ gu¥gsÎ
9) gæç‹ uf§fŸ (Variety) Åça x£L uf§fŸ (Hybrid)
10) étrhæfŸ ga‹gL¤J« Ãugy gæ® uf§fŸ / Åça X£L uf§fŸ
(Popular and ruling variety Hybrid)
11) Ãugy gæ® uf§fis vªj éij ãWtd« c‰g¤Â brŒJ
12) éijæ‹ éiy
13) ngh£o ãWtd¤Â‹ éijfŸ k‰W« mt‰¿‹ éiy
14) éij ãWtd§fŸ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f
étfhu všiyæš é‰gid brŒÍ« éij msÎ
15) éij ãWtd§fë‹ ésŸkgu«
16) étrhæfŸ éijia btë¢ rªijæš th§F« éiy
17) étrhææ‹éij éU¥g« k‰W« K‹Dçik
18) j£g bt¥g ãiy
19) m¥gFÂæš òÂa rh‹W éijfis étrhæfŸ ga‹gL¤J«
20) étrhæfS¡F éij njit¥gL« neu« / fhy«
_‹W khj¤Âš é‰gid MF« éij mšyJ bkh¤j njitæš 25
rjé»j« k£L« bfhŸKjš brŒJ ÏU¥ò it¤J é‰gid brŒa nt©L«.
njit¥gL« neu¤Âš Û©L« bfhŸKjš brŒJ é‰gid brŒa nt©L«.
8) éij ãWtd§fëèUªJ éij bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« T£Lw΢ r§f«
Ñœ¡f©l elto¡iffis vL¡f nt©L«.
1) éij rh‹W brŒa¥g£LŸsjh mj‰Fça m£il cŸsjh?
2) c©ik égu éij v‹whš mt‰¿‹ égu m£il cŸsjh?
3) éij rçahd Kiwæš Á¥gäl¥g£LŸsjh (Package) mšyJ
_£ilahf f£l¥g£LŸsjh?
4) éij ešyãiyæš cŸsjh mšyJ ó¢ÁnehŒ jh¡»ÍŸsjh
mšyJ Ïa‰if JhŒikæš nrj« éisªJŸsjh?
5) éij gçnrhjid égu« cŸsjh? v‹W 1 Kjš 5 tiu cŸs
étu§fis¢ rçgh®¡f nt©L«.
6) éij gçnrhjid éguäšiyba‹whš éij khÂç vL¤J
(Service Sample) mU»š cŸs éij gçnrhjid ãiya¤Âš %.10/- MŒÎ
f£lz« brY¤Â MŒÎ f£lz« brY¤Â MŒÎ brŒJ m¿¡if bg‰W mj‹
mo¥gilæš njitahd elto¡if nk‰bfhŸSjš.
7) juk‰w (substandard) mšyJ bf£L¥nghd éijfis cl‹
ÂU¥Ã mD¥g nt©L« mšyJ kht£l xU§»iz¥ghs® r§f¤Â‰F bjçé¡f
nt©L«. mjid ãWtd§fS¡F ÂU¥Ã mD.g, kht£l xU§»iz¥ghsU«,
bkh¤j é‰gidahsU« cldo elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
8) éij¤ ju« F¿¤j òfh® k‰W« Kid¥ò Âw‹ bjhl®ghd
Ãu¢ridfis cl‹ éij ãWtd¤Â‰F bjçé¤J Ãu¢Áidia Ko¤J it¡f
nt©L«. Ïjdhš T£Lw΢ r§f§fS¡F e£l« V‰gLtij¤ j鮡f

9) kht£l xU§»iz¥ghs® r§f§fS«, éij é‰gidæš <LgL« bjhl¡f
T£LwÎ r§f§fS« bfhŸKjš brŒÍ« éijfis ÏU¥ò it¤J ghJfh¡f
Ñœ¡f©l be¿Kiwfis ftd¤Jl‹ Ëg‰w nt©L«.
m) éijia é‰gid¡fhf ÏU¥ò it¡F«bghGJ ÏU¡f nt©oa
<u¥gL« bt¥gãiy k‰W« thÜu¥gir (RH) Ñœ¡f©lthW ÏU¡f nt©L«.
<u¥gj« nrä¥ò fhy« (khj«)
gæ® bt¥gãiy thÜu¥ gir
rjÅj« (Storage Period)
beš 11-13% miw bt¥gãiy 60% 8-9
jhåa§fŸ 11-13% miw bt¥gãiy 60% 8-9
v©bzŒ 11-13% miw bt¥gãiy 60% 8-9
gæW 10-11% miw bt¥gãiy 60% 1 M©L
fhŒf¿fŸ 9-11% miw bt¥gãiy 60% 1 M©L

M) éijia, cu«, ó¢Á kUªJ cŸs »l§Ffëš ÏU¥ò it¡f¡ TlhJ.

éij jåahf ÏU¥ò it¡f¥gl nt©L«.
Ï) éij ÏU¥ò it¡Fäl§fëš cŸs f£ll« mšyJ »l§f»‹ _iy
KL¡F k‰W« bto¥òfis e‹F Ábk©lhš mil¡f¥gl nt©L«.
njitæšyh bghU£fŸ k‰W« F¥igfis mf‰¿él nt©L«.
<) r‹dš, fjÎfŸ k‰W« Ïju Jthu§fis ÏU«ò tiy mšyJ Ãsh°o¡
tiy bfh©L _l¥gl nt©L«.
c) Á§ gh°igL 2 »uhKl‹ xU»uh« rikaš v©bzizia czÎl‹
fyªJ it¤J vè¤ bjhšiyia f£L¥gL¤j¥gl nt©L« (Dry and Cool
C) éij ÏU¥ò »l§F cyªJ Fëuhf ÏU¡f nt©L«
v) kiH¡fhy§fëš Tiu k‰W« jiu js¤Âš Ú® fÁÎ V‰gl¡ TlhJ.
V) éij _£ilfis mšyJ Á¥g§fis ku¥gyif mšyJ _§»š ku§fŸ
mšyJ ghè¤Ô‹ éç¥ò¡fis jiuæš éç¤J mšyJ mL¡» mj‹ nkš mL¡f
nt©L«. Ïitfis ó¢Á kUªJ bjë¤J mt‰¿š cŸs ó¢Á k‰W« nehŒfis
f£L¥gL¤Âa Ëò ga‹gL¤j nt©L«. mj‰fhf 10 ä.è. 50%khy¤Âah‹
fiuiy xU è£l® j©Ù® fiu¤J bjë¡f nt©L«.
x) éij _£ilfis FW¡F beL¡fhf (Cris-Cross) mL¡» it¡f
nt©L«. 6-8 m£o¡F nkš mL¡» it¡f¡ TlhJ.
X) _‹W khj¤Â‰F é‰gid¡F njitahd éijfis k£Lnk
bfhŸKjš brŒJ mt‰iw ÏU¥Ãš it¡f¥gl nt©L«.
Xs) njitahd ne®Îfëš, éijia ó¢Á, nehŒ jh¡»æUªjhš cl‹
ntsh© mYty®fŸ, éij MŒÎ mYty®fŸ éij¢ rh‹W mYty®fis
Mnyhrid brŒJ ó¢Á kUªJ bjë¤J ó¢Á k‰W« nehŒfis f£L¥gL¤j

~) éij JhŒik, éij Ïa‰if JhŒik ngz¥g£L éij Kid k‰W«
Ïju ghf§fŸ cilahjgo éijia ifah©L mL¡» it¡f nt©L«.
Kiwa‰w guhkç¥Ãdhš V‰gL« éij¢ nrj¤Â‰F«, ãÂæH¥Ã‰F«
r§fnk bghW¥ng‰f neçL«.
10) éij é‰gidfë‹ nghJ mid¤J r§f§fS« Ëg‰w¥gl nt©oa
K¡»a têKiwfŸ:-
a) éij é‰gid cçk¤ij gh®itæš bjçÍ«go (Ãnu« brŒJ)
T£LwÎ r§f¤Âš bghJ k¡fŸ gh®itæš bjçÍ« go kh£o it¡f nt©L«.
b) éij é‰gid ãiya¤Âš ÏU¥Ãš cŸs éijfë‹ Ïuf§fŸ,
mj‹ éiy, ÏU¥ò ngh‹w jftšfis m‹whl« ó®¤Â brŒJ jftš gyif
e‹F gh®it¡F gL«go it¡f nt©L«.
c) éij¡bf‹W jåahf ÏU¥ò¥ gÂntL it¤ÂU¡f nt©L«
(got« Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸsJ) Ïiz¥ò 4
d) éij é‰gid brŒÍ« nghJ f©o¥ghf é‰gid¥ g£oaš (Sales
receipt) tH§f nt©L«. é‰gid¥ g£oaèš th§Fgtç‹ KG KFtç
ifbah¥g«, Féaš v©. k‰W« éij é‰gid cçk« v© ÏU¡f nt©L«.
(got« Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸsJ) Ïiz¥ò 5
e) éij bfhŸKjš g£oaèš éij é‰gid brŒgt®, éij
th§Fgt®, éij é‰gid cçk« v© éij¡ Féaš v© k‰W« éij fhyhtÂ
ehŸ f©o¥ghf F¿¥Ãl¥gl nt©L«.
f) c©ik égu m£il éijfS¡F, égu m£ilfŸ éij¥
igfëš mšyJ bfhŸfyå. Xgš g¢ir ãw¤Âšjh‹ ÏU¡f nt©L«.
m£ilfëš égu ãiy éijfS¡F) c©ikãiy v‹W F¿¥Ã£oU¡f
égu m£ilæš ÏU¡f nt©oa égu«
1) m£il tçir v©
2) gæ®
3) Ïuf«
4) Féaš v©
5) nrhjid brŒj ehŸ
6) fhyht ehŸ
7) Kis¥ò¤Âw‹ (Fiwªjg£r rjÅj«)
8) éij¢ R¤j« (Fiwªjg£r rjÅj«)
9) Ïd¤JhŒik (Fiwªjg£r rjÅj«)
10) vil
11) kUªJ fyªjJ våš kUªJ égu« k‰W« éõ« fyªjJ v‹w v¢rç¡if
12) c‰g¤Âahs® KG Kftç
13) gUt« k‰W« gæ® brŒa V‰w Ïl«

nkY« bfhŸfyånyh mšyJ m£ilænyh jtwhd m¿é¥ò gl«
Vkh‰W« goah‹ thrf«, éij¢ r£l¤Â‰F Ku©ghlhd thrf§fŸ, v¢rç¡if
Kjèad ÏU¡f¡ TlhJ.
g) m¿é¡f¥glhj jåah® Åça X£L Ïuf§fŸ k‰W« Ãw uf
éijfis éãnah»¥gj‰F K‹ éij¢rh‹W Ïa¡Fe® nfhit gÂÎ v©
cŸsjh vd¥ gh®¤J é‰gid brŒa nt©L«.
h) Ïju khoãy¤ÂèUªJ tu¥bgW« rh‹W éijfS¡F«, mªj
éijfëš gF¥ghŒÎ k‰W« mid¤J étu§fŸ cŸs got« 2-I kht£l
xU§»iz¥ghs® bg‰w Ëò éãnah»¡f nt©L«. Ïiz¥ò 6
i) éij éãnahf°j®fŸ éijfis éãnah»¡F« nghJ é‰gid
cçk« bg‰wt®fS¡nf éij é‰gid brŒa nt©L«.
j) éij é‰gid¡Fça gÂntLfŸ / Mtz§fŸ _‹W (3)
M©LfŸ it¤ÂU¡f nt©L«.
k) éijfis ó¢Á, óŠrhz kUªJ k‰W« cu§fS¡F mU»š
it¤ÂU¡f¡ TlhJ. ešy fh‰nwh£l tr Ÿs Ïl¤Âš ku¡f£ilfŸ ÛJ
mL¡» it¤J guhkç¡f nt©L«.
l) éij é‰gid F¿¤j khjhªÂu m¿¡ifia got« <-š x›bthU
khjK« 5ªnj¡FŸ éij MŒÎ, Jiz Ïa¡Fe® mYty¤Âš »il¡FkhW
mD¥g nt©L« got« Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸsJ Ïiz¥ò 7
m) éij éãnahf°j®fŸ éiuéš fhyhtÂahf ÏU¡F«
éijfis éij é‰gidahs®fS¡F mD¥g¡ TlhJ.
n) éij é‰gidæ‹ ju¤ij gçnrh¡f éij MŒths®fŸ éij
khÂç vL¤J gçnrhjid brŒJ MŒÎ brŒjš nt©L«.
o) éij é‰gid éij MŒths®fŸ gh®itæL« nghJ mid¤J
gÂntLfisÍ« MŒÎ¡F x¥gilff nt©L«.

11) kht£l xU§»iz¥ghs® r§f§fŸ éij é‰gidæš ____K‹nd‰w«

F¿¤j m¿¡ifæid x›bthU §fŸ KoªJ 5 nj¡FŸ Ñœ¡f©l got¤Âš
gÂthsU¡F jtwhkš mD¥Ã it¡f nt©L«.
gæ® 2009-10¡fhd F¿pL el¥ò §fŸ el¥ò §fŸ tiu
ti K‹nd‰w« K‹nd‰w«
msÎ kÂ¥ò msÎ kÂ¥ò msÎ kÂ¥ò
(Fé©lh (%ghŒ (Fé©lh (%ghŒ (Fé©lh (%ghŒ
š) Ïy£r¤Â š) Ïy£r¤Â š) Ïy£r¤Â
š) š) š)

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæš f©l m¿ÎiufŸ k‰W« têKiwfis jtwhj
filÃo¤J jukhd ešy éijfŸ cça gUt¤Âš étrhæfS¡F j£L¥gho‹¿
éãnahf« brŒa¥gLtij cWÂ brŒa bjhl®òŸs mid¤J r§f§fS«
elto¡iffŸ vL¡f m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wJ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid r«gªj¥g£l mid¤J ãiy r§f§fS¡F«

bjhl®òW¤Â x¥òjš bgWkhW«, Ï¢R‰w¿¡iffaid bg‰wj‰fhd x¥òifia
Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ mD¥òkhW« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS«
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd®.


mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
mid¤J bkh¤jé‰gidahs® T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ
mid¤J kht£l xU§»iz¥ghs®fŸ
efš : mid¤J ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J mYty®fŸ
efš : »» ÃçÎf¡F _‹W efšfëš.

Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No.6/2009
(Rc.100719/2008/CCS 2) Dated : 24.2.2009

Sub: Consumer Cooperatives – Cooperative Wholesale Stores –

Appointment of departmental officers of Cooperative
Wholesale Stores – Certain instructions issued – Regarding

Ref: Registrar’s Circular Rc.40566/-3 PA 2 dated 12.5.2003


In the circular cited, instructions were issued regarding posting of

departmental officers as Special Officers of Cooperative Societies. The Circular stated
that any vacancy that arises in the cadre of Deputy Registrar / Special Officer, that has
to be placed in additional charge of another Deputy Registrar only and not to an officer
below the rank of Deputy Registrar. While making such interim arrangements, the
Regional Joint Registrars should inform Additional Registrar (Credit) over phone and get
clearance before issuing orders in this regard and thereafter send proposals to Registrar
for ratifications.

It has been brought to the notice of Registrar that frequent transfers of

Special Officers of Cooperative Wholesale Stores in the cadre of Cooperative Sub
Registrar’s and Deputy Registrar’s both regular and additional charge are being made by
Regional Joint Registrar’s. This has affected the overall performance of Cooperative
Wholesale Stores.

In this connection the following additional instructions are issued.

1) Vacancies of the posts of Special Officer in the cadre of Deputy

Registrar / Cooperative Sub Registrar that arise due to retirement, transfer, suspension
etc. may be filled up by full time officers in the cadre of Deputy Registrar / Cooperative
Sub Registrar respectively.

2) If the financial position of the Cooperative Wholesale Store is not

comfortable enough to bear the cost of full time Special Officer, then additional charge
arrangements for a minimum of 1 year (financial year) shall be made.

3) In case sufficient Deputy Registrars are not available to post as full

time Special Officer, it has to be clarified from Registrar of Cooperative Societies that
whether Deputy Registrar / Cooperative Sub Registrar on additional charge or
Cooperative Sub Registrar on full time may be posted as a Special Officer of the
Cooperative Wholesale Stores.

4) Transfers of Special Officer’s in the cadre of Cooperative Sub

Registrar’s may be made only after informing Registrar.

The receipt of this circular shall be acknowledged immediately.

/By Order/

For Registrar

All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to OE1 and GC2 sections

Copy to Stock file.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , br‹id.600 010
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©.8/2009/ET 3 ehŸ 24.3.2009

(e.f.25480/09 ET 3)

bghUŸ: Ef®nth® T£LwÎ – T£L¡ bfhŸKjš _y« bg‰W T£LwÎ

ãahaéiy¡ filfëš é‰gid brŒjš – Ef®nth® T£LwÎ
bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiyæš bghU£fë‹ g£oaš
bjhl®òW¤ÂaJ – Áy m¿ÎiufŸ – tH§FtJ bjhl®ghf

gh®it: gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.22/08 (e.f.51263/08 ET3)

ehŸ 15.7.08

gh®itæš fhQ« gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡ifæš T£LwÎ ãahaéiy¡

filfë‹ _y« é‰gid brŒa¥gl nt©oa f£L¥ghl‰w bghU£fë‹ g£oaš
bjhl®gW¤j¥g£llJ. m¢R‰w¿¡ifæš gF IVš mHF rhjd« jiy¥Ãš “ryit
nrh¥” ‹ Ñœ F¿¥Ã£LŸs “ßfš” Ãuh©£ tifæid Ú¡f« brŒJ j‰nghJ Miz

mid¤J k©l Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid bg‰W¡

bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjš foj¤Âid mD¥Ã it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
nkY« Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid r«kªj¥g£l mYty®fS¡F bjhl®òW¤JkhW« nf£L¡
bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. (x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹,
/ Miz¥go /

1) TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
2) mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3) Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l« I k‰W« II)
4) jå mYty® mid¤J Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiy
5) jå mYty®, jäœehL Ef®nth® T£LwÎ Ïiza«,
6) jå mYty®, ÂU¢br§nfhL (k‰W«) <nuhL ntsh© c‰g¤.ahs®fŸ
é‰gid r§f«
efš : 1) mid¤J khk©ly mYty® (bghéÂ) ETg,ér,bjhntTfr ÃçÎfŸ
2) mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3) ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò k‰W« »f (3 efš) k‰W« mgm Ãçé‰F

Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No.9/2009
(Rc.18132/2009/CC 3) Dated : 31.3.2009

Sub: Consumer Cooperatives – Purchase Policy intended for consumer and

marketing cooperatives Joint Purchase Committee – List of
commodities that could be sold through Fair Price shop run by
cooperative – Inclusion in list – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 22/08 CC3 dated

15.7.08 and 23/08 dated 21.8.2008
2. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 8/09 CC3 dated
3. Letter dated 12.2.09 from Adani Winner Ltd., Chennai.

In Registrar’s circulars cited, list of non-controlled commodities that could be

sold through Fair Price Shop run by cooperatives was communicated.

In the reference 3rd cited, Adani Wilmer Ltd., has requested for inclusion of
their products in the above list of commodities that could be sold through Fair Price
shop. Considering criteria such as popularity and turnover of the company, its ability to
provide at reasonable rates and also the market share of its products, FORTUNE
SUNFLOWER OIL and NATURALLE COCONUT OIL (products of Adani Wilmer Ltd.) are
included in the list of non-controlled commodities that could be sold through Fair Price
shop. As already instructed stock of these items should not be held for more than a
The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this
circular by return of post and they are requested to communicate this circular to all
those concerned.
Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain

/ By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar
Chennai Region

All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
The Special Officer’s of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores

The Special Officer’s

Tamilnadu Consumers’ Cooperative Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer,
Tamilnadu Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer’s Tiruchengode and Erode Agricultural Producers Marketing Society
Copy to Zonal Officers
Copy to PDS, CCS, CM, PACB, GC (3 copies, OE – Sections in this office.
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars.
Copy to Stock file.

Circular of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Kilpauk,
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.

Rc.No.66353/2009/CC3 Dated: 7 -7-2009

(Circular No.22/2009)

Sub: Consumer Cooperatives-Purchase policy intended for Consumer and

marketing cooperatives Joint Purchase Committee – List of
commoditiesthat could be sold through fair price shops run by
Ref: 1) Registrar’s Circular Rc.51283/2008/CC3 (Circular
No. 22/08) dt: 15.7.08 & 23/08 dated: 21.8.09
2) Registrar’s Circular Rc.69838/2008/CC3 (Circular
No. 19/08) dt: 1.7.08
3) Registrar’s Circular Rc.25480/2009/CC3 (Circular
No. 8/09) dt: 24.3.09
4) Registrar’s Circular Rc.18132/2009/CC3 (Circular
No. 9/09) dt: 31.7.09
5) Lettetr Rc. 077/09/TANCO/P dated 18.6.09 from Special
Officer, TNCCF, chennai.
In the Registrar’s circular cited, a broad based list of popular, fast-moving,
branded items that can be sold through Fair Price Shops were communicated. The list includes
some of the Hindustan Lever Products (HUL). In the reference 5th cited, the Special Officer,
TNCCF has requested that all the HUL products be allowed to be sold in all Fair Price Shops
run by cooperatives to improve business and to earn reputation to cooperatives among the
In the circumstances, stated all HUL brand of products are now permitted to be
sold through all the Fair Price Shops run by cooperatives.
The Special Officers of Cooperative Wholesale Stores/Lead Societies are
requested to strictly adhere to the instructions already issued in the Registrar’s circular cited.
/By order/

‘’.For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, Chennai
All the Regional Joint Registrars,
The Joint Registrar(PDS ) I & II, Chennai
The Special Officers of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores.
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Consumers Coop.Federation,Chennai.
The Special Officer, Tamilnadu Coop.Marketing Federation Ltd,Chennai.
The Special Officer, Tiruchencode and Erode Agrl.Producers Marketing
Copy to PDS , CCS,CM,PACB,GC(3 copies),OE(3 copies), sections in office
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars.
Copy to Stock file

Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No.38/2009
(Rc.83547/2009/CC 3) Dated : 13.11.2009

Sub: Consumer Cooperatives – Purchase Policy intended for consumer and

marketing cooperatives Joint Purchase Committee – List of
commodities that could be sold through Fair Price shop run by
cooperative – Inclusion in list – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 22/08 CC3 dated

15.7.08 and 23/08 dated 21.8.2008
2. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 8/09 CC3 dated
3. Letter dated 28.7.09 from ITC Ltd., Chennai.
In Registrar’s circulars cited, list of non-controlled commodities that could be
sold through Fair Price Shop run by cooperatives was communicated.

In the reference 3rd cited, ITC Ltd., has requested for inclusion of their products
in the above list of commodities that could be sold through Fair Price shops.

Considering criteria such as popularity and turnover of the company, and also
the market share of the vivel soap a product of ITC is included in the list of non-
controlled commodities that could be sold through Fair Price shops.

As already instructed stock of these items should not be held for more than a
The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this
circular by return of post and they are requested to communicate this circular to all
those concerned.
Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain

/ By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar
Chennai Region

All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
The Special Officer’s of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores

The Special Officer’s

Tamilnadu Consumers’ Cooperative Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer,
Tamilnadu Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer’s Tiruchengode and Erode Agricultural Producers Marketing Society
Copy to Zonal Officers
Copy to PDS, CCS, CM, PACB, GC (3 copies, OE – Sections in this office.
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars.
Copy to Stock File

Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No.41/2009/CC3
(Rc.25480/2009/CC 3) Dated : 26.11.2009

Sub: Consumer Cooperatives – Purchase Policy intended for consumer and

marketing cooperatives Joint Purchase Committee – List of
commodities that could be sold through Fair Price shop run by
cooperative – Inclusion in list – Regarding.

Ref: 1. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 22/08 CC3 dated

15.7.08 and 23/08 dated 21.8.2008
2. Registrar of Co-operative Societies circular 8/09 CC3 dated
25.3.09 and 9/09 dt. 31.3.2009
3. Registrar’s Circular 38/09 dt.13.11.09
In the circulars cited, commodities that could be sold through Fair Price Shops
were communicated. As much boxes are not included in the above list, it is now ordered
that match boxes of any brand could be sold through Fair Price Shops subject to the
condition that the maximum value of match boxes should be limited to Rs.100.00 per
The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this
circular by return of post and they are requested to communicate this circular to all
those concerned. Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain
/ By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar
Chennai Region
All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
The Special Officer’s of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores
The Special Officer’s Tamilnadu Consumers’ Cooperative Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer,Tamilnadu Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd., Chennai
The Special Officer’s Tiruchengode and Erode Agricultural Producers Marketing Society
Copy to Zonal Officers
Copy to PDS, CCS, CM, PACB, GC (3 copies, OE – Sections in this office.
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars.

Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Circular No.21/2009
(Rc.65708/2009/CC 3) Dated : 2.7.2009

Sub: Public Distribution System – Installation of Electronic Weighing

Machines – in Fair Price Shops stand by Machines – Maintenance –

Ref: This office Additional Registrar’s (Consumer Activities)

D.O. Lr.No.1401/2008 PDSG.1 dated 6.4.2009
2. This office Letter Rc.100502/08 PDSG.1 dated 8.2.2009
In the reference cited, instructions have been issued regarding maintenance of
Electronic Weighing Machines installed in Fair Price Shops and Stand by Machines at
Storage Points. In continuation of that the following instructions are issued for the
proper maintenance of Electronic Weighing Machines.

(1) Stand by Machines, which are kept at lead societies /societies at Taluk
Headquarters, should be charged atleast 4-5 hours on alternative days and a register is
to be maintained for this purpose.

(2) It has been noticed that in many places, plug points are situated away from
the normal place of rest of Electric Weighing Machines and therefore they are being
moved nearer to plug points for charging. In many instances the machines are being
kept over gunny bags, in such circumstancaes., Since unstable positioning can damage
the machine, this practice should be stopped henceforth. Machine should at all times
be kept on a sturdy table and should not be moved except for repair/stamping. To
avoid inconvenience in charging, plug point should fixed nearer to the machine (within
the length of cord attached to the machine) or, a good quality extension cord may be
procured and used for connecting to distant plug point.

(3) The salesman should certify on daily on daily basis that the machine is
displaying correct weight, by placing 2 kg, 5kg everyday before the commencement of
sale and he should record such in a register specifically maintained for this purpose
without fail. Inspection officers shall verify that register is maintained without any

(4) All the Fair Price shops should be provided with weight box containing 1 kg,
2kg, 5kg, 10kg weights.

Immidate acion should be taken to ensure that the above instructions are
followed and the subordinate Officers, field staff of Public Disbution System, should
verify whether these instructions are carried out by the Public Distrib;ution System
Saleman/institution staff.

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


Additional Registrar,
Cheenai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I &II Chennai

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if, br‹id.600 10
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g

R‰w¿¡if v©.23/2009
e.f.114998 / 2006 bghé bghJ2 ehŸ 6.7.2009

bghUŸ: bghJ éãnahf £l« - ãahaéiy¡ fil

gâahs®fS¡fhd fšé jF – ã®za« brŒjš

gh®it: 1. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f. 15901/90 ãm 1 ehŸ 10.5.90

2. murhiz ãiy v©.362 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, ehŸ 24.4.90

bghJ éãnahf £l¤ij Óuik¡f 4.6.2006 š T£Lw΢

r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe®
k‰W« czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš Jiw Mizahs® M»nah® fyªJ bfh©l
fU¤ju§»š jäœeh£oYŸs ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahh® k‰W« f£LeU¡F
Kiwna nkšãiy ÏW tF¥ò (+2) k‰W« gŸëæW (10 M« tF¥ò) tF¥Ãš
nj®¢Á vd Fiwªj g£r fšé¤ jFÂahf ã®za« brŒayh« vd
KobtL¡f¥g£lJ. mjdo¥gilæš T£LwÎ r§f§fshš el¤j¥gL«
ãahaéiy¡ filfŸ gâahs®fS¡F Fiwªjg£r fšé¤ jF ËtUkhW
ã®za« brŒa¥gL»wJ.
gjé fšé¤jF j‰nghJ cŸsJ òÂjhf ã®zæ¡f¥gL«
(gh®it 2š cŸsgo) fšé jFÂ
é‰gidahs® (10 M« tF¥ò gŸëæW bghJ¤ nkšãiy ÏW tF¥Ãš
nj®éš fyªJ bfh©oU¡f nj®¢Á (+2)
f£Le® - gŸëæW tF¥Ãš
nj®¢Á (10 M« tF¥ò)

1) Ïå tU§fhy§fëš nkny bjçé¤JŸs fšé¤ jFÂæ‹

mo¥gilæny ãahaéiy¡ fil gâahs®fŸ neuo ãakd« _y«
gâak®¤j¥gl nt©L«.
2) nkY« Ï‹iwa njÂæš ãahaéiy¡ filfëš gâòçÍ«
é‰gidahs®fŸ k‰W« f£Ld® M»nah®fS¡F j‰nghJ gh®it 2š fhQ«
murhizæš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs fšé¤ jFÂfŸ bghUªJ«.

3) kW gutš Kiwæš r§f äif¥ gâahs®fis¡ bfh©L
é‰gidahs® k‰W« f£Ld® gâæl§fis ãu¥ÃL« ne®Îfëš V‰fdnt
gâak®¤j« brŒa¥g£l gâahs®fS¡F« k‰W« Ïå tU« fhy§fëš kW
gutš Kiwæš gâak®¤j« brŒa¥gL« gâahs®fS¡F« j‰nghJ ã®za«
brŒa¥g£LŸs fšé¤ jFÂfŸ bghUªjhJ.

4) Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæš é‰gidahs® k‰W« f£Ld®fS¡F ã®za«

brŒa¥g£LŸs fšé jFÂia eilKiwgL¤j j§fŸ k©ly¤Âš
ãahaséiy¡ filfŸ el¤J« T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡fhd
Áw¥ò Jiz éÂfëš cça ÂU¤j« nk‰bfhŸs nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifia bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiyÍ«, Ïj‹ ÛJ

vL¡f¥g£l elto¡if égu¤ijÍ« Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F bjçé¡f nf£L¡

(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹,


1) TLjš gÂths® mYtyf«, br‹id k©ly«
2) Ïiz¥gÂths®, bghJéãnahf¤ £l« 1 & 2
3) Miz¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mgm k‰W« ãt gçÎ

Circular No: 34/2009
Rc.No.118014/09 PDSM2 Dated: 4.11.2009

Sub: Selection of Salesman and Packer for Fair Price shop

- Instructions for training to be imparted- Regarding.

