ConocoPhilips Addendum To Norsok Z-010

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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements

Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation



NORSOK Standard Cross Reference List

Z- 010, Electrical Instrumentation

Telecommunication Installation, Rev. 2, Dec. 1997

For information please contact the following:

O. J. Hana – Tlf.: (+47) 52 02 16 36
G. Gundersen – Tlf.: (+47) 52 02 14 55


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 PURPOSE AND S COPE ................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 R ESPONSIBILITY ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 APPROVAL................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 D ISTRIBUTION/ REVISION................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 FILING/RETRIEVING ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 R EGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 HANDLING OF NON- CONFORMANCES ................................................................................................ 4
1.8 ABBREVIATIONS /DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................... 4
1.8.1 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.8.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.9 NORMATIVE R EFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 4
2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Climatic conditions .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Hazardous atmospheres ...................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Responsibility of area classification....................................................................................... 5
2.1.4 Interface and replacement of existing equipment and systems ............................................... 5
2.2.1 4.2 International protection (IP) ............................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 5.3 Sockets outlets.............................................................................................................. 6
2.2.3 6 HEAT TRACING............................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4 7.3 Tubing installation .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.5 9.1 Cable requirements........................................................................................................ 7
2.2.6 9.3 Cable installation ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2.7 9.6 Cable splicing ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2.8 9.8 Cable glands selections ................................................................................................. 8
2.2.9 10.3 Protective earth ........................................................................................................... 9
2.2.10 10.4 Instrument and telecommunication earth ....................................................................... 9
2.2.11 10.5 Bonding..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.12 10.6 Earth bar and earth boss ............................................................................................ 10
2.2.13 11.1 Cable support systems............................................................................................... 10
2.2.14 12 MARKING AND LABELLING......................................................................................... 11
2.2.15 12.3 Equipment ................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.16 12.5 Cabling...................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.17 13.1 Equipment materials .................................................................................................. 11
2.3 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Preventive maintenace (PM) requirements.......................................................................... 11


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


1.1 Purpose and Scope

These additional technical requirements are developed by Phillips Petroleum Company

Norway E&P. These additional technical requirements cover requirements additional to
the NORSOK Standards as listed under Normative References.

1.2 Responsibility

The Section Leader for Electrical & Automation systems is responsible for this document
and for ensuring that it is updated or revoked when required by organizational or
operational conditions.

1.3 Approval

The document shall be approved by the Director, Technical Support Department.

1.4 Distribution/revision

This document is distributed in accordance with the distribution list. Those persons
specified on the distribution list are responsible for inserting revised pages when received
and for removing obsolete. In addition they are responsible for informing Information
Logistics, lost manuals, changes in address and for returning the manual when no longer
required. This document is also available on NORSOK homepage:

1.5 Filing/retrieving

The record copy (RC) is filed by the Competence Area for Information Logistics.

1.6 Registration

This document as well as the directives are registered with an individual document number
in the company's document administration system (FYI) which is managed by the
Competence Area for Information Logistics.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation

1.7 Handling of non-conformances

Deviations shall be handled in accordance with guideline CP-217, "Reporting and Handling
of Non-Conformance and Deviation Permit". All approved/rejected deviations shall be sent
to the Technical Document Center for registering and filing.

1.8 Abbreviations/definitions

1.8.1 Abbreviations
CCR Central Control Room
ESD Emergency Shut Down
LER Local Equipment Room
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
YESD Yellow Emergency Shut Down (NAS 1)
NAS "Nødavstengning"

1.8.2 Definitions

1.9 Normative References

NORSOK Standards:
E-001 Electrical Systems
E-002 Adjustable Speed ac Motor Drives
H-001 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Z-010 Electrical, Instrumentation and Telecommunication Installation
Z-015 Temporary Equipment

PPCoN References:
CP 217 Guidelines for the Control of Non-Conformance
3826 Area Classification.
4574 Electrical System
4672 Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)
4676 Field Instrumentation
4675 Safety Shutdown Systems
2169 PPCoN Engineering Numbering System (PENS)
3599 “Arbeid på elektrisk utstyr”
3093 Notification of ESD Design & Modification (CP 501)
4085 Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up
4086 Mechanical Completion Manual
3801 Notification of Electrical Installation

Other References:


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


2.1 General

2.1.1 Climatic conditions

The installation shall operate satisfactory under the following environmental conditions:
Maximum sea temperature: : + 18oC
Minimum sea temperature: : + 2oC
Maximum air temperature: : + 25oC
Minimum air temperature: : - 10oC
Maximum indoor temperature: : + 35oC
Maximum relative humidity : : 100% (condensing in field)
Minimum relative humidity : : 28%
Atmosphere: : Saltine and corrosive
Wind velocity: : 25m/sec gusting to 45m/sec
for more detail information see
Structural Design of Modules (currently
being prepared, contact discipline)

2.1.2 Hazardous atmospheres

All equipment to be in operation during situation of hazard and accident, except where
located in CCR, LER, in emergency switch room, emergency generator room, battery
charger and UPS room or living quarters, shall as a minimum be suitable for zone 1 area,
gas group IIA, temperature class T3 hazardous atmosphere.
Note: Battery room installation shall be approved for gas group IIC.

2.1.3 Responsibility of area classification

When determining area classifications all proposals should be made to the E&P Safety
Engineering Section before approval from electrical responsible person.
See Engineering Directives 3826 Area Classification.

2.1.4 Interface and replacement of existing equipment and systems

Interface to- or replacement of existing equipment and/or systems should comply with the
philosophy used on the platform involved, a case by case evaluation shall be done to
evaluate the use of NORSOK or old specifications. An evaluation shall be done in close
co-operation with the responsible discipline and shall be approved by the responsible
Reference between drawings (existing platform drawings and new drawings) is mandatory.
This is applicable for all drawings, also standard vendor package drawings. These
requirements also apply between different types of drawings, ie. electrical, mechanical and
instrument. If vendors standard drawings contain different symbols or signs than those
used on PPCoN facilities, a legend explaining symbols shall be used.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


The alpha/numeric headings in the following chapter reference the headings in NORSOK
standard Z-010.

These requirements cover the electrical related topics in Z-010. PPCoN's additional
requirements for instrument related topics, see 4676.
Z-010 and this additional technical requirement shall be used both in design and

2.2.1 4.2 International protection (IP)

NORSOK shall be considered as guideline only, FEAM §1259 are normative.
Minimum IP56 for out-door and in process areas.

Deluge systems out-door and in process areas

Equipment exposed to deluge systems out-door and in process areas shall have minimum
degree of protection IP56.
Functional tests of deluge systems shall be possible during normal operational conditions
without any risks of damaging the equipment.

Water fog systems

Equipment exposed to water fog systems shall at least have degree of protection
according to FEAM §1259.
Equipment sensitive to water fog should be avoided.

4.3 Spare Requirements for future modifications

The requirement for spare conductors does not apply to individual instruments when it is
evident that no spare conductors shall be needed, e.g. 2-wire transmitters.

4.4 Equipment location

Care shall be taken that the forces developed by the expansion of piping or vessels shall
not damage instruments or impulse piping.

2.2.2 5.3 Sockets outlets

Distance between welding sockets shall be according to FEAM § 1840 and E-001.
Socket outlets may be integrated as a part of utility stations. Quantity, contents and
locations of stations to be agreed upon by the project.
For temporary equipment, see Z-015.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:1:A.

Power supply, distribution boards

Trace heating circuits shall be connected to normal power. Suitable trace heating
distribution boards shall be provided to which the local heating circuits shall be connected.
All trace heating circuits shall have individual earth leakage protection with rated sensitivity
of 30 mA. Additional contacts shall be provided to give an alarm when earth leakage trip

Locally mounted instruments (including impulse lines and manifolds) measuring process
media that will freeze or congeal at ambient temperatures shall be evaluated for electrical
heat tracing or other compensating measures.

2.2.4 7.3 Tubing installation

Tubing shall be of the Imperial range of sizes and suitable for the actual fittings.
When tubing passes through bulkheads, tubings shall be marked with tag no. on both
sides (this is not valid for panels).

2.2.5 9.1 Cable requirements

Following cables shall be Fire-resistant, (ref. also to FEA-M sect. 1862):
1. Cables for emergency power supply and consumers connected to this system.
2. Cables for safety systems, including the following:
-Fire alarm circuits
-Deluge circuits
-Fire-damper circuits
-Fire & Gas circuits
-Gas release circuits (Halon - CO2)
-ESD circuits
-Fire pump start circuits
-P.A. Communication equipment
-Equipment for Evacuation
-HVAC system where this is used to provide Safe Area Classification
-Parts of PSD to be in operation during an emergency (to be evaluated on a
case by case base).
NOTE: All offshore cables shall be halogen free.

