Shear Tests On Continuous Prestressed Concrete Beams With External Prestressing
Shear Tests On Continuous Prestressed Concrete Beams With External Prestressing
Shear Tests On Continuous Prestressed Concrete Beams With External Prestressing
428 © 2015 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Structural Concrete (2015), No. 3
M. Herbrand/M. Classen · Shear tests on continuous prestressed concrete beams with external prestressing
internal tendon
2 Experimental investigations
2.1 Test setup and material properties St Ø8/25
St Ø8/25
ternal tendon profile of each of the three test beams (TB1 15 15
to TB3) were identical, whereas the degree of external pre-
St Ø6/500
341 269
5500 150
Fig. 3. Position of internal tendon measured from underside of beam to centre of duct
*not determined
. . . . . . .
1nd test w = 1.33 ‰ w = 0.67 ‰
2 test
cp,ext = 0 MPa
cp,ext = 1.5 MPa
tcp,ext = 2.5 MPa
a) b)
Fig. 9. Load-deflection curves of the three test beams for a) ρw = 0.67 ‰ and b) ρw = 1.33 ‰
450 2.50
1.33 ‰
+4 %
400 2.25 0.67 ‰
Shear Force V [kN]
350 2.00
Vult /V crack [-]
+7 %
300 1.75
Vcrack +30 %
250 1.50
Fig. 10. a) Influence of external prestressing on Vcrack and Vult, b) Vult/Vcrack ratio with respect to external prestressing
is why negative Vtest values occur at the beginning of the fluence of the external prestressing on Vcrack is much larg-
tests. er, with an increase of 30 %. This leads to a decrease in
the Vult/Vcrack ratio (Fig. 10b), indicating that a further in-
2.2.3 Initial shear cracking crease in the external prestressing would probably lead to
an immediate failure after initial shear crack formation.
After the occurrence of the first shear cracks, the test Therefore, it would seem reasonable to limit the extent to
beams exhibited a significant loss in stiffness (Fig. 9). which additional external prestressing may be applied in
However, after initial shear cracking, a significant increase order to avoid a sudden shear failure. Since the partial
in the loading was still possible until shear failure. The safety factor for concrete without reinforcement is γc = 1.8
shear reinforcement ratio had only little influence on the and the partial safety factor for reinforced concrete is
initial shear crack load Vcrack; as such, the external pre- γc = 1.5 according to [24], the Vult/Vcrack ratio should be at
stressing was the governing influence. The values of the least 1.8/1.5 = 1.20. This value represents the intended
initial shear crack load Vcrack and the load at shear failure safety margin between brittle and ductile behaviour. If the
Vult are given in Table 4. lines in Fig. 10b are extrapolated, the intersections with
As shown in Fig. 10a, the external prestressing in- the red dotted line lie at σcp,ext = 3.0 MPa (ρw = 0.67 ‰)
duces an increase in Vult from 4 to 7 %. However, the in- and σcp,ext = 5.0 MPa (ρw = 1.33 ‰). The mean value of
the concrete compressive strength for all tests amounts to
38.4 MPa; consequently, the characteristic value of the
Table 4. Initial shear crack loads Vcrack und ultimate loads Vult mean compressive strength is fck = 38.4 – 4 ≈ 34.4 MPa.
Taking the internal prestressing σcp,int = 2.0 MPa into
Specimen Vcrack Vult Vcrack Vult account, the ratio of prestressing stress to concrete com-
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] pressive strength should be limited to values of σcp,max/
ρw = 0.67 ‰ ρw = 1.33 ‰ fck ≤ (3.0 + 2.0)/34.4 ≈ 0.15 (ρw = 0.67 ‰) and σcp,max/
fck ≤ (5.0 + 2.0)/34.4 ≈ 0.20 (ρw = 1.33 ‰) respectively.
TB1 208 314 195 403
These proposed limits are currently being integrated into
TB2 240 328 214 366
an updated version of the German structural assessment
TB3 265 337 253 418
provisions for existing bridges [25]–[30].
