The Big Three: Tests Manufacturers Need To Know: Testing
The Big Three: Tests Manufacturers Need To Know: Testing
The Big Three: Tests Manufacturers Need To Know: Testing
The Medical Design Engineer’s Resource for Products & Technologies July/August 2010
Emphasis On
The Big Three: Tests
Manufacturers Need to Know
Product testing is a critical component in the development of a medical device. But how many engineers truly
understand the importance of what are arguably the three most crucial tests for a medical device? This article
reviews these three tests–cytotoxicity, sensitization, and irritation–and offers some insight that will ideally make
them go more smoothly for engineers.
of Nelson 90%* of the time it will fail the cyto- Sensitization
Laboratories f all the tests manufacturers toxicity test first. Sensitization testing is an in-vivo test
conducts a cytotoxicity
test–one of the Big Three need to be prepared to conduct It is a test done at the cellular level that looks for delayed hypersensitiv-
tests manufacturers need on their medical devices, none and measures any cytotoxic leachables ity or Type 4 hypersensitivity. The
to be prepared to conduct are more important than the that can be drawn out of the device. test determines if a device causes a
on their devices. Big Three–cytotoxicity, sensitization, The test uses L929 cells (mouse fibro- reaction with repeated exposure. The
and irritation tests. Manufacturers blast cells) to predict toxicity of a test looks for a delayed reaction by
need to understand these three tests the immune system (e.g., redness and
because they must be conducted on *Based on historical test data generated swelling). The test takes longer to per-
every device before they can be sub- from NLI. form and requires careful planning to
Emphasis On
avoid additional costs and wasted time. test can let engineers know if toxic levels are Conclusion
To better understand how sensitization leaching off of plastic products. The test takes The more known about the Big Three, the
testing works, let’s look at poison ivy. The longer and costs more than cytotoxicity, but less more prepared engineers will be to work with
first time someone touches poison ivy, they than the sensitization test. an FDA reviewer. Keep in mind, FDA review-
do not have a reaction. However, the body It’s important to gain a clear understanding ers have to look at so many different items,
creates antibodies to protect itself from the of these tests so engineers can look for items they can’t always be experts on a product.
poison ivy antigens. The next time someone that aren’t sensitizers, cytotoxic, or irritants They rely on the standards and the expertise
is exposed to poison ivy, the body reacts to it from the very beginning of the manufacturing of the manufacturer. The biggest mistake
with redness and swelling. process. With just a little background, engi- manufacturers make is not providing any
The sensitization test evaluates Type 4 neers can: information about the testing–even ignoring
hypersensitivity by inducing and re-exposing • Know the importance of each test and a failure without any investigation. This will
a medical device or device extract to see if why they have to be performed. It get the company nowhere with the FDA.
it causes redness and swelling with repeated helps to know what each test is designed If, on the other hand, the engineers under-
exposure. The redness and swelling is scored to detect and the acceptance standard stand the tests, they will be better prepared
between 0-3. Zero is the same as an extraction for each. to present information to justify the results
• Get an idea of the potential dangers in each and build a case for a risk/benefit analysis. If
FDA reviewers have to look at test and what impact the device may have they are well prepared with the details, FDA
so many different items, they on the test.
• Know what the reaction to the patient may
is more likely to understand and evaluate the
can’t always be experts on be based on the results of a failed test. Is
a product. They rely on the it something that can be justified? Do the Thor Rollins is the in-vivo biocompatibility sub-
materials and processes used need to be contracting section leader at Nelson Laboratories
standards and the expertise of reevaluated? Can a risk assessment on the Inc. He specializes in the in-vitro and in-vivo bio-
the manufacturer. The biggest toxicity of the device be made or does the compatibility tests and is a participating member
toxicity need to be eliminated?
mistake manufacturers make is on all of the 10993 ISO committees. Rollins can be
reached at 801-290-7832 or
not providing any information Risk Assessment
about the testing... Due to the nature of biocompatibility testing,
eventually failures will occur. It is important to
solution with no reaction. The test measures know what to do when failures arise and how
both non-polar (oil-based) and polar (water- to develop a risk assessment.
based) extractions, which leach off different If a device fails a test, first realize that ONLINE
kinds of toxins. it isn’t the end of the world. The proper For additional information on the technologies and
Sensitization testing is the longest of the steps are to first make sure the test was con- products discussed in this article, see MDT online at
tests and should be done only if there is ducted properly. Was the right product used? or Nelson Laboratories at
confidence in the cytotoxicity test results. It Occasionally, an R&D unit of the device is
takes nine weeks to complete and should be inadvertently sent to the testing facility–a
conducted on the final product. Having a high device that hasn’t been cleaned, sterilized, or
level of confidence in the materials and pro- cured properly.
cessing before testing limits the potential for If the device was properly tested, the tox-
failures. The consequences of failing this test icity of the device must be confirmed. To
can impact both the budget and the timeline to accomplish this, additional testing of the
meet FDA regulations. failed device is required. Multiple re-tests
may be necessary to confirm the device is
Irritation actually toxic. If multiple failures occur on
Irritation testing is similar to sensitization the re-test, the engineer needs to be prepared See a video of Dan Floyd, Sterilization Section
testing, but it tests Type 1 sensitivity or an to find and fix the problem in the product Leader at Nelson Labs, as he walks the viewer
immediate irritation reaction. The test reveals or justify the failure in order to pass FDA
through the validation process for a medical device
whether the device would create an immediate requirements.
reaction when it contacts a patient’s body. In some cases, the benefits of a device using EtO sterilization for the first time
Soaps and detergents are two examples of outweigh the risks associated with biocom- at MDT’s YouTube page:
substances on a medical device that can cause patibility failures, justifying the risk of some
an immediate reaction. Plasticizers–chemicals toxicity. This should be carefully evaluated or in the "Videos" section of the MDT website's
used to soften plastics–are toxic if they are and justified as part of the regulatory submis- "Multimedia" area.
leaching off of a medical device. The irritation sion.
Posted from Medical Design Technology, July/August 2010. Copyright © Advantage Business Media. All rights reserved.
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