Return on Investment : 24 %
A. Present Situation
Fish and vegetables are one of the healthiest foods on earth; they contain
vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to the human body. These foods
improve human’s health and help in preventing various diseases. Nowadays, people
tend to eat healthy foods because they believe that it will increase their chance of
living longer.
One of the healthy foods people are fond of eating is taco. Taco is a Mexican
food that consists of tortilla- a folded fried piece of thin bread usually filled with
meat, cheese, and vegetables. It is flexible and versatile food which is very easy to
combine its ingredients together. People love tacos because it is easy to make,
especially for those who do not have much time to cook. (Retrieved from )
The demand of tacos is increasing because people in the present day indulge
for a new and distinct foods, which result to the growing population of restaurants
serving tacos and other foreign inspired foods in the country. There are just a few
existing restaurants that serve tacos in Daet, Camarines Norte. Those restaurants are
patronized by consumers not because they serve tacos, but because they offer a
make just one product which can be patronize by all ages. We choose taco as our
establish the “Fishylicious Taco Hauz” that serves a special taco which main
ingredient is fish. The product that will be offered is innovated from the usual taco,
made with healthier ingredients and will be sold at a very affordable price. The
business will be located at Barangay VIII, Daet, Camarines Norte which is near the
center of trade in the town. The target markets of the business are the people around
the target location and the people who want to experience the taste of the product.
This business will benefit the customers by satisfying them with the product offered
and it will also benefit the business owners by the customer’s positive feedback and
contribution to the business. The business owners are certain that the customers will
B. Vision
C. Mission
D. Goals
Master quick serving of taco with a top of the line food quality.
E. Objectives
succeeding years.
The Fishylicious Taco is one of the manufacturers of Tacos in the town of Daet,
Camarines Norte. The business will sell tacos in a rented space at Barangay Salcedo
Christian Gorospe, Jilian Kate Bustamante, Jarmela Mae Dela Peña, Alyza Moico, April
Joyce Ocampo, Jemedeth Perez, Beatriz Joy Tolledo and Khim Trisha Verin. The
Fishylicious Taco will provide a healthy, fresh and unique flavored taco in a relaxed
environment that includes indoor and outdoor seating areas. The target market of the
business will be people at all ages, especially the students eating between classes and the
The products will be sold at a reasonable and affordable price. The Fishylicious
Taco costs 25 pesos and 12 pesos for the smaller size. A selection of drinks will be
available as well that cost 10 to 15pesos. The establishment will be open Monday to
Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take-out orders and delivery offers will also be available.
The business partners decided to invest with their own personal assets and agreed
to share obligations with the business. The Fishylicious Taco is a fruit of the owners’
perseverance and harmonious relationship with each other. The business started with their
fond of tacos and fish. They tend to exhibit the usual comfort food and as well as having
healthy lifestyle, so they come up with the Fishylicious taco- a combination of vegetables
and fish in a taco shell. They want to have a source of income and share their original
recipe of taco to the community. Planning and organizing the business is a very
challenging for the business partners, but they still manage to be professional and face
partnership agreement and have invested in the business. The federal government
recognizes several types of partnerships. The two most common are general and
limited partnerships. In a general partnership, the partners manage the company and
assume responsibility for the partnership's debts and other obligations. A limited
partnership has both general and limited partners. The general partners own and
operate the business and assume liability for the partnership, while the limited
partners serve as investors only; they have no control over the company and are not
Fishylicious Taco is a partnership business with more than one owner. The
responsibilities of the partners are often equal unless stated otherwise. Typically, a
partnership agreement will describe which partners have certain authorities and
responsibilities. Each partner will have the authority to make business decisions and
even legally bind the company in contracts. In identifying the business, the owners
