Concrete Pumps

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AQUARIUS CONCRETE LINE PUMPS 4 AQUARIUS Aquarius Engineers began operations in 1981. Aquarius has grown dramatically, since then, into a multifaceted, mulli-venture, manufocturing conglomerate. With prestigious joint ventures and associations under wings, Staie-o!-art monufacturing plants at Pune & Goa and offices spread out across the country, it has been truly a “Tryst with Technology’ for Aquarius. In addition 10 the local morket the company also exports to nearby countris. CONCRETE PUMPS- Line Pumps, Mobile Pumps, Boom Pumps BATCHING PLANTS- Stationery, Mobile, Super Mobile Plants ‘SLIPFORM PAVERS- Slipform Pavers, Curb & Barrier Machines With o consistent focus on delivering iniemational quality products, Aquarius offers the latest in technology from its extensive equipment portfolio. From Stotionary Pumps, Mobile Line Pumps, Truck Mounted Boom Pumps and Concrete Batching Plants to the staie-o!-ort Slipform Pavers, Curb & Barrier Machines, Aquarius can claim to hove ital =o The manufacturing plants in Pune & Gee produce Concrete Pumps, Concrete Batching Plants and Accessories tho! are able to meet stringent international quality standards. Aquarius has invested hecvily in flexible manufacturing set. ups ond engineering, 10 adopi, upgrade and deliver products in line with the latest technology relevant to local conditions. Spread over 14,000 sq. m. of land, the Goa factory has become an object of pride for the company. With the annual production crossing the planned copacities, activities ore clready on at the factory to double the present manufacturing capacity, The new factory rear Pune over 40,000 sq.m. of land, further augments the batching olant manufacturing capacity Aquarius operates on an all India canvas with regional offices at Delhi, Mumboi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Indore, Udaipur and Chandigarh. Aquorius strives to excel and continuously improve their after-sales services and spore part support. An efficient service and spare parts support network has been set-up within the couniry Additionally, well-equipped Service Vans hove been Introduced in major cities to provide quick, on-site service to customers. Clients have come to lock upon Aquarius os their long-term poriner in successful project implementetions. NHA\, NTPC, NPC, NHPC, AAl, DMRC... Aquarius has left «an imprint on many of their prestigious projects ‘The AQUARIUS 1400 & 1000 series trailer mounted concrete line pumps, in Diesel and Electric versions, have been the mos: preferred choice of the customers for the lasi 12 years. With ver /00 pumps in operation, it has laftits mark on most of the prestigious projectsin India and abroad ‘With the biggest specified cylincer diameter of 200 mm in its class, ensuring long distance and higher aggregote sze umping, the AQUARIUS Line Pumps are the most rugged ond FUEL EFFICIENT pumps ovalable in the market. The high diameter cylinder ensures the specified maximum output in the lowest possible stokes per minuto, thereby reducing the wear & fear of pumping system substorticlly, The output can be controlled infinitely rom zaro to moximum, os may be required for the site application. Additionally, the seal hype delivery Fiston design reducesthe replocemert cost drasticely A unique facture ofall AQUARIUS Concrete Pumps isthe water cleaning system and effective reverse pumping ofthe concrels The pump regulator provided is useful in proiecting the hydraulic system from overheating anc else the engine from, ‘overloading. The variaole oujput regulator, pressure & flow regulator, as well as the torque regulator (DFLR or LRDS Control, not only assist in proper pump cperction but also, improve