Mechanical Handling of Unitized Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates
Mechanical Handling of Unitized Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates
Mechanical Handling of Unitized Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D6055 − 96 (2019)
3.2.3 large shipping case or crate—shipping container con- Alternatively, any suitable pulling device equipped with a
structed of any material and of such size and weight to require gripper jaw may be used.
mechanical handling. A case or crate of this type may weigh 5.5 Grabhook Test and Sling Test Apparatus—In lifting the
from 100 lb (45 kg), up to many tons and measure proportion- case or crate with grabhooks or slings, a hoist with grabhooks
ately. The case or crate may be secured to or carried by a base or slings attached is the simplest and easiest, but the test may
or pallet. Frame members may be provided for rigidity be made with a tackle or by lifting the case or crate with jacks
throughout the container. and setting it into grabhooks or slings supported by some form
3.2.4 push-pull attachment—a lift truck attachment used for of truss.
push-pull handling products packaged using slip sheets.
6. Test Specimen and Number of Tests
3.2.5 shipping unit—the smallest complete unit that will be
subjected to the distribution environment, for example, a 6.1 Test several shipping units of a given design, if possible,
shipping container and its contents. to obtain replication of results. If in the instance of a number of
3.2.6 spade lift attachment—a lift truck attachment used for cases wrapped or banded together, it is not possible to test an
top handling products packaged in interlocked double-cover entire unitized load, then sufficient cases should be assembled
boxes or folded cap- or folded flap-style cartons. such that the height and one base dimension are nearly the
same as the proposed unitized load. For the clamp, spade lift,
3.2.7 unitized load—consists of a number of packages (two or push-pull test, use an entire unitized load. The same case or
or more) secured together as a shipping unit. These packages unitized load may often be used for all applicable tests if not
when unitized typically weigh more than 100 lb (45 kg). The tested to failure. Load the shipping unit for the test with the
unitized method may be shrink wrapping, stretch wrapping, actual contents for which it was designed, or if this is not
banding, strapping, taping, or gluing. A base consisting of a possible, with a dummy load simulating such contents in mass,
pallet or slip sheet may or may not be used. shape, and position in the shipping unit.
4. Significance and Use 7. Conditioning
4.1 These test methods are designed for use in most cases 7.1 It is recommended that atmospheres for conditioning be
with the actual equipment to be used in load handling. selected from those in accordance with Practice D4332. Unless
4.2 These test methods may be used in evaluating the otherwise specified, fiberboard and other paperboard contain-
shipping unit as to suitability for mechanical handling by ers shall be preconditioned and conditioned in accordance with
standard user-specified load-handling equipment. the standard atmosphere specified in Practice D4332.
4.3 These test methods will allow the user to determine 8. Acceptance Criteria
integrity and stability of the load as well as provide guidance 8.1 Reference Practice D4169 for acceptance criteria and
to improve the design of the unit load where deficiencies are the correlation to relative performance criteria.
4.4 Damage to products or packages observed during testing 9. Mechanical Handling Tests with Lift Trucks
may be expected to correlate at least in a qualitative way to 9.1 Test Method A—Fork Lift Test Procedure
damage observed in actual distribution handling systems. 9.1.1 Handling on Test Course: Use an actual lift truck equipped with user-specified
5. Apparatus fork attachments. See Annex A1 for recommended standard
5.1 Fork Truck Test Apparatus—In performing the fork course for lift truck handling tests.
truck handling test, use an actual lift truck with fork attachment The operator is to lift and transport to each obser-
to lift the shipping unit. The lift truck and blade(s) shall be vation point in a manner typical of current practice.
capable of handling the size and quantity of products in The minimum number of handlings and fork type
accordance with current practice. and size shall be specified by the user; however, it should be
noted that the effects of temperature and humidity in the testing
5.2 Spade Lift Test Apparatus—In performing the spade lift environment may vary greatly and, if so, may affect the
test, use an actual lift truck with spade lift attachment to lift the strength of the shipping unit. For this reason, it may be useful
shipping unit under the lifting flap. The lift truck and blade(s) to specify the minimum number of handlings based on test
must be capable of handling the size and quantity of products periods representing these extremes.
in accordance with current practice. Examine the load during and after each test cycle to
5.3 Clamp Lift Handling Test Apparatus—In performing the determine if failure occurred.
clamp handling test, use an actual lift truck with the appropri- 9.2 Test Method B—Spade Lift Test Procedure:
ate load clamping device to lift the shipping unit. Provision 9.2.1 Use an actual lift truck equipped with the spade lift
shall be made to measure the clamp force between the platens attachment to be used in actual practice. See Annex A1 for
using a load cell(s) or other suitable device. recommended standard course for lift truck handling test.
