GSM Based Water Quality Monitoring System Using Arduino

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GSM Based Water Quality Monitoring System Using Arduino

Article  in  Shanlax International Journal of Arts Science and Humanities · April 2019

DOI: 10.34293/sijash.v6i4.341


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4 authors, including:

Gokulanathan S.
Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology


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International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

A GSM Based Water Quality

Monitoring System using Arduino
Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology
Volume: 6
Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India

Issue: 4
Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology
Month: April Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India

Year: 2019 N.Prabu

Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology
ISSN: 2321-788X Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India

Received: 12.03.2019 T.Venkatesh

Assistant Professor, Department of ECE
Accepted: 30.03.2019 Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India

Published: 02.04.2019 This paper investigates about water quality monitoring system through a wireless sensor
network. Due to the rapid development and urbanization, the quality of water is getting degrade
Citation: over year by year, and it leads to water-borne diseases, and it creates a bad impact. Water plays
a vital role in our human society and India 65% of the drinking water comes from underground
Gokulanathan, S., et al. sources, so it is mandatory to check the quality of the water. In this model used to test the water
“A GSM Based Water samples and through the data it analyses the quality of the water. This paper delivers a power
Quality Monitoring efficient, effective solution in the domain of water quality monitoring it also provides an alarm
to a remote user, if there is any deviation of water quality parameters.
System Using Arduino.”
Keywords: Water Quality, pH, Conductivity, GSM, EC sensor, Temperature Sensor,
Shanlax International Wimax, Arduino.
Journal of Arts, Science
and Humanities, vol. 6, Introduction
no. 4, 2019, pp. 22–26. Water is one of the essential natural resources that has been gifted to
mankind. But the rapid development of the society and numerous human
DOI: activities speeded up the contamination and deteriorated the water resources. For above water quality monitoring is necessary to identify any changes in
sijash.v6i4.341 water quality parameters from time-to-time to make sure its safety in real
time. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has established a series
of monitoring stations on water bodies across the country which monitor
the water quality on either a monthly or yearly basis. This is done to ensure
This work is licensed that the water quality is being maintained orrestored at the desired level. It
under a Creative is important that it is monitored on regular basis. Water quality monitoring
Commons Attribution- helps in evaluating the nature and extent of pollution control required, and
NonCommercial- effectiveness of pollution control measures. All the stations will operate in
NoDerivatives 4.0 real time, and central station can access data from any of the abovestations
International License using GPRS/GSM or 3G cellular services.

International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

Water quality monitoring systems need to system based on GPRS/GSM. The information was
quickly identify any changes in the quality of water sent usinga GPRS network, which helped to check
and report the same to the officials for immediate remotely the WQP. Kamal Alamo, 2011[5] presented
action. The system is designed for continuous onsite web-based WSN for monitoring water pollution using
sensing and real-time reporting of water quality data Sigsbee and Imax networks. The system measured
where the officials can access the data on the Smart various WQP. It collected, processed measured data
phone/PC through the Internet. Our proposed system from sensors, and directed through Sigsbee gateway
employs the use of multiple sensors to measure the to the web server using Imax network to monitor the
parameters, measures the quality of water in real-time quality of water from large distances. The system
for effective action, and is economical, accurate, and was capable of monitoring water pollution in real-
required less manpower. time. Dong He, 2012 [6] developed a WQM system
based on WSN [7]. The remote sensor was based on
Research Methodology Sigsbee network. WSN tested WQP and sent data
1. This paper is review based study– this paper is to the Internet using GPRS. With the help of the
done to overcome the man power needed in the Web, information was gathered at a remote server.
previous paper. Kulkarni Amruta, 2013 [8] created solar-powered
2. The period of the study – the study has been WQM utilizing remote sensor network. The Base
started in august 10th, 2018 and result and station (BS) gathered information from distant
conclusion has been done in January 29th , 2019. remote sensors. The BS associated with Sigsbee
3. Result comparison– in the previous published module was powered by sunlight baseboard (Energy
study the man power is highly needed, to harvesting). Brinda Das, P.C. Jain 2017 [9] The
overcome that limitations is experiment is done. conventional method of testing water quality is to
4. In future we use IOT concept in this project. gather samples of water manually and send to the lab
Detecting the more parameters for most secure to test and analyze.
purpose. Increase the parameters by addition of
multiple sensors. By interfacing relay we controls Implementation
the supply of water. This system makes use of three sensors (pH,
5. The power efficient – due to high power is not conductivity, and temperature), processing module
used. Arduino, and two data transmission modules Arduino
and GSM. The three sensors capture the data in the
Literature Survey form of analog signals. The ADC converts these
The available water resources are getting signals into the digital format. These digital signals
depleted and water quality is deteriorated due to the are sent to the Arduino via a GSM module. The
rapid increase in population and needs to meet the microcontroller will process the digital information,
demands of human beings for agriculture, industrial, analyze it, and further communication is done by
and personal use. The quality of ground water is the GSM module, which sends an SMS with the
also affected by pesticides and insecticides. The water quality parameters onto the smart phone/PC,
rivers in India are getting polluted due to industrial which also displayed on the LCD of the Arduino.
waste and discharge of untreated sewage. In order Fig. 1 shows the water quality monitoring system.
to eliminate problems associated with manual water Arduino accepts and processes the data collected
quality monitoring, CPCB has planned to go hi-tech from the sensors to the Web page via GSM module.
and plans to establish ‘Real-Time Water Quality This is carried out with the help of coding.The code
Monitoring (WQM) Network’ across Ganga Basin. is written in C-programming and using the Arduino
Stephen Brosna, 2007 [3] investigated a wireless software to simulate the code. We have used an
sensor network (WSN) to collect real-time water evaluation version of Arduino for C programming.
quality parameters (WQP). Quoi Tie-Zahn, 2010
[4] developed an online water quality monitoring 23
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

System Design cellular technology used for transmitting mobile

voice and data services operate at the 850MHz,
900MHz,1800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands.

