DCQ2033 Topic 6 Finishing Works

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6.1 Understand the Floor Finishes works:
6.1.1 Explain rendering works.
6.1.2 Explain floor tiles works.
6.2 Understand the Wall Finishes works:
6.2.1 Explain plastering works.
6.2.2 Explain wall tile works.
6.2.3 Explain painting works.
6.3 Understand the Ceiling Finishes works:
6.3.1 Explain the plastering works to ceiling.
6.3.2 Explain the suspended ceiling works.
6.3.3 Explain the painting works.
6.3.4 Determine type of ceiling to be used base on location.

Classification internal and external finishes.


 Type of floor finish depend:-

a. Type of base
b. Room usage
c. Degree of comfort required
d. Maintenance problems
e. Cost
f. Appearance
g. Safety
h. Individual preference

 Floor finish can be divided:-

a. Rendering Works (In-situ floor finish) – which are mixed on site, laid in a
fluid state, allowed to dry & set to form a hard surface.
b. Floor Tile Works (Apply floor finish) – which supplied in tile or sheet form
& laid to a suitable prepared base.
c. Timber floor finish – such as board, sheet or block of timber, laid on or
attached to a suitable structural frame or base.

Cement Screed / Render Granolithic
Ceramic Tiles

Granite Tile Marble Tile Terrazzo Tile

Mosaic Tile Vinyl Tile Parquet

Carpet Epoxy Floor Paint

Timber Flooring

Rendering Works

 Types of rendering works:-

a. Cement paving
 Sometimes call cement render or cement screed.
 Consisting of one part cement to three part sand by volume (1:3).
 Cement paving shall be 20mm thick laid on concrete slab.
 The paving shall be thoroughly rammed within 30 minutes of laying and
trowelled smooth after it has stiffened sufficiently to prevent laitance
being brought to the surface.
 Paving to apron shall finish to a slight fall towards surface drains.

b. Granolithic paving
 Granolithic paving shall be 20mm thick.
 Consisting of two parts cement and five parts granite chipping passing
6mm mesh and retained upon 3mm mesh
by volume (1:5).
 The chipping shall be washed and free
from dust.
 The paving shall be trowelled smooth to
proper level or fall where appropriate.
 After initial set the surface the surface
shall be brushed lightly to achieve the
required textured finish.

c. In-situ terrazzo
 Consist of one part approved coloured cement and three parts selected
limestone chipping passing through 12mm mesh and retained upon 3mm
mesh by volume.
 The terrazzo topping shall be 20mm thick laid on 20mm thick cement
and sand (1:3) screed.
 While laying the screed, aluminium or brass strip of size 32mm wide x
3mm thick shall be set in vertically on edge into the screed to form panel.
Each panel shall not exceed 4sq. meters with top edges to the strip
standing sufficiently high to finish flush with the finished terrazzo floor
 The terrazzo shall be trowelled to a dense even finish.
 When sufficiently hard but not less than two days after being laid it shall
be rubbed down to a smooth surface by means of Carborundum stone.
 Tile impregnator then shall be applied strictly onto the terrazzo surface to
prevent future staining.

Prepare aluminum strips Poured mixed Rolled with heavy roller

terrazzo between & trowelled to a smooth
strip finish

Curing at least 3 days Grinding the top layer Polished to a matte

before grinding of surface with a finish & finally apply
machine & filling any sealer finish
air pockets with grout

Bottom of grinding
machine with grit stone

Floor Tiles Works

 Types of floor tiles works:-

a. Ceramic tiles
 Size:-
 200 x 100 x 6.5mm thk. (glazed)
 200 x 200 x 7mm thk. (non slip)
 300 x 300 x 8mm thk. (non slip)
 Ceramic tiles shall be bedded with cement
paste or alternatively with 6mm thick
approved tile adhesive on 20mm thick
cement and sand (1:3) screed.
 The tiles shall be laid close-butt and all
joints shall be filled with tile adhesive or
coloured cement to match.

b. Homogenous tiles
 Size:-
 100 x 100 x 11mm thk. (exterior
 200 x 200 x 7mm thk. (interior
 300 x 300 x 8.5mm thk. (interior
 Methods of fixing similar as ceramic

c. Mosaic
 Size:-
 20 x 20 x 5mm thk.
 20 x 50 x 5mm thk.
 50 x 50 x 5.5mm thk.
 Mosaic tiling shall be semi-glazed tiles and
shall be of an approved colour and
 Mosaic tiling to floor shall be bedded on
20mm thick semi-dry cement and sand
(1:3) screed, laid on concrete base which
has been thoroughly cleaned and wetted.
 All joints shall be grouted with approved adhesive or cement grout to
 The tiling shall be allowed to mature under damp condition for at least
four days before cleaning down.

