Atoms: Five States of Matter

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What is matter? Matter is everything around you.

 Atoms and
compounds are all made of very small parts of matter. Those
atoms go on to build the things you see and touch every day.
Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space
(it has volume).

What is mass? Mass is the amount of matter in an object. You

might have a small object with a lot of mass such as a statue
made of lead (Pb). You might have a large object with very
little mass such as a balloon filled with helium (He). You should
also know there is a difference between mass and weight. Mass
is a measure of the matter in an object while weight is a
measure of gravity’s pull on an object.

What is volume? Volume is the amount of space something

occupies. Words such as big, little, long, or short are used to
describe volumes. A marble takes up a small volume while a
star occupies a large volume. Different states of matter will fill
volumes in different ways.

Even though matter can be found all over the Universe, you will
only find it in a few forms (states) on Earth. We cover
five states of matter on the site. Each of those states is
sometimes called a phase. There are many other states of
matter that exist in extreme environments. Scientists will
probably discover more states of matter as we continue to
explore the Universe.

Five States of Matter

What are the main states of matter? Everyone should know
about solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. Scientists have
always known about solids, liquids, and gases. Plasma was a
new idea when it was identified by William Crookes in 1879. We
also like to talk about the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). It’s
a fun state of matter when you remove almost all energy from
a system. The scientists (Cornell, Ketterle, and Wieman) who
worked with the Bose-Einstein condensate received a Nobel
Prize for their work in 2001.

What makes a state of matter? It's all about the physical

state and energy in the atoms and molecules. Think about
solids. Physical properties of a solid often include "hard" and
"brittle." Liquids are fluidy, move around a little, and fill up
containers. Gases are always around you, but the molecules of
a gas are much farther apart than the molecules in a liquid. If a
gas has an odor, you’ll often be able to smell it before you can
see it. The BEC is all about atoms that are closer and less
energetic than atoms in a solid.

Changing States of Matter

What is a physical change in matter? Molecules can move from
one physical state to another (phase change) and not change
their atomic structure. Oxygen (O ) gas has the same

chemical properties as liquid oxygen. The liquid state is colder

and denser (less energy), but the molecules are the same.
Water (H O) is another example. A water molecule is made up

of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. It has

the same molecular structure whether it is a gas, liquid,
or solid. Although its physical state may change because of
different amounts of energy, its atomic structure remains the

So what is a chemical change in matter? Let's start with that

glass of pure water. If the formula of water were to change,
that would be a chemical change. If you could add a second
oxygen atom to a water (H O) molecule, you would have

hydrogen peroxide (H O ). The molecules would not be "water"

2 2

anymore. In reality, there are a variety of steps that go into

creating hydrogen peroxide from water.

Physical changes are related to changes in the

immediate environment such as temperature, pressure, and
other physical forces. Chemical changes occur when
the bonds between atoms in a compound are created or
destroyed. Generally, the basic chemical structure does not
change when there is a physical change. Of course, in extreme
environments such as the Sun, no molecule is safe from

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