1 - Gigaton - Third Report - EN
1 - Gigaton - Third Report - EN
1 - Gigaton - Third Report - EN
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environmentally sound practices
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+ 2°C
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
KEY MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 DATABASE ASSESSMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Acronyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Impressum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Take cities, which are responsible for 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. They can also be a big part of the solution, by adopting
to energy efficient buildings, electric transport, cycle schemes and waste conversion. For example, in New Delhi, India, the health of
local communities is severely affected by growing mountains of waste being dumped in open spaces. The city and private sector are
tackling this by investing in waste-to-energy-plants. These reduce toxic emissions and transform waste into electricity. The plant’s
community center offers employment and artisan training to about 200 local women. For Badru Nisha, this income has enabled
her to save 70,000 rupees (US $1,100) and build a house for relatives in Bihar state. This program helps women build their skills
and confidence, and provides them with some financial security and independence. This is just one of many stories inspiring local
governments, mayors, businesses and civil society to join forces for significant environmental, economic and public health benefits.
This report comes at a critical moment to support the growing number of non-state actors showing leadership to deliver the Paris
Agreement. We hope it will motivate donors, initiatives and countries to build on their achievements, while inspiring more public and
private sector stakeholders to join this global effort.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions created by a Assessing an initiative’s emissions mitigation impact has
sample of 273 internationally supported RE and EE projects inherent drawbacks that must be overcome in order to
in developing countries implemented between 2005 and evaluate a project, policy, or sector in light of international
2016 amount to approximately 0.3 gigatons of carbon climate goals. Emissions reductions estimates, even when
dioxide (GtCO2) annually by 2020. Of the analysed 273 projects, accurate, do not explain whether the described outcomes are
197 are RE, 62 are EE, and 14 are both RE and EE. These efforts compatible with global climate goals. This report takes steps to
reduce emissions by displacing fossil fuel energy production with overcome this challenge, by developing criteria intended to assess
a sector’s compatibility with global climate goals. It also shows how
clean energy technologies and by conserving energy in industry,
these compatibility conditions can be applied to RE and EE projects,
buildings, and transportation. The analysed sample’s RE projects
outlining a conceptual framework for future analysis.
contribute approximately 0.084 GtCO2, EE projects contribute
0.113 GtCO2 and RE/EE projects contribute 0.059 GtCO2 to the Criteria for sector-level compatibility with 1.5°C and 2°C
total emissions reductions. These projects received direct foreign goals were developed to evaluate emission savings from
support totaling US $32 billion. This analysis builds upon the projects (Tables 3.1 - 3.15). The sectoral criteria are displayed
second 1 Gt Coalition report, which examined data from 224 in compatibility tables, with each table listing 1.5°C- and
projects (see Annex I for more details). 2°C-compatibility conditions drawn largely from the International
Energy Agency’s (IEA) Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP)
Reductions in GHG emissions resulting from all internationally 2017 report and its 2°C Scenario (2DS) and Beyond 2°C Scenario
supported RE and EE projects in developing countries (B2DS). Schematics (Figures 7 – 10) demonstrate how the
implemented between 2005 and 2016 could be 0.6 GtCO2 sectoral compatibility criteria could be applied at the project,
per year in 2020. This estimate is determined by scaling up the firm, or policy level to identify projects considered 1.5°C- or
analysed sample’s emissions reductions to a global level using the 2°C-compatible. Two actual projects, selected from this report’s
total bilateral and multilateral support for RE and EE from 2005 to RE and EE database, are used as proofs of concept. Information
2016 (US $76 billion). These international investments create crucial sharing and data availability prove to be key challenges to
enabling conditions in developing broadening the application of this approach.
countries and emerging economies,
where there are significant barriers to Figure ES: Emission reduction from renewable energy and energy efficiency projects by 2020
private RE and EE investment.
GHG emissions reductions from Reductions from 273
supported projects Reductions by all Reductions
internationally supported RE and implemented during supported projects if support scaled up to
2005 – 2016 2005 - 2016 US $25 billion annually
EE projects could be on the order GtCO2e analyzed in this report ($76 billion in total support) through 2020
of 1.4 GtCO2e per year by 2020 if
committed public finance for climate 0.258 GtCO e 2
0.6 GtCO e
mitigation is used to scale up these
activities. Developed countries agreed 2
1.4 GtCO e
per year by 2020 to help developing
countries adapt to the impacts of
climate change and reduce their
emissions. To calculate the 1.4 GtCO2e
estimate, it is assumed that a quarter of
the US $100 billion is public mitigation
finance and deployed in the same way
as for the 273 analysed projects.
