Sale Deeds Project
Sale Deeds Project
Sale Deeds Project
for the
Degree of
Simran Khurana
B.A.LLB(H) Section A Semester 8
Enrollment No. A3211116061
Sale Deed is a legal document that records the transfer of ownership from
the seller to the buyer. While preparing a Sale Deed, all the clauses of the
Transfer of Property Act should be carefully examined and drafted to lessen
the risks involved. The clauses should be drafted after understanding your
requirements and liabilities. It is one of the most important legal documents
required to be executed between the seller and the purchaser to complete
the transaction at the time of purchasing a property. These parties are also
referred to as the ‘grantor' and ‘grantee' in legal parlance. A sale deed
indicates that the title of ownership has been transferred from the seller in
favour of the buyer; or in simpler words, the ownership has been changed
from the seller to the buyer. So, a Sale Deed is essentially a document that
there’s proof of such a transfer. Not only does it describe the property in
detail, but it also outlines the rights and obligations of each party.
THIS DEED OF SALE is made and executed on this the ___________ day of
____________________, by Sri____________________ S/o, D/o, W/o.
____________________, aged about __________ years, Occupation:
___________________ Resident of D.No.
________________________________________ Represented by his / her agent (or)
Being minor represented by Father/Mother/Brother/Guardian
Sri____________________ S/o, D/o, W/o. ____________________, aged about
__________ years, Occupation: ___________________ Residing at ______________
under __________ general / special power of attorney dated________
Registered as Document Number_____ of Year_____ Book IV of
of S.R.O. ____________________ copied in Volume No. ____________________ at
Page ____________.
WHEREAS the Vendor was desirous of constructing a residential complex in
the said premises have approached the Developer, and the Developer agreed
for the same as per the Development Agreement registered as No
_____________ of S.R.O_______________.
WHEREAS the Vendor(s) herein has/have obtained Permission for Stilt +
Upper _____ Floors, vide Permit No.______________ in File No._________
dated______________ from the Municipal Corporation / Muncipality / Gram
WHEREAS the Vendor(s) have constructed complex named as
________________ in the said premises consisting of Stilt Floor for parking +
Upper Three Floors for residential units, having amenities of APSEB &
HMWS connections as per the plan.
AND WHEREAS the Vendor(s) offered to sell (The undivided share of the site
described in ‘A’ schedule) Flat ___________________ Described in ‘B’ schedule
(hereinafter referred to as the “SCHEDULE PROPERTY’) to the Vendee for a
total sale consideration of Rs.____________ Only) and the Vendee herein has
agreed to purchase the above mentioned Flat for the said sale consideration
which includes the consideration for the purchase of the proportionate
undivided share of land.
1. That in pursuance of the said offer and acceptance the Vendee has
already paid the entire sale consideration of Rs._________ to the Vendors, the
receipt of which the Vendors hereby admitted and acknowledged, the
Vendors hereby convey, transfer and assign all their title, right and interest
over the schedule property together with Rights of easements and
appurtenances unto and to the use of the Vendee.
2. That the Vendors have this day delivered the vacant, physical and
peaceful possession of the Schedule Property to the Vendee TO HAVE AND
TO HOLD the same absolutely and forever, which is more fully and
specifically delineated and described in Schedule Property.
3. That the Vendors have paid all the taxes, cess, dues etc., in respect of the
schedule mentioned property upto date of registration of Sale Deed.
4. That the rights, titles, interests, easements, privileges, appurtenances,
liberties, enjoyments and possessions are hereby transferred and subsist in
favour of the Vendee absolutely and forever.
5. That the Vendors hereby declare and covenant with the Vendee that the
schedule mentioned property is free from all encumbrances, charges, prior
sales, gifts, mortgages, liens, court attachments and litigations etc., and the
Vendors have full power and absolute authority to sell the said premises to
the Vendee absolutely and forever.