the overallfuel eliciency. ‘The Aquarius 1000 series Diesel and Electric line pumps have lesser towing lenath in their class and are ideal for oumaing concrete up’o. height of 80-80 meters Electric Driven Models, vi. AQUARIUS 1003E & 1405E con pump long distances of 320 to 600 meter horizontal or height of 20 to 40 Floors. Thase pumps are used for tunnel ‘pplication, mining opplicatien or other places where use of diesel eng nes s restcted. valve System I The latest technology used in concrete pumping. MW Hord-facod design for longer lif. | Most suited for high rise and long distence. pumping. Completely leok-proof system & effective reverse pumping, Less chances of chocking, Completely separate hydroulic & concrete pumping system, BH Longer meintenence intervals Wear Parts can be refurbished. I Low operation cost. IH Ease of cleaning and enhanced safety. Electric Drive Aauarwus series | A [8 [C [D ‘14n0_| 4870 202811230760 Product Specifications (10004345 s0151267 [aco MODEL Unit |1004 D|1004D| 1004|1405 D|1407D 1003E | 1405E SPECIFICATIONS Super] SHP Dewi Drive Bledtic Orie: Prime Mover kw | 346 | 49 | 49 | ao | 92 45 90 Theoretical output minr | 38 | 45 |45/30 [51/35"| 65/45"| 30. 48/33" Del. Cylinder Diameter mm_| 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 200 Del. Cylinder Siroke mm_| 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1400 | 7400 | 1000 1400 No. of Strokes [Permin| 20 | 24 [24/16 |i9/13*|25/17*| 16 18/12" Hydraulic jrod side 149 | 1:4.9 9 | 149 | 1:4.9 14.9 1:4.9 Transmission head side| 13.3 [43.3 3 4:3.3 Concrete Pressure bar 46 §7__|61/91 161/91" |7 1/108" SZ. T1106" Concrete Hopper Capacity uit_| s00_| 500 | 600 | coo | 600 | 600 600 Delivery Horizontal “m_—| 240 | 320 | 400 | 400 | 600 | 320 600 Distance** Vertical | m | 60 | 80 | 100 | 100 | 150 80 150 ~ Vaues fo ysase fa beng ed pon eo Tho cance is ue evs IN. 166 standard, Otc be ao thr Prize vec © Highly Fuel Efficient. © Powerful Agitator. © Low Operation Cost. © Refurbishable Weor Parts. © Less Chocking Problems. © Enhanced Oil Lubrication System. © Long Maintenance Intervals. © Very Effe: © Completely Leak-Proof System. © Safe System from Cleaning Peint of view. © Most suited for High Rise & Long Distance Pumping. Completely Isolated Hydraulic & Concrete Pumping System. Effective Flap Straight Design for Concrete Outlet. Operator & Maintenance Friendly design. Well proven in also hendling 40 mm nominal size concrete. © Bigger “S” Valve (Inlet diameter of 200 mm, overall length of 800 mm). © Standardized Core Pump in ell the models, reducing the inventory carrying costs. ‘© Lower number of strokes for the given output, resulting in less wear & teor. ‘© Operations can continue in spite of electrical system malfunction. A cer Worldwide preferred “S” Valve Technology. The AQUARIUS 1400 series of high pressure diesel and electric pumps optimize use of engine power for achieving HIGH RISE and long distance pumping. This ensures reduced {uel consumption along with extended pumplife. The high pressure is achieved by providing a higher roted prime mover ard not by reducing the cylinder dia. With the biggest specified cylinder dia of 200 mm in its class, the AQUARIUS 1400 series high pressure pumps are undoubtedly the most fuel efficient models for HIGH RISE pumping. Designed io achieve higher vertical height pumping, the pumps can also use rolativaly low slump concrete having higher size aggregates. The high pressure pumps have all the regular features of the standard line pumps and a rated output of mox. 65 m3/hr. The output con be controlled intrinsically from zero to maximum, as may be required at customers site. With a prime mover of 135 kW ond a maximum possible concrete pressure of 172 bar, the 1400 