Quiz in Arnis

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COURSE AND YEAR:_______________________

Activity 4
Test I. Multiple Choice Test II. Modified True or False
Instruction: Write the letter of your answer on the Instruction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and
space provided. (1 point each)
write the correct answer on the space provided if the
underlined word is false. (1 point each)

______1. What Arnis weapon is commonly used in

training and competition?

A. Carambit C. Baston
__________________1. Body Armour is made of multi-
B. Bangkaw D. Bolo
thick metal frame to protect the body from an impact.

______2. What type of Arnis weapon is sarong?

A. Baston C. Edged
__________________2. The playing court measures

B. Flexible D. Impact
10m by 10m

______3.What is a type of weapon that is made of dark

wood and expensive wood?
__________________3.The guards can be used to
A. Bolo C. Latigo
protect both the thigh and the shin area.

B. Baraw D. Kamagong

______4. What weapons were used in combat, hunting, __________________4. Gloves used to protect the groin
and ceremonies in the Philippine history?

A. Bahi C. Malee

B. Bangkaw D. Tabak-toyok

__________________5. Headgear gives you additional

______5. What weapon described as long blade and it padding between your whole body and the floor.

is named after a porgy fish

A. Batete C. Binakoko

B. Balisong D. Pinanggar

Test III. Essay

Instruction: Read the questions and your answer must be at least 3 sentences. (10 Points)


1. Why do you think that Baston is commonly used weapon in Arnis?


2. How will you protect yourself in an unwanted situation? Site an example


Test IV. Analysis ____________________________________

Instruction: Analyse and ____________________________________
explain the playing court.
Answer must be at least 5 ____________________________________
Rubric: ____________________________________
ANALYSIS-3 ____________________________________

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