WPT Casting
WPT Casting
WPT Casting
Pattern Making
Components of moulds
Sand casting, also known as sand molded casting, is a metal
casting process characterized by using sand as the mold
The term "sand casting" can also refer to an object produced via
the sand casting process. Sand castings are produced in
specialized factories called foundries.
Over 70% of all metal castings are produced via a sand casting
There are six steps in this process
1) Place a pattern in sand to create a mold.
1) Solid pattern
2) Split pattern
3) Match-plate pattern
4) Cope and drag pattern
The molten material is poured in the pouring cup, which is
part of the gating system that supplies the molten material
to the mold cavity.
1) Base sand
2) Binder
3) Additives
4) A parting compound
Greensand mold - Greensand molds use a mixture of sand,
water, and a clay or binder. Typical composition of the mixture
is 90% sand, 3% water, and 7% clay or binder + sludge.
Greensand molds are the least expensive and most widely
Chemical inertness — The sand must not react with the metal
being cast. This is especially important with highly reactive
metals, such as magnesium and titanium.
Generally limited to metals of lower melting point
Simpler part geometries compared to sand casting
because of need to open the mold
High cost of mold
Due to high mold cost, process is best suited to high
volume production and can be automated
Figure 11.21 Two common types of ladles: (a) crane ladle, and (b) two-man
Surface cleaning
Repair, if required
Heat treatment
Removal of sprues, runners, risers, parting-line flash, fins,
chaplets, and any other excess metal from the cast part .
Most cores are bonded, and they often fall out of casting as
the binder deteriorates.
Several types: (1) gray cast iron, (2) nodular iron, (3) white
cast iron, (4) malleable iron, and (5) alloy cast irons .
Light weight
Range of strength properties by heat treatment
Easy to machine
Includes bronze, brass, and aluminum bronze
Corrosion resistance
Attractive appearance
Good bearing qualities
Low creep strength, so castings cannot be subjected to
prolonged high stresses
Geometric simplicity:
Figure 11.25 Design change to eliminate the need for using a core:
(a) original design, and (b) redesign.
Dimensional Tolerances and Surface Finish: