This document is a bill of materials for the construction of a three-story commercial and pharmaceutical building with a roof deck. It lists 14 items with descriptions and quantities of materials needed, including concrete, rebar, lumber, nails and other structural components. It provides the unit cost, quantity and total cost for each material. The total costs for labor and materials are calculated for each item and construction phase, such as earthworks, formworks, concrete works and wall construction.
This document is a bill of materials for the construction of a three-story commercial and pharmaceutical building with a roof deck. It lists 14 items with descriptions and quantities of materials needed, including concrete, rebar, lumber, nails and other structural components. It provides the unit cost, quantity and total cost for each material. The total costs for labor and materials are calculated for each item and construction phase, such as earthworks, formworks, concrete works and wall construction.
This document is a bill of materials for the construction of a three-story commercial and pharmaceutical building with a roof deck. It lists 14 items with descriptions and quantities of materials needed, including concrete, rebar, lumber, nails and other structural components. It provides the unit cost, quantity and total cost for each material. The total costs for labor and materials are calculated for each item and construction phase, such as earthworks, formworks, concrete works and wall construction.
This document is a bill of materials for the construction of a three-story commercial and pharmaceutical building with a roof deck. It lists 14 items with descriptions and quantities of materials needed, including concrete, rebar, lumber, nails and other structural components. It provides the unit cost, quantity and total cost for each material. The total costs for labor and materials are calculated for each item and construction phase, such as earthworks, formworks, concrete works and wall construction.
The document provides a bill of materials for the construction of a three-storey commercial and pharmaceutical building.
The project is for the construction of a three-storey commercial and pharmaceutical building with a roof deck located in Quezon City, Philippines.
The major items/works included are earthworks, formworks, concreting, structural works, electrical works, plumbing works, fire protection works etc.
CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and
LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Mobilization/Demobilization 1 lot 6,000.00 1.2 Site Preparation 1 lot 6,000.00 Sub-Total 12,000.00 A Civil Structural Works 2 Earthworks / Layout / Temporary Bank House 2.1 Excavation 250 cu.m. 650.00 162,500.00 2.2 Hauling 250 cu.m. 250.00 62,500.00 2.3 Backfilling and Compaction 110 cu.m. 150.00 16,500.00 2.4 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 108 pcs. 200.00 21,600.00 2.5 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 107 pcs. 150.00 16,050.00 2.6 Marine Plywood 30 pcs. 340.00 10,200.00 2.7 G.I. Cour. 24 Ga. X 12' 20 pcs. 220.00 4,400.00 2.8 G.I. Wire #16 25 kgs. 60.00 1,500.00 2.9 Common Nail 2" 5 kgs. 70.00 350.00 2.10 Common Nail 3" 10 kgs. 65.00 650.00 2.11 Common Nail 4" 10 kgs. 45.00 450.00 2.12 Roof Nail 3" 3 kgs. 120.00 360.00 2.13 Vulcaseal 2 qrts. 420.00 840.00 Sub-Total 56,400.00 241,500.00 297,900.00 3 Formworks/Concreting Works/Rebar Works 3.1 20mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 750 pcs. 410.00 307,500.00 3.2 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 860 pcs. 144.00 123,840.00 3.3 G.I. Wire #16 75 kgs. 80.00 6,000.00 3.4 Concrete Works Columns Footing 4000 psi 52 cu.m. 4,500.00 234,000.00 3.5 Concrete Works Tie Beam 4000 psi 50 cu.m. 4,500.00 225,000.00 3.6 Concrete Works Wall Footing 4000 psi 8 cu.m. 4,500.00 36,000.00 3.7 Gravel Bed 1" 16 cu.m. 6,500.00 104,000.00 3.8 Lentrek (Soil Poisoning) 2 gal. 1,800.00 3,600.00 3.9 Concrete Pump 102 cu.m. 900.00 91,800.00 Sub-Total 1,131,740.00 113,174.00 1,244,914.00 4 Ground Floor, Slab on Fill 10 cm. Thk 4.1 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 350 pcs. 144.00 50,400.00 4.