Pluralist Theory of Sovereignty

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Pluralist Theory Of Sovereignty

The pluralist theory of sovernity is the reaction of the legal theory of sovernity . in the theory of the
monistic legal theory state is the higher power and the or the supreme association and all other
association are the creation or created by the state and their sovernity depend on their exsisting power

The pluralist theory rejects this and tries to establish that there is no single source
of authority that is all competent and comprehensive.
Laski says that sovereignty is neither absolute nor a unity. It is pluralist,
constitutional and responsible. State has no superior claim to an individual's
allegiance. It can justify itself as a public service corporation. State exists to
coordinate functions of human association in the best interest. He belives that the
state enjoy previlags due to the wider jurisdiction which has a association and
the individual human within its boundary. But it does not mean that it is superior

The pluralist says that “ demand that the same must justify its claim to allegiance on moral
grounds. Actually to them the management and control of society must be shared by
various associations in proportion to their contribution to the common goods. This theory
stands for the decentralization of authority”.

He also not consider the difference between state and the government

Chief tenants of the theory

Deals with the political aspect of sovernity

State is the combination of the individuals and individual interest

State was not the obsolute or legal supreme

State was not the only solution fo th legistrature

State and government or not difference .

Critics maintain that without establishment of a classless society, sovereignty can neither be
divided nor be limited. In order to limit the sovereignty of the state there must be a
classless society.
The demands for freedom from different associations also are criticized. Division of
sovereignty among different associations is not only impossible but also improper. The
pluralist view will lead to political anarchy and social instability.

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