Curriculum Vitae: Personal Detail
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Detail
Curriculum Vitae: Personal Detail
I. Personal Detail
Name : Sulthan Maulidan
Gender : Male
Place/Date of Birth : Banda Aceh/5th July 1999
Phone Number/WA : 085260179678
Email Address :
Nationality : Indonesian
Address : Desa Lam-Geue, Kec. Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar, Aceh
City/Province/Postal Code : Aceh Besar/Aceh/23351
Occupation : Student
- Well-acquainted with English language teaching, its principle and language accuracy (grammar)
- Able to speak English fluently and comprehensively
- Able to operate digital learning media and platform
- Is very good at managing classroom
- Is so skilled at teaching English for proficiency test (TOEFL, IELTS)
- Organized, reliable, and professional