Market Growth and Forecasts: Lte & 5G Subscribers

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LTE & 5G

September 2020

Market Growth and Forecasts

LTE Subscriber Growth Figure 1: LTE & other subscriptions as of Q2 2020 *

By the end of Q2 2020 there were 5.55 billion

LTE subscriptions worldwide.

Nearly 800 million LTE subscriptions were

added in the preceding 12 months.

16.7% YoY growth.

LTE subscriptions now account for 60.4% of

all global mobile subscriptions.

5G subscriptions doubled in the second

quarter of 2020 to reach at least 137.7 million
globally (representing 1.5% of the entire
global mobile market).

* Source of data – Omdia provided to GSA: September 2020

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association LTE & 5G Subscribrers | Snapshot September 2020 | 1
LTE Subscriptions Regional Shares to Q2 2020
Figure 2: LTE Subscriptions Regional Shares*

Figure 3: Mobile Subscriptions Forecast- end 2025*

Subscriber Forecast
According to its latest figures, globally
Omdia forecasts there will be nearly
10.30 billion mobile subscriptions by
the end of 2025.

LTE is expected to reach its peak

point in terms of technology market
share at the end of 2021 (at 63.3%),
and to reach its peak point in terms
of subscriber numbers at the end of
2022 (at 6.07 billion subscribers).

From 2023 the LTE market is

forecast to start to decline slowly, as
customers migrate to 5G.

Between end 2020 and end 2025, the

share of the market represented by
GSM subscriptions will fall from 15.1%
to 5.6%, and the share represented
by W-CDMA will decline from 19.4%
to 11.3%.

By the end of 2025, 5G will account

for nearly 30% of the global market
# Other includes analogue, CDMA, iDen, TD-SCDMA and US TDMA (at 3.03 billion subscriptions),
although LTE will still be dominant

* Source of data – Omdia provided to GSA: September 2020

at 53.5% of all global mobile

©Copyright 2020 Global mobile Suppliers Association LTE & 5G Subscribrers | Snapshot September 2020 | 2
GSA is the voice of the global mobile
ecosystem and has been representing
mobile suppliers since 1998.

GSA GAMBoD Database

Reports are based on data contained
in the GSA GAMBoD databases
which is a resource available to GSA
Members and Associates. Companies
and policy makers can subscribe as
a GSA Associate to the database to
gain insights into the source data
behind reports for their own research

Discounted annual subscription are

available to regulators, government
agencies and mobile operators.

Please email for

more information.

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©Global mobile Suppliers Association. 2020

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