Odd Fellows: Thomas Wildey..
Odd Fellows: Thomas Wildey..
Odd Fellows: Thomas Wildey..
Odd Fellows
Thomas Wildey...
Founder of
North American
Odd Fellowship
Thomas Wildey,
founder of Odd Contact Information
Fellowship in North America, was a man of immense
vitality, humor, and warmth. He was born in London, The Sovereign Grand Lodge
of the Independent Order of
England, in 1782. He was left an orphan five years Odd Fellows
later - and the Odd Fellow pledge to “Educate the
Orphan” sprang from his personal childhood experi- Telephone
ences. At the age of 14, Wildey went to live with an 800-235-8358
uncle. After he had 9 years of schooling, he became an Fax
apprentice to a maker of coach springs. He joined the 336-722-7317
Odd Fellows in 1804. Postal address
422 N Trade Street
When restlessness brought Thomas Wildey to Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101 USA
America in 1817, the British were still unpopular in Web Address
the States because of the War of 1812. In that year www.ioof.org
Baltimore was suffering both a yellow fever epidemic Electronic mail
and mass unemployment. An outgoing personality, ioofthesgl@ioof.org
Wildey missed companionship and advertised in the
newspaper to determine if there were any other Odd
Fellows in Baltimore; he requested them to meet him
at the Seven Stars Inn.
On April 26, 1819, Wildey and the four men who
responded to the advertisement met and began the
process that would lead to the forming of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows in North America,
dedicating the Order to achieve philanthropic goals.
Other Englishmen who were Odd Fellows had grouped
in the states along the Eastern Seaboard, and Wildey
gathered them all into the newly formed fraternity. He
traveled widely to set up lodges in the most recently
settled parts of the country.
At the time of his death in 1861, there were more
than 200,000 members of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows across North America.
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