Ez Analyst PDF
Ez Analyst PDF
Ez Analyst PDF
Real-Time Vibration & Acoustic Analysis Software
eZ-Analyst IOtech
1086-0922 rev 14.1 25971 Cannon Road
Cleveland, OH 44146-1833
(440) 439-4091
Fax: (440) 439-4093
*372165B-01* sales@iotech.com
372165B-01 www.iotech.com
© 2001…2008 by IOtech
Manual Layout
This document is a reference manual for eZ-Analyst, its Menu options, associated Toolbar
buttons, and resulting GUI screen images. When deemed beneficial, examples were placed to
supplement the primary material. The document discusses eZ-Analyst in relation to
ZonicBook, WaveBook, and IOtech 600 Series applications. Differences in functionality are
pointed out when of importance to the user.
Ch 1 – Software Installation
IOtech 600 Series
Ch 3 – Menus discusses the following menus: Task, File, Control, Export, and Window.
The Edit Menu is discussed in chapter 4.
Ch 4 – Edit Menu discusses the following windows: Configuration, Playback Setup, Display
Preferences, and Output Channel Setup. Note that the 640e and 640u analyzers of a
relatively extensive section pertaining to output waveforms.
Ch 5 – Toolbar Buttons identifies and shows the location of the toolbar buttons and
provides a brief synopsis of their purpose.
Ch 6 – Interactive Features of the Plot Display Window explains how to change plot
display characteristics, including display functions, by using the window’s interactive
features. The chapter includes a section on cursor types and annotation options.
Ch 7 – Waterfalls, Order Tracking, & Slice Views discusses these display options
available to eZ-Analyst users.
Appendix A – Keyboard Controls for eZ-Analyst identifies keys for controlling plot
display, menus, windows, and record/playback functions.
Check the README.TXT file, if present, for information that may not
have been available at the time this manual went to press.
iv 878193 eZ-Analyst
Table of Contents
Manual Layout …… iii
Ch 1 – Software Installation
WaveBooks …… 1-1
ZonicBook/618E …… 1-3
IOtech 600 Series …… 1-5
Ch 2 – An Introduction to eZ-Analyst
Features …… 2-2
Measurement Mode …… 2-5
Playback Mode …… 2-5
A Word about Configuration …… 2-5
Ch 3 – Menus
Task Menu …… 3-2
File Menu …… 3-10
Control Menu …… 3-10
Export Menu …… 3-11
Window Menu …… 3-13
Edit Menu …… see chapter 4
Waterfalls, Order Tracking, & Slice Views …… see chapter 7
Ch 4 – Edit Menu
Configuration Window …… 4-2
Analyzer Tab …… 4-4
Input Channels Tab …… 4-15
Analog Input Channels …..4-15
Tach Channels ….. 4-18
FFT Setup Tab …… 4-23
Recording Setup Tab …… 4-31
Block Rejection Tab …… 4-35
Octave Setup Tab…… 4-37
Preferences Tab …… 4-39
Output Channel Setup …… 4-43
ZonicBook/618E and WaveBook Waveform Output …… 4-45
640u and 640e Waveform Output …… 4-46
Ch 5 – Toolbar Buttons
Continued . . .
eZ-Analyst 878193 v
Ch 6 – Interactive Features of the Plot Display Window
Introduction …… 6-1
Adding and Removing Channels …… 6-1
Using Cursors …… 6-2
Additional Functionality …… 6-6
Copy …… 6-6
Strip Charts …… 6-7
XLS Overlay (Overlay of Excel Files) …… 6-8
Displaying Channel Pairs …… 6-10
Changing the Display Range …… 6-10
Changing Format, Scale, and Grid …… 6-12
vi 878193 eZ-Analyst
Software Installation 1
WaveBooks …… 1-1
ZonicBook/618E …… 1-3
IOtech 600 Series …… 1-5
System Requirements
Certain WBK options are not supported by eZ-Analyst. If you are using
WBK options with WaveBook and intend to use eZ-Analyst, refer to the
WBK support table on page 1-2.
Before setting up the hardware or installing the software, verify that you have the following
WaveBook data acquisition system
Power supply with cord
For WaveBook/516E: Ethernet patch cable
Dynamic Signal Analysis CD
License Key for eZ-Analyst
In addition, verify that your computer meets the following minimum requirements.
Monitor: SVGA, 1024 x 768 resolution
For WaveBook/516E: 10/100BaseT Ethernet port
Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP users:
Intel™ Pentium, 1 GHz or equivalent;
512 MB memory; 10 GB disk space
Windows Vista users:
PC must be Windows Vista Premium Ready
1. Start Windows.
2. Close all running applications.
3. Insert the Dynamic Signal Analysis CD into your CD-ROM drive and wait for the CD to
If the CD does not start on its own:
(a) click the desktop’s <Start> button
(b) choose the Run command
(c) select the CD-ROM drive, then select the setup.exe file.
(d) click <OK>.
An Opening Screen will appear.
Reference Notes:
After your software is installed you can setup your WaveBook device and
connect it to the host computer. Instructions for Hardware Setup are included
in your WaveBook User’s Manual.
WBK Support
When used with ZonicBook/618E, eZ-Analyst supports WBK18 and WBK30.
System Requirements
Before setting up the hardware or installing the software, verify that you have the following
ZonicBook/618E Data Acquisition System
Power Supply with cord
Dynamic Signal Analysis CD
License Key for eZ-Analyst
Ethernet Patch Cable
Dynamic Signal Analysis CD
License Key for eZ-Analyst
In addition, verify that your computer system meets the following minimum requirements.
Monitor: SVGA, 1024 x 768 screen resolution
Ethernet jack [on PC or on a hub connected to the Ethernet]
Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP users:
PC with Intel™ Pentium, 1 GHz or equivalent;
512 MB memory; 10 GB disk space
Windows Vista users:
PC must be Windows Vista Premium Ready
1. Start Windows.
2. Close all running applications.
3. Insert the Dynamic Signal Analysis CD into your CD-ROM drive and wait for the CD
to auto-run.
If the CD does not start on its own:
(a) click the desktop’s <Start> button
(b) choose the Run command
(c) select the CD-ROM drive, then select the setup.exe file.
(d) click <OK>.
o After your software is installed you can setup your ZonicBook/618 and
connect it to the host computer. Instructions are included in the
ZonicBook/618E User’s Manual, p/n 1106-0901.
640u or 650u
USB Cable
Dynamic Signal Analysis CD
License Key for eZ-Analyst
Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP users:
PC with Intel™ Pentium, 1 GHz or equivalent;
512 MB memory; 10 GB disk space
Windows Vista users:
PC must be Windows Vista Premium Ready
Reference Notes:
o After the software is installed you can setup your 600 Series analyzer and connect it to the
host computer. Instructions are included in a Quick Start shipped with the device. The
Dynamic Signal Analysis CD includes PDF versions of the 600 Series quick starts and a
user’s manual.
o Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of documents pertaining to IOtech 600 Series analyzers are
included on the Dynamic Signal Analysis CD. In addition, they are automatically installed
onto your PC’s hard-drive as a part of product support at the time of software installation.
The default location is the Programs group, which can be accessed via the Windows
Desktop Start Menu.
Features …… 2-1
Measurement Mode …… 2-4
Playback Mode …… 2-4
A Word About Configuration …… 2-5
• Real-time FFT analysis
Task Bar
Averaging Date/Time
eZ-Analyst is a graphical analysis application that can be used to collect, analyze, record, and
play back recorded data. With use of a 600 Series, ZonicBook/618E, or WaveBook analyzer,
ez-Analyst can collect and display multiple channels of data in real-time. The graphical
displays can consist not only of the raw time-domain data, but also plots of frequency domain
data. For example, real time FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) plots.
Data that is recorded to disk-file is in the raw time domain and can be played back for
additional analysis time and time again. For example, a raw signal can be played back over-
and-over using different FFT Window algorithms to manipulate the signal. Once the desired
results have been achieved, the new data can be exported to a different file and format, while
preserving the original file. In addition, the playback capability does not require the presence
of analyzer hardware.
1 Status A message regarding the status, if applicable, will be displayed in this area. Examples of
Message possible messages are: Double Hammer Rejected, Overload Rejected, Reject (Manual Reject
Mode), and GAP.
Triggered indicates eZ-Analyst is capturing and processing data based on the setup
Acquiring indicates that data is being acquired, but is not being recorded to disk.
3 Date/Time Provides time in the following format: Day-Month-Year, Hour: Minutes: Seconds.
When in Record Mode the current time is displayed.
When in Playback Mode the measured time is displayed.
4 Slider Bar The sliding bar indicates the relative location of the displayed data. The record number and
the number of records in the file are listed to the right. The slider can be used to quickly
locate a specific record. Note that both the Record and the Playback mode make use of the
slider bar.
5 Playback / Displays the current record and the total number of records to be collected. Time
Recording equivalents are included in parenthesis
Example, 12/25 means that the record currently displayed is the 12th record, out of a total of
25 records.
Averaging This field shows when the Averaging Mode is used, during the Scope Mode or the Playback
Status Mode. A display of 2/5 would indicate that 2 averages have been performed out of a total of
5 averages to be performed.
6 Channels Each numbered box represents a channel. Drag a channel [channel-box] to the plot area to
have its data displayed. That channel’s data is plotted in a distinct color and a color-coded
channel button is displayed to the right of the plot.
Reference channels are bold and italic. The underlined channel is the current reference
channel. Use the right mouse button to select current reference channel. Reference
channels are specified in the Configuration accessed via the Edit Menu.
Task Mode
Playback Mode
The Playback Mode does not require the presence of physical hardware. When in Playback,
eZ-Analyst is strictly a post-acquisition display and analysis program. Raw time-domain data,
that has been recorded-to-disk, can be played back for analysis repeatedly. For example, a
raw signal could be played back several times, each time using a different FFT Window
algorithm to manipulate the original signal. Once the desired results have been achieved the
new data can be exported in a new format and to a different file. The original file can remain
unchanged, and kept for future analysis.
To activate the Playback Mode, select Playback/Review on the Task Menu. An option is to click
the <Change Task Mode> button (the first button in the tool bar) while in the Measurement
Mode. If an analyzer (600 Series, WaveBook, or ZonicBook/618E) is not available eZ-Analyst
will automatically enter the Playback mode and will display the data that was most recently
recorded to disk.
The Playback Mode is detailed in Chapter 3.
Task Mode
The menus, with exception of the Task Menu and the Edit Menu, are presented in the
order that they appear on eZ-Analyst’s main window. The Task Menu is discussed first
since it is from this menu that the user (1) selects Measurement Mode or Playback
Mode and (2) makes use of the Auto-Ranging feature for input channels.