1. Currently filling up of vacancy in Fair Price Shop is taken up statewide and is

expected to be completed by month end. It is very important to mould the fresh
recruits into a responsible Fair Price Shop sales personnel. Therefore there is a need to
properly train them, this matter has been examined in detail and the detailed guidelines
thus evolved are give below:

1. Duration of training :15 days

12 Days :Class room training
13 days : On the job traing

2. Training Schedule:

(a) Day 1 Class training: This will be the date of joining. After joining formalities
they may be given training on

a) Cooperativae deparment set up and officers hierarchy

b) Public Distribution System-about the scheme, about departments involved in
the scheme implementation and their role
c) About running of shop

i) types of shops (fulltime/parttime/kerosene bunksetc.,)

ii) norms for the shop (working hours, holidays, list of registers to be maintained,
notice boards to be maintained, scale of fuply, duties and responsibilities of the
Salesmen, building procedures, remittance procedure, etc.,)
iii) upkeep of shop
iv) maintenance of assets like barrel
v) A Register maintenance, Safety measures for cash/stocksetc.,
vi) how to deal with caradholders etc.,

This is only an illustrative list and not exhaustive. Joint Registrars are free to add
to this.

Trainees will be given a compendium of instructionfor shop management and manual
issued by Commissioner of Civil Suplies.

(b) Day 2 to 8 – Shop LEVEL TRAINING

Day 2 on onwards: till day: 8 (and again for Day 12-14)

In this period, the recruits shall be attached to shops, @1 /shop to get first Hand
experience under the guidance of an experienced salesman withunblemished track
record. The shops designataed for attachment should be selected with great care and
Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System) shall be personaiiy responsible for this.

Here the trainee is expected to learn:

a) billing both manual billing and billing by billing machine.

b) receipt of stock and correctly stocking it.
c) Arrangement of shop and display.
d) Maintenance of stock boards and other public notice.
e)handling of automatic weighing machines.
f) Accounts keeping
g) remittance

Day-9: godown duty and movement clerk duty.

Day-10: i)Visit to SKO dealaer and accompany SKO load.
Day-11: i)Visit to TSO/AC office and learning about process of a register update submits
of closing Balance etc.

Again this is only illustrative and not exhaustive

(C) Day-15 : (a) visit to TSO/AC Civil Supplies office to learn about allotment/issue of
card/deletion and addition of cards etc., (it is desirable to arrange for
a lecture training at this office
(b) A briefing by Civil Supplies CID Officials also desirable.

Class room training: review of lessons learnt feedback final set of

instructilonand allotment of shops.

The Special Officer of the concerned stores and other inspecting officers
(Cooperatiove Sub Registrar/Public Distribution System, Deputy Registrar/Public
Distribution System etc.) should keep a watch over the training imparted and interact
with the fresh recruits to assess the quality of training imparted and take remedial
actions wherever required.

On completion of the field training they should be issued individual shop

postiong orders to work as regular salesman / packer as the case may be.

5. Training is the personal responsibility of Joint Registrar (Public Distribution

System) / Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System).

Regional Additional Registrar/Joint Registrars in reions are expected to ensure

proper follow up action by the above.

All regional Joint Registrars are instructed to act accordingly and ensure
compliance. Regional Joint Registrars can add training aspects as per the local

Sd/-Jatindra Nath Swain,


/By order/

For Registrar
1. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
2. All Regional Joint Registrars and
3. Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) 1 and 2 Chennai.

2005 M« M©L jftš cçik r£l¥ ÃçÎ 19 (b) ‹ Ñœ TLjš gÂths®
(xU§»izªj T£LwÎ ts®¢Á¤ £l«) / nkšKiwpL mYtyç‹ Miz

jiyik: ÂU. Ã. ÏuhnrªÂu‹, v«.V.,

TLjš gÂths® (xU§»izªj T£LwÎ ts®¢Á¤ £l«)

e.f. 135047/08 ãm1 ehŸ : 12.1.09

nkšKiwpL tH¡F v©.35

bghUŸ: jftš cçik r£l« - 2005 ÂU. nfh. it¤Âaehj‹

nkšKiwp£L kD – bjhl®ghf
gh®it: T¤j¥gh¡f« ÂU. nfh. it¤Âaehj‹, nkšKiwp£L kD ehŸ
kDjhu® ÂU. nfh. it¤Âaehj‹ v‹gtç‹ jftš cçik r£l¤Â‹ Ñœ
rk®¥Ã¤j 6-11-08 ehë£l jftš nfhU« kD bjhl®ghf Ï›tYtyf bghJ jftš
mYtyç‹ e.f. 135047/08 ã.m.1 v©Q« 24.11.08 M« ehSä£l foj¤Âš jftš
më¡f¥g£lJ. nk‰go foj¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©l kDjhu® mš më¡f¥g£l Áy
jftšfis v®¤J jftš cçik r£l¥ÃçÎ 19(1) ‹ Ñœ nkšKiwpL brŒJŸsh®.
Ï«kD nk‰go r£l¥go F¿¤j fhy¤Â‰FŸ brŒa¥g£LŸsJ. nkš Kiwp£L kD
jftš cçik r£l¤Â‰F£g£L gçÓè¡f¥g£L KoÎ brŒa¥g£L ËtUkhf jftš

kDjhuç‹ nkš KiwpL më¡f¥gL« jftš

1) bghJ jftš mYtyuhš Mwh« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ t§»

v©â‰F bfhL¡f¥g£l gš jftèšÁw¥ò Jiz éÂfëš gâahs®
bjhl¡f T£LwÎ t§» gâahsuhš jiyikæl¤ij é£L btëna k‰W«
btëehL brštJ F¿¤J tê fh£Ljš
btëehL bršy filÃo¡f nt©oa
murhš / gÂthsuhš tH§f¥gléšiy
eilKiw g‰¿ F¿¥Ã£oU¡F«.
vd bjçé¤JŸsh®. m¥goæU¡F« våD« gâahs® btëehL brštJ
nghJ xU bjhl¡f ntsh©ik
ngh‹w Áw¥ò m«r§fëš t§»æ‹
sT£LwÎ t§»æ‹ gâahs® gâ gâ ãiy¤Âw‹, gâ Nœãiy,
ãgªjidfëš gâahs® btëehL t§»æ‹ brašghL k‰W« Âw‹
brštJ F¿¤j jftš v›thW Ïl« M»at‰iw ruf Jiz¥gÂths®
bg‰¿U¡f gçÓè¤J mt® mD¥ò« gçªJiu
vjdo¥gilæš mo¥gilæš k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
Ïiz¥gÂths® Áw¥ò Jiz éÂfëš KobtL¡F« eilKiw cŸsJ.
t§» gâahs® btëehL brštJ vdnt bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
F¿¤J KobtL¥gh®? t§»æš gâahs® btëehL bršy
neçL« fhuz§fis F¿¥Ã£L
2) Áw¥ò¤ Jiz éÂfëš vJΫ é©z¥g« më¤jhš r«gªj¥g£l
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwÎ t§» jiyt® / jå mYty®
t§»æš ÏšyhjbghGJ, Ïil¡fhy m›é©z¥g¤ij gçÓè¤J btëehL

V‰ghlhf r§f ã®thf« r§f¥ bršy éU¡F« gâahsç‹ gâ¢
gâahsiu btëehL bršy mDk¡f nritæid fU¤Â‰ bfh©L
v‹d eilKiwia Ëg‰w nt©L«. mtUila nritæid Ãw
gâahs®fis bfh©L Âw«gl
3) gâahs® btë ehL brštJ F¿¤J nk‰bfhŸs / rkhë¡f ÏaYkh
Ïiz¥gÂths® mDkÂÍl‹ r§f¤ v‹gij MuhŒªJ mtU¡FŸs
jiyt® / jå mYty® KobtL¡f éL¥ò¤ jFÂfisÍ« fU¤Â‰F
nt©Lkh? (mšyJ) jiyt® / jå bfh©L ruf Jiz¥gÂthsU¡F
mYty® j‹å¢irahf gçªJiu¡f nt©L«. t§»æèUªJ
KobtL¡fyhkh? bgw¥g£l foj¤Âid ruf
Jiz¥gÂths® jdjséš e‹F
MŒÎ brŒJ mJ gçªJiu¡f
j¡fjhæU¥Ã‹ k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂthsU¡F gçªJiu¥gh®.
Jiz¥gÂthsç‹ gçªJiuæ‹
mo¥gilæš k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
mséš gâahs® btëehL brštJ
F¿¤J gçÓè¤J ã®thf m¿Îiu
(Administrative Instructions) tH§Fth®.
Mj‹ mo¥gilæš t§»æ‹ jiyt® /
jå mYty® Ï¥Ãu¢ridæš
KobtL¡f nt©L«.

Ϥ Ô®é‹ ngçš Ïu©lhtJ nkš KiwpL jftš cçik r£l« ÃçÎ 19 ‹ Ñœ

br‹idæš cŸs jftš Miza¤Â‹ K‹ Ï›this »il¡f¥bg‰w 90 eh£fS¡FŸ
jh¡fš brŒa¥glyhbkdΫ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

Ï›thiz 2009 M« M©L rdtç §fŸ 12 M« ehs‹W tH§f¥gL»wJ.

(x«) ¥Ã. uhnrªÂu‹

TLjš gÂths® (xU§»izªj T£LwÎ
ts®¢Á¤ £l«)/ nkšKiwp£L mYty®

TLjš gÂthsU¡fhf (xU§»izªj

T£LwÎ ts®¢Á¤ £l«)/ nkšKiwp£L
ÂU. nfh. it¤Âaehj‹
33, A I BEA ef®
flYh® kht£l« - 607 002
efš : T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fS¡F gâªJ rk®¥Ã¡f¥gL»wJ
efš: 1) »f ÃçΡF (3 efšfëš)
2) Ïiz¥gÂths® (r£l« k‰W« gæ‰Á ) / bghJ jftš mYty®.

CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No. 1/09
Rc. No.116516/08 SF4 Dated 21.1.2009

Sub: Inspection- Inspection of books of accounts of indebted Cooperative

Societies by financing banks u/s 83 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative
Societies Act 1983- Instructions issued.
Sec.83 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 empowers a
financing bank to inspect through an officer or a member of its paid staff, the
books of every registered society which is indebted to it at any time, but shall
atleast once in a every year.
2) Now, it has been brought to the notice of the Registrar that a
financing bank has invoked this power only very recently and ordered for an
inspection of books of accounts of registered society indebted to it. It is highly
regretted that the financing bank in not conducting the inspection of indebted
societies periodically or atleast once in a year as contemplated in Sec.83 of the
Act. It is therefore instructed that all the financing banks (viz. DCCBs, TNSACB,
TNCSARDB) shall conduct inspection u/s 83 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative
Societies Act, 1983 of each of its indebted society at least once in a year to
ensure the safety of its funds lent to such registered societies. In order to avoid
such delay in the conduct of inspection, in the interest of financing bank, it is
instructed that all the financing banks shall invariably issue an order u/s 83 of
the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 directing any officer or member
of its paid staff not below the rank of Assistant or any equivalent rank there to by
whatever designation such post may be called to conduct the inspection of the
indebted society or societies specified in the order. Further it should also be
ensured that in the said order, the period for which the inspection shall be
conducted, the time by which the inspection shall be completed and the date
within which the inspection report be submitted by him should be specified.
While ordering the conduct of inspection by a financing bank adequate care
should be taken that the period of inspection shall cover between the last
inspection and the date upto which the present inspection is proposed to be
taken. It may be noted that though the time limit for completing these items of
work have not been fixed in section 63 of the Act or in the relevant rules, in the
interest of the financing bank, the order may specify that the inspection u/s 83
be completed within a period of 30 days from the date of ordering the inspection
and that the inspection report be submitted within 10 days from the date of
completion of the inspection. If any other officer or paid staff who has been
directed to conduct inspection u/s 83 of the Act by a financing bank has failed to
conduct inspection or to give the inspection report within the time limit
stipulated in such order, it is open to the financing bank to institute appropriate
disciplinary or other actions against such officer or member of its paid staff for
his failure in not conducting the inspection within the time frame specified.
Even financing bank will send an annual report in the protorma
enclosed to the Regional joint Registrars/ Additional Registrar Chennai Region,
as the case may be under copy to this office indicating the total number of
registered societies indebted to it and the period upto which inspection u/s 83 of
the Act is conducted during the year, the result of the inspection and follow up
action taken by it based on such inspection report. The annual report should
reach the Regional office and this office on or before 30th April of every year.
The concerned administrative section in Registrars office shall deal with
the annual reports received from financing banks and review the progress. The
administrative section shall also pursue follow up action against the Special
Officer or the CEO of the financing bank who has failed to order for inspection at
least once in a year as contemplated u/s 83 of the Act. The financing bank shall
send a copy of the inspection report of the indebted societies to the concerned
Regional Joint Registrars/ Additional Registrar Chennai within 10 days from the
date of its receipt. The Regional Joint Registrars/Additional Registrar Chennai
as the case may be shall examine the inspection report and pursue all statutory
actions/ other actions required to be taken with reference to serious defect or
irregularity if any disclosed in the inspection report. The Regional Joint
Registrars/Additional Registrar Chennai Region shall also take appropriate
action against the departmental officers working as Special Officer/Secretary of
whatever designation he may be called in the indebted society concerned who
are responsible for such defect/irregularity.
The Additional Registrar Chennai Region all Regional Joint Registrars
and the Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks , Tamil Nadu
State Apex Cooperative Bank and Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture
and Rural Development Bank are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this
Circular by return of post. Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain
for Registrar
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture
and Rural Development Bank
The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrar
Copy to:All Gazetted Assistants in Registrar’s Office
All Administrative Sections in Registrar’s Office
GC section and OE Section in Registrar’s Office

ACT, 1983
Annual Report – Proforma

1) Name of the Financing Bank

Total No. of affiliated societies :
2) Total No. of registered Cooperative
Societies indebted to it :
3) No. of indebted societies for which
inspection was conducted during the
financial year----------- :
4) No. of indebted societies for which no
inspection was conducted during the
financial year -----------

5) (a) Whether the inspections are :

completed and reports received
within the time stipulated by the
financing bank.
(b)If not, whether disciplinary action has :
been taken against the erring officer
or member of paid staff.

6) (a) Whether copies of inspection report :

of the indebted society have been
sent to Additional Registrar, Chenai
Region or Joint Registrars concerned
within the time limit stipulated.

(b) If not, whether disciplinary action has :

been taken against the staff
responsible for the delay

7) (a) Whether all follow up action :

including statutory action based on
inspection report has been taken or
(b) If not, indicate the name of the
society and the reasons for not :
taking the follow up action.
For Registrar
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

R‰w¿¡if v©.5/2009 ehŸ : 5.2.2009


bghUŸ: MÂÂuhél® k‰W« gH§Foæd® ey« - ËdilÎ

gâæl§fis ãu¥òjš m¿ÎiufŸ bjhl®ghf.

gh®it: jäœehL muR T£LwÎ k‰W« jâ¡if¤ Jiw

v°ì / v°£o gâahs® T£LwÎ r§f
ehŸ 27.04.2006.

1988 M« M©L jäœehL T£LwÎ r§f é v©.149(3)š T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fëš gâak®¤j¥gL« eg®fS¡F muR¤ Jiwfëš filÃo¡f¥gLtJ nghš
Ïl xJ¡ÑL (Rule of Reservation) bfhŸiffŸ filÃo¡f¥glš nt©L« vd
tiuaW¤J brhšy¥g£LŸsJ. muR Jiwfëš filÃo¡f¥glnt©oa Ïl xJ¡ÑL
RH‰Á Kiw (Rotation) M»ait F¿¤J m›t¥nghJ murhš btëæl¥gL« MizfŸ
Ï›tYtyf _ykhf mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS¡F / TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly« bjhl®òW¤¤¥g£L tU»wJ. m›thW bjhl®òW¤j¥gL«
murhizæid k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ j§fŸ f£L¥gh£o‹ Ñœ cŸs T£LwÎ
r§f§fS¡F bjhl®òW¤JtJl‹ T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš gâak®¤j¥gL« eg®fS¡F
gâ ãakd¤Âš muÁ‹ Ïl xJ¡ÑL KGikahf mKšgL¤j¥gLtjidÍ« Ïš VJ«
òfh®fŸ tu¥bgwhj tifæš gâãakd¤Âš xJ¡ÑLfŸ filÃo¡f¥gLtjidÍ«
cW brŒÂLkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« TLjš gÂths®, br‹id
k©lyK« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjiy kW mŠrèš

mD¥ÃlΫ k©ly mYty®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.



CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No. 4/09
Rc. No.347/09 SF3 Dated 12.2.2009

Sub: Co-operative Societies –Suspension of employees of Co-operative

Societies – Progress in disposal of Disciplinary Cases against
employees under suspension – Committee formed – Certain
guidelines issued.
The management of Co-operative Societies are placing employees under
suspension invoking relevant provisions of the special bylaws relating to service
conditions of employees of such societies, for the serious lapses / irregularities, if their
continuance in the service of the society is against the interest of the society or in the
public interest. In many cases, the suspension order did not specify the period of

2) It has been brought to the notice of the Registrar that, employee

suspended is continuing under suspension for indefinite period and the disciplinary
action instituted against suspended employees are not disposed off, by the disciplinary
authority even after several months. In some instances, charge memo itself was not
served for months together on delinquent employees who are placed under suspension
by the management. All such lapses not only end in unnecessary litigation in the court
of law but also causes drain of funds of the society by way of payment of subsistence
allowance to the delinquent employee for months together without getting any work
turned out from such employee. In such cases, the suspension itself will become a
reward to an erring employee instead of punishment.

3) In order to minimize the delay and to ensure the disposal of disciplinary

cases within a specific time frame the following instructions are issued:

a) In all suspended cases, the charge memo shall be issued to the Delinquent
Employee within a period of one month from the date of suspension.

b) The Delinquent Employee should be asked to give explanation within 15

days from the date of receipt of charge meo.

c) It should be ensured that the charge memo is duly served at once on the
Delinquent Employee and dated acknowledgement be obtained in the
duplicate copy of the charge memo. If the employee refuses to receive
the charge memo or changes his charge memo is deemed to have been
served on the delinquent employee.
d) If the Deliquent Employees wants an extension of time to submit his/her
explanation it may be given not exceeding seven days and it shall also
be specifically informed to him/her that no further extension of time will be
granted for submitting explanation and that further action will be pursued
without waiting for his/ her explanation as the case may be.
e) i) The explanation of the Delinquent Employee be examined and if the
delinquent employee request for furnishing of any document copy relating
to the charge it should be furnished. In case where such documents
could not be furnished , the Delinquent Employee may be asked to
pursue those documents on a specified date / time and place within
seven days from the date of receipt of such request and should be
intimated to the Delinquent Employee.
ii) If the Disciplinary Authority / Domestic Enquiry Officer feels that the
document sought is irrelevant to the issue, may record the reasons for
refusal to furnish such records and intimate the same to the concerned.

f) If explanation is not received within the time limit specified, a further

opportunity not exceeding 7 days shall be given to the delinquent
employee. Evenafter such opportunity, if explanation is not received or
the explanation received is not satisfied, the Disciplinary Authority shall
order for domestic enquiry and appoint a domestic enquiry officer within 3
days, and intimate the same to the Delinquent Employee. The role of
Domestic Enquiry Officer shall be confined only to the extent of reporting
whether the charges framed are proved or not with reasons thereof
along with the proceedings of the enquiry. The Domestic Enquiry Officer
shall not make any recommendation on the nature of punishment
whatsoever shall be included in the Domestic Enquiry Report.

g) The Domestic Enquiry Officer should be specifically asked to commence

the enquiry immediately and complete the same expeditiously and give
his report within 30 days from the date of ordering the enquiry.

h) The Domestic Enquiry Report shall be examined by Disciplinary Authority

and a copy of the Domestic Enquiry Report be communicated to the
Delinquent Employee within 7 days from the date of its receipt and the
Delinquent Employee shall be asked to show cause as to why final orders
should not be passed on the proved charges.
(This Disciplinary Authority may or may not accept all the findings of the
Domestic Enquiry Officer. In cases where the Disciplinary Authority differs
with the findings of Domestic Enquiry Officer, the reasons for differing
with the findings of the Domestic Enquiry Officer shall be incorporated in
the show case notice and sent to the Delinquent Employee along
with……………………………………….. Domestic Enquiry Report.

i) The Delinquent Employee should be asked to give explanation to the

show cause notice within a maximum number of 15 days from the date of
receipt of the show cause notice.

j) i) Immediately on receipt of the explanation on the show cause notice
issued, an opportunity / personal hearing to the delinquent employee
shall also be given. If the Disciplinary Authority considers to impose major
punishment and final orders should be passed by the Disciplinary
Authority within a maximum period of 15 days and the same be
communicated to the employee and acknowledgement be obtained and
fixed by Disciplinary Authority.

ii) Where no explanation is received within the time limit stipulated above,
the Disciplinary Authority shall give one more opportunity to the
Delinquent Employee for reply on the show cause notice. A period of 7
days may be given in this regard. If no reply is received even after this,
the Disciplinary Authority shall give an opportunity to the Delinquent
Employee for a personal hearing, if the Disciplinary Authority considers to
impose major punishment and thereafter passes final orders on merits
and communicate the same to the Delinquent Employee. At any cost, the
Disciplinary Authority should not take more than 30 days to pass final
orders on the Domestic Enquiry Report.

k) A copy of the final order duly signed by the Disciplinary Authority shall be
served on the Delinquent Employee with the dated acknowledgement on
the copy of the final order.

Thus all Disciplinary cases shall be disposed off within a maximum period of six
months duly observing the procedure stipulated above.

If the Disciplinary cases instituted against any employee could not be disposed of
within the period specified above. If shall be invariably reported to the Joint Registrar by
the Disciplinary Authority for review of the matter by a Committee constituted for the

4) The Disciplinary Proceedings at any stage, if got stayed by any Court the
Disciplinary Authority should file necessary stay vacation petition before the Court /
Forum which granted stay within a maximum period of 15 days from the date of receipt
of copy of the stay order from the Court / Forum.

5) With a view to review whether Disciplinary cases and suspension of

employees of Co-operative Societies are disposed of without loss of time, the following
Committee at regional level is constituted with the following officers as constituent
members of the committee to review all Disciplinary cases pending for more than six
months and also all suspension cases of various categories of

a) Regional Joint Registrar .. Chairman

(for Chennai Region-Additional Registrar,Chennai)
b) Deputy Registrar / Personnel Officer
of the O/o Regional Joint Registrar .. Member / Convenor
c) Circle Deputy Registrars of the Regions
concerned .. Member
d) General Manager of the District Central
Cooperative Bank .. Member

6) The Convenor should get the details of employees against whom

Disciplinary Actions initiated , the stage of Disciplinary Action, the details of employees
kept under suspension, period of suspension, from the societies in their region upto the
end of the month on or before 10th succeeding month and convene a Committee
meeting before 25th of every month to review all such disciplinary cases in order to

a) whether order of suspension already issued by the Disciplinary Authority

was on merits and in accordance with the special byelaws relating to service conditions
of such societies in force.

b) whether charge memo was served on the suspended employee

concerned without any loss of time and further follow up in disciplinary action are
pursued regularly in time.

c) whether orders extending the period of suspension is issued in time

wherever it is prescribed.

d) whether subsistence allowance is paid to the eligible suspended

employees as per the Tamil Nadu Payment of Subsistence Allowance Act, 1981.

e) whether the procedures with regard to disciplinary cases against the

employees are strictly followed without any omission.

f) The Committee shall see that no employee is kept under suspension

for unduly long period without any valid reasons. However, the Committee shall not
revoke the suspension or pass any order extending the period of suspension.

7) The terms of reference of this Committee is limited only to the extent

of expediting the disposal of Disciplinary cases and shall not in any way intervene or
to make a material change in the decision of the Disciplinary Authority.

8) The Committee should also review the Disciplinary Cases for which
orders could not be passed by Disciplinary Authority within the maximum time
schedule prescribed in para 3 above.

9) The decisions taken by the Committee during the review meeting be

communicated to the competent authority in the societies concerned and they
should be advised to pursue the follow up actions to be taken by fixing a date line for
their completion. The follow up action taken by the societies concerned shall be
reviewed at the next meeting of the Committee.

10) Any lapses is not following up the decisions of the committee, shall
be dealt with seriously and appropriate action shall be taken against such persons
concerned whoever responsible.

11) The Committee should also send a monthly report on the decisions
of the committee before 10th of the succeeding month and the follow up results
thereon every month to the Registrar.

12) The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region

and all the Regional Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of
this circular by return of post. They should obtain acknowledgement from circle
Deputy Registrars and file them and they are also requested to communicate the
contents of this circular to all the societies coming in their region under their control
and obtain similar acknowledgement from them and file them in their office.

Encl: Format

For Registrar
Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to :

All Circle Deputy Registrar

All Officers in Registrar’s Office
All Administrative sections in Registrar’s Office
Stock file

Copy to : OE section in Registrar’s office

CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No.2/2009
R.C.130489/2008 SF4 Dated: 23.4.2009
Sub: Act and Rules Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act 1983 Special
Provision applicable to short term cooperative credit structure
societies inserted as a new Chapter XIV-A in the Act by the Tamil
Nadu Cooperative Societies (Third Amendment) Act 2008- (Tamil
Act No 62 of 2008) instructions issued.

Ref: 1.The Ordinance No 8/2008 published in the Tamil Nadu

Government Gazette dated 21.10.2008.
2.Registrars letter RC 130140/2008 TMFC dated 10.11.2008
addressed to all Regional Joint Registrars, Special Officers of all
Central Cooperative Banks and Special Officer , Tamil Nadu State
Apex Cooperative Bank.
3. The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies(Third Amendment) Act
2008 published in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary dated 30.11.2008 Vide Act No to 62 of 2008.
The provisions of the new Chapter XIV-A, inserted in the Tamil Nadu
Cooperative Societies Act 1983by the TN ordinance No 8/2008 communicated in the
reference 2nd cited and replaced by the reference 3 rd cited above shall apply to short
term cooperative credit structure societies, namely, Tamil Nadu Apex Cooperative
Bank, Central Cooperative Banks and Primary Agricultural, Credit Societies (Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Banks). The provisions of these chapter have come into force
with effect from 21.10.2008.

2. With regard to compliance of some of the salient provisions of the said

new chapter, the following instructions are issued.

(i) As per clause (a) of subsection (1) of section 136 D of the Tamil Nadu
Cooperative Societies (3rd Amendment) Act 2008 cited in the ref 3rd above, a depositor
holding a minimum deposit of rupees five thousand or such minimum sum as may be
specified by the government from time to time, for a continuous period of minimum two
years in a Primary Agricultural Credit Society shall become a member of the society
under section 21 by subscribing the minimum share capital specified in the bylaws and
shall have full membership, voting rights and eligible for patronage rebate, bonus and
dividend. All Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Banks) shall insert the said provisions in their respective bylaws by necessary
amendments and see that the said provisions are compiled with.

(ii) As per clause (b) of subsection (4) of section 136 D of the said Act there
shall be no nominee of the Government in the board of a Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Credit Society irrespective of Governments subscription to the share
capital. If the existing bylaws of any PACS dealing with the composition of its board,
contains a provision for nomination of Government nominee on its board, such a
provision shall be omitted by making necessary amendment to the relevant Bylaws of
the society.
(iii) As per subsection (5) of Section 136 D of Tamil Nadu Cooperative
Societies (3rd Amendment) Act, 2008 a short term cooperative credit structure society
the said subsection all the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Banks which have been
registered with the word “Bank” or any of its derivatives or using the same as part of its
name shall before the commencement of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies (Third
Amendment) Act 2008, shall within three months from the date of such commencement
change its name so as to remove the word “Bank” or its derivative, if any from its
name. As per the 2nd proviso to the said subsection, where any Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Bank fails to comply with the above provisions within the said period of 3
months the Registrar shall order the winding up of such society forthwith. Therefore all
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Banks and Rural Banks should amend the relevant
bylaws deleting the word “Bank” of its derivatives from their name and see that the
amendment is carried out immediately without fail. They should also ensure that the
word “Bank” or its derivatives is not used in their name board, letter head or any of its
correspondence or in any other manner whatsoever with immediate effect. It is
instructed that a Primary Agricultural Cooperative Bank hall hence forth be registered
as “Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Society”.
If any Primary Society under Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure has
failed to carry out amendment to delete the word “Bank” from its registered name as
per the date stipulated above the regional Joint Registrar Concerned shall order for
winding up the said Primary Agricultural Cooperative Bank in accordance with law.
3. The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to bring the contents of this
circular to all the PACS (Primary Agricultural Cooperative Bank) in their regions and
see that instructions contained in para 2 above are followed scrupulously. The Tamil
Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank and the Central Cooperative Banks are requested
to note the changes brought in by the Tamil Nadu Ordinance No 8 of 2008 Read with
Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies (3rd Amendment Act) 2008, in the ref 3rd cited above
and see that the instructions contained in terms (iii) and (iv) of para 2 of the circular are
followed without fail. All the Circle Deputy Registrars are requested to adhere to the
instructions issued in term (v) of para 2 of this circular.
4. The Additional Registrar Chennai Region and all the Regional Joint
Registrars and the Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank and all the Central
Cooperative Banks are requested to acknowledge at once the receipt of this Circular.
The Additional Registrar Chennai Region and all the Regional Joint Registrars shall
obtain similar acknowledgement from the Circle Deputy Registrars concerned and file
the same in their office file.
(Sd).. Jatindra Nath Swain I.A.S.,

//By Order//
for Registrar

The Additional Registrar,
Chennai Region.
All the Regional Joint Registrars
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai,
Special Officers of all the Central Cooperative Banks
All Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to TMFC, CBP, CBS, PACB OE CCA CE AND OM sections in the office

Name of the Region:

S.No. Questionnaire Particulars Report

1. Total Number of pending disciplinary
a) Of which, no of disciplinary cases
pending for more than six months
b) Time limit set out by the committee for
disposal of over six months cases (case
wise details to be furnished separately).
c) Follow up taken by the society on the
decisions of the committee (case wise
details to be furnished separately).
2. Total number of suspension cases
a) Of which suspension cases pending for
more than 6 months
b) Number of suspension cases reviewed
by the Committee
c) Decisions of the Committee (case wise
details to be furnished separately).
d) Follow up taken by the society on the
decisions of the committee. (case wise
details to be furnished separately).
3. Other remarks, if any please specify.

For Registrar


Rc.46799/2009 C.E.1
(Circular No.12/2009) Dated: 5.5.2009

Sub: Cooperative Societies – Winding up of dormant primary

Cooperative societies – instructions – Regarding.
The A.R. Chennai Region and all other regional J.Rs and Circle
D.Rs may aware that during the elections to primary cooperative societies
held in July 2007 in the societies noted in the Annexure I no nomination
was filed and consequently the elections were postponed for want of
nominations. In most of the case, the reason for no nomination may
presumably be the dormancy of the society concerned. The circle Deputy
Registrars are requested to identify the primary cooperative societies which
are dormant for more than 2 consecutive years and which cannot be revived
and take action for their winding up under section 137 (2) of the TNCS Act
1983. This item of work should be taken up immediately and completed
before 31.5.2009.

