Scheme of Work F4 Literature Component
Scheme of Work F4 Literature Component
Scheme of Work F4 Literature Component
FORM 4 2018
1-5 Literature: Students should be able to: 3.0 Level 1 Sharing of one’s feelings or
Introduction to 3.1 Listen to, read, view and Aesthetic i. Reciting poems with feelings and experiences in natural
literature respond to literary works by expressions and with the correct disaster.
a. explaining the message pronunciation, intonation, stress and Watching video on natural
Poem – The the writer is trying to rhythm. disaster.
Living convey and discussing iii. Retelling the poem in one’s own Information hunt – the poet.
Photograph how this relates to words. Show some emotion.
one’s life. Reciting poem.
b. explaining the Level 3 Writing out the rhyme sch.
message the writer is xiii. Understanding the figurative Matching lines with
trying to convey and language of the text. paraphrased version.
discussing how this Searching for literary devices
relates to one’s life. used.
a. reciting poems with Acrostic poem.
feeling and Interview a natural disaster
6 - 10 Literature: Students should be able to: 3.0 Level 1 Drawing friends’ faces.
Aesthetic ii. Finding out the meaning of Paraphrase poem.
Poem - 3.1 Listen to, read, view and unfamiliar words by using contextual Relating the situation in the
Charge of the respond to literary works by clues and the dictionary. poem to real life.
light brigade a. understanding and Completing worksheet(s) to
telling in one’s own words Level 2 identify themes and moral
the story heard and read, vii. Talking about values in the poem values.
giving one’s opinion of the and whether they are meaningful to Chain reading.
text. one’s life. Unscrambling words.
Bingo game.
Level 3 Haiku writing.
xi. Talking about the message the Idiomatic expression.
poet is trying to put across in his/her Drawing and predicting the
poem and writing a simple paragraph future.
on it. Debate – whose fault?
xii. Understanding some of the
figurative language of the text.
Level 2
ii. Retelling story from another
character’s point of view.