The Edit Menu is perhaps the most significant of all eZ-Analyst menus and is the most
frequently used. Chapter 4 is dedicated solely to the Edit Menu.
Task Menu
Task Mode
Change Task Changes the task from Measurement Mode to Playback Mode.
Mode The Task Bar buttons will change accordingly.
Scope-Continuous Starts a block-time data acquisition. This scope method is typically used to
acquire impact data or to take measurements when data storage is not required.
Scope-Single Starts a single-time run data acquisition. This scope method is typically used to
acquire impact data or to take measurements when data storage is not required.
Signal Generator The Signal Generator button toggles between two images and is only active when
hardware is present.
Indicates that
the Generator The sign wave button indicates that the generator is ON. Clicking on it will turn the
is turned ON generator OFF and the button image will change to a circled red line, indicating that
the generator is OFF.
Indicates that
the Generator Clicking the button, while the “Off Status” image is present, will turn the Signal
is turned OFF Generator back ON, and will change the button to show the sign wave image.
Note: For WaveBook applications you must set the applicable output channel
(that is to generate the signal) to “Active.” See, Output Channel Setup in chapter 4.
Cursor Lock An active cursor lock button will have the image of an opened or locked padlock.
When the padlock is locked (closed), cursors in multiple windows will be
synchronized and locked, providing that the windows are of the same time domain,
frequency domain, or have the same octave band data.
Export This button exports data, if export conditions are set. For details, see the section,
Export Menu> Export Function Data.
Task Mode
* You can access the dialog box by clicking the <Auto Range> button, which is located on the
Input Channels tab, when in the “Measurement Mode.”
Starting FSV
The Starting FSV (Full Scale Voltage) panel consists of three radio buttons, which are used to
set the starting FSV to Maximum, Minimum, or Current.
Channel Gauges
The channel gauges, one per channel, display the instantaneous peak value as percentage or
voltage, depending on the mode that was selected. The color of the vertical bar has the
following significance:
Yellow The signal range is from 0 to the minimum Full-Scale Voltage set in the Auto-range Setup
Green The signal range is from the minimum to the maximum of the Full-Scale Voltage set in the
Auto-range Setup window.
Red The signal range is over the maximum of the Full-Scale Voltage set in the Auto-range Setup
HI Accept % defines the highest acceptable percentage of peak input voltage for the
selected FSV, i.e., Current, Minimum, or Maximum. Thus, if our selected FSV was 0.2 V
and we had an upper limit of 90%; then our upper limit in volts would be 0.18 V. An
example follows as to how exceeding this value causes a range adjustment.
LO Accept % defines the lowest acceptable percentage of peak input voltage for the
selected FSV, i.e., (Current, Minimum, or Maximum). Thus, if our selected FSV was 0.2 V
and we had a lower limit of 10%; then our actual low limit in volts would be .02 V.
Incr Factor (Increasing Factor) is the factor by which the Current FSV will increase,
should the peak exceed the upper limit. In the figure we see that the Increasing factor is
Decr Factor (Decreasing Factor) is the factor by which the Current FSV will decrease,
should the peak not reach the lower limit. Keeping the decrease factor at “1” will result in
no decrease of the Current FSV. Setting the Decrease Factor to 0.8 would cause the
Current FSV to decrease to 80% of its value if the peak fell short of the low limit.
Note: These are the same values that were entered in the Vpeak column in the Channel Setup
window. The values are immediately replaced when the Auto ranging process begins.
An Example of Auto-Ranging
As a result, the Current FSV is increased by a factor of 1.5 (our Increasing Factor) and the
Current FSV becomes 0.30 V. Our limits, in volts, also changed since we are now looking
at percentages of 0.30 volts instead of the same percentages of 0.20 volts.
In the second iteration of our example, we see a 0.22 volt peak. This value is within our
established limits so the Current FSV does not change.
Note 1: If the Capture Mode is the Input Channel (Trigger Mode), the Auto Range process waits for a
Note 2: A Start FSV of Minimum or Maximum can selected instead of Current FSV, as in our example.
Minimum FSV is the default.
eZ-Analyst includes a Calibration window for selecting the channels to be calibrated and for
entering several signal-related parameters. In addition, the calibration is actually started from
the window.
Calibration Process
Single Used to select one active channel at a time. When the calibrator only has
Channel one channel output, the Single Channel method must be used. When
Single Channel is selected, the “Active” column shows a radio button next
to each channel.
Multiple Used to select two or more channels for simultaneous calibration. This is
Channel only an option when the calibrator offers more than one output. When
Multiple Channel is selected, the “Active” column shows a checkbox next to
each channel.
Calibration Domain
With the use of Fourier Transform, any signal can be viewed from a time domain or a
frequency domain. Either domain can be selected for use in the calibration process.
Time The overall value is computed using time domain data.
Freq- The overall value is computed with frequency domain data by summing up
uency frequency component of FFT spectrum.
Active When “Single Channel” is selected, you can click on a radio button in the
“Active” column to enable one channel for calibration. When the calibration is
complete, select the radio button for the next channel to be calibrated.
When “Multiple Channel” is selected, the radio buttons are replaced by
checkboxes. Ensure that each channel to be calibrated has the associated box
checked, and that the remaining channels remain unchecked. For multiple
channel applications note that you can click on the column label, i.e., the word
“Active” to simultaneously check or uncheck all channel checkboxes in the
Note: The channel settings in the Calibration window are independent of the
selections that appear in the Input Channel Setup window. Only active
channel shows up at calibration window.
Calibrator This column is used to select Peak or RMS* as the calibrator type. Highlight a
Type cell, or range of cells, in the grid, then select Peak or RMS from the popup
Peak Uses the peak amplitude of the spectrum around the specified frequency of the
calibration signal.
RMS Uses a compensated overall level calculation to determine the RMS level of the
calibration signal, as specified in the Units field.
Calibrator This column is used to select the calibrator scale to linear or to decibel.
Lin Select Lin if the calibrator is in linear scale.
dB Select dB if the calibrator scale is dB.
Note: While there are several definitions to dB, in our application we are
using dB to express the ratio of the magnitudes of two quantities equal
to 20 times the common logarithm of the ratio.
The formula for dB is:
dB = 20 log (x/dBEUref)
Calibration This column displays the date and time of the last calibration. If any
Date channel value changes, even if the original number is restored, the
calibration date and time are automatically removed for that channel.
Start Clicking this button starts the calibration process for all selected channels.
Calibration At the completion of the calibration, the measured mV and the Transducer
Measurement mV/EU value for the applicable channels are automatically updated.
The standard print window associated with your specific computer will open. Select a printer
and the number of copies needed before clicking <OK>.
Note: In regard to printing, black plot backgrounds changed to white.
Opens an Authorization Dialog box that provides a means of entering a license key
(authorization code). Use of the key enables the features of purchased software, such as
eZ-Analyst. The dialog box includes an option to run a 30-day trial version of eZ-Analyst.
This menu item closes the eZ-Analyst application.
Control Menu
The Control Menu selections provide the same functionality as the Task Bar buttons previously
Export Window
Note: Selected functions can not be saved without the display of a warning prompt. This is in
case the selection is not valid. For example: if the functions FRF, Cross, and Coherence
were selected, but no reference channels were selected, then the three functions could
not be saved. This is because these three functions require a reference channel.
Reference Note:
For information regarding the interactive features of Plot Display Windows,
including the Graphic Toolbar buttons, refer to chapter 5. The interactive features
are not selected from the Window Menu, but are accessed via toolbar buttons, the
mouse and/or hotkeys. Appendix A provides tables of the various hotkey
Reference Note:
Three buttons become enabled at the right side of the main window toolbar for
most single-display function views (FV), i.e., when frequency is used for the x-axis
scale instead of time.
When selected, “Buttons” removes the channel button boxes from the toolbar and displays
them in a floating window. The buttons are used in the exact same manner as when they were
located on eZ-Analyst’s main window. Removing the checkmark from “Buttons” places the
channel buttons back onto the toolbar. Note that the <Input Channel Buttons> button [located
on the toolbar, just to the left of where the channel buttons reside] provides the same
functionality. See chapter 5 for location.
• To add a channel: use the mouse to click and drag a channel box from the
complete channel button display into the plot area.
• To remove a channel: use the mouse to click and drag a channel box (from the
right-side of the plot) into the plot area.
The Status dialog box (following figure) uses a chart to indicate the followings:
• Volts linear
• percent of the Full-Scale Voltage (FSV)
The status box includes “maximum” bars to show the highest level of signal value reached by
each channel during the measurement process.
Meas V Measured Voltage
This window displays three fields: tachometer channel number, measurement, and units.
Tachometer channels are set up in the Input Channels Window. See the Tach Channels
section of chapter 4 for additional information.
Acquisition Setup
Note: The bracketed letters pertain to definitions provided in the following text.
The panel provides basic, but important information, including trigger and processing
conditions, and reference and response coordinates. Status Areas of the panel are as follows:
[A] – Averaging Status. Displays the number of measurements completed followed by the total
number of measurements. For example, “1/6” indicates that 1 of 6 measurements has
been completed.
[B] – Trigger/Processing Status. Displays the following:
T – Triggered
W- Waiting for Trigger
S – Saved the data
C – Completed measurement
O – Overload rejected
D (with yellow background) – Double Hammer Rejected
[C] – First Response Coordinate. Shows the channel number and the modal location. (Note 1)
[D] – First Reference Coordinate. Shows the channel number and the modal location. (Note 1)
Note 1: A Response or a Reference Coordinate with a yellow background indicates that the
field is used for the “increasing” method. For example, the Response Field (figure,
item “C”) with a yellow background means that the response increase method is
being used. This is discussed in the FFT Setup Tab section of chapter 4.
Note 2: Measurement Status indicators are disabled when recording.
The large size of the status areas allows the user to see the measurement status from a
relatively long distance, i.e., as compared to the very limited viewing range offered by
standard-sized GUI text display fields. The feature has proven useful in one-man “impact-
testing” operations pertaining to modal type measurements.
The Edit Menu provides a means of configuring eZ-Analyst in regard to both functionality
and appearance. The menu contains the following selections:
With these equations we can see how the Frame Width and Delta X (Frequency) are calculated.
