Functionalism, The Social Structure and The Family: Families & Households Studyguide 2
Functionalism, The Social Structure and The Family: Families & Households Studyguide 2
Functionalism, The Social Structure and The Family: Families & Households Studyguide 2
Most early sociological thinking about the family was dominated by the theory of
functionalism. Functionalism is a structural theory in that it believes that the social
structure of society (which is made up of a social system of inter-dependent
social institutions such as the economy, education, media, law, religion and
family) is responsible for shaping the behaviour of individuals and
determining social experiences and life chances.
Functionalists assume that society has certain basic needs called functional
prerequisites that need to be met if it is to continue successfully into the future. For
example, a successful society is underpinned by the need for social order and
economic stability.
Functionalist sociologists are interested in how the family functions for the greater
good of society and, in particular, how it contributes to the maintenance of
social order and stability. They argue that the family alongside other social
institutions contributes to social order by helping to bring about:
Value consensus - shared agreement about how people should think
and behave which is achieved through parents transmitting particular
values, norms of behaviour, traditions etc to children.
Social solidarity - the social ties that unite people as a common culture.
Social integration - people’s sense of belonging to society.
Social conformity – once people have learnt the rules, they need to be
encouraged to stick to them via a system of rewards and punishments.
Skill transmission – people need to take their place in the specialised
division of labour (the organisation of the workforce into a hierarchy of
skills and jobs) and to be taught particular skills in order that the economy –
the engine-room of society – operates effectively
Role allocation – people need to be allocated to the family and occupational
roles which make the best use of their talents and abilities.
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Families & Households
Studyguide 2
Functionalists see the family as playing a major role in achieving these social and
economic goals. They view it as the cornerstone of society because it plays the
dominant role amongst all social institutions in making individuals feel part
of wider society. Moreover, the family also fuels the economy as a unit of both
production and consumption.
Finally, functionalists argue that the family also functions for the benefit of the
individuals who comprise it. Both adults and children benefit from the emotional
well-being and satisfaction associated with marriage and family life. The
family also provides identity and security as well as economic and social
supports. Consequently family members are happy to take their place in
society as responsible and well-behaved citizens.
Overall, then, functionalists see the family as extremely functional, i.e. its existence
is both beneficial and necessary for the smooth running of society and the
personal development of individuals.
G.P. Murdock
The functionalist sociologist George Peter Murdock (1949) compared over 250
societies and claimed that the nuclear family was universal – he argued that the
nuclear family existed in every known society. He defined the nuclear family as
Evaluation of Murdock
(a) Murdock’s definition is very ethnocentric (culturally biased) and reflective of
a particular time. It is based on his own experience of the American family as
it was in the 1940s.
(b) It is consequently very dated. It fails to take account of a number of distinct
modern trends which have changed the face of the family since the
1940s particularly in the UK such as:
Changes in UK birth and fertility rates as well as mass migration
into the UK.
The relaxation of social attitudes and reform of laws which have
made cohabitation, divorce, abortion and gay rights more socially
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These changes have resulted in alternative family forms appearing. This family
diversity is now challenging the dominance of Murdock’s nuclear ideal and
its functions. For example, a range of different attitudes towards bringing up
children can be seen in the UK which have their roots in affluence and poverty,
religion, child psychology practices, etc. Think about how the educational
function may differ with regard to boys and girls being brought up in an
upper or middle-class White family compared with a White family living
on a deprived inner-city estate or being brought up in a Muslim or Sikh or
Catholic family.
(c) Murdock’s emphasis on two parents and particularly heterosexual marriage (i.e.
heavily implied by his use of use of the phrase ‘socially approved sexual
relationship’) is politically conservative in that it deprives certain
members of society of family status; it implies that certain types of
parenting – single, foster, homosexual and surrogate – are not quite as beneficial
as the classic two heterosexual parents’ nuclear model. In this sense,
Murdock’s model is clearly taking a right-wing value position because
it is clearly saying there are ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways to organize family
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Roles in these families were the product of ascription rather than achievement. This
means that both the family status and the job a person did were the product
of being born into a particular extended family known for a particular trade
or skill. For example, if the family were pig farmers, then there was a strong likelihood
that all members of the family – men and women, old and young alike – would be
involved in some aspect of pig farming. Moreover, these roles would be passed
down from generation to generation. Few family members would reject the roles,
because duty and obligation to the family and community were key values of pre-
industrial society.