5.4 Push-Pull Test Apparatus—In performing the push-pull 9.2.2 The operator is to engage, lift, and transport the load
test, use an actual lift truck with the appropriate gripper jaw for to each observation point in a manner typical of current
pulling the load by the slip sheet tab onto the load plate. practice.
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D6055 − 96 (2019)
9.2.3 If normal handling requirements specify two or more When using a single-load cell clamp force indicator
units high, the test should be conducted with an equivalent load to measure clamp force for non-articulating clamps, position
on the test specimen. This test can be repeated for a predeter- the force gages at the center of the clamps.
mined number of handlings or until failure occurs. The 9.3.5 Clamp the package or the shipping unit in a manner
minimum number of handlings required shall be specified by typical of current or expected practice starting with the lowest
the user; however, it should be noted that the effects of clamp force and increasing the force until load can be
temperature and humidity in the testing environment may vary successfully transported.
greatly and, if so, will affect the strength of the handling flap. Use the minimum clamp force on the truck to allow
For this reason, it may be useful to specify the minimum repeated handlings in the particular distribution system, or
number of handlings based on test periods representing these The next highest clamp setting on the truck to allow
extremes. repeated handlings in the particular distribution system.
9.2.4 Examine the shipping unit during and after the test 9.3.6 See Annex A1 for recommended standard course for
cycle to determine if failure of the handling flap occurred. lift truck handling tests.
9.3 Test Method C—Clamp Handling Test Procedure: The operator is to clamp, lift, and transport to each
9.3.1 Test the ability of the shipping unit to withstand observation point until the course has been completed one
repeated side compression using a lift truck equipped with cycle.
hydraulic carton clamp or other suitable load clamping device. If the shipping unit is normally clamped from both
If the shipping units are normally handled two high, a second directions, distribute the test cycles accordingly based on
case or equivalent dummy load should be placed on the unit to probability of clamping from each direction.
be tested prior to clamping. The minimum number of handlings and platen size
9.3.2 Provision shall be made for measuring the total force shall be specified by the user; however, it should be noted that
applied to the load using a load cell(s) or other suitable device the effects of temperature and humidity in the testing environ-
at critical locations. ment may vary greatly and, if so, may affect the strength of the
9.3.3 Measure the clamp force between the platen, and shipping unit. For this reason, it may be useful to specify the
record the forces measured between the clamps at all the minimum number of handlings based on test periods represent-
available clamp settings (that is, low, medium, and high). ing these extremes.
9.3.4 When using a single-load cell clamp force indicator to 9.3.7 Examine the package and product after the test cycle
measure clamp force for articulating clamp, it should be to determine if failure occurred.
positioned as follows (see Fig. 1): 9.4 Test Method D—Push-Pull Handling Procedure: Front to Back—Position the load cell so that its 9.4.1 Handling on Test Course:
centerline is directly in line with the pivoting axis of the clamp Use an actual lift truck equipped with gripper jaw
arms. for pulling the load by the slip sheet tab onto the load plate or Top to Bottom—Position the load cell so that it is platens. See Annex A1 for recommended standard course for
parallel to the clamping cylinders and its centerline is between lift truck handling tests.
the two clamping cylinders. The operator is to clamp, lift, and transport to each
NOTE 1—Measurements may be taken with multiple-load cells, where
observation point in a manner typical of current practice.
the force can be measured at various positions on the clamp at the same The minimum number of handlings and platen size
time. This will show the force variations due to camber and toe-in. These shall be specified by the user.
two forces are often overlooked and cause damage and excessive forces to
be applied to the package being carried. NOTE 2—The effects of temperature and humidity in the testing
environment may vary greatly and, if so, may affect the strength of the
shipping unit. For this reason, it may be useful to specify the minimum
number of handlings based on test periods representing these extremes. Examine the load during and after each test cycle to
determine if failure occurred.