Given: Given:
Analysis Frequency 2000 Hz Analysis Frequency 5000 Hz
Spectral Lines 800 Spectral Lines 50
Nyquist Factor 2.56 Nyquist Factor 2.56
w=S /f w=S/f
= 800 / 2000 = 50 / 5000
= 0.4 seconds = 0.01 seconds
Delta X (Freq) = 1/w Speed Range and Order Range are the
= 1 / 0.4 theoretical limits for RPM and Orders
= 2.5 Hz based on the current settings for
Analysis Frequency, Spectral Lines,
and the Nyquist Factor.
Note: A “Delta X” Freq. of 2.5 Hz indicates a higher frequency resolution than a “Delta X” Freq. of 100 Hz.
Higher frequency resolutions indicate that the signal trace will be based on more data
points for a given time frame. The higher the frequency resolution, the smoother the trace
will be.
Analyzer Tab
The effects indicated by these two tables are based on changing one parameter only. If the
Analysis Frequency, Spectral Lines, and/or Nyquist Factor are changed [for the same
acquisition], then the tabled-effect from the other variables can differ, depending on the
magnitude and direction of change of those variables.
Spectral Lines
Direction File Size Data Block Data Displayed in Frequency
of Change (Recorded Acquisition- Scope Mode Resolution
Data) Time*
Increase Larger Slower Slower screen Higher (lower Delta X)
disk file updates
Decrease Smaller Faster Faster screen Lower (higher Delta X)
disk file updates
*Data Block Acquisition-Time: The time it takes to acquire one block of data.
Filters Panel
Apply Low Pass Filter: When selected, a low pass filter provides alias protection and
removes undesired frequencies from the measured response for each associated channel.
AC Coupling (High Pass Filter): When AC Coupling is selected in the Input Channels tab,
the associated input signals will pass through a 0.1 Hz or a 1 Hz High Pass Filter, depending
on the product and on which radio button is selected (see note).
Trigger Panel
on the Analyzer Tab
A Breakdown of the Analyzer Tab’s Trigger Panel
Category Description
Type If “Free Run” is selected as the Type, the data acquisition and processing will
begin as soon as the <Acquire> button is clicked. Select “Free Run” if you want
to measure data in a continuous or Scope mode manner [from an active system].
If “Input Channel” is selected as the Type, the data acquisition and processing
begin after the signal on the specified channel reaches the defined trigger
conditions. Select “Input Channel” if you want to capture transient data.
“TTL Pulse” applies to the TRIGGER INPUT BNC on ZonicBook/618E and to the
TTL TRIGGER on WaveBook’s DB25 connector (pin # 13). The input accepts a 0
to 5 V TTL compatible signal. Latency is 300 ns.
Channel Specifies the channel that the trigger condition applies to.
Level This value is the point that the signal must pass through to be considered as a
candidate for a trigger. This value is entered as volts and must be within the
selected FSV.
Slope Slope icon buttons are used to select a “Positive” rising (up arrow) or a
“Negative” falling (down arrow) slope of the signal that defines a trigger
condition. The signal must be on the defined slope before it can be considered
for use as a trigger
Pre- Selecting the “Pre-Trigger” icon button (arrow will point left) instructs the
Trigger system to capture a specified percentage of data [a specified percent of the
frame size] prior to the start of trigger event. In the previous figure we see that
“Pre-Trigger” is selected for 10.00 (%).
Note: For 640 and 650 series devices a maximum pre-trigger percentage for
exists for each combination of analysis frequency, number of spectral
lines, and number of analog input channels. Entering too high of a
percentage results in an error message. You can use the following 5
tables to see the allowed maximum pre-trigger percentage for your
Example: with 1 channel, 500Hz, and 12800 spectral lines we have a maximum pre-trigger percentage of 47% .
For 1 Channel
20Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 5kHz 10kHz 20kHz 40kHz
25600 1 5 5 23 23 95 95 99 99 99 99
12800 2 11 11 47 47 99 99 99 99 99 99
6400 5 23 23 94 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
3200 12 47 47 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Spectral 1600 22 91 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Lines 800 45 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
400 90 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
200 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
100 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
50 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
For 2 Channels
20Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 5kHz 10kHz 20kHz 40kHz
25600 1 5 5 21 21 87 87 99 99 99 99
12800 2 10 10 43 43 99 99 99 99 99 99
6400 5 21 21 87 87 99 99 99 99 99 99
3200 10 43 43 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Spectral 1600 20 86 86 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Lines 800 41 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
400 83 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
200 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
100 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
50 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
For 4 Channels
20Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 5kHz 10kHz 20kHz 40kHz
25600 0 2 2 10 10 43 43 99 99 99 99
12800 1 5 5 21 21 87 87 99 99 99 99
6400 2 10 10 43 43 99 99 99 99 99 99
3200 4 21 21 87 87 99 99 99 99 99 99
Spectral 1600 9 42 42 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Lines 800 19 85 85 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
400 39 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
200 79 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
100 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
50 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
For 5 Channels
20Hz 50Hz 100Hz 200Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 5kHz 10kHz 20kHz 40kHz
25600 0 2 2 8 8 34 34 99 99 99 99
12800 0 4 4 17 17 69 69 99 99 99 99
6400 1 8 8 34 34 99 99 99 99 99 99
3200 3 17 17 69 69 99 99 99 99 99 99
Spectral 1600 7 34 34 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Lines 800 15 68 68 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
400 31 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
200 62 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
100 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
50 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Post- Selecting the “Post-Trigger” icon button (arrow will point right) instructs the
Trigger system to skip a specified percentage of data [a specified percent of the frame
size] after the start of trigger event. If we selected “Post-Trigger” and entered
10.00 in the percent box, we would see 10% of the data skipped, in relation to
frame size.
Beep If desired, check a box so a “beep” will sound when the Trigger is Ready, or when
Sound the system has Triggered. If rapid triggering/acquiring data events are taking
place in succession, then the beep sound may become erratic.
Select Free Run from the Analyzer Tab’s Trigger Panel if you want to
measure data in a continuous or Scope mode manner [from an active
Trigger-related items [in the Analyzer Tab or Recording Setup Tab] being
locked-out indicates that the current mode is for playback operation. If
so, perform the following:
(1) close the Configuration Window
(2) select “Measurement Mode” from the Task pull-down menu
(3) open the Configuration window
Note: The trigger level is an absolute signal level that must be within the FSV.
Reference Notes:
The following sections of this document contain information that closely relates to
the subject of Capturing Transient Data. Reading over the following material should
improve your understanding of the important concepts involved.
Capturing Transient Data, page 4-8.
Recording Setup, page 4-30.
Block Rejection Tab, page 4-34.
Considerations Regarding Double Hammer Rejection, page 4-35.
In the figure below, the first scenario shows the pull-down menu expanded, revealing the
types of averaging that can be selected. The second scenario shows that “Exponential” has
been selected. Exponential makes use of a Weighting Factor, which is not used by the other
averaging types.
A brief description of averaging types and other panel terms now follows.
Linear (+): All blocks of data are treated equally in terms of their effect on the averaged
Exponential: Similar to linear averaging, Exponential requires a weighting factor that either
increases or decreases the effect of each new data block on the resultant average.
Weighting Factor: The Weighting Factor either increases or decreases the effect of each
new data block on the resultant average when Exponential Averaging is used.
New Average = ((New Data) * A.W.F.) + (Old Average * (1-A.W.F))
Peak Hold: The resultant block of data is a collection of points that represent the peak
amplitude for each point in the block. With each new block of data, the current data is
compared with the new data on a point by point basis. The highest amplitude for each point
in the block is retained.
Linear (-): Also known as Negative Averaging; Linear (-) Averaging is a technique used to
identify the natural frequencies of in-service machines that cannot be shut down for analysis.
Linear (-) Averaging is a two step process. First, a reference average is acquired. Second, a
normal linear average is acquired for each frame. The running average is subtracted from the
reference average and the result is displayed. The first time you attempt to start data
acquisition after you select Linear (-) averaging, the Negative Averaging Setup/ Measurement
window opens. An example of how to perform negative averaging follows these definitions.
Reference Notes:
The following sections of this document contain information that closely relates to the
subject of Averaging. Reading over the following material should improve your
understanding of the important concepts involved.
In regard to the following three screen shots, the first shows the impact spectra on the non-
running motor; the second shows the impact spectra on a running motor; and the third shows
the Negative Average spectra. If you compare the Negative Average spectra to the non-
running impact you will notice that the Running Speed vibration has been subtracted out,
leaving Resonances.
The Input Channels tab displays the current setup conditions of the 8 Analog Input Channels
(CH1 through CH8) and the 4 Tachometer Channels (T1, T2, T3, and T4) on a channel-by-
channel basis. It also provides a means of changing the input channel settings. These
changes are accepted as soon as the <Apply> or <OK> button is clicked.
Note: Output channel configuration is discussed on page 4-13.
Analog Input
(CH1 – CH8)
(T1 – T4)
No. This column lists the available analog input channels; for example, channels 1
through 8.
Active Initially all input channels are active. To set unused channels to OFF, remove the
check from the associated “Active” checkbox.
Label This should be a meaningful name. Highlight a cell before typing a label. When
you press the <Enter> key, the <Apply> button, or the <OK> button the label is
Ref / There are two types of channels, Reference and Response. All channels are
Resp initialized as Response channels. If you are using a force channel, then (1)
highlight that channel’s Response/Reference cell, and (2) select Reference on the
resulting popup menu.
FS Full-Scale Voltage. The cells in this column are used to set the full-scale voltage
value in Volts.
IEPE The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology adopted the term IEPE
(Integral (Integral Electronics Piezoelectric) to identify what had been commonly referred
Electronics to as ICP® (Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric). The two terms are synonymous;
Piezoelectric) however, ICP is registered by PCB Pizeotronics.
IEPE supportive analog channels have a 4mA bias current available for continuous
use by signal input transducers. Channels 1 through 8 on ZonicBook/618 and
channels 1 through 4 on IOtech 600 Series devices all support IEPE. The WBK18
is an example of an expansion module that can accept IEPE transducers.
Note: On 650 Series devices, analog input channel 5 has no IEPE support.
On 640 and 650 devices, only channels 1 through 4 have IEPE.
The bias current is sourced through the center conductor of the input channel
BNC connector and returns to the acquisition device [e.g., ZonicBook/618E, 640,
650, or WBK18] via the BNC’s outer conductor. The current source features an
operating compliance of 24V and is protected in regard to both short-circuit and
overvoltage. Operating compliance refers to the highest voltage that can be
applied without change of the current source value. In the absence of a
transducer, the current source will output an open circuit voltage of 30V. For
applications that do not require bias, the current source can be disconnected from
the input by un-checking IEPE in the Input Channels tab on a per-channel basis.
