Women Victims of Domestic Violence Analysis of The
Women Victims of Domestic Violence Analysis of The
Women Victims of Domestic Violence Analysis of The
¹ Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Social Work, 128-130 21 Decembrie 1989 Bld., 400604 Cluj-Napoca,
Contact address: imolaan@yahoo.com (I. Antal)
1WOSAFEJUS (Women Safe Justice) – Why Doesn‟t She Press Charges? Understanding and
Improving Women‟s Safety and Right to Justice, is a transnational project - coordinated by the
Carlo Cattaneo Research Institute in Bologna, and financed by the European Commission‟s
Daphne III Programme.
Vol. 9, Issue 1, June 2011 Unauthenticated
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
The scientific interest for domestic violence follows the same pattern as the
legal and social interest for the topic in the ways in which it has been
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
discussed and researched. There are only a few studies in Romania which
provide valid research data regarding domestic violence and most of them
are prevalence studies. According to the Survey on Violence against Women
(Gallup 2003), 21% of the women had been victims of physical abuses in their
lives, 6% of the women in Bucharest have suffered physical abuses during
the last year (Gallup 2003). According to the results of the National Research
on Domestic Violence and Violence in the Workplace (CPE 2003), 14.3% of the
whole population of Romania, 17.8% of women respectively, state that they
have been victims of one or another type of domestic violence at a certain
point in their lives. 6.8% of the adult population in Romania reports physical
domestic violence which is almost four times more frequent against women
(10.5%) than against men (2.5%), 1.4% of the adult population in Romania
reported sexual domestic violence. Sexual violence is only reported by
women (2.6%), 12% of the divorced women reported marital rape, versus
2.3% of the married women or 1.8% of the widows. The Reproductive Health
Survey‟s results show that of 15 - 44 years old ever married women 28%
reported verbal abuse, 15% physical abuse and 3% sexual abuse.
Regarding the male sample, 51% of male who are currently or
previously married reported being verbally aggressive with their partners
during their lifetime, 21% admitted being physically aggressive at least once
and 0,6% admitted being sexually abusive. The data shows a slightly
reduced level of domestic violence perpetrated by males in 2004 than in
1999, the reported physical violence decreased from 29% to 21% (Ministry of
Health 2005).
We can also find data regarding the perception of the police or other
agencies. According to the Gender Barometer (Gallup 2000) in 2000 more than
half of the population still believed that domestic abuse is a private matter
(63%) in case of which no one or relatives should intervene. Only 28%
thought that the police should intervene.
According to the Survey on Violence against Women (Gallup 2003) of
those who experienced physical abuse within the family (N = 193), only in
17% cases she or anybody else went to or called the police to file a complaint
(last time when they were aggressed). On the following we represented the
level or the reasons of dissatisfaction of the respondents with the
intervention of the police. More were dissatisfied (63%) than satisfied (37%),
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
and 66% of those who were dissatisfied mentioned that the reason was that
they didn‟t do anything. Of those who didn‟t file a complaint, 53% didn‟t
give the reason, 21% said it was not so bad, 7% were afraid or thought it
would not help.
In the study National Research on Domestic Violence and Violence in the
Workplace–Romania (CPE 2003), during the individual surveys the
respondents were asked about who should intervene when someone has
been beaten by her/his partner, wife/husband. The majority of the
respondents (61%) still considered that the domestic violence is a private
matter, in case of which family or nobody should intervene. 33% considered
that the police and 3% that the Prosecutor‟s Office should intervene.
In this survey the percentage of those who filed a complaint at the
police against the perpetrator was 20%. 47% of those who filed a complaint
were satisfied with the way police officers dealt with their cases, which is a
little bit more compared with the results of the above presented survey. 6%
of the respondents who filed a complaint knew that the offenders had been
convicted on criminal charges.
Although these numbers indicate a high rate of prevalence of the
phenomenon, the number of those that ask for the help of social services or
other specialist services is a lot smaller. Official data are provided by the
National Agency for Family Protection (ANPF 2009). According to these
data, the number of domestic violence cases registered and reported varies
from 2937 (in 2005) to 11537 (in 2008) the total number of cases reported
during 2004-2009, first semester is 53720. In the last 2 years the number of
reported cases grew. The National Agency for Family Protection (ANFP)
collected data from state agencies and NGO-s which provide services for
victims of domestic violence.
