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Maths - Money

Pre-service Teacher name: Date:

Georgia Duncan 8.9.20

Year level/ age range & number of students: Highlight planning process:
Year 2 Planned collaboratively with Supervising Teacher
Planned collaboratively with peer
Estimated duration of activity: Planned independently based on ST lessons
50 Minutes Planned Independently
Deconstruction of Supervising Teacher’s lesson
Learning area:

Specific Topic:
Students are solving problems through using money
Learning intentions:
The intention of this lesson is to give students the opportunity to learn more about how to use money in specific situations.
The students will each receive a number of different problems that they need to solve.

Success criteria for students:

I will have an understanding of where the students are at through understanding whether they are able to solve the worded
problems using money.

Preparation/ organisation/ resources:

Will need to use the star board for mental routine.
Will need to print our word problems for them to solve.

Within the classroom there is a range of different abilities.
For those students that are at a higher level. They will be challenged through giving them harder questions to solve.
Students that need extra help, I will walk around and guide them throughout the lesson. I will have the example on the
board for them to follow.

Lesson running schedule: Time frames

1. Introduction (9:00 – 9:10)
2. Body of lesson (9:10 – 9:30)
3. Summary (9:30 – 19:40)
4. Brain Break (9:40 – 9:50)
Transition: 2 minutes
Students will be sitting on the floor as this is straight after morning routine. There will be a
number of students completing their jobs for the day so this may take a while to get started. To
transition to the lesson I will tell each students to gather their mental routine sheets from their
desks and wait patiently at their desk.

Introduction: 10 minutes
Closed questions:
Brooklyn bought 4 movie tickets. Each ticket cost $10. How much money did it cost
Josh and his mum went to the bakery. They bought 5 cupcakes, each cost 20 c. How
much did it cost altogether?
I have a 50c coin, a 20 c coin and $1 how much money do I have altogether?

Open questions:
Harry went to the shops and needed $50, how many different ways can you make $50.
Morgan needed $5 in coins. Show me different ways of making $5

Flipped question:
Place the mental routine on the board. I am thinking of an amount can you tell me what
it is.cross answers off on the board as they ask you.

Pre-service Teacher facilitated mini-lesson: (explicit teaching & modelling of topic content, 5 minutes
strategies and learning focus, explanation of learning intentions)

Gathering students on the floor to go through the activity with them. Using the starboard show
the classroom how to solve the problems.
Student focussed work period:
This lesson the students will be doing a work sheet that has a number of different money word 25 minutes
problems for them to solve. This is one thing that is being assessed.

Isla bought a pen for 50 cents and a ball for 25 cents. How much money did Isla spend?

Edward wanted to buy 3 iceblocks from the canteen. They each cost $1.20. How much money
does Edward need to give?

I needed to go to the shops to buy some fruit for recess. I bought two bananas (each cost $1),
three apples (each costs $1.75) and a bag of oranges (each bag costs $4.95). How much did this
cost altogether?

Chloe has $15 dollars in her purse. She bought a bottle of water for $3.85. How much money
does Chloe have left?

Conclusion WWW reflection: 10 minutes

Going through the responses on thew board with the students to ensure they have understood.
This discussion will take place based on students answers to the problems.

Pre-service teacher sign: Date:

Supervising Teacher sign: Date:

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