LP Irony
LP Irony
LP Irony
At the culmination of the class, students should able to:
Explicate the three types of irony.
Appreciate the purpose of using irony in writing and speaking.
Demonstrate the proper emotions in each type of irony through a skit.
A. Classroom Routine
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Classroom management
4. Recap of the past lesson
What is Euphemism again class?
When do we usually use Euphemism?
B. Motivation
"Compliment What?"
The teacher will ask the students to say a compliment to their seatmate.
Call some students to recite their compliments in front of the class. After
that, tell them to change the emotions of their complimenting phrase as if
they are criticizing someone. Ask them to put some attitude in their tone
while saying their complimenting phrase.
C. Activity
"Scan the Photos"
The teacher will show some photos to the students. Ask them to analyze what
is happening in the photo and what have they noticed upon seeing it at the
first glance. Instruct them to write their analyzations in a 1/2 sheet of paper.
Give them 5 minutes to do this.
Collect their papers and choose some students to recite their answers.
D. Analysis
1. What have you noticed in the following photos?
2. What do you think is the similarities of these three photos?
3. Did you already get the meaning of it just by your first glance of it? How?
4. Do you think this situations can happen in real life? Why?
E. Abstraction
What is Irony?
It is a literary device that is typically used to make a point through linguistic
contradiction. This is also a figurative language that is used to express
something that is opposite of the literal meaning. This is usually humorous or
sardonic literary style to igmite emphatic effect to the listener.
Irony generally defines as sarcasm, but it is not because irony has three types
and it was called verbal, situational and dramatic irony.
Verbal Irony
This is the use of words to mean something that is different than what they
appear to mean. This is typically used to convey the opposite of the meaning,
usually for the sake of humor. More likely, what is said is different than what is
Awesome! Another homework packet!
This is no a big deal! My father just died earlier.
Situational Irony
This is an event wherein that you did not expect it to happen. It also occurs
when the actual result of an event contradicts the expected result of an event.
A pilot has a fear of heights.
The chef won't eat his/her own cooking.
Dramatic Irony
This is when the audience knows something that the character in the story
does not know. This is also when the audience is more aware of what is
happening than the character itself.
Joeneth's parents are proud of the "A" she got on the periodical test, but we
know she cheated.
Vonson writes a love poem to Jessica but we know that Jessica loves Elli.
F. Application
"Act it Out!"
The teacher will group the students into four. They need to present a skit that
depicts how Irony takes place in a real life setting. The teacher will give 5
ironic situations and they need to act it out based on their designated group
numbers. After they present the skit, the assigned leader will recite what type
of irony they presented in the class. Give them 5 minutes to prepare and 2
minutes to present.
Group 1: A marriage counselor files for divorce.
Group 2: The police station gets robbed.
Group 3: Franklin wanted to scare his little sister, but she ended up scaring
him instead.
Group 4: A world chess champion lost a match to someone who just learned
to play yesterday.
Humor 20 pts.
Organized 15 pts.
Creativity 10 pts.
Props 5 pts.
TOTAL 50 points
Comprehension Questions:
1. Define the three types of irony and explicate it.
2. What do you think is the difference between irony and sarcasm?
3. What is the purpose of using irony in writing literary pieces?
4. How can you use irony as a figurative language when talking to your peers,
parents and special someone?
Direction: Identify what type of irony it is. Write V if it's verbal irony, S for
situational irony, and D for dramatIc irony. Write this is an 1/2 sheet of paper and
write your answer before the number.
__1. Your explanation is as clear as mud.
__2. Snow white is unaware that the beautiful red apple is poisonous, but we
know that the witch is trying to kill her.
__3. A post on facebook complains about how useless facebook is.
__4. In titanic, we know that the ship will sink. However, most characters in the
movie continuously drinking and dancing.
__5. The locker room of the boys smells really good.
"List it! Draw it!"
Direction: Search for the song entitled "Ironic by Alanis Morissette" and list
some ironic phrases you've spotted in the song. After that, choose one irony
phrase that you listed and make a mini poster for it. Draw this in a short bond
paper and make sure to put creative designs on it. (50 points)
Uniqueness 10 pts.
Creativity 20 pts.
Color Harmony 10 pts.
Neat 10 pts.
TOTAL 50 points
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