2. Clause (a) of sub section (2) of Section 137 provides for winding
up primary cooperative societies where the number of members has been
reduced to less than twenty five. From the information gathered during the
elections to primary cooperative societies held in July 2007 it is seen that in
the societies noted in the Annexure I, the membership had fallen below the
statutory minimum of 25.

Of these, some societies may be working and some others may be

dormant. The working societies which could not increase the membership to
the statutory minimum 25, because of the law laid down by the Honourable
Supreme Court, that the Special Officers have no legal right to admit new
members, may be allowed to continue to function though Section 137(2)
provides for their winding up. The dormant societies may be wound up
under Section 137(2).


For Registrar
The A.R. Chennai Region
All the Regional Joint Registrars
All the Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to : S.F. Section



S.No. Region Name of the Society
1 Chennai Chennai Dock workers Coop. Canteen
2 Chennai Chennai Port Trust Employees Coop. Canteen
3 Chennai Foreshore Estate Primary Coop. Store
4 Chennai T.N. Land Survey Dept. Employees
5 Chennai Wastepaper Pickers Coop. Society
6 Coimbatore Somasundaram Mills Emp. Coop. Society
7 Dharmapuri T.W.A.D. Board Employees Coop. Society
8 Dindigul Nallamanayakakkanpatti PACB
9 Dindigul Saravana Mills Employees Coop. Society
10 Dindigul Health Department Emp. Coop.Society
11 Dindigul K. Pudukottai PACB
12 Dindigul Kamatachipuram P.A.C.B
13 Dindigul Kariampatti Labour Contract Society
14 Dindigul Kodai Panchayat Union Emp Coop. Society
15 Dindigul Kulathur Aruna Mills Emp. Coop.Society
16 Dindigul Madurai Dam Labour Contract Society
17 Dindigul Mangarai P.A.C.B.
18 Dindigul Palar Dam Labour Contract Society
19 Dindigul T.N.Govt. Emp. Coop. Stores
20 Dindigul Thennampatti Labour Contract Society
21 Dindigul Vedachandur Public Emp. Coop. Society
22 Dindigul Vijayakumar Mills Emp. Coop. Society
23 Erode Anthiyoor P.A.C.B.
24 Kancheepuram Air Corporation Emp Coop. Stores
25 Kancheepuram Barathiyar Labour Contract Society
26 Kancheepuram Kalpakkam Atomic Power Emp Coop Canteen
27 Kancheepuram Modern Engineering Coop. Construction Society
28 Karur Trichy Dt Spinning Mills Emp Coop. Society
29 Krishnagiri Thenkanikottai Teachers Emp. Coop. Society
30 Madurai Azhagapuri P.A.C.B.
31 Madurai Manalpatti P.A.C.B.
32 Madurai Thiagaraja Mill Emp. Coop. Stores
33 Madurai Usilampatti P.A.C.B.
34 Nagapattinam Kodiyakkadu P.A.C.B.
35 Nagapattinam Unemployed Graduates Coop. Construction

S.No. Region Name of the Society
36 Namakkal Chandrasekarapuram P.A.C.B.
37 Namakkal S.S.M. Group Mills Emp. Coop. Stores
38 Nilgiris E.B. Employees Coop. Society
39 Nilgiris Public Servants Emp Coop. Society
40 Ramnad Alangaramatha Teachers Coop. Society
41 Ramnad Puthuruthi P.A.C.B.
42 Ramnad T. Punavasal P.A.C.B.
43 Ramnad Vengittankuruchi P.A.C.B.
44 Ramnad Ayyappan Mils Emp Coop. Society
45 Ramnad Scavengers Emp. Coop. Society
46 Salem Coop. Institution Emp. Coop. Society
47 Sivagangai Devakottai V.A.O. Emp. Coop. Society
48 Sivagangai Kalayarkoil Panchayat Union Emp Coop.
49 Sivagangai Sivagangai Dt Judicial Emp Coop. Society
50 Sivagangai Snegavalli Mills Emp Coop Society
51 Theni Kamayakoundanpatti P.A.C.S
52 Thiruvallur Marshall and Sons Emp Coop. Society
53 Thiruvallur S & S Emp Coop. Society
54 Thiruvallur Ashok Leyland Emp Coop. Society
55 Thiruvallur Chozhavaram Panchayat Union Teachers Coop
56 Thiruvallur Coromandal Emp Coop. Society
57 Thiruvallur Kunal Engineering Emp Coop. Society
58 Thiruvallur Manali New Town Emp Coop. Society
59 Thiruvallur Manali Petro Chemical Emp Coop. Society
60 Thiruvallur South Switch Gear Coop Store
61 Thiruvannamalai Chetput Roman Catholic Emp Coop. Society
62 Thoothukudi Tiruchendur Spinning Mill Emp Coop. Society
63 Tirunelveli Ganapathi Mills Emp Coop. Society
64 Tirunelveli Tenkasi Teachers Emp Coop. Society
65 Trichy Police Dept. Officers Coop. Stores
66 Vellore Arcot Emp Coop. Society
67 Vellore Vellore E.B. Emp Coop Stores
68 Villupuram Anna Labour Contract Society
69 Villupuram Post and Telegraph Coop. Store
70 Virudhunagar Chettikuruchi P.A.C.B.
71 Virudhunagar Sundarapandian Rajagopal Emp Coop. Stores
72 Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Rural Development Bank.

For Registrar




S.No. Region Name of the Society Type of Members

the as on
Society 25.2.001
1 Tirunelveli Ganapathy Mills E.C.S. 8
2 Tirunelveli TNY DCCB E.C.S. 16
3 Coimbatore Chandra Mills E.C.S. 10
4 Coimbatore CBE Murugan Mills Officers E.C.S. 15
5 Coimbatore CBE Dt Coop Store & ECS E.C.S. 23
6 Coimbatore Madukkarai PU Govt HSS E.C.S. 23
7 Perambalur Perambablur Govt HSS E.C.S. 11
8 Kancheepuram K.M. Subburaya Mudaliar E.C.S. 11
9 Kancheepuram Advani Orligon E.C.S. 14
10 Kancheepuram Oil Pallavaram Adi Dravidar Labour 23
11 Chennai Spencers E.C.S. 11
12 Chennai M.M.Rubber Company E.C.S. 16
13 Chennai Voltas E.C.S. 17
14 Chennai G.E.C. & Group Company E.C.S. 18
15 Chennai C.T. & Associates Company E.C.S. 19
16 Chennai K.M.Management E.C.S. 20
17 Chennai Chintadripet School E.C.S. 22
18 Chennai SENDUS E.C.S. 24
19 Madurai C.S.M. Church E.C.S. 12
20 Madurai U.C. High School Teachers E.C.S. 15
21 Madurai Muthu Thevar Mukkulathu E.C.S. 18
22 Madurai T.N.Madurai Region Printing E.C.S. 12
23 Thoothukudi Madura Coats E.C.S. 14
24 Nilgiris Kethai E.B. E.C.S. 17
25 Nilgiris NLGDt. Library E.C.S. 19
26 Nilgiris Salivan Court E.C.S. 24
27 Nagapattinam Ayangudipallam Venkateshvar E.C.S. 17
28 Virudhunagar Hindu Match Works E.C.Store 18
29 Ramnad Paramakkudi E.B. E.C.S. 19
30 Ramnad Iyyappan Spinning Mills E.C.S. 22
31 Thanjavur Vallam R.C. Mission school E.C.S. 19
32 Thanjavur Thanjavur St Pethuru HSS E.C.S. 21
33 Tihiruvallur E.T.S. E.C.S. 20
34 Sivagangai S.G.G.R. High School E.C.S. 21
35 Sivagangai Arunachalam Chettiar HSS E.C.S. 22


Rc.94797/2008 C.E.1
(Circular No.14/2009) Dated: 11.5.2009

Sub: Cooperative Societies – Updating of Admission

Register/Book- Instructions – issued

It has come to the notice that many cooperative societies have not
maintained the Admission Register / Book Property. It is needless to point
out that all the columns in the Admission Register /Book shall be filled up
without any omission. The circle Deputy Registrars shall instruct the
societies under their control to make entries in all the columns provided in
the Admission Register / Book and see that entries therein are updated.
This work should be completed by every society before 31.5.2009.

2. It has also come to the notice that the Admission Register / Book
is not up dated and it contains the names of dead members and disqualified
members. With regard to dead members it is informed that the bylaws of
every society shall contain a provision that if a member dies, his
membership shall if so facto ceases. Section 30 of the TNCS Act 1983
provides for transfer of share or interest on the death of member. Sub-
Section (1) of the said section 30 provides for transfer of share of the
deceased member to his nominee or legal heir which can be made only by
admitting the nominee or legal heir of a deceased member as a member of
the society. Since as per the judgement of the Supreme Court, the Special
Officers have no right to admit new member. Subsection (2) of section 30
provides for refund of share capital to the nominee or legal heir of the
deceased member. Subsection (2) over rides the provisions in sub-section
(1) of sec.30. Therefore, whenever it is brought to notice that a member has
deceased, the society shall immediately take the Share Capital of the
deceased member from the Admission Register / Book. Thereafter, the
share capital taken to “Suspense Due by Account” may be refunded to the
nominee or legal heir of the deceased member by following the due
procedure. If may be noted that no order or approval of the Registrar. Joint
Registrar or Deputy Registrar is necessary for this purpose under any of the
provisions of the TNCS Act, 1983 and TNCS Rules 1988. Whether a member
has deceased is a question of fact which may come to the notice of the
management of the society in the normal course or from the field staff who
have frequent official contacts with members. It should also be ensured that
the in no case the name of a member is removed from the Admission
Register / Book based on a mere suspicion that the member has deceased.
The circle Deputy Registrars are requested to instruct all cooperative
societies to remove immediately the names of all deceased members from
the Admission Register / Book and to see that the work is completed by

3. The Deputy Registrars should cause to verify and satisfy that the
items of work specified in paras 1 and 2 above are completed by 31.5.2009
and send a certificate to this office to the effect that these item of work are
completed by 31.5.2009 in all the cooperative societies in their circle. The
certificate should reach this office before 15.6.2009.

4. Section 21(1) of the TNCS Act 1983 deals with qualifications for
membership of a cooperative society. As per the proviso to clause (a) of the
said sub section (1) for admission as a member of a society a person shall
possess such further qualifications as may be specified in the rules or the
byelaws. Rule 31(1) of the TNCS Rules 1988 specifies that no individual
other than an individual who is qualified for admission with reference to the
principal object of the society shall be eligible for admission as a member of
the society. Section 23 of the T.N.C.S.Act, 1983 deals with the
disqualifications for membership of society. Subsection (2) of the Section 23
of the TNCS Act, 1983 specifies the circumstances under which a member
of a society shall cease to be a member of the society. As per clause (g) of
subsection (2) of Section 23 a member of the society shall cease to be a
member of the society, if he does not possess the qualification with
reference to the principal object of the society prescribed in the rules or
bylaws. The members who are disqualified as per the provisions of section
23 (2) , rule 31 and the bylaws have to be removed from the membership of
the society. The power to remove members of cooperative societies who are
disqualified under the provisions of section 23 are vested with the Registrar.
As per Rule 35 of the T.N.C.S. Rules 1988, the Registrar may of his own
motion or on application by an order in writing direct the removal of a
member or a society from such membership if in the opinion of the
Registrar such member was or has become subject to any of the
disqualification mentioned in sec.23. The powers of the Registrar under rule
35 are conferred on the Deputy Registrars. The circle Deputy Registrars
shall immediately gather from the societies in their respective circle, the
particulars of the members who are disqualified under section 23(2) and
obtain applications from the respective societies for their removal under
rule 35. The Deputy Registrars after giving the members concerned an
opportunity of making their representations, issue order under sub rule (1)
Rule 35 directing the societies concerned to remove the members who are
disqualified under subsection (2) of section 23 of the TNCS Act, 1983. As
per sub rule (2) of rule 35, upon the issue of an order under sub rule (1) the
member concerned shall cease to be a member of the society. The circle
Deputy Registrars shall also direct the society to remove immediately the
names of the members who are removed from membership by their order
under Rule 35 (1) from the Admission Register / Book by taking their Share
Capital to the Suspense Due by A/c which shall be later refunded to them.
The circle Deputy Registrars should see that this item of work is completed
before 15.6.2009.

The circle Deputy Registrars should cause to verify and satisfy that
the names of the members ordered to be removed by them are actually
removed from the Admission Register / Book and shall send a certificate to
the effect to this office before 20.6.2009.

5. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all the Regional

Joint Registrars are requested to take close followup action and ensure that
the instructions contained in this circular are carried out by the societies
and circle Deputy Registrars in their region without any omission.

6. The receipt of this circular shall be acknowledged at once by the

Additional Registrar, Chennai Region, all the regional Joint Registrars and
Circle Deputy Registrars.



For Registrar

The A.R. Chennai Region
All the Regional Joint Registrars
All the Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to : S.F. Section


Circular No.25/2009
(Rc.66794/09/ SF4) Dated: 17.8.2009

Sub: Cooperative Societies - Maintenace of Accounts Books

And Records by Cooperative Societies and Production of
Accounts And books for audit under sec. 80 –
Instructions issued.

1) It has been brought to the notice of the Registrar that in certain

cases especially in PACS under the control of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies the accounts and books were not produced for audit under
section 80 or for inquiry under section 81 or inspection or investigation
under section 82 of the TNCS Act 1983 despite the statutory provisions in
the TNCS Act and Rules. From the information gathered from the Regional
Joint Registrars and Director of Cooperative Audit, it is seen that in certain
PACS the audit is pending for years together for want of books and
accounts. Also there were instances where in the accounts books and
record relating to a particular period were wantonly removed from the
societies or destroyed by unscrupulous employees including the Secretaries
of PACS in order to escape from criminal and other legal action likely to be
taken against them for their involvement in irregularities.

2) In this regard, the contents of the statutory provisions

prevalent in the TNCS Act and Rules for upkeep of Books of Accounts for
production to Audit / Inquiry / Inspection are highlighted below.

(A) Section 84 of the TNCS Act, 1983 provides that the

Chief Executive or the President where there is no Chief Executive of every
society shall maintain such accounts and books relating to that society in
such manner as may be prescribed and that he shall be responsible for the
correct and upto date maintenance of such accounts and books and for
producing them when called for in connection with audit under section 80
or inquiry under section 81 or inspection or investigation under section 82
or inspection of books under section 83.

(B) Rule 20 of the TNCS Rules, 1099 prescribes the accounts,

books and records to be kept and maintained upto date by every society.

(C) Rule 21 of the said rules specifies the proof for which the
accounts books and records maintained by every society shall be
(D) Sub clause (i) of clause (b) of subsection (1) of section 80
of the TNCS Act, 1983 provides that every society shall prepare the financial
statements and other details required for the completion of audit within
three months from the close of its cooperative year of such further period or
periods as the Registrar may permit provided that such extended period or
persons shall not exceed six months in the aggregate.

(E) Sub rule (1) of Rule 101 of the TNCS Rules, 1988 read
with sub rule (2) of the said rule 101 provides that the Chief Executive or
the President where there is no Chief Executive of the society shall prepare
the financial statements and other details required for the completion of
audit within the period or 3 months after the close of the cooperative year
of the society and shall intimate in Form No. 34 (prescribed in Schedule I of
the TNCS Rules, 1988), to the auditor, the Registrar (Audit) the Registrar
and the federal society concerned.

(F) Sub-rule (2) of the said rule 101 provides for making an
application in Form No.35 requesting for extension of time and sub-rule (3)
of the said rule 101, provides for granting extension of time (not exceeding 6
months in the aggregate) as the Registrar may consider necessary.

3) With a view to avoiding recurrence of the events referred to

in para 1 above the following instructions are issued.

i) Every society shall keep and maintain upto date the

accounts, books and records as required under rule 20 and retain them
for such period as specified in rule 21 of the TNCS Rules, 1988.

ii) The following accounts and books shall be maintained

separately for every cooperative year.
a) Day Book
b) General Ledger
c) Subsidiary Ledger
d) Loan Ledger
e) Fixed Deposit Register
f) Stock Register
g) Liability Register
h) Investment Register
i) Receipt Book
j) Voucher Files & Acquittance roll
k) Bill Book
l) Sales Chitta
m) Monthly register of receipts and disbursement or Trial Balance
n) Suspense Recoverable Ledger / Register
o) Suspense Payable Ledger / Register
iii) In the case of the accounts and books falling under item (ii)
above, the Accounts shall be closed at the end of every cooperative year and
the balance struck which shall be carried over to the opening balance of
the Account books opened for the subsequent cooperative year which shall
be verified and initialled by the Chief Executive / President.

iv) The accounts and books falling under item (ii) above for the
Cooperative years for which the audit has been completed shall be bundled
yearwise and kept separately in the Record Room under the lock and key of
the Chief Executive / President.

v) The accounts and books falling under item (ii) above for the
cooperative years for which the audit has not been completed shall be
bundled and listed yearwise and kept separately in the safe custody of the
Chief Executive / President.

vi) The Chief Executive / President shall be responsible for

producing the accounts books and records for audit under section 80 or
inquiry under section 81 or inspection or investigation under section 82 of
inspection of books under section 83.

vii) In all cases where the accounts books and records are lawfully
to be produced before court or to the Police the Chief Executive / President
shall arrange to take their Xerox copies and get them certified in the
manner prescribed in rule 24 of the TNCS Rules, 1988 before producing
them to the court or handing over to the Police as the case may be and keep
them in his safe custody and produce them when required for audit or
inquiry or inspection or investigation.

viii) In all cases where the accounts are not written upto date, the
circle Deputy Registrars, in exercise of the powers of the Registrar under
rule 22 of the TNCS Rules 1988 conferred on them issue a direction to the
societies concerned to get the accounts of the society written up to such
date within such time as they may specify. Where any society fails so to do,
the circle Deputy Registrar may depute an officer subordinate to him or
authorize any employee of the training bank or of the federal society
concerned to write up the accounts books and records, in such cases the
circle Deputy Registrar may by order, determine the charges which the
society concerned shall pay and to direct is recovery from the society.
ix) With regard to audit every society shall comply with the
provisions in sub-clause (1) of clause (b) of sub section (1) of section 80 of
the TNCS Act, 1983 and in sub rules (1) and (2) of Rule 101 of the TNCS
Rules 1988.

x) The Chief Executive / President of every society shall prepare

the financial statements and other details required for the completion of
audit for every cooperative year before 30th June and intimate in Form
No.34 to the Auditor, the Registrar (Audit), the Circle Deputy Registrar and
the federal society concerned.

xi) Where the financial statements and other details required for
completion of audit for a cooperative year are not could not be prepared
within 3 months after the close of the year i.e. before 30th June the Chief
Executive / President of the society shall make an application in Form 35
requesting for extension of time to the Circle Deputy Registrar concerned on
which the powers of the Registrar under section 80 of the TNCS Act, 1983
and rules 101 and 102 of the TNCS Rules are conferred.

xii) On receipt of the application in Form 35, the circle Deputy

Registrar shall examine and grant extension of time which shall not exceed
six months in the aggregate.

xiii) Every society shall keep the accounts, books and records for
the years for which the audit has not been completed in safe custody till the
completion of audit and issue of audit certificates for the respective year
irrespective of the period of retention specified in rule 21 of the TNCS Rules,

xiv) For the purpose of sec. 84 and rule 101, mentioned in this
circular the Chief Executive shall be the special Officer of the society till an
elected Board is constituted and the Special Officer shall be responsible for
the upto date maintenance and custody of accounts, books and records of
the society and for their production for audit, inquiry or inspection.

4) All the circle Deputy Registrars shall verify and satisfy that every
society under their administrative control keeps and maintains upto date
for every cooperative year the accounts, books and records as required
under rules 20 and 21 of the TNCS Rules, 1988 and retain them for such
period as specified in rule 21 of the said rules and comply with sub rules (1)
and (2) of Rule 101 of the said Rules, 1988 and the instructions issued in
para 3 above. For this purpose the circle Deputy Registrars shall after the
close of Cooperative year get Annual Reports in Form No.1 and Form No.2
(enclosed) from every society in their administrative control on or before 5th
May and 5th August respectively. For the year 2008-2009 the circle Deputy
Registrars should receive the reports in Form 1 & 2 from all the societies in
their respective circle before 5.9.2009. All the circle Deputy Registrars shall
send annual reports in Form No.(3 ) and Form No.(4) to the Regional Joint
Registrar concerned and the Registrar of Cooperative Societies on or before
15th May and 15th August respectively every year. For the year 2008-2009
the Annual reports in Form No.3 and Form No.4 shall reach the Regional
Registrar concerned with a copy marked to the Registrar on or before

5) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all the Regional
Joint Registrars are requested to monitor the compliance of the instructions
issued in the circular by all the societies under their administrative control
and the Circle Deputy Registrars in their region. They shall review the
reports received from the Circle Deputy Registrars on or before 5th June and
5th September every year and send copies of their review to the Registrar on
or before 10th June and 10th September every year. The review for the year
2008-2009 shall be completed before 5.10.2009 and copies of the review
sent to the Registrar before 10.10.2009.

6) The receipt of this circular shall be acknowledged at once by the

Additional Registrar, Chennai Region all the regional Joint Registrars and
all the circle Deputy Registrars. The Circle Deputy Registrars shall
communicate a copy of this circle to all societies in their administrative
control, got their acknowledgement and file them in their office file.

Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain


For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All the Regional Joint Registrars
All the Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to all officers in the office in duplicate
Copy to the TNCU in duplicate for publication in their journal of cooperation
Copy to all administrative sections in this office
Copy to SF Sectioon
Copy to Stock file.

CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No. 27/09
Rc. No.104290/2008 SF3 Dated 12.9.2009

Sub: Co-operative Societies – Removal of Paid Officers and

Servants of Co-operative Society under section 77 of
the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983
Implication of the provisions in Sub-Section (4) of the
said section 77 – Regarding.

Ref: Registrar’s Circular No.26/2008 Dated 18.9.2008.


In the circular cited instructions have been issued regarding

reinstatement of dismissed employees of Co-operative Societies involved in
criminal cases consequent on his acquittal or when his conviction is setaside on
appeal or revision.

2. Sub-Section (2) of Section 77 of the Tamilnadu Co-operative

Societies, 1983 provides for removal of a paid office or servant of Co-operative
Society who has been found guilty of or convicted by a competent court for an
offence involving moral turpitude by the Society on a direction from the Registrar
under sub-section (1) of the said section 77.

Sub-Section (3) of the said section 77 provides for removal of such

paid officer or servant by order of the Registrar if the society disobeys or willfully
fails to comply with the direction issued by under section (1) of Section 77.

Sub section (4) of the said section 77 provides that where a paid
officer or servant of a society removed from service under sub section (2) or sub
section (3) is acquitted by the competent court, or when the conviction of such
officer or servant is setaside on appeal or revision by the appellate court, such
officer or servant shall be reinstated to the same post held by him prior to such

3. Section 12 of the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 gives a benefit

to the person released on probation to the extent that he shall not suffer
disqualification attaching to a conviction of an offence. Disqualification should be
one which is attached to a conviction of an offence and to that extent release on
probation removes a disqualification. The removal of a paid officer or servant of a
society under sub section (2) or sub section (3) of section 77 is a departmental
proceedings under the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 and it cannot
be construed as disqualification attached to conviction. It is clear that sub section
(4) of section 77 clearly elicits that unless and until such officer or paid servant of a
Co-operative Society is acquitted by the competent court or when the conviction of
such officer or servant is setaside on appeal or revision by the appellate court, such
officer or servant shall not be reinstated. Therefore if follows that a paid officer or
servant of a Co-operative Society removed from service under sub section (2) or
sub section (3) of section 77of the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983
shall not be reinstated to service if such paid officer or servant is only released on
probation under the probation of offender Act 1958 by the competent court on an
appeal or revision.


For Registrar
Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to :
All Circle Deputy Registrar
All Officers in Registrar’s Office
All Administrative sections in Registrar’s Office
Stock file

CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No. 37/09
Rc. No.116830/2008 SF3 Dated 12.9.2009

Sub: Co-operatives – Appointment to Direct Recruitment

posts / promotions in Cooperative Societies – Consideration
of Degree/Diploma / Master Degree awarded by open
University as valid qualification – Instructions – Regarding

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.180, Personnel and Administrative Reforms

(R ) Department dt.11.9.2000
2. G.O.Ms.No.107, Personnel and Administrative Reforms
(M) Department dt.18.8.2009.
In the G.O. 1 cited Government issued orders recognizing the Degree,
Diploma, and Master Degrees awarded by open universities which are recognized by
University Grants Commission on par with degree, diploma, Master degrees awarded by
regular universities.

2. Now Government in the G.O.2nd cited (copy enclosed) have clarified that
the persons who got diploma/degree/master degree through open universities/distance
education, such degree/diploma/master degree can be taken into consideration as
necessary educational qualification in public appointments/promotions only if such
persons have passed the Tenth and Plus 2 examination by studying in school.

3. In the light of the above clarification it is hereby instructed that, the

managements of the Cooperative Societies in matters of appointment/promotion for any
category of posts to be filled up by direct recruitment or by promotion, should consider
the degree, diploma, master degree, obtained through distance education and awarded
by open universities/regular universities as eligible educational qualifications only if such
persons have completed successfully passed the School examination in 10th and Plus 2
scheme. In other words, an individual having a degree obtained through distance
education method from open universities/regular universities will not qualify for a post
where degree is a necessary qualification unless he has studied in a regular school and
passed 10th and 12th class examinations conducted by State Board/CBSE /such other
Boards recognized by the Government to conduct such examinations.

4. The Additional Registrar, Chennai and all regional Joint Registrars are
requested to take action to ensure that the Cooperative Societies under their purview
make necessary changes/amendments in the special bylaws relating to service
condition of their employees on the lines of the above instructions within next 10 days
and give a completion report.

5. The Additional Registrar, Chennai and all Regional Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies are requested to communicate the contents of this Circular to all
subordinate officers and the management of Cooperative Societies under their control
and obtain acknowledgement for receipt of the same, besides sending their
acknowledgement to this office.

Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain,

Encl: As above

/by order/

for Registrar
The Additonal Registrar
Chennai Region

All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to All Sections in this Office
Copy to Stock file.

murhiz (ãiy) v©.107, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (v«) Jiw 18.8.2009
ehë£l‹ c©ik efš.
bghJ¥gâfŸ – Ïiz¡fšé¤jF ã®za« - gŸë nkšãiy¥ go¥ò (+2) Ko¤J,
Âwªj btë¥ gšfiy¡ fHf§fëš bgW« g£la« / g£l« / KJfiy¥g£l§fŸ – bghJ
gâfëš ãakd« bgw m§Ñfç¤J – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.

1. murhiz (ãiy) v©.180 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (M®)
Jiw ehŸ 11.9.2000
2. Ã.v°.v‹.vš. ãWtd jäœehL t£l jiyik¥ bghJ nkyhsç‹ foj
v©.M®.Ï.o./301-6/2004 ehŸ 17.7.2004
3. jäœehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza¢ brayç‹ ne®Kf foj« v©.
1745/M®.v‹.o-v¥1/2007, ehŸ 5.4.2007
4. jäœehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza¢ Ïiz¢brayç‹ ne®Kf
foj« v©. 5900/M®.v‹.o-v¥1/2007, ehŸ 27.9.2007.

nkny x‹¿š fhQ« murhizæš, gšfiy¡fHf kh‹a¡ FGthš

m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l jäœeh£oYŸs gšfiy¡fHf§fshš Âwªj btë¥ gšfiy¡fHf Kiw
_y« tH§f¥gL« g£la¥ go¥ò, g£l¥go¥ò k‰W« KJãiy¥ g£l¥go¥òfis,
m¥gšfiy¡fHf§fshš Kiwahf (Regular Stream) tH§f¥gL« g£la¥ go¥ò,
g£l¥go¥ò k‰W« KJãiy¥ g£l¥go¥ò M»at‰¿‰F¢ rkkhf¡ fU bghJ gâfëš
ntiythŒ¥Ã‰F m§Ñfhu« më¤J Mizæl¥g£lJ.

2. Ã.v°.v‹.vš. ãWtd jäœehL t£l jiyik¥ bghJ nkyhs® nkny Ïu©oš

fhQ« foj¤Âš, gŸë nkšãiy¡ fšéæš nj®¢Á, Fiwªj g£r fšé¤ jFÂahf
ã®zæ¡f¥g£l xU gâæl¤Â‰F, gŸë nkš ãiy¡ fšé¤ nj®éš (+2) nj®tilahkš,
Âwªj btë¥ gšfiy¡fHf§fë‹ têahf Ïs« m¿éaš, Ïs§fiy¥ g£l§fŸ
(B.Sc., B.A.) bg‰wt®fis, gŸë nkšãiy¡ fšé¤ nj®éš nj®¢Á bg‰wt®fŸ
vd¡ fU muR¤ Jiwfëš gjé ca®ÎfS¡F¤ jF bg‰wt®fshf¡ fUjyhkh vd
és¡f« nfhçæUªjh®.

3. nk‰f©l fU¤JU ÛJ Ïiz¡fšé ã®za gçÓè¥ò¡ FGé‹ gçªJiuia¥

bg‰W mD¥òkhW jäœehL muR¥g gâahs® nj®thiza¡ FGé‹ bray® nf£L¡
bfhŸs¥g£lh®. Ïizs¡ fšé¤jF ã®za¡FG, gŸë nkš ãiy¡ fšé¤ nj®éš
nj®¢Á bgwhkš, Âwªj btë¥ gšfiy¡fHf§fëš šs« m¿éaš k‰W« Ïs§fiy¥
(B.Sc., B.A.) g£l« bg‰wt®fis khãy muÁ‹ +2 nj®éš nj®¢Á bg‰wt®fŸ vd¡
fUÂ, muR¥ gâæš gâ ãakd¤Â‰nfh mšyJ gjé ca®ÎfS¡nfh fUj ÏayhJ
vd¥ gçªJiu¤jJ. Ï¡fU¤JUéid Ïiz¡fšé ã®za¡ FGé‹ gçªJiu¡fhf
Û©L« tèÍW¤ÂaJ.

4. gçªJiuæid muR ftdkhf¥ gçÓè¤J Ïiz¡fšé ã®za gçÓè¥ò¡

FGé‹ gçªJiuæid V‰W¡ bfhŸs KobtL¤J mj‰»z§f, gŸë ÏW¤ nj®Î
(g¤jh« tF¥ò) k‰W« gŸë nkš ãiy¡ fšé¤ nj®Î (+2) M»aitfëš nj®¢Á
bg‰w¥Ã‹, Âwªj btë¥ gšfiy¡fHf§fë‹ têahf¥ bgw¥gL« g£la« / g£l« /
KJfiy¥ g£l§fis k£L« bghJ gâfëš ãakd« / gjé ca®Î bgw m§Ñfç¤J

(x«) v‹. bt§f£uhk‹

muR brayhs®

/c©ik efš/


Copy of G.O.Ms.No.141, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CJ1) Department
dated 17.9.2009.