In return for this commitment, the extended family network generally performed other
functions for its members:
The family equipped its members with the skills and education they needed to
take their place in the family division of labour, although this socialization rarely
extended to literacy and numeracy.
The family functioned to maintain the health of its members, in the absence of a
system of universal health care. However, the high infant mortality rates and low
life expectancy of the pre-industrial period tell us that this was probably a constant
The family also provided welfare for its members. For example, those family
members who did make it into old age would be cared for, in exchange for services
such as looking after very young children.
The extended family was expected to pursue justice on behalf of any wronged
family member. This was known as the ‘blood feud’. Such conflict between
families could last several generations.
welfare and justice during the course of the 19 th century. Parsons suggests this
process of structural differentiation left the nuclear family to specialize in two
essential functions:
Parsons believed that the family was the main centre of primary socialisation –
the teaching and learning of the attitudes, values, behavioural norms and
traditions which mainly occurs during childhood and which prepares a child
to take their place as an adult in a particular culture or society.
Parsons believed that personalities are ‘made not born’ – a child could only become a
responsible and effective social adult if parents made sure that they were socialised
into the shared norms and values of the society (value consensus) to which they
belonged. He therefore saw nuclear families as ‘personality factories’, churning out
young citizens committed to the rules, patterns of behaviour and belief
systems which make positive involvement in social life possible. In this sense,
Parsons saw the family as a crucial bridge connecting the individual
child/adult to wider society. He also particularly saw mothers as playing the
major role in this process of nurturing and socialisation in families.
Discussion point: Children internalise the norms, values and culture necessary to
survive and fit into society. Can you think of some examples of these values, norms
For example, what sorts of behaviour do we learn from our parents that ‘civilises’ us?
Not all functionalist sociologists agreed with Parsons’ idea that the nuclear family now
only performs these two basic functions. Fletcher (1988), a British functionalist,
argues that the family performs three essential functions that no other social
institution can carry out. These include (a) the long-standing satisfaction of the
sexual and emotional needs of parents, (b) having and rearing children in a
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Families & Households
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However, Fletcher also argues that the family retains its educational, health and
welfare functions albeit in a diluted fashion. He notes that child-rearing and
socialisation in families are made more effective by the support offered by state
institutions in the form of antenatal and postnatal care, health clinics,
doctors, health visitors, social workers, schools and teachers and housing
officers. Moreover, he notes that the majority of parents often take primary
responsibility for their children’s health – by teaching them hygiene and caring
for them and treating them when they suffer minor illnesses. Furthermore, many
parents often guide and encourage their children with regard to educational
and career choices and provide material and welfare supports well beyond
the period of childhood. Children often reciprocate these supports when their
parents enter old age.
Fletcher accepts that the nuclear family has largely lost its economic function of
production although many family firms continue to exist. However, both Fletcher and
Wilmott and Young highlight the family’s alternative economic function as a
major unit of consumption. The modern home-centred nuclear family spends a
great proportion of its income on family or home orientated consumer goods, e.g. the
family car, garden paraphernalia, the latest electrical appliances for the kitchen and
leisure use, toys etc. As Day Sclater notes:
‘from ready-made meals, through washing machines and cars, to
telecommunication services, the advertisers on our TV sets and in magazines
clearly regard families as providing the main market for the goods and
services they promote. Family income is expended largely on things for the
family.’ (Sclater 2000, p.24)
Wilmott and Young suggest that this particular function motivates family members as
workers to earn as much as possible as well as motivating capitalist entrepreneurs and
businesses to produce and market what families want. In other words, the nuclear
family is essential to a successful economy.
Other critics of functionalism suggest that the functions of the nuclear family are
not as important as they once were because of social and economic changes
such as the feminisation of the workforce and the decline in both the birth
rate and family size. Some sociologists argue that secondary agents of
socialisation such as the mass media, adolescent and adult peer groups and
fundamentalist forms of religion are more influential over family members in
the 21st century than parents. The table on page 10 illustrates the impact of social
change and secondary agents of socialisation on parents’ responsibility for family
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Regulating Sex outside marriage is now the norm. Alternative sexualities, e.g.
sex homosexuality and lesbianism are also becoming more socially
Socialization This is still rooted in the family, although there are concerns that the
mass media and the peer group have become more influential, with the
result that children are growing up faster. In 2014, it has been
suggested that fundamentalist forms of religion may have become more
influential than parents especially as some young British Muslims head
out to Syria to join IS.