ensure the legalization of the operation. The following are the requirements of the
Table 1
Licenses and Permits
Documents Cost
Barangay Clearance 300.00
Mayor’s Permit 3,000.00
Business Permit Registration 5,000.00
Business Permit 6,000.00
BIR Clearance 600.00
Business Plate and Stickers 40.00
Sanitary Permit 100.00
Total 15,040.00
Source: Personal Interview
C. List of Owners
Jemedeth A. Perez
Alyza C. Moico
A. Organizational Structure
Assistant Manager
Figure 1
Organizational Structure
The structure above illustrates the position that will benefit the enterprise. The
Fishylicious Taco Hauz follows the functional type of organizational structure that
between the top and lower position of the business. The manager is in charge of the
overall performance and decision making of the business. The bookkeeper is whom
the business will be consulted in regards with the transactions of the business that
B. List of Officers
production officers and delivery personnel. The officers are assigned to their
respective tasks and have their potentials to work in their assigned duties and
Alyza C. Moico
C. Job Description
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz will be manage and run by people that plays an
important role in the daily production of the business. In order for the business to
have progress in their performance and sustain the smooth production process, the
management of Fishylicious Taco Hauz performs the following duties and functions:
The manager coordinates the activities of the business and they are assigned to
Assistant Manager
The assistant manager is the second highest position in the business. They have a
lot of responsibilities in the business as he back up the manager. They ensured that
the policies of the business are followed. They are also assigned on hiring and
training employees.
The cashier is assigned to cash register to ring people up, take their money
and give them their change and a receipt. Being a cashier is an important position in
a business because it involves money exchange and returns. The cashier should be
able to handle financial transactions of the business in order to avoid shortage and
The bookkeeper is the one who manage the financial transactions of the
business. His responsibility is to maintain balance in the business’ capital and other
financial situations.
Production Officer
In the production process, the production officers are the ones who create and
maintain productivity of the business. They ensure that everything on the production
Delivery Personnel
Being a delivery personnel considers a lot of skills and knowledge in order to do the
D. Compensation Allowance
prescribed by the Department of Labor and Employment. The staffs of the business
are compensated competitively within the prescribed rate of the Provincial Wage
Board. The management gives employee benefits to their staff if they exceed one year
Table 2
Table 3
Employee Benefits
E. Profit Sharing
managed by two or more individuals called "partners". All partners in the business are
for partnership's obligation and debts and they are also having equally divide
Profit Sharing
H APartner
13% Partner
F Partner
E13%D 13%
owners' Contribution
Par Par
Partne tne
tner H rA
r G 13 13
13 % % Par
% tne
Par Par
tne tne
rF r%C
13 13
% Par Par %
tne tne
rE rD
13 13
% %
Figure 2
Profit Sharing
A. Product Description
Fishylicious Taco Hauz offers different and innovated taco that uses quality
ingredients that is used to prepare unique flavored taco. Fishylicious taco is different
from the usual taco, we use fish meat as an alternative to ground pork or beef to
lessen the calories that people can get. We also added some vegetables and fruits such
as cucumber, tomato and white onion at the top of the fish meat that makes this
product healthier than the usual taco. The fresh vegetables contribute to the sweetness
Fishylicious Taco offers two sizes of Taco, regular and large. As for the taco
wrap, we use a fried piece of thin bread called tortilla for the large size and the
dumpling wrapper for the regular size. We also offer various drinks such as gulaman
and juice. Fishylicious Taco Hauz offers a good quality of food which can be
People are more likely to buy than to make their own food because it saves
time and energy. Tacos are one of our favorite snacks that we usually buy every break
time at school and work. But some people are very self-conscious about their calorie
count and prefer to eat healthy snacks. They make sure the ingredients are fresh and
high quality. Our product is good in human health because it combines various
ingredients such as fish meat and vegetables that supplies their respective nutrients.
Affordable - Fishylicious Taco offers two sizes (regular and large) that
everyone can buy, taste and experience the new version of taco.