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D6055 − 96 (2019) Two pairs of grabhooks at any two points along the 11.1.3 Description of the contents of the shipping unit under
case or crate length. test. If simulated or dummy contents were used, full details
10.1.3 To determine whether the top bracing members are shall be given.
adequate to withstand the horizontal pressures of grabhooks, 11.1.4 Condition of the test specimen(s) after the test, a
test the case crate as follows: Place the grabhooks in contact detailed description of any damage, and a summary of the
with the sides a few inches from the top of the case or crate and criteria used to define damage.
lift the case or crate for several minutes. Return the case to the 11.1.5 Complete description of equipment used, including
ground for inspection. The angle of cable or chain between the load handling attachment, forces measured, operator of equip-
grabhooks and the lifting hook of the lifting device should be ment and instrumentation used, including dates of last instru-
approximately 45° from the level of the container top. ment calibrations, manufacturer’s names, and model numbers.
10.1.4 Measure deflection of the case or crate while sus- Details of any modifications thereto, if known, shall be
pended a few inches and again after releasing the hooks. Again included.
make observations to determine if the deflections were such as 11.1.6 Detailed record of tests including procedures used,
to damage or dislodge the contents of the case or crate and if angle of free fall drop test, if used, covering both container and
the case or crate returns to its original dimensions after the test. contents, unitizing method, together with any observation that
10.2 Test Method F—Sling Test Procedure—Conduct sling may assist in correctly interpreting the results or aid in
tests in a manner similar to the grabhook test (see 10.1) with improving the design of the container or the method of packing
the exception that each sling shall encircle the side and bottom and unitizing. Also record the number of replicate packages
of the case or crate at points of contact. The angle of slings tested and the orientation of clamps or spade, if used, and the
between the top of the container and the lifting hook of the number of handlings for spade, clamp, or push-pull tests, if
lifting device should be approximately 45° from the level of used.
the container top. Sling tests shall consist of lifting the test 11.1.7 Relative humidity, temperature and time of
container with a single sling, and lifting the test container with conditioning, and temperature and relative humidity of test
a double sling. area at time of test.
11.1.8 Date of test and signature of tester.
11. Report
11.1 Report the following information: 12. Precision and Bias
11.1.1 Statement to the effect that all tests were made in full
compliance with these test methods or a detailed explanation of 12.1 No information is presented about either the precision
any deviation. or bias of these test methods for mechanical handling since the
11.1.2 Dimensions of the shipping unit under test, its test results are nonquantitative.
complete structural specifications, kind of material, description
and specifications for blocking and cushioning, if used, 13. Keywords
spacing, size, and kind of fasteners, if used, method of closing 13.1 clamp handling; crates; fork truck handling; grabhook;
and unitizing, if any, dimensions and specifications of the pallet large shipping cases; mechanical handling; push-pull handling;
or slip sheet, if used, and net and gross weights. sling; spade lift; unitized loads
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 A standard course shall be established on a flat rigid exceed 5 ft/s (1.5 m/s). (A typical example of obstacle include
surface representative of worst-case warehouse conditions. two nominal 1 by 6-in. pieces of lumber, beveled on both top
edges at 45°, secured to the floor in a staggered pattern as
A1.2 The L-shaped course will include 10 to 11.5-ft. (3 to shown in Fig. A1.1.)
3.5-m) wide aisles with a 90° turn, approximate acceleration/
deceleration zones, and observation points (OP-1 through A1.4 The velocity of the lift truck in the turn shall be 31⁄4 ft/s
OP-5), in accordance with Fig. A1.1. (1-m/s) maximum.
A1.3 User-defined test course obstacles may be used and are A1.5 The unitized load under test should be examined after
at the users option. Lift truck velocity through this area with or each cycle of handling (pickup/transport/set down).
without obstacles shall be at a uniform “walking” speed not to
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D6055 − 96 (2019)
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