When IEPE is selected you have the option to use TEDS. You can then hold down
the <Ctrl> key and click the mouse button to bring up TEDS information as
indicated in the following screen image.
Note: the Preferences Tab contains a checkbox with the associated text:
“Check for TEDS sensors on Dynamic Input Channels.”
If checked, every time eZ-Analyst is started, every channel [on each connected
WBK18 or ZonicBook main channel] is scanned for the presence of a TEDS
compliant accelerometer. This scanning adds time to the eZ-Analyst startup.
See Tip.
TIP: If your acquisition system doesn't have [or is not making use of] TEDS
accelerometers, then leave the associated checkbox in the Preferences Tab
“unchecked.” This will allow for a faster startup of eZ-Analyst.
Coupling AC or DC coupling can be set on an individual channel basis from the Input
Channels tab. Coupling is available for analog channels (CH1 through CH8) and
for compatible expansion channels [e.g., from a WBK18]. AC Coupling can be set
to a high pass filter value of 0.1 Hz or 1 Hz. The value is selected in the Edit
Menu’s Analyzer Tab (see page 4-4). Note that when DC Coupling is selected the
high pass filter is bypassed.
When the Coupling function is not available to a channel, or not used by a
channel, a dash appears in that channel’s Coupling column.
EU Offset sets the offset factor that is to be applied to the Engineering Units.
Default If “Default Tach” is selected from the tach channel combo-box [next to the Order
Tach Track button] on the toolbar (see following figure), then the tach channel shown
in this column is the one that will be used for the associated analog input
channel, when calculating orders.
Trig Slope Specifies whether counting is Positive or Negative. Positive means that the
trigger will be active on rising signal levels. Negative means that the trigger will
be active on falling signal levels.
RPM This column is used for entering a value to convert RPM into other units, e.g.,
Multiplier Miles per Hour, Revolutions Per Second, or HZ. The desired conversion factor is
entered as a multiplier. To divide, enter an appropriate decimal. For example,
divide by 2 you would enter a value of 0.5.
Edge Edge Detect – Edge Detect is short for “Tach Pulse Edge Detection.” The
Detect term pertains to detecting the rising or falling edge of a tachometer pulse using
either an “Immediate” or “Delayed” mode.
Max RPM Max RPM and Max Orders are used to limit the X axes scale range when
calculating an Order Tracking display in the main function view window. Max
RPM and Max Orders represent the practical limits of the Order Track display that
Max are constrained by the settings of Analysis frequency, Spectral lines, and the
Orders Nyquist Factor. These two values interact. Changing one will cause the other to
The debounce time should initially be set as low as possible, i.e., to 500 ns or to “none.”
If the velocity readings are jumping around, that is, they are either too high [as if there was an extra
tach pulse] or too low [as if there was a missing pulse] increase the debounce value to higher than
500 ns. Some experimentation is to be expected.
Increasing the debounce value too high will reject the tachometer pulse altogether, particularly at
high RPM.
Do not set the debounce value to higher than one-half of the minimum tach pulse
period. The minimum tach pulse period is that which exists during the highest
Counter Mode
Counter Mode generates a Pulse of Amplitude “+1” for
each tach trigger. The counter mode can be used when
the number of pulses is less than the scan rate divided
by ten (< scan rate / 10).
Once you have established the phase relationship of a
Use Counter Mode when Pulses per machine running near optimum, the observance of phase
Revolution are needed. shifts can be used to signal the development of a
mechanical problem.
Counter Mode can be used for phase
shift observance.
Period Mode
The period is the time from the rising edge of one pulse
to the rising edge of the next pulse, or the time from the
falling edge of one pulse to the falling edge of the next
The Period Mode is used for Tachometer inputs which
exhibit multiple pulses per revolution. The mode
Use Period Mode when multiple provides accurate overall RPM without sacrificing scan
pulses are involved, such as from rate. Phase measurements are not possible when using
gear teeth.
period mode.
Period Mode cannot be used for
phase shift observance. Note: 60 seconds divided by the period [in seconds]
equals RPM.
Voltage Mode
Edit Menu > Configuration > FFT Setup Tab: FFT Window Functions / Reference Channels
The FFT Reference Window is applied to the output of a transducer to avoid collecting
extraneous signals caused by an excitation device, such as an impulse hammer. Possible
selections are: Response, Rectangular, and Cosine Taper.
When Rectangular is selected, specify the Start(%) and End(%) of the rectangle as a
percentage of the Frame Period.
When Cosine Taper is selected, specify the Start(%), End(%), and Edge(%) the Cosine
Taper as a percentage of the Frame Period.
Start (%): The percent of the Frame Period at which the Rectangular and
Cosine Taper Windowing functions start.
Stop (%): The percent of the Frame Period at which the Rectangular and
Cosine Taper Windowing functions stop.
Edge (%): This is the percent of the Frame Period during which the Cosine Taper
Windowing function tapers up and down.
The left-hand view is with the scrollbar up, the right-hand view is with the scrollbar down.
Integration: Provides the means to select integration, for example, g’s-ips-mils or
g’s-ips-in. Several other possibilities exist, as can be seen in the above
images of the Integration Panel.
Edit Menu > Configuration > FFT Setup Tab: Integration Panel / HPF Int1 & Int2
The High Pass Filter Integration 1 (HPF Int1) and Integration 2 (HPF Int2) are used to remove
the low frequency effects of integration. All data points that exist below the specified value
are set to zero. When “Hz” is selected for the Acquisition Analysis Frequency via radio button
on the Analyzer Tab, “Hz” is seen as the units, when “CPM” is selected for the Acquisition
Analysis Frequency via radio button on the Analyzer Tab, “CPM” appears as the HPF units.
HPF Int1 (Hz): Enter a value for the cutoff amount for the first integration.
HPF Int2 (Hz): Enter a value for the cutoff amount for the second integration.
The “Input Type” for Analog Input channels (CH1 through CH8) can be set to
“Tach” from the Input Channels Tab via the “Input Type” column. Once the
analog channels have been selected for Tach further configuration must be made
from the FFT Tab (following figure).
Analog Channels (CH1 through CH8) can be set to have an input type of “Tach”
from the Input Channels Tab, as indicated in the right-hand figure above.
Tach Setup for Analog Channels is performed within the FFT Tab
Properties for Analog Channels (CH1 through CH8) when set to “Tach” for Input Type
Pulse/Rev Displays the number of pulses per revolution.
Trig Level Specifies the pulse level that the RPM algorithm considers valid.
Trig Slope Specifies whether counting is Positive or Negative. Positive means that the trigger
(Trigger will be active on rising signal levels. Negative means that the trigger will be active
Slope) on falling signal levels.
RPM Used to enter an RPM multiplier value. This is useful if your tachometer is
Multiplier measuring an RPM that is proportional to another value of interest, such as in a
gear train. For example, you want to see the RPM for shaft “X” which is known to
turn at 2.5 times the RPM of gear “Z;” but it is impractical for a tachometer to
measure the RPM of the shaft by any direct means. In this case, we would enter a
multiplier of 2.5 for the gear’s RPM to obtain the shaft’s RPM.
Max RPM Used for analog input channels that have been configured as tach channels. Max
and RPM and Max Orders are used to limit the X axes scale range when calculating an
Max Orders Order Tracking display in the main function view window. Max RPM and Max
Orders represent the practical limits of the Order Track display that are constrained
by the settings of Analyses frequency, Spectral lines, and the Nyquist Factor.
These two values interact. Changing one will cause the other to change.
This panel relates to the Modal Locations window, which is accessed from eZ-Analyst
Window’s pull-down menu. The Bank Control (Modal Locations) Control Panel contains one
check box, two radio buttons, and a location increment field. Descriptions of each follow.
Note: This option is only effective when the averaging mode is used.
Auto Bank Increase A Bank is a set of response channels. You can have eZ-Analyst
with Automatic increment the banks automatically after each measurement, or
Saving Data: you can manually increment the banks. The number of active
channels is used as the skip factor for bank switching.
If the Auto Bank Increase checkbox is checked, then the bank is
automatically incremented, but only when the automatic saving
data option is selected at Setup Export Function Data menu.
Note: Decreasing location numbers are only available with the manual bank <Down>
button on the Modal Locations window. Modal Locations is accessed from the
Windows pull-down menu.
To export all of the data for the Channel Pairs, select the “All Ch. Pairs” radio button in the
Export Function Data window (see chapter 3 for window details).
The Low Frequency Cutoff panel can be used to change frequency-based displays.
If you wanted to remove frequencies below 10 Hz, you would enter "10" in the numeric field.
In the Function View display window, all frequencies below 10 Hz would be set to a value of zero.
Entering a value of "0" in the numeric field disables Low Frequency Cutoff. This means all frequencies
will be displayed.
Edit Menu > Configuration > FFT Setup Tab: dB Voltage Reference Panel
dB Voltage Reference is only valid for frequency domain data. The reference is applied to all
channels of displayed data when the Y-axis scale is set to dB and EU/Volt mode set to Volt.
The panel [following figure] is designed such that a specified voltage can be assigned to a
specified dB value.
Reference Note:
The dB EU Reference Volt column is located in the Input Channels Tab.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Recording Setup Tab: Start Recording Panel
Provide a means of setting the following parameters that pertain directly to the start
Note that the Start Recording panel is not available for WaveBook applications.
PreAcq-Trigger – select this function to include [with the recording] data that precedes the
trigger event by the set number of seconds.
PostAcq-Trigger – select this function to exclude [from the recording] data that follows the
trigger event by the set number of seconds.
Note: You can not set a Start Delay for the start recording if PreAcq-Trigger is selected,
and visa versa.
Enable Start Trigger – if the checkbox is checked, amplitude-based data can be set as a
PreAcq-Trigger condition to Start Recording. The following options are provided.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Recording Setup Tab: Stop Recording Panel
Provide a means of setting the following parameters that pertain directly to stop recording:
Recording Duration sets a “time-out” which the recording event is not to exceed. If an
acquisition has been triggered, the measurement will run until either (a) the amplitude-based
Enable Stop Trigger Condition is met, or (b) the Recording Duration is met, whichever occurs
first. When the Recording Duration value is met, the recording event is aborted.
There is a 2 gigabyte file size limitation that needs to be considered when
specifying the recording duration [for a given channel number and
associated analysis frequency].
Enable Stop Trigger – if the checkbox is checked, amplitude-based data can be set as a
stop condition for the recording. The following options are provided.