Act and Rules – The Tamilnadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988 – Sub-rule (2) of rule
85 of the Tamilnadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988 – Amendment – Issued.

From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies Letter
Rc.No.28038/2008/SF.4 dated 18.3.2008.


The appended Notification will be published in the Tamilnadu Government


2. The Works Manager, Government Central, Chennai is requested to send

Two Hundred Copies of the said Notification to the Principal Secretary to Government,
Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department, Chennai.600 009

Sd/- K. Shanmugam
Principal Secretary to Government

/true copy/

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 180 of the Tamilnadu Cooperative

Societies Act, 1983 (Tamilnadu Act 30 of 1983) , the Governor of Tamilnadu hereby
makes the following amendment to the Tamilnadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988:-

In the said Rules, in rule 85 for the first proviso to sub-rule
(2), the following proviso shall be substituted, namely:-
“Provided that no expenditure under clauses (a) , (b) or (c) shall exceed:-
i) rupees thirty thousand in the case of a primary society
ii) rupees seventy five thousand in the case of a central society ; and
iii) rupees one lakh fifty thousand in the case of an apex society”.

Sd/- K. Shanmugam
Principal Secretary to Government

Endt. Rc.28038/2009/SF.4 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Dated: 14.10.2009

A copy of G.O. (Ms) No.141, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CJ1)
Department dated 17.9.2009 is communicated to all the officers noted in the address
entry for information and necessary action.

For Registrar

1. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
2. All the Regional Joint Registrar, Joint Registrar (PDS I & II)
3. All the Circle Deputy Registrars
4. The Special Officer of all the District Central Cooperative Banks
5. The Special Officers of all Apex Cooperative Institutions

Copy to all Administrative Section in Registrar’s Office AR, CE and SF section

Copy to Stock file.

murhiz (o) v©.273, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 8.10.09‹
c©ik efš
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš gâòçÍ« Cêa®fS¡F g©oif K‹gz« ca®¤Â
tH§Fjš – MizfŸ – btëæl¥gL»‹wd.

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.v©.99305/09.ÁÃv°.1

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fëš gâah‰W« mid¤J Cêa®fS¡F« g©oif K‹gz« ca®¤Â
tH§Fjš F¿¤Â gh®itæš f©LŸs foj¤Âš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mD¥Ãa fU¤JUit MŒÎ brŒJ muR Ñœ¡f©lthW g©oif tH§f MizæL»wJ.

t.v© T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Â‹ bga® g©oif K‹gz«

1. jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§» Ú§fyhf
mid¤J jiyik¢ r§f§fëš gâah‰W« 9,500/-
2 kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fëš gâah‰W«
3 kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§» Ú§fyhf Vida
k¤Âa tif r§f§fëš gâah‰W« gâahs®fŸ 5,500/-
k‰W« efu T£LwÎ t§»¥ gâahs®fŸ
4 efu T£LwÎ t§» Ú§fyhf mid¤J bjhl¡f
ãiy¢ r§f§fëš gâah‰W« gâahs®fŸ 4,500/-

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
x«/- f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
// c©ik efš //

nk.F.e.f. v©.99305/09/ktg.1 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, br‹id.10
ehŸ 9.10.09

muR Miz (o) v©.273 , T£LwÎ , czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw

ehŸ 8.10.2009 j¡f elto¡if¡fhf ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤JD¥g¥gL»wJ.

jå mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«, br‹id
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jå mYty®, mid¤J jiyik¡ T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ (jäœehL khãy jiyik
T£LwÎ t§» Ú§fyhf)
efš : gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ.

muR Miz (o) v©.274, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (ÁÁ.1) Jiw ehŸ
9.10.2009 ehë£l‹ c©ik efš
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F 2008-2009 M«
M©L¡fhd nghd° k‰W« fUiz bjhif tH§Fjš – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.

go¡f : T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« v©. e.f.99320/09/SF3

ehŸ 30.9.2009

nkny go¡f¥g£LŸs foj¤Âš T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F 2008-

2009 M« M©o‰F nghd° k‰W« fUiz¤ bjhif tH§FtJ F¿¤J fU¤JUit
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® muR¡F mD¥ÃÍŸsh®.

2. T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUéid muR ftdkhf MŒÎ

brŒjJ. nghd° r£l¤Â‹ ÑœtU« T£LwÎ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fëš
ÂU¤Jtj‰F K‹ cŸs CÂa é»jkhf %. 5300-150-8300 k‰W« mj‰F Fiwªj r«gs
é»j§fëš cŸs gjéfëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F nghd° r£l c¢rtu«ghd
%.10000/- v‹w r«gs c¢rtu«Ã‰F éy¡fë¤J 2008-2009 M« M©o‰fhd nghd°
k‰W« fUiz¤ bjhif tH§f Ñœ¡f©lthW muR MizæL»wJ.

1. 2008-2009 M« M©o‰F xJ¡f¡Toa cgç¤bjhif Ïšyhj Mdhš 1965 M«

M©ila nghd° r£l¤Â‹ ÑœtU« T£LwÎ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ«
gâahs®fS¡F 8.33 rjé»j« nghd° k‰W« 1.67 rjé»j« fUiz¤ bjhif
%.4200/- ¡F äfhkš tH§f¥gL«.

2. xJ¡f¡Toa cgç¤ bjhif (allocable surplus) cŸs T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹

gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F xJ¡f¡Toa cgç¤ bjhifæ‹ mo¥gilæš 20
rjé»j« tiu %.8400/- ¡F äfhkš nghd[hf tH§f¥gL«.

3. Ï›thW tH§f¥gL« nghd° bjhif fz¡»L«nghJ khj¢ r«gs« %.3500/-

vd fz¡»l¥g£L tH§f¥gL«.

4) nghd° r£l¤Â‹ Ñœ tuhj T£LwÎ Ïiza§fŸ k‰W« kht£l T£LwÎ

r§f§fëš gâah‰W« gâahs®fS¡F fUiz¤ bjhifahf %.1500/-
tH§f¥gL«. Ïnj ngh‹W nghd° r£l¤Â‹ Ñœ tuhj bjhl¡f T£LwÎ
r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F %.1200/- fUiz¤ bjhifahf

5) T£LwÎ r§f§fëš muR¥ gâ ãiyæš cŸsJ nghy “Á k‰W« o” v‹w
tif¥ghL VJäšyhjjhš ÂU¤Jtj‰F K‹ò (Pre-revised scale) cŸs CÂa
é»jkhd %.5300-150-8300 « mj‰F ÑG« Mu«g ãiy r«gs é»j« (starting
scale of pay ofRs.5300 and less) cŸs T£LwÎ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ«
gâahs®fŸ midtU« nghd° k‰W« fUiz¤ bjhif bgw

3. Ï›thiz ã (BPE)¤ Jiwæ‹ mYtšrh®g‰w F¿¥ò v©.58073/BPE/2009

ehŸ 5.10.2009 ÏirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®

// c©ik efš //
nk.F.e.f.99320/2009 rg.3 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, br‹id.10
ehŸ 12.10.2009

muR Miz (o) v©.274, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤

(ÁÁ-1) Jiw ehŸ 9.10.2009 efš j¡f elto¡if¡fhf ϤJl‹

2. Ï›thizæid j§fŸ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs mid¤J T£LwÎ

r§f§fS¡F« bjhl®òW¤JkhW« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« TLjš gÂths®,
br‹id k©ly« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. Ϫj murhiz¥go gadilªj bkh¤j¥
gadhëfë‹ v©â¡if k‰W« bryÎ étu§fis r§f§fë‹ tifthçahf
bjhF¤J mD¥ÃLkhW« k©ly mYty®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.

TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ, mid¤J k©ly«
jå mYty®, mid¤J jiyik¢ r§f§fŸ
jå mYty®, mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
mid¤J mYtyf ã®thf¥ ÃçÎfŸ

efš – ‘ktg’ ÃçÎ k‰W« ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò – 2009

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

R‰w¿¡if v©.32/2009 ehŸ 26.10.2009

e.f.v©.107895/2006 rg4

bghUŸ : r£l¥gâfŸ – 1983 M« M©L jäœehL T£Lw΢

r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ÃçÎ 34(1) (Ã)(i) k‰W« 34(2) (v) Ñœ
elto¡if - T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš _‹W khj§fS¡F
nkš jtiz jt¿a ã®thf¡ FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ ÛJ jtiz
flªj fhuz¤Â‰fhf ÃçÎ 34 (6) ‹ Ñœ gjé Ú¡f« brŒa¥
g£lJ F¿¤J – ÚÂ¥ nguhiz kD v©.9445/1999 – br‹id
ca®Ú k‹w¤Â‹ Ô®¥ò – ÚÂ¥nguhiz nkšKiwpL – cWÂ
brŒJ Kjš Ma« Ô®¥ò tH§»aJ – nkyh©ik m¿ÎiufŸ
btëæl¥gL»‹wJ – bjhl®ghf.

gh®it :1. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« v©.37202/2 rg2

ehŸ 20.10.2000
2. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« v©.107895/2006
rg2 ehŸ 30.6.2009
3. murhiz (ãiy) v©.155, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò (Án#2) Jiw ehŸ 1.10.2009
1983 M« M©L jäœehL T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ r£l¤Â‹ ÃçÎ 34(1)(Ã)(i) ‹
go vªjbthU T£Lw΢ r§f¤Â‰F«, fl‹ bg‰W 3 khj fhy¤Â‰F nkš jtizia
brY¤jhkš gh¡» it¤ÂUªjhš, mt® T£Lw΢ r§f ã®thf¡ FGé‰fhd nj®jY¡F
ã‰f ÏayhJ. r£l¥ÃçÎ 34(2) Ï‹go, nj®jš _y« nj®ªbjL¡f¥g£l k‰W« ÏirªJ
nr®¤jš _y« nr®¤J¡ bfhŸs¥g£l xU ã®thf¡ FG cW¥Ãd® fl‹ K‹gz« mšyJ
fl‹ mo¥gilæš th§»aik¡F _‹W khj fhy¤Â‰F nk. m¡flid ÂU¥Ã¢
brY¤jhkèUªJ nk‰brh‹d jFÂæ‹ik¡F Msh»æUªjhš, mt® ã®thf¡FG
cW¥Ãd® gjéia ÏH¡f neçL« ã®thf¡FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ ÏirªJ nr®¤J¡
bfhŸSjš Kiw¡F« ÏU bghUªJ«.

(2) 1983 M« M©L jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ r£l¤Â‹ ÃçÎ 34(1)(Ã) (i)
k‰W« 34(2) (v) M»at‰¿‹go T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš 3 khj§fS¡F nkš jtiz jt¿a
ã®thf¡FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ ÛJ jtiz flªj fhuz¤Â‰fhf ÃçÎ 34(6) –Ï‹ Ñœ gjé
Ú¡f« brŒa¥g£lijaL¤J, br‹id ca®Ú k‹w¤Âš jh¡fš brŒa¥g£l tH¡Ffëš,
bjhl®òila ã®thf¡FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ m›thW jtiz jt¿a bjhif¡fis¤ ÂU¥Ã¢
brY¤Âé£lhš mt®fŸ jFÂæ‹ik¡F c£glkh£lh®fŸ vd F¿¥Ã£L, Jiw
mYty®fshš r£l¥ÃçÎ 34(6)‹ Ñœ tH§f¥gL« jF ڡf MizfŸ jŸSgo
brŒa¥gLtjhf¡ F¿¥Ã£L ã®thf¡ FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ _‹W khj§fS¡F nk‰g£L,
jh« bg‰w fl‹fëš jtiz jt¿æUªJ Ëd® m¤bjhifia¤ ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤Â
é£lhš mt®fŸ ÛJ r£l¥ÃçÎ 34-Ï‹ Ñœ jFÂæ‹ik elto¡ifbaL¡fyhkh?
v‹gJ F¿¤J«, jtiz jt¿a fl‹fŸ fhuzkhf Ãç. 34-Ï‹ Ñœ m¿é¥ò
mD¥g¥g£l Ëd®, jtiz jt¿a bjhif ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤j¥g£lhš elto¡ifia
ifélyhkh? v‹gJ F¿¤J« bjëÎiu tH§Fkgo gh®it 1š fhQ« gÂthsç‹
foj¤Âš muir nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥g£lJ.

(3) “1983 M« M©L jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ r£l¥ÃçÎ 34(1)(Ã)(i)

‹go xU ã®thf¡ FG cW¥Ãd® jFÂæ‹ik mila neU« NHèš r£l¥ÃçÎ 34 (6) ‹
go ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ elto¡ifbaL¡F« Ïd§fëš ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths®fë‹ m¿é¥ig bgWtj‰F K‹ò bjhl®òila ã®thf¡ FG cW¥Ãd®
jtiz gh¡»ia brY¤ÂæUªjhš ÏJ bjhl®ghd nkš elto¡ifia iféL«go
mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂt®fS¡F« m¿Îiu tH§f T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsU¡F mÂfhu« më¤J gh®it 3š muR Mizæ£LŸsJ.

(4) nkny g¤Â 3š muÁ‹ Mnyhridæ‹ mo¥giloæš jtiz gh¡»

it¤JŸs ã®thf cW¥Ãd®fŸ ÛJ jFÂæH¥ò elto¡iffëš, elto¡ifia
nk‰bfhŸSkhW mid¤J k©ly mYty®fŸ k‰W« ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡

(5) Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjèid kW mŠrèš

mD¥Ã it¡F«go mid¤J k©ly mYty®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gLtnjhL ruf
Jiz¥gÂths®fël« Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid bg‰W¡ bfh©lik¡fhd x¥òjèid
mt®fëläUªJ bg‰W j§fŸ mYtyf¤Âš it¤J¡ bfhŸSkhW« k©ly
mYty®fŸ m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wh®fŸ.
(X«) gÂths®

1. TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«

2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J gÂÎ bg‰w mYty®fŸ
gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
gÂths® mYtyf ãm ÃçÎ, Úngk, Úngkm, Fe k‰W« nj®jš ÃçÎfŸ
gÂths® mYtyf mgm ÃçÎ
ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

CHENNAI.600 010
Circular No. 43/2009
Rc. No.83470/2006 SF3 Dated 14.12.2009

Sub: Act and Rules – TNCS Rules 1988 – Rule 149 of the TNCS
Rules 1988 – Absorption of surplus employees of other
cooperative societies – Instructions Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.326, CF & CP Department dated 23.11.07

communicated in Registrar’s Endt. Rc.83470/08 SF3
dated 4.12.07
2. Registrar’s circular No.16/06 dated 17.6.08
3. Registrar’s circular No.17/09 dated 13.11.09
In Registrar’s Circular 2nd cited, guidelines were issued as regards to
transfer of an employee from one society to another society on deputation basis for a
specified period. However, as per the amendment made to sub rule 2(A) of Rule 149 of
the TNCS Rules 1988 in the G.O. 1st read above, the period of deputation from one
society to another society shall not exceed three years.

2) Sub Rule (2) of Rule 149 of the TNCS Rules, 1988 provides for
absorption of surplus employees of other cooperative societies without reference to
employment exchange.

3) When there is surplus staff in a society, it is considered necessary for

permanent absorption of such surplus employee from one society to another society and
in order to make permanent absorption of surplus employee of one society to another
society, the following guidelines are issued:

Definition of Surplus Staff

A society is said to have a surplus staff’ if it fulfills any of the following conditions

(i) If total number of staff working (A) is more than the total number of
posts sanctioned (B) as per the cadre strength, then (A-B) is the
excess/ Surplus staff. This has to be calculated separated for each
category (Clerical / Managerial) and also sub-staff separately.

(ii) If Establishment and Contingencies exceeds present income, the

staff is said to be in excess. For example, if a society has ‘X’number
of employees and it is in a position to pay only ‘Y’ number of
employees within its income then (X-Y) is the surplus staff {Where X
> Y}.
4. The following Procedure may be adopted for identification of surplus
staff in societies for permanent absorption in other needy societies:-

i) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Regional Joint Registrars

shall at the beginning of every financial year, call for the details of surplus
staff in each category of post in every society under the control in their
region by applying the above definitions.

ii) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Regional Joint Registrars

shall identify the number of surplus staff in each category of post in every

iii) Personnel at all levels can be considered for absorption by applying the
above definition. However, such personnel may not be considered for
absorption in posts meant to be filled up by promotion unless exceptional
circumstances exist.

iv) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Joint Registrars shall then
prepare a list of personnel in each society identified as ‘surplus in
manpower’ who can be permanently absorbed in other societies. The list
shall contain the name of the society, the name of the post, scale of pay
admissible, the name of the personnel and his designation, his native
place, permanent address, age, educational qualifications, date of first
appointment, period of service in the present category of post identified as
surplus etc. If it is compulsory absorption, Junior most person will be taken.
However, if a senior man volunteers himself, he can also be considered for
absorption in another society. It is also a point for consideration, that, for
certain posts in DCCB, etc. there may be competition. In such cases, a
merit based selection may be done by the committee constituted for the

v) The absorption exercise should be done only once in a year i.e. at the
beginning of every financial year (1st April). The surplus staff details as on
31st March of the previous financial year shall be taken as the basis for
deciding on absorption. Ex. For taking absorption exercise for 2009-10, the
surplus staff as on 31.3.2009 shall be taken as basis.

vi) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Joint Registrars shall then
prepare a list of vacancies in each category of post in each society which
can be filled up by appointment of surplus personnel identified by them.
The list shall contain the name of the post, the educational and other
qualifications prescribed for the post with reference to in the special by
laws in the absorption society and the scale of pay admissible, etc.

vii) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Regional Joint Registrars

shall obtain an irreversible option expressing willingness to get appointed
in other society from each of the employee identified as surplus for
appointment in another society. If any of the employee identified as
surplus is unwilling to get appointed in another society where vacancy
exists in direct recruitment post, then the society may take steps to
retrench such of those surplus employees from its roll by duly following the
statutory norms prescribed under I.D. Act, 1947.

viii) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Regional Joint Registrars

shall constitute a Committee consisting of himself as Chairman, the
Personnel Officer to the Joint Registrar as member convenor, concerned
circle Deputy Registrar and Special Officer of the Society in which the
surplus personnel is working and the Special Officer of the other Society in
which the surplus personnel has to be appointed as members of the
committee. However, the committee shall get the clearance from Registrar
before passing final orders on the absorption process.

ix) The P.O. of the Office of the Additional Registrar, Chennai Region /
Joint Registrars shall convene the Committee meeting as and when

x) Irregular employees and those facing criminal charges should not be

considered for absorption in other society. However, those facing
disciplinary action, gravity of misdemeanor will have to be studied by the
committee before recommending the list to Registrar.

xi) The Educational qualification of the surplus staff should match with the
Educational qualification prescribed in the society which makes absorption.
In this regard, the instructions issued in the Circular 3rd cited shall be
scrupulously followed.

xii) If the number eligible personnel who have given their consent for
appointment in other society is more than the number of vacancies
required to be filled up in such societies, the committee shall arrange to
hold an objective type written test and select the candidates based on their

xiii) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region / Regional Joint

Registrars should furnish a statement as shown in annexure detailing
the category of societies wherein surplus staff is identified and the
category of societies where such surplus staff could be appointed for

xiv) The lien of the employee in the parent society shall cease as
soon as he/she gets appointed in the needy society and the previous
employer shall settle all dues before he/she joins in the new society.

xv) The appointment order shall be issued by the absorbing society.

Necessary resolutions may be made by both the absorbing and
deputing society to this effect.

xvi) For appointment of surplus staff, the order of preference for
selection shall be as indicated below:

S.No. Societies identified as

Order of Preference
‘Surplus in Manpower’
a) District Central Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Cooperative Banks Societies
Cooperative Urban Banks
Primary Agriculture and Rural Development
Employees’ Cooperative Societies
b) Cooperative Urban Cooperative Urban Banks
Banks Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Primary Agriculture and Rural Development
Employees’ Cooperative Societies
c) PCARDB PCARDB and Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Credit Societies
d) Cooperative Wholesale Primary Stores, Printing Press
Stsores Cooperative Marketing Societies,
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Employees’ Cooperative Societies, and others
e) Primary Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores
Stores Primary Consumer Stores.
Printing Press, Cooperative Marketing
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
And other primaries
f) Primary Agricultural Other Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit
Cooperative Credit Societies
g) Other ECS Employees Coop. Societies
UCB, PACS, Primary Stores and other

h) Coop. Marketing CMS and all categories of Primary Societies
i) District Coop. Union District Coop. Unions and Coop. Training
j) Coop. Printing Press Coop. Printing Press.
Cooperative Wholesale Stores and
Primary Consumer Stores
k) Special types of Primary societies of all categories
l) Apex Societies Central societies and Primary Societies of the
same class or category affiliated to the apex
society concerned

Sl. Name Category Qualification Name of Name of Qualifi- Recommen
No. of the of post prescribed the the staff cation dation of
Society wherein for the Post society and of the the
where vacancy identified Category Surplus Committee
vacancy exists as surplus of post Statff
exists in identified
manpower as
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain,


For Registrar

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.4, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-II) Department
dated 12.01.2009
Fundamental Rules – Deputation of Government Servants to Foreign Service –
Foreign Service Card – Inclusion of General Provident Fund (GPF) Number –
Amendment – Issued
1. G.O.Ms.No.12, Personnel and Administrative Reform (FR
II)Department dated 8.1.1991
2. From the Deputy Accountant General (Pension)
ChennaI.18D.O.Letter No. Accountant General (A&E) /PC-
3/Genl.2 Dated 25.8.2008
In the Government Order first read above, orders have been issued,
among other things that Foreign Service Card should be adopted and enclosed
as an Annexure to the terms and conditions of deputation issued in respect of all
the Government Servants deputed to Foreign Service under the rules 110-114 of
the Fundamental Rules. It has also been ordered therein that the Heads of
Departmental Office should fill up the particulars required in the Foreign Service
Card after duly verifying the Service Book of the deputationists and should
handle the “Foreign Service Card” with care like the Service Books.

2. The Deputy Accountant General (Pension) in his letter 2nd read

above has suggested to include the General Provident Fund Account Number
with Departmental suffix in the Foreign Service Card in respect of the individual
on deputation so as to enable them to maintain the General Provident Fund
Account without any missing credit in their General Provident Fund Account of
the individual concerned in deputation.

3. The Government after careful examination have decided to

accept the suggestion of the Deputy Accountant General (Pension) and issue the
following amendment to the Annexure to the Government Order first read above.


In the said Government Order, in page 1 of the Annexure, after the

entries,“Date of Birth”, the following entries shall be inserted:-

“GPF Account Number with Departmental Suffix”


nk. F, v©. 11791/09/f1 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf«
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010

ehŸ 10.2.2009

murhiz v«.v°.4 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®¤ÂU¤j Jiw

(v¥.M®.ii) Jiw, ehŸ 12.1.2009 ‹ efš mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS¡F«
jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡iffhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.

/ Miz¥go /

mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
k‰W« Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ

efš : mo¥gil éÂfŸ ò¤jf« bjhl®ghf

efš : Ï›tYf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ jftY¡fhf
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥Ã‰F
efš: cÂç

murhiz (ãiy) v©.10, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j¤ (nf) Jiw ehŸ
bghJ¥gâfŸ – ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°tj®fS¡fhd 3.5 rjé»j Ïl xJ¡ÑL
ÂU«g¥ bgw¥g£L ÂU¤j¥g£l 200 òŸë Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw btëæl¥g£lJ –
ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y« gâãakd« - K‹Dçik bg‰wtU¡F«,
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« Ïilnaahd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jh¢rhu¤ij Ïd¢RH‰Á
KiwÍl‹ filÃo¤jš – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.

1. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 398, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤

(M®) Jiw ehŸ 13.9.1990
2. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 241, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf
Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)Jiw ehŸ 29.10.2007
3. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 20, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤
(nf) Jiw ehŸ 12.2.2008.
4. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 101, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤
(nf)Jiw ehŸ 30.5.2008.
5. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 174, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤
(nf)Jiw ehŸ 11.9.2008.
6. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 205, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤
(nf) Jiw ehŸ 6.11.2008.
nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, K‹Dçik bg‰nwh® k‰W«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F Ïilna ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y« gâãakd§fŸ
nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ 1 : 4 é»jrhuh« filÃo¡f nt©L« vd Mizæl¥g£lJ. nkY«
gâãakd mÂfhç, fhè¥gâæl§fis ãu¥ÃL«nghJ nk‰Tw¥g£l 1 : 4 v‹w
é»j¢rhu¤njhL Ïd¢RH‰Á éÂæidÍ« kfë® k‰W« CdK‰nwhU¡fhd
ÏlxJ¡ÑL éÂæidÍ« clåfœthf (Simultaneous Application) Ëg‰w nt©L«
vdΫ Mizæl¥g£lJ.

2) nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l murhizæ., 200 òŸë Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw

ã®za« brŒa¥g£L, Vida Ïd¤jt®fS¡»ilna ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fS¡F«,
ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°è«fS¡F« jyh 3.5 rjÅ»j« ÏlxJ¡ÑL brŒa¥g£L Miz
btëæl¥g£lJ. mjdo¥gilæš, ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y« gâãakd§fŸ
nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ K‹Dçikbg‰nwh® k‰W« K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡fhd 1 : 4 v‹w
é»jhrhu¤njhL clåfœthf (Simultaneous Application) Ïd¢ RH‰Á KiwiaÍ«
Ëg‰w nt©L« v‹W« nk‰brh‹d 1 : 4 v‹w é»jh¢rhu¤ij bghJ¥ng£o,
MÂÂuhél®, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fŸ k‰W« ÉgL¤j¥g£l
K°Ä«fŸ jéu) äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd®, ÉgL¤j¥g£l
»¿°jt®fŸ, ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ k‰W« gH§Foæd® M»a Ïd§fëš
x›bthU Ïd¤ÂY« Kjèl« K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F« mnj Ïd¤ij¢ rh®ªj
mL¤JtU« eh‹F Ïl§fŸ K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥glš nt©l«
v‹W« nkny _‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš Mizæl¥g£lJ.

3. ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fS¡F« k‰W« ÉgL¤j¥g£l

K°Ä«fS¡F« jyh 3.5 rjé»j« ÏlxJ¡Ñ£o‹go cça ÃuÂã¤Jt«
»il¡f¥bgW« tifæš kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£l 200 òŸëfŸ bfh©l Ïd¢ RH‰Á
(Modified Roster) Kiw ã®z« brŒa¥g£L nkny eh‹»š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš
btëæl¥g£lJ. Ïjdo¥gilæš K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F«, K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F«
Ïilnaahd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jh¢rhu« Ïdthçahf fil¥Ão¡f¥gl nt©oa Kiw
F¿¤J gh®it IªÂš go¡f¥g£l murhizæš m›thisÍl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£l
Énr®¡ifæš brhšy¥g£lthW kh‰¿aik¤J Miz btëæl¥g£lJ.

4. ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fS¡F tH§f¥g£l 3.5 éG¡fhL ÏlxJ¡.L

ÂU«g¥ bgw¥g£ljhš, gh®it eh‹»š go¡f¥g£l murhizæ‹ Ã‰nr®¡ifæš cŸs
ÏdRH‰Á Kiw kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L ÂU¤Â mik¡f¥g£l 200 òŸëfŸ bfh©l
Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw gh®it M¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš btëæl¥g£lJ.

5. nk‰T¿a Mizæ‹ mo¥gilæš ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y«

gâãakd§fŸ nk‰bfhŸS« nghJ K‹Dçikbg‰nwh® k‰W«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡fhd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jhrhu¤njhL clåfœthf (Simultaneous
Application) Ïd¢ RH‰Á KiwiaÍ« Ëg‰w nt©L« v‹W«, nk‰brh‹d 1 : 4 v‹w
é»jh¢rhu¤ij gh®it M¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæ‹ Ã‰nr®¡ifæš fhQ«
ÂU¤j¥g£l 200 òŸëfŸ bfh©l Ïd¢ RH‰Á Kiwæš cŸs bghJ¥ngh£o,
MÂÂuhél®, äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd®, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh®
(ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ k‰W« gH§Foæd® M»a
Ïd§fëš, x›bthU Ïd¤ÂY« Kjèl« K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F« mnj Ïd¤ij¢
rh®ªj mL¤JtU« eh‹F Ïl§fŸ K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥glš
nt©L« vdΫ muR MizæL»wJ.

6. Ïj‹go K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F«, K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F«

Ïilnaahd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jh¢rhu« Ïdthçahf fil¥Ão¡f¥gl nt©oa Kiwia
Ϫj MizÍl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs Énr®¡ifæš brhšy¥g£lthW kh‰¿aik¤J«
muR MizæL»wJ.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)

nf.v‹. bt§f£ukz‹,
muR¢ brayhs®



1. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
2. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
3. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
4. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
5. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
6. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
7. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
8. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
9. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
10. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
11. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
12. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
13. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
14. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
15. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
16. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
17. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
18. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
19. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
20. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
21. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
22. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
23. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
24. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
25. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
26. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
27. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
28. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
29. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
30. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
31. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
32. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®

33. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
34. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
35. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
36. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
37. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
38. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
39. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
40. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
41. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
42. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
43. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
44. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
45. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
46. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
47. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
48. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
49. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
50. gH§Foæd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
51. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
52. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
53. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
54. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
55. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
56. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
57. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
58. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
59. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
60. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
61. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
62. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
63. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
64. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
65. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
66. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
67. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
68. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®

K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
69. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
70. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
71. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
72. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
73. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
74. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
75. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
76. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
77. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
78. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
79. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
80. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
81. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
82. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
83. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
84. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
85. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
86. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
87. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
88. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
89. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
90. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
91. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
92. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
93. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
94. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l
K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
95. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
96. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
97. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
98. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
99. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
100. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
101. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
102. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
103. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
104. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®

K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
105. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
106. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
107. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
108. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
109. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
110. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
111. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
112. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
113. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
114. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
115. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
116. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
117. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
118. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
119. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
120. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
121. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
122. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
123. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
124. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
125. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
126. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
127. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
128. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
129. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
130. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
131. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
132. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
133. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
134. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh£h (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
135. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
136. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
137. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
138. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
139. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®

140. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
141. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
142. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
143. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
144. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
145. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
146. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
147. ÉgL¤j¥g£nl®® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
148. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
149. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
150. gH§Foæd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
151. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
152. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
153. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
154. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
155. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
156. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
157. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
158. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
159. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
160. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
161. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
162. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
163. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
164. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
165. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
166. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
167. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
168. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
169. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
170. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
171. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
172. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
173. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
174. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)

175. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
176. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
177. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
178. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh. (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
179. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
180. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
181. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
182. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
183. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« ÓukuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
184. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
185. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
186. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
187. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« ÓukuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
188. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
189. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
190. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
191. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
192. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
193. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
194. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
195. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
196. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
197. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
198. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
199. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K‹Dçika‰wt®
K°Ä«fŸ jéu)
200. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
/c©ik efš/

nk.F. v©. 23622/2009/gbjh 3 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœ¥gh¡f«
br‹id.600 010
ehŸ : 1.4.2009
murhiz (ãiy) v©.10, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j¤ (nf) Jiw
ehŸ 9.2.2009 ‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ
1) T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«, br‹id.
2) mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3) Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) I & II br‹id
efš : mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš : mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ (bghéÂ)
efš : Ï›tYyf mid¤J mYty®fŸ
efš : Ï›tYyf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
efš : Ï›tYyf mgm, gbjh, nec ÃçÎ f©fhâ¥ghs®fŸ
efš : ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò 2009


Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,

Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Circular No.3/2009 Dated: 12.02.2009

Rc.8541/08 SF3

Sub: Co-operative Societies – Compassionate Ground Appointment

in Cooperative Institutions – Certain guidelines issued

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 259, Cooperation, Food and Consumer

Protection (CP2) Department dated 7.11.2006
2. Registrar’s letter Rc.105023/06 SF3 dated 15.11.06
addressed to all Regional Officers
3. Registrar’s letter Rc.116407/06 SF3 dated 12.9.07
addressed to all Regional Officers and Special Officers of
District Central Cooperative Banks and Wholesale Stores.
4. Registrar’s Circular No. 16/08 dated 17.6.08

In the G.O. first cited, Government issued orders for making appointment to the
legal heirs of deceased employee of Co-operative Institutions on Compassionate Ground
wherever there arises a need for such appointment and requisite vacancy exists in the approved
cadre strength of the Cooperative Institution concerned. Accordingly, in Registrar’s letter 2nd
cited by enclosing a copy of the G.O.259, all Regional Officers were instructed to communicate
the contents of the G.O. to all the Co-operative Societies coming under their control so as to
enable the management of the societies to make appointment on compassionate ground to the
eligible applicant seeking appointment under compassionate ground. Further, in Registrar’s letter
3rd cited, instructions were also issued that compassionate appointment can also be made to legal
heirs of deceased employee if they possess all qualification except cooperative training, which
they have to acquire within a period of two years from the date of joining.