d. Pre-cast terrazzo tiles
 Size:-
 200 x 200 x 16mm thk.
 300 x 300 x 20mm thk.
 Comprising of 6mm limestone aggregate and
coloured cement with machine-pressed tiles
 Tiles shall be laid on 20mm thick semi-dry
cement and sand (1:3) screed.
 All joints between the tiles shall be grouted with
coloured cement to match.
 The tiles shall be rubbed down to a smooth surface after a minimum of
two days or laying by means of Carborundum stone.
 Tile impregnator then shall be applied strictly onto the terrazzo surface to
prevent future staining.

e. Quarry tiles
 Size:-
 150 x 150 x 12mm thk.
 200 x 200 x 16mm thk.
 Tiles shall be laid on 20mm thick semi-
dry cement and sand (1:3) screed with
joints about 2mm wide.
 All tiles shall be soaked overnight before

f. Granite tiles
 Size:-
 600 x 600 x 25mm thk.
 Tiles shall be bedded with cement paste or
alternatively with 9mm thick approved tile
adhesive on 25mm thick cement and sand (1:3)
 The slabs shall be laid butt-jointed and gap shall
be filled with approved grout powder mixed with
grout adhesive.
 After grouting the surface then shall be polished,
buffered and finished with a layer of impregnator.
g. Marble tiles
 Size:-
 600 x 600 x 25mm thk.
 Methods of fixing similar as granite tiles.


 Wall finish can be divided:-

a. Plastering Works
b. Wall Tile Works
c. Painting Works

Cement / Plain Plaster Wall Tiles Timber Cladding

Gypsum Board Partition Craftstone Wall Wall Paint

Plastering Works

 Plastering using a mixture of cement and sand or cement, lime and sand applied
to the face of a brickwall.
 Plastering must have the properties of durability, moisture resistance and an
acceptable appearance.
 The factors to be taken into account in achieving the above requirements are
mix design, bond to a backing material, texture of surface, degree of the
exposure of the building and the standard of workmanship in applying the
 Consist of one (1) part masonry cement to six (6) parts sand by volume.
 Where Ordinary Portland Cement is used, plasticiser or plasterlime shall be
added to mix in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
 The plaster shall be applied in two coats generally to a total thickness of 18mm
to brickwall and 12mm to soffits, beams, column, block-walls and other smooth
 The first coat shall consist of rough plastering to a thickness of 10mm for the
18mm plainface and 6mm for 12mm plainface.
 The second coat of 18mm thick shall be finished with a steel trowel for internal
surfaces and with a straight-edged wood float for external surfaces.

Internal External

Wall Tile Works

 Wall tiles are fixed with a suitable adhesive or bedded with mortars which
consist of cement and sand.
 Tiles can be easily using the same method employed for glass.
 The tile is scored on its upper face with a glass cutter by tapping the back of the
tile behind the scored line over a rigid and sharp angle such as a flat straight
 Wall tiling is bedded with mortars which consist of cement and sand.

Step by step wall tiling

Painting Works
 Paint can define as a liquid when applied to the solid surface will dry and
become hard skin layer.

 Paint consists of:-

i. Resin or binder (pengikat) – functions as a binder between pigment and
other compositions.
ii. Pigment (pewarna) – produce various color of paint and to cover the surface
iii. Additive (penambah) – give specific properties such as catalytic dryer
(pemangkin pengering), anti-sediment (anti-mendap) and other.
iv. Solvent (pelarut) – to simplify the manufacturing process and use.

 Types of surface:-
i. Wood / timber surface
ii. Stone, brick, concrete or cement plaster surfaces
iii. Metal surface such as mild steel, galvanised iron (G.I), aluminium or zinc.
iv. Others surface such as asbestos, cemboard or gypsum board

 Method of painting can be applying by brush, roller or spray.

 Paint can be classified in five categories:-

i. Decorative paint (cat hiasan)
ii. Paint protection (cat perlindungan)
iii. Automotive paint (cat automobile)
iv. Paint industry (cat industry)
v. Marine paint (cat perkapalan)

 The process of paint typically consists of:-

i. Sealer or primer (cat asas) – sealer for stone, brick, concrete & cement
plaster and primer for wood & metal.
ii. Undercoat (lapisan cat bawah) – for wood & metal
iii. Decorative paint (lapisan cat hiasan) – emulsion paint for stone, brick,
concrete & cement plaster and gloss paint for wood & metal.

 Sealer or primer

 It is the first layer of paint applied to a surface that has never been painted or
a new surface.
 It provides protection to the surface from corrosion threats (ancaman
kakisan) or avoid corrosion occurs (mengelak dari berlakunya kakisan)
between the surfaces.