Great taste- The new version of taco have an amazing taste because of
the combination fresh and high quality ingredients that people can be
is a selling tool that promotes and encourage customer to buy the product. An
attractive design catches customer’s eye that greatly influence customer in their
decision making whether he/she should purchase the product. Product packaging
recognition. Branding a new product is like giving name to a new born baby for its
Branding also create trust and loyal customers because a business or product
with name appears to be more legitimate and credible and once you satisfy your
customers they can refer your product to others using the product’s brand that will
generate. It doesn’t just end with packaging and branding, labeling must also be
The fishylicious taco is the brand name that has a significant role in the
product recognition. Fishylicious taco uses paper taco holder as its packaging. It is a
holder perfectly shaped as the taco, it is made from paper to make it ecofriendly and
for more than one order, and paper bags are also available.
Figure 3
A. Market Definition
The primary target markets of the business are the individuals who love to eat
a healthy snack. The company offers a healthy snack at an affordable price. The
product is for all ages, especially the students eating between classes and the people
stopping in during lunch breaks. The secondary target will be the people near the area
of the business
includes their demographics, likes, dislikes, preferred media channels and more.
Writing profiles of your ideal customer allows you to find products and services that
are better suited for them and market them to them more effectively. (Retrieved from:
https://fitsmallbusiness. com/customer-profile-template-examples/)
This brand new innovation called “Fishylicious Taco” will showcase the
nutritional benefits of fish and vegetables. This product will primarily target the taste
of teenagers’ ages 15 to 18 years old as well as the adults ages 20 and above. This
will surely bring them a delicious combination of vegetables and fish that they will
surely love.
C. Competition
There are two types of competitors, the direct competitors and the indirect
competitors. The direct competitors are the firm that sells the same products and
services as you in the same markets. While indirect competitors are firm that sells
different categories of products and services but are in the same industry and same
markets. The known indirect competitors of Fishylicious Taco Hauz are Nacholicios
and Kamo N Get It that sell snacks. Knowing who your competitors are and what
they are offering can help you to make your products, services and marketing stand
out. You can use this knowledge to create marketing strategies that take advantage of
D. Demand
The demand is based on the result of how many pieces of the product the
consumers are buying annually. The target market of the business is the Senior High
School students of Mabini Colleges which has 1605 total population. The students of
Accountancy Business and Management conducted a survey to 320 students from the
Table 4
Historical Demand for the Year 2016-2019
73% Total
Annual Average Total Demand
Year Total Population Population who
Consumption (pieces)
buy Taco
Table 4 shows the Historical Demand of Fishylicious Taco for the Year 2016-
2019. In getting the total population who buy tacos, we divided the percentage of the
average samples to the total consumption. The survey results shows that 73% of the
population purchase and buy Tacos. The annual average consumption was computed by
dividing the total number of consumed taco to the total number of consumers who buy
tacos. The total demand derived from the number of population who buy Fishylicious
Table 5
Projected Demand of Taco for the Year 2019-2021
76% Total
73% Total Population
Annual Total
Total Population willing to
Year Average Demand
Population who buy buy and try
Consumption (pieces)
Taco Fishylicious
2019-2020 1585 1157 1205 455 548,275
The Table 5 shows the Projected Demand of Fishylicious Taco for the Year 2019-
2022. The total demand was derived from the total population willing to buy and try
Fishylicious Taco multiplied by the Annual Average Consumption. The results shows
that there is a great possibility for the business to have bigger number of the demand of
the product.