2) In spite of all these, it has now been brought to notice, that appointment to all
eligible legal heirs of deceased employees could not be made in Co-operative Societies where the
deceased employee worked for want of vacancy in the approved cadre strength in that society.
At the same time, vacancy exists in some other Co-operative Societies where there are no
eligible applicants for making appointment on compassionate ground. With a view to overcome
such a situation the following further instructions are issued:

i) The Regional Officers should get the details of eligible applicants under
Compassionate Ground who could not be appointed on compassionate
ground in societies at entry level post either for want of vacancy in the
approved cadre strength or there is no work to perform in the concerned

ii) The list of societies where vacancy exists in the entry level post in the
approved cadre strength, for which there is an absolute need to fill them.

iii) After ascertaining the above details, the Regional Officers should prepare a
list of personnel eligible to be appointed categorywise on compassionate
grounds and another list of other societies where vacancies exist in the
approved cadre strength at the entry level posts which have to be necessarily
filled up.

iv) The Regional Officers should obtain a check list as in the annexure from the
society concerned as regards to pending cases where compassionate
appointment could not be made for their verification.

v) The Regional Officers should compile the particulars received and prepare a
list of personnel fit for appointment on compassionate grounds and the list
of such societies to which such personnel could be deputed before 5.3.09 so
that the officers in the office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies will
pay a visit in the respective region, scrutinize and finalise the list for making
appointment on compassionate ground and for deputation to needy society.

vi) As and when the list is finalized by the visiting officer from the Office of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, it will be handed over to the Regional
Joint Registrar, thereafter, the Regional Joint Registrar will issue necessary
instructions to the society concerned for making appointment on
compassionate ground and for deputing such appointees to the needy
society, strictly following the procedures contemplated in Registrar’s
circular 4th cited. Wherever necessary, the appointing society may be asked
to adopt a transitory bylaw as in the model specified below for appointing
on compassionate ground irrespective of the approved cadre strength in the
entry level post.

Model Transitory Bylaw relating to appointment

of Compassionate Ground

“Notwithstanding that there is no vacancy in the approved cadre strength in the

entry level post, the society may, with the previous approval in writing of the Additional
Registrar / Regional Joint Registrar concerned, give appointment on compassionate ground to the
dependent of an employee who died while in service and depute him to some other society where
there is vacancy subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Regional
Additional Registrar / Joint Registrar.”

3) It is also claimed that the instructions issued in this circular will not at all be
applicable for the appointment on compassionate ground normally made by societies in a routine

manner within the approved cadre strength, after fulfilling of all the conditions prescribed for
such appointment.

4) The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region and all

Regional Joint Registrars are requested to communicate a copy of this circular to all the societies
coming under their control for necessary action. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Chennai Regional and all the Regional Joint Registrars should also ensure that by this
arrangement as far as possible appointment on compassionate ground are given to all eligible
candidates in the waiting lists and all essential vacancies in the cooperative organizations are
filled up in their region.
5) The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region, all Regional
Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this circular by return of post and
they should obtain similar acknowledgement from Societies coming under their control and file
them in their office.

For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy to :
All Circle Deputy Registrars
All Officers in Registrar’s Office
All administrative sections in Registrar’s office
Stock file

Copy to : OE Section in Registrar’s Office

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.176, Finance (CMPC) Department, dt. 30.4.2009
Pay – Personal Pay – Grant of 5% Personal Pay to the post of Typist Grade I and Record
Assistant which were created after the crucial date of 1.8.1992 – Based on the orders of
the Hon’ble High Court – Orders – Issued

Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.664 Finance (PC) Department dt. 24.8.1992

2. G.O.Ms.No.873 Finance (PC) Department dt. 27.12.1993
3. G.O.Ms.No.497 Finance (PC) Department dt. 15.9.1998
4. Letter No. 38877/PC/2000-1 Finance (PC) Department
5. Letter No.65399/CMPC / 03 Finance (PC) Department
Dt. 24.2.2006
6. From the Hon’ble High Court, Judgement Order dated
20.11.208 on W.P. Nos 30168, 33109, 37993 , 40396,
42329, 44850, 45572, 45684, 45948, 46007, 48052,48055,
48350, 48473, of 2006 and 2936 7032 8415, 8416, 8417,
8418, 12484, 13025, 18285, 18372, 31329 of 2007 and
MP No.2107 in W.P.No.13025/07 and M.P.Nos 1 and 2 of
2007 in W.P.No.31329 of 2007.
In the Government Order first read above orders were issued granting 5%
of basic pay computed as on 1.8.92 as Personal Pay to the following categories of staff:

(i) All categories of staff in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.475-775

moving over to the revised scales of pay of Rs.775-1030.
(ii) All categories of staff in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.610-1075
moving over to the revised scales of pay of Rs.950-1500 or Rs.975-1660.
(iii) All categories of staff in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.705-1230
moving over to the revised scales of pay of Rs.1200-2040 and
(iv) All categories of staff in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.905-1545
moving over to the revised scales of pay of Rs.1600-2660.

The above Personal Pay was granted as an alternative benefit in lieu of any further pay
scale revision to the Ministerial categories consequent on the implementation of Fifth
Tamil Nadu Pay Commission scales of pay.

2. In the Government Order second read above, orders have been issued
extending the above benefit to all those employees who actually moved from the said pre-
revised scales of pay to the revised scales viz. to all those who were appointed/promoted
prior to 27.6.1989 i.e. the date of issue of orders implementing the Fifth Tamil Nadu Pay
Commission scales of pay.

3. A batch of Writ Petitions were filed in the Hon’ble High Court by
various categories of posts in various departments requesting grant of 5% Personal Pay to
them, in which the Hon’ble High Court has issued a Common Orders to all these Writ
Petitions. One among them in W.P.No. 46007/2006, filed by Tamil Nadu Government
Officials union requesting to quash the clarification issued in Government letter
No.31143/PC/2000 dated 7.6.2000 and in Government letter No.38877/PC/2000-1
dt.30.8.2000 and to all 5% Personal Pay to the Typist Grade I and Record Assistant. As
the other 24-Writ Petitions were not received in Government. Government has decided
to implement the court orders in respect of W.P.No.46007/2006 in the first instant.

4. As per the clarifications issued in Government Letter No.31143/PC/

2000-1 dt.7.6.2000 and Government letter No.38877/PC/2000-1 Government letter
No.38877/PC/2000-1 dt.30.8.2000, a batch of Writ Petitions were filed in the High Court
requesting grant of 5% Personal Pay to the post of Typist Grade-I (Rs.1200-2040) and
Record Assistant (Rs.975-1660) which were created after 1.8.1992. These two posts
were not in existence neither on 27.6.1989 nor 1.8.1992 as envisaged in the Government
Order first read above. As these two categories i.e. Typist Grade-I and Record Assistant
do not come under the ambit of the Government Order the benefit of 5% Personal Pay
was denied to these categories. Aggrieved by this, the Tamil Nadu Government Officials
Union and several other individual employees approached the High Court for the grant of
5% of Personal Pay to these two categories. The Hon’ble High Court in its common
Judgement Order dated 20.11.2008 in the reference 6th read above has cited its earlier
judgement delivered in similar cases relating to the Writ Petitions filed by Judicial
employees and allowed all these Writ Petitions.

5. Based on the directions of the Hon’ble High Court in its Judgement

Order dated 10.3.2006 in W.P.Nos.26156 and 13143/2000 directing the Government to
grant 5% Personal Pay to certain categories of employees in Tamil Nadu
Judicial/Ministerial Service who have moved from the pre-revised scales of pay of
Rs.780-1385 to Rs.1400-2600 which was subsequently revised to Rs.1600-2660,
Government has issued necessary directions to the Registrar General, High Court in
Letter No.65399/Finance Department dt. 14.2.2006 to implement the orders of the
Hon’ble High Court extending the benefit of 5% Personal Pay to the employees of
Judicial Ministerial Service. Citing these cases, the Hon’ble High Court in its order
dt.20.11.2008 in W.P.No.46007/2006 has now directed the Government to extend the
benefit of 5% of the Personal Pay to the post of Typist-Grade I and Record Assistant
which were created after the crucial date of 1.8.1992 i.e. during the year 1994.

6. After careful consideration, Government has decided to implement the orders of

Hon’ble High Court dated 20.11.2008 in W.P.No.46007/2006 in respect of the posts of
Typist Grade-I and Record Assistant. Accordingly, Government direct that the post of
Typist Grade I and Record Assistant shall be granted 5% of basic pay as ‘Personal Pay’
from the date of creation of the post or from 1.8.92 whichever is later.

7. In respect of other 24 Writ Petitions referred to in the Judgement Order sixth

cited, orders will be issued by the Government separately.
(By Order of the Governor)
Sd/- K. Gnanadesikan
Principal Secretary to Government
Copy of Government letter No.20635/K2/209-3, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (K) Department dated 27.5.2009

Sub: Public Services – Reservation of Appointments in Public

Services – Special Reservation to Arunthathiyars provided
within the Reservation for Scheduled Castes – Modified
rotations/turns to Women, Destitute Widows and Ex-
Servicemen under Scheduled Castes and Arunthathiyars –
Orders - Issued
Ref: 1) G.O.Ms.No.200, Social Welfare & Nutritious Meal Programme
Department, dated 22.12.2006
2) G.O.(Ms) No.241, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K)
Department, dated 29.10.2007
3) Government Letter No.51428/K2/2007-3 Personnel and
Administrative Reforms , dated 29.10.2007
4) G.O.(Ms) No.101, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K)
Department, dated 30.5.2008
5) G.O.Ms.No.87, Social Welfare & Nutritious Meal Programme
Department, dated 17.7.2008
6) Government Letter No.9321/K2/2008-1 Personnel and
Administrative Reforms , dated 29.7.2008
7) G.O.(Ms) No.206, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K)
Department, dated 6.11.2008
8) Government Letter No.52180/K2/2008-6 Personnel and
Administrative Reforms , dated 6.11.2008
9) G.O.(Ms) No.65, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (K)
Department, dated 27.05.2009
In the Government Order second cited, the Government issued
orders revising the 100 point roster prescribed in the Schedule III to the General
Rules for the Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services into 200 point roster
providing reservation for the Backward Class Christians and the Backard Class
Muslims at three and one half percent each, within the thirty percent reservation
available for Backward Classes. Based on the ablove orders, in the Government
letter third cited, the rotations / turns earmarked in respect of Women, Destitute
Widows, Ex-Servicemen, Blind, Deaf and Orthopaedically Handicapped in each
category of General Turn, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward
Classes (other than Backward Class Christians and Backward Class Muslims),
Backward Class Christians, Backward Class Muslims and Most Backward
Classes and De-notified Communities were specified.

2. In the Government Order fourth cited, the roster specified was

revised as to ensure adequate representation to the Backward Class Christians
and the Backward Class Muslims. Accordiongly, in the Government Letter sixth
cited, the rotations / turns earmarked in respect of Women, Destitute Widows and
Ex-servicemen were also revised. It was also ordered therein that in respect of
the reservation for the physically handicapped persons, the orders issued in the
Government Orders first and fifth cited shall be followed strictly.

3. Consequent on the withdrawal of the 3.5 percent reservation

provided for the Backwarded Class Christians, in the Government Order seventh
cited, the said roster was further revised. Accordingly, in the Government Letter
eighth cited the rotations / turns earmarked in respect of Women, Destitute
Widows and Ex-servicemen under Backward Classes (Other than Backward
Class Muslims) were also revised.

4. Now the Government of Tamil Nadu has enacted Act No.4 of

2009, thereby offering reservation to Arunthathiyars on preferential basis within
the reservation available for Scheduled Castes and the said Act came into force
with effect from 29.4.2009. In pursuance of the above Act, the roster prescribed
in the Government Order seventh cited has been further revised in the
Government Order ninth cited.

5. Based on this order, the rotations / turns earmarked in respect of

Women, Destitute Widows and Ex-servicemen under Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Castes (Arunthathiyars on preferential basis) have been revised and
refixed as in the Annexure – I,II, III, IV, V and VI to this letter.

6. The Government also direct that in respect of other categories

viz., General Turn, Backward Classes (Other than Backward Class Muslims),
Backward Class, Muslims, Most Backward Classes and Denotified communities
and Scheduled Tribes, the rotations / turns already specified in the Government
Letters sixth and eighth cited shall be continued. In respect of the reservation for
the physically handicapped persons, the orders issued in the Government Orders
first and fifth cited shall be strictly adhered to.

7. Necessary amendments to the Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate

Service Rules will be issued separately.
/True Copy/

IN EVERY ROTATION 12, 26, 52, 76, 92, 116, 142,
162, 182

1. 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 12
2. 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92 26
3. 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63, 73, 83, 93 52
4. 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94 76
5. 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 92
6. 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 116
7. 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97 142
8. 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, 98 162
9. 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69,79, 89, 99 182
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35,
37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69,
71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99 62,192

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36,
38, 40, 42, 44,46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 126
72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100

1. 5, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71,
76, 81, 86, 91, 96 2, 102
2. 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, 72,
77, 82, 87, 92, 97 2, 132
3. 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 68, 73,
78, 83, 88, 93, 98 32, 132
4. 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64, 69, 74,
79, 84, 89, 94, 99 66, 166
5. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70,75,
80, 85, 90, 95, 100 66

1, 12, 51, 62

2 ,6, 56, 102

17, 28, 67, 78 132

23, 7 32 34, 45, 84, 95 66

39, 89 166

2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82, 92 102
5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95 166
9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 99, 99 32

Secretary to Government

// True Copy //

Endt. Rc.No.112673/2009 EM.3 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Chennai.10
Dated : 17.10.2009

A copy of Government Letter No. 20635/K2/2009-3 Personnel and

Administrative Reforms (K) Department dated 27.5.2009 is communicated for
information and necessary action. (In continuation of G.O.Ms.No.65, Personnel
and Administrative Reforms (K) Department dated 27.5.2009 communicated in
Endt. Rc.90516/2009/EM3 dated 24.8.2009)

/By Order/
For Registrar


1) Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region

2) All Regional Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II, Chennai
Copy to 1) All Circle Deputy Registrars
2) All Deputy Registrars (Public Distribution System)
3) All Officers in Office
4) All Sections in Office
5) OE, EM, PA Section Superintendent
6) Stock file 2009

Copy of Government letter No. Lr(Ms) No.92/S/09 Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (S) Department dt.22.7.2009
Sub: Public Services – Transfer of Physically handicapped Government
servants - Instructions - issued

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No.10, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S)

Department Dt.7.1.1994
2. Government Letter No.23487/S/98-1 , Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (S) Department dated 5.8.1998
3. Government of India, Ministry of Personnel and Public Grievances
and Pension Department, Office Letter A-B Memorandum
No.14017/41/90, Estt. (RR) dt. 10.5.1990
4. Government of India, Ministry of Personnel and Public Grievances
and Pension Department, Department of Personnel and Training
Office Memorandum No. 14017/16/02 dt. 13.3.2002.

In the Government Order first cited above, detailed guidelines were issued
regarding “transfer policy” to be followed in the case of Government employees. Further
in the Government letter 2nd cited, consolidated clarifications and directions on effecting
transfer were re-issued.

2. In the reference third cited the Government of India have clarified that it
may not be possible or desirable to lay down that Physically Handicapped employees
belonging to Group A or Group B who have all India transfer liability should be posted
near their native places. However, in the case of holders of Group C or Group D posts,
who have been recruited on regional basis and who are Physically handicapped, such
persons may be given posting, as far as possible, subject to administrative constraints,
near their native places within the region. Request from Physically Handicapped
employees for transfer to or near their native places may also be given preference.
Further, it was clarified in the reference fourth cited that, the request from Physically
Handicapped employees for transfer to or near to their native places may also be given
preference, covers Physically Handicapped employees in Groups A,B, C and D.

3. This Government, after detailed examination decided to issue fresh

guidelines in the matter in tune with the guidelines issued by the Government of India as

i) Physically challenged Government Servants in all Groups viz. A,B,C and

D shall be posted near to their places wherever possible.
ii) The above concession may be considered subject to administrative

iii) Transfers effected based on administrative reasons and as a matter of
disciplinary proceedings will not attract the concession ordered in item (i) above.

4. The above guidelines shall be scrupulously followed by the Government


/ true copy /

Endt. Rc. No.94171/2009 EM3 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative

Kilpauk, Chennai.10
Dated: 9.9.2009

Copy of Government letter (Ms) No.92/S/09 Personnel and

Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 22.7.2009 is communicated for
information and necessary action.

/ By Order/

For Registrar

1. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
Chennai Region, Chennai
2. All Regional Joint Registrars
3. The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II

Copy to:
1) All Circle Deputy Registrars
2) All Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
3) All Officers in Office
4) All Section in Office
5) OE, EM & PA Section Superintendent
6) Stock file in 2009
7) Spare-1

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.93, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protectio (CL 2)
Department dt. 29.7.2009
Bifurcation of Dharmapuri District-Formation of Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri Districts –
One Post of Joint Registrar sanctioned on redeployment basis – Sanction of supporting
staff to the Office of the Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Krishnagiri –
Orders issued. ----

Read: 1. G.O.(Ms) No.271, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection(CE)

Department, dt. 16.11.2006
2. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societie4s Lr.Rc.167059/2003 /
OE4 Dt. 18.10.2007
3. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societie4s Lr.Rc.167059/2003 /
OE4 Dt. 6.8.2008
In the Government first read above, one post of Joint Registrar of Cooperative
Societies out of the 18 surplus posts of Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies identified
by SERC has been sanctioned to the Krishnagiri District on redeployment basis.

2. In the reference second read above the Registrar of Cooperative Societies

has sent proposals to Government for sanction of 7 additional Staff by redeployment to
the Office of Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies in the Krishnagiri District as

S.No. Category of post No. of posts to be

1 Deputy Registrar 1
2 Steno Typist 1
3 Record Clerk 1
4 Driver 1
5 Office Assistant 1
6 Night Watchman 1
7 Masalchi 1
Total 7
3. In the letter No. Rc.32475/2005 OE4 dated 14.11.2008 the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies has proposed not to include the post of the Deputy
Registrar/Personnel Officer for the Small District / Region of Krishnagiri in the revised
cadre strength of the Cooperation Department.

4. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies has further requested the

Government to sanction the following expenditure to the newly formed Joint Registrar
Office at Krishnagiri.

1) Vehicle and other equipments = Rs.6.42 lakhs
2) Furniture = Rs.1.63 lakhs
3) Cost fuel and Maintenance,
Telephone charges and contingencies = Rs.2.84 lakhs
Total = Rs.10.89 lakhs
5. The Government after careful consideration of the above proposal of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies for supporting staff for Krishnagiri region, accord
sanction as follows:
(i) Sanction is accorded for six staff as indicated in the annexure I to this
orders by redeployment temporary for a period of one year from the date of inception.
They are eligible to draw the pay and allowances as admissible to them as per the orders
in force from time to time.

(ii) Vehicle is sanctioned from the common pool, and it will be obtained by
following the normal procedures as per the existing orders in force.

(iii) Existing furnitures shall be utilized for the newly formed Joint
Registrar Office, Krishnagiri.

6. The Director of Stationery and Printing is requested to supply necessary

stationery items to the newly formed office of the Joint Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Krishnagiri District.

7. The expenditure towards salary of the above staff shall be debited to the
following Head of Account.
“2425 00 Cooperation – 001 Direction and Administration- I – Non Plan-
AC District Staff-01 Salarieis”
(DPC 2425 00 001 AC 01050)
8. The Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Krishnagiri District is
authorized to draw and disburse the Salary bills and other contingency bills etc. as per the
rules admissible in force.

9. This orders issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide
U.O.No.42283/CF&CP/09 dated 27.7.2009
(By Order of the Governor)

Principal Secretary to Government

/ true copy /

ANNEXURE – I to G.O.Ms.No. 93, CF & CP Department, dated 29.7.2009

Sl.No. Name of the post Name of the G.O.No. & Date in which the
Region No. of post was sanctioned
Steno Typist Thiruchirapalli Temporary post originally
Office of the Deputy Registrar sanctioned in G.O.No.125, CF
(Public Distribution System) 1 & CP Department dated 5.7.86
Trichy vacant from 1.12.2003 lastly continued in G.O.(D)
No.47, CF & CP Dept. dt.
19.2.2007 (contd. From
1.1.2007 to 31.12.2007)

Record Clerk O/o Joint Villupuram Permanent Post sanctioned in

Registrar of Cooperative G.O.Ms.No.324 CF & CP
2. Societies, Villupuram Region 1 Dept. dt. 12.4.93 by
vacant from 2.11.99 redeployment

Driver, O/o Deputy Registrar of Vellore G.O.(Ms) No.4133 (Coop) IL

Cooperative Societies, Vellore & C dated 21.8.1995
Vacant from 1.7.2002 since 1
there is no vehicle for that office
Office Assistant, FR 127 Post Salem Lastly continued upto
sanctioned to dated Central 30.6.2006 in G.O. (2D) No.65,
Cooperative Bank Salem vacant 1 CF & CP Department dated
from 1.7.1997 13.6.2007
5. Masalchi, O/o the Joint Dharmapuri Originally sanctioned in G.O.
Registrar of Cooperative (Ms) No.667, CF & CP Dated
Societies, Dharmapuri 14.8.81 and permanently
1 retained in G.O.No.55, CF &
CP Dept. dated 6.12.1986

6. Night Watchman Deputy Villupuram Sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No.492

Registrar of Cooperative CF & CP Department dated
Societies, Tirukoilur vacant 1 1.11.71
from 5.7.2005

Principal Secretary to Government

Endt. Rc. 167059/2003/OE4 Office of the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies,
Kilpauk, Chennai.10

Dated : 31.8.2009

Copy of G.O. (Ms) No.93, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CL.2)
Department dated 29.7.2009 is communicated for information and necessary action.

/ By Order/
For Registrar

The Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
Dharmapuri Region,

Copy to
Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region, Chennai
All other Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I and II Chennai
All the Circle Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies
All the Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Public Distribution System)
All Officers and Sections in Registrar’s Office
PA, EM, AC and PB Sections for necessary action
Stock file.

muR Miz (ãiy) v©.915, bghJ (K‹dhŸ gilÅu®) ¤ Jiw ehŸ 10.9.2009
bghJ¤ Jiw – K‹dhŸ gil Åu® ey‹ - K¥gilæš gâòçnth®
K¥gilæèUªJ btëtUtj‰F K‹dnu Foik¥ gâfëš kWntiy thŒ¥ò
bgw VJthf gil¥gâæš XŒÎ bgW« ÏW tUl¤Âš M£nj®Î k‰W« vG¤J¤
nj®Î vGj mDk¤jš – Miz btëæl¥ gL»wJ.

1. k¤Âa muR xv«v© 36034/2/91/ã®(v°Áo) gâahs® k‰W«
XŒñÂa mik¢rf«, ehŸ 3.4.1981
2. ÂU. kšè§fhuh# k‰W« Vidnahç‹ kD ehŸ 5.3.2008
3. K‹dhŸ gil Åu® ey Ïa¡ff Ïa¡Fe® mt®fë‹ foj« e.f.
v©.6763/2008/nt1 ehŸ 6.3.2008 k‰W« 13.5.2008
4. jiyt®, jäœehL gâahs® nj®thiza foj v©. ne.K.f.
3977/RND-D2/2008 ehŸ 3.4.2009.

K¥gilæš gâòçÍ« gilÅu®fŸ, K¥gil¥ gâæèUªJ
gâ¡fhy¤ij ÂU¥ÂÍl‹ Ko¤J btëtUtj‰F xU tUl¤Â‰F K‹dnu
kWntiythŒ¥Ã‰F eLt© muR gâfS¡F M£nj®Î k‰W« vG¤J¤
nj®é‰F é©z¥Ã¡fyh« vd eLt© muR gh®it-1š f©LŸsthW 1991«
M©L Miz btëæ£LŸsJ.

2. ÏuhQt¤Âš nghÂa fšé¤ jFÂÍl‹ eÅd bjhêš E£g gæ‰ÁÍ«

bg‰W« gâòçÍ« jäœeh£il¢ nr®ªj gilÅu®fŸ bgUkséš 36 èUªJ 45
ta‰FŸ gil¥gâ XŒÎ bg‰W btëna tU»wh®fŸ. Ϥjifa gilÅu®fŸ
XŒÎ bgW« ÏW tUl¤Âš kWntiythŒ¥ò bgw eilbgW« M£nj®Î k‰W«
vG¤J¡ nj®éš fyªJbfhŸsyh« vd eLt© muR bjçé¤JŸsij¡
fU¤Â‰bfh©L jäœehL nj®thiza¤jhš el¤j¥gL« Foik¥gâ nj®é‰F
é©z¥Ã¤J nj®Î vG Vuhskhd K‹dhŸ gil Åu®fŸ bt‰¿
bg‰WŸsh®fŸ. flªj M©L jäœehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza¤jhš
el¤j¥ bg‰w ngh£o¤ nj®éš K‹dhŸ gil Åu®fŸ ngh£o¤ nj®é‹ és«gu¤
nj (Notification date) m‹W gilÅu®fŸ ÏuhQt¤ÂèUªJ btëtUtj‰F
K‹ò é©z¥Ã¤ÂUªj nghÂY« mt®fŸ j‰nghJ nj®éš bt‰¿ bg‰w
ãiyæš gâahs® nj®thiza¤jhš mt®fsJ gâãakd«, mt®fŸ ngh£o¤
nj®é‹ és«gu¤ nj m‹W mt®fŸ K‹dhŸ gil Åu®fŸ mšy v‹gjhš
ãW¤Â it¡f¥g£LŸsJ. Ïjdhš jäœeh£il¢ nr®ªj K‹dhŸ gil Åu®fŸ
kW ntiy thŒ¥ò bgWtš Ïl®ghLfŸ V‰gL»‹wd v‹W« jäœeh£il¢
nr®ªj gilÅu®fŸ gil¥gâ éLé¥ò bgW« ÏW M©oš jäœehL
nj®thiza«, ÓUil gâahs® nj®Î thça«, k‰W« MÁça® nj®Î thça«
M»a Foik¥gâ¡fhd M£nj®Î k‰W« vG¤J¤ nj®Î¡F é©z¥Ã¡fyh«
v‹gjid V‰W jäœehL muR Miz tH§»dhš ÏJ gilÅu®fS¡F Foik¥
gâ¡F é©z¥Ã¤J kW ntiy thŒ¥ò bgw VJthf mikÍ«. vdnt
jäœeh£il¢ nr®ªj Âwikahd gilÅu®fë‹ nritæid¡ fU¤Â‰bfh©L
Foik¥ gâæš kWntiythŒ¥ò¥ bgw VJthf gil¥gâ éLé¥ò bgW«
ÏWÂah©oš Foik¥ gâ M£nj®Î k‰W« vG¤J¤ nj®Î vGj mDk¤J
nj®éš nj®¢Á bgW« ãiyæš Vida jFÂfŸ ÏU¥Ã‹ eLt© murhš
bjçé¡f¥g£l éÂKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿ rYiffis¥ bgw muÁ‹ Ïirthd
Mizæid¥ bg‰W tH§»LkhW K‹dhŸ gil Åu® ey Ïa¡Fe® mt®fŸ
nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.

3. Ïa¡Fe®, K‹dhŸ gil Åu® ey Ïa¡ff«, br‹id.3 mt®fë‹

fU¤JUéid MŒÎ brŒj muR mjid V‰W jäœeh£il¢ nr®ªj Âwikahd
K¥gilÅu®fë‹ nritæid¡ fU¤Â‰bfh©L Foik¥ gâæš
kWntiythŒ¥ò bgw VJthf K¥gil¥gâ éLé¥ò bgW« ÏWÂah©oš,
mjhtJ gâ éLé¥ò bgWtj‰F xuh©L K‹djhfnt, Foik¥ gâ nj®Î
k‰W« vG¤J¤ nj®Î vGj mDk¤J, nj®éš nj®¢Á bgW« ãiyæš Vida
jFÂfŸ ÏU¥Ã‹, eLt© murhš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs éÂKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
K‹dhŸ gil Åu®fS¡fhd rYiffis bgwyh« vd Mizæl¥gL»wJ. Ϫj
Miz, Miz btëæl¥gL« ehŸ Kjš mkY¡F tU«.

4. nk‰f©l Miz¡nf‰g, jäœehL khãy k‰W« rh®ãiy¥ gâfŸ

é 22-š jFªj ÂU¤j§fŸ gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j (v°) ¤
Jiwæduhš Ëd® btëæl¥gL«.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
njt. n#h b#fuh#‹
muR brayhs®
/c©ik efš /

nk.F.v©.102581/2009/gbjh. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœ¥gh¡f«
ehŸ 9.10.2009

murhiz (ãiy) v©.915, bghJ (K‹dhŸ gilÅu®) ¤ Jiw ehŸ

10.9.2009‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.