 Undercoat
 A layer of paint applied after primer coatings.
 It aims to facilitate the smooth surface, better foundation and strong for next
decorative coatings.

 Decorative
 It is the final layer of paint which gives color, protection and completes a
perfect paint system.


Plastering works to
Suspended ceiling
ceiling Fixed ceiling

Painting works to ceiling

How to Install a Suspended Ceiling

©2006 Publications International, Ltd.Suspended ceiling panels are supported by a grid of runners and cross tees.

A suspended ceiling can cover a lot of flaws and obstructions, including pipes, wiring, and ductwork. It
works, however, only where you can afford to lose some ceiling height. Suspended ceiling panels are sold
in 2 X 2-foot and 2 X 4-foot sizes. Use the smaller size for smaller rooms. To install a suspended ceiling:

Step 1: Measure the ceiling and plot it out on graph paper, marking the exact locations of all windows and
doors. Mark the direction of ceiling joists. Mark the joists on the ceiling itself, using a pencil or chalk to
draw the joist lines across the ceiling.

Step 2: Take the diagram with you when you buy the ceiling materials. With the dealer, plan the layout for
the ceiling, figuring full panels across the main ceiling and evenly trimmed partial panels at the edges. To
calculate the width of the border panels in each direction, determine the width of the gap left after full
panels are placed all across the dimension; divide this number by two. The dealer should help you
calculate how many panels you'll need, and should tell you how many wall angles (in 10-foot lengths),
main runners (in 12-foot lengths), and cross tees (in 4-foot or 2-foot lengths) you'll need, and how much
12-gauge hanger wire to buy.

Step 3: Mark the level the new ceiling will hang at, allowing at least 4 inches clearance between the
panels and the old ceiling. Snap a chalk line at this height across each wall, using a level to keep it
straight. Make sure the lines meet exactly at the corners of the room. Nail wall angle brackets along the
chalk line all around the room, with the bottom leg of the L-angle facing into the room and flush along the
chalk line. Use 6d common nails to fasten the brackets, setting them every 1 1/2 to 2 feet. Cut the bracket
to the required lengths with tin snips or a hacksaw.

©2006 Publications International, Ltd. To install a panel, tilt it through the opening, then lower into place.

Step 4: Install screw eyes following the ceiling layout diagram. The long panels of the ceiling grid are set
parallel to the ceiling joists, so the T-shaped main runner must be attached at right angles to the joists,
every 4 feet across the ceiling. Hanger wire threaded through screw eyes in the joists suspends the main
runners of the grid system.

Step 5: For each screw eye, cut a length of hanger wire that is long enough to fasten securely through
the screw eye. Extend the wire down to the stretched runner string, and fasten the runner. Thread a wire
through each screw eye and twist the end firmly around the dangling wire. Exactly at the point where the
wire crosses the string beneath it, bend the wire sharply with pliers to a 90-degree angle.

Step 6: Set the main runners into place. Cut T-shaped main runner sections to required lengths with tin
snips or a hacksaw. Lift each long main runner and set one end into place on the wall angle bracket at
one side of the ceiling, with the single leg of the "T" facing up. Swing the other end up and position the
runner exactly along the marker string and under the screw eyes in the joists. Thread the bent end of
each hanging wire through a hole in the runner leg; bend the end of the wire up and secure it. Check each
runner with a level, and adjust the length of the hangers if necessary. Repeat until all main runners have
been installed.

Step 7: Install the cross tee sections of the ceiling grid. Snap the sections into place every 2 feet along
the main runners. If you're using 2 X 2-foot ceiling panels, use 2-foot cross tees to divide each 2 X 4-foot
panel in half.

Step 8: Install the panels. Tilt each panel to angle it through a grid opening, then carefully lower it until it
rests on the bracket edges of the grid sections. Measure border panels carefully and cut them to size with
a utility knife.

To fit a panel around a post, carefully measure across the opening to the post in both directions; sketch
the opening and mark the post. Measure the diameter of the post. Mark the panel lightly where the post

will go through it, then cut the panel in two exactly through the center of the post, across the shorter
dimension. Carve an opening for the post on the inside cut edge of each panel, forming two semicircular
or rectangular cutouts. Cut only a little at a time, holding the cut sections up to the post frequently to fit
them exactly. Set the two sections into place in the suspension grid.


Construction method

1. H. W timber ceiling joist (grade B)

2. Asbestos- free cement sheet
3. H. W beading (grade C)
4. Painting

Timber ceiling joist

Asbestos-free cement sheet Timber ceiling beading


Construction method

1. Aluminium framing
2. Ceiling board (fiber gypsum plasterboard)
3. Fixed ceiling boad to aluminium frame (screw).
4. Plaster to all connection/ jointing of plasterboard after fixing.
5. Painting works.


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