E. Supply
Table 6
Supply Analysis
of Kamo N Get it and Nacholicious
The Table 6, shows the existing competitors of the proposed business and the
corresponding daily supply of their product. The daily supply was multiplied by thirty
(30) which is the number of months and twelve (12) which is the number of months in a
year. The data were gathered through personal interview with Kamo N Get It and
Table 7
Projected Supply
for Product in Kamo N Get It
Table 7 shows the projected supply for product Kamo N Get It, which has an
average increase of 2 % annually, based on the information gathered from the existing
competitor. The product sold daily was multiplied by thirty (30) which is the number of
Table 8
Projected Supply
for Product in Nacholicious
Table 8 shows the projected supply for product in Nacholicious, which has an
average increase of 5% annually, based on the information gathered from the existing
competitor. The product sold daily was multiplied by thirty (30) which is the number of
Table 9
Demand - Supply Analysis
The table above shows the total demand and supply gap and the market share
of Fishylicious Taco. The gap is obtained by subtracting the total projected demand
and the total projected supply. The gap represents unsatisfied demand and business
opportunity. The market share, in turn, is computed by dividing the projected product
F. Risks
the future income or earnings arising from events, circumstances, conditions, action,
or inactions that hinders the attainment of goals and objectives and carry out the
strategies. It is the anticipation that the firm may earn lower than expected profits or
even suffer losses, because of the uncertainties inherent in the business such as
government policies, and so forth. It may impede the business ability to provide
Table 10
Risks Solutions
The business is a food related The Fishylicious Taco Hauz will
business that is highly related to secure the safety of the products
the safety of customers. The by monitoring and doing some
business is also monitored by the inspections in the preparation of
different sectors in the locale that products or the manufacturing
will assure the safety in the process.
preparation of the products. The
risks is the sustainability of the
quality of the products that will be
A. Sales Strategies
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz will sell their products directly to their
The business will use the direct selling of products to customers and the delivery
orders with the use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. The
B. Distribution Channel
because our food stall is located at Barangay 7, Daet, Camarines Norte that is near
to the different institutions in town. The products will be sold directly to the
Figure 4
Distribution Channel
Advertising keeps your business at the top of your consumer’s mind. A business
with good advertisement is one step ahead from their competitors. The
flyers, tarpaulin, social media and websites. These advertising materials will help
the business introduce its product to their target customers. In business, attracting
new customer is not the only concern, because it should also think how it can
keep loyal and regular customers. Besides from maintaining the quality of the
product, the business will offer some promotions in which it will adopt a loyalty
program that rewards customer who make regular purchases. Customers can avail
a “loyalty card”, wherein they can get a free taco for every 10th purchased product.
The cost of production will highly influence the selling price. The business
will make the price as low as possible without compromising its quality to make it
affordable to all, especially for students. The Fishylicious Taco Hauz aims to
make everyone enjoy a healthy and affordable Taco snack. The prices of their
Table 11
Price List
Fishylicious Taco P 35.00
because it has an impact to the several business areas. It plays a central role in
manufacturing and production of the business. Through the production planning, the
business examine the sales and distribution as well as materials management of the
employees that are assigned in monitoring it. Production planning can monitor how
organizations are delivering to their customers and ensure that there is an optimal amount
This plan serve as a guide to the business production activities wherein this
involves making sure of sufficient raw materials and other necessary items are procured
establishing and sequencing activities which must be carried out to achieve a production
target. A strong and effective production plan can minimize the time and cost of
A. Production Process
2. Cook the shredded fish over a medium heat in 8 to 10 minutes with small
pieces of onions, garlic and a little bit of soy sauce, stirring occasionally, until
3. Whisk the flour, salt, and baking powder together in a mixing bowl. Mix in
the lard with your fingers until the flour resembles cornmeal.
4. Add the water and mix until the dough comes together.
5. Place on a lightly floured surface and knead a few minutes until smooth and
6. Divide the dough into equal pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Preheat a
large skillet over medium-high heat. Use a well-floured rolling pin to roll a
7. Place into the hot skillet, and cook until bubbly and golden; flip and continue
8. For the sauce combine mayonnaise, minced garlic, salt and pepper and mix
10. To assemble tortilla wrap place enough fish on the wrap add the sliced
cucumber, tomato, cabbage, white onion, sauce and grated cheese on the top
Add the water and mix until the dough Place on a lightly floured surface and
comes together. knead a few minutes until smooth and
Divide the dough into equal pieces and Place into the hot skillet, and cook until
roll each piece into a ball. Roll a dough bubbly and golden; flip and continue
ball into a thin, round tortilla. cooking until golden on the other side.