2.2.6 9.3 Cable installation

Protective cap/sealing shall only be used in exposed areas.

Cable penetrations, transits

Where it is necessary to seal the point of penetration of cables through walls, floors or
ceilings, multicable transits in stainless steel shall be used. Where penetration is through a
fire resistant wall the fire rating of the wall shall not be impaired. All penetration installation
shall be done according to vendor specifications. See FEA-M § 1862, 1867,
Z-010 and FEU 1995.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation

EMC-transits in cabinets
EMC-transits should be considered for use in cabinets that generates or are vulnerable to
electro-magnetic noise. Installation must be done acc. to vendors instructions.

EMC-transits used into control equipment rooms

EMC-transits should be considered for use by the project as an alternative to standard
transits to avoid malfunction on essential control equipment.

Grid used in AN -ventilated (self ventilated) panels

A metal grid should be considered for use in bottom and top of AN-ventilated panels who
generates or are vulnerable to electro-magnetic noise. The aperture should be adapted to
the actual wavelength and the required degree of protection (IP).
Cables who penetrates the grid must be protected through a EMC -transit.

2.2.7 9.6 Cable splicing

Apart from the bonding system, splices and taps in cables are not normally permitted.
When specifically approved by PPCoN they may be done using a system approved by
PPCoN. Splices or taps carried out in a hazardous area are to be suitable for the
classification of the area. Screwit or twist-on type wire connectors are normally not
permitted outside living quarters and offices.

2.2.8 9.8 Cable glands selections

In Ex(d) enclosures used in areas classified for IIC gases (battery rooms etc.), special
encapsulated Ex(d) glands shall be used when the volume of the equipment is greater
than 2 litre.
Glands > M25 shall be of metal.
A through type gland shall be used where braided armour cables are used together with all
other non-Ex(d) certified equipment.

Armour clamping gland limitations

The source of a circuit shall be terminated using a through gland (not armour clamping).
This means the source of the circuit shall terminate at equipment which is certified Ex(e),
Ex(n), Ex(p) or to equipment which is not certified.

Heat shrink
Heat shrink sleeving is not required for:
a) Plastic glands
b) Glands used indoors
c) Metal glands used outdoors for side or bottom entry.
In outdoor areas, where metal glands are being used for top entry into equipment, they are
to be sealed using heat shrink sleeving.

Adapters, reducers
Adapters and reducers shall have the same rating and certification as the equipment they
are used on. Where plastic glands are used, adapters and reducers should also be of
plastic. Where metal glands are used, adapters and reducers shall also be of metal.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation

2.2.9 10.3 Protective earth

Protective earth requirements are also valid for field equipment with voltage level below
50 VDC and 30 VAC. Protective earth bus-bars shall (in addition to color marking
according to Z-010) be identified with locally mounted white nameplate with black letters
engraved "PROTECTIVE EARTH". The nameplate shall be at least 70 x 20 mm.
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:B page 12.

Protective earthing (PE) shall be provided for electrical apparatus and equipment in
compliance with NVE regulations, see FEA-M § 1114.3 for more information. Protective
earthing is the earthing of exposed conductive parts with an earth conductor contained
within the same sheath as the supply cables, separate protective earthing is not permitted.
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:A and 5:3:5:B.

Cable armor, acceptable type

Only cable which has cupper-braided armour is allowed to be used. Cables with an armour
which is not a cupper-braid, e.g. steel wire armour (SWA), tape armour, corrugated armour
(CLX) are not allowed to be used.

Internal P.E. bus-bars

All equipment shall have an internal P.E. bus-bar or P.E. connection point. There shall be
a separate connection point for each P.E. conductor or wire. Two or more conductors or
wires secured by the same screw or bolt or clamp is not permitted.
Note: PE bar shall have easy access.

Wiring, Ex(d) to Ex(d) equipment

It is permitted to cable between two or more items of Ex(d) certified equipment providing
the circuit is ultimately cabled to an enclosure which is not Ex(d). At the enclosure which
is not Ex(d) a through-gland is to be used to terminate the cable.
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:A page 3

Earthing of glands
In general, metal through-glands used in metal enclosures do not require any separate
arrangements for earthing.

2.2.10 10.4 Instrument and telecommunication earth

Instrument earth bus-bars shall (in addition to color marking according to Z-010) be
identified with locally mounted white nameplate with black letters engraved
"INSTRUMENT EARTH". The nameplate shall be at least 70 x 20 mm.
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:B page 9, detail 'M'
The maximum allowable resistance between any instrument earth bus and the instrument
earth connection to the platform structure shall be less than 0.2 ohm.
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:B.
The vendors earthing system may be accepted if it can be documented that this is required
for the CE-marking.