Delay (sec) – this function is used to include [with the recording] data that follows the stop
trigger event by the set number of seconds, as specified by the delay.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Recording Setup Tab: Scheduled Recording Panel
The Scheduled Recording panel includes a checkbox to enable the “scheduled recording”
function. It also includes three text fields (see following figure). The panel provides a means
of setting time conditions for starting and stopping a recording. dT is the delay time in
When using Scheduled Recording, you need to set up the recording options
for automatic file creation. This is done in the Recording Setup Tab’s “File
Name Options” panel, discussed below.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Recording Setup Tab: File Name Options
Edit Menu > Configuration > Recording Setup Tab: Comments Panel
The comments panel can be used to enter a variety of information regarding the recording.
For example, you may want to include the environmental conditions that existed at the time
of the recording, the phase of the project, or a problem that is being investigated. Note that
the comments are saved as part of the data file.
The Block Rejection Tab exists to allow the software (or user) to reject blocks of data that
result from hammer double strikes, overloads, or simply because the data block “doesn’t look
right.” There are three block rejection modes: Double Hammer protects measurements
against double hammering. Overload protects the measurement by automatically rejecting
overloaded data, and Manual allows you to inspect a measurement and optionally reject it.
You can select any or all of the rejection modes. Also see: Considerations Regarding Double
Hammer Rejection, page 4-35.
Note: The Block Rejection panel is only active when in “Measurement Mode.”
When in “Playback” mode the panel fields will be grayed-out.
A trigger is used to ensure time synchronous measurements across all the active channels.
As indicated in the Trigger Panel section of this document (beginning on page 4-5), a pre-
trigger indicates that data captured before a trigger event [the amount of which is specified
by the delay] will be prefixed to the data following the trigger event. Also, a trigger delay
[in reference to the Start Trigger Condition] indicates that a specified amount of data after
the start trigger [the amount of which is specified by the delay] will be skipped (ignored)
before a block of data is captured.
Double hammer reject is only meaningful with the pre-trigger specified. Double
hammer rejection protects the measurement from a bad hammering.
It is desirable to set the pre-trigger to fall within the hammer region, since it is a common
practice to set the trigger channel to an impact channel.
In this example, a test engineer is looking for a trigger event that occurs somewhere after
10% of the data block, but before 15% of the block. Therefore:
(1) Pre-Trigger is set for 10% Delay, using the Trigger Panel (on the Analyzer Tab).
(2) A Rectangular Force Window is selected and set for a Start point of 9% and a Stop
point of 15%. This is done in the FFT Setup Tab’s FFT Window Functions Panel.
Page 4-23 contains additional information.
When impact testing we want to make sure that a double hammer does not occur. Through
trial and error we may start by setting the Double Hammer range at 12% and 14%, or 11%
and 13% of the block. Typically this range is fine tuned using sample acquisitions prior to
starting a real test.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Octave Setup Tab: Processing Mode Panel
Single Band: Single Band is the conventional mode, and as the name suggests,
is used for single band processing. When Single Band is selected,
lower and upper limits can be set for the High Band Range only.
Dual band uses 32 block sizes. This makes it possible for eZ-
Analyst to simultaneously process 32 “time segments” in the
lower frequency range, as indicated in the following figure.
eZ-Analyst versions 5 and higher have a spectral line limit of 25600. This larger
number of spectral lines allows coverage of the same frequency range using single
band mode.
Beginning with eZ-Analyst version 5.1.45, the selection for dual band octave is
grayed-out. This is because single band mode should be used with the larger
number of spectral lines.
If you have configurations that use the dual band octave feature, then eZ-Analyst
versions 5.1.45 and higher will continue to load and run those configurations until
you re-save the configuration in single band mode.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Octave Setup Tab: Filter Panel
Weighting: Used to select no filter or one of three to obtain a dB to frequency contour that
approximates that of the human ear. The contours (A, B, and C) match human
hearing at different sound intensities.
A Weighting: filters out more bass than do the B and C weights. The A weight
is used to eliminate inaudible sounds that occur at low frequencies.
Edit Menu > Configuration > Octave Setup Tab: Bar Type Panel
Line: Selecting “Line” sets the Octave Plot to appear in line format.
Solid: Selecting “Solid” sets the Octave Plot to appear filled-in solid, as
opposed to a line plot.
The Preferences tab includes two panels: (a) T.E.D.S and (b) Measurement Mode.
T.E.D.S. Panel
If the TEDS checkbox is checked: every time eZ-Analyst is started, every channel [on each connected
WBK18 or ZonicBook main channel] will be scanned for the presence of a TEDS compliant
accelerometer. Note that this “TEDS scanning” adds time to the eZ-Analyst startup. See the following tip.
T.E.D.S. Panel
TIP: If your acquisition system doesn't have [or is not making use of] TEDS accelerometers, then
leave the associated checkbox in the Preferences Tab “unchecked.” This will allow for a faster
startup of eZ-Analyst.
When IEPE is selected in the Edit Menu’s “Input Channels” tab you have the option to use TEDS. You can
then hold down the <Ctrl> key and click the mouse button to bring up TEDS information as indicated in the
following screen image.
This feature, when enabled (checked) reduces the chances of accidentally overwriting your
existing Hardware and Configuration Setup file.
In eZ-Analyst the same Hardware and Configuration Setups [that are used to Record data to disk in
Measurement Mode] are also later used to read and analyze recorded data in Playback Mode.
After data has been recorded to disk, subsequent critical Configuration changes (such as changing the
number or selection of enabled channels, or changing the Analyzer analysis frequency or nyquist settings),
if saved to disk, would prevent eZ-Analyst from correctly interpreting data that was previously recorded
using that Setup. Reversing the changes made to the Hardware Setup could restore the ability to view the
previously recorded data, but only if ALL of the changes were returned to their original settings.
The Measurement Mode preferences checkbox helps reduce the chance of accidentally overwriting your
existing Hardware and Configuration Setup file. The checkbox setting determines whether or not you will
be prompted to save-to-disk the current Measurement Mode Setup when the program is either (a) closed
while in Measurement Mode, or (b) the selection is made to switch from Measurement to Playback Mode.
Unchecked - If the checkbox is unchecked, you will not be asked to save the Hardware Setup, nor will the
Measurement Mode Hardware Setup (along with any changes made to it) be saved to disk when the
program is closed, or the mode switch is made. If you are switching from Measurement to Playback Mode,
the Configuration Setup is restored by reading the Setup from the disk.
Checked - If the checkbox is checked, and the program is either closed while in Measurement Mode, or
the selection is made to switch from Measurement to Playback Mode, you will be asked if you want to save
the Measurement Mode Hardware and Configuration Setup to disk.
You can respond to the prompt by clicking: Yes, No, or Cancel, with the following results:
o Yes - displays the Save Analyzer Setup File dialog, allowing you to select an existing setup file
to overwrite, or enter a new filename to create a copy of the existing configuration.
o No - accepts the current action without saving the Hardware and Configuration Setup to disk.
o Cancel - aborts the switching of Mode or the program shutdown.
(a) If you entered a new filename [that does not already exist] the Hardware and Configuration Setup
will be saved to disk, along with a Plot Setup file that represents the current number and layout of
display windows. In addition, the switching of Modes [or program shutdown] proceeds.
(b) If you entered or selected a pre-existing filename and the Hardware and Configuration Setup file
already exists [but there is no recorded data present with the same name] you will be asked if you
want to overwrite the existing Setup file.
If you choose Yes, the file will be overwritten and the shutdown [or the switching of the mode] will
proceed. If you choose No, you will be returned to the Save Analyzer Setup File dialog box where you
can either Cancel the operation or choose a different file name.
(c) If you entered or selected a pre-existing filename and the Hardware and Configuration Setup file
already exists [and there is previously recorded data file present with the same name] you will
be warned. See following figure.
Yes - If you choose Yes, the file will be overwritten and the shutdown or switching of the mode will
No - If you choose No, you will be returned to the Save Analyzer Setup File dialog box where you can
either Cancel the operation or choose a different file name.
Reference Note:
The following topics are related to this material on the Measurement Mode panel.
o Task Menu > Measurement Mode > Change Task Mode
o Control Menu
o File Menu > Exit
o File Save / Hardware Setup, Save or Recall
The Output Channel window can be accessed directly from the Edit pull-down menu [when in
the measurement mode]. In all cases, the setup is performed on a channel-by-channel basis.
Configuration changes are accepted as soon as the <Apply> or <OK> button is clicked.
When the Signal Generator is started [in eZ-Analyst] the device that is
connected to Source Output will receive excitation and could possibly
cause injury to personnel. Be aware of which device is receiving
excitation and post adequate notice to keep individuals and physical
objects clear of the device.
Do not confuse the Output Source [excitation source] with source level,
as the latter term refers to transducer bias current.
The Source Output can be used as a test source for the input channels or as excitation for
other system elements, such as the amplifier for a shaker table. All source output parameters
are software controlled and the actual output signal leaves the device through a front panel
BNC connector.
Note: The Control pull-down menu can be used to turn the Signal Generator “On.”
In regard to ZonicBook/618E – Source Output is supported for device and for attached
WBK18 modules.
In regard to WaveBooks – Source Output is only supported when eZ-Analyst detects attached
WBK14 or WBK18 expansion units.
For both the ZonicBook/618E and WaveBooks, the Output Channel (Excitation Source) can be
for either a continuously running sine wave or a swept sine wave.
To configure, make selections for the available parameters, and then click the <OK> button.
Once a sweep is completed, the waveform returns to its start frequency and is swept again
and again until stopped by the user or until the software application is terminated.
The next figure shows the DSA640 Waveform Output Configuration dialog box with the
Wave Tab selected. From this selection you can create simple waveforms of different
types, with adjustable Offset, Voltage level and Duty Cycle (for Square Wave output
The Waveform Modifier area is where you can make changes that control how your configured waveform
will be displayed. Most of the controls in this area are disabled when the generator output is running; with
the exception of the (Burst On Time / Sweep Time) and Burst Off Time input fields. From the Waveform
Modifier area you can change your waveform from a continuous wave to a burst wave, or a burst wave that
repeats. You can also modify the waveform envelope so that it Ramps-Up from the quiescent output level to
the selected Vpk output, level. Or Ramps-Down (decays) from Vpk to the quiescent level. You can also
easily lock the Burst / Sweep Time to the Analyzer Frame Time.
Ramp Up
Ramp Down
Select ()
Cancel (X)
OK ()
Wave Tab Selected
As seen in the preceding screen shot, several selections are available from within the Wave Tab. In the
above example [on the screen image], a sine wave has been modified with a 1.0 second amplitude Ramp-Up.
The above screen image shows a waveform configuration that is set to Burst Repeat mode with both an Up
and Down ramp envelope applied.
