Chapter 3: Theories of Personality and The Filipino Character 3. Cultural Influences - Differences in
Chapter 3: Theories of Personality and The Filipino Character 3. Cultural Influences - Differences in
Chapter 3: Theories of Personality and The Filipino Character 3. Cultural Influences - Differences in
1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao – demonstrated in
the Filipinos’ ability to empathize with WEAKNESSES OF THE FILIPINO
others in helping and being generous in CHARACTER
time of needs as in pakikiramay; in
extending mutual assistance as in 1. Extreme personalism – Filipinos have a
bayanihan; and being hospitable. personalistic world view [no separation
Through this, Filipinos develop that between an objective task and emotional
sensitivity to the quality of smooth involvement] which makes them
interpersonal relationship (SIR) uncomfortable with dealing with all
forms of impersonal activities that leads
2. Family Orientation – closely-knit to nepotism, lagayan and worst, graft
families is very evident in the Filipinos and corruption
which demonstrate their deep love for
every member and develop a feeling of 2. Extreme family centeredness – our
belongingness with safety and security excessive concern for the family makes
us ardently loyal that the larger
community is neglected which leads to
3. Joy and Humor – being cheerful and factionalism, patronage, and political
fun-loving in times of being up or down dynasties
is an important mechanism that adds to
the Filipino charm and have strong
capacity to survive to be emotionally 3. Lack of Discipline – we lack patience,
balanced often taking shortcuts and skirting the
rules (palusot syndrome); we are prone
to commit ningas cogon; we have
4. Flexibility. Adaptability, and Creativity relaxed attitude toward time which
– very evident in us Filipinos is our results in inefficiency and lack of
great capacity to adjust and to adapt to commitment
circumstances that come our way and
our ability to improvise and produce
something from any materials 4. Passivity and lack of initiative – we wait
to be told what has to be done; we
strongly rely on what others can do for
us and we tend to show no sense of
urgency about any problem which
makes us simply complacent