2.2.4 Mechanisms contributing to shear resistance Eqs. (6) and (7). The vertical contribution of the arch ac-
tion Vcc was calculated by determining the value and the
During testing, the stirrup strains were continuously mea- angle of the resulting compressive force in the concrete
sured by strain gauges. The stresses in the stirrups were due to bending, as proposed in [15]. The vertical contribu-
then calculated with stress-strain relationships that were tion of the tendon VP was also taken into account. The
determined in tensile tests. The stirrup stresses of the test sum of these resistances was compared with the shear
beams for different loads VTest are shown in Fig. 11. Red force due to dead load and loading Vg+F in the test on test
circles indicate the failure of a strain gauge. specimens TB1 and TB3 (Fig. 12). The comparison indi-
By measuring the stirrup stresses, the truss contribu- cates that the three shear contributions of stirrups, con-
tion Vsy was calculated for different load steps by applying crete and tendon are the essential contributions for shear
Fig. 11. Stirrup stresses for TB1 to TB3 for different load steps
at the ultimate limit state. It also shows that the concrete’s Many existing bridges were designed with the PTSC ac-
contribution through arch action is significant, providing cording to former German bridge codes. The principal
about 60–65 % of the total shear capacity, whereas the stresses are calculated using Eq. (4):
contribution of the stirrups is only about 15–30 %. This
dominant contribution by arch action has previously been 2
⎛ VEd · Sy,i ⎞
noted by different authors and was taken into account in σ I,i = 0.5 · σ cx,i + 0.25 · σ cx,i
2 +⎜ ⎟ (4)
different shear models [15], [23], [31]–[33]. Nevertheless, it ⎝ I y · bw,i ⎠
is clear that the governing role of the arch action is limited
to PC beams with a low or medium amount of shear rein- The principal tensile stresses may not exceed the tensile
forcement. The gradient of the internal forces in Fig. 12 al- strength of the concrete fctd. This criterion must be
so shows that a shear design check at a distance d from checked for different points i within the web, since the lo-
the support and the load initiation point is suitable be- cation of the maximum principal stresses is unknown for
cause of the load spreading in the vicinity of the point cross-sections with varying width. In order to calculate the
load and the support. ultimate shear force, VEd must be increased until the prin-
cipal tensile stresses are equal to the concrete tensile
3 Comparison with shear models stress.
3.1 Introduction
3.4 Model by Goertz
In order to determine which shear design approach yields
the most accurate results, the test results were compared In the procedure by Goertz, the shear resistance VRd con-
with the following shear models: sists of a truss contribution VRd,sy and a concrete contri-
– Truss model with crack friction (TMCF) [34] bution VRd,c according to Eq. (5). The procedure is applic-
– Principal tensile stress criterion (PTSC) able for members both with and without shear
– fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, Level III reinforcement, and was slightly modified in [14].
[18], [35]
– Model by Görtz [13], [23] VRd = VRd,sy + VRd,c (5)
– Modified compression field theory (MCFT) with Re-
sponse 2000 [36] The truss contribution VRd,sy is calculated using Eq. (6):
The reduction factors κs and κp account for the influence Fig. 13. Experimental ultimate loads Vtest and calculated ultimate loads Vcalc
of the lower stiffness of the concrete contribution relative
to the truss contribution. The concrete contribution of the
uncracked compression zone Vc,s is based on the work of with a low amount of shear reinforcement and large crack
Zink [33] (Eq. (9)): widths. The approach according to fib Model Code 2010
(Level III) is more accurate with μ = 1.9. The shear model
2 by Goertz is also quite accurate with μ = 1.3.
