English Lesson Plan
English Lesson Plan
English Lesson Plan
Very good!
So, what do you think is our lesson for Our lesson for today is all about Propaganda
today? Techniques.
That’s correct.
D. Presentation
For today’s discussion, we are going to
identify and differentiate the propaganda
techniques used in advertisement that
you see in television, printed materials,
billboards, social media platforms or even
you heard in radio.
Who wants to give another example?
Excellent! (A student gives another example)
2. Testimonial
(An example of advertisement will be It uses words of an expert or a famous person to
shown to the class) promote a particular idea.
For this ad, how is testimonial shown?
Great answer!
Who can tell how transfer is used in this Transfer was used by means of telling the people that
ad? we can show our support to PBA through buying
Chooks-to-Go. They also used #ManokNgBayan.
Very good!
4. Glittering Generalities These are vague statements that will connect with the
audiences’ beliefs and values. It uses words of praise
In this example, who can tell me how this for product or person.
technique was used?
That’s correct!
5. Name Calling
Trash-talking another product or person.
For example, in this ad Joy Dish washing (A student gives an example)
Liquid was compared to another product
by showing the number of plates.
It seems like you really understood our (A student will ask a question, make clarification, or
lesson for today. Are there any questions give a suggestion)
or clarifications? How about suggestions?
Preparedness - 25 pts
Content - 25 pts
Acting/Dialogue - 20 pts
Props and Costume -10 pts
Enthusiasm - 10 pts
Audience Response - 10 pts Total : 100 pts
V. Assignment
Watch for advertisements and identify the propaganda techniques used. Write
your answers on your notebook.