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 68 pcs. 190.00 12,920.00 4.3 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 62 pcs. 335.00 20,770.00 4.4 G.I. Wire #16 50 kgs. 80.00 4,000.00 4.5 Concrete Works Slab 2500 psi 46 cu.m. 4,000.00 184,000.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 4.6 Concrete Works Elevator Core 4000 psi 4 cu.m. 4,500.00 18,000.00 4.7 Lentrek (Soil Poisoning) 2 gal. 1,920.00 3,840.00 4.8 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 50 pcs. 200.00 10,000.00 4.9 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 75 pcs. 150.00 11,250.00 4.10 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 20 pcs. 860.00 17,200.00 4.11 Common Nail Assorted 2, 3, 4 8 kgs. 90.00 720.00 Sub-Total 333,100.00 49,965.00 383,065.00 5 Ground Floor CHB Walling & Partition w/ Plastering 5.1 CHB #6 300psi 3,520 pcs. 25.00 88,000.00 5.2 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 285 pcs. 144.00 41,040.00 5.3 White Sand 50 cu.m. 750.00 37,500.00 5.4 Cement Portland 503 bags 180.00 90,540.00 5.5 G.I. Wire #16 15 kgs. 80.00 1,200.00 5.6 CHB #4 300 psi 1,260 pcs. 15.00 18,900.00 5.7 Common Nail 3" 2 kgs. 120.00 240.00 Sub-Total 277,420.00 41,613.00 319,033.00 Ground Floor, Concrete Stairs Left & Right Side and Septic 6 Vault with Plastering 6.1 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 20 pcs. 365.00 7,300.00 6.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 64 pcs. 205.00 13,120.00 6.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 75 pcs. 144.00 10,800.00 6.4 CHB #6 300 psi 350 pcs. 25.00 8,750.00 6.5 White Sand 9 cu.m. 750.00 6,750.00 6.6 Gravel 3/4 12 cu.m. 1,000.00 12,000.00 6.7 Cement Portland 105 bags 180.00 18,900.00 6.8 G.I. Wire #16 20 kgs. 60.00 1,200.00 6.9 PVC Clean Out #4 Orange 4 pcs. 90.00 360.00 6.1 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 60 pcs. 200.00 12,000.00 6.11 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 60 kgs. 150.00 9,000.00 6.12 Common Nail 3" & 4" 60 pcs. 90.00 5,400.00 6.13 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 12 pcs. 860.00 10,320.00 Sub-Total 115,900.00 17,385.00 133,285.00 7 Formworks Ground Floor Columns & Tie Beam 7.1 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 101 pcs. 860.00 86,860.00 7.2 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 200 pcs. 150.00 30,000.00 7.3 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 162 pcs. 200.00 32,400.00 7.4 G.I. Wire #16 25 kgs. 80.00 2,000.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 7.5 Common Nail 4" 50 kgs. 90.00 4,500.00 7.6 Common Nail 3" 50 kgs. 90.00 4,500.00 7.7 Common Nail 2" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 Sub-Total 162,510.00 24,376.50 186,886.50 8 Ground Floor, CR Partition with Plastering 8.1 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 55 pcs. 144.00 7,920.00 8.2 CHB #4 300 psi 885 pcs. 15.00 13,275.00 8.3 G.I. Wire #16 10 kgs. 80.00 800.00 8.4 Portland Cement 75 bags 180.00 13,500.00 8.5 White Sand 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 8.6 Concrete Nail 1 kgs. 110.00 110.00 Sub-Total 40,855.00 6,128.25 46,983.25 2nd Floor Reinforcement Bars