Iba Bba

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IBA BBA/MBA Admission Test কিছু দরকারি বই এবং এদের আনুমানিক দাম

1. Barron’s SAT 28th edition :160 tk

2. Kaplan SAT premier: 250tk
3. CollegeBoard the official SAT :140tk
4. Official Verbal GMAT: 170 tk
5. Nova GMAT Math Bible: 100 tk
6. Official GMAT 13th edition ; 130 tk
7. Manhattan GMAT ( part 1-5 quantitative
combined); 200 tk
8. Manhattan GMAT (part 6-9 verbal &
writing combined): 200 tk
9. Barron’s GMAT (with CD); 120 tk
10. Stupendous Barron’s New GRE Vocabulary
Flash book by BUET GRE Community; 250 tk
11. VocaBuilder 2.1 with DVD by Farhad
Hossain Masum : 180tk
12. Gruber’s Complete GRE :220 tk
13. Barron’s New GRE (with CD) : 135 tk
14. Nova GRE Math Prep Course; 80 tk
15. Word Smart 1 & 2: 80tk
16. ETS Official Guide to the Revised GRE ;
17. S@ifur’s NEWEST Grammar; 280tk
18. S@ifur’s English=পানি; 80tk.
19. S@ifur’s জ্যামিতি; 120tk.
20. CLIFF’S TOEFL; 60tk
21. Veritas GMAT Sentence Correction; 170tk.
22. Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction;
23. S@ifur’s Writing & Translation; 80tk.
24. S@ifur’s Idiom & Phrase; 60tk.
25. Word Treasure (Deb Kumar Chatarjee);
26. Barron’s GRE Vocabulary Solution 3.0
(Md.Mozammel Haque); 80tk.
27. S@ifur’s Math; 200tk
28. S@ifur’s IBA MBA প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান; 220tk
29. নিমোনিক Power Vocabulary-Vocabulary
মনে রাখার বই; ১২০ টাকা।

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