Vc,s = · k · f · (4 · d/a)0.25 · (5 · lch/d)0.25 · bw · d (9)
3 x ctd Surprisingly, the PTSC is equally accurate with
μ = 1.3, indicating that the PTSC is suitable for determin-
The factor kx represents the depth of the concrete com- ing the shear strength of beams with low amounts of shear
pression zone (Eq. 10). This factor was modified in this re- reinforcement. This result also demonstrates the large gap
search project to account for the influence of additional between the TMCF and PTSC results. However, it must be
external tendons: noted that the PTSC often cannot be applied to sections
close to supports because the allowable flexural stresses
kx = 0.95 · (ρl · n)0.4 + 0.8 m (10) are exceeded. Nevertheless, the test results have shown
that this approach is still sufficiently precise at sections
The strut contribution favoured by prestressing Vc,p can be where the flexural stresses exceed the concrete tensile
calculated using Eq. (11): strength fctd. Therefore, the recommendation is to allow
the PTSC for sections of a beam with a flange in tension if
Vc,p = P · ΔzP/a (11) the mean value of the concrete tensile strength fctm is not
exceeded. However, the PTSC is supposed to predict the
Here, Vc,p is the vertical component of the compression initial shear crack loads correctly, but not the ultimate
strut which is caused by the internal prestressing force P. loads. In this regard, the tests have shown that the PTSC
In the case of continuous PC beams, the inner lever arm overestimates the initial shear crack loads by a factor of
ΔzP may be taken as the vertical distance between the re- about 1.3. The reason for this is the residual stresses in the
sulting compressive forces at the load initiation point and concrete due to the curved tendon, which are usually ne-
the mid-support, and a is the distance of the point load glected when the shear check is performed. In [23] it was
from the support. shown that the initial shear crack loads are predicted cor-
rectly if the residual stresses in the tendon are taken into
3.5 Comparison and conclusions account. Although this does not affect beams with suffi-
cient shear reinforcement, the allowable principal tensile
Here, the mean values of the calculated shear resistance stresses at the ultimate limit state should, consequently, be
Vcalc are compared with the ultimate test loads Vtest. For limited to 80 % of the concrete tensile strength fctd for
the calculations, the mean concrete tensile strength was beams with < 50 % of the minimum shear reinforcement.
determined according to EC2 [37], with fctm = 0.30 · The aforementioned propositions for the PTSC will also
(fck)2/3, and the characteristic concrete compressive be included in the updated version of the German struc-
strength with fck = fcm,cyl – 4 [MPa]. The shear capacity was tural assessment provisions for existing bridges [25], [26].
compared at a distance d from the mid-support, which is The values determined by the Response2000 pro-
the critical section according to EC2. The test results and gram are the most accurate, with a mean value μ = 1.0.
calculated results are compared in Fig. 13. The mean val- The ultimate shear load is calculated by iteration based on
ue of the ratio of test results and calculated loads for each MCFT. The MCFT accounts for the interaction of mo-
approach is given by the value μ. ments, shear forces and axial forces, and uses non-linear
The TMCF predicts rather conservative values since stress-strain relationships for materials. The main advan-
the concrete contribution is ascribed exclusively to crack tage might be that the constitutive equations of this model
friction. However, it is questionable as to whether crack are not limited to equilibrium of forces and Bernoulli
friction actually contributes substantially to the shear ca- compatibility as with truss models, but can also include
pacity as shown in the test results, especially for beams Mohr compatibility or Poisson effects. In other words, the
shear behaviour can be predicted more precisely because 5. Additional research on continuous prestressed con-
it is not treated as a one-dimensional problem. However, crete beams is required in order to determine the level
the complex approach of the MCFT must be modified for of safety of extended shear design models. If partial
practitioners so that necessary simplifications (SMCFT) safety factors are derived and validated for these mod-
lead to more conservative results that are similar to sim- els, they can be approved for general use for recalculat-
pler truss models. Generally, it seems that most of the ap- ing existing bridge structures.