Column, Beams and Floor Slab 9 10 cm thk and Concreting Works 9.1 20mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 343 pcs. 410.00 140,630.00 9.2 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 335.00 18,760.00 9.3 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 136 pcs. 190.00 25,840.00 9.4 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 1,100 pcs. 144.00 158,400.00 9.5 Concrete Works 2nd Floor Columns 4000 psi 52 cu.m. 4,500.00 234,000.00 9.6 Concrete Works 2nd Floor Beams 4000 psi 50 cu.m. 4,500.00 225,000.00 9.7 Concrete Works 2nd Floor Slabs 4000 psi 46 cu.m. 4,500.00 207,000.00 9.8 Concrete Pump 148 cu.m. 900.00 133,200.00 9.9 G.I. Wire #16 75 kgs. 80.00 6,000.00 Sub-Total 1,148,830.00 114,883.00 1,263,713.00 2nd Floor CHB Walling & Partition & Plastering including 10 Reinforcement Bars 10.1 CHB #6 300 psi 2,850 pcs. 25.00 71,250.00 10.2 CHB #4 300 psi 2,645 pcs. 15.00 39,675.00 10.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 287 pcs. 144.00 41,328.00 10.4 White Sand 67 cu.m. 750.00 50,250.00 10.5 Portland Cement 500 bags 180.00 90,000.00 10.6 G.I. Wire #16 20 kgs. 80.00 1,600.00 10.7 Concrete Nail 3" 2 kgs. 110.00 220.00 Sub-Total 294,323.00 44,148.45 338,471.45 11 2nd Floor Concrete Stair Left and Right Side 11.1 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 82 pcs. 335.00 27,470.00 11.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 135 pcs. 190.00 25,650.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 11.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 144.00 8,064.00 11.4 G.I. Wire #16 20 kgs. 60.00 1,200.00 11.5 White Sand 5 cu.m. 750.00 3,750.00 11.6 Gravel 3/4 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 11.7 Portland Cement 58 bags 180.00 10,440.00 11.8 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 50 pcs. 200.00 10,000.00 11.9 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 75 pcs. 150.00 11,250.00 11.10 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 29 kgs. 860.00 24,940.00 11.11 Common Nail 4" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 11.12 Common Nail 3" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 11.13 Common Nail 2" 5 kgs. 90.00 450.00 Sub-Total 130,264.00 19,539.60 149,803.60 12 Forworks 2nd Floor Columns, Slab and Beams 12.1 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 200 pcs. 200.00 40,000.00 12.2 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 1,000 pcs. 150.00 150,000.00 12.3 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 280 pcs. 860.00 240,800.00 12.4 G.I. Wire #16 50 kgs. 80.00 4,000.00 12.5 Common Nail 4" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 12.6 Common Nail 3" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 12.7 Common Nail 2" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 12.8 Common Nail 1 1/2" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 Sub-Total 448,750.00 67,312.50 516,062.50 13 2nd Floor CR Partition with Plastering 13.1 CHB #4 300 psi 885 pcs. 15.00 13,275.00 13.2 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 55 pcs. 144.00 7,920.00 13.3 G.I. Wire #16 10 kgs. 80.00 800.00 13.4 White Sand 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 13.5 Portland Cement 75 bags 180.00 13,500.00 13.6 Common Nail 3" 1 kgs. 110.00 110.00 Sub-Total 40,855.00 6,128.25 46,983.25 3rd Floor Reinforcement Bars Columns & Beam, Floor Slab 14 10cm Thk and Concreting Works 14.1 20mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 343 pcs. 410.00 140,630.00 14.2 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 335.00 18,760.00 14.3 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 136 pcs. 190.00 25,840.00 14.4 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 1,000 pcs. 144.00 144,000.00 14.5 G.I. Wire #16 75 kgs. 80.00 6,000.