City governments are increasingly collaborating with • MEXICO CITY’S Sustainable Buildings Certification Programme,
the private sector to address common challenges related developed and implemented in partnership with the local
to climate change and sustainable development. The construction and building industry, covers 8,220 square meters
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has indicated of floor area across 65 buildings and has reduced 116,789 tons of
that achieving a 1.5°C- or 2°C-compatible future is a very carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions, saved 133 million kilowatt-hours
challenging task, yet almost all the technologies needed to build (kWh) of electricity and 1,735,356 cubic meters of potable water,
this future are commercially available today. This report shows and created 68 new jobs between 2009 and 2017.
that many countries are acting to reduce emissions through RE
and EE programmes, and that when policies are well-designed,
both local and global communities benefit. The six case studies
presented in this report describe the social, economic, and
environmental benefits that RE and EE programmes bring to the
localities where they are implemented. They highlight innovative
initiatives implemented in a diverse set of cities and regions:
• NEW DELHI’S municipal government has partnered with
Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Environment
(IL&FS Environment) to build a waste-to-energy plant that will
save approximately 8.2 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions
over its 25-year lifespan, while reducing the landfill’s area and air
and water pollution. The project helps transition former waste-
pickers to new jobs, directly hiring 70 people at the new plant,
and has created a community center that provides support and
job training to approximately 200 local women. These case studies demonstrate the feasibility and benefits
• NANJING, China worked with the electric vehicle industry to of a low-carbon future through the various RE and EE
add 4,300 electric vehicles to its streets between 2014 and 2015. activities undertaken in cities in collaboration with private
This transition has helped the city reduce emissions by 246,000 sector groups. Expanding this type of public-private sector
tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in 2014, while saving engagement would harness expertise, funding, technology, and
over US $71 million in lower energy bills. data from both arenas to help overcome barriers to action and
accelerate the pace of climate action.
• In the industrial VALLE DEL CAUCA corridor of Colombia, The
Women’s Cleaner Production Network developed action plans to Governments and non-state actors will gather at COP 23 in
reduce industrial pollution and address climate change in small November to discern a path forward for implementing the
and medium-sized enterprises. The initiative has created a host of Paris Agreement’s central provisions. Data sources needed to
benefits, including a 110 percent increase in enterprise production evaluate progress towards achieving the 1.5°C or 2°C climate goals
efficiency and a new residential solar installation program. are key points under discussion. This report provides pertinent
information and evidence showing how internationally supported
• In LAGOS, and in many other Nigerian cities, private companies
RE and EE projects and initiatives implemented in developing
are piloting new approaches to make solar energy more accessible
countries are contributing to narrowing the emissions gap – the
and affordable. A partnership between a solar start-up and local
difference between the status quo and the 1.5°C and 2°C goals.
telecommunications provider has brought solar power to 50,000
homes, clinics, schools, and businesses, benefiting more than The report’s case studies show the social and economic co-
250,000 people and creating 450 new jobs. benefits associated with these emissions reductions, particularly
when city governments partner with private companies to enact
• Uganda’s capital city, KAMPALA , has partnered with businesses emissions savings programs. These initiatives have great potential
to scale up an array of clean cooking technology initiatives, to motivate countries and non-state actors to build new channels
installing 64 improved eco-stoves in 15 public schools, for collaboration, to raise their ambitions, and scale up their
constructing biodigesters in 10 public schools, and funding
efforts. The 1 Gigaton Coalition will continue to promote RE and
companies that train women and youth to produce low-carbon
EE efforts, evaluate their emissions impacts, and show how they
briquettes from organic waste.
contribute to achieving both international climate objectives and
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have stabilized, showing no growth in 2016 for
the third year in a row, yet global energy consumption is predicted to increase 48 percent by
2040.1 Developing countries, where rapid economic growth is the main driver of rising energy
demand, will account for the vast majority of this future increase in energy consumption.1, 2
To meet the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global temperature to no more than 2°C, and aim
to hold warming to 1.5°C, global emissions must peak around 2020 and then rapidly decline
in the following three decades, approaching zero by 2050.3 The emissions gap, however, has
widened from last year’s estimates. The 2017 United Nations Environment Programme (UN
Environment) Emissions Gap Report finds that, by 2030, there will be a gap of 11 – 13.5 GtCO2e
between countries’ Paris climate pledges and the goal to limit global temperature rise to 2°C.
