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The document discusses the elements and purpose of a Validation Master Plan (VMP) and outlines the major steps in a validation program.

The major elements of a Validation Program are the Validation Master Plan (VMP), Qualification, Process Validation, Final Reports, and Compliance Programs.

The Validation Master Plan (VMP) serves as the validation roadmap, setting the scope and justifying the strategy for validation activities.

The Validation Master Plan

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

describes the PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
requirements of
a Validation
Master Plan Reasons, Regulations, and Rules:
(VMP), what it
should look like, A Guide to the Validation Master
what level of
detail should be Plan (VMP)
included, and
FDA by Brian W. Saxton

he US Food and Drug Administration an umbrella term, encompassing all of the com-
(FDA) has been explicit in the need for ponents below - Table A.
validation, but implicit on the elements
of that program. The chanting of the “thou shalt Validation Master Plan (VMP)
validate” mantra is heard throughout the Drug, The VMP serves as the validation roadmap,
Biologics, and Medical Devices sections of the setting the course, justifying the strategy, out-
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), but, alas, lining the preliminary test and acceptance cri-
there is no boilerplate template to follow. Orga- teria, and documenting the necessary programs
nizations are thus left to interpret the regula- that ensure a continuing state of validation.
tory requirements and craft individual programs
to comply. Is there a guiding principle that can Qualification
be applied here, to help companies distill reams The Qualification phase provides documenta-
of mind-numbing regulations into elemental tion that equipment and utility systems were
validation requirements? installed properly through an Installation Quali-
An adage about public speaking says there fication (IQ), operate correctly through an Op-
are three keys to a successful presentation: erational Qualification (OQ), and perform effec-
tively through a Performance Qualification (PQ).
1. Tell them what you’re going to say. Qualification assures that the criteria set forth
in the Basis of Design documents generated at
2. Say it. project inception have been met in the field
3. Tell them what you said.
Process Validation
Building on the data generated from the Quali-
This adage, in a slightly modified form, can be
fication phase, the Process Validation (PV) phase
used to describe the major elements of a Valida-
focuses on the reproducibility of the systems
tion Program:
used and the resulting product quality. This
program challenges the ability of the systems
1. Tell them what you’re going to do.
used (methods, equipment, and operators) to
meet the pre-approved design intent.
2. Do it.
Final Reports
3. Tell them what you did. Final Reports (FR) compare the conclusions of
data gathered to the acceptance criteria out-
This three-step outline is a greatly simplified lined in the Qualification and Validation phases.
model of the multitude of tasks associated with They determine the pass/fail status and ad-
a validation program, but is an accurate sum- dress the resolution of any deviations. They also
mary of the goals of each step of the process. The can be referred to as Summary Reports.
role of the Validation Master Plan is to help an
organization “get its arms around” a project- Compliance Programs
specific validation effort by setting the scope by The Validation program must ensure policies
which all subsequent documents shall be and procedures comply with current Good Manu-
bounded. facturing Practices (cGMP). Systems such as
To see how the parts of the validation pro- calibration, preventative maintenance, change
gram fit into this modified adage, let’s briefly control, and revalidation contribute to a con-
review the elements. “Validation Program” is tinuous state of validation.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Validation Master Plan

VMP is often underutilized: serving as a vehicle to open up

Validation Program
dialogue between the regional District Office of the FDA and
 Validation Master Plan (VMP) the organization. Initiating a pre-submission meeting with the
 Documents Intent and Pathway FDA to review the VMP will save time to market by addressing
 Qualification (IQ/OQ/PQ) any concerns about the validation philosophy or methodology
 Confirms Design Intent up front, when the correction of those issues is not on a critical
 Process Validation (PV) path for time to market. This allows companies to work with
 Assures Process Consistency the FDA in an advisory versus an enforcement mode, which
will help take some of the anxiety out of the validation process
 Final Reports (FR)
 Summarizes Test Results vs. Acceptance Criteria and improves its chances of success. The FDA’s Center for
Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) has published a
 Compliance Programs
document through its “Manual of Standard Operating Proce-
 Ensures Continuing State of Validation
dures and Policies” that discusses this. It suggests that a “brief
description of the validation procedures including the valida-
Table A. Validation program. tion master plan”1 be submitted for review prior to the “pre-
Considering the above, we can now complete the Validation NDA” (New Drug Application) meeting. Although this proce-
Program adage: dure was written for Biologics, the benefits of such meetings
for Drug and Medical Device products is obvious, particularly
1. Tell them what you’re going to do (VMP). if there are unique processing steps and/or equipment that the
average FDA compliance officer may not be familiar with.
2. Do it (IQ/OQ/PQ/PV).
Regulatory References to Validation
3. Tell them what you did (FR). and Planning
The FDA can determine prohibited acts and penalize drug and
This article will focus on the “Tell them what you’re going to do” device manufacturers who market adulterated product.2 An
part of the Validation Program, otherwise know as the Valida- adulterated product is one whose quality characteristics can
tion Master Plan. not be satisfactorily assured due to nonconformity with cur-
rent Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs)3. The definition
Planning Overview of “adulterated product” is straightforward, but preventing its
The purpose of the VMP, in a prospective or concurrent valida- occurrence can be complex. In essence, a Validation Program
tion effort, is to explain the validation rationale associated ensures that systems, policies, and procedures exist to prevent
with the installation, start-up, and use of a new production the manufacturing of adulterated products. It’s in the cGMPs
line. This rationale should review manufacturing systems and for Drugs (21CFR 210 & 211), Biologics (21CFR 600) and
assess the potential of each to affect end-product quality. The Devices (21CFR 800) where the need for validation is specified.
new process may be as simple as an accessory change on
existing product equipment, or as complex as a new building Drug Products
with all new utilities and equipment. The size and scope of the For drug products, Parts 210 and 211 of the cGMPs refer
project determines the size and scope of the resulting VMP. For loosely to maintaining “appropriate validation data.” How-
a retrospective validation effort, the VMP documents the ever, the practice of validation is implied more strongly in §
existing production line and outlines the anticipated test and 211.68 (a): “Automatic, mechanical, or electronic equipment or
analytical methodologies to be employed. other types of equipment, including computers, or related
The VMP should be authored for its audience, including the
organization’s quality, engineering, and regulatory depart- Typical VMP Contents
ments, the FDA, and potential outside contractors. Each group 1. Introduction
looks for different elements. Outside contractors want a
2. Scope
Deliverables List on which to base quotes and define the scope
of work; the FDA looks for the pre-approved intention to 3. Facility Description
comply with Federal regulations; while in-house quality, engi- 4. Commissioning
neering, and regulatory departments look for an accurate
representation of systems and corporate policies. The VMP 5. Qualification
should address all of these concerns. 6. Process Validation
The VMP serves the purpose of documenting the intent of
7. Computer System Validation
the validation program, and therefore needs to be pre-ap-
proved by the same departments that will ultimately be 8. List of Required Protocols and Procedures
responsible for reviewing and approving the subsequent proto- 9. List of Required Standard Operating Procedures
cols. At a minimum, this includes Regulatory Affairs, Quality,
10. Equipment and Utility System Descriptions
and Engineering.
11. Computer System Description
Opening a Dialogue with the FDA 12. Other cGMP Programs
There are a number of good reasons to create a VMP: the FDA’s
13. References
expectation that one be created, determining resource sched-
uling and loading, and defining the necessity to create or
amend corporate procedures. However, one function of the Table B. Typical VMP contents.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Validation Master Plan

Process Equipment/Other Systems


Reactor System Series 100 9 9 9 9 9

Centrifuge 9 9 9 9 9
Catch Tank 9
Solvent Storage and Distribution 9 9 9 9 9
Glass Lined Mix Tank and TCU 9 9 9 9 9

Utility Systems


Fire Water System 9
Breathing Air System 9
Cold Glycol System 9
USP Water System 9 9 9 9 9
HVAC 9 9 9 9 9

Comm.: Commissioning
IQ: Installation Qualification
OQ: Operational Qualification
PQ: Performance Qualification
PV: Process Validation
Not Applicable

Table C. List of required protocols and procedures.

systems that will perform a function satisfactorily, may be major or minor, a VMP will provide the Agency the basic
used in the manufacture, processing, packing, and holding of components of the organizational validation philosophy and
a drug product.” The burden of proof lies with the manufac- intentions to comply with applicable regulations.
turer to show equipment will “perform a function satisfacto-
rily,” and that proof should take the form of in-process testing Medical Devices
or alternately, Process Validation. For Medical Devices, 21 CFR 820 serves as the cGMP require-
To clarify the validation requirements implicit in this ments section. Section 820.75 deals with Process Validation
regulation, the Agency issued a Federal Register Notice pro- and states that the “validation activities and results, … and
posing changes to Parts 210 and 211.4 One change would offer where appropriate the major equipment validated, shall be
this definition: “Validation protocol means a written plan documented.”9 This outlines the need for a validation program,
describing the process to be validated, including production and the VMP can help comply with this requirement by
equipment, and how validation will be conducted….”5 Another documenting which major equipment systems will be vali-
proposed section states: “The manufacturer’s determination of dated.
equipment suitability shall include testing to verify that the
equipment is capable of operating satisfactorily within the Part 11
operating limits required by the process.”6 In both of these All regulated industries are struggling to understand and
cases, a well-crafted VMP will show the Agency the pre- comply with the requirements of 21CFR 11, which addresses
approved intent to comply with the expectations of cGMP Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures, and requires
regulations. “Validation of systems to ensure accuracy, reliability, consis-
tent intended performance, and the ability to discern invalid or
Biologics altered records.”10 Based on the number and complexity of the
For Biologics, Part 600 addresses unique considerations asso- computer systems utilized, a separate Computer System Vali-
ciated with biological products and blood components. Biologi- dation Master Plan may need to be written and referenced in
cal-derived drug products must adhere to Parts 210 & 211. the VMP. Here again, this can serve as a vehicle for a pre-
Also, cGMP section § 601.12 requires validation for changes to execution meeting with the FDA in order to gain guidance.
an approved application. “Before distributing a product made These specific instances do not explicitly detail the require-
using a change, an applicant shall demonstrate through appro- ment for a Validation Master Plan; however, a properly crafted
priate validation… the lack of adverse effect of the change on VMP will document the pathway to compliance.
the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the prod-
uct….”7 This requirement governs changes in “…product, pro- VMP References
duction process, quality controls, equipment, facilities, re- Increasingly, the FDA is showing it agrees. Recently, the
sponsible personnel, or labeling….”8 Whether the change is Agency issued a “Guidance for Industry” document, meant to


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Validation Master Plan

…address the selection criteria governing
what equipment and utility systems need to
undergo Process Validation.
“ validated while another is. The VMP needs to answer that
question, identifying support utilities that do not need to be
validated because they do not directly affect product quality. It
also demonstrates thoroughness, showing the FDA that all
systems have been examined for product quality impact. To
maximize the usefulness of commissioning, the system should
be tested within the anticipated operating range of the respec-
tive OQ.
reflect the Agency’s current thinking, that explicitly calls out
for a VMP. In “Guidance on Quality System Regulation Infor- 5. Qualification
mation for Various Pre-Market Submissions,” a requirement The selection criteria governing what equipment and utility
of the Quality System Manufacturing Dossier is “a copy of the systems will undergo Qualification is discussed here. Indi-
Validation Master Plan or a description of which manufactur- vidual definitions of IQ, OQ, and PQ, may be included. Com-
ing processes have been or will be validated. A Validation pany policies, regulatory references, and published guidelines
Master Pan is a convenient method of quality planning for used in this selection process should be addressed. This discus-
process validations required in the manufacturing of the sion may include considerations such as product contacting
device (§ 820.20(d)).”11 Clearly the expectation of the surfaces, critical/non-critical instrumentation, direct and indi-
Agency is that organizations have a validation strategy as part rect systems,12 and downstream processing, among others. A
of product and process development, and translate that strat- discussion of protocol and final report formats may be included
egy into a plan that will lead to an installation compliant with here, with either a reference to existing protocol development
regulatory requirements. procedures, or a description of the format to be utilized. Final
Reports may be generated as attachments to the protocols
The Validation Master Plan themselves, or as separate documents.
Listed below are the headings for the major sections of a VMP
followed by a description of the purpose and the suggested 6. Process Validation
content - Table B. This section addresses the selection criteria governing what
equipment and utility systems need to undergo Process Vali-
1. Introduction dation. Company policies, regulatory references, and pub-
This section should include the company name, location, divi- lished guidelines utilized in the selection process should be
sion or subsidiary name (if applicable) and business sector addressed. One such criteria is if the “results of a process
served. A short overview of the project provides the reader with cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and test, the
the necessary background from a macro standpoint. A cross- process shall be validated….”13 Also included is a discussion on
reference to the relevant company Quality Assurance Policy is the appropriate Cleaning Validations (CV) required to verify
appropriate here. inter- and intra-campaign cleaning methods. If this is to be a
finished product, Packaging and Sterility validation needs to
2. Scope be addressed.
This section defines the breadth and reach of the validation
effort covered by the VMP. A brief description of the installa- 7. Computer System Validation
tion, whether single- or multi-product, and a breakdown of A separate section should be devoted to the discussion of
installed equipment as new or existing should be included Computer Validation, whether that is in the form of a Pro-
here. grammable Logic Controller (PLC) or a Distributed Control
System (DCS). Computer Validation criteria also should be
3. Facility Description discussed, and whether the installed control system is to be 21
Whether the project is a new building, extension, or remodel- CFR 11 compliant, i.e., secure audit trails, authority checks,
ing of a current building, the facility characteristics are listed etc.
here. The number of floors, the inter-connectivity of process
and utility systems, isolation means, and the design product 8. List of Required Protocols and Procedures
and personnel flow used to minimize cross-contamination are Include here a tabular representation of the equipment and
identified. Be sure to note any room classification (cleanroom utility systems, and the required protocols and procedures
certification levels) and specialty surfaces and finishes inte- associated with each - Table C. This is the essence of the VMP
gral to achieving the required product quality. Process Flow because it defines the validation requirements for the project,
Diagrams (PFDs) are useful here, depicting the anticipated and can be used to determine resource loading. This table can
personnel, raw material, process, and waste material flow. The subsequently be used as a “Deliverables List” if the validation
emphasis here is on design considerations to eliminate cross- effort is contracted outside of the organization.
contamination of material.
9. List of Required Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
4. Commissioning This should take the form of a tabular representation of the
Document here the selection criteria governing what equip- installed equipment and utility systems and the required SOP
ment and utility systems will undergo Commissioning. As associated with each, similar to the List of Required Protocols
Commissioning is not part of the Validation Program and is and Procedures. This will help identify the level of SOP
not regulated by the FDA, people often wonder why they generation necessary to complete validation activities. These
should include this section at all. The reason is the FDA is just will generally take the form of Operation, Maintenance, and
as interested in the rationale behind why one system is not Cleaning SOPs.
©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Validation Master Plan

10. Equipment and Utility System Descriptions

An overview of the particular system should be given, aligned
with the Basis of Design documentation. Table D serves as an
example of specific verbiage used in a typical VMP. A listing of
proposed Qualification tests (IQ/OQ/PQ) should be identified
“With the inclusion of some additional
information … the VMP can help serve as a
resource- and task-planning tool

with a brief description of the procedure and how the associ-
ated Acceptance Criteria will be determined. As the VMP
should be developed early in the planning stage, many system
specifics will be in the draft phase and subject to change. To and Validation protocols that will follow. Keep in mind the
avoid duplication of effort and unnecessary revisions, do not intent of the VMP as a scope and guidance document. System-
assign numeric-specific Acceptance Criteria in the VMP. Those specific acceptance criteria fall under the auspices of the
details will be fully delineated in the respective Qualification individual protocols.

Section 10.0: Equipment and Utility System Descriptions 11. Additional cGMP Programs
The VMP is meant to be a Validation Life Cycle document. It
Nitrogen Distribution System should cover the activities and requirements from project
inception to testing completion and on through a program of
Description continuous monitoring and evaluation. Associated with this
Nitrogen gas is distributed throughout the facility using a network
effort are Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures meant
of carbon steel (from supply to inline filter) and stainless steel
(from inline filter to use point) piping. Nitrogen gas is obtained to support and update the validation effort. These programs
from an existing 400-psig nitrogen gas system located in the include, but are not limited to:
A one-micron filter is utilized to filter high-pressure nitrogen to 11.1 Document/Change Control
be used in the Series 100 Reactor System for pressuring,
purging, and for the agitator gland seal. Nitrogen line pressure A procedure must be in place to govern and capture documen-
from the header is reduced prior to use-point delivery. Low- tation creation, revision, and control. This procedure will be
pressure header branches service the tank farm and production applicable to all validation documentation, and must desig-
areas, and each branch will utilize a one-micron filter, as well as nate the review and approval responsibilities of various func-
upstream and downstream pressure indicators to verify filter
tional groups. Archival guidelines shall include duration of
cartridge integrity.
record retention, and means of storage and retrieval.
Installation Qualification
Installation Qualification will be performed in accordance with the 11.2 Standard Operating Procedures
guidelines specified in SOP #95IQ001. All IQ data will be SOPs shall exist to address such cGMP issues as facility
documented in an approved Installation Qualification protocol –
Protocol preparation, review, and approval will be scheduled to sanitation, waste collection and disposal, the use of suitable
coincide with the installation of the Nitrogen Distribution System. rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides and fumigating agents,
and building maintenance.
Operational Qualification
Operational Qualification of the Nitrogen Distribution System will
be performed in accordance with the guidelines specified in SOP
11.3 Calibration
#95OQ001. Proposed OQ testing and the corresponding A system shall exist detailing the methods, frequency, and
acceptance criteria are described below. documentation of the calibration program including justifica-
tion for a “no calibration required” status.
System Capacity Testing/Flow Determination
Under maximum use conditions (system design basis),
nitrogen flow rate and system header pressure must remain 11.4 Preventative Maintenance
acceptable. This system will be indexed to distinct equipment identifiers,
Static Pressure Testing and outline the maintenance procedures required to ensure
Nitrogen pressure at usepoints must meet system proper system functionality. This procedure will identify the
specifications and end user requirements. appropriate documentation and frequency requirements.

Performance Qualification 11.5 Revalidation

Performance Qualification of the Nitrogen Distribution System will
A crucial part of the Validation program is determining when
be preformed in accordance with the guidelines specified in SOP
#95PQ001. Proposed PQ testing and the corresponding to revalidate. This determination may be periodic, or triggered
acceptance criteria are described below. by the replacement of critical instruments. Part of the Change
Control program will be an assessment of the impact of any
Moisture/Dewpoint Determination
The measured dewpoint at selected usepoints must closely proposed change on the validated state of the affected equip-
correspond to the dewpoint of the supply. ment, and if revalidation is required.
Particulate measurements will be at or below predetermined 11.6 Operator Training
levels. A program must exist to ensure and document that personnel
shall have the appropriate education, training, and/or experi-
Oxygen Concentration
Oxygen concentration at predetermined usepoints must ence to perform their assigned functions. Personnel shall be
closely correspond to the oxygen concentration of the supply. trained on good sanitation practices, as well as the use of
protective apparel to prevent product contamination.

Table D. Example of an equipment and utility system description.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Validation Master Plan

2. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter III, Sec-

12. References tions 301, 303, 304, as amended by the FDA Modernization
All company policies and procedures, as well as any applicable Act of 1997.
local, state and federal regulations, and industry standards
referenced should be listed. 3. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Chapter V, Section
501 (a)(2)(B), as amended by the FDA Modernization Act of
Input to the VMP 1997.
A certain minimum level of documentation needs to be devel-
oped in order to produce a VMP. An equipment list, which 4. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
provides basic specifications such as size/capacity, instrumen- 211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3 1996
tation and controls, design/operating limits, and capabilities Docket No. 95N-0362.
needs to be available. Additional documentation such as a
“Design Basis” is important to delineate how equipment and 5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
utility systems should perform, independently and in concert, 211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3, 1996
to produce the product. For Biologics and Pharmaceuticals, Docket No. 95N-0362, page 20113, proposed § 210.3 (b)
generally a set of preliminary Piping and Instrumentation (23).
Diagrams (P&IDs) helps define system boundaries. For Medi-
cal Devices, the Manufacturing Flow Diagrams required in the 6. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR parts 210 &
Manufacturing Dossier section of the Pre-Market Submission 211, Proposed Rule, Federal Register, Friday May 3, 1996
also may provide system boundary information. Docket No. 95N-0362, page 20115, proposed § 211.220 (c).
Approval of the VMP prior to the generation of the associ-
ated protocols is as important as approval of protocols prior to 7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 601.12 (a),
data collection. Just as protocols require QA approval prior to April 1, 2000.
execution, the VMP requires QA approval prior to protocol
generation. The VMP should be under revision control, as it 8. IBID
documents corporate approval of the scope and intent of the
validation program, and will require QA approval. Any Basis 9. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 820.75 (a),
of Design or validation philosophy changes should be pre- April 1, 2000.
approved in the VMP prior to the generation of the affected
protocols. The VMP needs to be updated to document major 10. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 11.10 (a),
project scope changes such as the addition or deletion of April 1, 2000.
equipment, and project completion (i.e., release to production).
This provides a clean audit trail of pre-approved intent versus 11. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Guidance for Indus-
execution. try and/or for FDA Staff: Guidance on Quality System
Regulation Information for Various PreMarket Submis-
Conclusion sions,” Draft Guidance-Not for Implementation, Draft re-
In its simplest form, the VMP is meant to document the major leased for comment on August 3, 1999, Section 19. Design
equipment and utility systems associated with the production History File (DHF).
process, assess the impact on the quality of the resulting
product, and determine the validation requirements. With the 12. ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide: Phar-
inclusion of some additional information; however, the VMP maceutical Engineering Guides for New and Renovated
can help serve as a resource- and task-planning tool. For Facilities; Volume 3, Sterile Manufacturing Facilities,
instance, a Deliverables List can be developed from the “List of First Edition, January 1999, pages 119-120.
Protocols,” which can be used to gauge the man-hour require-
ments of the job, for either internal budgeting or comparing 13. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 820.75 (a),
outside contractor quotes. The “Additional cGMP Programs” April 1, 2000.
section can isolate the need for policies or procedures to be
created and/or updated. About the Author
The creation of a VMP at the beginning of the project serves Brian W. Saxton is the Manager of Validation Services at
many purposes: to identify the timing and level of anticipated Process Facilities Inc. in Boston, MA. He is responsible for
resource needs, to document the corporation’s validation phi- client-based validation programs including master planning,
losophy and individual elements, and to show the FDA the pre- protocol generation and execution, and final reporting. He has
approved intent to bring on a new product line in full compli- been involved in developing and executing validation pro-
ance. It is well worth the extra time spent to write this grams for the past 12 years for various regulated industries.
document at project inception, and to get early regulatory He has a BS in chemical engineering from Manhattan College,
feedback via a pre-submission meeting with the FDA, than to Bronx, New York, and an MBA from Boston University, Bos-
answer Agency questions during the approval cycle and pay ton, MA.
with a delayed product launch date. Process Facilities Inc., 160 Federal St., Boston MA 02110.
1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Manual of Standard
Operating Procedures and Policies, Communication, SOPP
8101.1, Version 1, Effectivity date February 11, 1999.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

highlights the PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
developments in
metal detection
for the Product Protection in the
industry and Pharmaceutical Industry –
addresses some
of the Meeting the Challenge
issues that
by Hitesh Patel
producers need Introduction most serious. Even with the most stringent
to be aware of.

lthough the installation of metal detec- controls possible on production techniques,
tion systems is not specifically required metal contamination can and does occur. Every
by legislation, most manufacturers crushing, sieving, mixing, or pressing process
have adopted stringent standards and protocols introduces the danger that metallic particles
which demand “best practice,” usually fully will find their way into the product. This is
recognizing the requirements and guidelines of where metal detectors can - if properly used and
the FDA1or USDA2. Increasingly, they are be- installed - minimize the risk. With enhanced
coming aware that product protection reaches sensitivity and process capability, machines
far beyond the law or regulations. Quality and can be customized to address the most difficult
integrity are fundamental requirements for the applications. Sophisticated software packages
pharmaceutical, healthcare, and nutritional have been developed to assist the user, heighten
industries. Whether for ethical pharmaceutical the performance of machines, and ensure they
formulations, generic equivalents, or over-the- can automatically facilitate controls within the
counter solid dosage products, screening out manufacturer’s quality systems.
contamination guarantees the safety and qual-
ity of goods, providing the manufacturer with Protecting the Consumer –
peace of mind against potential liability claims and Your Reputation
from retailers and consumers; not to mention Foreign body contamination can include un-
the loss of customer credibility that could result wanted materials, such as paper or plastics, but
from a failure in the contaminant detection metal continues to be the most common high-
procedures. Most importantly, the manufac- risk contaminant in pharmaceutical products.
turer is able to deliver what the customer needs Metal contamination can occur as a result of:
and wants - a safe, contaminant-free product.
Of all the possible types of product contami- • contaminants entering the production line
nation, metal particles still rank among the along with raw materials, ingredients, or
Figure 1. The search-head itself formulations
incorporates three coils: a
central transmitter and two • breakage of machinery or components such
identical outer receiver coils. as sieves, tablet press tooling, or materials-
handling systems

• inadequate cleaning of machinery after main-


Incorporating metal detection into the quality

control processes significantly reduces the
chance of costly product recalls, negative media
coverage, and reputation devaluation.
For obvious reasons, process machinery in
the pharmaceutical industry has to undergo
regular and intensive cleaning if products are to
retain the required levels of quality and integ-
rity. For metal detectors to be fully effective, it
is vital that they can withstand these aggres-
sive conditions. When changing from one active


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

Changes in temperature, mix, or moisture content of the

product could traditionally cause similar variations in the
product effect. With first generation, analog machines, this
generated false rejections and required broader tolerances,
consequently reducing sensitivity. Modern digital machines
overcome these problems with automatic product tracking,
ensuring that the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy are

What Level of Performance is Possible?

