Arab Open University Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) - PT3 Form

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Arab Open University

Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) – PT3 Form

Academic Year 2018-2019 Semester: FALL

Branch: Lebanon Program: Business Studies with Management
Course Title: Managing Technologies and Innovation for Competitive
Course Code: B222B
advantage (Part B)

Student Name:Rafah Nahed Abdo Student ID: 151292

Section Number:218 Tutor Name:Lama khoury

Total Mark: Awarded Mark:

Mark details
Questions Q1 Q2 Total
Weight 50 50 100
Allocated Marks

Criteria Presentation Referencing Word Count E-Library Total

Up to 5 5 5 5 20
Marks deduction

100 Student’s Total Mark /100

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A. According to the Arab Open University By-laws, the following acts represent cases of cheating and plagiarism:
 Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic
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 Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
 Copying other students’ notes or reports.
 Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.

B. Penalties for plagiarism ranges from failure in the TMA to expulsion from the university.

Declaration: I hereby declare that the submitted TMA is my own work and I have not copied any other person’s
work or plagiarized in any other form as specified above.
Student Signature

Tutor’s Feedback

Question one :

Tutor Name: Tutor Signature: Date returned:

We are living in the era where every single moment we have a new invention and
new technology and the world we are living in changes automatically due to the latest
changes in the all sectors and there are two types of innovation the first one called the
radical innovation and this kind of change occurs when it affects the whole process of doing
things for example when the automobile was invented it changed the way of transportation
in the whole world . However , the 2nd type of innovation is called the incremental
innovation and this type of change depends on the continuous improvement and
development of the first invention and depends on the last technologies and the latest
updated of researches and science for example , the versions of the smartphones is
incremental innovation (Mc Millan , 2009 ) because the researches have been developed the
classic phone to introduce to us a new kind of phones uses the internet and the application
software . nowadays , we hear a lot about the cloud computing system and the benefits it
provides. in this essay I will take the Fidor bank In a Germany as a case study about the
cloud computing system
First of all , the cloud computing system is new technology helps the user to connect
to the network and data and software wherever he/she was by computing paradigm
connected to the server of the of the website related to any firm or website for example, the
server of Facebook or Google company makes their user unable to save any file they want
on a big storage of the server of these website and in our case study the fidor bank it uses
this technology to in all its activities by creating online platform and very big social
community consists of more than 250,000 people they contribute in the bank operation for
example the , they helps the new clients in creating their bank account and those people
share in the marketing strategy of the bank by using their social media accounts in
marketing the services and the promotion of fidor bank and this kind of bank and
companies which uses the cloud computing technology will have a very important benefits
in the future and the first benefit is reducing a huge amount of cost and expenses for
example , the fidor bank does not have an infrastructure and buildings to make the daily
operations of the bank because all the operations and the financial transactions happens
online by using the online platform of the fidor bank and the 2nd benefit is the time saving
of the employee and the clients and this saved time can be used to increase the quality of
the service and to follow up the feedback of the clients and to make online training courses
and this will lead to increase the number of people whom work for the banks and the
quality of those employee at the same time in addition to , applying the cloud computing
technology in the work of banks and companies make the daily work more easier and the
employee can access their files and documents anytime and anywhere and this technology
will help in applying the collaboration system and for example if there is a team work
project , the members can work together at the same time and they can access to see others
job . to sum up , every new invention and technology has a positive and negative impact
and the cloud computing technology also has a negative impact for example the security
and the human error because all the data of the these kind of organization have a back up
copy on the cloud server so , the company managers should put a big effort on protecting
its data in order to reach its goals and achieve its targets .
Words count: 644

Question two:
Since we are living in a very aggressive world where every new invention emerge in
the market makes all the firms and organization wants to acquire it and use it in its work
and in this paragraph i will talk about the cloud computing strategy of INTEL and the
main advantages of using this new technology .
First of all, I will start by give a small introduction about Intel company. it is one of the
world wide leading company in the field of producing microprocessor and semiconductor
and it has been started its operation since July1968 .However , when the firms starts to
adopt the cloud computing technology in their firms . Intel company was one of this firms
and they started using the cloud computing technology since 2010 and the main objectives
of using this new technology was the need for achieving a better level of agility and
efficiency which enable this company to keep competing in the market and to gain a
competitive advantage over its competitors and the Intel cloud computing strategy was
depended on shifting from using the infrastructure to the application platform in every
field of the company for example , the software and database are transformed to the
service called (saas) for software and (dbaas ) for database and this transition have a very
positive impact on the work of the application owners and the it developer so the
developers of the application by using the programming language are able to create a new
database without using physical infrastructure and this will lead to reduce in the cost of the
investment and because the project or the application will need application service instead
of infrastructure and will lead to increase In the performance and the quality of the work
and the number of the application hosted one the platform of Intel is best prof of the huge
success of the firm in applying this strategy. However, applying this technology needs an
accurate skills and performance analysis in order to know if there is a gap in the
implementing process and to make sure that all the employees are well trained and
informed about the new techniques and the new policy and and provide them with the
training courses (Delery and Doty ,1996 ) . the Intel firm highlight on a very critical point
which is the privacy and the security of this technology because any mistake in the
procedure of applying this technology will lead to negative outcome and maybe it will lead
to flow of information to the competitors and the will disable Intel company from achieving
the competitive advantage in the market . to sum up , it is very important and critical
thing for any firm is to do technology analysis in order to know the best investment that for
the firm (Yatsenko and Hritonenko ,2015 ) and to know when it should buy the
technology and when it is better to develop it internally .

Words count: 498

The list of references :

_1 Fleischmann, K. (2013) ‘Big Bang Technology: What’s Next in Design Education,

Radical Innovation or Incremental Change?’, Journal of Learning Design, 6(3), p. 1.
Available at:
direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ1018588&site=ehost-live&scope=site (Accessed: 22
November 2018).

_2 McMil
lan, S. (2009). Don't call it a p
Communication Arts: Illustration Annual, 51
(3), 28

_3 McMil
lan, S. (2009). Don't call it a p
Communication Arts: Illustration Annual, 51
(3), 28

_4 Sekhon, A. (no date). Available at:

direct=true&db=aps&AN=116175801&site=ehost-live&scope=site (Accessed: 22 November 2018).

_5 on Thursday 22/11/2018 at 11:03 pm


_7 Bibi, P, Ahmad, A & Majid, AHA 2018, ‘The Impact of Training and Development and Supervisors
Support on Employees Retention in Academic Institutions in Pakistan: The Moderating Role of the Work
Environment’, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 113–131, viewed 25
November 2018, <

_8 Delery, J. E., and D. H. Doty. 1996. Modes in theorizing in strategic HRM: Tests
of universalistic, contin-
gencies, and configurational performance predictions.
Academy of Management Journal
39: 802-835.

_ 9 Nguyen, K. T. P., Yeung, T. and Castanier, B. (2017) ‘Acquisition of new technology information for
maintenance and replacement policies’, International Journal of Production Research, 55(8), pp. 2212–
2231. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1229069.

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