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 14.6 Concreting Works 3 Floor Columns 4000 psi 52 cu.m. 4,500.00 234,000.00 14.7 Concreting Works 3 Floor Beams 4000 psi 50 cu.m. 4,500.00 225,000.00 14.8 Concreting Works 3 Floor Slabs 4000 psi 46 cu.m. 4,500.00 207,000.00 14.9 Concrete Pump 148 cu.m. 900.00 133,200.00 Sub-Total 1,134,430.00 113,443.00 1,247,873.00 3rd Floor CHB Walling & Partition and Plastering including 15 Reinforcement Bars 15.1 CHB #6 300 psi 2,750 pcs. 25.00 68,750.00 15.2 CHB #4 300 psi 2,750 pcs. 15.00 41,250.00 15.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 287 pcs. 144.00 41,328.00 15.4 White Sand 67 cu.m. 750.00 50,250.00 15.5 Portland Cement 670 bags 180.00 120,600.00 15.6 G.I. Wire #16 20 kgs. 80.00 1,600.00 15.7 Common Nail 3" 2 kgs. 110.00 220.00 Sub-Total 323,998.00 48,599.70 372,597.70 16 3rd Floor Stair Left and Right Side and 3rd Floor 16.1 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 82 pcs. 335.00 27,470.00 16.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 135 pcs. 190.00 25,650.00 16.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 144.00 8,064.00 16.4 G.I. Wire #16 15 kgs. 80.00 1,200.00 16.5 White Sand 5 cu.m. 750.00 3,750.00 16.6 Gravel 3/4 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 16.7 Portland Cement 58 bags 180.00 10,440.00 16.8 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 50 pcs. 200.00 10,000.00 16.9 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 75 pcs. 150.00 11,250.00 16.10 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 29 pcs. 860.00 24,940.00 16.12 Common Nail 4" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 16.13 Common Nail 3" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 16.14 Common Nail 2" 5 kgs. 90.00 450.00 Sub-Total 130,264.00 19,539.60 149,803.60 17 Formworks 3rd Floor Columns, Slab and Beam 17.1 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 200 pcs. 200.00 40,000.00 17.2 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 800 pcs. 150.00 120,000.00 17.3 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 240 pcs. 860.00 206,400.00 17.4 G.I. Wire #16 50 kgs. 80.00 4,000.00 17.5 Common Nail 4" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 17.6 Common Nail 3" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 17.7 Common Nail 2" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 17.8 Common Nail 1 1/2" 5 kgs. 90.00 450.00 Sub-Total 383,900.00 57,585.00 441,485.00 18 3rd Floor CR Partition with Plastering 18.1 CHB #4 300 psi 855 pcs. 15.00 12,825.00 18.2 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 55 pcs. 144.00 7,920.00 18.3 G.I. Wire #16 10 kgs. 80.00 800.00 18.4 White Sand 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 18.5 Portland Cement 75 bags 180.00 13,500.00 18.6 Common Nail 3" 1 kgs. 110.00 110.00 Sub-Total 40,405.00 6,060.75 46,465.75 Roof Deck Reinforcement Bars Columns, Floor, Slab 10 cm. 19 Thk Beam and Concrete Works 19.1 20mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 234 pcs. 410.00 95,940.00 19.2 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 335.00 18,760.00 19.3 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 96 pcs. 190.00 18,240.00 19.4 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 710 pcs. 144.00 102,240.00 19.5 Concreting Works Roof Deck Beam 4000 psi 50 cu.m. 4,500.00 225,000.00 19.6 Concreting Works Roof Deck Slab 4000 psi 46 cu.m. 4,500.00 207,000.00 19.7 Concrete Pump 96 cu.m. 900.00 86,400.00 19.8 G.I. Wire #16 75 kgs. 80.00 6,000.00 Sub-Total 759,580.00 113,937.00 873,517.00 Roof Deck Exterior CHB Wall, CR Partitions with Plastering 20 including Reinforcement Bars 20.1 CHB #6 300 psi 1,020 pcs. 25.00 25,500.00 20.2 CHB #4 300 psi 855 pcs. 15.00 12,825.00 20.