The following figure shows that you can zoom into a specific segment of the waveform to display an unaliased
view of the wave. To zoom into the waveform simply click and drag the mouse over the desired viewing
area .
You can continue to zoom into the waveform to view smaller and smaller sections of the currently displayed
waveform segment.
Simply right click on the preview window and select Un-Zoom plot to full view from the popup menu.
Swept waves can employ either a Linear or Logarithmic sweep function. They also can be swept in one of
four directions: (1) Start to End frequency, (2) End to Start frequency, (3) Start to End to Start frequency, or
(4) End to Start to End frequency. The Chirp wave type is a Sine wave that cannot have envelope ramps
applied to it.
As indicated in the figure [below, left], the first time you select the Arbitrary tab, waveform properties will be
empty. To import a file: (1) Press the Browse for file button; (2) select the file you want to import. The
right-hand figure shows the file selection dialog box.
If you selected an eZ-Analyst raw data file (files in the Import dialog box with a .DSC file extension), the
Configuration dialog Arbitrary Tab will appear as shown in the next figure.
The dialog box displays information about the contents of the selected data file. This includes the Sample
Rate the data was acquired at, the Number of Samples in the file, a list of Channels in the file, and when a file
is selected from the list, information about the Full Scale Range of the channel and the channel Units.
Changing the Scale and Offset values allow you to fit a signal to the desired output amplitude. This can also
be accomplished by right clicking the mouse in the preview window, then select the “Fit Waveform to full
scale” item in the popup menu. To undo changes, you can reset the Scale and Offset values to 1 and 0, or
from the popup menu select “Reset plot Scale and Offset”.
When you Import an eZ-Analyst data file, the Output Duration Secs field in the Waveform Modifiers group is
automatically set to a value equal to the number of samples in the file, divided by the sample rate. This is
amount of time the waveform will be played out of the DSA640 Analog Output. In the example shown in the
preceding figure, this will be 1.0000 second. If you want, you can change this value to play out the
waveform over a different length of time. You can also choose to play out the waveform as a repeated burst
by Checking the Repeat Output and specifying an Off Time value.
When the opened file has a .TXT file extension, you will be presented with another dialog box. This is where
you tell eZ-Analyst how to interpret the data in the ASCII file. The next figure shows the first step needed
for importing an ASCII file.
Delimited Start at
The first step to importing data from an ASCII file is to indicate if the channels are formatted in (a) fixed
width columns padded with spaces, or (b) character delimited columns. This is done via the “Digital data
type” radio button. The above figure shows delimited columns. After clicking the radio button, select the
first row of text that has valid channel data. This allows you to skip over text rows that contain non-data
content [such as channel headers and acquisition information]. You can enter the zero based row number
directly into the entry box, or click on the desired row in the list box. Note that only the first 100 rows of
data [in an ASCII file] are displayed in the list box.
After you have selected Delimited or Fixed width and the starting row to import, press the Next button to
proceed to Step Two.
Delimiter Import
Types Column
The above figure shows Step 2 of 2 for importing a delimited column ASCII data file. In this box you select
the type of delimiter used to separate the columns of channel data. Tabs and commas are typical delimiters.
After specifying the delimiter, select the channel (column) that you want to import.
The next figure shows Step 2 of 2 for the Fixed width data format. For the fixed width format, you must
indicate how many characters wide the channel column is; then you select the channel (column number) to
Fixed column
Import column
Importing ASCII data can take several seconds. While the data is being imported a progress bar is displayed
as indicated in the above figure.
When all of the data has been imported, the dialog display changes. See following figure.
The ASCII import display has the same Scale, Offset, First Samp and Num Samps entry fields seen in the
eZ-Analyst raw data import display. Additionally there are entry fields for Range Selection and Acquisition
Sample Rate. Also displayed are the Maximum and Minimum data values in the imported data.
Unlike eZ-Analyst raw data, ASCII data contains no information about how the data was acquired. Because
of this, some information about the data has to be manually entered by the operator. For example,
eZ-Analyst needs to know what the +/- Full Scale Range was when the data was acquired. The software
also needs to know the sample rate that was used to acquire the data.
The Full Scale Range can be either manually entered, or automatically set by selecting the Maximum and
Minimum data points imported from the file.
The Waveform Modifiers operate the same for ASCII data as Raw data. Enter the time value to playback the
data, and make the selections needed to make the playback repeat or not.
Preferences Tab
The first control allows you to adjust the size of the Waveform Output Memory Buffer. Waveforms are
generated in the memory buffer and “played-out” through the 640 unit’s Analog Output. As data is played-
out, eZ-Analyst is periodically interrupted to fill the buffer with more data to keep the waveform flowing.
The smaller the buffer the less time it takes to play-out, therefore more interruptions are made to keep
generating waveforms. A larger memory buffer takes longer to play out, so fewer interruptions are made
to generate waveform.
Computers with lower performance processors may need to have the size of
the memory buffer increased to reduce the number of interruptions needed for
waveform generation. However, a larger memory buffer means that changes
to the output waveform such as Voltage Level, Offset, etc, will take longer to
see the effect of the change; since these changes are applied at the end of the
buffer and will not be seen until that part of the buffer is played out.
The second control is used to set the trigger point when eZ-Analyst has been
configured to use Waveform Output triggering. The Trigger panel (shown at
the right) is located in the Analyzer Tab of the eZ-Analyst Edit/Configuration Trigger Panel
Dialog Box. You can set the Trigger point to occur at either the start of the
Waveform, or if a Ramp-Up has been applied to the Waveform, at the end of Located in the Analyzer Tab
the Ramp. of the eZ-Analyst Edit/Config-
uration Dialog Box
Note: Preferences can not be changed when the Waveform Output is running.
When the Signal Generator Button is pressed eZ-Analyst starts generating Waveforms at the DSA640
Analog Output connector. The Signal Generator Button changes from a flat line, to a Sine wave Icon to
indicate that the output is running.
If the Waveform Configuration Dialog is visible when the Signal Generator is started, the dialog shrinks in size
to hide the preview window. Changes made to the output waveform while the generator is running can not
be previewed in the preview window (see following figure).
When the Signal Generator is shut off, either by pressing the Toolbar button, or from the Signal Generator
menu selection, the memory buffer containing the output waveform must finish playing out before the output
of the DSA640 stops and returns to zero volts. This play-out time is controlled by the Preference setting
(see Preferences Tab, preceding page). While the generator is playing out the data, a status message is
displayed in the eZ-Analyst Toolbar indicating that the generator is shutting down (following figure).
The message is removed when the generator has finished shutting down. At this time the Signal Generator
can be restarted to again generate waveforms on the 640 unit’s Analog Output.
Display Preferences
Panel Function
Plot Window Used to edit the colors of Frame Border, Plot Background, Grid Lines, and Cursors. In
Colors: addition, the toggle buttons with the “line/asterisk” images are used to obtain a line
cursor or a point cursor.
Freq / Order Applies to Frequency Track Slices and Order Track Slices. The measurement mode will
Track Slice: always use the maximum number of records; but for playback modes this panel
determines whether:
The user can click in the numeric field to change the number of records to be stored.
Plot Colors: The top four buttons in this panel are used to set colors for tachometer channels. The
16 additional buttons are used to set colors for traces or channels. If you want a
channel to remain a certain color ensure the channel radio button selected. Click on a
channel’s color chip to open a color palette. Click on the desired color, then click <OK>.
Cursors: Sets the number of cursors and defines the Foreground, which is the color for
on-plot text, such as cursor values.
Cursor Sets the cursor’s action. Options are: Pick/Drag, Pick Only, and Drag Only.
Pick/Drag: Makes use of both the Pick Mode and the Drag Mode.
Pick Only: Clicking the left mouse button allows the cursor to move instantaneously
with the band cursor. The chosen cursor moves to the location when the mouse is
Drag Only: Move the mouse pointer to the cursor location. The pointer will change to a
“Left and Right Arrow.” Click and drag the cursor to the designated location.
Peak averages are evaluated by first finding a peak and then averaging the specified number of
spectral lines on either side of the peak. This section of the window is used to set the preferences
regarding peak search. Options are as follows:
Amplitude Used to set the Minimum threshold value for peak searching, i.e., the lowest
Minimum value of data to be considered for the search. “Minimum is typically set
above the extraneous noise level.
Peak Width Sets the eZ-Analyst to search data, according to a cursor-selected range
(Spectral Lines) (band). The band takes into account the Minimum threshold value for peak
searching, if defined. The default setting for 3 spectral lines. This number
specifies the number of data bins used for peak searching. For example, “3”
indicates that the peak value will be searched at the current cursor position
and the ± 3 adjacent positions.
Spectral Width This mode sets the system to search for a peak within the pre-defined (data
(Spectral Lines) range) only when the cursor is moved, or clicked. This is a manual method.
Compare with Auto-Tracking.
Auto Tracking Selects Cursor-1 and/or Cursor-2 to automatically search for peaks. The
feature makes use of the Spectral Width, for example: “3” indicates that the
peak value will be searched at the current cursor position and the ± 3
adjacent positions. The cursor automatically moves to the peak position
within the specified range.
Reference Note:
Cursor types include single cursor, band cursor, peak cursor, and harmonic cursor.
For detailed information refer to chapter 5, Interactive Features of the Plot Display
Clicking the “Graph Toolbar” button will bring up a buttons toolbar, which provides a means of
quickly implementing various plot display functions. An alternative to using the buttons is to
“right-click” in a plot display, then use the resulting function menu. When the graphic toolbar
is open, clicking the button again will close it.
2 Tile Horizontally Tiles two or more Function Views such that they are longer in the
horizontal direction.
3 Tile Vertically Tiles two or more Function Views such that they are longer in the vertical
6 PSD Power Spectral Density (PSD) displays the power of random vibration
(Power Spectral intensity as “mean-square acceleration per frequency unit.” PSD is a
Density) single-channel display function. It is the Fourier Transform of the Auto-
correlation function. This normalization should be used with continuous
random signals.
* Buttons 9, 10, 11 will only be active if there is a “Reference Channel.” A channel can be selected
to “Reference” in the Input/Output Channels Tab via the Response/Reference column.
12 Transfer Function Activates additional buttons for the Transfer Type options. The 6
buttons appear in the toolbar area between buttons #15 and #21
when the Transfer Function button is clicked on [they are not
shown in the above figure]. The Transfer Function buttons are:
15 Windowed Time Applies to the FFT Response window specified in the Miscellaneous
Tab of the Configuration window to time data.
16 Full Octave Extends from a lower frequency, f02 to twice the lower frequency
(2f0). The <Full Octave> button is only actie when the <Octave>
button (#11) is selected.
