Ist Minor (2018-19)
Ist Minor (2018-19)
Ist Minor (2018-19)
Roll No:……………………………………………..
Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of each part in short. 5x1 = 5
Q. No. 1 What is vernacular architecture
Q. No. 2 Define Ikra wall system
Q. No. 3 Role of vernacular architecture in present era
Q. No. 4 Enumerate any TWO characteristic features of the vernacular architecture of the hot arid climate.
Q. No. 5 Write a short note on Mud as a vernacular building material.
Attempt any two questions from this section. 5x2 = 10
Q. No. 1 Enumerate the characteristic features of the vernacular architecture of any ONE of the following:
(a) Gujrat
(b) Nagaland
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
Q. No. 2 Define and differentiate Vernacular architecture from Traditional architecture. Discuss the need of studying
vernacular architecture in the current architectural era.
Q. No. 3 Demonstrate the influence of vernacular principles on the architecture of any TWO of the following
(a) Geoffery Bawa
(b) Laurie Baker
(c) Charles Correa
Attempt any one of the following 15x1 = 15
Q. No. 1 ‘Indigenous architecture is inherently sustainable’. Comment.
Q. No. 2 In vernacular architecture the conception of space begins with a single cell shelter’. Elucidate and illustrate through