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 110 pcs. 144.00 15,840.00 20.4 White Sand 10 cu.m. 750.00 7,500.00 20.5 Portland Cement 105 bags 180.00 18,900.00 20.6 G.I Wire #16 15 kgs. 80.00 1,200.00 20.7 Common Nail 3" 2 kgs. 110.00 220.00 Sub-Total 81,985.00 12,297.75 94,282.75 21 Roof Deck Stairs and Concreting Works 21.1 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 82 pcs. 335.00 27,470.00 21.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 135 pcs. 190.00 25,650.00 21.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 56 pcs. 144.00 8,064.00 21.4 G.I. Wire #16 15 kgs. 80.00 1,200.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 21.5 White Sand 5 cu.m. 750.00 3,750.00 21.6 Gravel 3/4 7 cu.m. 750.00 5,250.00 21.7 Portland Cement 58 bags 180.00 10,440.00 21.8 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 50 pcs. 200.00 10,000.00 21.90 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 75 pcs. 150.00 11,250.00 21.10 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 29 pcs. 860.00 24,940.00 21.11 Common Nail 4" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 21.12 Common Nail 3" 10 kgs. 90.00 900.00 21.13 Common Nail 2" 5 kgs. 90.00 450.00 Sub-Total 130,264.00 19,539.60 149,803.60 22 Roof Deck Roof Framing and Roof Slab 22.1 20mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 111 pcs. 410.00 45,510.00 22.2 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 54 pcs. 335.00 18,090.00 22.3 10mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 381 pcs. 144.00 54,864.00 22.4 Concreting Works Beam and Slab 2500 psi 22 cu.m. 4,000.00 88,000.00 22.5 G.I. Wire #16 15 kgs. 80.00 1,200.00 Sub-Total 207,664.00 31,149.60 238,813.60 Form Works Roof Deck and Cover Roof and Elevator Cover 23 Columns and Beams 23.1 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 200 pcs. 200.00 40,000.00 23.2 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 200 pcs. 150.00 30,000.00 23.3 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 100 pcs. 860.00 86,000.00 23.4 G.I. Wire #16 50 kgs. 80.00 4,000.00 23.5 Common Nail 4" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 23.6 Common Nail 3" 60 kgs. 90.00 5,400.00 23.7 Common Nail 2" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 Sub-Total 173,050.00 25,957.50 199,007.50 24 Exterior Ledge Cladding with Plain Cement Finish 24.1 16mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 63 pcs. 335.00 21,105.00 24.2 12mm x 6.0 Deformed Bars 95 pcs. 190.00 18,050.00 24.3 G.I. Wire #16 30 kgs. 80.00 2,400.00 24.4 White Sand 21 cu.m. 750.00 15,750.00 24.5 Gravel 3/4 16 cu.m. 750.00 12,000.00 24.6 2 x 4 x 12 Coco Lumber 150 pcs. 200.00 30,000.00 24.7 2 x 3 x 12 Coco Lumber 300 pcs. 150.00 45,000.00 24.8 Penolic Board 1/2 x 4 x 8 35 pcs. 860.00 30,100.00 24.9 Portland Cement 250 kgs. 180.00 45,000.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 24.10 Common Nail 4" 50 kgs. 90.00 4,500.00 24.11 Common Nail 3" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 24.12 Common Nail 2" 25 kgs. 90.00 2,250.00 Sub-Total 228,405.00 34,260.75 262,665.75 Tile Work Ground Floor to 3rd Floor, Stairs and CR Ground 25 Floor to Roof Deck 25.1 60 x 60 Granite Floor Tiles 2,420 pcs. 165.00 399,300.00 25.2 40 x 40 Granite Tiles for Stairs 866 pcs. 82.00 71,012.00 25.3 30 x 30 CR Wall Tiles Ground to Roof Deck 608 pcs. 40.00 24,320.00 25.4 30 x 30 CR Wall Tiles 150 cm Height Ground to Roof Deck 8,600 pcs. 28.00 240,800.00 25.5 Portland Cement 284 bags 