proaches underestimate the shear capacity of the PC con-
tinuous beams in these test series regardless of the Acknowledgements
external prestressing, with the exception of MCFT. The in-
fluence of the external prestressing itself is considered ap- We would like to thank the staff of the German Federal
propriately by most approaches, except the TMCF. Within Highway Research Institute (BASt) for their support and
the TMCF, an additional normal force has virtually no in- the members of the project committee for the fruitful dis-
fluence on the shear capacity. Overall, an increase in the cussions.
axial force only seems to have a minor influence on the ul- This report is partly based on research performed on
timate shear capacity of PC beams, but is nevertheless an behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Transport under
important influence for the initial shear crack load. project No. FE 15.0482/2009/FRB. Only the author is
Finally, it must also be asserted that at this point responsible for its content.
there have not yet been enough tests carried out on con-
tinuous PC beams to validate the safety margin of the ex- Notation
tended shear models presented for recalculating existing
bridges. Shear tests have mostly been performed on single- Ac gross cross-sectional area
span beams; thus, more progressive approaches remain to Asw area of stirrups
be validated on continuous beam tests in order to verify bw web width
their applicability for an altered moment gradient. bw,i cross-sectional width of duct at the design point i
under consideration according to EC2 [37]
4 Summary d effective cross-sectional depth
Ecm Young’s modulus of concrete (secant modulus)
The shear design checks for existing bridges are often not Es Young’s modulus of steel
fulfilled due to higher traffic loads and changes in code fcm mean value of concrete compressive strength
provisions. In this research project at RWTH Aachen Uni- fck characteristic value of concrete compressive
versity, six tests were conducted on three continuous pre- strength
stressed concrete beams with internal parabolic post-ten- fcd design value of concrete compressive strength
sioning and additional, straight external tendons. The fywk characteristic value of stirrup yield strength
following conclusions can be derived from the tests: fywd design value of stirrup yield strength
1. The major contributor for the shear capacity of pre- fctm mean value of concrete tensile strength
stressed concrete beams with little shear reinforcement fctd design value of concrete tensile strength
is the concrete, which results from direct arch action. Gf = min{0.0307 · fctm; 0.143 N/mm} (fracture
Other contributions, such as dowel action and crack energy)
friction, are negligible. Iy 2nd order moment of inertia
2. An additional axial load due to external prestressing lch = Ecm·Gf/fctm2 (characteristic length)
has only a rather small influence on the ultimate shear m = σcp,ext/fcm (degree of external prestressing)
capacity. However, that load leads to a significantly n Es/Ecm
higher initial shear crack load. This is especially benefi- P prestressing force
cial if the shear check is performed according to the Sy,i 1st order moment of inertia at design point i
principal tensile stress criterion, which, by definition, zi distance from centre of gravity to design point i
determines the initial cracking state. Therefore, based βr shear crack angle
on the tests, suggestions were made regarding the appli- θ compressive strut angle
cation of the principal tensile stress criterion for the κs = 1 – ωw,ct/3 ≥ 0
assessment of bridges, which will be included in an κp = 1 – ωw,ct ≥ 0
addendum to the German structural assessment provi- ρl longitudinal flexural reinforcement ratio
sions for existing concrete bridges. ρw shear reinforcement ratio
3. A small amount of shear reinforcement is sufficient in σcp concrete stress on centroidal axis (compressive
order to ensure ductile behaviour in a prestressed con- stresses negative)
crete beam. In these tests, a shear reinforcement of σcp,int concrete stress on centroidal axis due to internal
50 % of the required minimum shear reinforcement ac- prestressing (compressive stresses negative)
cording to EC2 was sufficient to increase significantly σcp,ext concrete stress on centroidal axis due to external
the loading after initial shear cracking. prestressing (compressive stresses negative)
4. A comparison with different shear design models has σcx,i concrete stress in longitudinal direction at design
shown that models based on the concrete tensile point i
strength or additional concrete contribution predict the ωw,ct = ρw · fywk/fctm (mechanical shear reinforcement
shear capacity most accurately. ratio)