Quiz in Arnis
Quiz in Arnis
Quiz in Arnis
Activity 4
Test I. Multiple Choice Test II. Modified True or False
Instruction: Write the letter of your answer on the Instruction: Write T if the statement is TRUE and
space provided. (1 point each)
write the correct answer on the space provided if the
underlined word is false. (1 point each)
A. Carambit C. Baston
__________________1. Body Armour is made of multi-
B. Bangkaw D. Bolo
thick metal frame to protect the body from an impact.
A. Baston C. Edged
__________________2. The playing court measures
B. Flexible D. Impact
10m by 10m
B. Baraw D. Kamagong
______4. What weapons were used in combat, hunting, __________________4. Gloves used to protect the groin
and ceremonies in the Philippine history?
A. Bahi C. Malee
B. Bangkaw D. Tabak-toyok
A. Batete C. Binakoko
B. Balisong D. Pinanggar