This is a question commonly asked of inspection equipment to
which there is no straightforward answer. Average sensitivi-
ties for one common inspection location can be seen in Figure
Sensitivity is governed by two key factors: aperture size and
operating frequency. The smaller the size of the aperture, the
more sensitive the head. For example, an aperture height of
20mm will enable any metal contaminants as small as 0.2mm
Figure 2. The two outer (receiver) coils are connected so that their induced voltages to be detected. Secondly, the higher the frequency, the greater
are self-canceling when the magnetic field is not being disturbed. the sensitivity. However, raising the frequency does not auto-
matically guarantee detection as it may cause the product
ingredient to another, for example, machinery must be cleaned itself to generate a significant signal in the detector, (the
thoroughly. The detectors themselves should be constructed ‘product effect’). The aim, therefore, is to identify the optimum
from materials such as 316 or 304 (Austenitic) stainless steel, frequency whereby the highest achievable sensitivity is bal-
which are impervious to corrosion and to the cleaning chemi- anced against product effect. In this way, the detector rejects
cals used. The design of the detector, too, can enhance its contaminants, avoids false readings, and product wastage. The
effectiveness and resilience - for example, rounded surface newest digital metal detector technology does permit a very
edges can help prevent a build up of waste material or dust on high operating frequency of 1 megahertz; however, it still
the body of the detector itself and flat, watertight key pads, or provides excellent stability, as they are fast becoming the
LCD/electroluminescent screens will allow for easy cleaning. industry standard.

Metal Detectors Explained The Perfect Sphere?

Industrial metal detection systems generally comprise two The sensitivity of a detector is usually described in terms of the
elements – the search-head (the sensor in the system) and the diameter of a metal sphere because a sphere does not exhibit
automatic reject device. The search-head itself incorporates an ‘orientation effect’ (discussed below). It is not appropriate to
three coils (Figures 1 and 2): a central transmitter and two use weight as a standard because it is possible for a metal
identical outer receiver coils. These are wound around the detector to detect a one-gram contaminant for example, but be
‘aperture,’ through which the product to be tested is passed. An unable to detect a two-gram contaminant due to its shape or
oscillator is connected to the center coil and produces a high orientation. In practice, contamination seldom appears in the
frequency alternating magnetic field. The two receiver coils form of a perfect sphere, but rather as metal slivers or wires.
are connected so that their induced voltages are self-canceling Detector Aperture
when the magnetic field is not being disturbed. The size of the aperture of the detector is key with a larger
To achieve optimum sensitivity, the metal detector aper- aperture being less sensitive than a smaller one. Both aperture
ture should be of a size appropriate to the items or material in width and height have some effect on sensitivity although
the product flow: too large an aperture and there is a risk of changes in the minimum aperture dimensions will have a
signal ‘dilution’ and resultant loss in sensitivity; too small and greater effect. The detector’s capability should be given in
there may be insufficient allowance for product flow rates. terms of the minimum spherical particle size that can always
When a contaminated product is introduced, the hidden metal be detected in the geometric center of the aperture. The type
element interacts with the detector’s magnetic field and a and grade of metal also should be specified.
disturbance is created. The sensitivity of the detector will depend on where in the
aperture it is measured. The geometric center of the aperture
Automatic Product Compensation is the least sensitive point as it is furthest from the coils. The
Conductive products, such as tablets containing iron, can aperture corners have the highest sensitivity. Anywhere be-
create a signal when passing through the detector, even when tween the center and the corners the sensitivity will increase
completely free of metallic contamination. A detector with according to the detector’s sensitivity gradient - a perfect
microprocessor operation is capable of memorizing the distur- detector would have no gradient and have equalized sensitivity
bance signal that may result from the standard, non-contami- throughout the aperture.
nated product. When a contaminated product is then intro-
duced, the hidden metal element interacts differently with the Operating Frequency
magnetic field and the disturbance signal will alter as a The operating frequency must be selected according to the
consequence. The difference may be very small, but processing application; from as low as 25KHz to as high as 1 MHz. The
technology has been developed to detect the minutest particles selection is made to optimize the unit’s sensitivity for each
– commonly of a dimension of a fraction of a millimeter. specific application. As the operating frequency is increased,


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

Figure 3. Average sensitivities for a typical inspection location.

sensitivity to stainless steels improves, whereas ferrous sensi- sensitivity will result in an enormous difference in the detector’s
tivities can diminish. ability to detect wire.

Throughput Speeds Rejection of Contaminated Product

These are seldom a problem and a good metal detector usually Reliable and timely rejection of contaminated product from the
has uniform sensitivity over a wide range of throughput speeds production line is as crucial as detection itself. On detecting a
- Figure 4. contaminant the detector generates a reject signal, which then
activates a reject mechanism usually driven by a solenoid or by
Metallic Contamination a pneumatic actuator. The actual design of the reject mecha-
Table A presents three types of metal that commonly affect the nism will vary according to the specific needs of the manufac-
inspection process. turer – different systems are required for different products
and different locations in the manufacturing processes.
Orientation Effect For inspecting free-falling ingredients or formulations, a
If a wire sample is passed through the aperture, it will be easily pneumatically-operated lateral diverter should be positioned
detected if the diameter of the wire is equal to or greater than just below the detector. In the case of tablets or capsules, the
the spherical sensitivity of the metal detector to the same detector should incorporate a fast-acting solenoid-driven lift-
metal. When the diameter of the wire is less than the spherical flap or flow diverter which will reliably separate and capture
sensitivity, the ‘orientation effect’ will be noticed. This means contaminated product.
that, depending on the orientation of the wire as it passes For conveyor-mounted detectors in the packing line, typical
through the detector, it will be harder for the machine to detect reject mechanisms include pneumatic pushers, air-blast de-
it. The orientation effect is directly related to the spherical vices, retracting belts, actuated flap-gates, and conveyor sec-
sensitivity of the detector. If a detector is working at a spheri- tions which incline or decline. The supplier should deliver a
cal sensitivity of 2.0 mm diameter for example, the orientation solution customized to the needs of the packer - for example, to
effect will be noticed on wires with a diameter of less than 2.0 limit damage to rejected product if the product or packaging is
mm. If the spherical sensitivity is increased to 1.0 mm then the to be re-used after secondary inspection.
orientation effect will only be noticed on wires with diameters Various levels of fail-safe protection can be incorporated in
less than 1.0 mm. A detector’s ability to detect wires, slivers the rejection system to ensure that product protection is
and other long thin pieces will depend on the spherical sensi- absolute and that human intervention and handling are mini-
tivity it can achieve. A small deterioration in the spherical mized - as a manufacturer’s quality system may often dictate.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

Digital vs Analog possible, be incorporated into the line at the planning stage. If
The first generations of metal detectors were based on analog a detector is to be added to an already existing line, a detector
technology. These are now becoming obsolete in favor of digital manufacturer can often supply a variety of different-sized
systems which incorporate microprocessors and technical im- models and can specifically engineer a tailor-made detector
provements to facilitate ease-of-use and effectiveness, includ- according to individual specifications.
ing: Stainless steel sieves are one of the most common causes of
contamination since the fragile mesh can easily rupture and
• Digital processing software: digital processing software collapse, producing small fragments of stainless steel. As there
allows the user to record and collate information from a are several sieves at different stages in the production line,
network of metal detectors - whether installed on different these can be identified as hazards requiring critical control.
lines or in different plants. It provides more powerful A popular option is to install metal detectors prior to heavy
processing and the capability to record and collate informa- or fragile machinery as this delivers direct financial benefits
tion. On-line efficiency is improved and statistical and by protecting downstream machinery from damage and avoid-
performance data is available to enable manufacturers to ing disruption to the production line. The detector then acts as
optimize product protection. protection for delicate pumps, tablet presses, and valves,
which would otherwise be damaged by metal contamination.
• Graphic screen interfaces: Graphic interfaces provide eas- Alternatively, it is common to install a detector at the end of
ily interpretable views of the performance of the detectors, the production line – in the packing hall. This provides the
simplifying analysis of sources of contamination and iden- ultimate check for contamination in packaged goods prior to
tifying and diagnosing problems at a glance. They provide delivery to customers or retailers.
invaluable performance information, which can be trans- However, earlier detection of contamination can generate
mitted directly to a PC. Process efficiency is improved, significant cost savings since lower-value ingredients rather
sources of contamination are more easily analyzed and than the complete product and packaging are wasted. Also, the
problems can be identified and diagnosed at the earliest highest degree of contaminant sensitivity can be achieved at
opportunity. ingredient, formulation, or tablet stages.
Historically, manufacturers of detection systems were of-
• Simpler operation and maintenance: Detectors used in the ten faced with the problem of producing machines small
pharmaceutical industry must be tested or re-calibrated at enough to fit into confined spaces. This challenge has been
regular intervals, as specified by the equipment manufac- addressed by the industry and units are now available which
turer and the manufacturer’s own quality system. With an are very compact and easy to move from one production cell to
analog system, this re-calibration and its accompanying another.
documentation is a wholly manual process. A digital detec-
tor will automatically ‘prompt’ the need for re-calibration to Inspecting Bulk Product
take place and can automatically record the tests. The The quality of the finished product can only be guaranteed if
processor also will keep a memory of all events, such as bought-in and in-process ingredients are effectively screened
detection of contamination, together with date and time. to remove all unwanted metallic particles. Traditionally, in-
The record log can be used to indicate the type and size of spection of bulk product has been perceived as superfluous, as
contaminant as well as the testing frequency, providing the product passes through several sieves before reaching the
data to help identify the cause of contamination. end of the production line. However, advances in inspection
technology have enabled the detection of even the tiniest flakes
Positioning of metal in bulk powder. This enables manufacturers to inspect
In order to achieve optimal results from a metal detector, its in-coming raw materials in free-falling powder or granular
correct positioning in the production process is vital. To achieve form and to inspect formulations prior to tabletting or encap-
optimum benefit, a metal detector needs to be seen as an sulation.
essential, integrated component of the process and should, if
Detecting in Confined Spaces
When a detector needs to be integrated into an existing
Type of Metal Easily Detected? production line, space is often limited. In this situation, a
‘waferthin’ unit may be appropriate. This is a detector which is
1. Ferrous magnetic metals; Easy to detect as they are both
iron, magnetic stainless conductive and magnetic and compact enough to slot into confined spaces, such as above bag-
steel. have a significant effect on the making or bottling machines. Most manufacturers will config-
magnetic field. ure a system to meet the customer’s specific space needs.
2. Non-magnetic, non-ferrous, Conductive and therefore
low resistance metals; relatively easy to detect. Inspecting at the Compression Press
copper, aluminum, lead, High-speed tablet presses and encapsulating machines repre-
and bronze. sent a critical control point for product inspection. Contamina-
3. Non-magnetic, high- Poor conductors which are tion from damaged sieves or press tooling should be detected
resistance metals; certain commonly found in at this stage. Generally placed before or after the de-duster for
grades of stainless steels pharmaceutical and packaging tablets and after other inspection equipment for capsules, the
such as 304 and 316. machinery. These can be
reliably identified by a good detector delivers the final check before packaging.
detector, tuned correctly.
Cleaning and the Environment
Product inspection machines need to be water- and dust-
Table A. The three types of metal that affect the inspection process.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

“ Stainless steel sieves are one of the most common

causes of contamination
since the fragile mesh can easily rupture and collapse.

proofed to high industry standards - at least to NEMA 4X.3 This when completed, these comprise a complete set of validation
ensures resilience to the arduous cleaning regimes that are documents.
sometimes essential. Additionally, construction materials need Some equipment suppliers now supply framework valida-
to be certified to withstand attack by the cleaning chemicals tion documents with their machines - a key provision that can
used when changing from one live ingredient to another. help alleviate the validation burden, ease the processes of
installation, the subsequent operation, and the maintenance
Finished Pack Integrity of the machines. The scope of such validation embraces not
Installed in-process, a checkweigher can help ensure the proper only the electrical and mechanical input of each machine’s
tablet count and compliance with label claims, as well as construction, but also the methodology and standards used to
checking for the presence of necessary leaflets or inserts. An develop all embedded firmware and associated software.
automatic reject system can discard underweight packs and
still allow for acceptable product or packaging to be recovered Conclusion
and reprocessed, reducing levels of waste. The importance of Product protection is vital in today’s consumer-driven market.
maintaining line speeds means that manufacturers should For pharmaceutical manufacturers, the correct installation of
ensure that a checkweigher is able to operate effectively at full a metal detector should constitute a fundamental part of the
line speeds. quality control management process. Advances in inspection
technology mean that the new generations of metal detectors
Combination Systems – Dual Action offer improved benefits to manufacturers - such as enhanced
An integrated metal detector and checkweigher on the packag- management data, automatic product tracking, superior rejec-
ing line can additionally serve to protect against gross metal tion systems, automatic prompting for re-calibration, greater
contamination from slat counters, unscramblers, cottoners, ease of use and large product memories - in addition to superior
etc. The systems are capable of segregating off-weight rejected sensitivity, guaranteeing detection of even the most minute
packs from those contaminated with metal. This ensures particle of metal. Although end-of-line remains a common
proper reconciliation of components for loss control records location for inspection, manufacturers are now recognizing the
and satisfies regulatory requirements. significant economic and process benefits to be gained from
incorporating metal detectors at earlier stages in the produc-
Inspecting Bottles tion process.
The inspection of tablet bottles sealed with a paper/metal foil
or closed with a metal lid can present a particular challenge for References
a metal detector. It is advisable to inspect products prior to 1. 1986 FDA Final Rule: “Effective Measures Shall be Taken
bottling or before the bottle enters the capping machine, to Protect Against the Inclusion of Metal or other Extrane-
thereby assuring the quality and purity of the final bottled ous Material in Food.”
products. 2. USDA/FSIS Directory 7310.4 (Rev.1).
3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Validation standard for the protection of electrical equipment. NEMA
Validation procedures now represent an essential part of 4X relates to enclosures for indoor and outdoor siting with
pharmaceutical product safety and consistency management protection from corrosion, wind-driven dust and rain, and
and in order to achieve the accepted expectations of Good splashed water.
Manufacturing Practice, manufacturers are required to dem-
onstrate that a validation system is in place. A lengthy process,
the aim is to define everything that goes on in the manufactur-
ing process, so that the actual equipment and materials used
in the plant can be proven against that standard, now or in the
future. This means that an inspector or auditor can at any time
check that the plant is operating as the technical people
decreed it should operate, including every piece of machinery.
A vital part of the damage-limitation exercise, validation is
designed to eliminate amongst other risks, the danger of
contamination to drugs.
Validation documentation consists of a series of procedures
and instructions for the end user. The FDA recommends
certain protocols to facilitate this: IQ (Installation Qualifica-
tion), OQ (Operational Qualification), PQ (Performance Quali-
fication), and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Together, Figure 4. A good metal detector usually has uniform sensitivity over a wide range of
throughput speeds.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Product Protection

“ In order to achieve the accepted expectations of

Good Manufacturing Practice, manufacturers are required
to demonstrate that a validation system is in place.

About the Author
Hitesh Patel is Technical Director with Lock Inspection
Systems, manufacturers of metal detection and checkweighing
equipment. Patel joined the company as an electrical engineer
in 1990 and has held positions within various technical depart-
ments at the company. He has worked closely with suppliers
and manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry through-
out his career and now specializes in developing validation
documentation hardware and software for the sector. In his
current role, Patel is responsible for all aspects of product
management and NPD. He oversees the R&D, QA, engineer-
ing, and technical design divisions of the company.
Lock Inspection Systems, Inc., 207 Authority Drive,
Fitchburg, MA 01420-6094.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Cost of Quality

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

discusses the PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
importance of
introducing the
concept of the
COQ in the
Increasing Value Through the
industry, what is
meant by the
Measurement of the Cost of
COQ, the
methodology for
Quality (COQ) – A Practical
measuring the
COQ, the
benefits and a
by Guy Malchi and Helen McGurk
Introduction further as the cost of not doing activities “right

nsuring quality in the pharmaceutical first time.”
industry is critical both to meet strin-
gent cGMP regulations and to guaran- Why Measure the COQ?
tee safe products for customers. The trends in It is unfortunate that the most accurate mea-
the pharmaceutical industry, as with most in- sure of quality, the COQ, is still unclear in a lot
dustries, are toward lower cost, higher quality, of decision makers’ minds and often results in a
and greater added value to sustain competitive figure much higher than imagined. Practical
advantage and hence increase market share. In experience has shown that the COQ can be up to
an industry where quality has become a focal 25% of gross sales, whereas it is often felt by
point of activity, it is still rare that the most management to be around 5%. Capturing the
reliable measure, the Cost of Quality (COQ), is real COQ so that it can be managed and used as
captured. The concept of the cost of quality is a a benchmark measure is one reason alone to
powerful idea. Since profits and quality are calculate the COQ. This can then be used to
integrally linked, it is imperative that the cost reduce costs, and is done by increased quality or
of quality is tracked, providing managers with “right first time,” which results in reduced costs
the ability to control costs and focus on improv- through increased efficiency and reduced non-
ing quality at reduced cost. conformance. Measuring the COQ is the first
Quality is one of the most important aspects step in this cost reduction program since it
of any pharmaceutical manufacturing company. provides the focus required.
The competitive pressures of today’s manufac-
turing environment and the strict quality regu- What is the COQ?
lations placed on the pharmaceutical industry Traditional COQ
mean that quality products translate into higher The concept of the COQ did not emerge until the
profit. Research has shown that companies per- 1950s with many different definitions being
ceived by customers to have superior quality assigned to this term.
are up to three times more profitable than those Joseph M. Juran is one of the renowned
perceived to have inferior quality. This undeni- figures in quality management. He has written
able link between quality and profits combined many books on the subject and his theories and
with the need for cost reduction in a competing methods are well known. He referred not to the
market mean that companies need to provide COQ, but rather to the cost of poor quality.
high quality products at a lower cost. Measur- Traditionally the “cost of poor quality” was
ing COQ is the first step in achieving this categorized by Juran under four broad catego-
success. ries. These four categories were:
A product that does not meet the needs and
requirements of the customer cannot be defined Internal Failure Costs
as a quality product since it does not provide Internal failure costs are those associated with
customer satisfaction. Therefore, quality can be defects and non-conformance that are found
defined as “Conformance to Requirements,” or a before the product is shipped to the customer.
more traditional definition may be “Fitness for They are defined as costs that would disappear
Purpose.” From this, the cost of quality can be if there were no defects in the product prior to
defined as: the cost of not conforming to cus- shipment. Examples of these costs are the cost
tomer requirements, and the cost of not provid- of scrap, rework, reinspection, and reduced sell-
ing customer satisfaction. COQ can be defined ing price.
©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Cost of Quality

External Failure Costs

External Failure Costs are costs that are associated with a
product that has been shipped to the customer. These costs
also would disappear if there were no defects in the product.
Examples of these costs are complaint investigation, returned
material, and allowances.

Appraisal Costs
Appraisal costs are costs that are incurred in determining the
degree of conformance required to meet quality requirements.
It is important to remember that what is classified as an
appraisal cost is determined by the type of work done, not by
the department it comes under. Examples of this are all
inspection and testing including raw material, in process, and
finished goods, audits, cost of keeping measuring equipment
calibrated, whether conducted by the quality department,
production, or an external laboratory.

Prevention Costs Figure 1. Optimizing the COQ.

These are the costs incurred in keeping failure and appraisal
costs to a minimum. These costs include quality planning, new Target Indicators providing real awareness of where the costs
product review, process control, supplier evaluation, quality are being consumed.
training, etc.
Comparison between Traditional and Defined COQ
COQ System Definition Table A highlights the relationships between the traditional
The approach taken is to design a hierarchy of indicators to cost of quality measures and the cost of quality as defined
each company’s needs. These indicators are designed based on through the hierarchical structure.
the needs, goals, and analysis of the current state according to It is clear that although the categories defined for calculat-
the balanced scorecard philosophy. The COQ system is split ing the cost of quality indicators are not the same as the
into categories and elements. traditional COQ measures, all of the costs are covered.
The indicator hierarchy is normally made up of three tiers: In addition to these categories, there is a category for hidden
1.Target, 2. Surrogate, and 3. Explanatory. costs, i.e., alternative costs. It is important not to ignore hidden
quality costs just because they are difficult to measure since in
Target Indicators many companies they often have a significant impact on the
Target Indicators represent the COQ categories; they are high- bottom line. Juran also refers to these hidden costs, claiming
level management indicators. Examples are: that the obvious COQ are only the tip of the iceberg.
Some of these traditional hidden costs are:
• Operating Cost
• lost sales as a result of quality
• Non Conformance Cost • extra inventory
• delays
Most of the Target Indicators are derived from the finance • unidentified scrap
section of the balanced scorecard system.
Therefore the total cost of quality can be summarized as:
Surrogate Indicators
Surrogate Indicators are measures that have been identified to Total COQ =
strongly correlate to performance of the Target Indicators. Operating Cost + Non Conformance Cost + Alternative Cost
They represent the COQ elements and are the focal points of
a COQ measurement system. Examples are: The total cost of quality can be minimized by studying the
relationship between the COQ and the rate of non-conform-
• Cost of Preventative Labor/Output ance. Figure 1 shows that when the cost of non-conformance is
• Cost of Appraisal Labor/Output high the operating cost is low, i.e., little is being spent on
• Cost of Assets and Materials prevention and appraisal, and vice versa. The optimal level is
where the total costs are minimized and this is recognized now
Explanatory Indicators as closer to zero defects.
Each Surrogate Indicator can be supported by low-level mea-
sures, called Explanatory Indicators that are used to support COQ Measurement System Design –
the investigation of high-level indicator performance. Ex- Methodology
planatory Indicators promote understanding of the Surrogate Measurement System Design
Indicators at the local/operational level. The inputs and support of top management within a company
The hierarchical indicators system is designed to help make is critical for the success of any COQ measurement program.
the COQ more explanatory and practical to all management This is one of the reasons that the first stage involves inter-
levels, by incorporating low-level indicators into the strategic viewing company management to understand the manage-


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Cost of Quality

ment views and goals to ensure the COQ indicators support mance of the different facilities. However, some indicators do
achieving these goals. What the COQ means for each company not easily allow for direct comparison as absolute ratios due to:
is questioned and a suitable hierarchy of indicators defined.
• varying constraints – different regulations between coun-
Current State Analysis tries
Data should be gathered to identify what quality costs, if any, • differing processes – different technologies
are currently being captured and a thorough analysis of exist- • dynamic factors – different customers and varying environ-
ing procedures and relevant reports should be performed to see mental factors
what information is presently available. A Pareto analysis (80-
20 rule) is done for the indicators designed in the previous This can result in differences of expected levels of performance
stage to define where the costs of quality are consumed. The between facilities, even within the same area. To bring indica-
Pareto shows the indicators on which to focus, and if necessary, tors to a common ground and allow comparison between sites,
the indicators previously defined may be modified due to a low normalization is used.
position in the Pareto. Figure 3 shows an example of a Pareto To normalize an indicator, a score between 0 and 1 is
performed for the main target indicators. applied using a step or linear function. This score represents

Gap Analysis
Based on the analysis of the current practices and available
information, the gap between the current state and the COQ
system designed previously is identified. This stage also shows
ease of capturing the indicators. Once again, the indicators
previously designed are modified if they are low on the Pareto
and difficult to calculate. This eliminates companies falling
into the trap of focusing on difficult to measure or insignificant
An implementation plan based on the gap analysis is
developed including priorities, activities, responsibilities, sched-
ule, and resources needed. In addition to this, a detailed plan
is developed which states the data sources and procedures for
calculating and reviewing the indicators.