180.00 51,120.00 25.6 White Sand 22 cu.m. 750.00 16,500.00 25.7 Stairs Clip 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 Brass Color 150 cm length 128 pcs. 425.00 54,400.00 25.8 CR Tile Trim 60 pcs. 75.00 4,500.00 25.9 Tiles Grouth Assorted 42 kgs. 65.00 2,730.00 25.10 Diamond Cutter 4" 20 pcs. 380.00 7,600.00 25.11 Water Proffing Asphast Liquid U.S. 48 gal. 685.00 32,880.00 Sub-Total 905,162.00 90,516.20 995,678.20 26 Ceiling Ground Floor to Roof Deck 26.1 Metal Furring 1 x 2 x 24 Ga. 1,100 pcs. 100.00 110,000.00 26.2 Double Furring 2 x 2 x 2 24 Ga. 670 pcs. 110.00 73,700.00 26.3 Furring w/ Clip 1,100 pcs. 6.00 6,600.00 26.4 Wall Angle 1 x1 280 pcs. 55.00 15,400.00 26.5 G.I Wire #16 50 bags 80.00 4,000.00 26.6 Hardiflex Light 400 cu.m. 395.00 158,000.00 Sub-Total 367,700.00 55,155.00 422,855.00 B Plumbing Pipes and Fittings 1.1 BI Pipes 50mmØ SCH 40. 68 pcs. 3,280.00 223,040.00 1.2 BI Pipes 32mmØ SCH 40 28 pcs. 1,500.00 42,000.00 1.3 BI Pipes 25mmØ SCH 40 28 pcs. 950.00 26,600.00 1.4 B.I. Tee 65Ø 4 pcs. 350.00 1,400.00 1.5 B.I. Tee 50Ø 48 pcs. 200.00 9,600.00 1.6 B.I. Tee 32Ø 35 pcs. 80.00 2,800.00 1.7 B.I. Tee 25Ø 130 pcs. 60.00 7,800.00 1.8 B.I. Tee Reducer 50 x 40 25 pcs. 680.00 17,000.00 1.9 B.I. Tee Reducer 50 x 25 14 pcs. 180.00 2,520.00 1.10 B.I. Tee Reducer 40 x 25 24 pcs. 150.00 3,600.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 1.11 B.I. Tee Reducer 32 x 25 32 pcs. 120.00 3,840.00 1.12 Coupling Reducer 50 x 40 22 pcs. 180.00 3,960.00 1.13 Coupling Reducer 50 x 32 14 pcs. 150.00 2,100.00 1.14 Coupling Reducer 50 x 25 18 pcs. 120.00 2,160.00 1.15 Coupling Reducer 40 x 32 22 pcs. 100.00 2,200.00 1.16 Coupling Reducer 40 x 25 21 pcs. 180.00 3,780.00 1.17 Coupling Reducer 32 x 25 20 pcs. 150.00 3,000.00 1.18 Coupling Reducer 25 x 15 100 pcs. 85.00 8,500.00 1.19 B.I. Elbow 50 x 90 ° 8 pcs. 150.00 1,200.00 1.20 B.I. Elbow 32 x 90° 10 pcs. 80.00 800.00 1.21 B.I. Elbow 25 x 90° 8 pcs. 45.00 360.00 1.22 Union Patente 25 14 pcs. 250.00 3,500.00 1.23 Thread - Olet 50 15 pcs. 300.00 4,500.00 1.24 Thread - Olet 32 24 pcs. 155.00 3,720.00 1.25 Thread - Olet 25 18 pcs. 150.00 2,700.00 1.26 End Cap 50 21 pcs. 150.00 3,150.00 1.27 Male Plug 15Ø 20 pcs. 45.00 900.00 1.28 Pressure Gauge 500 psi 5 pcs. 2,800.00 14,000.00 1.29 Hanger and Support 1 lot 5,000.00 5,000.00 1.30 Hydrotesting 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000.00 1.31 Miscellaneous 1 lot 6,000.00 6,000.00 Sub-Total 417,730.00 62,659.50 480,389.50 C Supply and Installation of Plumbing Works 1.1 PVC Pipe 150mm Ø series 1000 15 pcs. 2,280.00 34,200.00 1.2 PVC Pipe 125mm Ø series 1000 20 pcs. 1,800.00 36,000.00 1.3 PVC Pipe 100mm Ø series 1000 30 pcs. 1,200.00 36,000.00 1.4 PVC Pipe 80mm Ø series 1000 30 pcs. 1,108.00 33,240.00 1.5 PVC Pipe 65mm Ø series 1000 40 pcs. 998.00 39,920.00 1.6 PVC Pipe 50mm Ø series 1000 68 pcs. 890.00 60,520.00 1.7 PVC Tee 150mm Ø series 1000 26 pcs. 350.00 9,100.00 1.8 PVC Tee 125mm Ø series 1000 46 pcs. 200.00 9,200.00 1.9 PVC Tee 100mm Ø series 1000 66 pcs. 380.00 25,080.00 1.10 PVC Tee 80mm Ø series 1000 10 pcs. 360.00 3,600.00 1.11 PVC Tee 65mm Ø series 1000 38 pcs. 280.00 10,640.00 1.12 PVC Tee 50mm Ø series 1000 55 pcs. 240.00 13,200.00 1.13 PVC Tee Reducer 150 x 125mm series 1000 14 pcs. 980.00 13,720.00 1.14 PVC Tee Reducer 150 x 100mm series 1000 24 pcs. 942.00 22,608.