series high pressure pumps become the undisputed choice for HIGH RISE & long distance pumping, from the Aquarius range of products. Abigh reach of above 300 meters, a horizontal delivery of over 1200 meters and a well-proven service and spares back up, make the AQUARIUS 1400 high prossure pump sorios the most preferred for high-riso, tunneling and other long distonce applications, Rod Side Piston Side neuter Rod side to Head side conversion The concrete pressure is the property of the pump by Virtue of which the conveying distances can be determined. The maximum concrete pressure depends upon the hydroulic pressure generated by hydraulic pump ond the ratio between concrete delivery piston ‘and the hydraulic piston. The hydroulic pressure can be opplied on the rod side or the head side of the concrete pump piston. A head side connection generates more concrete pressure, however with a corresponding cutin the concrete output. Product Specifications MODEL Unit [1407D | 1400 | 4400 ‘SPECIFICATIONS HR HPD | HPE Diesel Electic Prime Mover kw | 135135 Theoretical output mihr | 65/45" | su/sa* | 36/25" Del. Cylinder Diameter mm | 200 | 200 | 200 ‘Del. Cylinder Stroke mm_| 1400 | 1400 | 1400 | No. of Strokes Per min! 25/17" | 19/13 |713.5/9.6° Hydraulic rod side 1:4.9 | 1:3.03 | 1:3.03 Transmission head side| 1:3.3_|1:2.04 | 1:2.04 Conerate Pressure bar_|71/106" 416/172"|116/172* ‘Concrete Hopper Capacity Lit_| 600 600 _| 600 Delivery Horizontal —m | g00 | 1200 | 1200 Distance** Vertical | _m_| 200 300 | 300 “Wass fs tyes fd tong iodo pcr ah" Ton courts purple Biome DIVO condo. The AQUARIUS truck mounted concrete line pumps are a solution built-in with maximum flexibility for site to site movement. Itis equipped with a carrying capacity ‘of 100 meter delivery pipeline, an integrated watartank for high pressure cleaning and a provision for air compressor and pressurized air tank for cleaning of the pipelines. The specially thought over modular design with easy storage containers for pipeline, fitfings and tools make the AQUARIUS MOLI+ ready for operation in the shortest possible time Product Specifications ‘MODEL Unit | 100407 4405 | 1407 ‘SPECIFICATIONS, Diesel Prime Mover gas | as | 82 38 [eas 200 {200 Del. Gyiinder Stroke ‘mm_| 1000 | 1400 | 1400 No.of Strokes ———Permn| 20/9/13" | 25/17" Hydrauic [rod side 449 [149 | 1:49 ‘Transmission [head side 4:33 | 133 bar |" 45 (s1/91* [71/1064 joncrete Hopper Deivery Distanco** NOLIMOLIt MOLI+ | MOLI+ pasty ut | 500 | 600 | 600 Horizontal | m 240 | -400_| 600 Vertical m. 60 | 109 | 150 i baad on sandord worknacondlions. Deion / Spectators ease Kes [Suitable for mounting on Indian chassis, 9 ton (TATA, ‘ASHOK LEYLAND, AMW) [State of the art EASY CLEAN’ hopper with 600 liters capaci [Proven S-VALVE technology for Indian condition. 450 liters water tank with high pressure water pump. [High wear resistance parts. [Enhanced storage capacity for pipe line, accessories, tool box, ate ovelgiiereies [Single Ferson operates Pump & drives Vehicle. IINo extra vehicle required for towing the pump and carrying the pipeline. Integrated water tank & high pressure water pump for ‘easy cleaning. EWithin short notice machine can be shifted to other location. Less mon power required. Ideal for RMC, Fly-Over, Road Projects & Tunneling work. 254 t 2200 4330 AQUARIUS ENGINEERS PVT. LTD. Concrete Pumps, Batching Plants, Slipform Pavers ‘Aquarius House’. Sheetavihar Colony, QUARIUS Off Karve Road, Pune 411 038. INDIA, E-mail: info@aquariusengineers biz Web: wivw.aquariusengingers biz 1M(o, by : Putameister India PV. Lis. 190 164, Kurds naustial Esta, Poa, Goa £0215 lia Tol:491 20 2544 6227 Fax:+91 20 2544 5228 Local Contact :

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