The final stage is full-scale implementation supporting the
company in initiating the new procedures and introducing the
measurement system tool for reporting the indicators. It is
important not to expect the COQ measurement system to be
operating perfectly in a short time, it should be treated as an
evolutionary process with savings along the way. It also should
be noted that the COQ might increase at first as the measure- Figure 2. Methodology.
ment becomes more accurate. the performance of the indicator against a set target (goal). The
setting of targets and revision of them also aid a program of
Normalization Continuous Improvement.
In large organizations with many facilities, the COQ can be
used as a benchmarking system for comparing the perfor- What are the Benefits of Calculating COQ?
The benefits of implementing a COQ measurement program
COQ Elements Traditional COQ are:
(Examples) Measures Categories
(Juran) • establishment and implementation of a simple, user friendly
Quality Control management tool that will provide management with accu-
Appraisal Costs Operating rate and consistent information on the quality operations
Calibration Cost cost, especially the cost of failure
Training Prevention Costs
• provision of information that will lay the foundations to
Rejects enable cost reductions and efficiency improvements of qual-
ity operations
Reworks Internal Failure
Costs Non- • creation of a standardized scale for benchmarking between
Reclaims conformance
Cost different company sites
External Failure A significant reduction in the COQ has been shown by imple-
External Failure Costs
menting the COQ program as well as an overall increase in the
level of quality.
Table A. Comparison between traditional and hierarchical structure.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
The Cost of Quality

Figure 3. Pareto analysis.

Figure 4. Reporting framework.
This monitoring, focus, and the enforcement of the imple- Summary
mentation plan facilitate this COQ reduction. Since quality is critical in the pharmaceutical industry, mea-
suring the COQ is the first step in achieving success in this
Case Study area. The implementation of a COQ measurement program
The methodology described above was used in implementing a does not provide the awareness of the losses and action items
COQ program in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. have to be taken to reduce costs and aid continuous improve-
This first stage included performing a current state analy- ment. It is also essential to get the support of all personnel,
sis on the facility. From understanding the strategic business particularly management, in order for a COQ program to work,
goals and the level of data currently available, a set of indicator and when it does, the benefits of the program are immense.
and a measurement system was designed to fit in with the The COQ measurement is not a one time exercise; it should
requirements of the business, and to cover 80% + of the costs be viewed as part of the every day measurements and financial
of quality. costing.
Once the measurement system was developed, a framework
was established for implementing the system. This consisted References
of an overall COQ owner who was responsible for the mainte- 1. Kelda, Joseph, Integral Quality Management: The Path to
nance of the system. Data owners were identified for each of Total Quality, ISBN 2-9800748-3-7.
the indicators and were responsible for the collection and
entering of data into the measurement system to enable it to 2. Juran, JM., Quality Planning and Analysis.
calculate the indicators. The action team reviewed all indica-
tors monthly to identify trends and generate ideas for cost 3. Juran, JM., Juran on Planning for Quality.
reduction and ensure completion of action items. A steering
committee of high-level management met monthly, reviewed About the Authors
the target and explanatory indicators, and prioritized the Guy Malchi is an Operations Manager at Tefen’s European
proposed cost reduction actions. To make the COQ system branch, where he has been responsible for projects across the
sustainable, a Quality Book was developed that described the continent, focusing on a wide variety of pharmaceutical compa-
indicators calculated and the procedures for entering and nies including: AstraZeneca, Janssen, RP Scherer, and Aventis
reviewing data. Pharmaceuticals. He is currently supporting such clients in
Implementing this methodology resulted in an 11% reduc- the areas of cycle time reduction, productivity improvement,
tion in the cost of quality. This was achieved by: performance indicators, and cost reduction. Malchi holds a BSc
(Hons) in industrial engineering.
• initiating quality groups within the production department
which aided in reducing the cost of non-conformance Helen McGurk is a Project Manager at Tefen. Currently
working on a ‘Cost of Quality’ measurement system for a
• QC discrepancy re-engineering improved the efficiency of multinational pharmaceutical firm, she has previously worked
dealing with discrepancies and reduced the cycle time, for a number of companies including RP Scherer, Bayer Diag-
hence man-hours involved. nostics, and Abbott Laboratories. Projects have included cycle
time reduction, layout design, staffing optimization perfor-
• QC resource modeling defined the staffing levels required mance indicators, and productivity improvement. McGurk
in the labs and analysis of work methods led to a reduction holds a BEng (Hons) in manufacturing system management.
in non-value added activities. Subsequently, this reduced Tefen Ltd., Wembley Point 1 Harrow Road, Wembley,
cost of labor per batch. Middlesex, HA9 6DE, United Kingdom.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

reviews the PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
applicable to
systems in the
FDA Regulations of Computer
Systems in Drug Manufacturing –
based on recent
13 Years Later
by Orlando López
Introduction 7132a.12, “Vendor Responsibility.”

ince 1963, the US Food and Drug Admin- The introduction by the FDA of such regula-
istration (FDA) has considered valida- tory requirements can be traced back to the first
tion a current Good Manufacturing Prac- publication of the regulations. In 1963, CFR
tice (cGMP) requirement. The equipment, fa- Part 211.2(b) was incorporated as part of the
cilities, processes, and procedures used in pro- regulations. It stressed on backups and docu-
duction and control shall be properly designed mentation, including having hardcopy of mas-
and tested to assure that the drug products ter formulas, specifications, test records, mas-
have proper identity, strength, quality, and ter production and control records, and batch
purity. This requirement also is applicable to production records (batch production and con-
computer systems performing functions cov- trol records), or calculations.
ered by the cGMP regulations or managing By 1976, the regulations combined Part
electronic records known to be required by ex- 211.2(b) and 211.68. The outcome of this combi-
isting regulation.1 nation was the updated 21 CFR Part 211.68
In Volume 8, Number 5 of the Pharmaceuti- (automatic, mechanical, and electronic equip-
cal Engineering,2 was presented the FDA point ment). In summary, Part 211.68 requires that:
of view of the regulations applicable to process
control computers. Until 1988, the attention of • There must be a written program detailing
the Agency to computer systems was not very the maintenance of the computer system.
significant. Since then, what has happened with • There must be a system to control changes to
the cGMP regulations impacting computer sys- the computer hardware and software, in-
tems performing functions in the manufactur- cluding documentation.
ing environment? • There must be documented checks of Inputs
The objective of this article is to go through and Outputs (I/Os) for accuracy. In actual
regulatory requirements applicable to computer practice, it is implied that all computer sys-
systems in the manufacturing environment tems under the regulations must be quali-
based on recent regulations. The discussion of fied/validated.
the regulatory requirements before the approval • There must be programs to ensure accuracy
of Part 11 may provide the reader the founda- and security of computer inputs, outputs,
tion to understand 21 CFR Part 11; Electronic and data.
Records, Electronic Signatures Rule (hereafter • Computer electronic records must be con-
referred to as Part 11). In addition, this article trolled, including backup, security, and re-
proposes the relevance of Part 11 as the new tention.
computer system validation model (Figure 1)
and provides examples of how this model is Validation, as established in Part 211.68, is one
applicable to all computer systems. of the most important regulatory requirements
for computer systems in the cGMP environ-
US Regulatory Requirements for ments.
Computer Systems in cGMP The validation of computer systems estab-
Environments lishes conformance to the user, regulatory and
Regulatory authorities hold the owner of the safety, and intended functions that have been
data3 known to be required by existing regula- allocated to the computer. Computer systems
tion responsible for assuring the compliance of validation is an element of the system develop-
the computer systems recording and managing ment life cycle. In addition to the software and
such data. The FDA established such responsi- hardware testing, other verification activities
bility in the Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) include code walkthroughs, dynamic analysis,


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

and trace analysis. programmable logic controllers (PLC). On configurable appli-

The key elements to successfully implement the validation cations, the source code is proprietary information of the
of computer system projects in manufacturing processes are: developer, so the likelihood of acquiring the source code is very
• selection of a development methodology that best suits the The regulatory requirements applicable to source code can
nature of the system under development be found in CPG 7132a.15, “Source Code for Process Control
• selection of hardware based on capacity and functionality Application Programs.” These requirements include the con-
• identification and consideration of the operational limits to sideration of the source code as master production and control
establish production procedures records. Accordingly, those sections in the regulations relevant
• identification of operational functions associated with the to master production and control records are to be applied to
users, process, regulatory, company standards, and safety the computer application as source code. For custom-built
requirements applications, program listings are considered source code. For
• identification and testing of “worst case” production condi- configurable applications, the configurable elements or scripts
tions are considered as source code. For off-the-shelf applications,
• reproducibility of the testing results based on statistics the critical algorithms, parameters, and macros listings are
• documentation of the validation process considered source code.
• availability of written procedures to maintain the valida- CPG 7132a.08, “Identification of ‘Persons’ on Batch Produc-
tion state of the computer system tion and Control Records,” issued in 1982, allows drug manu-
facturers to replace certain functions performed by operators
Any modification to a component of a system must be evalu- with computer systems. Part 211.101(d) requires verification
ated to determine the impact to the system. If required, by a second person for components added to a batch. A single
qualification/validation is to be re-executed totally or par- automated check is acceptable if it provides at least the same
tially. assurance of freedom from errors as a double check. If it does
A clarification to CFR Part 211.68 was published in 1982 in provide the same assurance, the process does not gain by
the CPG 7132a.07, “I/O Checking.” According to this CPG applying a redundant second check, which adds nothing to
computer I/Os are to be tested for data accuracy as part of the
computer system qualification, and after the qualification, as US Drugs Description
part of the computer system ongoing verification program. GMP
An example of input data is the signal that a sensor feeds to
211.22 Responsibilities of QC Unit
the CPU via a signal converter. An output device, such as a
motor, is an example of equipment that receives electrical 211.25 Personnel Qualifications
pulses from the computer and causes an action to occur. One 211.42 Design and Construction
method to verify the accuracy of an input field device is to force
211.63 Equipment Design, Size, and Location
a known value and compare the value displayed on the screen.
If this method is chosen, I/O checks may be done during 211.67 Cleaning and Maintenance
calibration since known values (standards) are applied to the 211.68 Maintenance and Calibration
instruments and the output is read on the display (actual).
CPG 7132a.07 is based on the realistic anticipation that 211.68 Written Procedures
computer I/O errors can occur on validated systems. A com- 211.68(b) Record Controls
puter component (logic circuits, memory, microprocessor) or
211.68(b) Validation of Computer Systems (Implicit
device (modems, displays), like mechanical parts, can fail after Requirement)
being tested. Another source of computer systems I/O malfunc-
211.100 Written Procedures, Deviations
tions is electromagnetic interference (radio-frequency inter-
ference, electrostatic discharge, and power disturbance). Soft- 211.101(d) Double Check on Computer
ware errors, undetected during the validation process, also 211.105(b) Equipment Identification
may be sources of I/O errors. To detect errors before the control
system makes a decision using tainted data, a performance- 211.180 General (Records and Reports)
monitoring program shall be established and followed to verify 211.180(a) Records Retention
hardware and software I/Os during the operation of the sys-
211.180(c) Storage and Record Access
The level, frequency, and extent of the I/O checking were 211.180(d) Records Medium
suggested in the Federal Register of January 20, 1995 (60 FR 211.182 Use of Log(s)
4087). The level and frequency of the I/O verifications shall be
211.188(a) Reproduction Accuracy
guided by written procedure and based on the complexity and
reliability of the computer system. 211.188(b) Documentation and Operational Checks
Another topic relevant to computer systems in cGMP en- 211.189(e) Records Review
vironments is the management of application source code.4
211.192 QC Record Review
Before 1985, 80% of the computer systems were custom-built,
making the source code a deliverable. Since then, the software 211.220(a)* Validation of Computer Systems (Explicit
developers gradually started to make available off-the-shelf Requirement)
applications. Today, 80% of the applications utilized to super- *1996 cGMP proposed regulations.
vise manufacturing processes are configurable software. Many
of the custom-built programs can be found, for example, in
Table A. cGMP sections applicable to computer.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

assuring product quality. The equivalency of an automated work. The elements contained in 21 CFR 11 Subpart B recon-
single check system to a manual check must be shown; how- cile earliest FDA regulations and policies. Table B provides the
ever, this might not always be possible. equivalence between Subpart B 21 CFR Part 11 and, the cGMP
In 1983, the FDA provided another important guideline drug regulations, applicable FDA CPGs, and the EU GMPs.
applicable to computer hardware and software performing In addition to providing the operational functions required
functions covered by the regulations. The “Guide to Inspection in the regulatory environment, Part 11 can be considered as
of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing” addresses the the new computer systems validation model.
applicability of the regulations to the computer systems. Ac-
cording to this guideline, computer systems hardware and The New Computer Systems Validation Model
software are considered equipment and records, respectively, In the past, the approach to computer qualification/validation
within the context of the regulations. One year later CPG and associated configuration management in the regulated
7132a.115 was issued confirming the applicability of the regu- industry was based on key practices. The foundations of these
lations to computer hardware and software. In the absence of key practices are contained in publications such as:
explicit regulations addressing computer systems, the regula-
• Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation, May
tions provide the implicit guideline to comply with the Agency.
In accordance with CPG 7132a.11, the main sections in the
• Compliance Policy Guidelines, September 1982
regulations applicable to computer systems performing func-
• Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug
tions covered by the cGMPs are provided in Table A.
Processing, February 1983
Equivalent sections can be found in the Medical Devices
• PMA Staying Current Series, (series started in May 1986)
regulations. The introduction of Part 11 in 1997, provided the
• Application of the Medical Device GMPs to Computerized
explicit regulatory requirements to computer systems per-
Devices and Manufacturing Processes, November 1990
forming functions in the applicable regulations.
• ISPE’s Good Automated Manufacturing Practices (GAMP),
As the reader may conclude, Subpart B in Part 11 is not
February 1994
essential to delineate the FDA regulatory expectations on
• PDA’s Validation of Computer Related Systems, October
computer systems performing functions in a cGMP frame-
US Drugs EU GMPs Description Part 11

CPG 7132a.07 Annex 11 - 2 Validation 11.10(a)

CPG 7132a.08
211.180(a) Annex 11-12 Generation of accurate and complete copies of records 11.10(b)
Annex 11-13
211.68(b) Annex 11 - 13, Protection of records 11.10(c)
14, 15, 16
211.68(b)** Annex 11 - 8 Limiting access to authorized individuals 11.10(d)
Comment Annex 11 - 10 Use of audit trails 11.10(e)
paragraph 186,
1978 CGMP
CPG 7132a.15 Annex 11 - 6 Use of operational system checks to enforce permitted sequencing of steps and 11.10(f)
CPG 7132a.08 events, as appropriate
211.68(b) Annex 11 - 10 Authority checks 11.10(g)
n/a Annex 11 - 8 Use of device (e.g., terminal) checks to determine, as appropriate, the validity of 11.10(h)
the source of data input or operational instruction
211.25 Annex 11 - 1 CVs and training records for those using e-records 11.10(i)
211.180 Annex 11 - 4 Controls over systems documentation 11.10(k)
n/a*** Annex 11 - 8 Controls for identification codes/passwords 11.300
Subpart D Annex 11 - 3, Controls to computer hardware 11.10(d)
4, 6, 13, 15
211.180(a) Annex 11 - 14 Record Retention Not covered
*Proposed changes to CGMP, May 1996.
**Sec. 211.68(b) requires appropriate controls over computer or related systems to ensure that only authorized personnel make changes in
master production and control records or other records.
***Implicit regulations can be found in 211.68.

Table B. Equivalence US/EU GMPs and Part 11(B).


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

• General Principles of Software Validation, Draft Guidance, cussed in other articles.8,9

June 1997 Figure 2 depicts the progression of the computer systems
• Best Practices for Computerized Systems in Regulated GxP validation practices from current key practices to 21 CFR
Environments, PIC, Draft Rev 3.01 Part 11 Model. The transition program consists of educating
the regulated industry, assessing current computer systems,
The constraint of key practices is that these “need to be and implementing the regulations using the appropriate tech-
monitored and evaluated periodically to ensure that they are nologies. This model is easily applicable to the new generation
suitable and to keep them current with industry and regula- of computer systems by incorporating the requirements com-
tory trends.”6 Across the industry, not all key practices were bined in Part 11 at the beginning the development process. For
implemented at the same time, making related key practices the current generation of systems, an assessment shall be
divergent. performed to evaluate the level of conformity with the regula-
Part 11 provides the explicit and current regulatory trends tion.
applicable to computer systems performing functions in the
applicable regulations. Now that the regulatory expectations Sample Situations
are clearly established, the implementation of Part 11 is now The objective of the following sample situations is to demon-
contingent to the availability of appropriate applications com- strate the applicability of Part 11 as the new computer systems
pliant with the regulation. In the absence of technologies validation model. Each sample situation is focused on manu-
supporting Part 11, the required controls are procedural in facturing equipment controlled by computer systems. The
nature. primary concern of these systems is that the software works
Figure 1 depicts the new validation model introduced in this correctly in the intended manufacturing process. The records
article. The elements to be verified and/or qualified during a required by Part 211 or Part 820, that are managed by these
software implementation are the type of system (open or systems shall be reliable and authentic.
closed), security functions, audit trails, process controlled by Programmable logic controllers are one of the favorite
the computer system, and the implementation of the technol- devices to control manufacturing equipment. These are ca-
ogy in support of the process and Part 11. These two last pable of generating a vast amount of data stored in the PLC
elements are not identical for all systems. Electronic signa- battery-backed read access memory.11 At the moment the data
tures are tested when this technology is implemented. An is saved on magnetic media, these (electronic) records are used
element out of the scope of this model is the retention of for future reference and/or archived.
electronic records, but the model shall be used to verify and In a typical automated manufacturing environment, batch
validate the implementation of the system(s) that will hold production records are prepared using the data generated
these records. manually or by computer systems.
For applications using electronic or digital signatures, the Documentation of completion to each significant step in the
current validation/qualification model requires verification batch production records should include:
and/or testing to many of the following:
• dates and, when appropriate, times
1. Open/Closed Systems • identity of major equipment (e.g., granulators, tumblers,
etc.) used
2. Security • specific identification of each batch, including weights,
a. System Security measures, and batch numbers of raw materials, intermedi-
b. Electronic Signature Security ates, or any reprocessed materials used during manufactur-
c. Codes and Passwords Maintenance ing
• Codes and Passwords Security • actual results recorded for critical process parameters12
• Passwords Assignment • any sampling performed
d. Document Controls • signatures of the persons performing and directly supervis-
e. Authority, Operational, and Location Checks ing or checking each critical step in the operation
f. Records Protection • any deviation noted, its evaluation, investigation conducted
(if appropriate) or reference to that investigation if stored
3. Audit Trails separately
a. Audit Mechanism • results of release testing.
b. Metadata
c. Display and Reporting First Example - Manufacturing Equipment with a Stand-
Alone PLC
4. Electronic signatures Figure 3 depicts this example. A V-Shell Blender may be an
a. E-Sign without Biometric/Behavioral example of a typical oral solid dosage form manufacturing
b. E-Sign with Biometric/Behavioral equipment that may have a stand-alone PLC or other type of
c. Signature Manifestation controller. The objective of this equipment is the reorientation
d. Signature Purpose of particles relative to one another in order to achieve unifor-
e. Signature Binding mity.
The configuration on this first example consists of a man
5. Certification to FDA machine interface implemented using a terminal with an
operator keyboard and printer. The keyboard may be used to
A subset of the above is applicable to hybrid computer sys- enter variable set points,13 weights, batch number, menu num-
tems.7 The implementation of these requirements was dis- ber, and other processing information. In this case, all I/Os are


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

saved in the controller’s transient memory. Neither the inputs to this example; however, Part 11 may be used as the model to
(e.g., operator keyboard) nor the outputs (e.g., display) are validate the software, hardware, and interfaces. In this case,
retrieved from or saved to magnetic media. Because there are the elements in Part 11 applicable to similar situations are:
no records saved to a magnetic media, Part 11 is not applicable

Figure 1. 21 CFR Part 11 Model.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

1. Operational Checks In this example, location check for the blender is not a
2. System Security critical element. The computer system is dedicated to the
3. Codes and Passwords Security control of the equipment. Location checks enable the applica-
4. Codes and Passwords Maintenance tion software to determine whether the input being generated
5. Password Assignment by a particular device is appropriate.
6. Location Checks Passwords are one of many methods to authenticate autho-
7. Authority Checks rized users. In view of the fact that security in cGMP systems
8. Document Controls is very critical, the expectations on activities such as assign-
9. Open/Closed Systems ment, security, and maintenance of passwords are clearly
10. Record Retention/Protection established by the FDA. Before Part 11, the FDA expected17
that passwords:
Operational checks are application-dependent. Section 21
CFR 211.188(b) specifies that each significant step in the • be periodically changed, not be re-assigned and re-used
manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of the batch shall • not be recognizable as reflections of their personal life
be documented. Section 21 CFR 211.188(b)(11) mandates the • not be shared by the users
identification of the persons performing and directly supervis-
ing or checking each significant step in the operation. The FDA expects written procedures or company policies, and
The intent of the regulation is to secure that each step in the the associated training on the subject of the use and security
manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of the batch is of passwords.
performed and there are records to show this, from which the To ensure computer systems security, password files may
history of the lot could be traced. All critical sequence of events be encrypted or otherwise secured so that passwords cannot be
shall be verified. In PLC based systems, operational checks may read by ordinary means. Password file encryption is very
be incorporated in the software. The manufacturing procedures, common in modern operating systems.
control, instructions, specifications,14 and/or process safety mea- In general, the password assignment and maintenance
sures to be followed within such computer systems may be set as are a combination of written procedures and technologies to
part of the product manufacturing process under computer support this requirement. Sample procedures include pass-
control. In a blender, for example, combining the amount of word aging, minimum password length, password uniqueness,
blending time, blender speed, and the intensifier bar speed may default password management, and account lockout after a
be performed in a specific sequence. The Research and Develop- reasonable number of unsuccessful login attempts.
ment (R&D) department establishes the criticality of any of The focus of the validation program is typically the quality
these parameters and associated sequence. In summary, com- attributes of the system implementation, change control, and
puter systems are to be checked to make sure that critical the verification and testing of the modifications to the baseline.
operations occurred in the proper sequence. The complete configuration management, including the docu-
An acceptable means of complying with the operational mentation, is a key item of concern. Specifically, documenta-
checks may be as follows: (1) documentation of the program, (2) tion management is very critical to the information that is
verification and testing that no step or specification can be contained in both the master production records and in the
missed or poorly executed/assigned, and (3) documentation of application.
the initial and final steps.15 The reader may realize that the System documentation means records that pertain to sys-
application-dependent requirements become part of the com- tem operation and maintenance, from high-level design docu-
puter systems validation model through the operational veri- ments to end user manuals. Controlling system documenta-
fications. tion includes assessing the documentation when a modifica-
In this first example, security is associated with prevent- tion to the computer system is suggested. The high-level
ing accidental or intentional data manipulation, and corrup- design documentation provides the inputs for maintenance
tion of the data that is to be displayed on the screen or used to and the user manuals provide the instructions of how to
make decisions to control the equipment. To avoid accidental, operate the system.
intentional, and/or lost data, the universe of data that will be According to Part 11, a computer system is considered
collected, the procedures to collect it, and the means to verify closed if the person responsible for the content of electronic
its integrity, accuracy, reliability, and consistency must be records allows the access to authorized parties. In addition, the
defined. A Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is one of electronic records shall be monitored through the system’s
many methods to uncover and mitigate these factors. For software with its required log-on, security procedures, and
example, to avoid data corruption, some measures shall be audit trails. In PLC based systems, it is very common to have
taken such as calibration of critical instruments16 and imple- communications to telephone connection through modems. A
mentation of an ongoing monitoring program. connection such as this is used to perform diagnostics by the
Related to security is the logical access to computer sys- system developer/integrator. This practice should be disal-
tems. It includes the capability of such systems to allow the lowed. If allowed, then the access via modem should have strict
user access to the terminal and access to the parameters that access controls and restrictions including protective software.
are loaded in the PLC. The user interface must have the Access restrictions on such systems should be designed to
capability to have authority checks. The authority checks prevent unauthorized modifications.
are based upon the various roles and responsibilities assigned In this example, the batch production and control records
to individuals known to the system. Computer systems shall be are paper based. The operator records each significant step in
designed to make distinctions among control access (a) to the the manufacture of batches. The retention and protection
system, (b) to functions in the system, and (c) to input and to the executed batches is based on the existing regulation. The
output devices used by the system. retention requirements to cGMP records can be found in


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

Figure 2. Progression of computer systems validation key practices.