6. That the Vendors hereby undertake to indemnify and keep the Vendee
indemnified against all the losses, costs, expenses, damages sustained if any
to the Vendee on account of any defect in title of Vendors or if the Vendee is
deprived from the part or whole of the schedule property, the Vendors shall
compensate against the same at all times with the personal or other
7. That the Vendors further declare and covenant with the Vendee that they
will execute any further deeds of assurance to strengthen the title of the
Vendee at the cost and expenses of the Vendee.
8. The Vendee shall be the joint owner of schedule land along with other Flat
owners of the building complex and the land is for the common use of the
Flat owners of the building complex.
9. The vendor(s) here by declare that the site described in ‘A’ schedule
property is not in assigned land with in the meaning of A.P Assigned Lands
(Prohibition and Transfers) Act 9 of 1977 and it is also not sold to any body
or under mortgage to Govt. / Agencies / Under takings.
b) The Vendee hereby agrees to be a member of the Society or Association to
be registered under the Societies Act or any other analogous enactment or
regulations that may be formed by all the Flat owners of the building
complex __________________________ and the Vendee shall abide by the rules
and by-laws of the said Society who shall be the administrators of common
services such as lift, transformer, corridors, passages, staircases, drainage,
water supply, maintenance of borewells, electricity and other properties of
common enjoyment and maintenance of security staff and any such other
welfare activities as the general body of Society may consider and resolve by
a special resolution. The Vendee shall pay to the Society / Associaiton share
of the amounts towards common services, insurance premium, taxes
leviable on the entire building complex. Further, the Vendee shall pay the
property tax, electricity meter deposit, electricity consumption charges and
water charges of scheduled property etc., to the concerned authorities
c) The Vendee shall park vehicle only in the parking area in the common
area, and the same shall make use of the common passage leading from the
main road to the apartments only as an approach to the apartments and no
cause any obstruction in the passage and will not have any right over the
sky-space over the passage.
d) The Vendee shall not at any time demolish schedule property or any part
of the building including the common areas such as staircase, lift, parking
area, drainage pipes, cables, water courses, gutters, wires and other
conveniences necessary for proper utility of the building. The Vendee shall
not make any additions or alterations or any new constructions of any
nature whatsoever contrary to the MCH plan for his/her Flat or to any part
of the building. The Vendee shall not close the verandahs or lounges or also
shall not alter the exterior colour of the building complex. For this purpose
the Flat owners means all persons having rights, title or interest in any part
of the building. The design of the grills provided to the balconies as well as
to the windows of apartments shall not be replaced with any other design so
as to maintain uniformity in the appearance of the building.
e) The Vendee hereby agrees to keep his/her Flat as well as the partition
walls, drains, drain pipes, water pipe lines and the appurtenances thereto in
good condition so as to support shelter and protect all parts of the building
and also for proper utility and occupation.
f) The Vendee hereby agrees to use the common over head tank jointly along
with other Flat owners and undertakes to pay the water charges
proportionately if water is purchased.
g) The Vendee shall covenants that he/she shall not throw any dust,
rubbish, rags, waste or permit the same to be thrown in the compound or in
any portion of the building complex, which may cause damage, loss or
inconvenience to other occupants of the building.
h) The Vendee hereby agrees that he/she shall not use the Flat for any
purpose which may cause nuisance or disturbance to the neighboring
occupants of the building, nor for any illegal or immoral purpose.
i) The Vendee shall not store in the Flat any explosive or goods of destructive
nature which are likely to cause fire or explosion and also shall not store
heavy weight materials which may effect damage or destroy the structures of
the building.
All that piece and parcel of the site admeasuring ___________ Sq.yards /
________Sq.Mts. Survey No___________ Ward No_______ Block No.________
Situated at __________Muncipal Corportation / Muncipality _________ Sub
District ____________Registration District. Which is more fully described in
the plan annexed hereto and marked in RED colour and bounded as under:
In the above property undivided share of _________ Sq.yards _______ Sq.Mts
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendors have hereunto set their hand to this
Absolute Deed of Sale on this day, month and the year first above mentioned
in the presence of the following witnesses.
1. 1.
2. 2.