Case Laws Pertaining To Family Settlements
Case Laws Pertaining To Family Settlements
Case Laws Pertaining To Family Settlements
assets thereto be divided separately and partitioned. Under the terms and condition of the
settlement, it was set out that the assets proposed to be divided in partition under the
settlement were held by the firms and the individual partners. With reference to the firms,
the manner in which the firms were to be reconstituted by retirement and admission of new
partners was also set out. Based on these documents and subsequent deeds of retirement of
Partnership an order of the assessment was made holding that the respondents was liable for
tax on capital gains. The Tribunal held that the business continued to be run and there was
no dissolution of the firm and consequently Sec. 45(4) of the Act was not attracted.
4. Bansari Lal Aggarwal Vs. CGT The family arrangement arrived at between the husband on the one side and wife & four
1985 14 ITD 475 Chd son on the other as collusive one effected with a view to avoid payment of tax. In the said
Bench – 2 case, property owned by the assessee was an individual property. Wife and four sons had
only lent money to husband to buy the said property. Mere creating an antecedent title,
claim or interest of the five persons in the individual property of husband and consequently,
the family arrangement decree obtained by the parties concerned was set aside on the
ground of being collusive, obtained with a view to avoid payment of tax.
5. Shambhu Prasad Singh v. Phool The arrangement under challenge has to be considered as a whole for ascertaining whether
Kumari it was made to allay disputes, existing or apprehended, in the interest of harmony in the
(1971) 2 SCC 28 family or the preservation of property. It is not necessary that there must exist a dispute,
Bench – 3 actual or possible in the future, in respect of each and every item of property and amongst
all members arrayed one against the other. It would be sufficient if it is shown that there
were actual or possible claims and counter-claims by parties in settlement whereof the
arrangement as a whole had been arrived at, thereby acknowledging title in one to whom a
particular property falls on the assumption (not actual existence in law) that he had an
anterior title therein.
6. Ravinder Kaur Grewal & Ors. Vs Supreme Court stated that, as noted clause (v) of Section 17(2) is attracted, which pertains
Manjit Kaur & Ors. to execution of any document creating or extinguishing right, title or interest in an
immovable property amongst the family members. No registration is necessary if a
2020 SCC OnLine SC 612
document is only a memorandum of family settlement and not a document containing the
Bench -2
terms and recitals of a family settlement.
SC concluded that the High Court committed manifest error in interfering with and in
particular reversing the well considered decision of the first appellate Court, which had
justly concluded that document dated 10.3.1988 executed between the parties was merely a
memorandum of settlement, and it did not require registration.