211.180(a). tor presence of product, bottle orientation, cotton presence and
Second Example - Automated Packaging Lines Including height, cap presence skew, foil inner seals on caps, rates from
Local Machine Controls and a Central Controller (e.g., rate monitors, labels presence and verification, and many
PLC) that Stores Data in Transient Memory more verifications.
As in the previous example, the main PLC is a stand-alone
controller. The operator interface may be implemented using Third Example - Hybrid Systems
a terminal with a keyboard and a printer. Figure 4 depicts this Hybrid computer systems save data required by existing
example. regulation on magnetic media; however, the electronic records
As in the previous example, there are no records saved to are not electronically signed. One possible example consists of
magnetic media and Part 11 is not applicable to this configu- a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system
ration. Using Part 11 as the model to validate the system in which historical data collection is archived and production
software and computer hardware, the elements applicable to batch reports may be printed directly from the SCADA station.
similar configurations are: These reports are manually signed. Figure 5 depicts a typical
SCADA system. Notice the diversity sources of data.
1. Operational Checks On hybrid systems, the electronic record requirements
2. System Security (Sub-Part B) in Part 11 are applicable, but they cannot be
3. Codes and Passwords Security submitted to the FDA. They can be maintained and retained in
4. Codes and Passwords Maintenance electronic form for the period established by the regulation
5. Passwords Assignment requiring such records. The retention requirements of cGMP
6. Location Checks records can be found in 211.180(a).
7. Authority Checks The elements in Part 11 applicable to hybrid systems are:
8. Document Controls
9. Open/Closed Systems 1. Audit Trails and Metadata
10. Record Retention/Protection 2. System Security
3. Codes and Passwords Security
As noted, the only difference from the previous example is the 4. Codes and Passwords Maintenance
complexity of the validation. The complexity of validation for 5. Passwords Assignment
manufacturing control systems is increased proportionally to 6. Operational Checks
the amount of equipment and instrumentation that the proces- 7. Authority Checks
sor controls and monitors. 8. Location Checks
An example of operational checks applicable on auto- 9. Document Controls
mated packaging lines, is the logic of operation associated to 10. Open/Closed Systems
the automation stations. These stations are employed to moni- 11. Records Retention/Protection
©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

Comparing the above list with the lists on previous examples,

the audit trail is the requirement added to the above list. In
addition, validation, system security, and record retention
have additional complexities.
Process control systems are capable of generating accurate
and detailed documentation of the manufacturing process
under control. The critical issue to the electronic records
within the scope of the regulations is the completeness of the
recorded information. As part of validation, the completeness
of computer generated batch production records is verified.
With the tracking purpose, audit trails refer to a journal
that record modifications to the electronic records taken by the
users or processes operating on user behalf. This mechanism
provides the capability to reconstruct the data modified; there-
Figure 4. Sample central controller PLC.
fore, not obscuring previously entered data. The tracking
mechanism includes computer generated date and time stamps when use is less frequent. This setting must be evaluated and,
indicating when the record was modified, the types of modifi- preferably, documented as part of a company wide strategy.
cations performed, and the identity of the person changing the The selected settings require procedural and technological
record. Implicit requirements in Part 11 include the availabil- controls.
ity of tools to display and/or print audit trail records and Data is most often transferred using available drivers. The
associated metadata in human readable form. Another impor- transfer/transcription process, from the secondary repository
tant use of audit trails is the protection from subsequent to the permanent repository, shall be completely qualified. The
unauthorized alteration and destruction to permit detection qualification must include all the appropriate documentation
and after-the-fact investigations of security violations. and supporting data. The objective of the qualification must be
The point which data becomes an electronic record should to ensure the accurate transfer of electronic records and
reflect its origin and intended purpose. For manufacturing associated content, context, and structure.
systems, this may be the initial point of data acquisition. This One item to be addressed during the implementation of PLC
same point also would form the basis for the recording of audit based systems is the long term archiving of an immense
trails to all changes to a record. amount of manufacturing/quality data and associated
To implement audit trails on SCADA systems, third parties metadata.19 The hardware and software in support of this
are providing custom code to be integrated with the SCADA repository should be robust, but at the same time, flexible to
database. This approach provides the technological founda- stand the regulatory electronic records retention require-
tion for proper administration of all electronic records without ments.
replacing the application managing manufacturing and pro- The use of audit trails is not restricted to record modifica-
cess related records. For example, audit trails may be imple- tions to the records. Audit trails may be used to record operator
mented using database triggers. A trigger is a feature of entries and actions during a production step, documentation
Oracle™ that allows for user written code to be executed based that can be recorded without electronic signatures themselves.
on an event. The concept implies that the addition of a record The operational checks, as delineated in 211.188(b)(11), may
will produce an event. The event may be defined as an insert, benefit from this feature.
update, or delete from a database table. In addition to security elements referenced in previous
Other alternatives are to replace the complete SCADA examples, additional securities are intended to cover elec-
system with an out of the box application including audit tronic records. External safeguards shall be in place to ensure
trails. that access to the computer system and data is restricted to
A third alternative is to disallow modifications to the authorized personnel.
records at the data collection and acquisition domains. SCADA Access to batch records at the primary and secondary
may be used as a temporary repository system. The permanent repositories shall be restricted and monitored through the
repository system may be located at the business logistic system’s software with its required log-on, security proce-
systems level.18 At this level the electronic records are either dures, and audit trail. In case of any remote access via external
maintained while in active use, or are maintained off-line software, applications must enter through the same protective
security software.
As stated in this example, the batch production reports are
paper-based. The operator may record each significant step
during the manufacturing of batches or may only rely on the
automated system. Paper records and associated electronic
records are retained based on 211.180(a). In hybrid systems,
one approach to associate electronic files and paper based
batch reports is by referencing the file(s) as part of the report.
The reference may include the name, creation date, and time
of the files associated with the batch report. Modifications to
any referenced electronic file invalidate the approval of the
associated batch report.
In similar situations, it is very important to understand
Figure 3. Sample stand-alone PLC.
that having a signed paper-based record (e.g., report) associ-


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

ated with electronic records, the electronic file(s) associated 15. Signature Manifestation
with such records shall not be deleted. The regulation is very
specific regarding this issue. Electronic files in hybrid systems 16. Signature Purpose
shall be maintained electronically. The interpretation of the
medical device cGMP regulations is different. Part 820 re- 17. Signature Binding
quires that “results” of acceptance activities be recorded, but
not necessarily all raw data. “Results” must have audit trails. 18. Certification to FDA
This interpretation is contained in the medical device quality
system preamble (pp. 52631 and 52646). In addition to the complexity associated with the implementa-
tion and validation of the integrated environments, such as the
Fourth Example - Complete Automated Facility one depicted in Figure 6, the new requirements added to the
In this example, the total integration of the enterprise is listing are the security on electronic signatures, type of elec-
incorporated from the plant floor all the way through to the tronic signatures, signature manifestation, signatures pur-
customer, using electronic, often web-based technologies. Sen- pose, signatures binding, and certification to the FDA.
sors, limit switches, and other control components on the plant On systems using electronic signatures without bio-
floor send information to diagnostic systems and control-based metrics/behavioral, it is common to use both computer user
monitoring systems. These in turn send information to sys- identification (USERID) codes and passwords as authentica-
tems that manage maintenance, modeling, scheduling, track- tion of users and as electronic signatures. The combination of
ing, and batching operations. the USERID code and password must be unique. Generally,
In similar examples, the electronic signatures and associ- firm’s make sure the USERID codes are unique so that if by
ated requirements may be implemented as a company wide coincidence, two persons create the same password, the result
paperless strategy. This strategy will maximize resources by is not two identical electronic signatures. Furthermore, firms
identifying “common” solutions to manage data, electronic generally establish unique, but not confidential, USERID
records and reports (e.g., written procedures, guidelines, and codes.
databases) that may be developed once for the company for all Biometrics is the use of physical characteristics such as a
applications to use. voiceprint, fingerprint, hand geometry, and iris or retina
This fourth example applies to the implementation of inte- pattern as a means of uniquely identifying an individual.
grated enterprise and control environments. It combines the When biometrics measures are applied in combination with
ISA SP95, S88.01,20 and S88.0221 standards. Figure 6 depicts other controls (such as access cards or passwords), the reliabil-
sample architecture. ity of authentication controls takes a giant step forward. The
For applications using PINs, user identifications and pass- use of biometrics/behavioral is less common in the FDA regu-
words, digital signatures, digitized signatures, and hardware lated industry. This access control technology does not change
and biometric tokens, the current validation/qualification model the authentication of users. It changes the implementation of
requires verification and/or testing of many of the following: how to authenticate users.
Part 11 requires a signature manifestation executed as
1. Audit Trails and Metadata part of printing and displaying signed records. The regulation
requires that the name of all signers, the date and time of the
2. System Security executed signature, and the purpose associated with the sign-
ing be displayed/printed in human readable forms.
3. Electronic Signature Security As part of the action of signing an electronic record, the
purpose of the signature must be identified and becomes an
4. Codes and Passwords Security element of each signed record. In the drug cGMP arena, there
are relatively few purposes for a signature such as review,
5. Codes and Passwords Maintenance authorship, and approval. The execution of an action such as
a production step does not require an electronic signature and
6. Passwords Assignment can be documented via the audit trails.
Special attention must be taken to the signature binding.
7. E-Sig without Biometric/Behavioral The current requirement establishes that electronic signa-
tures shall not be replaced or removed. This requirement is an
8. E-Sig with Biometric/Behavioral element of the integrity of signed records. In addition to the
access control technologies and procedures, signature binding
9. Records Retention/Protection needs supporting tools for verification. For example, Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology uses hashing algorithms
10. Operational Checks and keys to demonstrate the integrity of signed records. The
digital signature is linked to the electronic record by incorpo-
11. Authority Checks rating that instance of the record into the signature itself. The
link must be retained for as long as the record is kept, long after
12. Location Checks signer has departed the company.
On those systems using user identifications and passwords
13. Document Controls as electronic signatures, the current level of technology makes
it very difficult to implement the signature-binding require-
14. Open/Closed Systems ment and the trustworthiness of electronically signed records
over time. In many of these cases, the electronic signatures are


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

based on software locks. At this moment in time, there are no the applicable regulations. With the approval of Part 11, the
automated tools available in the market to evaluate the integ- FDA provides, unambiguously, the regulatory requirements
rity of signed records using identification codes and passwords. applicable to computer systems.
The combination of authentication schemes such as pass- Part 11 can be used as the model to qualify/validate all
words, biometrics, physical feature authentication, behavioral computer systems. This new computer systems validation
actions, and token-based with cryptographic techniques, shall model obsoletes the “key practices” model that was used since
be used to evaluate the integrity of an electronic record. the early ‘70s.
Digital signature is a technology that fully supports integ-
rity and trustworthiness of signed records. There are products References
in the market supporting integrity and signature authentica- 1. This article was created from a presentation at the IIR’s
tion to documents written in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Computer and Software Validation Processes Seminar,
Microsoft Outlook, Adobe Acrobat, JetForm FormFlow, Washington, DC, July 26-28, 2000.
PureEdge, XML, and HTML.
The status of the certification to the FDA should be 2. Fry, Edmond M, “FDA Regulation of Computer Systems in
reviewed as part of the verifications to documentation of Drug Manufacturing,” Pharmaceutical Engineering,
computer systems implementing electronic signatures. The September/October, 1998.
certification is a global statement of intent, meaning a single
company certification can cover all systems, all applications, 3. “Data owner” means a person or organization who can
all electronic signatures for all employees in a company, for all determine the contents and use of data collected, stored,
the firm’s locations anywhere in the world. QA Compliance or processed, or disseminated by that party regardless of
Regulatory Affairs may submit this certification. whether or not the data was acquired from another owner
or collected directly from the provider.
Since 1988, the attention on computer systems by the FDA has 4. Source code is the human readable form of the program,
increased due to the increase in the use of computers as part of written in its original (source) programming language or
the manufacturing of drug products and the impact of the scripting language.
computer controlling the manufacturing process in drug qual-
ity. The records created and maintained by such computer 5. FDA, CPG 7132a.11, “Computerized Drug Processing,
systems are used to demonstrate the quality of the products. CGMP Applicability to Hardware and Software,” 9/4/87.
The regulatory requirements applicable to electronic records
in the cGMP environment contained in Part 11 are outlined in 6. Grigonis, Subak, and Wyrick, “Validation Key Practices for
the cGMP. The cGMP contains implied regulatory require- Computer Systems Used in Regulated Operations,” Phar-
ments applicable to computer systems performing functions in maceutical Technology, June 1997.

Figure 5. Sample SCADA system.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

7. In hybrid systems, some portions of a record are paper and 12. Critical parameter is a parameter that must be properly
some electronic. controlled to maintain the quality, safety, identity, strength,
and purity of the product. This definition is taken from
8. López, O, “Automated Process Control Systems Verifica- “Streamlining Validation,” Pharmaceutical Engineer-
tion and Validation,” Pharmaceutical Technology, Sep- ing, January/February 1998.
tember 1997.
13. Variable setpoint is the desired value of a process vari-
9. López, O, “Implementing Software Applications Compli- able that may change from run to run and must usually be
ant with 21 CFR Part 11,” Pharmaceutical Technology, entered by the operator.
March 2000.
14. An example of a specification may be a fixed setpoint. A
10. “A Partnership Approach to Achieving Regulatory Compli- fixed setpoint is the desired value of a process variable that
ance for Electronic Records and Signatures,” paper pre- cannot be changed by the operator during execution.
sented at the October 1999 IMPACC Conference.
15. FDA, “Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in
11. Note of the author. Current federal legislation, Electronic Drug Processing,” February, 1983.
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, defines
electronic records in more general terms than Part 11 does. 16. A critical instrument is an instrument that impacts the
The primary element into consideration in the current quality of the product. It may control process parameters,
federal legislation is whether the data is accessible once alert an operator to an out of control condition or be used for
put in storage, not considering the technology used. This indication only.
definition will consider data in transient memory as elec-
tronic records. If this is the case, Part 11 may be considered 17. FDA, “Draft Guideline for the Validation of Blood Estab-
as the computer systems validation model in all examples lishment Computer Systems,” September 28, 1993.
discussed in this article. One key element to be analyzed by
the FDA and the industry is the regulatory requirements 18. Enterprise/Control Integration standard, ISA SP95.01.
to data stored in transient memory, including audit trails. The plant management level is the plan repository area

Figure 6. Sample e-manufacturing configuration.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
21 CFR Part 11

(e.g., database server(s)) which unifies production, quality

control, inventory, and warehouse data. About the Author
Orlando López is a Computer Systems Validation Sr. Con-
19. Metadata—Data describing stored data: that is, data de- sultant for McNeil Consumer Products Company in Fort Wash-
scribing the structure, data elements, interrelationships, ington, PA. López’s experience includes managing a complete
and other characteristics of electronic records, DOD 5014.2- validation medical device manufacturing facility, including
STD, “Design Criteria Standard for Electronic Records facility, utilities, process equipment, and processes (formula-
Management Software Applications.” tion and fabrication). Special interest includes the GMP com-
pliance issues on raw data, electronic records, electronic signa-
20. International Society of Measurement and Control (ISA) ture and evaluation of legacy systems. He is a member of the
Batch Control Standard (S88.01) defines a common set of ISPE Computer System Validation Sub-Committee of the
models and terms for the design and operation of batch Delaware Valley Chapter. He can be reached at (215) 273-7903
process control systems. or be e-mail at
McNeil Consumer Healthcare, 7050 Camp Hill Road, Ft.
21. S88.02 standard includes a section that defines the com- Washington, PA 19034.
munication requirements between the functions of recipe
procedure execution and equipment control.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

provides an PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
overview of an IT
tool that
addresses the
process Automation of the
and recipe Documentation Preparation
preparation and
approval process Process in an Automated, Bulk
in a multi-
product, multi- Pharmaceutical Facility
purpose, bulk
pharmaceutical by John McNulty and Dr. Rodger Edwards
facility. The
article concludes Introduction 1. the risk of human error and consequent risk

his article is based on a dissertation to product integrity
by forwarding a entitled ‘Re-Engineering of the Pro- 2. the unnecessary duplication of effort
proposal cess Documentation Preparation Busi- 3. difficulties in enforcing uniformity of docu-
outlining a road ness Process in an Automated Bulk Pharma- mentation format within a manual regime
ceutical Facility’ submitted by John McNulty,
map for
to the University of Manchester Institute of The requirement for the DGS also is based on
development of Science and Technology for the degree of MSc in interpretation of the FDA requirements as ap-
an equivalent pharmaceutical engineering advanced training. plicable to multi-purpose, multi-product, bulk
Off-The-Shelf It is intended that this work, while presented pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities pro-
in the context of a bulk pharmaceutical manu- ducing drugs for human and animal consump-
ISA Standard S88 facturing facility, will be of interest to any tion.1
compliant manufacturing professional operating in a regu- Analysis of process documentation identi-
application. lated environment and whose production facil- fied that its content is composed of two types of
ity/operating philosophy shares the following information: recipe derivable and non-recipe
characteristics: derivable. A software application was devel-
oped that automatically generated recipe deriv-
a. Multi-Product Plant able process documentation content from the
b. Multi-Purpose Plant (configurable equipment associated process recipe and allowed controlled
trains fixed for a given campaign) user input of non-recipe derivable information.
c. Computer Controlled The resultant application is known as the Docu-
d. Operated on a Campaign Basis ment Generation System (DGS) and addresses
all identified issues with the previous work
Table A lists five criteria which may make the system. The application was developed in con-
Document Generation System outlined in this junction with a leading software consultancy
article applicable to the requirements of any company and implemented at a production fa-
given facility. cility of a top-tier US multinational pharmaceu-
The automation of the preparation of process tical company in the Republic of Ireland.
recipes and associated documentation has been The work presented in this article is centered
considered with the specific process related ob- around the part of the overall project in which
jective of remedying three critical deficiencies the new automated system was designed and
of manual methods. These are: implemented; however, it is of course the case

Table A. Criteria for evaluating

Do You Need a Documentation Generation System for your Process Batch Sheets?
the need for a DGS.
1. Your plant equipment is configurable with no set equipment trains.
2. Your equipment trains for a product to be completely changed campaign from campaign.
3. Your process is computer controlled with product specific recipes.
4. You require at least one Batch Sheet to accompany the production of each batch of product.
5. Process recipes and documentation are required to be updated, reviewed, and approved each time the
equipment train and/or process is modified.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

1. Assign a project leader from the group primarily expert in that other benefits not directly related to product would accrue
process recipe and documentation preparation (full time from its implementation. The key business drivers for develop-
for the duration of the project). ing the ‘Document Generation System’ were as follows:
2. Form an interdepartmental team to support the project
objectives (Part Time Basis). a. optimization of capability to respond to fluid production
3. Define the ‘real’ requirements for process documentation
as defined by operational, legal, and regulatory con- b. optimization of compliance
straints. c. optimization of workforce capability by eliminating non-
value added tasks
4. Select vendor to support the requirements and design
phases. d. facilitation of staff turnover
5. IT System analyst to assist in the requirements and To this end, data is presented in this article which demon-
design phases.
strates that substantial reductions can be achieved in both the
6. Map the process documentation and recipe preparation number of personnel committed to the process of recipe and
process identifying: documentation preparation and the total number of staff hours
• information and efforts that are duplicated in both required to execute the same task by manual working meth-
processes ods. These savings, as well as superior quality assurance of
• areas of common human error process recipes and documentation, are very attractive.
This article proposes that the functionality embodied in the
7. Define high-level logic for interpreting document content DGS has potential widespread application in the pharmaceu-
from recipe structure and content.
tical industry and, acknowledging that long-term mainte-
8. Define control mechanisms for eliminating any scope for nance of such complex customized IT systems is unsustain-
human error and other areas of effort duplication. able, concludes by recommending that an equivalent tool be
9. Review and approve the Requirement Specification by all developed as an Off-The-Shelf product by existing batch soft-
stakeholder departments. ware vendors. As recommendations for further work, the
10. Preparation of the Design Specification by the vendor’s author proposes a road map for the evolution of such a product
project technical lead in conjunction with the lead user from customized prototype through to the production of elec-
representative. The design phase will iteratively define tronic Batch Sheets.
and challenge all: It is hoped that this article will contribute to, and further
• recipe interpretation logic stimulate discussion among manufacturing practitioners and
vendors with the objective of influencing OTS Batch Software
• reference data required by the system
product development.
• audit trails, control mechanisms, security and archiving While the project execution is not the primary purpose of
this article, Table B outlines the methodology followed in the
• revised work systems to support the system DGS development.
• training requirements
Overview of Typical Process
11. High-level training on system functionality and revised Documentation Use in an Automated
work practices of the interdepartmental team members Bulk Pharmaceutical Facility
assigned to the project and targeted key users.
Figure 1 shows a schematic overview of the interaction be-
12. Review and approve the Design Specification by all tween operator, process documentation, and recipe. The Manual
stakeholder departments. Recovery Batch Sheet contains the highest level of detail to
13. Development of the system at the customer site, in facilitate the recipe review process and is used to direct non-
accordance with FDA validation lifecycle methodology, automated processing on the factory floor in the event of recipe
and in close collaboration with the primary user group via failure. This document also will include Safety Caption infor-
the user project lead.
mation and the corresponding Alarm and Interlock Report.
14. Parallel definition of documentation standards and all The Process Batch Sheet is at a level of detail to facilitate
reference data standards by the assigned interdepartmen- fully automated processing. Its content is restricted to instruc-
tal team.
tions required for activity steps that are manually executed by
15. Preparation and approval of all required reference data in an operator on the factory floor; data recording tables/other
accordance with the defined standards. designated notes; and text that identifies required repetitive/
16. All system and acceptance testing completed by joint optional conditions within a recipe.
developer-user teams using the approved reference data. This Next Executable Activity Table (NEAT) Network lists
17. Standard Operating Procedures to support revised work all the activities of the process in the order in which they are
processes were prepared based on experience of the to be executed. Interdependencies between activities are indi-
reference data preparation process, system testing cated and activities that can be completed in parallel are also
experiences and Design Specification. highlighted.
18. System implementation was initially partial by maintaining A master set of documentation is prepared, reviewed, and
both a recipe and Batch Sheet review. approved for processing of a specific campaign of a process step.
19. System fully implemented and full elimination of a A copy of the Master Manual Recovery Batch Sheet is taken,
separate recipe review. allocated a serial number, and issued for filing in a central
location on the factory floor. This document is referenced by the
Table B. Project execution methodology for the documentation generation system operator only in the event of a recipe failure. A copy of the
development. approved Master Process Batch Sheet and NEAT Network are