17 1/3 Octave Extends from a lower frequency ( f0/2) to 32 times the lower
frequency (32 f0). The Octave (one-third octave) band
sound-pressure level is the integrated sound-pressure level of
all spectral components in the specified octave or one-third
octave band. The <1/3 Octave> button is only active when
the <Octave> button (#11) is selected.
18 Graph Toolbar Opens [or closes] the graph toolbar, which consists of buttons
1 through 17 and buttons 21 through 30.
20 Input Channels Button Open: makes a floating window of channel buttons. Closed:
keeps the buttons on the toolbar.
n/a Strip Charts There is no toolbar button for Strip Chart. To add a Strip
21 XY Axis Grids Used to add or remove vertical and horizontal grid lines.
22 Auto Scale XY Axis Lets the application automatically adjust the X and Y axis.
23 Manually Scale Y Axis Lets the user manually adjust the Y-axis.
24 Manually Scale X Axis Lets the user manually adjust the X-axis.
25 Manually Scale X & Y Axis Lets the user manually adjust both the X and Y-axis.
26 Cursors Cycles through the following cursor options: Cursor Off, Single
Cursor, Dual (Band) Cursor, Harmonic, SideBand, Peak,
FreeForm. Use the Amnotation button (#27) to view X and Y
values associated with the cursors.
29 Integral Integral (also referred to as Integration) is for display purpose only and does
not modify the data. Integration is only active when frequency domain data
is displayed. Select single or double integration or none by continuous clicks
of the button (#29). In the plot display’s “Y-Axis” label, a “~” indicates
single integration, “~~” indicates double integration, and no ampersand
indicates no integration. Note that both Differentiation and Integration are
calculated by dividing each element of the function by (jw)^n, where j is the
square root of -1; w is the product of 2 pi times the frequency of the block
element; and n is an integer from +2 to -2. If the signal is acceleration,
then single integration (~) results in velocity, and double integration (~~)
results in displacement.
30 Scale - RMS, The Scale button allows the user to cycle through the following scales:
Pk, RMS: (Root Mean Square): The square root of the average of the square of
Pk-Pk the value of the function taken throughout one period. Peak: Zero to Peak.
Pk-Pk: Peak to Peak. Refer to the following illustrations.
RMS Level
31 32 33 34 35
Note: Buttons 31, 32, and 33 are enabled for most single-display spectral function views (FV). They are
never enabled for time function views as the x-axis must be in frequency. Any two of these three
functions can be displayed at the same time. See table on followig page in regared to button
combinations and resulting displays.
In regard to button # 34, to enable Order Tracking click the button after verifying the following:
o at least one tachometer is assigned to a channel
o the tach channel is enabled
o no dual-function window is open, e.g., no FRF (see item # 8).
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
3D-Waterfall and
Frequency Display
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
3D-Waterfall and
Frequency Slice View Display
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
3D-Waterfall Display
*You must have at least one cursor selected for slice display.
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
32 - Slice View ON
31 32 33 34
33 – Split View ON
Displays Selected:
Order Tracking and 34 – Order Tracking, or Order
Order Slice View Frequency View Tracking
*You must have at least one cursor selected for slice display.
To change a plot’s display characteristics; it must be the “focus plot.” For focused plots you
can use toolbar buttons [listed in the following table]; or use the mouse or key commands to
make changes to the way in which the data is displayed.
Focus can refer to the window that is in focus, as well as to a plot that is in focus. When
multiple plot windows are open, one is always the “focus window.” When a window does not
have focus, its title bar is dimmed. To change the “focus window,” simply click on title
bar of the window of interest.
Clicking the “Graph Toolbar” button will bring up a buttons toolbar, which provides a means of
quickly implementing various plot display functions. An alternative to using the buttons is to
“right-click” in a plot display, then use the resulting function menu. When the graphic toolbar
is open, clicking the button again will close it. The buttons are identified and explained in the
chapter section entitled Using the Toolbar Buttons.
The graph toolbar, discussed in chapter 5, includes a button, which permits the user
to cycle through cursors by function. Each click of the button cycles to another type
of cursor function: No cursor, Single, Dual (Band), SideBand, Peak, and FreeForm.
Note: Another method of choosing a cursor, as opposed to using the cursor button,
is to right-click on the plot region and select “cursor” from the resulting pop-
up window.
Tip: If annotations or cursors are not visible, check the color settings in the Display
Preferences window to ensure that you are not making use of, for example, a white
foreground on a white background.
Type of Cursor(s)
Close Annotation Frame
Channel Identification
Move Cursor*
Channel Main Cursor
(Right-click to enter a value)
Brings up box for value entry
Second Channel
(The bold indicates it
is the channel being tracked)
Harmonic Cursors
(for second channel)
* The “Move Cursor” pointers can be used to move the cursor one unit in the indicated direction, as follows:
a) For Frequency Plots: one spectral line per click.
b) For Time Plots: one sample per click.
Points to note:
The highlighted channel will be tracked in slice view; thus if channels are changed during
tracking, the resulting display will be misleading as there will be no distinction between
channels. For example, displayed data for channel 2 could erroneously be interpreted as
data for channel 1 and visa versa.
For Order Tracking, it is highly recommended that you enter the order value manually via
keystroke, as opposed to dragging or jogging the cursor. Manual keystroke entry will
result in better accuracy for Order Tracking.
Illustrated examples of different cursor types and related “X” and “Y” annotations follow.
Dual Cursors (also referred to as Band Cursor) – Provides two cursors that apply to one
channel. Note that if the second cursor is not seen it is either at the far left of the x-axis or
the same color as the plot background. Both cursors can be repositioned.
SideBand – Used for one channel trace. Results in several cursors spaced at even intervals
on both sides of the primary cursor. With the use of Annotation button values will be shown
for all cursors.
Harmonic – Used for one channel trace. Results in several cursors positioned to the right of
the primary cursor and at intervals that are at twice the x-axis value of the primary cursor.
For example: When the primary cursor is at 100 Hz, the first harmonic cursor will be at 200
Hz, the second at 400 Hz, the third at 600 Hz, etc. Moving the primary cursor to 400 Hz
would result in the first harmonic cursor residing at 800 Hz, the second at 1200 Hz, etc.
With the use of Annotation, values will be shown for all cursors.
Peak – Used for one channel trace. This selection will set up to 20 cursors (according to the
cursor setting in Display Preferences) and automatically position them to the highest peaks
on the trace. Note that the Annotation frame will only provide X and Y values for up to 6
FreeForm – Used for one channel trace. This selection will set up to 20 cursors (according
to the cursor setting in Display Preferences). The user can move the freeform cursors to any
desired points on trace. Note that the Annotation frame will only provide X and Y values for
up to 6 cursors.
When you want to export data from windowed time plots, you
should use the export function in lieu of the copy function.
To add a strip chart, open the Window pull-down menu and select “Add Strip Chart.”
A strip chart has two display modes. These are
Single-Channel and Multi-Channel.
To select the strip chart’s mode:
1. Right-click within the strip chart.
2. Position the mouse-cursor over the text “Display
3. Select Single Channel of Multi-Channel, as desired.
Single Channel – When this mode is selected the strip chart will show 4 traces for a single
channel. The traces are for maximum values, minimum values, the mean, and RMS. The top
plot display in the preceding figure illustrates the single channel mode.
Multi-Channel – When this mode is selected the strip chart will show one or more channels,
as determined by the user. When in multi-channel mode, only traces of the maximum values
for each channel will be displayed. An example of a strip chart with two channels follows.
4. Select and open the desired XLS files. Then arrange them in the preferred ranking
order. The following notes apply.
Counting the original, up to 16 traces can be displayed; i.e. the original plus
up to 15 overlays.
If an XLS file is compatible, it will overlay onto the display.
If an XLS is of the wrong type, wrong channel number, or would cause you to
exceed the limit of 16 displays, a message box will inform you of the situation.
Traces can be moved up or down in ranking order in the “Selected XLS files
list.” This is accomplished with the <Move Up> and <Move Down> buttons.
See preceding figure.
XLS files can be added to or deleted from the “Selected XLS files list” list via
the associated buttons.
The <Reset List> button clears the list of XLS files and allows you to create a
new list.
5. After you have completed your selection and have positioned the XLS filed in the
desired order, click the <Ok> button.
All channels are response channels, even those that have been designated as
reference channels.
To change the X-Axis: Hold down the <Ctrl> key, at the same time, left-click and drag the mouse cursor
horizontally on the plot. Two vertical cursor lines will define the new x-axis end points.
To simultaneously change the X & Y Axes: Hold down the <Ctrl> and <Alt> keys, at the same time,
left-click and drag the mouse cursor diagonally on the plot. A rectangle will define the new area of the plot.
Changing the plot Format, Scale, or Grid affects the display only.
It does not change the real data.
The Format menu allows you to change the axis format of the plotted data. Choices are
Linear, Log, and dB (valid on for the y-axis).
The Scale menu allows you to change the plot scale to AutoScale, FixedScale, or Manual.
AutoScale ensures that all the captured data is visible on the plot.
The Grid menu allows you to place and remove grid lines from the graph of plotted data. You
can also turn the grid on and off by pressing the “G” hot key.
3D Waterfalls …… 7-2
Order Tracking …… 7-7
Selecting Displays …… 7-8
Using Spectrum Cursors …… 7-11
3D Waterfall Plot
The Waterfall configuration dialog is accessed by right clicking the mouse over the 3D Waterfall plot. This
brings up the Waterfall context menu (right-hand figure). The menu allows you to display the Spectrum
Waterfall Configuration dialog box. It also lets you select the default plot rotation or any one of up to six
user-defined chart rotation settings.
The Spectrum Waterfall Configuration dialog lets you control how individual Waterfall and Frequency
Slice data views will appear and behave. Each Function View window can have its own Waterfall and
Slice data views.
The dialog box is composed of 4 panels: (1) Size & Position, (2) Plot Appearance, (3) Display Preferences,
and (4) Waterfall Rotation Presets. A discussion of each follows.
The Color Spectrum selection draws the plot as a rainbow of colors from violet at the lowest value to red
at the highest.
Color Shading draws the plot as a color gradient from darkest at the lowest value to
lightest at the highest. The color used for the gradient is the color of the channel in the
Spectrum plot.
Wire Frame plotting renders the plot as a grid of black lines.
Reset on start of measurement applies to Measurement mode only. It will automatically clear any
previous plot data from the waterfall and frequency slice plots when you get new data by pressing the
Single, Continuous or Record buttons.