1. br‹id k©ly TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
3. Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJéãnahf¤ £l«) I & II
efš – mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš – mid¤J Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJéãnahf £l«) fŸ
efš – Ï›tYtyf mid¤J mYty®fŸ
efš – Ï›tYtyf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
efš – Ï›tYtyf mgm, gbjh, k‰W« nec ÃçÎ f©fhâ¥ghs®fŸ
efš – Ï›tYtyf gbjh.4 ÃçÎ
efš – ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò 2009

Copy of G.O. (Ms) No. 130, Cooperation, Food and Consusmer Protection (CJ1)
Department dt. 10.9.2009

Act and Rules – The Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules – 1988 –
Constitution of the Board Scheduled Cooperative Societies – Amendment to Part
B of Schedule II of the said Rules – Regarding.

Read: From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies , Letter

Rc.No.81680/2008 SF4 Dt. 3.11.2008.

The appended Notification will be published in the Tamil Nadu

Government Gazette.

2. The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai is

requested to send fifty copies of the said Notification of the Principal Secretary to
Government, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department,
Chennai.600 009, immediately.

(By Order of the Governor)

Sd/- K. Shanmugam
Principal Secretary to Government

/true copy/


In exercise of powers conferred by sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) of

section 180 of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 (Tamil Nadu Act
30 of 1983), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following
amendments to the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988.C

In the said Rules, in Schedule II, in Part-B, in item 4, under the heading
“Cooperative Urban Banks”.
(i) in sub-item 2, for the expression “an expert in Small Scale or Cottage
Industry”, the expression “an expert in Banking” shall be substituted.
(ii) in sub-item 3, for the expression “the nominee of the Central
Cooperative Bank concerned”, the expression “a Chartered Accountant with bank
audit experience nominated by the Registrar” shall be substituted.
(iii) in sub-item 5, for the expression “Extension Officer (Cooperation)”,
the expression “Field Officer (Cooperation)” shall be substituted.

Sd/- K. Shanmugam
Principal Secretary to Government
/true copy/

Endt. Rc.81680/08 SF4 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative

Socioeties, Kilpauk, Chennai.10.
Dated: 1.10.2009

A copy of G.O.(Ms.) No.130 Cooperation, Food and Consumer

Protection (CS1) Department, dt. 10.9.2009 is communicated to all the Officers
noted in the address entry for information and necessary action.
/by order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar
Chennai Region
2. All the Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies and Joint Registrar
(PDS) I & II
3. All the Circle Deputy Registrars
4. The Special Officers of all the District Central Cooperative Banks
5. The Special Officers of all Apex Cooperative Institutions.
Copy to all Administrative Section in Registrar’s Office, CE and SF Sections
Copy to stock file.

Copy of G.O.No.445, Finance (Loans and Advances Cell) Department Dated
10th September 2009

INTEREST – Rate of Interesty for House Building Advance sanctioned by the

State Government - Interest rates for the year 2009-2010 – Orders issued.

Read the followings:-

1. G.O. Ms.No.96/H & UD Department, dated 17.6.2009

2. From the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India,
New Delhi Letter F.No.1/17011/11 (5) / 2009 – H-III dated

In the Government order first read above, orders were issued

enhancing the ceiling of House Building Advance to All India Service Officers
and State Government employees.

2. In the reference 2nd cited, it has been informed that the rate of
interest for House
Building Advance to Central Government Employees during the financial year
2009-2010 will continue to be at the same level for the year 2003-2004.

3. The Government, after careful consideration, has decided to

adopt the interest rate as prescribed by Government of India upto
Rs.7,50,000/-. For advances beyond Rs.7,50,000 interest may be charged at
9.50%. The applicable rate for House Building Advance for 2009-2010 shall be
as shown below:

House Building Advance Rate of Interest

a) For Loans upto Rs.50,000/- 5.00%
b) For Loans from Rs.50,000/- to 6.50%
c) For Loans from Rs.1,50,001/- to 8.50%
d) Above Rs.5,00,000 9.50%

4. In the Government order 1st read above, it was ordered that

employees who have already availed House Building Advance at the old rate
and not completed the construction of the house can now avail the difference
amount in the enhanced ceiling for construction / ready built house/ flat on
production of revised estimate subject to eligibility. For such employees who
have already availed House Building Advance and are now availing an
additional amount on account of the increased limit


If an employee had taken Rs.5 lakhs earlier and post revision, if he

takes another Rs.3 lakhs, the interest on the Rs.3 lakhs will be computed as if
his total advance is Rs.6 lakhs and the interest on the entire loan will be as
a) Till Rs.5 lakhs (original loan) – as per original sanctions
b) Next Rs.3 lakhs (now availed) – 9.5% (interest slab applicable for
advance above Rs.5 lakhs.

5. As given in the previous year, the benefit of a rebate of 0.5% in the

rate of interest will be allowed to All India Service Officers for promoting small
family norms to the extent admissible as per Department of Personnel and
Training. Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Government
of India’s. Letter F.No.14018/4/2008/AIS (II) dated 7.8.2008.


Endt. No.102643/09 ACS Office of the Registrar of Cooperative

Societies, Kilpauk, Chennai.10
Dated: 15.10.09

G.O.No.445, Finance (Loans and Advances Cell) Department dated

10.9.09 is communicated to all the Officers under the control of the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies for information and necessary action.

/by order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars

Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai

All the Circle Deputy Registrars and
Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
Copy to all Sections
Stock file.

Copy of Government letter No.Lr. No.13400/S/2007, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (S) Department dt. 11.9.2009.

Sub: Public Services- Preparation of panel for Promotion Guides-

Effect of punishment of stoppage of increment – clarification
issued – Amendment to the clarification - Regarding
Ref: 1. Letter No.28790/S/2001-1, Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (S) Department dt.5.7.201
2. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
Chennai.2, Letter No.5215/DPD-A5/2004 dt.27.12.2004
3. Government letter No.18667/S/2007-1 Personnel and
Administrative Reforms (S) Department dt.28.4.2006
4. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
Chennai.2, Letter No.4287/DPD-A4/2007 dt.22.10.2007

The clarification issued in the Government letter third cited regarding the
effect of punishment on stoppage of increment are hereby cancelled.

2. It has been clarified in the Government letter first cited, that an order
imposing any punishment including withholding of increment takes effect from the
date on which the said order is communicated to Government servant concerned. In
that case, this does not mean that the punishment will be over after expiry of the
period reckoning from the date of receipt of receipt of the orders of punishment. The
punishment will continue till the actual period of punishment is completed. Currency
of punishment is therefore continued till the punishment is over.

3. With a view to make the intention clear, it is hereby clarified that the
currency of punishment (including withholding of increment) begins when the
punishment order is communicated to the concerned Government Servant and
concludes where the actual period of punishment is over.

“For example, an official was awarded with a punishment of stoppage of

increment for one year on 10.4.2005 and the order was communicated to the
individual on the same day. Since his normal increment is first day of April, the
punishment can be implemented only from 1.4.2006, he is eligible to attain his next
increment only on 01.04.2007. However the currency of punishment begins on
10.04.2005 and concludes on 31.3.207”.

4. The above procedure may be followed uniformly in all such cases.

/ true copy /

nk.F.e.f. v©. 116143/2009 gbjh.1 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.10

muR¡ foj« v©. 13400/S/2007-6 gâahs® k‰W« ãUthf¢

Ó®ÂU¤j¤ Jiw ehŸ 11.9.2009‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ

/ Miz¥go /
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l«) I & II, br‹id,
efš: Ï›tYtyf nec, gbjh, xe, mgm k‰W« gC ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.124, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (P)
Department, dated 12.9.2009

Public Services- Special Qualifying Examination conducted by Tamil Nadu
Public Service Commission in 1995 for temporary Government Servants in
common categories of Junior Assistants / Typists and Steno-typists – Writ
petitions filed by unqualified candidates who are still continuing in service
based on interim orders passed byHighs Court, Madras – Orders of High
Court, Madras for regularization of their services- Implementation of Court
Orders – Orders – issued.

1. G.O.Ms.No.433, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (P)

Department dated 14.12.1993
2. G.O.Ms.No.71, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (P)
Department dated 7.4.2000
3. Orders of State Administrative Tribunal dated 11.7.2002 in
O.A.Nos.423 to 427/1997 and 11.12.1997
4. Orders of High Court, Madras dated 28.1.2008 in
5. Orders of High Court, Madras dated 31.3.2008 in
6. Orders of High Court, Madras dated 10.6.2008 in
W.P.Nos.15177/2001, 6331/2004, 6332/2004, 6333/2004,
6334/2004, 6335/2004, 6336/2004, 23887/2004,
12031/2004 and 30832/2006.
7. Orders of High Court, Madras dated 25.8.2008 in
8. Orders of High Court, Madras dated 19.1.2009 in

In the Government Order 1st read above, orders were issued for
conducting a Special Qualifying Examination for all the temporary Junior
Assistants / Typists and Steno-Typists who were recruited through
Employment Exchange to the posts which are under the purview of Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commission since 1986 and subsequently ousted from
service and those who were appointed on or before 15.5.1991 and continued
in service irrespective of the length of service put in by them. Accordingly, a
Special Qualifying Examination was conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public
Service Commission in the year 1995. In the Government Order 2nd read
above, orders were issued framing Special Rules for those qualified in the
above mentioned Special Qualifying Examination conducted by the Tamil
Nadu Public Service Commission in 1995. Consequently, the services of all
the temporary Junior Assistants / Typists and Steno-Typists who were qualified
in the above examination were regularized.

2. In the meantime, some of the temporary Junior Assistants / Typists

and Steno-Typists, who were not qualified in the above said Special Qualifying
Examination filed original applications in the Tamil Nadu Administrative
Tribunal and subsequently Writ Petitions in the High Court, Madras and
obtained interim orders from the Hon’ble Court and are continuing service till
date. In the orders of Tamil Nadu Administrative Tribunal 3rd read above, the
Hon’ble Tribunal have directed that the service of the petitions shall be
regularized with effect from the date of their initial appointment and that they
will be eligible for service benefits only.
Moreover, in the order of High Court, Madras 6th read above, the Hon’ble Court
have observed as follows:

“In the light of the above pronouncements and also in view of the
policy decision taken by the State in G.O.Ms.No.22, Personnel and
Administative Reforms Department, dated 28.2.2009, and
considering the fact that the State itself had implemented the
earlier orders of the Tribunal in identical situations and also the fact
that under Rule 48, they have necessary power to grant relaxation
and further the fact that the individuals have entered service on
being sponsored by Employment Exchange and have put in more
than two decades of service, we feel that it is a fit case that the
order of the Tribunal challenged in W.P. 6331 to 6336 of 2004
must be affirmed though not for the reasons indiciated therein.
Accordingly, W.P.Nos.6331 to 6336 of 2004 will stand dismissed.
The other writ petitions being W.P.No.15177 of 2001 and WP
Nos.12031 and 23887 of 2004 will stand allowed. The State
Government is directed to implement the order of the Tribunal
within a period of eight weeks from the date of receipt of a copy of
this order. However, there will be no order as to costs. Connected
Miscellaneous Petitions are closed”.

3. In all the order orders of High Court, Madras 4th to 8th read above, the
High Court Madras have passed orders in favour of the applicants directing the
respondents to regularize the services of the temporary Junior Assistants /
Typists and Steno-Typists as the case may be from the date of their initial

4. The Government after detailed examination, have directed to

implement the orders of the High Court, Madras referred to at 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
and 8th read above in the connected Writ Petitions. Government accordingly,
direct the respondents (viz.) the Secretaries to Government of the Departments
of Secretariat / Heads of Department / District Collectors as the case may be to
implement the orders of High Court (i.e) to regularize the services of Typists/
Steno-Typists / Junior Assistants who were appointed temporarily and who had
failed in the Special Qualifying Examination conducted for them in the year
1995 from the date of their initial appointment with service benefits only.

5. The Government also direct that the services of similarly placed

temporary typists / Steno Typists / Junior Assistant who have failed in the
Special Qualifying Examination 1995 and who have obtained orders favourable
to them from the High Court of Madras shall also be regularized by the
authorities concerned with effect from the date of their initial appointment with
service benefits only.


/true copy/

Endt. No.68775/2009/EM3 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative

Societies, Kilpauk Chennai.10
Dated: 13.10.2009

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.124, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (P)

Department, dated 12.9.2009 is communicated for information and necessary

/ By order /

For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
Copy to All the Circle Deputy Registrars and
Copy to All the Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
Copy to OE, EM, PA Sections Superintendent
Stock file.

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.131, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR-III)
Department dated 23.9.2009
Leave – Unearned Leave on Medical Certificate – Admissible to
Government servants ailing from AIDS and testified as HIV Positive – Availing
of Unearned Leave on Medical Certificate with restriction – Orders – Issued.

1. From the Director of Medical Education Letter

Ref.No.94184/P & D3-1/ 2006 dated 12.3.2007
2. From the Project Director, Tamil Nadu Aids Control Society
letter No. 3781/A3/TANSACS/2007 dated 17.12.2007 and

As per rule 15 of the Tamil Nadu Leave Rules, 1933 all approved
probationers and permanent Government servants in Superior Service and also
in Basic Service suffering from Tuberculosis, Cancer, Leprosy and Hansen’s
diseases are eligible for Unearned Leave on Medical Certificate for 18 months
in all at a time without any restriction and also without reference to the Medical
Board, if a certificate is received from a recognized institution where the
Government servants are undergoing treatment.

2. The Government, in consultation with the Director of Medical

Education and the Project Director, Tamil Nadu State Aids Control Society have
examined the question of extending the above concession being availed by the
Government servants for the treatment of Tuberculosis etc. to the Government
servants ailing from AIDS and also in cases of Government servants testified as
HIV Positive.

3. The Government after detailed examination direct that the Government

servants (both permanent and non-permanent) ailing from AIDS and also those
Government servants testified as HIV positive be granted Unearned Leave on
Medical Certificate, subject to a maximum of 18 months without any restriction
as in the case of treatment of Tuberculosis, etc. as provided in Rule 15 of the
Tamil Nadu Leave Rules. The above said leave shall be granted on production
of Medical Certificate obtained from ART Medical Officer attached to the
Government Hospitals in the following form:-

“……………….is suffering from AIDS with opportunistic infections and

hospitalization and treatment is needed his / her illness. He/She may be
granted medical leave without any restriction.”

4. Necessary amendments to the Fundamental Rules will be
issued separately.


/true copy/

Endt. No.116145/2009/EM3 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative

Societies, Kilpauk Chennai.10
Dated: 5.11.2009

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.131, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR III)

Department, dated 23.9.2009 is communicated for information and necessary

/ By order /

For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
Copy to All the Circle Deputy Registrars and
Copy to All the Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
Copy to All Officers in Office
Copy to All Sections in Office
Copy to OE, EM, PA Sections Superintendent
Stock file.

Copy of G.O.Ms.No.133, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (A) Department dated
Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1973 Rule 3 (A) (2) – relating to
prohibition of acceptance and giving of dowry by Government servants – Declaration

G.O.Ms.No.150 P & AR (A)Department dated 15.9.2008


According to rule 3(A) of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct

Rules, 1973, no Government servant shall give or take, abet the giving or taking of
dowry or demand directly or indirectly from the parents or guardian of a bride or
bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry.

2. In the G.O. read above, the above rule was amended to the effect that
every Government Servant shall after marriage or when he celebrates the marriage of
his children, furnish to the Head of Department, a declaration that he has not taken
any dowry. Where the Government gets married, the declaration shall be signed by
the Government Servant, the wife or husband, as the case may be of the Government
Servant and their parents or guardian. Where the son or daughter of the Government
Servant gets married, the declaration shall be signed by the parties to the marriage
and their parents or guardian which shall include the Government Servant also.

3. The Government have now decided to amend rule 3A of the Tamil Nadu
Government Servant Conduct Rules, 1973 and direct that every Government Servant
shall furnish a declaration to the above effect to the Heads of Department in the Form
in Schedule IV now appended to the above said rule.

4. The following Notification shall be pursued in the Tamil Nadu Government


In exercise of the powers governed by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following
amendments to the Tamil Nadu Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1973.

2. The amendments hereby made shall come into force on the 29 th

September 2009.

In the said rules (a) in rule 3A in sub – rule (2) after the expression “Every
Government Servant shall after marriage or when he celebrates the marriage of his
children, furnish to the Head of Department, a declaration”, the expression “in the
Form in Schedule IV appended to these rules” shall be added.

(b) after Schedule III, the following schedule shall be added namely:-

(See Rule 3A (2))


I Son of /
wife of working as in the
Office of the (place) hereby
declare that I have not demanded and taken / given any dowry either directly or
indirectly during my marriage / marriage of my son / daughter held on at

Signature of the Government Servant

Signature of the parents or

guardian of the parties to
the marriage and the spouse
(where the Government Servant
gets married)
Signature of the parties to the marriage and
their parents (where the son or daughter of the
Government Servant gets married)

/true copy/

e.f. v©.116144/09 x.e.2(2) T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœgh¡f«, br‹id.10

ehŸ : 14.11.2009

muR Miz (ãiy) v©. 133, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (V)
Jiw, ehŸ 29.9.09 ‹ efš TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«, mid¤J
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ, Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l«) 1 k‰W« 2
jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ. nk‰go muR
Mizæš bjçé¤JŸsthW, mj‰bfd bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs cWÂbkhê
got¤Âš mid¤J gâahs®fëläUªJ (bra‰ gÂths®fŸ f£L¥gh£oš
gâòçÍ« gâahs®fŸ c£gl) bg‰W gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥Ã
it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ. Ïj‹ bjhl®òila ãiwt¿¡ifæid ¡FŸ mD¥Ã it¤ÂlΫ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wJ.

/ Miz¥go /
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l«) I & II, br‹id.
1. é ò¤jf¤Â‰F
2. mgm, / ne.c./ g.bjh / ÃçÎfŸ / ã.m. ÃçÎ (2 efšfëš)
3. jftš gyif¡F
4. ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò / cÂç

murhiz (ãiy) v©.139, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (v«) Jiw ehŸ
fšé¤ jF – bghJ¥gâfŸ ãakd« brŒa bjhê‰fšé g£l§fŸ
(Professional Degrees) r£l¥ g£l¥ go¥ò (B.L) bgh¿æaš g£l¥go¥ò (B.E)
kU¤Jt¥ g£l¥go¥ò (M.B.B.S.) fhšeil kU¤Jt¥ g£l¥go¥ò (B.V.Sc.) k‰W«
Ïs§fiy m¿éaš (ntsh©ik) B.Sc. (Agri) M»at‰iw Ïs§fiy
g£l¥go¥ò k‰W« Ïs§fiy m¿éaš g£l¥ go¥òfS¡F (B.A., B.Sc., etc)
Ïizahf fU m§Ñfç¤J – Miz – btëæl¥gL»wJ.

1. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 318, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤
(M®) Jiw ehŸ 29.12.1997
2. jäœehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiza nj®Î¡ f£L¥gh£L
mYty® k‰W« bray® (bghW¥ò) mt®fë‹ foj
v©.4642/M®.v‹.m.5/98 ehŸ 21.9.1998
3. jäœehL muR¥ gâahs® nj®thiz brayç‹ ne.K.f.
v©.2284/ M®.v‹.v¥1/08 ehŸ 27.11.2008

gh®it x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš bjhê‰fšéæš (Professional

Degrees) mjhtJ bgh¿æaš, kU¤Jt«, fhšeil kU¤Jt« M»a Jiwfëš
tH§f¥gL« Ïsãiy g£l§fisÍ« (B.E., M.B.B.S., B.V.Sc.,) nkšãiy
gŸë¡ fšé¤ nj®¢Á¡F¥ Ëd® 5 M©L r£l¥ go¥Ãš tH§f¥gL«
Ïsãiy g£l¤ijÍ« (B.L.) Ïs§fiy k‰W« m¿éaš Ïsãiy g£l¥
go¥òfS¡F¢ (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.) rkkhf¡ fUÂ bghJ¥gâfëš ntiy
thŒ¥Ã‰F m§Ñfhu« më¤J muR Miz btëæ£lJ.

2. gh®it Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš, muR¥ gâahs®

nj®thiza bray®, Ïs§fiy m¿éaš (ntsh©ik) go¤jt®fŸ bjhFÂ
VII-¡fhd neuo¤ nj®éš fyªJ bfhŸs é©z¥Ã¤JŸsjhfΫ, gh®it
x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, Ïs§fiy m¿éæš (ntsh©ik) g£l«
nr®¡f¥glhjjhš, m¡fšé¤ jFÂiaÍ« nr®¤J nk‰F¿¥Ã£LŸs Miz¡F
ÂU¤j« btëæLkhW nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.

3. nkY«, gh®it 5š go¡f¥g£l jäœehL muR¥ gâahs®

nj®thiz¢ brayç‹ ne®Kf foj¤ÂY« 27.11.2008 elªj Ïiz¡ fšé
jF ã®za FGéY« Ïs§fiy m¿éaš (ntsh©ik) (B.Sc. (Agriculture)
k‰W« Ïju bjhê‰fšé g£l§fis Ïs§fiy k‰W« m¿éaš Ïsãiy
g£l¥go¥òfS¡F¢ (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.) rkkhf fUÂ bghJ¥gâfëš (Public
Services) ntiythŒ¥ò tH§f gçªJiu¤JŸsJ.

4. Ï¡FGé‹ gçªJiuæid muR Ôéukhf gçÓyid brŒjË,

Ïjid V‰W¡ bfhŸs muR KobtL¤JŸsJ. m›thnw gh®it x‹¿š
go¡f¥g£LŸs murhizæš g¤Â 4š Ïs§fiy k‰W« m¿éaš Ïsãiy
g£l¥go¥òfS¡F¢ (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com.) rkkhf muR m§Ñfhu« më¤JŸs
bjhê‰fšéfSl‹ nr®¤J Ïs« m¿éaš (ntsh©ik) (B.Sc. (Agriculture)
k‰W« Ïju bjhê‰fšé g£l¥go¥ÃidÍ« nr®¤J bghJ¥gâfëš ntiy
thŒ¥ò tH§f muR m§Ñfhu« më¤J MizæL»wJ.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)

nf.v‹. bt§f£ukz‹
muR brayhs®

/ c©ik efš /

nk.F. e.f. v©.116146/09 gbjh.3 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

mYtyf«, Ñœgh¡f«, br‹id.10

ehŸ : 15.11.2009

murhiz (ãiy) v©.139, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (v«)

Jiw ehŸ 7.10.2009‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ

/ Miz¥go /
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l«) I & II, br‹id.
efš: mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: mid¤J Jiz¥gÂths® (bghéÂ) fŸ
efš: Ï›tYtyf mid¤J mYty®fŸ
efš: Ï›tYtyf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò 2009

Copy of letter No.8552/S/2008 dated 4.11.2009 from Secretary to Government
Personnel and Administrative Reforms (S) Department, Secretariat, Chennai.600 009
addressed to All Heads of Department.
Sub: Public Services – Maintenance of Personal Files – Writing of
Confidential reports on Officers on Compulsory Wait –
Clarification – Reg.
Ref: G.O.Ms.No.566, Personnel and Administrative Reforms
Department, dated 02.11.1988.
In the Government Order cited, orders were issued to the effect that
no personal file shall be written, unless the Reporting Officer has seen the
performance of the Government Servant for atleast 3 months.

2. The Government have now examined the issue of writing confidential

report on an officer who is on compulsory wait. An Officer is generally placed on
compulsory wait only when his performance in a particular situation is bad and when
no specific charge can be framed for want of evidence record etc. Normally, no
officer will be on compulsory wait for more than 3 months. For periods less than 3
months, the Confidential Repsort cannot be written as per the existing instructions.
Even, if any special work is given during the period of compulsory wait to an officer, it
can in no way be equivalent in proportion to the regular work, the officer will be
expected to handle normally. Hence, even if the compulsory wait period is over 3
months, Confidential Report can not be written.

3. The Government, therefore, direct that no Personal Files on Annual

Confidential Report shall be written on a Government Servant who is on compulsory

/ True copy /
Endt. No.116145/2009/EM3 Office of the Registrar of Co-operative
Societies, Kilpauk Chennai.10
Dated: 5.11.2009

Copy of Government letter No.8552/S/2008, Personnel and

Administrative Reforms (S) Department, dated 4.11.2009 is communicated for
information and necessary action.

/ By order /

For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars

Copy of G.O.(Ms.) No.1, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CG1)
Department dt.2.1.2009
Plan Scheme – Scheme financed by autonomous bodies – National Cooperative
Development Corporation sponsored scheme of Integrated Cooperative Development
Project in Theni and Thoothukudi Districts – Orders issued – Amendments issued.

Read again:
1. G.O.Ms.No.100 Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protectio Department
2. Government Letter No.20059/CG2/05-01, Cooperation, Food and
Consumer Protection Department Dated 7.7.2005
Read also:

3. From the Regional Director, National Cooperative Development

CorporationChennai letter No.NCDC 56-27/2003 RD(CHN) /454 dated
3. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter Rc.No.123963/2006
PMC.2 dated 26.10.2006.

In the Government Order first read above, the Government have issued
orders for the implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Project inTheni
and Thoothukudi Districts and the terms and conditions for implementation of the
schemes have been stipulated in the letter second read above.

2. Based on the proposals received from the Regional Director, National

Cooperative Development Corporation, the Registrar of Cooperative Societies has
suggested certain amendments to the terms and conditions issued in the Government
letter second read above.

3. The Government have carefully examined the proposals of the Registrar of

Cooperative Societies and decided to accept the same. Accordingly, the Government
issue the following amendments to the Government Order and Government letter first
and second read above.

1) In the said Government Order, in the annexure I, in Sl.No.12, for the words and
figures “Applicable as per the rate of interest in Government Order issued for the
financial year 2005-2006”, the words and figures “The rate of interest charged by the
National Cooperative Development Corporation at the time of release of funds” shall
be substituted.

2) In the said Government Letter, in respect of the terms and conditions issued for
implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Protect in Theni District.

A. I) annexure III, in Sl.No.IX – Primary Consumer Cooperative Society.

a) in sub Sl.No.5 – margin money

i) under the heading loan the existing figures “10,000” shall be deleted

ii) under the heading share capital, for the existing figure “10,000”, the figures
20,000” shall be substituted.

b) in the Sl.No.IX – sub total

i) under the heading loans for the existing figures “17.43”, the figures “7
shall be substituted.
ii) under the heading share capital for the existing figures “14.97”, the
figure“24.97” shall be substituted.

II) In Annexure III, under the grant total.

i) under the heading loan for the existing figures “255.86” , the figures “245.86”
shall be substituted.
ii) under the heading share capital for the existing figures “524.70” , the figures
“534.70” shall be substituted.

B. I) In annexure XI, in Sl.No.IX – Primary Consumer Cooperative Society.

a) in sub Sl.No.5 – margin money

(i) under the heading loan the existing figures “2.00” shall be deleted.
(ii) under the heading share capital, for the existing figure “2.00”, the
figures “4.00” shall be substituted.

b) in the Sl.No.IX – sub total

i) under the heading loans for the existing figures “7.43”, the figures
“5.43” shall be substituted.
ii) under the heading share capital for the existing figures “4.97”, the figures
“6.97” shall be substituted.
II) In annexure XI, under the grant total:
iii) under the heading loans for the existing figures “70.43”, the figures “
shall be substituted.
iv) under the heading share capital for the existing figures “120.72”, the figures
“122.72” shall be substituted.
3. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department
vide its U.O.No.74330/ Fin (CF & CP) / 2008 dated 18.12.2008.
(By Order of the Governor)

Secretary to Government

The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.10
The Managing Director, National Cooperative
Development Corporation, 4, Sifi Institutional Area,
Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110 016
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies (ICDP)
` Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai.10
The Pay and Accounts Officer (South) Chennai.35
The Special Officer, Theni and Thoothukudi District Central
Cooperative Bank, Thoothukudi
The Accountant General (Audit I), Chennai.35
The Accountant General (A&E), Chennai.18
The Secretary to Government, Planning Development and
Special Initiatives Department, Chennai.9
The Secretary to Government,
Agricultural/Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles and Khadi/
Animal Husbandry/Dairying and Fisheries Departments, Chennai.9
The Commissioner of Handlooms and Textiles,
Kuralagam, Chennai.108
The Director of Fisheries, Chennai.6
The Director of Handlooms, Chennai.18
The Director of Animal Husbandry Chennai.6

Endt. Rc.123963/2006/PMC2 O/o Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Dated 23.2.2009
Copy of the G.O.Ms.No.1, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department dated 2.1.2009 is communicated for taking necessary action.

For Registrar
The Joint Registrar/General Manager
Integrated Cooperative Development Project,
Theni / Thoothukudi.

T£LwΤ Jiw
mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g., TLjš gÂths®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® br‹id k©ly«
170, <btuh bgçah® rhiy br‹id
Ñœ¥gh¡¡«, br‹id.600 010 mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

e.f. 142486/2008.»f3 ehŸ 2.2.2009


bghUŸ: Kjyik¢rç‹ jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fis ԮΠbrŒjš – m¿ÎiufŸ

tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf
Kjyik¢rç‹ jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fis ԮΠbrŒjš bjhl®ghf k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂthshš mD¥g¥gL« khjhªÂu K‹nd‰w m¿¡iffŸ xU Áy k©ly¤ij¤
jéu Vida k©ly§fëläUªJ jhkhjkhf tu¥bgW»‹wd. nkY« Kjyik¢rç‹
jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fis xUkhj fhy¤Â‰FŸ gš mD¥Ã Ko¡f¥gl nt©L« v‹W
m¿ÎiufŸ bjhl®ªJ bjçé¡f¥gL« m›thW Ko¡f¥glhkš gšfŸ jhkjkhf
tu¥bgW»wJ. nkY« Áy Ïd§fëš KGika‰w gšfS« mD¥g¥gL»wJ. vdnt
Ïjid¤ j鮡F« bghU£L Ñœ¡f©l m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd. ÏåtU«
fhy§fëš Ï›t¿Îiufis KGikahf filÃo¡FkhW«, Kjyik¢r® jå¥ÃçÎ
kD¡fis ԮΠbrŒtš fhy jhkj« V‰g£lhnyh, KGika‰w gšfŸ mD¥g£lhnyh
mJ fLikahf neh¡f¥gL« vdΫ bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ.

1. Kjyik¢r® jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fŸ tu¥bg‰w xUkhj¤Â‰FŸ ԮΠbrŒJ

kDjhuU¡F gš më¡f nt©L«.

2. kDjhuU¡F mD¥g¥gL« gÂyhd ÏU efšfis got éthj¤Âid

M§»y¤Âš ó®¤Â brŒJ ÏU efšfSl‹ gÂthsU¡F mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.