Figure 5
Production Process
The customer who will buy Fishylicious Taco will go directly to the display area
to choose the best drink to partner with the taco. The cashier or staff at the counter
receives the payment of the customer. For delivery process, customers or buyers may
either call, text or even chat online with the business Facebook page to give information
whenever doing a purchase of the product. The delivery personnel of the business
delivers the necessary orders and is authorized to receive the payment and remit it to the
Display area area
Delivery personel
Figure 6
Table 12
Machineries and Equipment
Quantity and Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Life Depreciation
Table 13
Maintenance and Repair Cost
Table 14
Renovation of Building Summary of State
Description of Materials Total Cost
Renovation of Building 50,000
Painting Works
Door and Windows
Tables and Chairs
Rental 3000
TOTAL 50,000
Source: Personal Interview
Table 15
Service Vehicle
Quantity Unit Cost Useful Life Total Cost Depreciation
Table 16
Maintenance Cost of Service Vehicle
Service Vehicle Monthly Annually
Change Oil (quarterly) 500 2,000
Tires (Every 6 months) 1,200 2,400
Battery (Annually) 800
Total 1,700 5,200
Source: Personal Interview
Table 17
Gasoline Consumption
Liters Vehicle Monthly Annually
Motorcycle 1,500 18,000
Total 18,000
Source: Personal Interview
Table 18
Direct Materials
Table 19
Indirect Materials
Table 20
Promotional Expense
Cost Annually
Flyers 15 1,500
Tarpaulin 500 1,500
Total 3,000
Source: Personal Interview
Table 21
Advertising Expense
Signage 450
Total 450
Source: Personal Interview
Table 22
Office Supplies
2 Pad Paper 30 60 60
3 Pc Tape 30 90 90
2 Pc Stapler 45 90 90
3 Pc Scissor 20 60 60
Total 3,920 20,420
Source: Personal Interview
Table 23
Sanitation Expense
Quantity Materials Unit Cost Monthly Annually
5 Hairnet 15 75 900
5 pairs Gloves 20 100 1,200
5 Apron 50 250 2,500
20 60 720
3 Sanitizer 80 240 2,880
3 Sponge 20 60 720
2 Floor Mop 500 1,000 2,200
3 Trash Can 120 360 360
2 Dust Pan 80 160 160
2 Broom 150 300 300
2 Brush 45 90 180
4 Door Mat 30 120 240
Total 2,815 12,260
Source: Personal Interview
Table 24
Installation Cost
Total 9,500
Table 25
Communication Expense
Quantity Unit Useful Total Depreciation Monthly Annually
Cost Life Cost
1 Cellphone 5,000 5 5,000 1,000 1,000
Load 500 6,000
Total 1,000 1,500 6,000
Source: Personal Interview
Table 26
Power Consumption
Quantity Equipment Watts Hours Monthly Annually
8 Fluorescent
Lamp 120 8 P 254 P 3,048
C. Production Schedule
Table 27
Production Schedule
D. Plant Layout
The plant layout will be the visual model of the business. It is important for the
business to have a plant layout to organize the working place and to have a smooth
operation. The business will have a better performance if they know what the place will
look like. The Fishylicious Taco Hauz’ building is divided into five areas such as the
dining area, office area, restroom, counter and the kitchen. In this model also shows
various appliances and furniture that will be used during the operation of the business.
Figure 7
Plant Layout
Figure 8
A. Financial Assumptions
6. The selling price will increase 6% due to the increase in the direct and
indirect materials.
9. The partners will receive the profit and loss of the business equally.
10. The straight line method will be used to compute the depreciation of
b. Working Capital
Direct Materials 1,293,840.00
Indirect Materials 23,600.00
Office Supplies 20,420.00
Salaries Expense 717,640.00
Gasoline Expense 18,000.00
Sanitation Expense 12,260.00
Maintenance and Repair 16,400.00
Maintenance of Service Vehicle 5,200.00
Power Consumption 3,048.00
c. Pre-Operational Expenses
Licenses and Permits 15,040.00
Advertising Expense 450.00
Communication Expense 6,000.00
Promotional Expense 3,000.00
Installation Expense 9,500.00
d. Contingencies (5% of A, B, C)
a. Property and Equipment 7,435.00
b. Working Capital 105,520.00
2,831,472. 3,155,061.