We have more precise statistical data concerning the number of
criminal files. According to the statistical data coming from the Superior
Council of Magistracy (2010) the total number of criminal cases sent to
courts between 2002 and 2009 varies between 128 (in 2006) and 242 (in 2002).
The number of files did not increase after the adoption of Law no. 217. 2002
year saw the highest number of criminal files (242) sent to courts, while in
2008 there were only 174. As for the percentage of different crimes for the 8
years that we studied, the highest percentage (41.9%) were criminal files for
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
was a fine. In 4 situations the perpetrators were imprisoned (all of them for
severe crime).
Regarding the reasons for not using the criminal justice system, we
indentified two main categories, on one hand reasons related to the women‟s
situation and, on the other hand, reasons related to the perception of the
criminal justice system.
In connection with the first category of reasons women highlighted the
following obstacles:
Fear. Fear of more violence, fear of endangering the safety of the
I didn’t even think of calling the police because I knew I would have to
leave the house, the children as well (G.I).
Commitment towards the partner. Hope that the violent behaviour of the
partner will change, forgiveness and commitment towards the marriage,
even though there is an incongruity between the current relationship and the
relationship they wish for:
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
I didn’t think of calling the police, even though this wasn’t the first
time it happened, I thought he’ll change and that we'll manage to get
along without involving the police (C.T.E).
Children. The existence of children is a key factor in decision making:
Yes, I know and I’m aware that what he did was against the law, but I
couldn’t do anything because he is the father of the children (Sz.K.).
Lack of resources. Poor financial resources and the lack of social support:
No one would have come, they don’t want to get involved, not even my
family and I didn’t have witnesses…so how could you expect the others
to believe you (A.A).
Attitudes regarding violence. Violence is perceived as a problem that
needs to be solved inside the family, the belief that abuse is the consequence
of their behaviour.
The perception of their role as mothers and wifes. the wish of women to
have a united family, no matter the circumstances. As for the unity of the
family, as mothers, women consider that the presence of both parents is
important, in spite of the violence, and as wives, they want to offer
unconditional love:
Perception of the criminal justice system by the women who don’t use it
Other obstacles add to those presented above. They are the result of the
perception of women victims of domestic violence of the criminal justice
system. Women who don‟t use the criminal justice system perceive police
intervention as being inefficient, inadequate for domestic violence situations.
The most used procedure in case of domestic violence is to give a fine,
procedure that is not seen as a factor that can increase the victim's safety.
Moreover, in most of the cases, this procedure has consequences for the
victim, who suffers more violence, or she is forced to pay the fine:
Yes, I thought about it...what could they do to him? Maybe give him a
fine, they couldn't do more. That’s all... (S.D.)
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
If he fights or he hits his wife, he’s given a fine and then they let him go.
When they come back, they hit their women because they called the
police and they were given a fine. In the end the woman who called the
police is forced to pay the fine (S.D.).
On the other hand, police intervention is perceived as being
fragmented, each violence episode is addressed as if it were unique, the
violence dynamics is not taken into consideration, the cyclical character of
the violence is addressed just like in the situations where the victim and the
offender don't live together:
Maybe they would come once to separate us till things calm down, to
give us a warning, so that violence stops for a moment, but afterwards
violence starts all over again. Go to the police over and over again? He
is given a fine over and over again... this doesn’t look like a solution to
me… he would be upset with me because I did that, he would calm
down for a while and afterwards, you know how it works…this will
cause more problems… I try to avoid that, no, I wouldn’t be afraid to
call the police if necessary, God forbid, of course I would… no, I
wouldn’t be ashamed, if necessary, no (F.L.).
Previous negative experiences with the police were also mentioned:
I don’t think it is very useful because I called them last year when some
people attacked me in the street and they didn’t help me. I don’t really
trust them. I think they’d scare him, but I wouldn’t be given more help
We found that women contact the police after repeated episodes of violence
(only in a few cases police intervention was called for during the first
incidents of violence) and when they feel that violence becomes unbearable,
dangerous, with unpredictable consequences (in the case of serious violence
episodes that need immediate medical intervention, or when they fear for
their physical safety and the safety of their children). We also found that,
before calling police, women look for the support of family members,
friends, actually preferring the support of people close to them.