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Laslett’s (1972) study of English parish records suggests that only 10 per cent
of households in the pre-industrial period contained extended kin. In other
words, most pre-industrial families may have been nuclear to begin with and
not extended as Parsons claimed. Such small families were probably due to late
marriage, early death and the practice of sending children away to become
servants or apprentices.
It may also be the case that industrialisation took off so quickly because nuclear
families already existed – and so people could move quickly to those parts of the
country where their skills were in demand. However, Laslett’s data has been
criticised as unreliable because the parish records he used do not give sociologists
any real insight into the quality of family life, i.e. how people actually experienced the
family or the meaning they attached to family life. For example, people may have lived
in nuclear units but may have seen and spent quality time with other relatives on a
daily basis. They may have regarded themselves as members of extended families.
Young and Willmott (1957) argue that the extended family unit only went into
decline in the 1960s, when working-class communities were re-housed in
new towns and on council estates after extensive slum clearance. Moreover,
the welfare state and full employment of the 1950s undermined the need for
a mutual economic support system. Bright working-class young men also made the
most of the opportunities and qualifications made available by the 1944
Education Act and were less likely to follow their fathers into manual work. Their
social mobility into white-collar and professional jobs often meant
geographical mobility, i.e. moving away from traditional working-class areas
to progress their careers and consequently less frequent contact with kin.
It is composed of two parents who are probably both in work plus their children.
In other words, it is nuclear in structure.
It is home-centred – the family spends much of its leisure time in the home.
For example, the television became the focal point of family interaction from the
1960s on whilst DIY became a central leisure activity for many men.
It is egalitarian – men and women have more economic equality and this
has led to the adoption of ‘joint conjugal roles ‘ - domestic tasks,
childcare, decision-making and leisure time are more likely to be
shared rather than segregated into male and female activities. The evidence for
this particular feature will be discussed later in study-guide .
(a) Like Murdock, Parsons’ model has also been criticised as dated and
ethnocentric because it is based upon the 1950s American middle class nuclear
family. Critical sociologists have pointed out that the UK today is experiencing
family diversity – the nuclear family is only one type of family among
many types. Moreover, marriage is no longer seen as essential to family life
and consequently a high number of couples with children now cohabitate.
Moreover very few women are full-time housewives as they were in 1950s USA.
Most women combine a career and family today.
(b) Like Murdock, Parsons assumes that experience of the nuclear family life is a
universal experience. However it is not because of factors such as social
class, patriarchy and subculture. For example, Parsons does not consider
the fact that wealth or poverty may determine whether women stay at home to
look after children or not. Religious and ethnic subcultural differences may
mean that Parsons’ version of the family is no longer relevant in contemporary
multicultural British society.
(c) Parsons presents a very positive picture of relationships within the nuclear family
but evidence suggests that living in such a unit can sometimes be very
dysfunctional or harmful to its members. As Cheal (2008) notes, functional
AS Sociology
Families & Households
Studyguide 2
relationships can easily slip into dysfunctional relationships, and love can often
turn into hate in moments of intense emotion. He notes that ‘we have to face
the paradox that families are contexts of love and nurturance, but they are also
contexts of violence and murder’. For example, one child a week in the UK on
average dies at the hands of its parents and the NSPCC point out that neglect
and child abuse are more common that the official criminal statistics suggest.
Furthermore domestic violence is also a norm in many family households – it
is estimated that on average two women a week are killed by their male partners
or ex-partners.
(d) A big problem with structuralist sociologists like Parsons is that they spend so
much time examining the relationships between society and social institutions
that they neglect individuals. They often fail to look at the interaction
between family members or they fail to explore how members of
families view or interpret family life.
(e) The functionalist theory of the family has been attacked by both Marxist
sociologists and feminist sociologists. These extremely important criticisms will
be dealt with by study-guides 3 and 4.
Value consensus
Social integration
Social solidarity
Specialised division of labour
Role allocation
AS Sociology
Families & Households
Studyguide 2
Social order
Universality of the family
Extended family
Mutual support system
Isolated nuclear family
Structural differentiation
Primary socialization
Stabilisation of adult personality
Warm bath function
Unit of consumption
Secondary socialization
Expressive leaders
Instrumental leaders
Warm bath theory
Symmetrical Family
Segregated conjugal roles
Joint segregated conjugal roles
Important names
GP Murdock
Talcott Parsons
Ronald Fletcher
Wilmott & Young