3. j§fŸ k©ly« bjhl®ghd kD¡fëš j§fsséš jh‹ ãiwt¿¡if mD¥g¥

gl nt©L«.

4. kD¡fis j¡f elto¡if¡fhf r«gªj¥g£l Jiz¥gÂthsU¡F /r§f¤Â‰F

/ t§»¡F mD¥g¥g£LŸsJ v‹gJ ngh‹w gš mD¥g¡ TlhJ. ÏJ
bjhl®ghf ruf Jiz¥gÂths® t§»æèUªJ gš bg‰W Kothd gÂiy
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fns mD¥Ãl nt©L«.

5. ÏJ bjhl®ghf k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fshš mD¥g¥gL« khjhªÂu K‹nd‰w

m¿¡if Ãu khj« 5« nj¡FŸ mD¥g¥gl nt©L«. Ïš jhkj«
f©o¥ghf j鮡f¥gl nt©L«.
6. Kjyik¢r® jå¥ÃçÎ kD / ghuhSk‹w k‰W« r£lk‹w cW¥Ãd® kD¡fis
ԮΠbrŒjš K‹nd‰w« bjhl®ghd Ïiz¥gÂths®fshš mD¥g¥gL«
fhyh©L KoªjÎl‹ mL¤j khj« 5« nj¡FŸ mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.

7. Kjyik¢r® jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fŸ ãYit bjhl®ghf 15 eh£fS¡F xU Kiw
gÂths® mYtyf ‘»f Ãçéš’ f©fhâ¥ghs® / r«gªj¥g£l ÃçÎ
cjéahsiu bjhiyngÁæš bjhl®ò bfh©L ãYit kD¡fŸ v©â¡if
k‰W« Vida étu¤Âid (Pin No.etc) X¤ÂirÎ brŒJ¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.

8. Kjyik¢r® jå¥ÃçÎ kD¡fis ԮΠbrŒtJ bjhl®ghf muR mséš

fhyKiwæyhd MŒÎ¡ T£l« el¤j¥g£L tU« ãiyæš, ÏJ bjhl®ghd
gÂnt£oid Kiwahf¥ guhkç¡f nt©L«.

9. ÃwJiwfëèUªj kh‰w« brŒa¥gL« kD¡fŸ k‰W« Vida k©ly§fëš

ÏUªJ khWjèš bgw¥gL« kD¡fis cça Kiwæš Ô®Î brŒJ gÂthsU¡F
gš mD¥g¥gl nt©L«.

10. kD¡fŸ bgw¥gléšiy våš bjhl®òila kDjhuç‹ nfhç¡ifæ‹

étu¤Âid gÂths® mYtyf ‘»f Ãçéid¤ bjhl®ò bfh©L étu« bg‰W
m¤jifa kD¡fŸ ԮΠbrŒa¥gl nt©L«.

Ï›t¿iufis¤ jtwhJ Ëg‰¿LkhL mid¤J k©ly

Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸsgL»‹wh®fŸ. Ï¡foj¤Âid¥ bg‰W¡
bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjèid cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.

// Miz¥go //


Copy of G.O.Ms.No.21, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department,
dated 6.3.2009


Plan Schemes – Implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development Project in

Thoothukudi and Theni Districts – Sanction of Fourth year Outlay – Orders issued.


1. Government letter No.13164/C.G.2/2003-1, Cooperation, Food and

Consumer Production Department, dated 14.5.2003.
2. G.O.Ms.No.100, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Production
Department dated 20.6.2005.
3. G.O.Ms.No.46, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department dated 16.2.2007.
4. G.O.Ms.No.3, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
Department, dated 10.1.2008
5. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter Rc.85084/2008
PMC2 dated 21.8.2008
6. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter Rc.No.97727/2008
PMC2 dated 21.8.2008.
7. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter Rc.85084/2008
PMC2 dated 21.10.2008.


In the Government letter and Government Order first and second read
above the Government have sanctioned the implementation of Integrated
Cooperative Development Project in the following two districts over a period of five
years with the financial assistance from the National Cooperative Development
Corporation as indicated below:

Sl.No. Name of the District Total Cost (Rs. in

1. Thoothukudi Rs.942.08
2. Theni Rs.987.73

2. Out of the total amount mentioned in para 1 above, in the Government

Orders second, third and fourth read above the following amounts have been
sanctioned so far and the amounts are being utilized.

Thoothukudi - Integrated Cooperative Development Project

(Rs. in lakhs)
G.O.No. and Date Loan Share Subsidy Total
Capital State N.C.D.C.
G.O.Ms.No.100 55.525 133.165 22.860 22.860 234.410
Dated 20.6.2005
G.O.Ms.No.46 56.005 124.535 18.645 18.645 217.830
Dated 16.2.2007
G.O.Ms.No.3 41.5275 100.0925 22.315 220.315 186.250
Dated 10.1.2008
Total 153.0575 357.7925 63.820 63.820 638.490

Theni - Integrated Cooperative Development Project

(Rs. in lakhs)
G.O.No. and Date Loan Share Subsidy Total
Capital State N.C.D.C.
G.O.Ms.No.100 70.430 120.720 27.545 27.545 246.220
Dated 20.6.2005
G.O.Ms.No.46 76.720 131.210 19.585 19.585 247.100
Dated 16.2.2007
G.O.Ms.No.3 55.462 108.751 19.100 19.100 202.413
Dated 10.1.2008
Total 202.612 360.681 66.230 66.230 695.733

3. In his letter fifth and sixth read above the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies has informed that for the continuous implementation of Integrated
Cooperative Development Project, IV year outlay has to be sanctioned as below:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl.No. Item NCDC State Total
1 Loan 28.975 - 28.975
2 Share Capital 94.065 - 94.065
3 N.C.D.C. Subsidy 25.100 - 25.100
4 State Government - 25.100 25.100
TOTAL 148.140 25.100 173.240

(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl.No. Item NCDC State Total
1 Loan 31.327 - 31.327
2 Share Capital 87.826 - 87.826
3 N.C.D.C. Subsidy 18.090 - 18.090
4 State Government - 18.090 18.090
TOTAL 137.243 18.090 155.333

4. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies has requested the

Government that the amounts mentioned in para 3 above, may be sanctioned for
implementation of the Integrated Cooperative Development Project continuously in the
above two Districts. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies has also requested that
the amounts under the heading National Cooperative Development Corporation will be
claimed as reimbursement from the National Cooperative Development Corporation.

5. The Government have carefully examined the proposals of the

Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Sanction is accorded for an aggregate amount of
Rs.328.573 lakhs (Rupees three Crores, twenty eight lakhs, fifty seven Thousand and
three hundred only) towards the fourth year outlay under loan, share capital and
subsidy for the continuous implementation of the Integrated Cooperative Development
Project in Thoothukudi and Theni Districts as given below:-

(Rs. in lakhs)
1 Loan 31.327 28.975 60.302
2 Share Capital 87.826 94.065 181.891
3 N.C.D.C. Subsidy 18.090 25.100 43.190
4 State Government 18.090 25.100 43.190
TOTAL 155.333 173.24 328.573

6. The expenditure sanctioned in para 5 above shall be debited to

the following heads of accounts
(a). Loan: Rs.60.302 lakhs
(Rupees sixty lakhs, fifty thousand and two hundred only)

“6425-00 Loans for Co-operation -107 Loans to credit Co-operatives- Schemes in the
Eleventh Five Year Plan –II State Plan-JF Loans to Co-operatives under Integrated
Cooperative Development Programme- Controlled by the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies -01 Loans to Co-operative under Integrated Cooperative Development
Programme”(DPC 6425-00-107-JF-0100) (Out go)

(b) Share Capital: Rs181.891 lakhs

(Rupees one crore, eighty one lakhs ,eighty nine thousand and one hundred only)
“4425-00 Capital outlay on Cooperation-107 investments in Credit Co-operatives-
Scheme in the Eleventh Five Year Plan-II State Plan-JU Investments in Credit
Cooperatives” Under the scheme of Integrated Co-operative Development Project-22
(DPC 4425-00-107-JU2208)

(c) National Co-operative Development Corporation Share of Subsidy :

Rs.43.190 lakhs
(Rupees forty three lakhs and nineteen thousand only)
“2425-00- Co-operation-107 Assistance to Credit Co-operatives-Schemes in the
Eleventh Five Year Plan V Schemes Financed by Autonomous Bodies –ZA Assistance
to implementation of Integrated Co-operative Development Project-09 Grants in aid-03
Grants for specific Schemes “(DPC-2425-00-107-ZA-0931)

(D) State Government Share of Subsidy:Rs.43.190 lakhs

(Rupees forty three lakhs and nineteen thousand only)

“2425-00-Co-operation-107 Assistance to Credit Co-operative Schemes in the I Non

Plan-AM Grant for Implementation of Integrated Co-operative Development Project-09
Grants-in-aid-03-Grants for specific schemes (DPC 2425-00-107-AM-0932)

7. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Integrated Co-operative

Development Project-09) in the office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies is
authorized to draw the amount from the Pay and Accounts Office (South), Chennai-35
and disburse the amount to the respective District Central Cooperative Banks which
are the project Implementing Agencies in the respective Districts through Tamil Nadu
State Apex Cooperative Bank.

8. This Order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.
No8882/Fin (C.F&C.P) 2009, dated :4.3.2009
/By Order of the Governor/
Secretary to Government

LEDGER No.52/2008-2009

1. Name of the Borrower : Thoothukudi and Theni District Central

Cooperative Banks.
2. HOD controlling the Borrower : Registrar of Cooperative Societies
3. Amount Sanctioned : Rs.328.573 lakhs (Rupees three crores
twenty eighty lakhs,fifty seven thousand
and three hundred only.
4. Sanction valid upto : 31.2.2009
5. Purpose of Loan : To extend financial assistance for
Implementation of Integrated Co-
operative Development Project in
Thoothukudi and Theni Districts.
6. Payable in cash of adjustment : The Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Societies (IC.DP) in the Office of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societis is
authorized to draw and disburse the
amounts to the Thoothukudi and Theni
Districts respectively through the
concerned District Central Cooperative
7. Demand No. Sub head detailed : Demand No.12
Head under which loan is “6425-00 Loans for Co-operation -107
sanctioned (Both Out go and Loans to credit Co-operatives- Schemes
Receipt) in the Eleventh Five Year Plan –II State
Plan-JF Loans to Co-operatives under
Integrated Cooperative Development
Programme- Controlled by the Registrar
of Cooperative Societies -01 Loans to
Co-operative under Integrated
Cooperative Development
Programme”(DPC 6425-00-107-JF-0100)
(Out go)

8. Repayment period : 8 years (Including moratorium period of 3

9. Moratorium towards repayment : 3 years only for Principal
if any
10. Date on which Repayment to : After 3 years

11. Mode of the payment : Annually
12. Interest : The rate of interest charged by the
1.Normal Rate National Cooperative Development
2.Penal Rate of Interest Corporation at the time of release of
3.Mode of Recovery of Interest funds.
13. The Head of Accounts to which : 0049-interest receipts-04 interest
interest has to be credited receipts of State/ Union Territory
Governments 195 interest from Co-
operative Societies-AS-Loans under the
Control of the Registrar of Co-operative
Societies-01. Other Co-operative (DPC-
14. G.O.No.and Date : G.O.Ms.No.21 Cooperation Food &
Consumer Protection Department dated

/By Order of the Governor/

Secretary to Government

Office of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies, Chennai.10

Endt. Rc.85084/2008 PMC.2 Dated 20.3.2009

A copy of the G.O.Ms.No.21, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection

Department, dated 6.3.2009 is communicated for information and necessary action.

/by order/

for Registrar

1. The Joint Registrar/General Manager

Theni/Thoothukudi I.C.D.P.
2. Joint Registrar / Special Officer
Madurai / Thoothukudi DCCBank
3. Copy to the Regional Joint Registrar
4. Copy to the Director, NCDC
4 Siri Institutional Area
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 046
5. Copy to the Regional Director
N.C.D.C. Chennai.32

Copy to
1. The Accountant General (Audit I) Chennai.35
2. The Accountant General (A &b) Chennai.18
3. The Accountant General (Audit II) Chennai.35
4. The A.O.,R.N., A.C.PB, GC Section 3 Copies in Office
5. Stock file - PMC 1 & PMC 2
6. Copy to Rc.97727/2008/PMC 2

murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 , T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw
(Áv¢.2) ehŸ 18.6.2009
T£LwÎ Jiw – T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£o‹ Ñœ cŸs
gšntW gjéfis ãiy¥gL¤Jjš k‰W« gjé¤ ju§fë‹ v©â¡ifia kW
ã®za« brŒjš – MizfŸ – btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
Û©L« go¡f¥g£lJ:

1. muR Miz (2D) v©.109 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤

Jiw ehŸ 13.12.2004
2. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj« v©.32475/05/OE 4 ehŸ 5.1.2007,
14.11.2008 k‰W« 28.5.2009

nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l 14.11.2008 ehë£l foj¤Âš T£Lw΢

r§f§fë‹ gÂths® jdJ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéfis
ãiy¥gL¤Jjš k‰W« gjé¤ ju§fë‹ v©â¡ifia kWã®za« brŒjš
bjhl®ghf ËtU« fU¤Âid bjçé¤JŸsh®. gâahs® k‰W« bryéd¢
ÓuhŒÎ¡ FG 142 gâæl§fis cgç¥ gâæll¡shf Ñœ¡f©l fhuz§fë‹
mo¥gilæš f©l¿ªJŸsJ vd T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

m) k©ly§fŸ k‰W« ruf§fŸ T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ mo¥gilæš

ÏU¡f nt©L«. mij éL¤J, Kiwna kht£l§fŸ k‰W« tUthŒ¡
nfh£l§fë‹ ma‰gâæl§fë‹ v©â¡if fârkhf¡ Fiw¡f¥gl

M) Kiw¥gL¤jš k‰W« nk«gL¤jš m«r§fëš k£L« ftd«

brY¤jΫ, ã®thf gjé¤ ju§fis cUth¡f mDk¤J« T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ ma‰gâæl§fë‹ v©â¡if fârkhf¡ Fiw¡f¥gl nt©L«.

bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« k‰W« ntsh©ik¡ flld tH§Fjš M»a

Ïu©L« K¡»akhf mu Rey¤ £l§fshF«. Ïj‰F kht£l ã®thf¤ÂdUl‹
fyªJ R_fkhf brašgl nt©oaJ K¡»akhdJ v‹gjhš, k©ly§fŸ k‰W«
ruf§fis Kiwna, kht£l« k‰W« nfh£l« thçahf mik¡f nt©oaJ
mtÁa« MF«. vdnt, gâahs® k‰W« bryéd¢ ÓuhŒÎ¡ FGé‹ Kjš
gçªJiu eilKiw¥gL¤j¤ j¡fjšy vd T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

gâahs® k‰W« bryéd¢ ÓuhŒÎ¡ FGé‹ Ïu©lhtJ gçªJiu
KiwahdjhfæU¥ÃD«, mid¤J Jiw¥ gâæl§fisÍ« ÂObud ÂU«g¥
bg‰whš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ nkyh©ikæš xU bt‰¿l« V‰gL«. vdnt,
Ïjid eilKiw¥gL¤j 10 Kjš 15 M©LfS¡F nkyhF« v‹W«, j‰nghJ
1.1.02 m‹W ÏUªj ma‰gâæl§fëš 192 gâæl§fŸ Fiw¡f¥g£LŸsJ
v‹W« T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®.

2. T£LwΤ Jiw k‰W« ãWtd§fë‹ elto¡iffŸ

g‹Kf¥gL¤j¥g£L T£LwÎ t§»fŸ _y« ntsh©ik¡ fl‹ tH§Fjš,
T£L¥ bghW¥ò¡ FG¡fŸ mik¤J ÁW tâf¡ fl‹ tH§Fjš, bghJ
éãnahf¤ £l¤Â‰F K¡»a.Jt« më¤jš M»a Ïd§fëš ftd«
brY¤j¥g£L tUtjfΫ, Ïjid eilKiw¥gL¤jΫ, f©fhâ¡fΫ Jiw
mYty®fŸ k‰W« gâahs®fŸ njit v‹W«, vdnt, gâahs® k‰W«
bryéd¢ ÓuhŒÎ¡ FG gçªJiu¥go gâahs®fis¡ Fiw¤jš v‹gJ
V‰òilajhfhJ vdΫ T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®.

3. Mdhš, mnj rka¤Âš Áy Ïl§fëš njit¡F mÂfkhd

gâahs®fS« Áy Ïl§fëš, nghÂa gâahs®fŸ Ïšyhjjhš gâæš bjhŒÎ
V‰gL»wJ v‹W«, vdnt, gâahs® mik¥Ãš KG¤ nj®thŒÎ (Overhaul) njit
v‹W«, òÂa kht£l§fŸ k‰W« nfh£l§fŸ mik¡f¥g£lij¤ bjhl®ªJ, m§F
òÂa k©ly§fŸ k‰W« ruf§fŸ mik¡f nt©oa njitna‰gL»wJ v‹W«,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®. mnj nghy, t£lhu mséš
cŸs T£Lw΢ r§f§fis rçahf¡ f©fhâ¡f fs¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd
gâæl§fS« njit¥gL»wJ v‹W«, ÏJ F¿¤J gšntW rka§fëš
jå¤jåahf muR¡F¡ fU¤JU¡fŸ mD¥g¥g£LŸsd v‹W« bjçé¤JŸsh®.
nkY«, j‰nghija g⢠Rikia¡ fU¤Âš bfh©L, khãy mséš cŸs
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf«, k©ly mYtyf§fŸ k‰W« ruf
mYtyf§fëš cŸs gâahs® mik¥ò Óuik¡f¥g£L j‰nghJ
gçªJiu¡f¥g£LŸsJ. nkny bjçé¤JŸs mid¤J Ïd§fisÍ« gçÓè¤J
j‰nghJ Jiw¥ gâahs® mik¥ò kW Óuik¡f¥g£L òÂjhf gâahs® ã®za«
brŒJ fU¤JU mD¥g¥g£LŸsJ vd T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

4. nk‰go ãiyikæš, nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l muR Mizæš

njh‰Wé¡f¥g£l 345 fs¥ gâahs® gâæl§fŸ gjé ca®Î, XŒÎ k‰W«
khWjšfë‹ nghJ fiy¡f¥gL« tifæš bgaçl¥g£L mt‰¿š (Body
Constituted) j‰rka« 229 gâæl§fŸ cŸsjhfΫ gâahs® k‰W« bryéd¢
ÓuhŒÎ¡ FGé‹ gçªJiuæid fU¤Âš bfh©L«, òÂa ruf§fŸ, kht£l§fŸ
njh‰Wé¤jš, t£lhu¤Â‰F xU fs mYty® v‹w Kiwæš 385 t£lhu§fS¡F
gâæl§fŸ V‰gL¤Jjš, Jiwæ‹ K¡»a¤Jt« M»at‰iw fU¤Âš
bfh©L«, njitfë‹ mo¥gilæY« T£LwΤ Jiwæš cŸs
gjé¤ju§fë‹ gšntW gjéfis ãiy¥gL¤Jjš k‰W« v©â¡ifia kW
ã®za« brŒa nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l 14.11.2008 ehë£l foj¤Âš T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nfhçÍŸsh®.

5. nkY« j‰nghJŸs K‹DçikfŸ, T£LwÎfŸ thæyhf Cuf¥
gFÂfëš fl‹ tH§Fjš, T£L bghW¥ò¡ FG mik¤jš, T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ /
Ef®nth® T£LwÎ g©lf rhiyfis òJ¥Ã¤jš thæyhf mÂfç¤Jé£l
gâfë‹ beU¡fo / bghJ éãnahf¤ £l¥ gâfë‹ K¡»a¤Jt«
M»at‰¿‹ mo¥gilæš gjé¤ju« MuhŒªJ ma‰gâ gâæl§fŸ c£gl
JiwoaYŸŸ bkh¤j gjé¤ju§fë‹ v©â¡ifia, ÑnH
F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸsthW 5140 vd ã®zæ¤Âlyh« v‹W T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂths® nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l 14.11.2008 ehë£l foj¤Âš bjçé¤JŸsh®.

tçir gjé¤ju¤Â‹ 1.1.2002 bryÎ ÓuhŒÎ 1.5.2008 j‰nghJ

v© bga® m‹WŸs FG m‹WŸs mtÁa« vd
gjéæl§ f©l¿ªj gâæl§ fUj¥gL«
fë‹ cgç fë‹ gâæl§
v©â¡if gâæl§fŸ v©â¡if fë‹
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 TLjš gÂths® 15 2 18 18
2 Ïiz¥gÂths® 89 18 88 88
3 Jiz¥gÂths® 327 36 327 287
4 T£LwÎ rh® 2067 454 1986 1692
5 KJãiy MŒths® 1524 396 1458 1389
6 Ïsãiy MŒths® 354 14 292 238
7 Ïsãiy 243 124 154 162
8 RU¡bfG¤J 106 30 91 85
9 j£l¢r® 117 16 133 152
10 juÎ gÂÎ MŸ - - 2 2
11 bjhiyngÁ 2 - 2 2
12 gÂÎU vG¤j® 53 9 42 109
13 X£Le® 130 16 115 151
14 mYtyf 532 272 461 381
15 ÏuÎ fhty® 97 16 90 108
16 krhšÁ J¥òuÎ 23 9 20 20
17 Vida JiwfŸ - - 4 4
18 cj é - - 2 -
19 cjé k©âayh® - - 2 2
bkh¤j« 5679 1412 5267 5140

6. cUth¡f¥gl nt©oa gjéfS¡F muR¡F ãfu M©L ãfu TLjš
bryÎ %ghŒ 122 nfho V‰gL«. nk‰go 5140 gâæl§fëš muR¥ gâæl§fŸ,
mo¥gil é 127‹ Ñœ gâæl§fŸ, Ãw Jiw¥ gâæl§fŸ M»ait
ml§»ajhF« vdΫ T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® bjçé¤JŸsh®.

7. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUit ftdkhf muR MŒÎ

brŒJ ËtU« MizfŸ Ïl¥gL»‹wd.

(m) T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gçªJiu¡f¥g£l

269 gâæl§fëš 7 nj®jš gâæl§fŸ kWÓuik¥òl‹ nr®¡fhkš
260 gâæl§fŸ ãuªjukhf Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹Ïiz¥ò Iš cŸsgo
mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd. nkY« Ï¥gâæl§fëš juÎ gÂÎ MŸ,
bjhiyngÁ Ïa¡Fgt® ngh‹w gâæl§fëš j‰nghJ mYty®fŸ
gâòçªJ tU»‹wd®. Ï¥gâæll§fS¡fhd r«gs é»j« Kiwna
j£l¢r® k‰W« Ïsãiy cjéahsUl‹ x¤J ÏUªjhY«
Ï¥gâæl§fëš Ïiz¡F« bghGJ gâ_¥ò ngh‹w Ãu¢ÁidfŸ
vH thŒ¥òfŸ cŸsjhš j‰nghJŸs eg®fŸ ÏU¡F« tiu
Ï¥gâæl§fŸ bjhl®ªJ Ñœ¡f©l nj tiu mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd.

juÎ gÂÎ MŸ

1. 30.6.2010 tiu
2. 30.9.2014 tiu
bjhiyngÁ Ïa¡Fgt®

1. 30.4.2013 tiu

2. gâæl« fhèæl« - Ï¥gâæl« fiy¡f¥gL»‹wJ. cjé

k©âayh® gâæl§fëš ntW Jiwfëš <®¤J¡ bfhŸs
têæšyhj fhuz¤Âdhš ϤJiwæš mt®fŸ bjhl®ªJ
gâò绋wd®. vdnt, Ï¥gâæl§fëš j‰nghJŸs eg®fŸ taJ
KÂ®é‹ fhuzkhf XŒÎ bgW«tiu mjhtJ xU gâæl¤Âid
30.6.2010 tiuæY« k‰bwhU gâæl¤ij 30.9.2014 tiuæY«
bjhlu mDk¡f¥gL»‹wJ. mj‰F ÃwF Ï¥gâæl§fŸ
fiy¡f¥gl nt©L«.

(M) k©ly mYtyf.fëš, 29 X£Le® gâæl§fŸ cŸsl¡», 581

gâæl§fŸ ãuªjukhf ËÏiz¥ò II-š cŸsgo

(Ï) xU T£LwÎ rh® gÂthsU¡F 60 r§f§fŸ, xU KJãiy

MŒthsU¡F 35 r§f§fŸ, xU Ïsãiy MŒthsU¡F 72 r§f§fŸ
v‹w tu«Ã‹go äfΫ gF¤jhŒé‹go xJ¡ÑL mo¥gilæš ruf
Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf§fS¡F 1549 ãuªju gâæl§fS¡F
x¥òjš tH§f¥gL»‹wJ. m¥nghÂUªj (Body Constituted) fs

mYty® gâæl§fis <®¤J¡ bfh©L, òÂjhf 385 T£LwÎ rh®
gÂths® / fs mYty®fŸ gâæl§fŸ Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹Ïiz¥ò
III-š cŸsgo ãuªjukhf mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd.

(<) bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« : mid¤J Jiz¥gÂths® (bghéÂ)

mYtyf§fëY« Óuhd Kiwæš Ã‹tU« gâahs®fŸ

Jiz¥gÂths® - 1
T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® - 1
KJãiy MŒths® - 1
Ïsãiy MŒths® - 1
RU¡bfG¤j® - 1
X£Le® - 1
mYtyf cjéahs® - 1
XU fs¥ gâahsç‹ tu«Ã‹ f£L¥ghL ruhrçahf 67 filfŸ MF«.
Ïj‹go, fs¥ gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if 453 njitahdjhf
ÏU¡F« ntiy¥gSé‹ mo¥gilæš Ï«kh‰w« bfh©L
tu¥gL»‹wJ. T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® k‰W« KJãiy MŒths®
M»nahU¡F Ïilæš fs¥gâahs®fŸ rçahf g»®ªjë¡f¥gl
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® m¿ÎW¤j¥gL»wh®. bghJ éãnahf¤
£l mYtyf§fS¡F nghJkhd thff§fŸ cŸs ãiy.æš, 38
X£Le® gâæl§fŸ cŸsl¡», bkh¤j gâæl§fë‹ v©â¡if
778 vd ãuªjukhf Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹ Ïiz¥ò IV-š cŸsthW

(c) Ñœ¡fhQ« Ãçéš cŸs Ïd§fS¡F mj‰bfÂuhf F¿¥Ã£l

gâæl§fŸ mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd.

(i) T£LwÎ nkyh©ik ãWtd« : 13 gâæl§fŸ (ãuªjukhdJ)

(étu§fŸ ËÏiz¥ò V-š bfhL¡f¥g£LŸsd.)

(ii) kht£l bjhêšE£g¡ FG: 2 cjé òéæayhs® gâæl§fŸ (j‰nghJ

gâæš cŸs ÏU cjé òéæayhs® XŒÎ bgW« ehŸ tiu) (mjhtJ
30.6.2010 k‰W« 30.9.2014 tiu) (étu§fŸ ËÏiz¥ò V-š

(iii) mo¥gil éÂfŸ 127-š cŸs gjéfŸ 263 gâæl§fŸ T£LwÎ

ãWtd§fŸ k‰W« g»®ªjë¡f¥gL« gâæl§fë‹ v©â¡if
M»a étu§fŸ Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹Ïiz¥ò VI-š cŸsgo

(C) ma‰gâ gjéfŸ : 809 gâæl§fŸ Fiw¡f¥g£lj‹ éisthf
V‰gL« fhè¥ gâæl§fis Ú¡fnth mšyJ muÁ‹ x¥òjè‹ ngçš
ãu¥gnth mDk¡f¥gL»‹wdJ. T£LwÎ ãWtd§fŸ k‰W«
mitfS¡F g»®ªjë¡f¥g£l gâæl§fŸ ngh‹w étu§fŸ
Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹Ïiz¥ò VII-š më¡f¥g£LŸsd.

(v) Ïju Jiw gjéfŸ : 809 gâæl§fëš T£LwΤ Jiw

mYty®fS¡fhd X£Le® gâæl§fS¡F mªjªj Jiwfëš
gâæl§fŸ mDk¡f¥g£LŸsjhš, ϤJiwæš mDk më¡f
njitæšyhjjhš, 805 gâæl§fŸ mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd. T£LwÎ
ãWtd§fŸ k‰W« mitfS¡F g»®ªjë¡f¥gL« gâæl§fë‹
étu§fŸ Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹Ïiz¥ò VIII-š më¡f¥g£LŸsd.

(V) T£LwΤ Jiw¡bf‹W (T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®) bkh¤j

X£Le® gâæl§fŸ v©â¡if bjhl®ghf MŒÎ brŒjš,
j‰nghJŸs 115 X£Le® gâæl§fŸ mDk¡f¥g£LŸs ãiyæš,
Ïij 151 gâæl§fshf ca®¤j T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
nfhçÍŸsh®. ÏJtiu gâæl§fŸ mDk¡f¥glhkš cŸs 11
gâæl§fis¤ j‰nghJmDk¡f njitæšiy v‹W«, Ïnj nghš
Ãw Jiwfëš cŸs T£LwΤ Jiw mYty®fS¡fhd X£Le®
gâæl§fS¡F mªjªj Jiwfëš gâæl§fŸ
mDk¡f¥g£LŸsjhš Ï¥gâæl§fS¡F T£LwÎ Jiwæš
mDk¡f njitæšiy v‹W« fUj¥gL»wJ. vdnt, V‰fdnt
nfhu¥g£l 151 X£Le® gâæl§fëš Ïªj 15 X£Le® gâæl§fis¤
j鮤J 136 gâæl§fŸ k‰W« mDk¡f¥gL»‹wd. òÂa
gâæl§fŸ njh‰Wé¡F« bghGJ, vªbjªj gâæl§fëš thfd«
jFÂÍŸs mYty®fS¡F tH§f nt©Lnkh, m¤jifa
gâæl§fis njh‰Wé¡f elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs¥gL«.

(I) Ï›thizæš mDk¡f¥g£lgo ã®thf tu«ò / myF

mo¥gilæyhd gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if Ñœ¡f©lthW ã®za«

njitahd bkh¤j gâæl§fŸ - 5140

bjhlu mDk¡f¥g£l gâæl§fŸ (5076 – 16) - 5060
x¥gil¡f¥gL« gâæl§fŸ - 80

Ï›thisæš bjhlu mDk¡f¥g£l mYty®fŸ thçahd

gâahs®fë‹ v©â¡if / myF thçahd gâahs®fë‹
v©â¡if k‰W« mj‹ étu§fŸ, Ï›thizæ‹ Ã‹ Ïiz¥ò IX-
š më¡f¥g£LŸsd. Ï›thizæš fiy¡f Mizæl¥g£LŸs
gâæl§fë‹ v©â¡if, k‰W« mj‹ étu§fŸ Ï›thizæ‹,
Ë Ïiz¥ò X-š më¡f¥g£LŸsd.