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 1.15 PVC Tee Reducer 150 x 80mm series 1000 25 pcs. 898.00 22,450.00 1.16 PVC Tee Reducer 150 x 65mm series 1000 28 pcs. 858.00 24,024.00 1.17 PVC Tee Reducer 100 x 50mm series 1000 58 pcs. 810.00 46,980.00 1.18 PVC Tee Reducer 75 x 50mm series 1000 24 pcs. 480.00 11,520.00 1.19 PVC Coupling Reducer 150 x 125mm series 1000 22 pcs. 1,080.00 23,760.00 1.20 PVC Coupling Reducer 150 x 100mm series 1000 14 pcs. 1,050.00 14,700.00 1.21 PVC Coupling Reducer 150 x 80mm series 1000 18 pcs. 1,010.20 18,183.60 1.22 PVC Coupling Reducer 100 x 65mm series 1000 22 pcs. 1,050.00 23,100.00 1.23 PVC Coupling Reducer 100 x 50mm series 1000 21 pcs. 980.00 20,580.00 1.24 PVC Elbow 150 x 90 ° 18 pcs. 990.00 17,820.00 1.25 PVC Elbow 125 x 90 ° 18 pcs. 980.00 17,640.00 1.26 PVC Elbow 100 x 90 ° 28 pcs. 945.00 26,460.00 1.27 PVC Elbow 80 x 90 ° 12 pcs. 890.00 10,680.00 1.28 PVC Elbow 65 x 90 ° 24 pcs. 849.00 20,376.00 1.29 PVC Elbow 50 x 90 ° 38 pcs. 820.00 31,160.00 1.30 PVC Wye 150 x 150 18 pcs. 1,180.00 21,240.00 1.31 PVC Wye 150 x 125 22 pcs. 1,090.00 23,980.00 1.32 PVC Wye 150 x 100 21 pcs. 1,080.00 22,680.00 1.33 PVC Wye 150 x 80 20 pcs. 980.00 19,600.00 1.34 PVC Wye 150 x 65 28 pcs. 970.00 27,160.00 1.35 PVC Wye 100 x 100 18 pcs. 968.00 17,424.00 1.36 PVC Wye 100 x 80 15 pcs. 980.00 14,700.00 1.37 PVC Wye 100 x 65 24 pcs. 928.00 22,272.00 1.38 PVC Wye 100 x 50 38 pcs. 972.00 36,936.00 1.39 PVC Wye 100 x 32 18 pcs. 980.00 17,640.00 1.40 PVC Wye 80 x 65 22 pcs. 980.00 21,560.00 1.41 PVC Wye 80 x 50 21 pcs. 849.00 17,829.00 1.42 PVC Wye 65 x 50 18 pcs. 849.00 15,282.00 1.43 PPR Pipe 80mm Ø PN20 10 pcs. 2,845.00 28,450.00 1.44 PPR Pipe 65mm Ø PN20 18 pcs. 2,578.00 46,404.00 1.45 PPR Pipe 50mm Ø PN20 12 pcs. 2,383.00 28,596.00 1.46 PPR Pipe 32mm Ø PN20 24 pcs. 2,218.00 53,232.00 1.47 PPR Pipe 25mm Ø PN20 38 pcs. 2,188.00 83,144.00 1.48 End Cap 150 30 pcs. 289.00 8,670.00 1.49 End Cap 125 18 pcs. 288.00 5,184.00 1.50 End Cap 100 22 pcs. 278.00 6,116.00 1.51 End Cap 80 21 pcs. 250.00 5,250.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 1.52 End Cap 65 18 pcs. 150.00 2,700.00 1.53 End Cap 50 10 pcs. 110.00 1,100.00 1.54 Pressure Gauge 300 psi 8 pcs. 2,800.00 22,400.00 1.55 Hanger and Support 1 pcs. 4,000.00 4,000.00 1.56 Hydrotesting 1 lot 5,000.00 5,000.00 1.57 Miscellaneous 1 lot 5,000.00 5,000.00 Sub-Total 1,260,010.60 126,001.06 1,386,011.66 2 Valves and Accessories 2.1 80mm Ø Floor Control Valve (UL/FM) 8 pcs. 3,245.00 25,960.00 2.2 65mm Ø Floor Control Valve (UL/FM) 24 pcs. 2,148.00 51,552.00 2.3 50mm Ø Floor Control Valve (UL/FM) 14 pcs. 1,980.00 27,720.00 2.4 32mm Ø Floor Control Valve (UL/FM) 26 pcs. 1,583.00 41,158.00 2.5 Globe Valve 32mm Ø 24 pcs. 1,090.00 26,160.00 2.6 Globe Valve 25mm Ø 48 pcs. 998.00 47,904.00 2.7 Flexible Coupling 12 pcs. 4,000.00 48,000.00 2.8 Pressure Reducer Valve 2 pcs. 8,500.00 17,000.00 2.9 Y - Strainer 12 pcs. 280.00 3,360.00 2.10 Float Valve 3 pcs. 2,435.00 7,305.00 2.11 Equalizing Valve 2 pcs. 4,350.00 8,700.00 2.12 Pressure Relief Valve 100 Ø 8 pcs. 3,250.00 26,000.00 2.13 Alarm Check Valve 1 lot 4,500.00 4,500.00 2.14 Miscellaneous 1 lot 5,000.00 5,000.00 Sub-Total 340,319.00 51,047.85 391,366.85 3 Plumbing Fixture 3.1 Water Closet - HCG 12 sets 5,500.00 66,000.00 3.2 Shower Handle - U.S 12 pcs. 750.00 9,000.00 3.3 Shower Valve - U.S 12 pcs. 450.00 5,400.00 3.4 Shower Head - U.S 12 pcs. 860.00 10,320.00 3.5 Faucet Stainless 18 pcs. 475.00 8,550.00 3.6 Lavatory - HCG 12 sets 1,200.00 14,400.00 3.7 Lavatory Faucet 12 pcs. 390.00 4,680.00 3.8 Floor Strainer Stainless 4x4 18 pcs. 185.00 3,330.00 Sub-Total 121,680.00 18,252.00 139,932.00 D Supply and Installation of Electrical Works 1 Service Entrance 1.1 Concrete Pedestal 1 lot 10,000.00 10,000.00 1.2 Bus Bar Gutter 1 lot 70,000.00 70,000.