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
In most of the cases women mentioned that children were present during
violent episodes, their main response being that of support, attempts to look
for help, the wish to protect their mother and involvement in contacting the
(...) he used to hit the girl and me, when I made a sign she went and
brought the police (K.I.).
My boy encouraged me, mom go to the police, the girl was afraid, she
was ashamed of colleagues and neighbours (R.A.).
The women also mentioned those situations in which children are
scared by the violent partner in order to prevent them to ask police for help.
Perpetrators create confusion in children regarding who is responsible for
the abuse. In these cases, they often undermine the mother and use children
against her:
I was in a real and big danger.... The girls understood and helped me.
They gave me advice and supported me. They even pushed me to do
what I did. On the other hand, the boys totally agreed with their father,
not with me. And no… They only answered their father's wishes, not
mine. On the contrary, I had many troubles with them and the conflict
of opinions between us grew bigger… They didn’t understand me. They
don’t understand me today either (G.R.).
Police intervention
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
The policeman said: ‘If she withdraws the complaint, you will have to
make a written statement that you will not beat her anymore ‘. He
wrote it but he has forgotten about it. He still beats me (Sz.K.).
Police made him give a statement that he would not beat me anymore.
He gave a statement and he still beats me. Police has already had
enough of me. They said I should go to court. But no one cares about me
there (A.F.).
3. Apply a warning or an administrative fine to the offender. We found that
in some situations giving a warning or an administrative fine can slow down
violence. In other situations these measures don‟t have the expected result:
I called the Police, they gave him a fine so that he would mind his own
business. Nobody has paid the fine. He has never paid it. The fine is still
unpaid today. The police used to give him a fine and then leave. I called
the police dozens of time (M.C.).
I called and waited for them to come and then... They gave him fines or
they told him: so they told him to leave me alone. Yes, it was good. I
didn’t have any problems No... Police did their job. I was pleased
4. Apply a warning for the perpetrator and for the victim. In cases where
both partners are held accountable by giving them a warning, abuse is not
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
Once I called the police from the park. I needed their help. I was beaten
by my husband and no one intervened. Police came and gave a warning
to both of us for disturbing the peace in a public place (D.C.).
5. Punish the victim. The victim and the offender switch roles, the
violent situation is not addressed as a whole. Thus, all the previous steps
undertaken by the victim in order to receive protection and to sound the
alarm on her situation are ignored. In this way the offender is absolved from
Once he broke a mirror and beat our child too, he was a baby, then I
couldn’t control myself, I took a knife and I told him not to dare to beat
us again. I scratched him, there was blood, it was a superficial wound.
He called the police, one of the policemen knew us already…they had
been to our house for around 14 times and didn’t do anything, just a
few warnings and once fine. Police saw many times that I had bruises; I
even gave a statement 3 times. Nothing happened. Do you know what
happened now? They hand-cuffed me and they took me away in front of
the child (B.G.).
6. Take the offender into custody at the police station. Taking the offender
into custody is seen as an efficient measure by most of the women living in a
serious violent situation, but has only short term effects:
They would take him to the police station, and then let him free. He
would then come back home and beat the hell out of me (Sz.K.).
On the other hand we found that in spite of similar measures (fine,
warning), women‟s level of satisfaction is different. The level of satisfaction
and the victim‟s trust in police is higher when police gave realistic
information, specific to women‟s needs, when they showed respect towards
the victim, made the offender aware of his responsibilities and assured the
victim they will come back in case of a new violent episode.
Should we analyse the efficiency of the intervention from the point of
view of victims' safety, women that have experienced serious violence for a
long time confirm that, following police intervention, violent partners used
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
intimidation and threats (death threats), and that they had to experience
even more violence. The severity of the violent situation diminished
especially in the case of women that asked police for help starting with the
first episodes of violence or in the cases where the level of danger was small.
I didn’t know I had to file a complaint, they (the policemen) didn’t tell
me, they didn’t tell me about the evidence either (M.M.).
We can also see reluctance towards filing a complaint in those situations in
which the victims don‟t anticipate the consequences of their report.
