Characterization of Silicones: Common Methods Applied To The Analysis of Silicones

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Characterization of Silicones
A. Dupont, Dow Corning Europe SA, Seneffe (Belgium)

Most analytical methods commonly used for organic materials also apply to silicones.
Extensive reviews have been published about the different analytical techniques that are
applicable for detecting and characterizing silicones [1]. The focus here will be on methods
as they relate to typical application problems; some of these are commonly used methods.
Others, such as elemental analysis and thermal analysis, are described in more detail.

Common Methods Applied to the Analysis of Silicones

Infrared spectroscopy and, in particular, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), is
widely available and the easiest technique for detecting the presence of silicones and
obtaining information about their structure. Silicones have strong absorption bands in the
mid-infrared spectrum range, at 1260, 1100-1000 and 770 cm-1, meaning that levels as low as
1% can be detected. This method differentiates polydimethylsiloxane, trimethylsilyloxy
groups, and copolymer-type materials. Quantification is possible using one of the strong
silicone absorption peak signals. Corresponding height or area can then be correlated to a
known standard and actual level calculated using Beer-Lambert’s law.

Other infrared-based techniques like FTIR/ATR or FTIR/DRIFT are specifically used to

detect silicones adsorbed on a substrate (see Figure 1). However, in many cases, the layer of
silicone on the top of the sample surface is so thin that only the fingerprint of the bulk of the
sample is seen. Better samples can be prepared through extraction using a good solvent:
hexane (most alkanes are suitable), methylisobutylketone, toluene for siloxane or
tetrahydrofuran for more polar copolymers like silicone polyethers. However, extraction
recovery yields can be significantly lowered if the siloxane strongly bonds to the substrate.
This issue is often encountered with amino-functional siloxanes.

Figure 1. FTIR/ATR (attenuated total reflection) analysis of a silicone polymer applied on human skin
(the amide skin peaks can be used as internal standards).

Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy detection (GC-MS) is another method
used to detect silicones in a formulation, looking for the presence of siloxane cyclic
oligomers, as such low molecular weight species are always associated with silicone
polymers. The neat sample can be heated at a specific temperature (up to 250 ºC) in a
headspace bottle and the generated volatiles injected. An alternative is to dissolve the sample,
if feasible, and inject the solution.

The most flexible injection mode is the use of a pyrolyser coupled to the GC-MS. This allows
collecting and identifying volatiles within any selected temperature range. Yet CG-MS does
not allow precise quantification.

A precise quantification of those volatile cyclics is routinely done by coupling gas

chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID).

In addition to GC, other techniques can be used to identify and/or quantify the lowest
molecular weight species present in silicone polymers; for example, gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) or supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Comparison between different chromatographic techniques with a trimethylsilyloxy terminated

polydimethylsiloxane before stripping. Peak 1 to 12 = cyclics (m = 4 to 10) and peak 8 = polymer.

Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) (also called size exclusion chromatography or

SEC) using a refractive index detector allows one to obtain molecular weight averages and
distribution information. Calibration is done with polystyrene standards, and Mark-Houwink
constants are used to correlate results between the standards and siloxanes’ molecular weight.
Adding a laser angle scattering detector provides information on the three-dimensional
structure of the polymer in solution.

In addition to infrared methods, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) can be

used to obtain polymer structural details 1 H and 13C NMR bring information about the type of
organic substituents on the silicone backbone such as methyl, vinyl, phenyl or polyester
groups, and identify the degree of substitution in these polymers. 1H NMR is also a technique
used to measure the relative content of the SiH groups (proton chemical shift at 4.7 ppm)
versus dimethylsilyloxy species (proton chemical shift close to 0 ppm). However, in some
cases (e.g., as after a hydrosilylation reaction), the residual SiH levels are too low to allow for
quantification. Here gas chromatography coupled with a thermal conductivity detector (GC-
TCD) is a more appropriate method. This method works in an indirect way, analyzing the
hydrogen generated when the sample is hydrolyzed in presence of a strong base as a catalyst.

Application Specific Methods for the Analysis of Silicones

In addition to the methods described above, some more specific techniques are used to detect
the presence of silicones as formulation ingredients or contaminants or to study their
high/low temperature behavior.

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) allows quantification of the silicone element in a

given formulation. This approach is widely used to quantify the silicone content in materials
made of, treated with or contaminated by silicones.

If the formulation is known not to contain any other silicone element source than silicones,
the presence of silicones can be easily detected by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), as the method
does not require any particular sample preparation. XRF is capable of measuring silicone
contents if standards can be prepared in the same matrix as the formulation.

Surface tension measurement is another easy way to detect surface contamination by

siloxanes, through comparison with a virgin reference. Contact angles of both suspected and
clean surfaces are measured with a set of suitable liquids. Silicone contamination will be
indicated by large contact angles resulting from a significant decrease in surface energy.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) or time of flight-secondary ion mass spectrometry

(TOF-SIMS) are more sophisticated techniques that can also be applied to detect and
characterize silicones within the 10-50 Å depth layers from the surface of materials.