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 1.3 Breaker Gutter 1 lot 50,000.00 50,000.00 Sub-Total 130,000.00 19,500.00 149,500.00 2 Wire And Cable 2.1 80mm² THHN 90 mtrs 488.00 43,920.00 2.2 60mm² THHN 30 mtrs 394.00 11,820.00 2.3 50mm² THHN 30 mtrs 320.00 9,600.00 2.4 38mm² THHN 30 mtrs 285.00 8,550.00 2.5 32mm² THHN 30 mtrs 228.00 6,840.00 2.6 22mm² THHN 30 mtrs 157.00 4,710.00 Sub-Total 85,440.00 12,816.00 98,256.00 3 Conduit Fittings and Support 3.1 50mm Ø IMC (2.0) 1 pc. 1,320.00 1,320.00 3.2 40mm Ø IMC (2.0) 1 pc. 985.00 985.00 3.3 32mm Ø IMC (2.0) 1 pc. 824.00 824.00 3.4 25mm Ø IMC (2.0) 1 pc. 640.00 640.00 Sub-Total 3,769.00 565.35 4,334.35 4 Power and Lighting 4.1 Wires and Cable 4.1.1 5.5mm² THHN 34 mtrs 3,200.00 108,800.00 4.1.2 3.5mm² THHN 22 mtrs 7,800.00 171,600.00 Sub-Total 280,400.00 42,060.00 322,460.00 4.2 Conduit Fittings and Support 4.2.1 20mm Ø PVC (0.75) 135 pcs. 500.00 67,500.00 4.2.2 15mm Ø PVC (0.50) 88 pcs. 1,500.00 132,000.00 4.2.3 Metal Flexible Conduit 38 mtrs 100.00 3,800.00 4.2.4 Mecca tubing 3/8" Ø 20 pcs. 100.00 2,000.00 Sub-Total 205,300.00 30,795.00 236,095.00 4.3 Conduit Fittings and Support 4.3.1 C.O w/ Grounding Universal 120 sets 235.00 28,200.00 4.3.2 1 Gang Switch 18 sets 88.00 1,584.00 4.3.3 2 Gang Switch 37 sets 140.00 5,180.00 4.3.4 3 Gang Switch 9 sets 192.00 1,728.00 Sub-Total 36,692.00 5,503.80 42,195.80 5 Others 5.1 FACP, FDAS 1 set 16,500.00 16,500.00 5.2 TF Wire, 18/2 400 mtrs 17.00 6,800.00 5.3 SD, Conventional GST 45 sets 1,536.00 69,120.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 5.4 HD, Conventional GST 3 sets 1,536.00 4,608.00 5.5 Annuciator / Repeater GST 3 sets 18,485.00 55,455.00 5.6 Bell, 6'' 3 sets 1,536.00 4,608.00 5.7 Pull Station 3 sets 1,440.00 4,320.00 Sub-Total 161,411.00 24,211.65 185,622.65 8 Grounding System 8.1 Grounding Rod, 5/8 x 3m 1 pc 950.00 950.00 8.2 Clamp 1 pc 100.00 100.00 8.3 Ground Wire 1 mtrs 40.00 40.00 8.4 Cad Weld 1 pc 40.00 40.00 Sub-Total 1,130.00 169.50 1,299.50 9 Boxes and Pull Boxes 9.1 Utility Box 100 pcs. 18.00 1,800.00 9.2 Junction Box 150 pcs. 23.00 3,450.00 9.3 Wire Gutter 4 pcs. 986.00 3,944.00 9.4 Pull Box 10 pcs. 55.00 550.00 Sub-Total 9,744.00 1,461.60 11,205.60 10 Lighting Fixture Installation 10.1 1 lot 15,000.00 Sub-Total 15,000.00 15,000.00 11 Boxes and Pull Boxes 11.1 Panel PP1 A 1 set 14,000.00 14,000.00 11.2 Panel PP1 B 1 set 7,447.00 7,447.00 11.3 Panel PP1 C 1 set 11,872.00 11,872.00 11.4 Panel PP2 C 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.5 Panel PP2 D 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.6 Panel PP2 E 1 set 7,717.00 7,717.00 11.7 Panel PP3 B 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.8 Panel PP3 C 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.9 Panel PP3 D 1 set 5,947.00 5,947.00 11.10 Panel PP1 1 set 5,947.00 5,947.00 11.11 Panel PP2 A 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.12 Panel PP2 B 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.13 Panel PP2 F 1 set 5,947.00 5,947.00 11.14 Panel PP2 1 set 7,459.00 7,459.00 11.15 Panel PP3 A 1 set 6,832.00 6,832.00 11.16 Panel PP3 E 1 set 7,717.00 7,717.00 DIAMONDS STARS INCORPORATED BILL OF MATERIALS CLIENT Mr. Harry Allan Tugano Construction of Three-Storey Commercial and LOCATION B1 L28 Don Faustino St. cor Don Pedro Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Q.C. Pharmaceutical Building with Roof Deck
ITEM/DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT AMOUNT NO Unit Amount Unit Amount 11.17 Panel PPB 1 set 5,947.00 5,947.00 11.18 Panel PP4 1 set 5,062.00 5,062.00 11.19 Panel MDP 1 set 12,300.00 12,300.00 11.20 ECB, 400A 3POLE, NEMA 3R ENC 1 set 10,000.00 10,000.00 Sub-Total 155,186.00 15,518.60 170,704.60
Prepared by:
Arch. Jay-R Abang Oribello
Architect PRC Reg. No: 0029003 PTR No.: 14009754 Issued on: January 22, 2020 Issued at: Taytay, Rizal