The gap widens to 16 – 19 GtCO2e when considering the 1.5°C goal.4
Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) projects in developing countries are crucial
means of narrowing the emissions gap and decarbonzing future energy growth. In 2016,
a record 138.5 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity of RE was installed, mostly in developing
countries and emerging economies, some of which have become key market players.5
Evaluating how RE and EE projects translate to measurable emissions reductions, to closing
the emissions gap, and to creating a 1.5°C or 2°C compatible future is the focus of this report.
The climate imperative is clear: we must act now and with Report’s unconditional NDC scenarios and its 2°C trajectory, and
ambition to decarbonize human activities in order to meet a 19 GtCO2e gap between the NDCs and 1.5°C trajectories.7
global climate goals. The latest climate scenarios produced by
This gap points to an urgent need to increase the ambition,
the world’s leading international scientific bodies show that
scope, and scale of carbon mitigation efforts worldwide. Each
our window to prevent dangerous global warming is rapidly
sector in every nation must lead the way with ambitious actions
narrowing as humanity’s carbon budget – the total amount
to decarbonize, and governments must enact plans and policies
of carbon dioxide that can be emitted for a likely chance of for sharp emissions reductions if we are to meet the 1.5°C or
limiting global temperature rise – diminishes year on year. The 2°C targets. Nearly one-half of lower middle income countries
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found, in (GNI per capita between US $1,006 and $3,955) and one-fourth
its Fifth Assessment Report (2014), that the world will warm by of low income countries (GNI per capita less than US $1,005)
between 3.7°C to 4.8°C by 2100 if humanity pursues a “business have made RE a primary focus of their NDCs.8 One-third of lower
as usual” pathway. This level of warming, scientists agree, would middle income countries and 19 percent of low-income countries
be disastrous for human civilization. To give us a better than have adopted EE as a main focal instrument in their NDCs.9 Many
66% chance to limit global warming below 2°C – the scientific of these countries lack energy access for the majority of their
community’s agreed upon threshold for what societies could population, suffer from the effects of poor indoor and outdoor
reasonably manage – the IPCC reports that atmospheric CO2 air quality, and are striving to rapidly develop their economies
concentrations cannot exceed 450 ppm by 2100. This limit means to reduce poverty – needs that can be partly addressed through
that the world’s carbon budget through the year 2100 is less than RE and EE efforts. Intergovernmental coordination and support
1,000 Gt CO2e. Considering a 1.5°C limit, our carbon budget falls are key catalysts for the requisite RE and EE initiatives, as
to under 600 Gt CO2e through 2100.6 developed nations transfer expertise, technologies, and funding
UN Environment’s Emissions Gap Report 2017, which focuses on to developing countries to create enabling environments for
the gap between the emissions nations have pledged to reduce carbon-neutral growth. Yet beyond global emissions reduction
and the mitigation needed to meet global temperature goals, goals, what specific targets should nations, sectors, and individual
developed a “likely” (>66% chance of achieving the target) 2°C firms use to guide their actions? How do funding organizations,
warming model under which annual global GHG emissions would policymakers, and implementing groups know at what point their
need to stabilize around 52 GtCO2e through 2020 and then fall operations are compatible with the 1.5°C and 2°C targets?
precipitously to 42 GtCO2e by 2030 and 23 GtCO2e by 2050. The growth in RE and EE projects in developing countries in the last
To have a greater than 50% chance of containing warming to decade demonstrates the potential for these efforts to contribute
1.5°C, the 2017 Gap Report projects a greater drop in annual to global climate mitigation and to narrow the emissions gap. A
emissions, to 36 GtCO2e by 2030 – a significantly lower estimate lack of data and harmonized accounting methodology, however,
than what the 2016 Emissions Gap report suggested. Under have prevented the bilateral and multilateral organizations that
both scenarios annual global emissions appear to go negative – support these efforts from systematically evaluating their impact.