©Copyright ISPE 2001

issued for processing of each batch. All required data recording tion is stored according to definite rules in a defined set of
and operator observations are recorded for a specific batch in database tables in a Recipe Management System (RMS). The
its associated Process Batch Sheet. In the event of recipe phase actions and parameter values contained in a process
failure, the operator will reference the central copy of the recipe have a direct correspondence to the process execution
Manual Recovery Batch Sheet for direction, but will record all actions and process conditions specified in the Manual Recov-
actions taken in the corresponding Process Batch Sheet for the ery Batch Sheet, Process Batch Sheet, and the Alarm and
batch in question. Interlock Report. The interactivity dependencies shown on a
During automated and non-automated processing, the op- NEAT network should be directly reflecting dependencies
erator will reference the NEAT Network for each batch to within the recipe.
determine activities that are active simultaneously. As each The DGS concept was based on the manual preparation of
activity is completed the operator will hand-mark the NEAT so the process recipe on a bespoke RMS application, and utiliza-
that it provides a summary of the batch execution status at tion of an information technology application to generate the
shift hand-over. documentation set from that recipe. This was accomplished by
Regulatory requirements for process documentation were logical interpretation of the recipe data content and structure
confirmed by review of subsections 211.186 and 211.188 of that is stored in the database tables of a RMS. Figure 2 shows
Part 211of the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations - Title 21 the steps leading to the generation of the process documenta-
‘Food and Drugs’ - subsections 211.1862 and 211.1883 of Part tion set. The DGS also was required to incorporate any non-
211. These requirements have been combined with the mini- recipe derivable information into the documents either by
mum requirements necessary in order to comply with Opera- automatic inclusion or by controlled user input.
tional, Safety, and cGMP practical conventions and have been The requirement for a separate recipe review process was
incorporated into the Document Generation System design. eliminated as the complete recipe content and structure is
An overview of the resultant functional design of the system, visible in text and graphical format in the generated documen-
incorporating these requirements, is included below, but the tation set.
concept behind the DGS development is examined first.
Revised Process Documentation Preparation
Concept of the Document Generation System Business Process
Minimization of the scope for human error and duplication of Figure 3 summarizes the workflow associated with the DGS.
effort, and facilitation of documentation standardization had The recipe is prepared on the RMS and its recipe content is
been identified as the core requirements that the DGS had to copied from the RMS database tables to the DGS database
address for the process documentation and recipe preparation tables via the DGS import functionality. On successful impor-
business process. The overall objective of the DGS was to tation of a recipe to the DGS, the DGS offers Recipe Enhance-
address each of the three core requirements and, in doing so, ment capability to the user. Recipe Enhancement is the pro-
to provide a vehicle for effective and efficient work practices, cess by which the user specifies non-recipe derivable documen-
and optimized compliance. tation content for inclusion in the auto-generated document.
A recipe contains a subset of the information required to be The user has the option to generate documents at any stage
included in the process documentation set and this informa- once the recipe has been successfully imported. During docu-
ment generation the DGS will automatically import the re-
quired document template as specified by the user. It also will
Business Committed Number of Total
Process Staff Hours per No. of retrieve the process sampling details required to be included in
Task Person Hours the document by a direct interface with the Sample Result
Management System (SRMS), thus eliminating any scope for
Documentation 1 24 24
Preparation human error associated with the previously manual transcrip-
tion process, and will select the appropriate DGS reference
Documentation 8 6 48 data for inclusion. The resultant document is automatically
named and saved to a protected network drive, in accordance
Documentation 1 8 8 with agreed conventions. The document is clearly designated
Update a status of ‘Unapproved’ and is not allocated a revision num-
Recipe 1 16 16 ber. The generated documentation is circulated electronically
Update for committee review after which the cycle is repeated to
Recipe 5 6 30 incorporate any review comments into the recipe and docu-
Review mentation. When the user designates the document set as
‘Approved,’ via the DGS, the documents are automatically
Recipe 1 4 4
Update moved from an ‘Unapproved’ subdirectory to an ‘Approved’
subdirectory on the protected network drive, allocated a revi-
Documentation 1 4 4
sion number, and assigned a status of ‘Complete’ on the DGS
and the RMS. A recipe with a status of ‘Complete’ on the RMS
Documentation 2 2 4 cannot be edited further, and a recipe with a status of ‘Com-
plete’ on the DGS cannot be enhanced further, i.e. the content
Recipe 1 2 2 of both the recipe and the documentation is frozen.
Total --- --- 140 Overview of DGS Functional Design
Figure 4 summarizes the DGS key functional modules and its
external interfaces as described in the previous section. Fol-
Table C. Manual documentation preparation process.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

lowing sections will provide an overview of the functionality of DGS functionality allows the inclusion of fields, within
each key module. standard text, that are dynamically resolved, during docu-
ment generation, by the system. Fields that can be included in
DGS Reference Data standard text are:
Safety Captions Reference Data
Safety captions are now managed within the DGS. They are • another parameter value in the phase for inclusion in the
stored in the DGS Oracle database tables and also on a read- standard text
only network-drive for site-wide access. A DGS Safety user will • the batch sheet activity number for inclusion in the stan-
manage safety captions via the DGS reference data module dard text
using an integrated WORD 8 session. The DGS automatically • equipment Id on which the Phase is acting
saves safety captions both to its database and to the designated • the requirement for a signature line
network drive. During recipe enhancement the required safety
captions to be associated with the recipe are specified by As described above, each phase will have a library of standard
selecting the required safety captions from a drop down list on text pairs defined for it and each pair of standard text will have
the DGS. On subsequent recipe imports of the recipe or a a rule that dictates the recipe instance in which it is applicable.
subsequent revision of the recipe, the safety caption associa- For any recipe instance, a number of standard text pairs will
tion is copied across from the previous import of that recipe. be applicable. The DGS must then insert these standard text
The most up to date version of each associated safety caption elements into the corresponding activity step of the generated
will be included on each document generation for a recipe. document in a predetermined order. This is accomplished by
allocating each standard text pair a unique sequence number
User Defined Reference Data: Standard Text as part of the phase standard text reference data. This se-
Standard Text is a text representation of a phase action as quence number specifies the position of its associated standard
parameterized in a given recipe instance. Two types of text text, in the activity step of the generated document, relative to
have been identified as required to reflect a phase action, the other applicable standard text elements for the same phase
Manual Recovery Batch Sheet Standard Text and Process instance in a given recipe. Additional phase reference data
Batch Sheet Standard Text. associated with standard text resolution at document genera-
For a multi-purpose facility, the set of computer system tion is necessary to instigate specific DGS processing for
recipe phases will be designed to operate as flexibly as pos- specific phase and parameter types. A subset of phases and
sible. For example, a phase action can differ widely depending parameters are significant in denoting mandatory, repetitive,
on how a phase is parameterized, different phases operate optional, alarm and interlock set-up, and dependency struc-
differently on different pieces of equipment, and the signifi- tures within the recipe. These phases and parameters will
cance of one parameter value may be dictated by other param- require explicit flagging as being of a specific type, in order that
eter values for the same phase. Therefore, to reflect and handle they may be recognized by the DGS. Utilization of phase and
this flexibility, the DGS functionality for Standard Text defi- parameter types avoids the requirement for the DGS code to
nition (and document generation) has been designed to be contain explicit (‘hard coded’) references to specific phase and
suitably versatile. parameter names, instead the code refers only to specific phase
Each phase will require a library of standard text to be and parameter types. This is consistent with the requirement
defined within the DGS. Sets of Standard Text are defined in that the DGS should be designed such that, within the current
pairs: one for the Manual Recovery Batch Sheet and the other scope of document generation requirements, no code amend-
for the Process Batch Sheet. Each pair of Standard Text will ments are required when a new phase is created or an existing
have a rule defined that reflects the recipe instance in which phase is modified.
the pair is applicable for inclusion in the generated documen- It also is required to allow translation of parameter values
tation. The DGS then has the capability to automatically select to meaningful text in the generated documents. This involves
the most appropriate piece of Standard Text for each phase in
a recipe instance for a specific document type by determining Business Committed Number of Total
the rules that are true in that specific recipe instance. The DGS Process Staff Hours per No. of
Task Person Hours
functionality associated with rule definition reflects the re-
quirement for flexibility and is able to determine the appli- Recipe 1 16 16
cable text dependent on any of the parameter values for a given Update
phase, the equipment in use, and the type of instrumentation Documentation 1 8 8
to be used by the phase to complete its automatic plant action. Preparation
This concept, first, facilitates one time set up of Standard
Document 8 5 40
Text for use in all documentation generation. It also will Review
minimize the scope for human error since the set up and
Recipe 1 4 4
maintenance effort is now restricted to one point in the system
and the document generation process for selection and inser-
tion of the applicable Standard Text into the batch sheet is Documentation 1 2 2
automatic. Document standardization is facilitated since there
is a one point source of Standard Text. Standard Text can be Documentation 2 2 4
defined in the DGS within an integrated WORD 8 session. This Approval
will allow the full range of WORD text formatting to be applied Total --- --- 74
to Standard Text - different font types and size, underline,
bold, italic, justification.
Table D. DGS Enabled preparation process.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

Figure 1. Overview of operator, process documentation, and recipe interaction.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

Figure 2. High level concept behind the DGS development.

associating the appropriate translated value to the allowable valve numbers associated with a fixed piece of equipment,
parameter entries for each parameter of a phase where re- where required, will be referenced in a Standard Text field
quired. This type of phase reference data is required, because requiring resolution during document generation. The DGS
not all phase parameters will be meaningful without transla- will extract the required data from equipment reference tables.
tion. The translated parameter value will then appear in any
standard text selected for that phase during document genera- Activity Note Template Reference Data
tion that contains fields referencing that specific parameter A Note is defined as text that is not derivable from a recipe but
value. is required to be defined for inclusion in a generated document.
In summary, to define the reference data associated with The purpose of Notes is to detail process/equipment specific
DGS Standard Text functionality for a phase the user must: instructions and to facilitate the use of the generated docu-
ments on the factory floor for processing. A Note is text that can
• define all possible Standard Text pairs for that phase be defined for inclusion in a generated document before docu-
• allocate a sequence number to each Standard Text pair ment generation has taken place via recipe enhancement, or
defined that can be automatically associated by the system with a
• define a rule to be associated with each Standard Text pair specific phase. Defining master notes and specifying them as
defined being of a specific type facilitates the automatic association of
• specify if the phase or any of its parameters are specific a note with a recipe phase. On importation of the recipe the
parameter types DGS will identify the various phase types requiring automatic
• define any required translation values for phase param- master note associations to be made, and will then select the
eters appropriate master note dependent on its type.
A Master Activity Note is defined as reference data on the
This grouping of reference data is termed the Standard Text
reference data for a phase and can have a status of ‘Approved’ DGS. When the note is defined it is specified as an Activity type
or ‘Unapproved,’ as specified by the user, and is subject to note and the specific phase name to which it is required to be
automatic revision control and a manual review and approval associated with also is specified. The note’s applicability to
procedure. The off-line change control features and procedures each batch sheet type, Manual Recovery Batch Sheet, or
associated with Standard Text facilitate the regulatory pre- Process Batch Sheet also must be specified. On importation of
requisites to streamlining of the documentation review pro- a recipe the DGS will identify any phases for which a Master
cess itself, where the focus has shifted to process specific Activity Note has been defined and will automatically make an
content as opposed to also incorporating generic standardiza- association between each detected phase and its defined Mas-
tion and phraseology review issues. ter Activity Note. This functionality facilitates documentation
standardization by ensuring the Master Activity Note associ-
User Defined Reference Data: Equipment Data ated with a generic phase action will always be reflected in
To avoid human error associated with manually specifying generated documentation. It also eliminates the duplication of
equipment valve and instrumentation details in a document, effort associated with individual document updates encoun-
the DGS has functionality that automatically includes the tered with the manual system and the associated human error.
appropriate valve or instrument reference at the appropriate All notes are defined on the DGS using an integrated WORD
point in a document. The logic for this automatic document 8 session within the DGS. To avoid scope for human error
inclusion is validated and extracted from an approved master associated with manual document updates, fields can be in-
table of equipment reference data. This also will reduce docu- cluded in note text. Examples of fields that can be resolved and
ment preparation and review time. Therefore, instruments or represented in the note text included in the generated docu-


©Copyright ISPE 2001

ments are: • signature lines

• activity numbers of the associated phase within the recipe Checkout Note Template Reference Data
• parameter values of the associated phase A Master Checkout note is a note defined as reference data on
• equipment identifier associated with the designated phase the DGS. It is intended to facilitate automatic inclusion of
in the recipe equipment specific notes into the generated documents. When
• diagrams the note is defined, it is specified as Checkout type note. The

Figure 3. Revised business process utilizing the DGS.

©Copyright ISPE 2001

phase type and equipment identifier for which it is required to The DGS will copy all information specified during the
be associated is then specified. The note’s applicability to each enhancement of the previous import of this recipe or from the
batch sheet type, Manual Recovery Batch Sheet or Process last successful import of the most recent revision of the recipe
Batch Sheet also must be specified. On recipe importation, the being imported. The information copied in this stage of the
recipe identifies the phase type that requires a Checkout type import process is:
note to be associated with it. It then identifies the equipment
with which the phase is associated in the recipe and selects the • the Safety Captions specified as being required to be in-
appropriate checkout note from the library of checkout notes in cluded in generated documents
the DGS reference data. This functionality facilitates docu- • the Notes defined for this recipe
mentation standardization by ensuring the master note asso- • the number of times signature lines and notes should be
ciated with a generic phase action and piece of equipment will repeated in repetitive activities
always be reflected in generated documentation. It also elimi-
nates the duplication of effort associated with individual The import process also will identify phases whose standard
document updates with the manual system and the associated text reference data has a status of ‘Unapproved’ and which
human error. should be approved prior to document generation. Notes whose
association with the recipe being imported has been broken
User Defined Reference Data: Control Text due to phase or stage deletions from the recipe are also
The purpose of Control Text is to reflect the recipe structure in identified. This information can be printed as a report during
generated documents. The recipe structures that require rep- recipe enhancement to facilitate efficient work practices.
resentation via Control Text are:
Review of DGS Enhancement Module
• Repetitive Conditions The Recipe Enhancement process is designed such that it does
• Optional Conditions not invalidate the recipe content. A Process Note is text that
• Dependency Conditions can be defined for inclusion, at a specified location, in a
• Mandatory Conditions (i.e. Regulatory Process Conditions) generated document before document generation has taken
place via Recipe Enhancement.
The Control Text for each of the above conditions is defined as
Process Notes are defined within the DGS using an inte-
reference data in the DGS. For the Control Text to adequately
grated WORD 8 session during recipe enhancement. Similar to
describe the recipe structure, fields are inserted which allow
the Master Activity and Checkout notes discussed previously,
the inclusion of the relevant activity numbers required to
fields can be included in Process Note text.
reflect the required recipe action. For each recipe structure
The user also can specify the number of repetitions required
listed above, an interpretation logic has been defined that
for each signature and note associated with a phase in a
enables the DGS to automatically detect specific recipe struc-
repetitive section of the recipe.
tures, select the required Control Text from the reference data,
The Recipe Enhancement functionality associated with
resolve the required fields, and insert the Control Text in to the
Safety Captions was discussed previously in the overview of
generated documents at the appropriated point activity step.
the DGS reference data module.
Control Text is pivotal to the elimination of a separate
recipe review as its inclusion in a generated document gives
visibility of the recipe structure, which is a core objective of the
Review of DGS Document Generation Module
The DGS user will specify the document type to be generated,
recipe review process.
as a Manual Recovery Batch Sheet, Process Batch Sheet,
Review of DGS Import Module NEAT Network, or an Alarm and Interlock report, and the
The DGS user must specify the RMS recipe that is required to document use as wet processing, drying, dummy runs, or post
be imported into the DGS via a drop down list available within campaign flush. This combination of information will enable
the DGS. The recipe must not be in use on the RMS and must the DGS to select the appropriate Standard Text and the
have an RMS status of ‘Generated’ which denotes that the correct document template to use for the document generation.
recipe has completed all its associated RMS error checking. The user also will specify the required approvers for the
The DGS user can then instigate the import. The import generated document from a predetermined option list. On
process will copy the recipe information from the RMS data- document generation, the DGS will include the selected signa-
base tables to the DGS database. ture lines and descriptors on the document front page. Prior to
The DGS will then complete pre-defined error checks on the document generation, the user also must specify the identify-
recipe to ensure that the recipe conforms to DGS recipe ing information for the sample information in the SRMS that
conventions required for document generation. The import will be required to be incorporated into the generated docu-
process fails if an error is detected and it is required that the ment.
recipe be corrected in the RMS and the import retried. The During document generation, the DGS will select the appro-
import process also completes a recipe structure analysis to priate Standard Text for each phase and insert into the
detect requirements for Control Text in subsequently gener- selected document template at the appropriate point in accor-
ated documents. dance with its activity number and step number. For each
Another objective of the recipe structure analysis is to phase and stage in the recipe, the DGS will insert the associ-
identify required recipe enhancement tasks, such as identify- ated master and process notes in the position specified at
ing phases within repetitive groups that have signatures and recipe enhancement time relative to the phase standard text or
notes associated with them. In this instance, the user must activity title and the other associated notes. If a phase is within
specify, during recipe enhancement, the number of times each a repetitive section of the recipe, the DGS will insert the
signature and note should be repeated in the documents. required number of note and signature repetitions specified at


©Copyright ISPE 2001

automation project. Table D presents data for the automated

preparation of the same recipe collected after the system had
been commissioned. In both cases, the human resource com-
mitments map on to the cycle of the process in question, rather
than representing the total commitment to a particular type of
activity, for example recipe update.
There are several striking features when the two tables are
compared. First, as shown previously in this article, the num-
ber of steps in the process is seven for the automated case,
compared to nine for the manual case, showing that a degree
of simplification has been achieved.
Comparison of the human resource commitments for the
manual and automated cases also show reduction. For the case
of committed staff, reductions of 33% are achieved. Actual
hours of effort are reduced by almost 50%. This is due not only
to the elimination of process steps, but also because some
steps, for example recipe update, take much less time. Savings
of this magnitude are highly significant, and could possibly be
improved by further improvements in software.

The introduction of the DGS has provided a successful resolu-
tion of three key issues associated with the manual system
previously used. The DGS also has resulted in productivity
increases in the recipe and documentation preparation and
Figure 4. Overview of DGS functional design. approval processes. This enhances the facility’s response capa-
recipe enhancement time. All fields in applicable standard text bility to rapid production schedule changes and new product
and notes will be resolved by the DGS prior to insertion in the introductions; anticipated to be an increasing trend in the
WORD document being generated. Resolution of fields speci- pharmaceutical industry in the next decade. See Tables C and
fying process sample information will be retrieved directly D for a comparison of the manual process versus the revised
from the SRMS database and inserted into the appropriate DGS enabled system.
location in the document. However, a note of caution must be struck. From previous
The appropriate Control Text will be selected and included experience of bespoke applications (bespoke in this context
in the document at the appropriate location based on the data means specific piece of software written for a given process, as
generated by the recipe import analysis. For each Safety opposed to generic), it has been concluded that the viability of
Caption specified as being required for inclusion at recipe long-term support of the system is limited, due to technological
enhancement time, the DGS will retrieve the most recent obsolescence and specific knowledge dilution, due to IT sup-
revision from the DGS reference data database and insert in to port staff turnover.
the document. Predicted industry trends indicate a shift toward the use of
The resultant document is automatically named and saved multi-purpose, multi-product, bulk pharmaceutical manufac-
to a protected network drive, in accordance with agreed con- turing facilities. On this basis, it is likely that there is an
ventions. The document is clearly designated a status of industry wide opportunity for the widespread introduction of
‘Unapproved’ and is not allocated a revision number. An DGS type applications. The bespoke DGS described in this
ancillary report is automatically generated by the DGS that article could be considered as crystallizing industry require-
will identify all notes whose content has changed since the last ments for an Off-The-Shelf (OTS) DGS application. The devel-
documentation revision. This will facilitate the review and opment of ISA standard S88, for application to Recipe Manage-
approval process. When the user designates the document set ment Systems developed for both primary and secondary
as ‘Approved’ via the DGS, the documents are automatically manufacturing facilities, has afforded the opportunity for the
moved from an ‘Unapproved’ subdirectory to an ‘Approved’ development of an OTS DGS system interfacing with an S88
subdirectory on the protected network drive, allocated a revi-
sion number, and designated a status of ‘Approved’ on the

Business Benefits
This article attempts to present the product related aspects of
the development and implementation of the automated sys-
tem; however, there are other obvious business benefits be-
yond the eradication of the three key deficiencies of the manual
approach. In particular, the use of automation would be ex-
pected to have implications for the use of human resources.
Table C presents an analysis of the human resources
committed to a manual documentation preparation process,
based on data collected prior to the commencement of the Figure 5. Interim solution in migration towards total use of OTS applications.


©Copyright ISPE 2001

Figure 6. Proposed product model addressing Process Recipe Management and Execution in a paperless environment.
compliant RMS. the implementation of an OTS S88 compliant RMS application
Given the industry wide applicability of a DGS type appli- and the development of bespoke applications that interrogate
cation, the technical feasibility demonstrated by the DGS and the Data Exchange Tables and generate recipe review docu-
the emergence of S88 compliant recipe management products, mentation and recipe change auditing reports. This option
it can be concluded that the long term solution to process recipe (Figure 5) would be expensive, as a short term solution, as the
and documentation requirements can best be served by the application code of the current version of the DGS is based on
development of an OTS DGS type application by a specialist interpretation of the bespoke RMS database tables. To revise
batch management vendor, rather than all operating sites it to interpret the S88.02, data exchange tables would require
pressing ahead with their own bespoke solutions. Industry an almost total rewrite. This migration option is not recom-
trends will hopefully mean that it will be economically viable mended, since it will result in the development and mainte-
for software vendors to meet the need. nance costs associated with the ancillary bespoke applications.
The emphasis should be on development of a sustainable long-
Recommendations for Further Work term solution as outlined below.
The ISA standard for Recipe Management systems S88.014 With the issuing of FDA’s 21 CFR Part 116, detailing its
has been approved since 1995 and several S88.01 compliant ruling on electronic signatures, the industry trend in the
OTS recipe management systems are available on the market. medium term will be toward electronic batch sheets and batch
These applications combine the off line recipe editing capabili- records. The ideal conceptual model based on requirements
ties and on-line recipe execution within one package. A high crystallized by the bespoke RMS and DGS developments at a
level assessment of the available S88 compliant OTS RMS multi-purpose, multi-product, bulk pharmaceutical manufac-
applications is that they are extremely user friendly and turing site is illustrated in Figure 6. This model uses DGS
powerful; however, they lack the facility to generate a docu- capabilities to generate documentation to support a review
ment to facilitate a review process and have poor recipe process. The DGS functionality also could be modified to
revision control and change auditing capabilities. dynamically resolve text for batch sheet on glass instructions
ISA standard S88.025 outlines an international standard to support fully sequenced or manual recovery actions as
that specifies recipe database table structures to which any applicable. The text presented ‘on glass’ to the operator would
S88 compliant system should be capable of exporting a recipe. include standard text representing phase action, safety in-
These tables are known as Data Exchange Tables. In consid- structions, and process specific instructions. No available OTS
ering a migration route from a work process based on wholly application has the capability to represent in text form the
bespoke applications to one based solely on OTS applications, phase action nor the required operation instruction based on
several options were considered. One option considered was


©Copyright ISPE 2001

the phase action. This functionality has been developed and scribed in this article and has participated in discussions with
piloted in the DGS application development. leading Batch Software vendors with a view to influencing
References their product features in the areas of recipe and documenta-
1. Re-Engineering of the Process Documentation Preparation tion management. Having completed his MSc in pharmaceuti-
Business Process in an Automated Bulk Pharmaceutical cal engineering advanced training by distance learning from
Facility. A thesis submitted to the University of Manches- UMIST, McNulty is currently studying full time at the London
ter Institute of Science and Technology for the degree of Business School for an MBA and can be contacted by e-mail at
MSc, by J.McNulty, May 2000.
2. Code of Federal Regulations, Food and Drug Administra-
tion, 21 CFR Part 210 & 211 Section 211.186, April 2000. Rodger Edwards BSc MSc PhD CEng MCIBSE graduated
3. Code of Federal Regulations, Food and Drug Administra- with a BSc (Honors) in metallurgy and materials science from
tion, 21 CFR Part 210 & 211 Section 211.188, April 2000. the joint UMIST/University of Manchester Department of
4. ISA-S88.01-1995 Batch Control: Part 1: Models and Termi- Metallurgy in 1979, and then spent three years as a research
nology (Approved October 1995). student in the same department, his research area being the
5. ISA-S88.02-1999 Batch Control: Part 2 (Draft). thermophysical properties of liquid metals. He joined the
6. Code of Federal Regulations, Food and Drug Administra- Department of Building Engineering at UMIST as a research
tion, 21 CFR Part 11, ‘FDA Final Rule, Electronic Records assistant in 1983 with his main research areas being the
& Electronic Signatures’, August 1997. measurement of ventilation rates using tracer gases and the
computer simulation of hot water systems. He obtained his
About the Authors PhD from UMIST in 1986. In 1987, he was appointed a lecturer
John McNulty BEng MSc is a graduate of chemical engi- in the Department of Building Engineering, and in 1997 was
neering from The Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern promoted to Senior Lecturer. He was elected to membership of
Ireland (1990). McNulty has broad operational experience in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
bulk pharmaceutical manufacturing having worked with a (CIBSE) in the same year. Edwards has been the Director of
leading US multi-national pharmaceutical company at their the Pharmaceutical Engineering Advanced Training (PEAT)
multi-product, multi-purpose manufacturing facility in Ire- program since December 1996. He is also a Tutor to the UMIST
land from 1990 to 2000. McNulty’s experience encompasses: Graduate School, and serves on the Merseyside and North
new product and technology introduction projects, production Wales Regional committee of the CIBSE. He has been a
engineering support, participation on a team responsible for member of ISPE since 1994. He was the academic supervisor
the introduction of a new DGS system, and consequent of McNulty's MSc dissertation. Edwards can be contacted by
reengineering of associated business processes. Most recently, email at
he has been responsible for leading the design and implemen- UMIST, Dept. of Building Engineering, PO Box 88, Sackville
tation of the automated Document Generation System de- St., Manchester, M60 1QD, United Kingdom.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Automated Material Handling

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

reviews an PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
material handling
system at a
pharmaceutical Automated Material Handling for
production plant. Pharmaceutical Applications
This integrated
system facilitates by Patrick J. Conway
production Introduction automotive, textile, paper, newsprint, ware-
process service,
anufacturing today depends largely house distribution, and hospitals. SGVs reli-
and storage of on just-in-time delivery of raw materi- ably carry loads, large and small, indoors and
als and choreographed process steps out, up and down elevators, and through auto-
containerized to ensure quality products in a timely fashion. matic doors. Conveyor deck vehicles carry sheet
raw material and Automation provides predictable product move- steel in automotive stamping plants. Pallets of
finished product. ment in the smooth flow of material from one canned foods are pulled from house-sized pres-
process step to the next and provides computer- sure cookers, dripping with condensation. Cof-
ized tracking of that product for purposes of fee table sized vehicles drive underneath stain-
validation in the tightly regulated pharmaceu- less steel cabinets, lifting them slightly off the
tical industry. ground, to carry linens, supplies and hot meals
Automated material handling in the form of through multi-story hospitals. In all cases, SGVs
Self-Guided Vehicles (SGVs) has worked suc- do the job in a consistent and reliable manner,
cessfully in a variety of industries, such as reducing manpower, increasing material track-
Figure 1. Typical plant layout ing abilities, and im-
using SGVs. proving plant safety.
The SGV system so-
lution described here
is in a typical phar-
maceutical flow
down facility, al-
though SGVs are
used in a variety of
single and multiple
floor operations.

