Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

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At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. analyze the information contained in the video of Romeo and Juliet’s balcony scene;
2. perform differentiated activities assigned to them in groups; and
3. share personal opinion about fortitude and determination.


Topic : Romeo and Juliet (Balcony Scene)
Materials : Visual aids, laptop, projector, speakers, task cards
References : A Journey through Anglo-American Literature (Learner’s
Material) pages 303 – 322
Target Grade : Grade 9
Values Integration : Fortitude and determination

III. Procedure and Methodology

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
_______, please lead the prayer. Let’s bow our heads and close our eyes.
(Student’s Prayer)

2. Greetings
Good morning, class! (The whole class will stand up) Good
morning, sir!
You may take your seats.

3. Checking of Attendance
__________, is there any absent for
today? (The monitor will report the attendance.)

Thank you.

B. Priming
Let’s recall what we had discussed
yesterday. What was it about? It was about the story of story of Romeo
and Juliet.

Very good. We had an introduction to

the story of Romeo and Juliet. Let’s see
how you remember the details of our
discussion yesterday though a
WordSearch game. I need a volunteer
from each group to pick a piece of paper
and read aloud the description in it.

From the WordSearch table, the

representative shall find the word being
described by the paper he/she has drawn.
He/she shall do it in thirty seconds.

Volunteers, come here in front. (Five students will go in front and do as


(The words and the descriptions written

in the pieces of paper are as follows:
 VERONA – the town where the
two rival families lived
 MONTAGUE – the family of
 CAPULET – the family of Juliet
 ROSALINE – Romeo’s first
 PARIS – the one whom Juliet is
supposed to marry


Very good. Those who got the correct

answers earned their groups additional (Students clap.)
points. Give yourselves five claps.

These are our learning objectives for At the end of the lesson, the learners are
today. Please read. expected to:
1. analyze the information contained
in the video of Romeo and
Juliet’s balcony scene;
2. perform differentiated activities
assigned to them in groups; and
3. share personal opinion about
fortitude and determination.

C. Activity
You will watch the video of the balcony
scene from the 2013 movie adaptation of
Romeo and Juliet. Pay attention and jot
down the important details from the (The students will watch the video and jot
scene. down details.)

D. Analysis
Answer the guide questions.
The confession of love of Romeo and
1. What was the video about? Juliet to each other. (Answer may vary.)

2. How did Romeo react when Juliet

confessed her love for him, not He was so happy that he revealed himself
knowing that he’s listening? and confessed his love for her. He
climbed up the balcony. (Answer may

3. What was Juliet worried about while She was worried that her nurse might
they are talking at the balcony? catch them. (Answer may vary.)

4. How did they ended their They said goodnight/goodbye to each

conversation? other many times. (Answer may vary.)
E. Abstraction
The scene is after the costume party at
the house of the Capulets, where Romeo
had seen Juliet for the first time.
Initially, he was at the party to see
Rosaline. However, he gazed upon

Juliet was at the balcony to ponder on

the kiss she had with Romeo during the
costume party. She was disappointed to
know that he was from their family’s
enemy clan, yet she expressed that she
loved him, and wished he was not a

The listening Romeo was too excited

with how great was Juliet’s love for him.
He revealed himself to Juliet and told
her he loved her as well.

Before their conversation ended, they

decided that they will marry by the next

Boys, if you are Romeo and you are

aware of the rivalry between your
families, would you still pursue your Yes. If it’s true love, then I will fight for
love for Juliet? Why? it, against all odds. (Answer may vary.)

Girls, if you are Juliet, would you accept

the love offered by Romeo, provided
you are already engaged with someone Yes. Everyone shall have the freedom to
you don’t love? Why? choose who he/she will love. (Answer
may vary.)

So what does this scene from the story It shows how powerful true love is. It
of Romeo and Juliet tell us? seems too fast, yet they felt it right and

Very good. We can see here the value of

fortitude and determination.

F. Application
Now, we will have a group activity.
Leaders of each group shall come here (Leaders will do as they were told.)
in front and pick their task card.

Here is the rubrics for your activity.

Group 1 (Role Play Dubbing)
Re-enact the balcony scene of Romeo and
Juliet using a modern dialogue. Some of
the group will play as the characters while
the others will serve as voice overs,
narrator, sound effects, etc.

Group 2 (Dance Interpretation)

From the selected part of the song Love
Story by Taylor Swift, make a dance
interpretation. You may choose to use the
song accompaniment or other members
will sing.

Group 3 (Debate)
As the story of Romeo and Juliet touches
the theme of arranged marriage, perform
a debate to present the advantages and
disadvantages of parents arranging
marriages for their children.

Group 4 (Tableau)
Present three different scenes or situations
in which the theme of fortitude and
determination are depicted.

Group 5 (Song Composition)

With the theme of fortitude and
determination, compose a short song. You
may use a tune of any song existing, or
you may create your own.

Okay, give yourselves a round of

applause for a job well done.

G. Evaluation
Copy the statements given and arrange
them in sequence by putting letters A – J
on the spaces provided for.
1. ___ Romeo comes out from where
he was hiding.
2. ___ Juliet tells her love for Romeo.
3. ___ Romeo leaves and Juliet goes to
4. ___ Romeo climbs up the balcony.
5. ___ Romeo and Juliet confess their
love for each other.
6. ___ Juliet is shocked that Romeo is
7. ___ Romeo enters the garden below
Juliet’s window.
8. ___ Juliet calls out Romeo’s name.
9. ___ Juliet’s nurse calls her.
10. ___ Juliet says goodnight and
Romeo climbs down.

H. Assignment
For your assignment, please have an
advance reading of the Act Two, Scene
Four of Romeo and Juliet entitled A
Secret Wedding.

I. Remarks
____ out of ____ students reached the
mastery level.

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