Auto Skip when averaging readings is another Measurement mode only property. If you want the
waterfall plot to automatically skip the same number of records that you have selected in the Averaging
group of the Analyzer Tab in the Configuration dialog, check this option. When selected, if averaging is
used the waterfall plot also automatically sets Zero based skipping.
To assign a waterfall rotation setting to a named preset, perform the following steps:
1. Right click the mouse over a waterfall plot, and select Waterfall Configuration …
2. With the waterfall configuration dialog visible click and drag the waterfall plot to the desired
rotational position.
You will notice that the waterfall plot Longitude and Latitude position settings track the
movement of the waterfall plot in the configuration dialog.
3. If you find it difficult to drag the 3D plot close to the rotational position that you want, you
can type in the absolute value of Longitude and Latitude into the number entry fields.
4. Click the mouse pointer in one of the Rotation Preset name fields.
5. Type in the name that you want to assign to the preset.
6. Click the <Set Preset> button (see preceding figure) to assign the preset.
7. To make this rotation preset persist, you must either press the dialog box <Apply> button, or
press <OK> to close the dialog to save your settings.
Note: The rotation presets are global to all waterfall configurations. This is unlike the other
settings in the dialog that are unique to a single waterfall plot.
There are four ways in which you can use your PC mouse to alter your view of the 3D Waterfall Plot.
These include two methods of zooming in or out, one method of repositioning the plot, and one method of
rotating the plot. The following illustrate each function.
If the <Order Tracking> and <Slice View> buttons are both enabled eZ-Analyst displays the slice view above the
order tracking view, as indicated in the figure. Order Tracking display can be enabled from either the Measurement
(Real Time) mode or the Playback mode.
To enable Order Tracking click the associated button (see figure) after verifying the following:
o at least one tachometer is assigned to a channel
o the tach channel is enabled
o no dual-function window is open
Only if these conditions are met can you enable the Order Tracking mode.
When you enable the mode a Tach Selection Listbox appears to the right of the button. The pull-down list shows all
tachometers that are assigned and enabled. From the list, select “Default Tach” or an available Tach Channel.
When you have more than one input channel and each is assigned to a different default tachometer, select the
“Default Tachs” option, if you want to maintain default tachometer assignments. These are assigned in the
configuration setup. Selecting “Channel N” from the list will assign all displayed input channels to that tachometer,
regardless of the default assignments.
eZ-Analyst 878193 Waterfalls, Order Tracking, & Slice Views 7-7
Selecting Display Options
Most single-display spectrum function views (FV) offer access to toolbar buttons for selecting optional spectral
displays. To access available spectral view options:
1. Open the desired spectral function view.
2. Select a Spectrum Display mode.
3. Click the applicable toolbar button(s).
Note: If the buttons are disabled, then the function view does not support the optional spectral view
feature. For example: Time, Octave, and Windowed function views do not support the features.
A review of the related toolbar buttons follows. Note that the display examples and the status of the 4 associated
buttons, which were discussed in Chapter 5, are being repeated in this chapter for convenience.
34 Order Tracking
This button is used to enable the Order Tracking display mode or
or Frequency the Frequency View mode.
View Order The Order Tracking display mode provides a means of displaying
Tracking data from points which are evenly spaced by RPM, instead of
increments of time. On the x-axis scale of the Order Tracking
display: 1 equals shaft RPM, 2 equals 2 x Shaft RPM, 3 equals
3 x Shaft RPM, etc.
Order Tracking presents data in the frequency domain. To use
Order Tracking a tachometer must be assigned to an enabled
Note that if the <Order Tracking> and <Slice View> buttons are
both enabled, eZ-Analyst displays the slice view above the order
tracking view. The Order Tracking display can be enabled from
either the Measurement (Real Time) mode or the Playback mode.
The Frequency View mode is the standard eZ-Analyst spectrum
view. When this view is enabled the button appears as shown to
the immediate left.
Note: Buttons 31, 32, and 33 are enabled for most single-display spectral function views (FV). They are
never enabled for time function views as the x-axis must be in frequency. Any two of these three
functions can be displayed at the same time. See table on followig page in regared to button
combinations and resulting displays.
In regard to button # 34, to enable Order Tracking click the button after verifying the following:
o at least one tachometer is assigned to a channel
o the tach channel is enabled
o no dual-function window is open, e.g., no FRF.
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
3D-Waterfall and
Frequency Display
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
3D-Waterfall and
Frequency Slice View Display
31 – 3D Waterfall View ON
3D-Waterfall Display
*You must have at least one cursor selected for slice display.
31 32 33 34 32 - Slice View ON
32 - Slice View ON
31 32 33 34
33 – Split View ON
Displays Selected:
Order Tracking and 34 – Order Tracking, or Order
Order Slice View Frequency View Tracking
*You must have at least one cursor selected for slice display.
Cursors can be displayed with or without annotation. If annotation is desired it can be displayed directly on
the cursor, or it can be displayed in the cursor frame. In the upper right-hand figure, annotation has been
selected for display on the cursors. In this scenario the annotation appears on the cursor, near the point
where the cursor intersects the waveform.
In the second example [following figure] the annotation has been placed into the cursor frame. Information
in the frame appears in a hierarchical tree view. The left most node is the Channel node. This provides
information about the channel. Under the Channel node is the Main cursor node. This node represents one
of the two main cursors that can be viewed in the Spectrum plot. Under the Main cursor node are the
Secondary cursor nodes. In the above example, the Main cursor is located on Spectral Line 100, and the
harmonic cursors are on the multiples of 100.
Annotation in a Frame
To move the frame, place the mouse pointer over this area. The cursor will
change, allowing you to drag the frame to a new location.
To re-size the frame, place the mouse pointer over the lower right corner of the
frame. The cursor changes shape and allows you to drag the frame dimensions
to the desired new size.
Reference Notes:
o For more detailed information, which includes graphics, refer to chapter 5, Interactive
Features of the Plot Display Window.
o For Slice View key functions see the last table in this appendix.
Ctrl Expands or contracts the X-Axis. (a) While holding down the <Ctrl> key, place
the cursor at the desired start point of the X-
axis, (b) click the left mouse button, (c) drag the
mouse horizontally until the cursor is at the new
end point of the scale.
Ctrl + Alt Simultaneously expands [or contracts] (a) While holding down both the <Ctrl> and
both the X and Y axes. <Alt> keys, place the cursor at the desired start
point on the plot, (b) click the left mouse button,
(c) drag the mouse diagonally until the cursor is
at the new end point of the scale.
Zooms in or out. When you depress one of these keys, while
dragging with the right mouse button depressed,
F2 or Z you will zoom in or out, according to the cursor-
(2 functions) defined region.
Pan along the X-axis, Y-axis, or both. By depressing one of these keys, while dragging
with the left mouse button depressed, you can
pan in the direction of the drag.
F3 Zoom in or out. Use F3 with the left mouse button to zoom in
our out.
G Turns Plot Grid On or Off. Toggles the grid to On or Off.
L Changes the Scale to Linear or to Log. Toggles the scale to Linear or to Log.
R Start Recording -----
S Start Scope Mode (Measurement) -----
X Presents the X-Axis Menu -----
Y Presents the Y-Axis Menu -----
Z or F2 Zooming or Panning. See “F2.”
Reference Notes:
o For more detailed information, which includes graphics, refer to chapter 5, Interactive
Features of the Plot Display Window.
o For Slice View key functions see the last table in this appendix.
A Autoscale / Manual Scale Toggles between Autoscale and Manual scale. Manual
scale values are the ones you enter into the Value Input
boxes near the ends of the X & Y axes. The Value Input
boxes [for minimum or maximum values] open when you
click to the left or below the plot window.
L Linear Scale / Log Scale Toggles between Linear (Lin) and Log scaling.
R Reset Resets the plot display window and the playback record
pointer to the first record.
, (comma) Move Left, 1 Record Moves the record pointer one record to the left.
. (period) Move Right, 1 Record Moves the record pointer one record to the right.
<Ctrl> Manual Zoom Hold down the <Ctrl> Key then click and drag the mouse
in the plot window to zoom in on the area covered by the
drag operation.
Mouse Y and X axes, Scale To change the x or y scale values of the Slice View
Click minimum and maximum display: Click the mouse with the cursor positioned in the
x or y axis border region. You must click near the
maximum or minimum value of the associated axis scale.
A value box will open. Key in the newly desired minimum
or maximum value for x or y. Repeat for other axes
values as desired.
A type of transducer that produces an output voltage proportional to acceleration.
A collection of scans acquired at a specified rate as controlled by the sequencer.
Analog Signal
A signal of varying voltage or current, resistance, temperature such as the output of a sensor.
Many analog signals are in the form of sine waves.
Apparent Mass
Force/Acceleration. A transfer type that is the reciprocal function of Inertance. Apparent
Mass is derived by taking the inverse of the magnitude, and multiplying the phase angle by “-
Auto-Spectrum Function
A single-channel display function. Displays the square of the magnitude of the complex (one-
side) Fourier spectrum of x(t). Autospectra are calibrated so that if A is the peak amplitude of
a sinusoidal signal x(t), then the autospectrum has the value A*A (or use A power 2) at the
sinusoidal frequency.
Averaged Time Function
A single-channel display function. Displays a time domain waveform of averaged, sampled
data scaled in either Volts or Engineering Units (EUs).
A set of response channels.
An FFT window function. This window function was designed to provide the minimum side
lobe level of any three-term window. Compared with the very similar Hanning window, it has
a slightly wider main lobe but much better dynamic range. This window has the smallest 60
dB bandwidth of any window listed. The Blackman-Harris window may be preferred over the
Hanning for measurements requiring better dynamic range.
A single input, or output for the acquisition device. In a broader sense, an input channel is a
signal path between the transducer at the point of measurement and the data acquisition
system. A channel can go through various stages (buffers, multiplexers, or signal conditioning
amplifiers and filters). Input channels are periodically sampled for readings. An output
channel from a device can be digital or analog. Outputs can vary in a programmed way in
response to an input channel signal.
Coherence Function
A dual-channel display function. At each frequency, the coherence is a value between 0.0 and
1.0, which indicates the degree of consistent linear relationship between two signals during
the averaging process. A value of less than one indicates that phase cancellation occurred
during cross-spectrum averaging, which may be due to uncorrelated noise on one or both
signals or to a nonlinear relationship between signals.
Compliance, also referred to as Receptance
Displacement/Force. The transfer type function is calculated by dividing the cross spectrum of
the channel pair by the auto spectrum of the reference (force) channel.
Cycles per Minute. 60 CPM is equal to 1 Hz.