A sensor is a transducer device to detect events
or changes in its environment, and then provide a
Fig. 1 Water Quality Monitoring System corresponding electrical output. The most important
Source: Primary Data characteristics of a sensor are precision, resolution,
linearity, and speed. Sensor calibration improves
sensor performance. The performance can be
enhanced by removing structural errors in the sensor
outputs. Above repeatable errors calculated during
calibration are compensated in real time during
measurements carried out by sensors.

pH Sensor
pH is a measure of how acidic or basic alkaline
Fig. 2 Water Quality Monitoring System the water? It is defined as the negative log of
Implementation the hydrogen ion concentration. The pH scale is
Source: Primary Data logarithmic and goes from 0 to 14. It is low for
acidic and high for alkaline solutions. A natural
Arduino Uno Board source of water pH is around 7. For each increase
The Arduino Uno is microcontroller board based in a number of pHs, the hydrogen ion concentration
on the ATmega 328 It has 14 digital input/output decreases ten-fold and water becomes less acidic. A
pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 an pH sensor has to measuring electrode and a reference
analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a power electrode. A battery positive terminal connected to
jack, an ICSP header, and a rest button.It contains the measuring electrode and negative terminal to the
everything needed to support the microcontroller; reference electrode. The reference electrode provides
simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable fixed potential and when the pH sensor immersed
power it with an AC – to – DC adapter or battery to in the solution, the reference electrode does not
get started. change with changing hydrogen ion concentration.
USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features The differential voltage of electrodes changes with
the Atmega 8U2 programmed as a USB –to – serial the temperature, so a temperature sensor is also
converter. The UNO and version 1.0 will be the necessary to correct the change in voltage.
reference versions of Arduino, moving forward.The
UNO is the latest in a series of USB Arduino boards, Electric Conductivity Sensor
and the reference model for the Arduino platform. Salts dissolve in water breaks into positive and
negative ions. Dissolved ions are the conductors
GSM MODEM and conductivity is the ability of water to conduct
A GSM modem is specialized type of modem an electrical current. The major positively
which accepts a SIM card and operates over a charged ions are sodium, calcium, potassium, and
subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile magnesium and the major negatively charged ions
phone..A new version of now SMS is available that are chloride, sulfate, carbonate, and bicarbonate.
supports the ability to use Android phones as GSM Nitrates and phosphates are minor charged ions to
modem devices for both sending and receiving SMS the conductivity. Electric conductivity is measured
and MMS messages.GSM is an open and digital with the help of a probe and a meter. The probe

International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

consists of two metal electrodes spaced 1 cm apart Conclusions and Future Work
(unit: millimeter - or micro-Siemens per cm). The The real-time water quality monitoring system
dissolved salts concentration is directly proportional for real-time applications which is efficient and
to electrical conductivity. TDS in water is determined low cost,has been tested after the implementation.
by multiplying the conductivity by a factor of 0.67. This can help in preventing diseases caused due
topolluted water and the presence of metals. It has
Temperature Sensor a positive meaning to strengthen environmental
To analyze the coldness or hotness of a product, protection.It also has a positive meaning to
the Temperature sensor is designed. This sensor does improve environmental performance throughout
not possess more than 0.1 °C temperature rise in the the community. Three parameters are monitored in
air which is still. It has low self-heating. The range this system which is pH, temperature and dissolved
for operating temperature is from -55°C to 150°C. oxygen. The diseases that are caused due to the
presence of metals and pollutants in the water can
Result be protected by this system. The task of monitoring
To demonstrate the quality of water, the pH can be done by using less trained individuals. The
sensor and EC sensor is put into a container filled installation of the system can be done easily when
with tap water, to which 3- 4 drops of acid is added. it is near the target area. To ensure the portability
We can see that the pH of the water remains at of the device, a self-mode, small size Arduino
around 3 to 4.5 means the water is acidic in nature. microcontroller is used.The results of the test for
The temperature of the surrounding stays between all times have been successful. We conclude that
32 to 34 degrees. The conductivity of water is at all the objectives of the proposed system have been
7 to 9 micro Siemens/centimeter. Total Dissolved achieved. To test more parameters of the water quality
Solids are 0.67*electrical conductivity which can for some applications, other sensors can be included
be measured from the experimental results, the pH in the system.The system has good flexibility. Only
value for drinking water was obtained in the range by replacing the corresponding sensors and changing
6.7-7.2 which was found to be within the range the relevant software programs, this system can be
prescribed by the Indian Standards Institution i.e. used to monitor other water quality parameters. The
6.5-8.5. The monitored values for rain water and operation is simple. The system can be expanded
lemon juice were found to be in the range 5.6-6.4 to monitor hydrologic, air pollution, industrial and
and 2.2-2.9 respectively. agricultural production and so on.
Man power is reduced. The number of parameters
to be sensed can be increased by the addition of
multiple sensors to measure dissolved oxygen (DO),
chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia nitrogen, nitrate,
nitrite, phosphate. The system can be further
upgraded using wireless sensor networks.
• In future we use IOT concept in this project
• Detecting the more parameters for most secure
• Increase the parameters by addition of multiple
• By interfacing relay we controls the supply of
Fig 3.Output Message in WQM System water 25
International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities

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Author Details
S.Gokulanathan, Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil
Nadu, India. Email ID:

P.Manivasagam, Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil
Nadu, India. Email ID:

N.Prabu, Student, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu,
India. Email ID:

T.Venkatesh, Guide, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology,
Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, India. Email ID:


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