meaning that more carbon is absorbed than produced – by 2100. The 1 Gigaton Coalition supports these organizations’ efforts in
These projections are starkly divergent from baseline business as developing countries, where growth in RE and EE projects have
usual emissions projections as well as scenarios that account for potential to transition economies to low-carbon trajectories. The
the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that countries Coalition works to build a robust knowledge base and support
pledged in the Paris Agreement. By 2030, there is a 13.5 GtCO2e the development of harmonized GHG accounting methods.
difference between the annual emissions in the 2017 Gap These tools will aid analysis of RE and EE initiatives that are not
This chapter describes the role of policymakers in promoting renewable energy and
energy efficiency initiatives in developing countries. Data collected by REN21 – the global,
multistakeholder renewable energy policy network – is used to illustrate the current
status of targets and policies.
Nanjing, China
2.1 POLICY DEVELOPMENT effectively, may incentivize renewable energy development and
deployment across sectors by increasing the comparative costs of
Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency’s (EE) increasingly vital higher-emission technologies. The removal of fossil fuel subsidies
role in the rapid transformation of the energy sectors of industrialized, also may level the financial playing field for energy technologies,
emerging, and developing countries continues to be stimulated in part as fossil fuel subsidies remain significantly higher than subsidies for
by government actions to incentivize new technology development renewables, with estimates of the former being at least more than
and deployment. Policymakers have adopted a mix of policies and twice as high as those for RE. This estimate rises to ten times higher
targets to deploy RE and EE to expand energy access, provide more when the cost of externalities and direct payments are included.
reliable energy services, and meet growing energy demand, while
Developing countries led the way on initiating subsidy reform
often simultaneously seeking to advance research and development
in 2016, with 19 countries adopting some form of reduction or
into more advanced fuels and technologies.
removal. Similarly, by year-end 2016, Group of 20 (G20) and Asia-
Recognizing the complementary nature of RE and EE, at least 103 Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) initiatives had led to 50
countries addressed EE and RE in the same government agency, countries committing to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies.
including at least 79 developing and emerging countries, while
an estimated 81 countries had policies or programmes combining
support to both sets of technologies, including approximately 75 2.1.1 TARGETS
developing or emerging countries.
Targets are an important tool used by policymakers to outline
Adopted together, RE and EE can more rapidly help meet national development strategies and encourage investment in EE and
development goals including increasing energy security, enhancing RE technologies. Targets are set in a variety of ways, from all-
industrial competitiveness, reducing pollution and environmental encompassing economy-wide shares of capacity, generation, or
degradation, expanding energy access, and driving economic efficiency, to calling for specific technology deployments or new
growth. This can be achieved through sector-wide planning, such developments in targeted sectors. Similarly, policymakers at all
as China’s 13th Five Year Plan adopted in 2016, which includes levels, from local, to state/provincial, regional, and national, have
specific goals for both RE and EE. adopted targets to outline sector development priorities.
Indirect policy support, including the removal of fossil fuel subsidies Nearly all nations around the world have now adopted RE
and the enactment of carbon pricing mechanisms such as carbon targets aiming for specified shares, production, or capacity of RE
taxes, emission trading systems and crediting approaches can also technologies. Targets for RE at the national or state/provincial
benefit the RE and EE sectors. Carbon pricing policies, if designed level are now found in 124 developing and emerging countries,
Figure 1: Number of developing and emerging countries with RE targets by sector and type, end-2016
Number of developing and emerging economies with RE targets by sector and type, end-2016
60 53
40 33
24 22
Primary Final Both Final & Electricity Heating Transport
Energy Energy Primary Energy and Cooling
with new or revised RE targets found in 53 of those countries United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
in 2016. Economy-wide targets for primary energy and/or final (UNFCCC). A total of 117 NDCs were submitted by year-end 2016,
energy shares have been adopted in 54 countries. By sector, largely formalizing the commitments made in countries’ Intended
renewable power has received the vast majority of attention, with Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submissions prior
targets found in 113 countries. Targets for renewable heating and to the Paris climate conference. EE was mentioned in 107 NDCs,
cooling and transport energy have been introduced to a much and 79 developing and emerging economy NDCs included EE
lesser degree, in place in 22 and 12 developing and emerging targets, such as Brazil’s target of 10% efficiency gains by 2030.13
countries, respectively, by year-end 2016.10 (See Figure 1) RE was referenced in 73 NDCs submitted by developing and
emerging countries, with 44 including specific RE targets.14
With nearly all countries around the world having some form
of RE target now in place, the pace of adoption of new targets Individual country RE and EE commitments range widely in terms
has slowed significantly in recent years. However, many countries of scope and ambition. In the EE sector, targets that address
continue to increase the ambition of their renewable energy multiple end-use sectors are the most common. However,
goals, with some, including the 48 Climate Vulnerable Forum policymakers have increasingly set single-sector goals to
member countries, seeking to achieve 100% RE in their energy or transition energy supply or reduce energy use in sectors including
electricity sectors.11 heating and cooling, transportation, buildings, and industry. This
includes targets such as India and Uganda’s light-emitting diode
A total of 51 new EE targets were adopted in developing and
(LED) lamp goals.
