Introduction To Semiconductors
Introduction To Semiconductors
Introduction To Semiconductors
Heterojunctions occur when two differently doped semiconducting
materials are joined together. For example, a configuration could
consist of p-doped and n-doped germanium. This results in an
exchange of electrons and holes between the differently doped
semiconducting materials. The n-doped germanium would have an
excess of electrons, and the p-doped germanium would have an
excess of holes. The transfer occurs until equilibrium is reached by a
process called recombination, which causes the migrating electrons
from the n-type to come in contact with the migrating holes from the p-
type. A product of this process is charged ions, which result in
an electric field.
Excited electrons
A difference in electric potential on a semiconducting material would
cause it to leave thermal equilibrium and create a non-equilibrium
situation. This introduces electrons and holes to the system, which
interact via a process called ambipolar diffusion. Whenever thermal
equilibrium is disturbed in a semiconducting material, the number of
holes and electrons changes. Such disruptions can occur as a result
of a temperature difference or photons, which can enter the system
and create electrons and holes. The process that creates and
annihilates electrons and holes are
called generation and recombination.
Light emission
In certain semiconductors, excited electrons can relax by emitting light
instead of producing heat. These semiconductors are used in the
construction of light-emitting diodes and fluorescent quantum dots.
Figure 2.3.7.: A simplified energy band diagram used to describe semiconductors. Shown are the valence
and conduction band as indicated by the valence band edge, Ev, and the conduction band
edge, Ec. The vacuum level, Evacuum, and the electron affinity, , are also indicated on the figure.