Sales 00 00
Direct Materials 1,293,840.00 1,371,470.00 1,453,758.00
Indirect Materials 23,600.00 25,016.00 26,517.00
Gross Profit 1,202,560.00 1,434,986.00 1,674,786.00
581,221. 812,162.
Operating Profit 00 00
(84,754.00) (174,366.00) (243,649.00)
Income Tax Payable
Net Income After Tax 197,758.00 00 568,513.00
Net Cash Flow 1,894,262.00 00 648,246.00
1,894,262.0 2,401,179.0
Add: Cash Balance, Beginning 0 0 0
Current Assets:
1,894,262.0 2,401,179.0
Cash 0 0
Office Supplies 20,420.00 21,645.00 22,944.00
Inventory 597,220.00 603,171.00 609,120.00
2,511,902.0 3,025,995.0
Total Current Assets 0 0
Non-Current Assets:
Machineries and Equipment 38,700.00 38,700.00 38,700.00
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 2,950.00 5,900.00 8,850.00
Service Vehicle 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 7,500.00 15,000.00 22,500.00
Total Non-Current Assets 88,250.00 77,800.00 67,350.00
2,600,152.0 3,103,795. 3,748,839.
Salaries Payable 717,640.00 724,816.00 732,064.00
Income Tax Payable 84,754.00 174,366.00 243,649.00
802,394 899,182 975,713.
Total Liabilities .00 .00 00
Partner's Equity
Income 197,758.00 406,855.00 568,513.00
1,600,000.0 1,797,758.0
Partners' Capital 0 0
F. Financial Analysis
Financial statements are the financial records of the business describes the
business’ operations and activities.
Current Ratio
The current ratio is the liquidity ratio that measures the business’ ability to pay
short-term obligations. This ratio tells whether a business can maximize the assets to
satisfy debts. The current ratio of Fishylicious Taco Hauz indicates that at the year end
2021, every peso of the business current liability, the business’ current asset has the
ability to pay 4 times.
Return on Investment
2019 197,758.00
2020 406,855.00
2021 568,513.00
Total 1,173,126.00
Average 391,042.00
= 0.2444 x 100
= 24 %
efficiency of investment of interest. It determines how much the business will be earned
based from the involved peso. The Fishylicious Taco Hauz will have an average of 24
Payback Period
Formula: Investment
Average Net Cash Flow
The payback period is the amount of time that required for the business’
investment to return in terms of their profits and savings from the business operations.
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz will recover its investment after 1 year, 6 months and 25
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz has an average net profit of margin of 11 percent for
the year 2019-2021. The result means that for every one peso of the average net sales, the
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz was implemented on the 18th day of March, 2019.
The study shows that the invested amount of the partners can earn 24 percent on the first
3 consecutive years of operation. The business has a total of P2, 293,098.00 projected
cost that will return for 1 year, 6 months and 25 days of the business’ operation.
The business owner and the students in Accountancy Business and Management
are expected to contribute to the community development and progress. The Fishylicios
The Fishylicios Taco Hauz will contribute to the community and society
offerings that solve problems in innovative ways. This will create jobs and these
prosperity of their locality. The business will continuously develop and offer a
new goods and satisfying healthy product at a reasonable price for the
business plan for the business owners in order to help them know if the
Fishylicious Taco Hauz is getting the market gap, mismatch between supply and
demand and a more effective and efficient business process. In this way, this
The Fishylicious Taco Hauz hire employees that possess skills and ability
incentives that they will receive form being employed to the business. Also, the
wages of each and every employee will help their families in their daily expenses.
