Estimations in Numbers and Measurement: Multiple-Choice Questions
Estimations in Numbers and Measurement: Multiple-Choice Questions
Estimations in Numbers and Measurement: Multiple-Choice Questions
Multiple-choice Questions
Attempt ALL questions. The full marks of this test are 30.
Level 1
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7. The following shows the weights of 7 12. In the figure, find the scale interval of the
children. thermometer.
36.2 kg 33.8 kg 35.7 kg 38.2 kg
32.7 kg 37.3 kg 34.9 kg
Estimate the total weight of the children.
A. 210 kg
B. 245 kg A. 0.1C
C. 260 kg B. 1C
D. 280 kg C. 5C
D. 10C
8. Estimate the value of the expression
279 546 123 753. 13. Which of the following is not a unit of
A. 1600 volume?
B. 1680 A. cm3
C. 1700 B. L
D. 1780 C. m3
D. mg
9. Estimate the value of the expression
309 533 516 190 368 281.
14. In the figure, find the volume of liquid in
A. 400
the cup, correct to the nearest 20 mL.
B. 420
A. 20 mL
C. 450
B. 30 mL
D. 500
C. 40 mL
10. Estimate the value of 73 148 6. D. 50 mL
A. 1800
B. 1825
C. 1850
D. 1875 15. Which of the following measuring tools is
suitable to measure the weight of a coin?
11. 1026 students and 59 teachers go to a A. Weighing balance
picnic. If each coach can carry at most 57 B. Mechanical balance
passengers, at least how many coaches C. Electronic balance
are required? D. None of the above
A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 26
Estimations in Numbers and Measurement
16. Given that the length of a Mathematics 20. Estimate the area of the figure.
textbook is 28 cm. The length of a desk is
about 5 times that of the textbook. Which
of the following numerical value may be
the length of the desk?
A. 130 cm
B. 140 cm
C. 154 cm
D. 166 cm A. 6 cm2
B. 8 cm2
17. In a building, there are 6 flats in each C. 9 cm2
floor. The area of each flat is about 61 D. 12 cm2
m2. If the lifts and the corridor occupy an
area of 120 m2, estimate the total area of Level 2
each floor.
A. 420 m2 21. Which of the following measurements is
B. 460 m2 presented in an appropriate way?
C. 480 m2 A. Today, the temperature is 26.455C.
D. 500 m2 B. Sandy’s height is 158.452 cm.
C. The weight of a diamond is 8.237 g.
18. 7 packs of sweets weigh 1389 g. Estimate D. Helen spends 32 min 26.4 s to go to
the weight of each pack of sweets. school.
A. 20 g
B. 100 g 22. Estimate the value of 999.1 119.9.
C. 200 g A. 118 000
D. 500 g B. 119 000
C. 120 000
19. Given that the height of a triangle is D. 120 500
about 12.3 cm. If the area of the triangle
is about 243 cm2, estimate the base. 23. Estimate the value of the expression
A. 10 cm 5.93 48 149 15.01.
B. 20 cm A. 0.8
C. 40 cm B. 1
D. 60 cm C. 1.2
D. 1.5
C:\Program Files\HKEP\JP08F1\word\Eng\1A Ch02\
24. Given that a candle can be lighted for 27. 500 pieces of papers and 100 clips weigh
about 7 minutes. Jessica finished packing 155 g in total. If each clip weighs 0.85 g,
16 products by 5 minutes after lighting estimate the weight of a piece of paper.
the 8th candle. Estimate the upper limit of A. 0.07 g
the time Jessica needed to pack 1 product. B. 0.14 g
A. 3 minutes C. 0.7 g
B. 3.5 minutes D. 1.4 g
C. 4 minutes
D. 4.5 minutes 28. If 250 cm3 of water is poured into a box
with dimensions 11.08 cm 4.99 cm
25. In the figure, the capacity of the large cup 3.96 cm, estimate the volume of water
is 450 mL. Some orange juice is poured overflowed.
into the large cup such that two-thirds of A. 20 cm3
the cup is filled. The juice is then evenly B. 25 cm3
distributed into 4 small glasses such that C. 30 cm3
each small glass is half full with juice as D. 35 cm3
shown. Estimate the capacity of each
small glass. 29. A hawker uses a paper box to contain
some oranges weighing 12.61 kg. After
selling some of them, the new weight is
4.23 kg. If there are 17 oranges
remaining, estimate the original number
of oranges.
A. 45
A. 37.5 mL B. 51
B. 75 mL C. 54
C. 150 mL D. 60
D. 300 mL
30. In the figure, the ears occupy 6 squares
26. A can of biscuits weighing 484 g contains approximately. Estimate the area of the
20 individual packs. If there are 4 pieces cartoon.
of biscuits inside each pack, estimate the A. 4 cm2
weight of a piece of biscuit. B. 8 cm2
A. 6 g C. 16 cm2
B. 8 g D. 32 cm2
C. 12 g
D. 16 g
Estimations in Numbers and Measurement