Benefits of SGV
Savings for both di-
rect (hard) and indi-
rect (soft) cost ele-
ments should be con-
sidered when prepar-
ing a return on in-
vestment justifica-
tion for a guided ve-
hicle system. Typi-
cally the direct cost
savings are easier to
quantify. These di-
rect cost savings in-
clude labor savings,
elimination of the
costs related to prod-
uct and plant dam-
age caused by mate-
rial handling, and
saving the costs as-
sociated with fork


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Automated Material Handling

trucks (e.g. training, OSHA compliance, maintenance, vehicle or machinery waiting for that material). Typically, automat-
purchases/leases, etc.). The indirect cost savings are more ing a manual process produces at least a 10% increase in
difficult to qualify. These savings include improved safety, efficiency.
increased efficiency, and improved inventory accuracy. Finally, the guided vehicle system will increase plant safety.
In evaluating the utility of an SGV System, consider current The value placed on this increase in safety can vary widely
material movement in the production facility. Repeated load depending on many factors at the specific installation (e.g.
movements from one point to another measuring 100 feet (30 insurance rates, lost days due to accidents, OSHA fines, etc.).
m) or more are generally good applications for SGVs. Fre- SGVs provide a safer working environment because they
quency of moves is typically at least 1 load movement an hour travel the same paths consistently, at exactly the same speed,
although sites requiring product tracking and increased effi- allowing personnel to easily judge when and where the ve-
ciency may have fewer moves per hour. Recent advances in hicles will move. The vehicles stay within strictly delineated
SGV technology allow the user to alter vehicle path as produc- areas, usually marked by yellow safety lines on the floor. Also,
tion needs change, increasing material handling flexibility. SGVs tend to travel at slower speeds in general, than man
aboard forklifts and are fitted with a variety of long range
Direct Cost Elements sensors to detect personnel or objects in the vehicle path. All of
The reduction in labor costs is a relatively straightforward these devices are fail-safe, such that if they fail on the vehicle,
calculation. It is simply the number of operators times the the SGV will shut down.
hourly rate times the number of hours worked per year. In
using the hourly rate, you should use the fully burdened rate, Self-Guided System Overview
which includes all benefits, holidays, vacations, etc. SGVs, also known as Automated Guided Vehicles or AGVs,
The reduction in damage with guided vehicles vs. manual have been used in the manufacturing arena for more than 50
handling is usually significant. This calculation should in- years. Started as crude devices to carry heavy loads over
clude damage to product, racks/containers/totes, plant struc- prescribed distances, SGV systems have evolved into sophisti-
ture, and plant equipment (conveyors, lifts, etc.). In the phar- cated material handling tools designed to work in concert with
maceutical industry, picking and dropping a load is a delicate state of the art production control equipment.
process. Sensors mounted on fork tips allow the vehicle to The backbone of SGV systems is a computer control pro-
literally “see” the opening where forks need to go to pick up a gram, known as the Host, capable of coordinating load move-
load. Spring mounted sensors stop the vehicle if some form of ment requests, communicating with vehicles to fulfill these
resistance is met during the pick up process. If the tote is not requests, and control additional equipment used to facilitate
squarely placed, or the pallet has a broken board, the fork tip the load movement.
bumper will trigger and the vehicle stops, triggering an alarm. This additional equipment could be automatic air lock
The most important aspect in this design is the vehicle will not doors, fire doors, warning lights, conveyors, Automated Stor-
damage the product, particularly expensive stainless steel age and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS), or product tracking equip-
bins. ment. Additional duties of the Host program are communica-
These fork sensors also allow the vehicle to stack pallets on tion with plant controls, vehicle traffic control, vehicle naviga-
top of one another, gently placing a second load on top of the tion, data preservation, and disaster recovery. A Windows
first, and so on. The added benefit to this automated storage style operator interface allows the user to monitor the system
capability is the knowledge of each bin’s location. If the SGV and add load movement requests directly.
delivers the load, the SGV Host knows that load’s location, and In a typical cycle of load movement, the Host computer
can transmit that data to the plant control network, or incor- receives the load movement request from either an operator or
porate it into the SGV Host database. directly from plant control systems. Instructions are sent via
The lift truck costs should include the purchase/lease costs, RF modem to the vehicle to pick up the load, and an
maintenance costs, operator and maintenance training costs, acknowledgement of the load movement request is sent to
and costs for maintaining the OSHA records for compliance. plant computer controls. While the vehicle is executing the
The calculation also should take into account the fact that the load movement, the Host computer is providing a clear path by
average life for a guided vehicle system is much longer (20 performing vehicle traffic control, and activating such devices
years) than a lift truck. Vehicle battery usage is similar to as auto doors, elevators, and warning devices. Once the load
manned vehicles although the SGVs charge up automatically. has been delivered, the plant controls are notified and the cycle
is completed.
Indirect Cost Elements At each stage of this load pick up and drop off sequence, the
The increase in inventory accuracy derives from the ability of barcode on the load is scanned and tracked by the Host
the guided vehicle system to track the movement of product. computer. This data can be compared to the identity of the load
From the initial barcode scan of raw material at the receiving sent to the Host computer from the plant control system. In
dock to the final scan of finished product pallets, the SGV this way, load and batch integrity is maintained throughout
system identifies and locates each load of material. Reports the movement process. Alternatively, the SGV Host control
can be generated detailing the path each load has taken computer can provide all of the load identity tracking, includ-
through the production process, all tied to the initial barcode ing warehouse management, without interfacing to plant
identity. This tracking will reduce material costs, expediting controls.
charges and “redo” orders (required to replace lost product).
Automating the material handling process increases opera- SGVs
tions efficiency over manual material handling. This increase SGVs are the workhorse and most visible component of the
in efficiency is the result of more timely delivery of material SGV system. These battery powered, steel framed machines
which reduces downtime of the downstream processes (people can perform the duties of a fork truck, a flat bed lifting device,


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Automated Material Handling

Figure 2. Front - three fork style SGVs carrying totes, rear-large load, tugger, and reach SGVs. SGV Host Computer
or a narrow aisle warehouse turret vehicle, depending on the The SGV Host computer program is a Windows application
application. that controls and monitors vehicle movement. It facilitates
For the pharmaceutical industry, SGVs carry stainless vehicle communication, traffic management and path routing,
steel totes with flat forks, transferring the load to and from the move command generation and work assignment, discreet I/O
floor, a roller conveyor, or directly to dispensing stations. SGVs monitoring and manipulation, graphical user interfaces and
are mounted with hydraulic or electric lift masts sufficient to links to other information and plant control systems.
carry up to 6500 pounds (2950 kg), positioning loads accurately The Control Terminal is the graphical user interface that is
on delicate dispensing equipment. For movement within the
warehouse, SGVs have narrow aisle fork lift attachments with
a side-shifting turret carriage. These same turret vehicles
carry pallets of raw material or finished product to and from
the warehouse. These vehicles employ laser navigation for
accuracy of load placement and automatic battery re-charging
for low maintenance. Additional vehicle types are tugger,
reach fork, clamp, and large unit load - Figure 2.
SGV System installations take from two weeks to several
months, depending on customer’s needs. In smaller applica-
tions, one or two vehicle systems can be installed relatively
quickly, while larger facilities prefer the phased in approach,
bringing several vehicles per month online, to take on more
and more of production’s duties. Maintenance is best per-
formed on a consistent basis, weekly, monthly, and quarterly
to maximize system uptime. A laptop vehicle maintenance
application known as SGV Doctor is designed to remind users
when certain vehicles need maintenance and tracks mainte-
nance history, as well as provides troubleshooting and diag-
nostic capabilities.

Figure 3. Host computer SGV control terminal.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Automated Material Handling

the primary tool for the user to view and control the operation
of the SGV Host controls. Multiple copies of the Control
Terminal may be running simultaneously in a facility to allow
users to monitor and control the SGV system.

The Host computer instructs the SGVs where to pick up and
deliver loads using the latest industry standard Radio Fre-
quency network. The RF network allows wireless communica-
tion from the Host Computer to a variety of remote devices,
such as the SGVs hand held terminals to allow operators to
access the system, or laptop PCs to diagnose problems. Panels
to control the I/O Network also can communicate to the Host
Computer through the same RF network, reducing installa-
tion costs by eliminating conduit runs and hard wiring. These
I/O Networks control auto doors, trigger battery charging, and
monitor load placement.
Figure 4. Flow down plant processing using SGVs.
Host Interface to Plant Controls
The control of product movement is initiated through a net- plished via bar code readers located throughout the facility.
work interface of the SGV Host computer and the plant These bar code readers are tied directly to the plant control
network. Plant controls send load movement requests over the computer, while the SGV system performs no direct inventory
Local Area Network to the SGV Host controller. The Host tracking.
acknowledges the request and adds an order to the order The SGV Host interfaces to the plant network. All load
queue. When a vehicle becomes available, the order is dis- movement orders are generated by the plant control network
patched and the load movement is accomplished. and downloaded to the SGV Host. The production process is
Standard network protocols supported by the SGV host segregated into three different levels (floors). Each level is a
computer to communicate with plant production controls in- system within the whole. The floor levels are described sepa-
clude TCP/IP, LAN, serial, discrete I/O, ODBC, and FTP rately because of the physical separation; however the same
server. Custom protocols have been implemented to support system host presides over all areas.
communications with Automated Storage and Retrieval Sys- The lower production floor level requires only the move-
tems (AS/RS) for warehouse conveyor applications. An addi- ment of the stainless steel bins via a fork style vehicle. Raw
tional warehouse network interface requires the HLLAPI material from the main floor is fed through one of six hoppers
protocol to support IBM 3270 terminal emulation. to the lower floor where either clean empty bins or partially
filled ones are located. The bin is then transported to the
Process Validation tumbler, or directly to lift, scale, or holding location. Bins
To enable the customer to meet cGMP and validation require- located at the tumbler will be transported either back to a
ments, the SGV controller uses a relational database, such as dispensing station, for more material, or to the lift. Bins
Microsoft SQL server or Access, to track all product load deposited on the lift are always transported to the second floor.
movements performed by the SGV system. The SGV host Clean bins returning from the second floor are transported
controller ties into existing warehouse management systems from the lift to a receiving station or holding location.
and uploads load movement files to inform the WMS where Placement of stainless steel bins by an SGV involves careful
and when all loads are moved throughout the facility. positioning on cone shaped centering dowels mounted on the
Barcode scanning of individual loads by the SGVs at each receiving equipment stand. The vehicle electric lift is an
pick and drop routine guarantees the integrity of load identity accurate ballscrew and nut arrangement, monitored by en-
through the load movement process, from the receiving docks coder feedback to verify correct height for the pick and drop
to the warehouse to the process locations and shipping of procedure. When a vehicle approaches a stand to drop a load,
finished product. fork mounted photocells verify no other load is in this position,
allowing the load to be dropped properly.
Automated Material Handling in a The second floor production level, like the lower level,
Pharmaceutical Setting requires only the movement of the stainless steel bins via a
The automated material handling system described below
fork style vehicle. Full bins sent from the lower level are sent
operates in a typical flow down pharmaceutical manufacturing
via the lift to the second floor. These full bins are transported
facility. In this case, the SGVs provide product transportation,
to one of the 41 Stainless steel bin stations. At the Stainless
production process service, and storage of containerized raw
steel bin stations, an associate will manually verify that the
material and finished product. Single floor systems also ben-
correct bin has been dropped at the correct location. If correct,
efit from the use of SGVs to increase efficiency and safety.
the operator may open the hopper allowing the product to be
The SGV system services the lower, main, and second floor
transferred to either the main production or lower floor level.
levels of production, including the control of product move-
Once empty, the bin may be transported to the bin washer.
ment on a material lift between the floor levels. The SGV
Clean bins from the washer are transported to one of four
system handles totes and plastic pallets on the main produc-
inspection positions located in the inspection area. After the
tion floor level. On the second and lower floor levels, the system
bins are prepped for return to the process, they are taken to the
will handle the stainless steel bins. Bin/Tote tracking is accom-
lift for delivery to the lower floor.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Automated Material Handling

About the Author

Patrick Conway, Director of Sales for FMC Corporation’s
Automated Material Handling Systems Division, has been
educating the food, pharmaceutical, newsprint, and hospital
industries on the benefits of automated material handling for
many years. Conway received his BS in manufacturing and
mechanical engineering from Spring Garden College and his
MS in organization management from LaSalle University in
Philadelphia. During 25 years in the material handling indus-
try, Conway has worked his way up through the ranks by
starting at FMC in Customer Service and Order Entry. Conway
found his niche in sales and was quickly promoted to regional
sales manager for the Travelling Water Screen Division. Tak-
ing on more global responsibilities, Conway served as FMC’s
aftermarket sales manager for the Conveyor and Processing
Equipment, Travelling Water Screens, Water Treatment Equip-
ment, and AMHS divisions, all located in Chalfont, Pennsylva-
nia. Conway is a member of ISPE, Material Handling Institute
of America, and this year is Chairman of the AGV Product
Section. He has made presentations on automated material
handling systems at Interphex and ProMat.
FMC Corporation, 400 Highpoint Dr., Chalfont, PA 18914,
tel 215/822-4300,

Figure 5. Fork SGV places stainless steel bin on receiving stand.

The main floor level will require the handling of the totes
and plastic pallets. Turret-style vehicles handle the load move-
ment and storage/retrieval functions. Clean empty totes are
transported from the inbound tote lift to one of the tablet and
encapsulation rooms.
Filled totes leaving the tablet and encapsulation rooms are
transported to either the outbound tote lift or the coating rack
located in the production outbound area. Totes delivered to the
coating rack are manually removed for coating and/or inspec-
tion. These totes are then manually placed on the outbound
tote lift after coating. At the lift, a turret-style vehicle can pick
up the tote and transport it to the outbound tote lift. The plastic
pallets are used to move capsules from the coating rack to
encapsulation rooms and return empty or unused pallets to the
coating rack.
The SGV Host interfaces with the plant’s automatic door’s
PLC through an ethernet connection. The SGV Host writes to
allocated memory in the PLC to control the door (i.e. open/close
the door). The auto door’s PLC will read that memory and react
accordingly. When the SGV Host is interfacing with a door, the
PLC locks out all other controls for that door, including manual.
When the SGV Host closes the door (and the door actually
closes), the SGV interface is completed. Also, the auto door’s
PLC performs all door interlocks that are required. When the
SGV Host requests a door to open, the PLC must make sure it
is permitted to open.

Seamless computer interfacing from production facility to
automated material handling equipment allows for controlled
movement of product, increased safety in the workplace, and a
leg up on the increasingly time-consuming process of produc-
tion validation. Turn-key automated material handling sys-
tems are a cost-effective solution for both current and future
pharmaceutical processing facilities.

Figure 6. Turrent SGV moves pallets of raw material.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

describes a cost- PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
approach to
flexible batch
process Flexible Batch Automation and
control and data Reporting Software Designs for
appropriate for Active Pharmaceutical
in a GMP Ingredients (APIs) Manufacturing
compliant multi-
process, multi- by Bob Carrier
product API
facility. Introduction scale manufacturing. This plant was automated

ulti-process, multi-product API batch with a Fisher-Rosemount Systems Inc. Delta
manufacturing operations require V™ DCS configured with the batch control suite
highly flexible configurations of equip- of software, which was developed and validated
ment, procedures, and automation technology. in accordance with guidance published in the
Often a single product occupies a plant area for GAMP Guide 3.0.1 For the pilot plant and manu-
three or fewer batches, after which the equip- facturing scale equipment, the manual activi-
ment is cleaned, then reconfigured for the next ties that would most often be conducted by an
product. It is typical for a single product to be operator during batch processing were selected
run only once per year, and sometimes once for automation. These operations are reactor
during the facility lifetime. bulk temperature ramping, vessel nitrogen purg-
A fully developed batch sequence automa- ing, vessel controlled rate depressurization,
tion system provides functionality at the plant hydrogen reactor explosive vapor vent and dilu-
area level for batch scheduling, equipment re- tion control, controlled rate chemical reactant
source allocation, inter-unit coordination, and feed based on reactor temperature requirements,
material history tracking. These software capa- single fluid heat transfer system management
bilities are expensive to develop and time-con- and, most commonly, reactor jacket utility se-
suming to validate, which leaves full batch lection and manifold valve positioning. Some
sequence control best suited to dedicated manu- additional batch sequence control software was
facturing facilities. In the case of a single plant developed for the kilo lab as required to accom-
area used to produce many different drug com- modate specialized glassware configurations,
pounds using different configurations of the custom heat transfer systems and process op-
same equipment with short turnaround periods erations unique to that plant area.
between processes, it is impractical and cost Batch control software for the example API
prohibitive to implement full batch sequence facility resides at the operation and phase level
control. However, there are some batch opera- of the model detailed in the ISA S88.01 stan-
tions that can be conducted automatically and dard.2 In this model, phases form the software
that are common to many API processes. These building blocks which can be assembled in end-
operations are candidates for batch sequence less combinations to automate selected batch
automation in that they are reusable indepen- operations on each process unit. Phase logic is
dent of equipment scale, plus the related valida- the workhorse of batch automation at the pro-
tion documentation package and qualification cess unit level, and when well designed, pro-
test procedures are reused in the same way. vides great utility and flexibility.
This article is based on engineering experi- Substantial benefits are available from au-
ence gained during the 1998-2000 grassroots tomation of batch operations that are reusable
design and construction of a $125 million API for many products, and that are independent of
Manufacturing Plant near Tainan, Taiwan. The operational scale. Benefits include the ability to
drug compounds from this plant are manufac- quickly adapt proven controls as the product
tured in compliance with GMP regulations as schedule changes, repeatability of complex op-
required for drug sale in the US. This API erations within a product campaign, and reduc-
facility is composed of different plant areas, tion in production errors related to use of the
each arranged in individual suites ranging in control system. The long-range benefit of this
scale from kilo lab to pilot plant and up to large approach is that for products transferred to


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

Figure 1. A typical process equipment train.

dedicated manufacturing, the phase logic and validation pro- validation of the DCS and those purchased packaged equip-
cedures are readily incorporated into more comprehensive ment control systems integrated with the DCS.
plant automation strategies. It was recognized early that use of modular batch control
software would provide demonstrable validation benefits by
Validation Starts Early enabling reuse of fully qualified software objects, supporting
Computerized system validation work was begun simulta- specifications, and qualification test procedures. The industry
neously with the facility design effort, then executed concur- standard software development lifecycle approach, as described
rently with facility construction and commissioning. The ini- in the GAMP Guide 3.01, was followed to deliver each original
tial computer validation effort produced two key documents. software module. For software this rigorous approach requires
One was the basis of design document describing capabilities development of an approved user requirement specification,
and hierarchy of the process automation systems intended to delivery of a functional requirements specification, prepara-
support GMP manufacturing operations. This document was tion of detailed software design specifications, and creation of
presented to the FDA at a pre-construction review meeting installation qualification and operational qualification test
held at FDA offices upon the owner’s request. The second procedures. Fully qualified code with related specification and
document was a computer system validation plan that guided qualification procedure documents were released under ver-


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

sion control and placed under formal change control. istry. This report addressed all discrepancies found during
Project controls ensured that only released software mod- qualification testing and explained the way in which each was
ules were eligible for duplication or cloning to target process resolved.
units. Software module qualification testing and the cloning
process took place at the supplier’s system development site. Computerized System Description
In the software replication process, a clone is produced from The Distributed Control System (DCS) is capable of S88
the qualified original instance of the module, then integrated compliant batch control, and is a good choice for batch plant
with new process equipment and verified by written module automation. DCS suppliers offer batch process automation
test procedure. capability as an optional software license to provide a batch
At the job site, system software content was verified through programming language and operator interface enhancements.
an installation qualification procedure. Next, the operational Of particular interest are the phase logic blocks, which have
qualification procedure was executed by running solvent batches predefined operator commands, status indications, and a fault
to test all software functionality throughout anticipated equip- handling framework in which the programming language is
ment operating ranges under both nominal and abnormal used to code owner specified functionality.
conditions. Final performance qualification of the batch con- The API industry often purchases automated process equip-
trol system was done concurrently with the first three batches ment used for solids isolation, product packaging, environ-
of a product manufactured on the unit. In the end, the entire mental controls, water purification, and generation of other
batch process automation system validation project, including critical product contact utilities. A supplier of automated
hardware and software, was summarized in a final report equipment typically employs a PLC system, which is fully
supported by a well organized validation documentation reg- integrated and designed to operate independently from other

Figure 2. Phase logic module state diagram.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

“ Placing the software implementation emphasis on phase logic results

in automation of batch manufacturing activities that is reusable for many products,
and that is independent of operational scale.

