Regional Development Plan CAR 2017-2022 Chapter 1

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4 | Cordillera Regional Development Plan 2017-2022

Chapter 1

The Philippine Long-Term Vision (LTV)

Inclusive growth is seen as a long-term AmBisyon Natin 2040 also captured the
process that cannot be fully achieved in six Filipinos’ Vision for Self as follows:
years or in a single term of an
administration. And while the current “In 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and
administration will continue aiming for comfortable lifestyle, secure in the
inclusive growth – growth that creates jobs knowledge that we have enough for our
and reduces poverty – it realizes that its daily needs and unexpected expenses, that
efforts will need to be sustained in the next we can plan and prepare for our own and
three succeeding administrations. our children’s future. Our family lives
together in a place of our own, and we
Executive Order (EO) No. 5, series of 2016 have the freedom to go where we desire,
adopted AmBisyon Natin 2040 as the long- protected and enabled by a clean, efficient
term vision for the country. Section 3 and fair government.”
states that the four medium-term
Philippine Development Plans (PDPs) to The key principle of AmBisyon Natin 2040
be crafted and implemented until 2040 is participatory planning – that is,
shall be anchored on the country’s Long involving the citizenry in defining the
Term Vision: country’s development vision such that
citizens feel they have a stake in the long-
“By 2040, the Philippines shall be a term effort towards inclusive growth. This
prosperous, predominantly middle-class is to encourage people towards
society where no one is poor; our peoples continuously supporting the pursuit of the
shall live long and healthy lives, be smart country’s long-term vision by realizing
and innovative, and shall live in a high- that they are at the center of development
trust society.” efforts and that they will benefit from such

The Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

The PDP 2017-2022 will focus on AmBisyon to have a “matatag, maginhawa
translating the 0+10 Point Socioeconomic at panatag na buhay.” As the first in a
Agenda of the Duterte administration (see series of four PDPs up to 2040, the PDP
Box 1) into strategies, policies, programs 2017-2022 along with the regional
and activities. By the end of 2022, more development plans will lay down a solid
Filipinos will be closer to achieving their foundation for more inclusive growth

Chapter 1 The Long View| 5

0. Law and order: stamp out criminality particularly illegal drugs, kidnapping and
other heinous crimes; instilling discipline for everyone to adhere to the rule of
law, and strengthening the country’s justice system.
1. Continue and improve current macroeconomic policies: strengthen tax collection
and administration by reducing tax evasion, corruption and smuggling in
revenue collection agencies (i.e., Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Bureau of
Customs (BOC)).
2. Reform the tax system to make it more progressive, equitable and globally
competitive – including indexation to inflation of tax brackets for personal and
corporate income taxes.
3. Accelerate infrastructure spending with at least 5 percent of GDP spending
target; address bottlenecks in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program.
4. Strongly attract foreign besides local direct investments by: (a) easing
constitutional economic restrictions and other Philippine laws; (b) enhance ease
of doing business (cut red tape); and (c) enforce law and order.
5. Pursue agricultural development focusing on farm-level productivity through
support services to small farmers, improving market access and fostering
agricultural value chain through partnerships with agribusiness firms. This is
part of the broader rural and regional development strategy that includes
promoting tourism.
6. Address bottlenecks in land reform and management systems, including security
of land tenure to make projects bankable thereby attracting investments in rural
7. Strengthen basic education focusing on skills in communication, math and
logical thinking; provide scholarships for tertiary education, and address skills-
jobs mismatches.
8. Promote science and technology (S&T) and creative arts (CA) to enhance
innovative and creative capacities needed for self-sustaining inclusive
development and participation in the global knowledge economy.
9. Expand and improve the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT), indexing grants to
inflation while tightening its administration.
10. Step-up implementation of the Responsible Parenthood Reproductive Health
(RPRH) Law to enable couples, especially the poor, to have informed choice on
the number and spacing of children they can properly care and provide for.

6 |Cordillera Regional Development Plan 2017-2022

a high-trust and resilient society and a more resilient; and (6) Filipinos will have
globally-competitive knowledge economy. greater drive for innovation.

The targets for the PDP 2017-2022 are the The strategies to achieve the targets fall
following: (1) the Philippines will be an under the three major pillars of
upper middle income country by 2022; (2) “Malasakit” (Enhancing the social fabric),
growth will be more inclusive as “Pagbabago” (Reducing inequality), and
manifested by a lower poverty incidence in “Patuloy na pag-unlad” (Increasing growth
the rural areas, from 30 percent in 2015 to potential). There are cross-cutting
20 percent in 2022; (3) the unemployment strategies as well, to support the other
rate will decline from the current 5.5 interventions and to provide a solid
percent to 3-5 percent in 2022; (4) there bedrock for all strategies to work.
will be greater trust in government and in
society; (5) individuals and societies will be

Chapter 1 The Long View| 7

Strategies under “Malasakit” include Cross-cutting strategies include
ensuring people-centered, clean and maintaining an enabling and supportive
efficient governance; pursuing swift and economic environment and enhancing
fair administration of justice; and market competition. Foundations for
promoting Philippine culture and sustainable development include ensuring
awareness. national security against internal and
external threats, accelerating strategic
Strategies under “Pagbabago” include infrastructure development, restoring
expanding and increasing access to public order and safety, and ensuring
economic opportunities for growth of ecological integrity and a clean and healthy
output and income, accelerating human environment.
capital development and reducing
vulnerability of individuals and increasing
resiliency of communities.

Strategies under “Patuloy na pag-unlad”

include promoting technology adoption
and stimulating innovation, and
accelerating the demographic transition to
reap the benefits of the demographic

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