The average structure of silicone polymers is accessible through 29Si NMR thanks to the 29Si
isotope nuclear spin (I = 1/2) and its relative abundance (4.7%). However, the relative
sensitivity of 29Si NMR is low versus 1 H NMR (7.8 10-3 times lower), which implies long
accumulation times for any measurements. Peak assignments are eased by large chemical
shift differences and the use of decoupling (see Table 1). Yet silicone chain ends cannot
always easily be detected by 29Si NMR, especially in high molecular weight siloxane

For structural purposes, a complementary technique to 29Si NMR has been developed by
depolymerizing the siloxane backbone in the presence of an excess of an appropriate
endblocker using a strong base or acid as catalyst. The recovered volatile oligomers are then
quantified by GC-FID. This approach has proven applicable to quantifying traces of silicones
on substrates like wool, paper or hair [2].
Table 1: Typical Si NMR Chemical Shifts

Unit Structure Unit Type Chemical Shift

Me3SiO1/2 M + 7 ppm
Me2SiO2/2 D - 22 ppm
MeSiO3/2 T - 66 ppm
SiO4/2 Q - 110 ppm
HOMe2SiO1/2 MOH - 10 ppm

The performance of silicones versus organic polymers at high or low temperatures is verified
when using thermal analysis methods such as thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) or
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), whether under air or inert atmosphere. In the latter
conditions, the onset of polymer depolymerisation to cyclic species is usually found at
temperatures higher than 350 ºC. However, traces of base or acid are sufficient to
significantly decrease the temperature at which decomposition starts to occur by catalyzing
the re-equilibration of the polymer into low molecular weight volatile species. TGA is the
most appropriate technique for measuring the onset of weight loss (temperature ramp mode)
or the amount of weight loss at a fixed temperature (isotherm mode).

It is recommended to run TGA under inert atmosphere as the presence of oxygen will allow,
at temperature higher than 300 ºC, the partial oxidation of the silicone chain groups into silica
and the formation through methyl substituents oxidation into species like carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen and water. However, unlike GC-MS techniques,
TGA does not give information about the nature of the species volatilized (see Figure 3).

On the other hand, DSC is particularly appropriate for analyzing the behavior of silicones at
low temperatures. Due to the flexibility of the polysiloxane backbone, glass transition
typically occurs below -120 ºC, a remarkably low temperature if compared to other polymers.
This is why polydimethylsiloxanes remain fluid and silicone elastomers remain flexible at
low temperatures. Nevertheless, crystallization can be made to occur, at least for a fraction of
the polymer, on slow cooling below -40 ºC. The cooling rate should be low enough to allow
chains to form crystalline structures. Silicone polymers can also be supercooled to a glassy
state without crystallization under fast cooling or quench. In this case, on reheating, a cold
crystallization exotherm is observed followed by the usual endotherm(s) around -50 ºC
(several “melting points” can be observed as multiple crystallization/melting events occur in
the sample in the same temperature range) (see Figure 4).
Figure 3. TGA analysis under dry nitrogen of a blend of silicone volatile species and silicone elastomer
(weight loss curve in green, first derivative curve in blue); precise content in volatile species (weight loss
up to 150 ºC) and in elastomer (second weight loss step between 400-700 ºC and residue in 950 ºC).

Figure 4. Typical low temperature DSC analysis of a silicone elastomer: the sample is super-cooled at
-150 ºC (1 - black / no curve), then heated from -150 ºC to 25 ºC (2 - red curve). The following are
detected: glass transition (Tg) at -127 ºC, cold crystallization at -98 ºC and melting (Tm) at -43 ºC.
Afterwards, the sample is cooled down at a low cooling rate and reheated. A crystallization exothermal
peak is observed during the cooling step (3- blue curve) and only a single melting endothermic peak
during the second heating step (4 - green curve).

DSC is also a powerful technique for studying exothermic reactions such as the
hydrosilylation reaction, which is associated with a strong exotherm. Dynamic or isotherm
modes allow characterization of the cross-linking and optimization of formulations based on
the temperature corresponding to the onset of cure of to the maximum cure rate (see Figure
Figure 5. Differential scanning calorimetry of the reaction between silicone polymers
with SiVi groups and polymers with SiH groups in presence of a platinum catalyst.
Smith, A. L. The Analytical Chemistry of Silicones, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, 1991.
Smith, A. L. The Analytical Chemistry of Silicones, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New York, 1991; 210-211.

This article has been published in the chapter “Silicones in Industrial Applications” in Inorganic Polymers,
an advanced research book by Nova Science Publishers (; edited by Roger De
Jaeger (Lab. de Spechtrochimie Infrarouge et Raman, Univ. des Sciences and Tecn. de Lille, France) and
Mario Gleria (Inst. di Scienze e Tecn. Molecolari, Univ. di Padoa, Italy). Reproduced here with the
permission of the publisher.

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