computer systems. Independent PLC systems offer many ben- the first product lot is transferred from the reactor to the
efits, and should be connected in a sub-control network, pref- crystallizer, a second lot can be using the slurry vessel and the
erably using Ethernet, for purposes of communication with the reactor units.
DCS. In this architecture, the DCS central data historian can It is significant to note that transfer of material from one
store all critical process parameters and events documenting vessel to another is typically a manual operation. Transfer
use of packaged process equipment. piping is highly configurable via flexible hoses, manifolds, and
swing-elbow piping systems. Without automated valves in the
Flexible Batch Equipment and Operations inter-vessel transfer piping, the batch control software does
The API facility is typically designed to provide isolated and not have a role in product transfer.
independent plant areas or suites, each of which houses a train
of process equipment. Each train of process equipment pro- Flexible Batch Control Software
vides a different capacity, thereby providing flexibility to Software Specification
match the equipment size to product requirements. The API The first step in specifying flexible batch control software is to
manufacturing process usually involves conducting one or group physically similar process units in classes. The instru-
more steps of organic synthesis, and isolating products as mentation and control designs should be nearly identical for
either a bulk solid drug substance or non-sterile aqueous each unit assigned to a given class. Example process unit
solution. classes are reactor, reactor with distillation column, receiver,
crystallizer, and filtering centrifuge.
Process Equipment The software development cycle begins with preparation of
A process train is depicted in Figure 1, and is typically com- a user requirement specification for each process unit class.
posed of equipment such as solids charging/containment sys- Each specification defines requirements for process measure-
tem, slurry vessel, chemical reaction vessel, receivers, crystal- ment, device control, analog control loops, alarms, process
lizer, filtering centrifuge, conical vacuum dryer, mill, and safety interlocks, sequence controls, fault handling, the hu-
packaging equipment. man-machine interface, and data acquisition. The user re-
The nature of a multi-process plant requires equipment and quirement specification governs software development, and
the related control system software to be configured for opera- defines expected results for qualification tests. Prior to devel-
tion in unique combinations. Process equipment within a train oping specifications, it is recommended that a standard format
is set-up specifically according to the needs of each product. be agreed upon by the development team. To ensure computer
Portable process equipment is available for temporary instal- validation document traceability, each specification must
lation including filters, pumps, mass flowmeters, sampling uniquely identify the process units and equipment to which the
valves and pH/conductivity analyzers, all of which are in- document applies.
stalled in the configurable piping system. It is in part due to The most detailed level of batch software design provides
these flexible equipment configurations that batch sequence description of each phase logic module and identification of the
control software for the example plant had to be equally process unit classes that will make use of this batch sequence
flexible through a modular approach to each unit operation control software. A single phase logic module can be used by
that was automated. A process unit is an association of equip- more than one unit class. For each phase module, it is neces-
ment. The reactor unit is composed of a vessel, an agitator, a sary to produce a software design specification. Each phase
bottoms pump, overhead condenser, piping, and field instru- logic specification needs to uniformly define the sequence logic
mentation. Some processes require use of more units than do that executes when changing states to running, holding, re-
other processes. For example, not every API is dried and starting, stopping, or aborting, and when a fault is detected -
milled. The process unit is the smallest grouping of equipment Figure 2. The functional specifications also define formula
for batch control and reporting. The DCS configuration must values used by the phase logic and the permissible operating
tag each unit with a unique identification number for use in limits for each value. To ensure computer validation require-
grouping all inputs, outputs, devices, analog control loops, ments are met each specification must clearly state those
interlocks, and alarms associated with that unit. This rela- process classes to which the software functionality applies.
tional grouping of equipment is central to flexible batch control
software. Batch Start
The operator creates each batch on an individual process unit
Multi-Stream Process Operations basis. The operator specifies (a) the batch identification num-
As a product lot progresses through the equipment train, ber, (b) product name, and (c) on which process unit this batch
processing of a second lot of the same product can be initiated will run. Product batches and cleaning batches are created in
in upstream equipment. This is the multi-stream operating the same manner. The DCS should permit a batch to run only
mode. Multi-stream operation is often done without having to after all required information is complete, unique, and valid
perform inter-batch equipment cleaning. For instance, after within predefined limits.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

Determination of the batch identification number is a Batch Report Requirements

critical issue. The batch identification number must be unique The DCS collects and reports the real-time data record sup-
within the DCS database of present and past batches. Since porting GMP compliance of each batch. In batch manufactur-
multiple process units sequentially process a single product lot ing, there is significant process unit idle time, rendering much
number, it is necessary to assign a unique batch identification of the data record meaningless. Process unit idle time results
number for each batch run on a unit. The batch identification from periods of process set-up, delays between lots of the same
number can be a concatenation of the lot number and the unit product, and from maintenance activities. Selective reporting
identification number. By placing the product lot number first of data from the period of actual process operations is a highly
in the identification number, the DCS batch executive will desirable software feature.
display activity first by product lot number, followed by unit Note that for the application being described, material
identification number. history, quality control test results, equipment maintenance
The batch executive maintains information about batch history, investigations, and personnel qualifications are all
start and end time. Start of the batch is signaled by issuance managed by systems or procedures external to the control
of the “acquire unit” software command, and end of batch by system.
the “release unit” command. Equipment acquire and release
software commands are standard functions in DCS batch Batch Report Structure
control. The batch identification number is the primary key for extrac-
tion of data from historical databases. The reporting applica-
Flexibility at Runtime tion should assign report file names using the batch identifica-
To achieve greatest flexibility, the operator is the batch execu- tion number. This naming convention facilitates locating all
tive, meaning he/she is responsible for initiating and control- process unit reports associated with a particular lot number.
ling execution of each automated operation. The operator Reports should contain the following data:
inputs formula values required for the operation, and activates
selected phase logic as instructed by the written batch proce- 1. header data indicating (a) DCS unique batch identification
dure. It is often useful to program the phase logic to prompt the number, (b) product name, (c) batch start date/time, (d)
operator for requisite formula values. batch end date/time, and (e) process unit identification
Formula values modify phase logic behavior to fit the
process or equipment. Formula value entries are compared to 2. calculated duration for batch occupation of the process unit
lower and upper range values to ensure data validity. Some
formula values are equipment specific and apply to all pro- 3. critical parameter trend history
cesses, while others are process specific. Sequence code written
for a phase class can accommodate minor equipment differ- 4. transactional messages
ences between units within a class by controlling program
branching based on a formula value. For example, a formula It is most convenient to have batch reports prepared in Microsoft
value can specify the nature of jacket utilities available to a Office file format(s). This facilitates long-term record re-
reactor in the case where one reactor has an additional utility trieval and printing as required in the future. The batch report
not applied to the others in the class. can be prepared automatically at the end of the batch, or on
Each phase logic module available to a process unit can be operator demand. In either event, safeguards should exist to
activated and completed more than once during a batch. ensure the report is prepared only once without duplication.
Further, more than one phase logic module can be active at any
time during a batch within the unit. For example, the reactor Report Data Types
heat-up temperature ramp can be active concurrently with the For each unit, the DCS historian stores time-series trend data
vacuum pressure decrease ramp. for analog measurements and calculated variables, of which
Completion of a batch is signaled when the operator acti- only some are considered critical from a GMP perspective. The
vates a special end of batch phase logic module. This phase is group of critical parameters for an individual process unit is
responsible for documenting batch end, closing any active process independent. For example, vessel bulk temperature is
phases in use on the unit, and releasing the unit for other always considered a critical variable without regard for the
purposes. product or process being run in that unit. For compliance
purposes, only critical parameters need to be included in batch
Unit Status Indications reports. The DCS report application should be user configurable
The batch executive software provides indication of status for to select only those critical parameters for inclusion in the
each unit. Unit status indications are (a) in-process, (b) idle, or batch report.
(c) out-of-service. A secondary status indication related to the Transactional messages include (a) process alarms, (b)
idle state indicates the clean or dirty equipment condition. hardware alarms, (c) operator actions, (d) batch executive
The DCS automatically manages the status change to in- messages, and (e) user configured event messages. The batch
process at start of a batch in a unit, and change to idle at end report presents the chronology of transactional messages that
of a batch. The operator manages assignment of equipment occurred between start and end of a batch. The report applica-
statuses for dirty/clean and out-of-service. The out-of-service tion should be capable of combining the trend data and mes-
status is typically used in event of equipment failure or sages in a single view of the history for a batch processed on a
scheduled maintenance activity. When a unit has an out-of- given unit.
service status, the DCS must prohibit assignment of an active
batch to that unit. Protecting Batch Report Authenticity
One should expect that DCS batch reports and related original


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Flexible Batch Automation

data files come under the auspices of the FDA electronic

records rule, 21 CFR Part 11.3 It is incumbent on the user to
protect the integrity and authenticity of these electronic records
that support the GMP manufacturing of a drug substance. One
simple solution is to write all batch reports with related
databases directly to CD-R media, which can not be changed.
Other security provisions can be taken to protect the report
files within the Windows NT file management system by
setting the folder/file and file security to read only for every
network account. A higher level of security can be achieved
using off-the-shelf document management software providing
revision control, and featuring a computer generated audit
trail of changes to any report file.
It is essential to archive throughout the records retention
period the software applications able to generate human
readable forms of the electronic records. With software appli-
cation revisions being routinely advanced, it is necessary to
plan ahead to avoid the situation in which archived electronic
records are no longer retrievable.

It is possible and practical to implement cost-effective vali-
dated batch sequence automation appropriate for the flexible
batch process and multi-product demands of a GMP compliant
APIs manufacturing facility. Placing the software implemen-
tation emphasis on phase logic results in automation of batch
manufacturing activities that is reusable for many products,
and that is independent of operational scale. This provides
manufacturing with powerful automatic functions that yield
reliability and consistency in producing drug substances. An
additional gain is that computerized system validation efforts
are reduced by reuse of fully qualified software modules and
related validation documents.

1. GAMP Guide, Validation of Automated Systems in Pharma-
ceutical Manufacture, Version 3.0 (Good Automated Manu-
facturing Practice Forum, March 1998).

2. ISA - S88.01 Standard, Batch Control, Part 1: Models and


3. Code of Federal Regulations, Food and Drugs, Title 21, Part

11, “Electronic Records, Electronic Signatures” (U.S. Gov-
ernment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.).

About The Author

Bob Carrier is owner and manager of IMIT Consulting, LLC,
a computer validation and quality assurance consulting firm
serving the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. He
is engaged in 21 CFR Part 11 compliance programs, plan
development, SOP writing, qualification procedure develop-
ment, and execution for many types of computerized systems,
information systems, and process equipment. His validation
experience springs from 13 years of GMP work in manufactur-
ing and process development. He holds a BS in chemical
engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
and is the co-author of one US patent. He is a member of
various professional organizations including ISPE and ISA.The
author can be contacted at 303/527-0577, or email
IMIT Consulting, PO Box 19528, Boulder, CO, 80308.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

This article Reprinted from The Official Journal of ISPE

presents a brief PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING® May/June, 2001 Vol. 21 No. 3
review of typical
liquid waste
system designs Biowaste Systems
and highlights
key design issues. by Carl J. Carlson

Waste Sources Subpart GGG National Emission Standards for

iological waste can come from many Pharmaceutical Production.14 The Occupational
sources such as hospitals, agricultural Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has
research and production facilities, bio- developed requirements/guidelines for handling
logical research and production facilities, plasma bloodborne pathogens and body fluids.10,11 In
fractionation facilities, etc. The treatment and the late 1980s, the FDA inspected facilities for
requirements for treatment are based on the “validated” waste systems as a measure of con-
threat of release and propagation of biological trol for these new potential environmental re-
waste that could harm or affect the public. The leases. As time and experience with genetic
utilization of genetically altered plants, ani- manipulation and production vectors has
mals, fungi, etc. to manufacture products has evolved, many guidelines to control biological
challenged regulatory agencies. Our ability to waste have followed. On July 16, 1986, the
alter the genetic make up has brought with it Organization for Economic Cooperation and
many concerns for waste management. Development (OECD) Council put forth a docu-
ment that addressed the safety considerations
Regulations for industrial, agricultural, and environmental
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) applications of organisms derived from Recom-
regulates all effluents from a biological produc- binant DNA technology.4 Within the US, the
tion plant17 including waste disposal. Since the control of the biological waste releases is now
late 1980s, the National Institutes of Health completely under the EPA and OSHA jurisdic-
(NIH) has provided the evaluation method for tion. The “validation” of a liquid waste decon-
determining appropriate risk groups for con- tamination system falls under the EPA jurisdic-
tainment and treatment of biological wastes in tion with the leadership of the NIH. The NIH
the US. The CDC/NIH have compiled a list of Guidelines for Research involving Recombinant
organisms and classified the respective hazard DNA Molecules, May 1999,2 has been the source
classification within the Biosafety in Microbio- for determining the requirements for handling
logical and Biomedical Laboratories, 3rd edi- biologically active wastes within the biological
tion, May, 1993.1 If organisms used are not and pharmaceutical industries. Canada also
found within this list, the CDC should be con- has biosafety guidelines that clearly delineate
sulted to classify the microorganism used. Cur- risk groups, treatment, and specify construc-
rent EPA standards dealing with pharmaceuti- tion and decontamination requirements of the
cal production plants can be found in 40 CFR various levels of risk.5,7 Classification of Biologi-
Ch1. Part 439 – Pharmaceutical Manufactur- cal Agents According to Risk, Physical Contain-
ing Point Source Category12 and 40 CFR Ch1. ment Levels and Laboratory Biosafety Guide-
Figure 1. Dual tank batch lines 2 nd edition,
system surge feed. 1996, each support
the design require-
ments of a waste col-
lection system within
a given risk class.
Only Good Large
Scale Practice
(GLSP) defers to the
local government re-
quirements for large-
scale operations bio-
logical waste han-
dling. Risk Groups
BL3-LS require con-
tainment and decon-


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

Figure 2. Dual tank batch system no surge feed. Figure 3. Single tank system continuous system.
tamination prior to release and BL4-LS require waste collec- process for either continuous or batch release waste systems.
tion and decontamination adjacent to the containment Waste effluents shall be sampled consistent with the waste
area.1,2,3,8,9 throughput (continuous vs. batch) and EPA sampling require-
ments as well as any local or state requirements.
Biowaste Modes of Decontamination
The method of waste collection and subsequent decontamina- Liquid Waste Decontamination System (LWDS)
tion will vary based on the form of the waste (solid, liquid, The following is a review of LWDSs utilized in the pharmaceu-
solid-liquid) and the volume processed. A lab autoclave is the tical industry today. These systems are employed to decon-
simplest form of biowaste system that employs manual means taminate cell culture or microbial fermentation biologically
of collection and disposal of the solid or liquid waste. This is contaminated waste streams utilizing an overkill approach
practical for small volumes of waste. The decontamination (see validation). In addition to biological activity, the release of
process is usually automated and documented via autoclave hazardous material consisting of chemical or toxic nature also
controller to assure reproducibility of the decontamination must be addressed. These limits are described as Hazardous
process. Manual chemical decontamination is often employed Air Pollutants (HAP) and Hazardous Chemicals as defined by
in hospitals, universities, and laboratories. Large volumes of the EPA.14 Biological load reduction is treated (inactivated)
medical waste (more than 500,000 lbs/year) can be processed within a Waste Management Unit (kill tank). The owner/
on site via a large, continuous feed autoclave sterilization operator shall monitor the Total Suspended Solids (TSS),
system.15 Large scale treatment of solid regulated medical Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), and biomass concentra-
waste, infectious waste, and clinical waste to a residue that is tion.
classified as a municipal land fill waste is a practical and
economical solution, and can be made in compliance with the Modes of System Operation
EPA Clean Air Act standards. Thermal waste decontamination is accomplished in one of
Large volumes of liquid biological waste are generated from two ways. The most common method used to inactivate biologi-
plasma fractionation facilities, antibody production facilities, cal waste in small laboratories and pilot facilities is to ramp
and any biological or drug production facilities utilizing micro- the reactor up to 121°C (250°F), hold for 20 to 30 minutes, then
organisms to generate product. Most production facilities will cool down to a maximum temperature of 60°C (140°F) prior to
fall under BSL1-LS for antibody production although organ- release. If neutralization is not performed in the LWDS, then
isms classified under BSL2-LS and very infrequently BSL3-LS waste must be directed to the neutralization system prior to
also are utilized for some vaccine or therapeutic peptide discharge. After cool down, the material can be disposed of in
production. The NIH guidelines list a good portion of the the sanitary drain. Note that this process assumes that the
organisms used in order of their corresponding hazard classi- product will be isolated from the cell mass prior to biological
fication. The hazard classification is determined based on the inactivation. If cell separation occurs within a pressurized
organism's potential threat to the environment and the poten- system like a cell rupture step, then care not to affect the
tial for survival after release. There is a small number of backpressure to the process must be provided when transfer-
organisms that are well characterized such as E. coli that have ring the waste to the LWDS. For larger clinical or production
been exempt from the BL guidelines by the CDC. These facilities, the waste comes from many operations and it be-
organisms can be handled utilizing GLSP precautions. If the comes practical to collect these wastes for automatic decon-
microorganism is not listed, an evaluation must be completed tamination. The automated decontamination can occur in a
with the CDC/NIH. The flexibility required of the development batch mode or a continuous operation as described below.
or clinical production facility is most reasonably handled by a Thermal batch decontamination is a straightforward
Batch Liquid Waste Decontamination System (LWDS). collection, decontamination, cool down, and release operation.
Changes to system requirements (kill times or temperatures) The collection can be accomplished via a surge feed where the
are easily modified in the batch system. Large production surge tank level is used to control the feed rate to the batch kill
facilities with a moderate or defined range of microorganisms tank – Figure 1. Dual kill tanks provide time for the kill
will best be handled by a continuous system. One must be operation to occur and will allow uninterrupted service in a
careful to meet the conditions set forth in the permitting cycled multi-functional facility. The kill tank will be successfully


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

prior to release of decontaminated waste and interlocks should The removal of the surge vessel (Figure 2) could make the
be provided so that accidental release is minimized. Provisions kill tank headspace crowded and would complicate the collec-
for tank sampling should be provided for system qualification. tion (automatic valves). The drain system would require auto-
Provisions for decontaminating any portion of the system from mated switching between vessels and this could cause back up
the drain and vent system, through the sump, to the kill tank issues in the various areas. If a pumped drain system is
(and potentially beyond) should be provided. The surge tank utilized, potentially dangerous pressurized waste conditions
can be utilized as a sump tank if the layout requires this exist when valves fail (and valves will fail). The removal of the
arrangement. Note that the pump transferring from the surge surge vessel may not be an issue if the waste drains are gravity
or sump tank to the kill tanks is protected by a strainer. This drains and sufficient feedback control of valves is provided.
is provided to catch the occasional pipette tip or pen cap that Typical batch kill tanks will utilize plant steam jacket, or
finds its way into the contained drain system. Although provi- plant steam jacket and plant steam injection. Steam sparging
sions will be made at sinks and tanks to prevent foreign is a preferred method because it is consistent (less fouling
material from entering the system, providing a strainer with issues) and provides more efficiency in heat transfer. Note that
the means to decontaminate it will save on system down time. the kill tank would still be jacketed in case there is a problem
Note that the ideal arrangement would be to place the LWDS with the sparger. If the sparger fails, the system can still be
system on the basement level so that sink and drain waste cycled through decontamination. The tanks are sized to ac-
could be gravity drained to the system. This space will be count for the increased volume provided by steam condensate.
designed to meet the requirements of the “worst case” biosafety Attention to sound attenuation within the kill tank contain-
level classification of material feeding the system. Lines should ment area should be provided if a sparge system is utilized.
be welded and any portion of the transfer line that has a Note that the containment issues and back contamination of
potential for leaking should be double contained if outside the the plant steam system must be addressed when using a
containment areas (process or support space). Ideally, flange sparging system. By monitoring the pressure differential be-
connections should only appear in the contained areas where tween the plant steam and the kill tank, a potential back flow
secondary waste collection is available. Agitators should be can be prevented by closing isolation valves on the supply plant
provided with double mechanical seals to prevent accidental steam. The waste pH can be adjusted prior to decontamination
release of biologically active material. The surge tank is not with the addition of modest control. Although this makes a
necessary, but it reduces the number of automatic valves and redundant control function (neutralization will still exist), it
simplifies the control. All systems that have the potential to may improve the longevity of the kill tank.
fail should be provided with redundant back up if in a critical Note that the tank waste in figures 1 and 2 is decontami-
function. Switching to the back up should be possible with the nated prior to release from the tank so the outlet line “X”
closed system. Control systems should alarm when the system remains free of contamination. This will be validated so that
is not functioning or when a leak is detected from the low point material release can be tightly controlled. Failure of any one
depression. An air diaphragm pump can be utilized in area component will result in the re-initiation of the kill cycle once
clean up if a spill does occur. A redundant Human Machine the problem is discovered and corrected. Provisions for system
Interface (HMI) should be positioned outside of the contained decontamination past the tank outlet should not be necessary.
area for operator assessment of LWDS performance. Alterna- Chemical decontamination of the sump pump and transfer line
tively, a panel visible from outside of the contained area with could be utilized in the event of a spill. Note that the contain-
displayed alarms or a slave enunciator panel outside of the ment pit must contain 1.5 times the volume of the waste tank
contained area could suffice. Personnel responding to an capacity if one of the tanks fails. If both tanks were utilized
alarm ideally should have information from the control system together, the pit volume would be 1.5 times the combined
that will alert them to the potential malfunction or conditions. volume. Provisions for transfer from one tank to the other (in
case of mechanical problems) could be made via the steamable
sample port connections. Good design practice would assure
that the pressure of the decontaminated waste cooler chilled
water is of greater pressure than the waste stream “X.”
Tanks should be sized to hold a minimum of one hour worth
of waste (averaged within reason). In a redundant tank sys-
tem, this would allow one hour for personnel to respond, slow
down the waste generation, and fix the problem. Plants where
operations are very forgiving can be run with one waste tank
with controlled (scheduled) delivery to the tank. The addition
of all autoclave condensate or sink waste is insignificant
compared to the several simultaneous CIP waste collections.
At least one third of the functions should be considered to occur
simultaneously with other operations for tank sizing. For
example, six sinks, six seed reactors, and two production
reactors with one harvest tank, two recovery tanks, and one
recovery operation (homogenization/centrifugation) would re-
sult in 5 GPM per two sinks, 40 GPM when cleaning two seed
fermentors, 40 GPM when cleaning one harvest tank, and 20
GPM when cleaning the recovery operation in one day (eight
hours). Totaling the waste (105 GPM) and understanding the
duration for the operations will help to evaluate a reasonable
Figure 4. Chemical decontamination batch.
peak load and average load per day. Time and motion analysis
©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

of the plant operations will provide the best method for sizing
the kill system tanks. ∆T = temperature rise in °F (Td – T1)
Thermal continuous decontamination is a continuum
of collection, decontamination, cool down, and release opera- Solving for Qs
tions. The collection can be accomplished via a surge feed
where the surge tank level is used to control the feed rate to the cP ρ
Qs = _____________ Qm ∆T
batch kill tank. Dual kill tanks would provide additional time ∆Hvap – cP Td
for the build up of waste, but would not be required for any
reason other than redundancy. The surge tank can be utilized assume Td = 180 to 190°F and no Heat recovery, then
as a sump tank if the layout requires this arrangement. The
ideal arrangement is to place the LWDS on the basement level Qm ∆T
Qs = _____________
so that sink and drain waste can be gravity drained to the 120 lb/gal °F
system. The surge tank is not necessary in a continuous
system, but if one is used, the redundant tank can prove useful Specific vendor experience with available eductor sizes should
in emergency situations. The surge tank also would allow for be utilized when selecting the correct size eductor. The waste
waste stream straining to prevent material from entering the discharge heat exchanger is provided in cases where waste
kill tank. All systems that have the potential to fail should be temperature is hotter than what is required to reduce the
reviewed with a cost benefit analysis and then provided with discharged decontaminated waste to 60°C (140°F).
redundant back up if cost effective. For example, if the delay of Note that the biowaste stream “Y” in Figure 3 is a lower
waste removal would cause a loss in production, then the pressure than decontaminated waste “X” which is a lower
strainers, filters, pumps, and analytical elements/transmit- pressure than the chilled water “Z.” If heat recovery is not
ters should be redundant to prevent any significant down time provided, the neutralization waste pump would not be re-
for routine maintenance items. Switching to the back up quired and the pressure of the chilled water “Z” should be
should be possible with the closed system. Control systems greater than the biowaste stream “Y.” This is important so that
should alarm when the system is not functioning or when a the mode of a single failure will not result in a release of
leak is detected within low point sumps. As with the batch contaminated waste. The typical operational modes for the
system, a redundant HMI should be positioned outside of the continuous system would be as follows. Heat up mode will
contained area for operator assessment of LWDS performance. bring the waste feeding the heat exchanger (or eductor) to
Personnel responding to an alarm ideally should have infor- decontamination temperature while returning heated waste
mation from the control system that will alert them to the to the tank until kill temperature is reached. The run mode is
potential malfunction or conditions within the LWDS con- entered once the waste reaches the required temperature over
tained space. the length of the hold tube. Waste is then diverted to the
Typical continuous systems will utilize steam heat ex- neutralization feed pump (not required if no heat recovery) for
changer and/or plant steam injection. Plant steam injection is discharge. A hold condition is reached if the waste decontami-
the preferred method. Note that with heat recovery as indi- nation goes outside of kill specification (temperature in hold
cated before the steam injector, the waste feed temperature is tube, system pressure, etc.) and recirculation with the feed
increased by the decontaminated waste and the required plant pump through the tank bypass will occur until the system is
steam for kill will be greatly reduced. back on line or an alarm occurs (including system time out). If
A plant steam eductor is a very clean system to use on the system goes into alarm, it is placed in a cool down mode
continuous systems. This requires less routine maintenance where the steam heating is stopped and the waste is recircu-
and cleaning. Performance degradation due to waste fouling lated to the tank until operator intervention places the system
must be taken into account when sizing steam heat exchang- back in service (after fixing alarm condition). Note that some
ers. The use of the eductor relieves some of the fouling issues, parameters could shut the system down without cool down
but care must be given to ensure that no foreign material (loss of system pressure or leak detection). Failure of the
(pipette tips, glass, paper towels, etc.) can find its way to the system during any of the operational modes (heat up, run,
eductor. hold, cool down, and alarm) would place the unit in a safe mode
When sizing the plant steam eductor, the general steam until the problem is discovered, corrected, and then the system
flow requirement is described by: is placed back in service. Provisions for system decontamina-
tion past the tank outlet may be necessary, but sufficient
∆Hvap Qs + cP ρ Qm T1 = cP Qs Td + cP ρ Qm Td controls should be in place to prevent the transfer of contami-
Steam in Liquid In Steam and Liquid Mix Out nated waste to neutralization. Plant steam decontamination
of the tank, drain lines, vents, etc. should be provided for the
Where system. The ability to manually decontaminate the tank
contents prior to discharge should be provided in cases of
∆Hvap = 1,180 BTU/lb system failure. Chemical decontamination of the sump pump
and transfer line would be utilized in the event of a spill. Note
cP = 1 BTU/lb °F that the containment pit must contain 1.5 times the volume of
the waste tank capacity if the tank fails. Provisions to isolate
ρ = 8.34 lb/gal the tank should be made to prevent the continued addition of
waste to the failed system.
Qs = Steam flow in lbs/min Tanks should be sized to hold a minimum of one hour’s
worth of waste as determined via time motion analysis (aver-
Qm = Operating Liquid (biowaste) in GPM


