Soil Stiffness Gauge For Soil Compaction Control
Soil Stiffness Gauge For Soil Compaction Control
Soil Stiffness Gauge For Soil Compaction Control
Soil Stiffness
Gauge for
Gauge for Soil
Control by Scott Fiedler, Charles Nelson,
E. Frank Berkman, and Al DiMillio
As with most construction today, often lost in earthwork construction statistical quality control can be
the emphasis on cost control and control.”1 implemented on civil works
quality control of soil is prompting When soil is compacted for pave- projects. The benefit of better qual-
the implementation of mechanistic ments, pipe bedding and backfill, ity control is illustrated in figure 1.
designs, performance specifications, and foundations, the desired engi- The normal distribution curve, la-
and contractor warranties. The Fed- neering properties are the
eral Highway Administration’s soil modulus or soil stiff-
cooperative development of a soil ness.
stiffness gauge will enable the val- State departments of
idation of design models, the devel- transportation and contrac-
opment of performance specifica- tors suggest that the
tions, and contractor process control present methods for mea-
for compacted soil structures. suring density are slow,
labor-intensive, dangerous,
Background and/or of uncertain accu-
Compacted soil is an essential ele- racy. Hence, construction
ment in the construction of high- sites are often under-
ways, airports, buildings, sewers, sampled, causing inad-
and bridges. Even though soil den- equate compaction to go
sity is not the most desired engi- undetected or feedback to
neering property, it is used almost be provided too late for
exclusively by the transportation the cost-effective correc-
industry to specify, estimate, mea- tion of problems. Some-
sure, and control soil compaction. times, the opposite is true.
This practice was adopted many Designers are encouraged
years ago because soil density can to overspecify to allow for
be easily determined via weight and the significant variability
volume measurements. of the finished product,
Textbook authors Holtz and and contractors are en-
Kovacs state, “Since the objective of couraged to overcompact
compaction is to stabilize soils and to ensure acceptance and
improve their engineering proper- avoid rework. All of which
ties, it is important to keep in mind means added cost to the Figure 1 — Benefits of statistical process
the desired engineering properties owner. control.
of the fill, not just its dry density To eliminate overspecifi-
and water content. This point is cation and overcompaction,
The stiffness is the ratio of the force Figure 4 — The basic analytical relationship of modulus
to displacement: K=P/d. SSG pro- and density.
duces soil stress and strain levels
common for pavement, bedding,
and foundation applications. It is a technology borrowed from the de-
practical, dynamic equivalent to a fense industry to measure very small
plate load test. Figure 3 compares deflections, allowing much smaller
SSG to a plate load test. In both loads. SSG does not measure the
cases, a force P is applied to the soil deflection resulting from the SSG
via a plate or ring. The soil deflects weight. Rather, SSG vibrates, pro-
an amount d, which is proportional ducing small changes in P that pro-
to the foot geometry, Young’s duce small deflections. To filter out
modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of the the deflections resulting from equip-
soil. The soil stiffness, as measured ment operating nearby, SSG mea-
by SSG, also relates to shear modu- sures over a frequency range. Fig-
lus, void ratio, and density. Figure 4 ure 5 is a schematic of SSG showing
presents the basic relationship.2 the major internal components. Not
shown are the D–cell batteries that
Technology power it. The foot bears directly on
Plate load tests are commonly con- the soil and supports the weight of
ducted by jacking against a large, the device via several rubber isola-
loaded truck (to provide a reaction tors. Also attached to the foot are
to P), while taking great care to the shaker that drives the foot and
measure the deflection. Large forces sensors that measure the force and Figure 5 — Illustration of the
are necessary to produce enough displacement-time history of the principle of SSG operation.
deflection to measure. SSG uses foot.
External Materials Aluminum case & foot
1. Robert D. Holtz and William D.
Rubber isolators Kovacs. An Introduction to
Vibration 0.1 in @ 125 Hz Geotechnical Engineering, 1981,
Level re Vertical 6 5° p. 141.
Operating Temp. 0°C to 38°C (ambient) 2. Roman D. Hryciw and Thomas G.
Storage Temperature –20°C to 50°C Thomann. “Stress-History-Based
Model for Cohesionless Soils,” Jour-
Humidity 98%, without condensation nal of Geotechnical Engineering,
Gauge Size (without handle) 28 cm (11 in) OD Vol. 119, No. 7, July 1993.
Gauge Height (without handle) 25.4 cm (10 in) H
Weight 11.4 kg (~ 25 lb) Scott Fiedler is a product manager
Shipping Weight (with case) 16 kg (~ 35 lb) for Humboldt Manufacturing Co. in
Norridge, Ill.
Standard Accessories
Charles Nelson is president of
Transit Case CNA Consulting Engineers in Minne-
Infrared Data Link (PC side & rudimentary software) apolis, Minn.