Schedule 1
Packaging and Labeling
Schedule 2
Licenses and Permits
Documents Cost
Total 15,040.00
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Employee Benefits
Schedule 5
Total Number of Population
Note: The growth rate increases in the total number of population
2016-2017 714
2017-2018 1496
2018-2019 1605
Source: Actual Survey
Schedule 6
Tabulated Data for Respondents
Percentage of Demand of Taco = Total Number of population who purchase Taco x 100
Total Number of Respondents
Schedule 7
Projected Demand of Taco for the Year 2017-2021
76% Total
73% Total Population
Annual Total
Total Population willing to
Year Average Demand
Population who buy buy and try
Consumption (pieces)
Taco Fishylicious
2019-2020 1585 1157 1205 455 548,275
Schedule 8
Supply Analysis of Kamo N Get it and Nacholicious
Schedule 9
Projected Supply for Product in Kamo N Get It
Schedule 10
Projected Supply for Product in Nacholicious
x 30 4,
2019 150 x 12 54, 000
2020 158 x 30 4, 740 x 12 56, 880
Schedule 11
Demand - Supply Analysis
Schedule 12
Market Share
Schedule 13
Quantity and Unit Cost Total Cost Useful Life Depreciation
Schedule 14
Maintenance and Repair Cost
Schedule 15
Renovation of Building Summary of State
Description of Materials Total Cost
Renovation of Building 50,000
Painting Works
Rental 3000
TOTAL 50,000
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 16
Service Vehicle
Quantity Unit Cost Useful Life Total Cost Depreciation
Schedule 17
Maintenance Cost of Service Vehicle
Service Vehicle Monthly Annually
Change Oil (quarterly) 500 2,000
Tires (Every 6 months) 1,200 2,400
Battery (Annually) 800
Total 1,700 5,200
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 18
Gasoline Consumption
Schedule 19
Direct Materials
Schedule 20
Indirect Materials
Schedule 21
Promotional Expense
Cost Annually
Flyers 15 1,500
Tarpaulin 500 1,500
Total 3,000
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 22
Advertising Expense
Signage 450
Total 450
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 23
Office Supplies
2 Pad Paper 30 60 60
3 Pc Tape 30 90 90
2 Pc Stapler 45 90 90
3 Pc Scissor 20 60 60
Total 3,920 20,420
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 24
Sanitation Expense
Quantity Materials Unit Cost Monthly Annually
5 Hairnet 15 75 900
5 pairs Gloves 20 100 1,200
5 Apron 50 250 2,500
20 60 720
3 Sanitizer 80 240 2,880
3 Sponge 20 60 720
2 Floor Mop 500 1,000 2,200
3 Trash Can 120 360 360
2 Dust Pan 80 160 160
2 Broom 150 300 300
2 Brush 45 90 180
4 Door Mat 30 120 240
Total 2,815 12,260
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 25
Installation Cost
Electric Installation 5,500
Total 9,500
Schedule 26
Communication Expense
Quantity Unit Useful Total Depreciation Monthly Annually
Cost Life Cost
1 Cellphone 5,000 5 5,000 1,000 1,000
Load 500 6,000
Total 1,000 1,500 6,000
Source: Personal Interview
Schedule 27
Power Consumption
Quantity Equipment Watts Hours Monthly Annually
8 Fluorescent
Lamp 120 8 P 254 P 3,048
Direction: Please put a check (/) in the box or on the space next to the answer of your
3. If we will offer a new version of Taco which is called “Fishylicious Taco” made
up of fish, mixed vegetables, mayonnaise and cheese, wrapped in a dumpling
wrapper, would you buy?
Yes No
If No, do not answer the following questions.
Recommendations: _________________________________
Governor Panotes Avenue
Daet, Camarines Norte
3. On the average, how many pieces of your product do you usually sold?
Daily _______________
Monthly _____________
Signature over printed name
Age : 17
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 17
Email Address :
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 18
Email Address :
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 18
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 17
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 18
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 19
Email Address :
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment:
Age : 18
Email Address :
Citizenship : Filipino
Educational Attainment: