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Observations of Students

APST Standard 1: Know students and how they learn.

Focus Area 1.1: Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students.
Graduate level: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how
these may affect learning.

Pre-service Teacher: Georgia Duncan



Ayden Does not like physical Has good social skills Average achieving student Needs more hands on
activity. Is quite clumsy however, when it comes to however, due to lack of experiences to be more
however will run around emotions he often gets concentration and involved in his learning.
and play chasey. angry at small little things commitment to his work, Has poor listening skills.
and has an outburst. will often not do his work.

Josh Does not have fantastic Has ASD so finds it hard to Average achieving. Has ASD and often
gross and fine motor skills. control and communicate Understands what he is struggles with his emotions
At recess and lunch likes to how he is feeling. Used doing however finds it which plays a huge role in
play football and visuals to display how he is difficult to put his how well he does during
basketball. feeling, which is placed on understanding on paper. lessons. Josh will often say
his desk. he is frustrated to get out of
doing his work.
Rewards for doing work
and when on task.
Could develop strategies to
comprehend and regulate
his emotions during high
stress times.

Jacob Has excellent gross motor Can control his emotions Low achieving in both Has ADHD and will find
skills. Plays football and better. He has good social maths and literacy. Often himself walking around the
basketball on a day to day skills as he often needs a lot of guidance room for no particular
basis. communicates to however with tasks to be completed. reason. Does his work
is around him. standing up as he cannot
sit still for a long period of
Ava Good fine motor skills Enjoys being around her Average achieving in both Has a younger baby sister,
however, is not a fan of friends. Excellent at maths and literacy. Will so is often withdrawn from
physical activity apart from following instructions and often seek help when lessons and is tired
cheerleading and dancing. maintaining this throughout needed and does most of throughout the day.
lessons. her work individually.

Isla Is a fan of dancing. Hangs out with a large Average achieving in both Talks a lot during lessons -
Throughout placement group of friends. Will often literacy and numeracy. behaviour management.
made dances. talk and get distracted Often does the work by
during lessons. Found it herself and will give it a try Uses group work to talk
hard to complete work due if instructions are not clear. through her ideas.
to talking.

Chloe Loves to do Judo and Often hangs out with High achieving in both Can have extension work,
football. Has great physical anyone, forms strong literacy and numeracy. Will especially in mathematics,
development. social relationships with complete tasks easily and as she often finishes early.
anybody. often needs extension

Jordan High development in this Has high social Has good academics. Is Can have extension work,
area, showing interest in competence in forming focused and will do his especially in mathematics
football and wanting to relationships, developing work quickly. and writing, as he often
continue developing skills of appropriate social finishes work quickly.
different skills. interactions in situations He has a sound
understanding of concepts, Can be asked to slow
however will rush his ideas. down and take his time
writing and read through

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