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

aged within reason). In a redundant tank system (two tanks),

this would allow one hour for personnel to respond, slow down
the waste generation, and fix the problem. Totaling the waste
and understanding the duration for the operations will help to
evaluate a reasonable load per day. Sizing the continuous
system will involve sizing the hold tank based on the required
discharge rate. Time and motion analysis of the plant opera-
tions will provide the best method for sizing the kill system.
The tank will be sized to fill and empty the tank at slightly
faster than the predicted average flow. The LWDS pumps can
be provided with two speeds to provide an accelerated dis-
charge rate if the LWDS tank is filling at a peak high rate. Note
that this means that the hold tube is sized for the fastest
discharge rate.
Chemical decontamination batch systems (Figure 4) are
typically used in pilot plant operations where Steam-in-Place
(SIP) practices are not routinely performed. All issues of Figure 5. Chemical decontamination continuous.
containment are the same. Chemical decontamination of all
components of the system must be provided in cases where the lem of contact and validatability. There is a systematic ap-
system fails to function properly. The major complications proach for the validation of thermal decontamination pro-
arise when system decontamination is required. Flooding the cesses. Once the chemical decontamination process has been
drain system with chemical decontamination solution or forc- worked out on the bench, the implementation in the field
ing chemical decontamination solution through a failed dis- requires a great deal of operator access and complexity from
charge pump may be required. Systems must be provided with the design and layout standpoint. For example, the chemical
total coverage so that decontaminating solutions can contact decontamination of a sump prior to preventive maintenance
all waste. The time and concentration of chemical contact will require that chemical liquid completely contact the sump
during decontamination is required, but one added concern is tank to the isolation valves within the system – Figure 6.
that the chemical is often depleted during inactivation. An Valves must be of sanitary design (diaphragm or pinch style
overkill amount of chemical must be supplied and sufficient valves) for chemical contact with all contaminated portions of
validation studies must be completed to support the param- the valve. If the strainer becomes blinded by waste, there may
eters utilized in decontamination. be issues regarding sufficient contact or access of sanitizing
Chemical contact and the issues of solids within the biologi- chemical. The sequential flooding of the lines entering the
cal waste add to the complexity of the chemical LWDS. The use sump and the manual operations required to assure coverage
of a macerator and recirculated contact with the chemical is can be cumbersome. Due to the complexity of chemical de-
required in some cases where solids are an issue. The amount contamination and the material compatibility issues, the ten-
of solid and the degree of homogeneity will determine to what dency in industry is to utilize thermal decontamination. The
level of complexity the design must go. Although not required, large LWDS utilized in the pharmaceutical industry use a
if release from the recirculated waste is of concern, a chemical thermal decontamination mode of operation for biological
block can be developed prior to the discharge pump. Pressur- inactivation exclusively.
ized decontamination chemical between the discharge pump
and recirculation isolation valve would ensure that no con- Redundancy
tamination has leaked past the isolation valve. Some benefits System redundancy is important when considering the value
of the chemical batch process are that it allows for testing of the product being produced and the impact of holding up
(consumption of decontamination chemical) prior to discharge operations. Many operations cannot be held up; careful consid-
and it is simple to design and operate. eration to the process steps affected by LWDS down time and
Chemical decontamination continuous operations the potential for loss of product must go into the system tank
(Figure 5) would add a level of instrumentation complexity. sizing and component redundancy or serviceability design
The use of a thermal continuous process allows for control via approach. Instrumentation may need to be serviceable while
temperature control. In a chemical system, there must be some the system is on line. The factors that greatly effect system size
analogous handle that can be monitored to assure that the or throughput are the cleaning operations and volumes con-
chemical supplied is of the proper concentration and that it is sumed in harvest or recovery operations. Harvest operations
in contact with the microorganism for the validated kill dura- producing large volumes of contaminated waste such as intra-
tion. Figure 5 indicates a detection point (AE) that would cellular processes harvest operations and disposal of large
ideally monitor an excess of decontamination chemical within batches of material due to contaminated runs must be planned.
a desired operating range. Fluctuations of the consumption of
the chemical should be within the resolution of the detection Safety
method to assure the process is in a state of control. A non- The factors affecting system safety are the potentials of:
homogeneous waste stream would make the continuous chemi-
cal system design a challenge and is far too complicated to be • uncontrolled release of the system or venting system during
cost effective. The benefits of a simple batch chemical system operation
do not exist with a continuous chemical system. There are no • backup of the system into operations (cross or back contami-
known large-scale continuous chemical LWDS. nation)
Chemical decontamination issues all stem from the prob- • operator exposure during system servicing
• component failure during operations


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

During system hazardous operations review, a complete “what

if” analysis must be performed to anticipate any and all modes
of system failure. The use of operational descriptions and
“colored” P&IDs for all phases of operation will assist in the
evaluation of the design. By color coding each operational step
on the P&IDs, the designer is forced to consider all conditions
that affect the system components and function.

System Decontamination
The entire system, the components of the system decontami-
nation, and the ability to reproducibly decontaminate are
requirements of the EPA and OSHA. The system P&IDs
should be colored to indicate the various stages of operation
(heat up, run, hold, cool down, and alarm). Decontamination of
the entire system and components of the system should be
Figure 6. Chemical decontamination issues.
planned for and the operations should be “walked through.”
system validation is performed, the documentation of the kill
System Maintenance or the successful completion of automatic decontamination
System maintenance must be considered from the beginning. cycles should then be sufficient proof that decontamination
Access to all serviceable components and the anticipation of occurred. The EPA requires routine system monitoring and
how that operation would be performed “hot” must be planned. this approach is part of an environmental impact submission
Location of serviceable components within non-contained space performed during the permitting process and maintained
is not recommended. The level of component redundancy will during the use of the facility.
be determined based on the system operation. Redundant
components will be required if the value of the process and Vent Filtration
product dictates that uninterrupted processing is required. One of the most overlooked but critical designs in the LWDS is
The system should be reviewed every six months to establish the vent filter integration. Filters are required to maintain a
that components are performing within requirements and closed system. Kill tank vent filters, sump tank vent filters,
emissions are controlled. and contained drain vent line filters will all require a vent
filter sized for line drainage, proper tank fill, and tank evacu-
System Requirements ation. The filter housings should be heated to prevent the build
The liquid waste decontamination system must be capable of up of condensation and blinding of the filters during operation.
automatic or simple reproducible operation to render the The location and means for reproducible decontamination
waste biologically inactive and may further treat the waste to must be provided. Thermal decontamination will require steam
remove chemical or toxic contaminants. traps to remove condensate from both sides of the filter
The most reproducible method of bioinactivation is to ther- element. The “B” position in both the flow-through and the
mally inactivate the biological waste. Standard decontamina- “tee” style filter housing (Figure 7) should be positioned to
tion temperature and time used in industry is dependent on connect to the contaminated side of the system. Positioning the
the organism used in production.17 Continuous systems have contaminated side toward the “A” connection will cause poten-
control points varied from 80°C (176°F) for 90 seconds to as tial accidental exposure to operators. The use of a vent drain
high as 140°C (284°F) for 50 seconds. The concentration of line may be required for automated SIP, but this may overcom-
organisms, solution density, and the total heat imparted to the plicate the system design. Standard vent and drain compres-
biomass is the basic driving factor to meeting the stated level sion fittings would not be appropriate for these fittings. Triclamp
of biological activity reduction (see validation). Ideally the fittings with isolation valves would be required. A bleed line
microorganism D and Z values16 will be determined to estab- could be useful to provide filter integrity test air. A drain line
lish the required exposure temperature and time for kill. Some can be used to check for filter performance or condensed water
microorganisms may require higher temperatures for the vapor on vent lines although every added connection should be
same exposure time so the microbiological compliment of scrutinized. Note that even though these connections are on
organisms to be utilized within the facility will help determine the non-contaminated side of the circuit, they should be used
the required temperature and hold time to be used in decon- only after system parameters indicate that the circuit is
tamination. Selection of the log overkill will be based on the performing properly.
hardest to kill microorganism to be utilized in the facility. In The preferred configuration is a flow-through style filter
contract manufacturing or development facilities, this can be although space considerations may require the use of a “tee”
difficult to anticipate so the ability to switch the system from style filter housing (without the top vent). This can cause
a continuous kill to a batch kill system or modify the continu- potential problems in sterilization if the filter top is deter-
ous kill hold time and temperature could be useful. This mined to be a cold spot. Note that filters should not be placed
flexibility would allow for modification of the kill parameters in such precarious positions so that operators or maintenance
to obtain greater temperatures or hold times. A higher degree personnel must strain in performing their work with the filters
of overkill (6 log reduction) would be expected in a BSL3-LS (decontamination, testing, filter element replacement, etc.).
facility where release must be controlled compared to the Pressure gauges pre and post the filters are recommended
BSL1-LS facility where the capture and total reduction of so that system troubleshooting can be performed relatively
bioburden is not required per current guidelines. After the quickly when investigating a decontamination system venting


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

problem. 106cells will establish a 6-log reduction of microorganisms. To

Filter decontamination is typically performed via plant pick the worst case locations (cold spots), thermal mapping
steam sterilization in place or the filter is bagged in place and may be utilized. If a given organism has a D value of two
autoclaved. The preferred method of decontamination is steam minutes at 121°C (250°F), a six-log reduction of waste would
sterilization. The filter should be ergonomically positioned so take 12 minutes at 121°C (250°F). A 12-log reduction (overkill)
that access for decontamination, preventative maintenance, would therefore take 24 minutes. Kill parameters similar to
and inspection is optimal. The second method (bagging) re- overkill approach are easily obtained on batch systems and
quires work to be performed in a “hot” condition where person- typical cycles are one to three hours including ramp up, kill,
nel and the area must be treated as a contaminated space. The and discharge (and cool). This assures a reasonable level of
personnel gowning and area segregation should be consistent confidence that there will not be a release of biologically active
with the biosafety level classification of the potential contami- waste.
nating organisms for “hot” system intervention. The system validation limits for continuous systems have
Redundant filters can be of benefit in several situations and been established by industry and are greatly exceeded by the
can provide a level of preparedness – Figure 8. A contaminated overkill approach for batch systems as seen below. Use of spore
vent header system, sump tank, or a continuous decontamina- strips and ampoules can provide valuable data to correlate
tion system kill tank could benefit from a redundant filter back to the facilities specific organisms and decontamination
system. This would allow the system to stay in operation in the needs.
event of a change out of a filter (routine PM) or if a filter
becomes plugged or is no longer functioning properly. Provid- Thermal Decontamination
ing the filters with heat tracing (either steam or electrical) can The use of steam sterilization for liquid waste decontamina-
prevent the build up of condensate and potential plugging of tion provides the best level of success for achieving a simple,
the filters. Provisions for filter SIP and change out indepen- validatable system. Steam sterilization is well understood and
dent of the other filter is required, but the controls for SIP can described in Validation of Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes.16
be made common. A temperature probe (RTD) can be used for The waste produced in the facility must be fully characterized.
proving that an appropriate FO (see validation) is achieved If particular details are not known about the microorganisms
during the decontamination process. Note that condensate utilized for production, bench testing can quickly fill in the
from the filter SIP must be collected within the closed system unknowns. The information that is required of the microorgan-
because it is contaminated at the start of SIP. The arrange- isms being introduced to the waste system is knowledge of the
ment indicated in Figure 8 would provide a sufficiently sized D value and Z value for the various biological contaminants
vent line to allow for condensate to run back in the vessel encountered. Selecting the FO that will provide the required
without affecting the venting operation of the filter in service. level of kill assurance is then an easy task.
The D value is the amount of time that it takes to reduce a
Sump Collection microbial population by one order of magnitude (one log base
Sump collection is required when the facility configuration 10).
does not allow for gravity drainage to the LWDS for all The Z value measures the rate of change for the D value at
biowaste streams. The sump can collect gravity waste from various temperatures. The Z value is the slope of the thermal
sinks or floor drains within several interconnected areas – death curve for a given organism.
Figure 9. Care must be provided in evaluating the cross
contamination prevention approach. This approach can con- T2 – T1
Z = _____________
sist of the introduction of check valves between operational Log (D2/D1)
areas where interconnection is not allowed although the intro-
duction of a mechanical device will require access and mainte- Where T is in °C and D is the D value to the corresponding
nance. Decontamination prior to servicing can be of concern temperature T.
and the failure rate of check valves makes this a dubious The FO value for a given organism is the equivalent time in
solution. A second approach could be to segregate the lines and minutes (at various temperatures during the kill cycle) accu-
collect on a single header only that waste that can be intercon- mulated that equates the equivalent time that is required to
nected. The back flow or prevention of gas backing up into produce sterilization at 121°C with a Z value of 10. The FO in
operational areas via sink or floor drain can be controlled by
the use of an 8" “P” trap. These traps will need to be attended
by a routine addition of decontamination solution. The decon-
tamination solution should be compatible with the drain and
LWDS materials of construction. Several segregated lines can
be directed to the sump where sufficient vent capacity and level
control will help to assure that cross contamination of areas is
avoided. Drains and sinks should be provided with plugs for
drain isolation when not in use. Water supply to “P” traps is not
recommended for contained drains.

Thermal sterilization validation in industry today is per-
formed utilizing spore strips (dry locations) and ampoules
(liquid locations) containing Bacillus stearothemophilus stra-
tegically placed at “worst case” locations within the system.
Complete kill of strips and ampoules with concentrations of Figure 7. Typical vent filter configurations.


©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

decontamination of failed systems also will be required prior to

maintenance personnel exposure. If this is not possible, the
level of training for maintenance personnel to operate on “hot”
systems will be required. Proper training in Universal Precau-
tions7,10 as prescribed by OSHA is advisable to assure operator
exposure is controlled. Universal Precautions were estab-
lished as the required method of treatment of all human blood
or bodily fluids known to be infectious for HIV, HBV, and other
bloodborne pathogens. Expansion of this concept when dealing
with biological waste within a maintenance environment is
good practice.
Validation of a chemical system will place more require-
ments on the validation efforts due to the dynamic nature of
chemical systems. The need for a macerator on a chemical
system will depend on the ability to control the waste stream
to the system. Chemical access within a “sludge” of packed cells
and exposure times must be modeled during validation studies
to assure that the system achieves complete decontamination
that is reproducible. This also will be of concern for thermal
decontamination if a chemical form of inactivation is also
Figure 8. Redundant filter.
required for some waste components. The identification of an
analytical tool that provides a “handle” to determine the
other words accounts for the time of effective microbial kill at correct decontamination solution concentrations will greatly
all temperatures during heat up and cool down. simplify the validation and control system components for
⌠ {______
T – 121°C continuous chemical decontamination.
FO =10 10 }dt Clear planning within the validation master plan can help
⌡ to anticipate the issues that will be encountered within the
system design, start-up, and validation. This planning will
For situations where the Z value is something other than 10°C: assure that the proper testing and validation studies are
⌠ {______
T – 121°C performed in preparation of the system design.
FOZ =10 Z }dt
⌡ References
1. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories,
Once the “worst case” microorganism (highest required kill
CDC/NIH, 3rd edition, May, 1993. HHS Publication No.
temperature for the longest time) is determined, a design can
CDC 93-8395.
be completed and implemented. If a continuous system is
2. NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA
employed, the required temperature to achieve the hold tube
Molecules, Department of Health and Human Services,
length can be selected. Planning for a system overkill approach
National Institutes of Health, 1999.
in batch systems and planning for potential new production
3. Biosafety in the Laboratory: Prudent Practices for Han-
vectors (microorganisms) or system modifications will help to
dling and Disposal of Infectious Materials, The National
make a versatile system design. Tube length and system
Academy of Sciences, 1989. Ch. 4, Safe Disposal of Infec-
temperatures can always be modified so sufficient hold loop
tious Laboratory Waste.
expansion room and heat exchanger modification space should
4. Recombinant DNA Safety Considerations, OECD 1986.
be planned into the layout. These plans for versatility also
Head of Publications Service, OECD, 2, rue André-Pascal,
must be considered when designing the control system and
75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France.
specifying the control components and set points (valves,
5. Biomedical Wastes, Canadian Centre for Pollution Pre-
sensors, flow, temperature, etc.).
vention (C2P2),
Chemical Decontamination
Chemical decontamination will require that a host of issues
must be addressed. Many of the systems utilized in processing
or even the processes themselves may require elevated tem-
peratures being sent to the sump or kill system. Elevated
temperatures along with the chemicals utilized for inactiva-
tion must be checked for compatibility and long term exposure
effects. In addition to the issues of temperature, the physical
contact of all contaminated components can become an issue.
Use of ball valves may raise issues with contact of biological
contaminants and the crevices within the ball valve. This can
be solved by the use of a diaphragm valve with suitable
temperature and corrosion resistance.
The decontamination of vent systems and sump systems
also will require a great deal of forethought to assure that all
components can be chemically decontaminated when preven-
Figure 9. Typical sump.
tative maintenance and emergencies require access. Chemical
©Copyright ISPE 2001
Biowaste Systems

6. Kearns, Michael J., “Containment of Biological Hazards: 25. Denys, Gerald, A., Microbiological Evaluation of the Medi-
Effect of Guidelines on the Design of Pharmaceutical cal Safetec Mechanical/Chemical Infectious Waste Dis-
Facilities and Process Equipment,” Pharmaceutical En- posal System, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Society
gineering, July/August 1989, 17-21. for Microbiology, May 16, 1989.
7. Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines, Medical Research Coun- 26. Geoghegan, Richard F. and Meslar, Harry W.,
cil and Health and Welfare Canada, 1990, revised at “Biocontainment Facilities Theory and Practice,” Pharma-
University of Toronto, 1997. ceutical Engineering, November/December 1991, 27-33.
8. NREL Biosafety Program, Environment, Safety & Health 27. Giorgio, Robert J., and Wu, James J., Design of Large Scale
Office, Containment Facilities for Recombinant DNA Fermenta-
9. NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell Repository Minimum tions, Tibtech, March 1986, 60-65.
Safety Guidelines, 28. Hampshire, John B., and Leone, Louis, Designing of Bulk
10. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens, Occupational Safety and Pharmaceutical Pilot Plants.
Health Administration, US Department of Labor, http:// 29. Hill, Donald and Beatrice, Michael, “Facility Require- ments for Biotech Plants,” Pharmaceutical Engineer-
11. OSHA Standards Interpretation and Compliance Letters, ing, July/August 1989, 35-41.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, US De- 30. Hill, Donald and Beatrice, Michael, “Biotechnology Facil-
partment of Labor, ity Requirements,” BioPharm, October 1989, 20-24.
12. 40 CFR Ch1 (7-1-99) Part 439- Pharmaceutical Manufac/ 31. Huddy, Paul, Total Containment of Bioreactors, Biotech- nology International, 384-386.
16. Carleton, Frederick J. and Agalloco James P., eds., Valida-
tion of Aseptic Pharmaceutical Processes, Marcel Dekker,
About the Author
Carl J. Carlson is the Executive Vice President of Phoenix
Inc., New York.
Imperative Inc. He has more than 15 years of industrial
17. Fox, Sandra, “Process and Equipment Requirements for
experience in the diagnostic and pharmaceutical industries.
Sterilization of Biological Wastes,” Genetic Engineering
Experience spans from operations in development/scale-up/
News, January 1991, 6-7.
production to the design and integration of processes in pro-
18. Petrosslan, Ashot, Smart, Niget and Proletto, Robert P.,
duction or pilot facilities. The integration of manufacturing
“Designing a Flexible Facility for Biopharmaceuticals,”
expertise, process engineering, process control, current Good
BioPharm, July-Aug 1993, 40-45.
19. Principles and Design of Pharmaceutical Production Fa- Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), and compliance, provides
cilities, Biotechnology International, 367-370. an ideal background for quality facility and process design
20. Shahidi, Ahmad J., Eliezer, Eddy and Johnson, Harry L., experience. The design and integration of critical utilities, up-
Design Considerations for a Recombinant DNA Protein stream processing, and downstream processing is all focused
Production Facility, Biotechnology International, 387-399. on serving the GMP envelope where critical decisions are
21. Shahadi, Ahmad J.,Torregrossa, Robert and Zelmanovich, made. Carlson’s design experience within the GMP envelope
Yasha, “Design Concepts for Multi-Product Biotech Facili- has integrated this process knowledge from bench scale pilot
ties,” Pharmaceutical Engineering, September/Octo- plants up to facilities producing kilogram quantities. Process-
ber 1995, 72-83. ing and design experience includes scale-up and development
22. Waste Incineration, GUA-Gesellschaft fur umfassende of conjugation, derivatization, purification, and/or extraction,
Analysen GmbH, of proteins, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, sugars, glyco-
waste_inc.htm proteins, etc. He is a member of ISPE, American Chemical
23. Baum, Janet S., Design Features of Biotechnology Labora- Society (ACS), American Institutes of Chemists (AIC), Instru-
tory Environment, Occupational Medicine: State of the Art ment Society of America (ISA).
Reviews, Hanley & Belfus, Inc., Philadelphia, April-June, Phoenix Imperative Inc., 225 Corporate Blvd., Suite 204,
1991, 227-254. Newark, DE 19702.
24. Crumbly, Liz, BioConverter System Safely Treats Infectious
Medical Waste, Virginia Tech Spectrum, July 13, 1995.


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