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation

Intrinsically safe earth system

I.S. earth (in addition to color marking according to Z-010) shall be identified with a locally
mounted white nameplate with black letters engraved "IS EARTH". The nameplate shall be
at least 70 x 20 mm. See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:B page 9, detail 'M'.

The maximum resistance between the I.S. earth bus on which the barrier is mounted and
the I.S. earth connection to platform structure is to be less than 0.1 ohm .
See 4574 Electrical System, annex 5:3:5:B

2.2.11 10.5 Bonding

HVAC ducts
In hazardous areas sections of HVAC ducts are to be bonded together. For flanged ducts
bonding is carried out (for at least four bolts) using fixing bolt and nut and two star washers
for each bolt. The star washers are to be located on each side of the flange and in direct
contact with the flange. For "SPIRO" type ducting, bonding shall be achieved using a star
washer under every self tapping screw used to join sections of duct. The ductwork shall be
bonded to earth.

Composite pipings
Bonding of composite GRE pipings shall be done according to FEA-M § 1235.2 both in
hazardous areas and in safe areas.
See El-tilsynet - "Retningslinjer for jording i maritime anlegg" and guidance from Statens
Sprengstoffinspeksjon, "Veiledning om statisk elektrisitet med forslag til vernetiltak", rev.
12 okt. 84. However, vendor recommendations should be considered when new types of
equipment are used.

2.2.12 10.6 Earth bar and earth boss

All earth bars inside panels, distribution boards, switch gears, junction boxes are to be
mounted in easily accessible locations and be situated so that access to them is not
restricted by incoming cables or their cores.

2.2.13 11.1 Cable support systems

Ladder/tray load deflection
The ladder shall be capable of spanning 3 meters without intermediate support and shall
not have more deflection than vendor recommendation with an evenly distributed load of
170 Kg/meter length. For accommodation, offices etc., ladders of lighter construction are
Supports for stainless steel ladder and tray should be made of AISI 316 stainless steel.
Mild steel supports (indoor only) shall be suitably treated to prevent corrosion after they
are erected and prior to the installation of the ladder or tray. Cleaning and painting shall be
in accordance with NORSOK standards. Hot dipped galvanized and stainless steel
supports do not require painting except as follows. Damage to the protective coating (e.g.
paint on mild steel or galvanizing) of supports or to the protective coating of the structure, if
the supports have been welded to it, shall be repaired in accordance with NORSOK


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PPCoN Additional Technical Requirements
Electrical, Instrumentation & Telecomms. Installation


All marking and labelling shall be according to The PENS manual, see PPCoN ref. page 5.
In the case of conflict between Z-010 chapter 12 and the PENS manual, the PENS manual
2169 shall be applied.

Auto start equipment warning nameplates

Equipment that starts automatically should have a red nameplate with text:
"Danger, Equipment Starts Automatically".

Emergency- or safety related nameplates

Nameplates for emergency or safety related equipment shall be in both Norwegian and

Electric shock signs

Emergency shock treatment signs in Norwegian and English shall be installed in all MCC
and control rooms.

Diagrams displayed in switch gear rooms

Single line diagrams shall be displayed in all MCC & switch gear rooms. Drawing to be
encapsulated and to show all relaying functions.

2.2.15 12.3 Equipment

Labels shall not be fixed with glue only.

2.2.16 12.5 Cabling

Each cable shall have cable marks one both sides of a cable transit. Cable identification
tags inside Quarters Modules, Control Rooms, MCC Rooms etc. can be of the plastic type.
Cable identification tags in areas outside Quarters Modules, Control Rooms, MCC Rooms
etc., shall be of stainless steel, either hard stamped or engraved with the cable number.
All sharp edges & corners must be removed. The tags must be properly attached along to
the cables. These tags shall not be used inside panels, switchboards and terminal boxes

2.2.17 13.1 Equipment materials

In general, equipment made of or containing aluminium or aluminium alloys shall only be
used in dry indoor areas e.g. quarters, control room, switch rooms, etc. PPCoN shall
specifically approve exceptions.
Equipment enclosures located out door shall be made of seawater resistant material.
Enclosures protected by coating only (non seawater resistant), shall not be used.


2.3.1 Preventive maintenace (PM) requirements

Vendor documentation must contain recommended PM-routines.


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