(X) Ï›thizæ‹ go, j¡f elto¡if nk‰bfh©L, elto¡ifbaL¤j
m¿¡ifæid mD¥òkhW T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®

8. Ï›thiz, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ Jiw k‰W«

ã¤Jiwæ‹mYtš rh®g‰w v©fŸ Kiw 61868/v¥1/2008-1 ehŸ 5.12.2008
k‰W« 380 / Áw¥ò¢ brayhs® (ÃF)/2009-1 ehŸ 12.8.2009-š bg‰w
x¤ÂirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.

(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10
khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
khãy¡ fz¡fha® (jâ¡if), br‹id.18
mid¤J kht£l fUñy mYty®fŸ k‰W« rh®ãiy fUñy mYty®fŸ
r«gs fz¡F mYtyf«, br‹id (tl¡F/bj‰F/»H¡F)

kh©òäF Kjyik¢r® mYtyf«, br‹id.9
kh©òäF ã mik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
kh©òäF T£LwΤ Jiw ã mik¢rç‹ Áw¥ò ne®Kf cjéahs®,
ã (Tc (k) E.gh.Jiw)¤ Jiw, br‹id.9
gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ Jiw , br‹id.9
T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤
(T£LwΤ JiwæYŸs mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ) Jiw, br‹id,9

// Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ //

(kh. ÂU¥gÂ)
ÃçÎ mYty®

From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
Registrar of Cooperative Societies. All the Regional Joint Registrars
170, E.V.R. High Road, Joint Registrars PDS 1 and PDS 2
Kilpauk, Chennai.10 Chennai.
Post Box No.1091
Rc. 156942 / 2007 DC Date: 11.09.2009


Sub: E-mail – providing separate email-ID to the Regional Joint Registrars

for sending and receiving D.O. Letters.

Hitherto D.O. Letters are being sent by post. The purpose of a D.O. Letter is
to ensure that the subject matter is brought to the personal attention of the addressee.
When D.O. letters are kept in bunches for the signatory, it eats upon his valuable time
in signing bulk D.O. letters in a day.
Therefore an alternative mode is devised as follows:
Hereafter all the D.O. letters (barring confidential letters) from the Registrar
of Cooperative Societies and other offices of the Office of the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies will be sent from dedicated email addresses of the officers to
dedicated email addresses of the Regional Joint Registrars, created exclusively for this
purpose. All the officers are requested to open the email themselves daily and see the
D.O. letters send to them. They are also requested to send D.O. letters to the
dedicated email addresses till the department website is made operational. The new
email IDs are enclosed.
The password for the new email IDs will be communicated separately.
The system comes into force with immediate effect

The new email-IDs are as follows:
S.No. Region email-ID

1 Chennai archn.rcs@gmail.com
2 Coimbatore jrcbe.rcs@gmail.com.
3 Cuddalore jrcud.rcs@gmail.com.
4 Dharmapuri jrdpi.rcs@gmail.com.
5 Dindigul jrdgl.rcs@gmail.com.
6 Erode jrerd.rcs@gmail.com.
7 Karur jrkrr.rcs@gmail.com.
8 Kancheepuram jrkpm.rcs@gmail.com.
9 Kanyakumari jrkki.rcs@gmail.com.
10 Madurai jrmdu.rcs@gmail.com.
11 Nagapattinam jrnpm.rcs@gmail.com.
12 Namakkal jrnmk.rcs@gmail.com.
13 Nilgiris jrngs.rcs@gmail.com.
14 Perambalur jrplr.rcs@gmail.com.
15 Pudukottai jrpdk.rcs@gmail.com.
16 Ramanathapuram jrrmd.rcs@gmail.com.
17 Salem jrslm.rcs@gmail.com.
18 Sivagangai jrsvg.rcs@gmail.com.
19 Thanjavur jrtnj.rcs@gmail.com.
20 Theni jrthn.rcs@gmail.com.
21 Thiruvannamalai jrtvm.rcs@gmail.com.
22 Tiruchy jrtry.rcs@gmail.com.
23 Tirunelveli jrtnv.rcs@gmail.com.
24 Tiruvallur jrtlr.rcs@gmail.com.
25 Tiruvarur jrtvr.rcs@gmail.com.
26 Tuticorin jrttn.rcs@gmail.com.
27 Vellore jrvlr.rcs@gmail.com.

28 Villupuram jrvpm.rcs@gmail.com.
29 Virudhunagar jrvnr.rcs@gmail.com.
30 JR PDS 1 jrpds1.rcs@gmail.com.
31 JR PDS 2 jrpds2.rcs@gmail.com.

EMAIL IDs of Officers in this Office of RCS

1. AR (CA) arca@tn.nic.in
2. AR (F and B) arfb.rcs@gmail.com.
3. AR (MPD) armpd.rcs@gmail.com.
4. AR (ICDP) aricdp.rcs@gmail.com.
5. AR (Elections) arelection.rcs@gmail.com.
6. JR (F and B) jrfb.rcs@gmail.com.
7. JR (CC) jrconsumer@gmail.com.
8. JR (S & T) jrst.rcs@gmail.com.

Sd/- Jatindra Nath Swain

/by order/
For Registrar
Copy to all Officers in the Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Copy to All Sections
Copy to Stock file.

murhiz (ãiy) v©.142, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j¤ (nf) Jiw, ehŸ
bghJ¥ gâfŸ – mUªjÂædU¡F jå Ïl xJ¡ÑL tH§f¥g£L ÂU¤j¥g£l 200
òŸë Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw btëæl¥g£lJ – ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y«
gâãakd« - K‹Dçik bg‰wtU¡F«, K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« Ïilnaahd 1 : 4
v‹w é»jh¢rhu¤ij Ïd¢RH‰Á KiwÍl‹ filÃo¤jš - Miz

1. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 387 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (M®)

Jiw ehŸ 13.9.1998
2. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 541 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 29.10.2007
3. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 20 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 12.2.2008
4. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 101 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 30.6.2008
5. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 174 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 11.9.2008
6. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 206 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 611.2008
7. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 10 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 9.2.2009
8. murhiz (ãiy) v©. 65 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf)
Jiw ehŸ 27.5.2009
nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, K‹Dçik bg‰nwh® k‰W«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F Ïilna ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y« gâãakd§fŸ
nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ 1 : 4 é»jh¢rhu« fil¥Ão¡fnt©L« vd Mizæl¥g£lJ.
nkY« gâãakd mÂfhç, fhè¥gâæl§fis ãu¥ÃL«nghJ nk‰Tw¥g£l 1 : 4
v‹w é»jhu¤njhL Ïd¢RH‰Á éÂæidÍ«, kfë® k‰W« CdK‰nwhU¡fhd
ÏlXJ¡ÑL éÂæidÍ« clåfœthf (Simultaneous Application) Ëg‰w nt©L«
vdΫ Mizæl¥g£lJ.

2. nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, 200 òŸë Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw

ã®za« brŒa¥g£L, Vida Ïd¤jt®fS¡»ilna ÉgL¤j¥g£l
»¿°jt®fS¡F«, ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fS¡F« jyh 3.5 rjé»j« ÏlxJ¡ÑL
brŒa¥g£L Miz btëæl¥g£lJ. mjdo¥gilæš, ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ
_y« gâãakd§fŸ nk‰bfhŸS«nghJ, K‹Dçikbg‰nwh® k‰W«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡fhd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jhrhu¤njhL clåfœthf (Simultaneous
Application) Ïd¢ RH‰Á KiwiaÍ« Ëg‰w nt©L« v‹W«, nk‰brh‹d 1 : 4 v‹w
é»jh¢rhu¤ij bghJ¥ngh£o, MÂÂuhél®, ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l
»¿°jt®fŸ k‰W« ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W«
Ó®kuÃd®, ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fŸ, ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ k‰W« gH§Foæd®
M»a Ïd§fëš x›bthU Ïd¤ÂY« Kjèl« K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F« mnj
Ïd¤ij¢ rh®ªj mL¤J tU« eh‹F Ïl§fŸ K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« xJ¡ÑL
brŒa¥glš nt©L« v‹W«, nkny _‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš

3. ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fS¡F« k‰W« ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fS¡F«

jyh 3.5 rjé»j« ÏlxJ¡Ñ£o‹ go, cça ÃuÂã¤Jt« »il¡f¥ bgW« tifæš,
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£l 200 òŸëfŸ bfh©l ÏdRH‰Á (Modified Roster) Kiw ã®za«
brŒa¥g£L, nkny eh‹»š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš btëæl¥g£lJ. Ïj‹
mo¥gilæš K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F«, K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« Ïilnaahd 1 : 4
v‹w é»jh¢rhu« Ïdthçahf fil¥Ão¡f¥gl nt©oa Kiw F¿¤J gh®it IªÂš
go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, m›thizÍl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£l Énr®¡ifæš,
brhšy¥g£lthW kh‰¿aik¤J Miz btëæl¥g£lJ.

4. ÉgL¤j¥g£l »¿°jt®fS¡F tH§f¥g£l 3.5 éG¡fhL ÏlxJ¡ÑL

ÂU«g¥ bgw¥g£ljhš, gh®it eh‹»š go¡f¥g£l murhizæ‹ Ã‰nr®¡ifæš
cŸs ÏdRH‰Á Kiw kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L ÂU¤Â mik¡f¥g£l 200 òŸëfŸ
bfh©l Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiw gh®it M¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš btëæl¥g£lJ.

5. nk‰T¿a Mizæ‹ mo¥gilæš ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ _y«

gâãakd§fŸ nk‰bfhŸS« nghJ K‹Dçik bg‰nwh® k‰W«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡fhd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jhrhu« Ïdthçahf fil¥Ão¡f nt©oa
Kiw F¿¤J gh®it Vêš go¡f¥g£l murhizæš éçthd MizfŸ

6. j‰nghJ jäœehL r£l« v©.4/2009-Ï‹ mo¥gilæš, gh®it M¿š

go¡f¥g£l murhizæš cŸs 200 òŸë bfh©l Ïd¢RH‰Á Kiwæš, g£oaš
rhÂædU¡Fça Ïl§fëš 2, 32, 66, 102, 132, k‰W« 166 M»a Ïl§fŸ K‹Dçik
mo¥gilæš mUªjÂædU¡F xJ¡f¥g£L, gh®it v£oš go¡f¥g£l murhizæš
ÂU¤Âa MizfŸ btëæl¥g£ld.

7. nk‰brh‹d Mizæ‹ mo¥gilæš, ntiythŒ¥ò mYtyf§fŸ

_y« gâãakd§fŸ nk‰bfhŸS« nghJ K‹Dçik bg‰nwhU¡F«
K‹Dçika‰nwhU¡F« Ïilnaahd 1 : 4 v‹w é»jh¢rhu« Ïd¢RH‰Á KiwÍl‹
Ïdthçahf fil¥Ão¡f¥gl nt©oa Kiwia Ϫj MizÍl‹
Ïiz¡f¥g£LŸs Énr®¡ifæš brhšy¥g£lthW kh‰¿aik¤J« muR
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)

nf. v‹. bt§f£ukz‹

muR¢ brayhs®


1. bghJ¥ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®

2. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæåš K‹Dçik
bg‰wt® Ïšyhj ãiyæš
murhiz ãiy v©.541,
g.k.ã.Ó. Jiw ehŸ
24.9.1989‹ go Ϫj
“K‹Dçik m‰wt®”
gçÓyid brŒa¥gl
mUªjÂæd® vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj
Ïl« MÂÂuhél®
Ïd¤ij¢ nr®ªjt®fS¡F
3. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
4. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
5. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
6. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
7. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
8. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
9. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
10. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
11. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
12. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
13. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
14. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
15. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
16. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
17. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
18. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
19. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
20. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
21. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
22. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
23. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
24. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
25. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
26. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®

27. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
28. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
29. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
30. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
31. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
32. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçika‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæd®vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj Ïl«
MÂÂuhél® Ïd¤ij¢
nr®ªjt®fS¡F tH§f¥gl
33. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
34. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
35. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
36. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
37. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
38. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
39. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
40. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
41. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
42. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
43. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
44. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
45. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
46. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
47. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
48. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
49. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
50. gH§Foæd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
51. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
52. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
53. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
54. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
55. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
56. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
57. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
58. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
59. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
60. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
61. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
62. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
63. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
64. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
65. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®

66. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçika‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæd®vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj Ïl«
MÂÂuhél® Ïd¤ij¢
nr®ªjt®fS¡F tH§f¥gl
67. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
68. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
69. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
70. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
71. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
72. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
73. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
74. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
75. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
76. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
77. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
78. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
79. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
80. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
81. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
82. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
83. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
84. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
85. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
86. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
87. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
88. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
89. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
90. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
91. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
92. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
93. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
94. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
95. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
96. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
97. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
98. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
99. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
100. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
101. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
102. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçika‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæd®vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj Ïl«

MÂÂuhél® Ïd¤ij¢
nr®ªjt®fS¡F tH§f¥gl
103. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
104. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
105. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
106. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
107. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
108. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
109. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
110. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
111. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
112. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
113. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
114. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
115. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
116. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
117. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
118. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
119. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
120. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
121. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
122. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
123. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
124. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
125. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
126. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
127. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
128. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
129. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
130. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
131. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
132. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçika‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæd®vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj Ïl«
MÂÂuhél® Ïd¤ij¢
nr®ªjt®fS¡F tH§f¥gl
133. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
134. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
135. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
136. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
137. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
138. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®

139. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
140. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
141. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
142. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
143. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
144. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
145. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
146. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
147. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
148. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
149. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
150. gH§Foæd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
151. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
152. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
153. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
154. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
155. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
156. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
157. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
158. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
159. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
160. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
161. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
162. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
163. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
164. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
165. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
166. MÂÂuhél® (K‹Dçik mo¥gilæš K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
mUªjÂæd®) (mUªjÂæåš K‹Dçik
bg‰wt® Ïšyhj ãiyæš
murhiz ãiy v©.541,
g.k.ã.Ó. Jiw ehŸ
24.9.1989‹ go Ϫj
“K‹Dçik m‰wt®”
gçÓyid brŒa¥gl
mUªjÂæd® vtU«
Ïšyhj g£r¤Âš Ϫj
Ïl« MÂÂuhél®
Ïd¤ij¢ nr®ªjt®fS¡F
167. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®

168. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
169. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
170. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
171. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
172. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
173. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
174. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
175. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
176. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
177. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
178. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
179. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
180. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
181. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
182. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
183. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
184. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
185. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
186. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
187. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
188. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® K°Ä«fŸ K‹Dçika‰wt®
189. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
190. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
191. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
192. MÂÂuhél® K‹Dçika‰wt®
193. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
194. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
195. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®
196. äfΫ ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Ó®kuÃd® K‹Dçika‰wt®
197. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
198. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçik bg‰wt®
199. ÉgL¤j¥g£nlh® (ÉgL¤j¥g£l K°Ä«fŸ jéu) K‹Dçika‰wt®
200. bghJ¥ ngh£o K‹Dçika‰wt®

/c©ik efš /

nk.F. e.f. v©.116139/09 gbjh.3 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
mYtyf«, Ñœgh¡f«, br‹id.10
ehŸ : 3.11.2009

murhiz (ãiy) v©.142, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (nf) Jiw

ehŸ14.10.2009‹ efš jftY¡fhfΫ, j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.

/ Miz¥go /
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®
br‹id k©ly«
mid¤J k©ly T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l«) I & II, br‹id.
efš: mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: mid¤J Jiz¥gÂths® (bghéÂ) fŸ
efš: mid¤J khãy mséyhd T£LwÎ r§f§fŸ, kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ
t§»fŸ, kht£l bkh¤j T£LwÎ g©lfrhiyfŸ.
efš: Ï›tYtyf mid¤J mYty®fŸ
efš: Ï›tYtyf mid¤J ÃçÎfŸ
efš: Ï›tYtyf mgm, gbjh, nec, ÃçÎ f©fhâ¥ghs®fŸ.
efš: ÏU¥ò nfh¥ò 2009

Copy of G.O.(Ms)No.177, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CE1)
Department dated 4.11.2009.

Bifurcation of Coimbatore and Erode Districts – Formation of Tiruppur District –
Formation of the Office of the Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies in Tiruppur
District – Sanction of Staff and other expenditure – Orders issued.

1. G.O.(Ms) No.617 And 618 Revenue (RA1(1) Dapartment dated 24.10.2008
2. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies letter Rc.No.139611/2008 OE4
dated 3.2.2009 and 20.2.2009.

In the Government Orders first read above, the Government have ordered for
the formation of a new District with Head Quarters at Tiruppur by bifurcating the
existing Coimbatore and Erode Districts.

2. In the reference second read above, the Registrar of Cooperative Societies

has sent proposals to Government for the formation of Office of the Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies and Office of the Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies for
Tiruppur District.

3. After careful consideration of the proposal of the Registrar of Cooperative

Societies, the Government pass the following orders:-

(i) Sanctioned is accorded for the formation of the Office of the Joint Registrar
of Cooperative Societies at Tiruppur and creation of the following 4 posts for the
above office temporarily for a period of one year from the date of issue of this order.

Sl.No. Name of the Posts No. of Posts

1 Joint Registrar (Scale of Pay Rs.15600- 1
39000 with Grade Pay of Rs.7600/-
2 Driver (Consolidated Pay) 1
3 Record Clerk (Scale of Pay Rs.4800- 1
10000 with Grade Pay of Rs.1400/-)
4 Night Watchman (Consolidated Pay) 1

The posts of Driver and Night Watchman should be filed up through TEXCO
as per the orders in force.

(ii) The following Posts should be filled up on redeployment basis from

Coimbatore District given in Annexure.

Sl.No. Name of the Posts No. of Posts
1 Cooperative Sub Registrar 2
2 Senior Inspector 4
3 Junior Inspector 1
4 Steno Typist 1
5 Junior Assistant 1
6 Typist 1
7 Office Assistant 2

iii) Sanction is accorded for incurring an expenditure of Rs.10.19 lakhs

(Rupees ten lakhs and nineteen thousand only) for the staff salary and infrastructure
to the office of Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Tiruppur Region as detailed
Recurring Expenditure:

Sl.No. (Rs. in lakhs)

1 Staff Cost

Joint Registrar -1(Rs.15600-39000 with

Grade Pay of Rs.7600/-)
Driver -1 (Consolidated Pay)
Record Clerk – 1 (4800-10,000)
With Grade Pay of Rs.1,400/-

Night Watchman (Consolidated Pay)

2 Telephone charges 0.15
3 Electricity Charges 0.15
4 Stationery and other Contingencies 0.25

TOTAL 9.07

Non-Recurring Expenditure:

Sl.No. (Rs. in lakhs)

1 Furniture 0.60
2 Computer with Printer and Accessories 0.50
3 Fire Extinguisher 0.02
TOTAL 1.12

4. The expenditure sanctioned para 3 (iii) above shall be debited to the

following Head of Account.
2425-00 Co-operation – 001 Direction and Administration – AB Regional Staff
Head of Accounts (Rs. in lakhs)
-01. Salaries (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 0107) 8.52
-05 Office Expenses
01 Telephone Charges (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 0.15
02 Other Contingencies (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 0.25
03 Electricity charges (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 0536) 0.15
05 Furniture (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 0554) 0.60
19 Machinery and Equipments 0.02
01 Purchase (DPC 2425 00 001 – AB 1919)
-76 Computer and Accessories 0.50
01 Purchase (DPC 2425 00 001 AB 7619)

5. Vehicle is sanctioned from the common pool of MVMO and it shall be

obtained by following the normal procedures as per the existing orders in force.

6. Sanction is accorded for One Typewriting Machine each for Tamil and
English to be obtained from the Director of Stationery and Printing Department.

7. Regarding the rent for the office building the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies is requested to send separate proposals for consideration.

8. The Director of Stationery and Printing is requested to supply the stationery

articles, Common forms, pension code forms, Tamil Nadu Government Gazettee,
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commiossion Bulletin and publish the books issued from
time to time and registers to the newly formed office of the Regional Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies at Tirupur.

9. The Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Tiruppur is authorized to

signed the indents that are to be sent to the Director of Stationery and Printing for
effecting supply for the office of the Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies,

10. Necessary funds will be provided in Revised Estimate/Final Modified

Appropriation 2009-2010 pending Provision of such funds, the Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies, Tiruppur is authorized to draw and disburse the salary bills
and other contingency bills etc. as per the rules admissible in force.

11. The Registrar of Cooperative Societies is instructed to include the above

sanctioned expenditure while sending the proposals for Revised Estimate / Final
Modified Appropriation 2009-2010 to Finance (Cooperation, Food and Consumer
Protection Department) at appropriate time, without fail.

1. This order issues with the concurrence of Tamil Development Religious

Endowment and Information Department vide it’s U.O. No. 28389/S&P22/2009-1
dated 23.10.2009 and Finance Department vide it’s U.O.No. 64698/CMPC/09
dated 3.11.2009 and ASL No.994 (Nine hundred and Ninety four).

Sd. K. Shanmugam
Principal Secretary to Government
/true copy/

For Registrar

Endt. Rc.139611/08/OE.4 Office of the Registrar of

Cooperative Societies,
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010

Dated 9.11.2009

Copy of G.O. (Ms.) No.177 Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection

(CH.1) Department dated 4.11.2009 is communicated for information and necessary

/By Order/

For Registrar
The Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
Coimbatore and Erode Regions

Copy to :
Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region, Chenai
All other Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
All the Circle Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies
All the Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Public Distribution System)
All the Officers and Sections in Registrar’s Office
PA, EM, AC & PB Sections
- for necessary action
Stock file

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 60998/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òJš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš Áj«gu« cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšnbtW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz tH§f¥g£LŸsJ.
mj‹ mo¥gilæš Áj«gu« ruf Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F Ñœ¡f©lthW
gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 2
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 5
4 KJãiy MŒths® 3
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 2
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 19

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mt® Áj«guk ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l nk‰go

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa flYh® k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. Áj«gu« ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis flYh® k‰W« éU¤jhry« ruf
mYtyf§fëèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid
flYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs® gâãiy¤

Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs f£ol¤Âid
bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F thlif
ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
mD¥Ã it¡fΫ flYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ

mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa flYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo
%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, flYh® k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, Áj«gu«

efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ

efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, flYh®
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, Áj«gu«
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 59914/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – ÂU¥ó® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òJš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš ÂU¥ó® cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšnbtW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš ÂU¥ó® ruf Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 2
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 5
4 KJãiy MŒths® 4
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 2
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 20

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš ÂU¥ó® ruf¤

Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mt® ÂU¥ó® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. ÂU¥ó® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l

nk‰go gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa
nfha«ò¤Jh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. ÂU¥ó® ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« bghŸsh¢Á
ruf mYtyf§fëèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid
nfha«ò¤Jh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. <nuhL ruf¤Âš cŸs C¤J¡Fë T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty®

gâæl« cça gâahsUl‹ ÂU¥ó® ruf¤Â‰F gâkh‰w« brŒa¥gL»ww. Ïtiu
<nuhL ruf Jiz¥gÂths® f£L¥gh£oèUªJ éLé¤J ÂU¥ó® ruf¤Âš gâæš
nru <nuhL k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. ÂU¥ó® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs® gâãiy¤

Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs f£ol¤Âid
bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F thlif
ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
mD¥Ã it¡fΫ nfha«ò¤Jh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f

7. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju

Mtz§fŸ mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W«
<nuhL k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

8. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa Áj«gu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.

(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹


k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« <nuhL k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, ÂU¥ó®

efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, ÂU¥ó® / nfha«ò¤Jh® / <nuhL
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, ÂU¥ó®
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz,
br‹id.600 010
K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 67529/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òJš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš Áj«gu« cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš r§f»ç ruf Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 2
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 4
4 KJãiy MŒths® 2
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 1
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 16

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mt® r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l nk‰go

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa nry« k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. r§f»ç ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis XkYh® ruf
mYtyf§fëèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid nry«
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs® gâãiy¤

Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs f£ol¤Âid
bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F thlif
ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
mD¥Ã it¡fΫ nry« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ

mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa nry« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

7. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa r§f»ç ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, nry« k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, r§f»ç
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, nry«
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, r§f»ç
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 68045/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®

mYtyf« njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ
ãu¥òJš – Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš Ïuhâ¥ng£il cŸë£l 8

tUthŒ nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš
Miz tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 2
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 7
4 KJãiy MŒths® 4
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 2
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 22

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mt® Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU«
ehŸ Kjš m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l

nk‰go gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa ntYh®
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis ntYh® ruf
mYtyf§fëèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid
ntYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs®

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs
f£ol¤Âid bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F
thlif ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ ntYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f

6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ

mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa ntYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

7. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa Ïuhâ¥ng£il ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, ntYh® k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, Ïuhâ¥ng£il
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, ntYh®
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, Ïuhâ¥ng£il
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 67218/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – jhuhòu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òjš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš jhuhòu« cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš jhuhòu« ruf Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 2
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 8
4 KJãiy MŒths® 2
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 1
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 20
2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš jhuhòu« ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mt® jhuhòu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.
3. jhuhòu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l
nk‰go gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa <nuhL
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. jhuhòu« ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis <nuhL ruf Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤ÂèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid <nuhL
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. bghŸsh¢Á ruf¤Âš cŸs Fok§fy«, cLkiy¥ng£il k‰W«

kl¤J¡Fs« T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fŸ cça
gâahs®fSl‹ jhuhòu« ruf¤Â‰F gâkh‰w« brŒŒ¥gL»wJ. Ït®fis
bghŸsh¢Á ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, f£L¥gh£oèUªJ éLé¤J jhuhòu« ruf¤Âš
gâæš nru nfha«ò¤Jh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. jhuhòu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs®

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs
f£ol¤Âid bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F
thlif ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ <nuhL k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f
7. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju
Mtz§fŸ mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa <nuhL k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

8. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa jhuhòu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, <nuhL k‰W« nfha«ò¤Jh® k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, jhuhòu«
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, ÂU¥ó® / <nuhL / nfha«ò¤Jh®
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, jhuhòu«
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 67217/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – éG¥òu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òJš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš éG¥òu« cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš éG¥òu« ruf Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 3
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 5
4 KJãiy MŒths® 4
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 2
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 21

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš éG¥òu« ruf¤
Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. éG¥òu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. éG¥òu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l

nk‰go gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa éG¥òu«
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. éG¥òu« ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis ©otd« ruf
mYtyf§fëèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid
éG¥òu« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. éG¥òu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs®

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs
f£ol¤Âid bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F
thlif ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ éG¥òu« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f
6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju
Mtz§fŸ mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa éG¥òu« k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

7. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa éG¥òu« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, éG¥òu« k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, éG¥òu«
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, éG¥òu«
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, éG¥òu«
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 60997/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – Fë¤jiy ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®

mYtyf« njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ
ãu¥òJš – Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš Fë¤jiy cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš Fë¤jiy ruf Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 1
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 5
4 KJãiy MŒths® 2
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 1
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 16

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš Fë¤jiy ruf¤

Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. Fë¤jiy ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. Fë¤jiy ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l

nk‰go gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa f%®
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. Fë¤jiy ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ«

T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis f%® ruf mYtyf§fëèUªJ
gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid f%® k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. Fë¤jiy ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs® gâãiy¤

Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs f£ol¤Âid
bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F thlif
ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
mD¥Ã it¡fΫ f%® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ

mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa f%® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

7. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa Fë¤jiy ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if
nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.

(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹


k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, f%® k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, Fë¤jiy
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, f%®
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, f%®
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.600 010

K‹åiy : ÂU, a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,

T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
e.f. 59916/07/mgm.4 ehŸ : 8.12.2009

bghUŸ: gâaik¥ò – XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«

njh‰Wé¤jš – mYtyf¥ gâæl§fŸ ãu¥òJš –
Miz tH§f¥gL»wJ.
go¡f¥g£lit: 1. murhiz (ãiy) v©,83, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 24.7.2009
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« e.f.95197/09/mgm4 ehŸ 7.9.09 cl‹
bjhl®òW¤j¥g£l murhiz (ãiy) v©.109 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ
3.murhiz (thyha«) v©.522 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (Ávš.2) Jiw ehŸ 25.11.2009

go¡f¥g£lit (1)š fhQ« Mizæš XN® cŸë£l 8 tUthŒ

nfh£l§fëš òÂa ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« mik¡f murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. go¡f¥g£lit (2) š fhQ« Mizæš T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ f£L¥gh£oš cŸs gšntW gjéthçahd gâæl§fŸ
kh‰¿aik¡f¥g£L gâãiy¤ Âw‹ ã®za« brŒJ murhš Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. mj‹ mo¥gilæš XN® ruf Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
Ñœ¡f©lthW gâæl§fŸ ã®za« brŒJ bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.

t.v©. gjé bga®
1 Jiz¥gÂths® 1
2 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® 1
3 T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® 4
4 KJãiy MŒths® 3
5 Ïsãiy MŒths® 1
6 Ïsãiy cjéahs® 1
7 j£l¢r® 1
8 gÂtiw vG¤j® 1
9 mYtyf cjéahs® 2
10 ÏuÎ fhty® 1
bkh¤j« 17

2. go¡f¥g£lit 3š fhQ« murhizæš XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz
tH§f¥g£LŸsJ. XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhf¥ gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš
m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«.

3. XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F ã®zæ¡f¥g£l nk‰go

gâãiy¤ Âw‹go njitahd gâahs®fis gâak®¤j« brŒa j®kòç k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.

4. XN® ruf¤Âš mikªJŸs Cuh£Á x‹¿a§fëš gâòçÍ« T£LwÎ

rh® gÂths® / fs mYty® gâæl§fis »UZz»ç ruf mYtyf§fëèUªJ
gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid j®kòç k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.

5. XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F gâahs® gâãiy¤

Âw‹go jFÂÍŸs Ïl¥gu¥gsé‰F njitahd nghÂa Ïltr cŸs f£ol¤Âid
bjçÎ brŒJ mš nk‰go mYtyf¤ij Foak®¤jΫ, f£ol¤Â‰F thlif
ã®zæ¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUit murhizfë‹go cça eilKiwfis¥ Ëg‰¿
mD¥Ã it¡fΫ j®kòç k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎW¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ

mid¤J« m›tYtyf¤Â‰F cl‹ kh‰w« brŒa j®kòç k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.

7. go¡f¥g£lit 1š fhQ« murhizæš mDk¡f¥g£LŸsgo

%.26375/- k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢ rhkh‹fisÍ« %.40000/- k¥ÉF
fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with printer) cça eilKiwfis¥
Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa XN® ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs¥gl
(x«) a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹

k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®, j®kòç k©ly«
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®, XN®
efš : Ïju k©ly TLjš gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: Ïju mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
efš: kht£l M£Á jiyt®, »UZz»ç/j®kòç
efš: rh®ãiy¡ fUñy mYty®, XN®
efš: khãy¡ fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
efš: jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
efš: gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
efš: ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò

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