Air and Water Certificate
Air and Water Certificate
Air and Water Certificate
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A. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
1. This renewal of consent is being issued under the “Scheme of Auto-
Renewal of Consent” of the Board issued vide office order no. 5938
dated 29/01/2018 as per self certificate submitted by authorized
signatory Shri Deepak Kumar Patel, Proprietor of M/s Deepak
Stone Crusher Industries, Village- Majhouli, Teh.-
Khadganwa, Distt.–Korea (C.G.).
2. Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board reserves the rights to
revoke the Consent at any time for any violation/non-compliance.
3. In case, if the capital investment is increased by such amount that
the total investment exceeds the range for which renewal fees has
been paid, the industry shall have to pay the difference amount of
renewal fees for the corresponding block years.
4. In case, the prescribed fee payable is amended in future, the
industry shall be liable to pay the difference amount for
corresponding block years.
5. Industry shall operate their existing water pollution control facilities
and maintain the same properly so that the effluent could be
achieved within the prescribed standards.
6. Industry shall provide adequate measuring arrangement for the
measurement of water utilized in different categories and effluent
generated. Industry shall obtain permission for drawl of ground
water from Central Ground water Authority for uses in unit and
permission submitted to the Board within three months from the
date of issue of this letter. If industry used ground water without
permission/NOC from Central Ground Water Authority Govt. of
India, this consent renewal is treated as null & void.
7. Industry shall utilize treated waste water within premises for
irrigation purpose.
8. Industry shall adopt rainwater-harvesting technique in the project
area for ground water recharging and conservation of water.
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
1. Industry shall operate their existing Air pollution control facilities
and maintain the same properly so that the emission could be
achieved within the prescribed standards.
2. Industry shall maintain good housekeeping practices in the
3. Extensive tree plantation shall be carried out in open areas available
within & around the premises. Signature Not Verified
Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Digitally Signed by :S K
For & on
I behalf of
C.G. Environment Conservation Board Ambikapur
Date: 2020.09.25 16:39:50 IST
Regional Officer
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board
Ambikapur (C.G.)
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