Previous negative experiences with the criminal justice system – women
that had already been confronted with the criminal justice system‟s
powerlessness were discouraged from reporting the violence:
Yes I called from the first time he started to become violent. Even his
mother went and reported him to the police and they gave him a fine.
He hit her many times and she went and paid the fine for him. So we
didn’t gain anything, either I called the police or someone else did,
nothing happened (R.D.).
Their own safety, the fear of violence escalation in case they file a
The wish to protect the offender for various reasons (children, dependency,
loyalty etc.):
I would like to know him away, arrested, and to live a safe life, without
him. But I didn’t want to do this to my child… It is his father, how
could I put him in a jail (A.A.).
Filing a preliminary complaint is usually characterised and followed
by shame, fear of violence escalation, of the offender‟s revenge, fear of the
economical consequences, fear of losing friends and family support. In some
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
I was pleased, I understood that they couldn’t do more… but they were
there for me (D.N.).
The trial
We were reconciled for the children, I saw how glad they were at the
meetings, but to no avail, violence continues, they suffer as well (S.K.).
In the case of a court case, as well as in the case of a divorce, women
face the difficulty of convincing those that know about the violent situation
to testify as witnesses in court. Victims of domestic violence say that the
support they received mainly came from professionals. On the other hand
there was some pressure seen from family and relatives in favour of not
reporting violence and not involving the criminal justice system.
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
In our research we have found two categories of obstacles which hold back
women from using the criminal justice system. Firstly, those which are
related to the women‟s situation, including her feelings (fear, shame and the
hope that everything will be all right in the future), the lack of material
resources, attitudes from the family (including children‟s attitudes) and,
secondly, their perceptions of the criminal justice system (police intervention
is seen as inefficient and inadequate, fragmented or not to be trusted). Our
findings mirror the findings of the international research studies. Victims
may experience some level of fear about the consequences of seeking legal
assistance. Some victims may fear that the abuse will escalate in severity and
frequency (Johnson 2007). Other victims may not call the police because of
their perception that legal intervention leads to separation (Felson et al. 2002)
or because of the hope that the abuse will stop without legal intervention.
Fear of financial dependence, for the welfare of their children, and the lack
of support from families and friends, combined with their own desire to
save their marriages are also obstacles in their seeking legal assistance
(Davis and Smith 1995).
As we can see, these obstacles (fear, lack of social support, myths) act
on many different levels, from the individual, family (relationship with the
offender and children), and community (intervention of the police, lack of
services), to larger social and cultural levels, resulting in complex, powerful
barriers when it comes to use the criminal justice system. This shows the
importance of approaching intervention on more levels.
Warnings and fines seem to be inefficient measures in most of the
cases, not to mention fines applied to the victim or arresting the victim.
Regarding the emergency interventions of the police, our findings show that
the only effective police intervention which provides safety (for a short
period) is the police custody of the perpetrator, which is very rarely applied.
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
2 With regard to the crime of hitting or other forms of violence, article 180 para. 3 of the
Romanian Criminal Code reads as follows: „Criminal action is initiated upon prior complaint
from the injured person. For the acts in para. 1 and 2 criminal action may also be initiated ex
officio.‟ Paragraphs 1 and 2 refer to the acts of hitting or other forms of violence which are
committed against family members. Also, with regard to the crime of bodily harm, which is
provided for in art 181 of the Romanian Criminal Code, the second paragraph of art 181 reads
as follows: „Criminal action is initiated upon prior complaint from the injured person. For the
acts in para. 1, criminal action may also be initiated ex officio.‟ For both crimes, the Criminal
Code stipulates that: „Reconciliation of parties removes criminal liability, and it also takes
effect in cases in which the criminal action was initiated ex officio.‟ (art. 180 para. 4 and art
181 para. 3, The Criminal Code).
3 Art. 131 of the Criminal Code reads as follows: „In the case of an offence for which the
initiation of criminal action is conditioned by the lodging of a criminal complaint from the
injured person, the lack of such a complaint removes the criminal responsibility.‟
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
withdrawal show that some victims did not want the abusers to be arrested
and indicated that they would not call the police again for fear of future
arrest of the abusers. Sometimes the request for legal intervention is based
on victims' desire for the presence of police officers to stop the abuse but not
to arrest the abuser (Johnson 2007).
Besides the withdrawal of the preliminary complaints many files are
closed by the police and the prosecution office for lack of evidence. The lack
of evidences is the specificity of these cases. APFR (2006) in their research
shows that in more than 50% of the cases they analysed there were no
evidences. Our findings show that many women were not even informed
about any following action of the police or of the prosecution service. As we
saw, there were only two women who went to the court, in both of the cases
the punishment was a fine.
Courts tend to minimize the seriousness of domestic violence related
crimes and apply reduced penalties even in situations where the specific
gravity of the crime is high, and in the case of first act of assault or battery,
the punishment consists of a fine and it is usually suspended4. Although this
type of crime is very frequently met in practice, only a few cases are brought
to court (Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from US
Department of State 2008).
4 As stated by the law, the penalty upon conviction for committing the crime of hitting or
other forms of violence causing physical suffering to family members is 6 months‟ - 1 year‟s
imprisonment or a fine (art. 180 para. 11). If the above-mentioned crime causes an injury that
needs medical care of up to 20 days, the penalty provided by the law is 1-2 years‟
imprisonment or a fine (art. 180 para 21). For bodily harm caused to a family member needing
up to 60 days of medical care, the law prescribes a term of imprisonment from one to 5 years
(art. 181 para 11 The Criminal Code). The suspended prison sentence is provided for in art 81
of the Criminal Code, which reads as follows: „The Court may order the suspension of the
prison sentence for a certain period of time, if the following conditions are met: a.) the penalty
applied is no more than 3 years or a fine b.) the offender has not been previously sentenced to
a penalty of imprisonment of more than 6 months, except for the cases when the conviction
falls under the situations provided for in Art 38 c.) it is deemed that the purpose of the
penalty can be attained even without it being served. A suspended prison sentence may also
be applied to a concurrence of offences, if the penalty on conviction is imprisonment of no
more than 2 years and the conditions of para. (1) b) and c) are met.‟
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
Our research shows the complex relationship that exists between victims‟
needs, especially their need for safety, and criminal justice outcomes. The
„justice gap‟ is huge. Many cases are lost at different levels of the criminal
justice system. To reduce this gap, obvious changes are needed in terms of
criminal justice policies and culture.
In order for women to benefit from protection there is a need for a
complex and coordinated intervention from the agencies involved (police,
family support, the involvement of social services, DGASPC – The General
Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection), legal information and
long term support for the victims.
Women expect the representatives of the criminal justice system to
intervene rapidly, immediately, to apply efficient safety measures, such as
the evacuation of the offender in crisis situations, issuing a restraining order
against the perpertrator so that he would not approach the house, or go back
to the house, and collaboration with the professionals of DGASPC. Women
do not usually want the perpetrator to go to prison, with the exception of
severe forms of violence, but they want to trust the criminal justice system
and they want justice to be done.
From the point of view of the decision making process regarding the
collaboration with the criminal justice system, children‟s response have a
huge influences on the women‟s decision. The way women perceive the
influence it will have the involvement of the criminal justice system on the
welfare and the safety of the children is of vital importance (this will also
influence the decision to make an emergency call, to file a complaint, etc.).
A woman‟s decision to remain in or leave a violent situation, to report
domestic violence, to collaborate with the criminal justice system depends
on her needs, on the alternatives available (social, legal) and on the support
received. These needs change during the course of the intervention. Using
the criminal justice system represents a stress factor, can cause many
frustrations (e.g. move to a shelter, collaborate with police and with child
protection services, prepare for the trial, need for financial resources etc.).
The women, who went through with the criminal trial, were among those
who benefited from long term professional support from an independent
counsellor working in the frame of an NGO. Furthermore, for the women it
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I. Antal, J. Szigeti, M. Stoleru – Women Victims of Domestic Violence
We would like to thank the research team and also our associate partners, who through their
help and their work have enabled us to bring this project to fruition: international
WOSAFEJUS team, „Alternative Sociale‟ Association Iaşi, Cluj County Police Inspectorate,
General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Cluj, The Public Prosecutor‟s
Office attached to the Courthouse of Cluj Napoca, the Courthouse of Cluj Napoca, DAS Cluj
Napoca, SPAS Turda. We would like to thank also the women, victims of domestic violence
who collaborate with us and shared their experiences.
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