emerging economies worldwide in 2016, bringing the total number
of countries with EE targets in place to at least 105 by year-end RE and EE targets have also been adopted at the regional level.
2016. Many EE targets have been put in place through National In 2016, the members of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs), both in developed collectively established a 20% by 2020 energy intensity reduction
and developing countries. Outside of the EU, NEEAPs have be target in their NDCs, while the European Union set a binding
particularly prevalent in Eastern Europe and African countries.12 30% by 2030 energy savings target.
Energy sector targets also played a prominent role in many RE and EE targets are both often paired with specific policy
National Determined Contributions (NDCs) submitted to the mechanisms designed to help meet national goals.
Figure 2: Developing and emerging countries with EE policies and targets, end-2016
Figure 3: Developing and emerging countries with RE policies and targets, end-2016
RE and EE are often adopted through differing mechanisms. EE- geothermal power. Similarly, Ghana announced plans to double the
specific promotion policies often take the shape of standards, length of terms under its solar PV FIT to 20 years. Cuts were also
labels and codes, or monitoring and auditing program; while RE is made to existing mechanisms in countries such as Pakistan and the
often promoted through feed-in tariffs, tendering, or net metering. Philippines, while Egypt enacted domestic content requirements for
Policymakers have also turned to similar mechanisms such as solar PV and wind projects qualifying for FIT assistance.
mandates and fiscal incentives to promote both RE and EE. In recent years many countries have revised their FIT mechanisms
RE and EE policies play an important role in the transformation to focus on support to smaller-scale projects, while turning to RE
of the energy sectors of industrialized, developing and emerging auctions, or tendering, for large-scale project deployment. The
countries. EE policies have been adopted in at least 137 use of tendering for promoting renewable power technologies
countries, including 90 developing and emerging economies.15 has expanded rapidly in recent years with developing and
EE awareness campaigns were held in at least 47 developing and emerging countries taking a leading role in the adoption of these
emerging countries, while EE funds were in place in at least 40 mechanisms. Tenders were held in 34 countries in 2016, with half
such countries in 2016.16 (See Figure 4) of them occurring in developing and emerging countries.18 This
included Chile’s auction, which resulted in a world record bid for
Direct RE support policies were found in at least 154 countries, lowest price of solar PV generation at US $29.10 per MWh.
including 101 developing and emerging economies as of year-
end 2016.17 The power sector continues to attract the majority Countries in Africa were particularly active throughout the year,
with Nigeria adopting a tendering system for projects larger than
of attention, with sectors such as heating and cooling and
30 MW to supplement its FIT policy, and both Malawi and Zambia
transportation receiving far less policy support. (See Figure 5)
holding their first RE tenders. In the Middle East and North Africa
Feed-in tariffs (FIT) remain the most common form of regulatory (MENA) region, comments included Morocco, State of Palestine,
policy support to RE. While the pace of new FIT adoption has and Jordan all held tenders. In Asia, the world’s two largest
slowed in recent years, policymakers continue to revise existing countries, China and India (at the national and sub-national
mechanisms through a mix of expanded support to further level), as well as Turkey held RE tenders during the year. In Central
incentivize specific RE technologies as well as reduced rates to keep America tenders were held in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
pace with falling technology costs. For example, in 2016 Indonesia Panama, and Peru. Tenders have also been held for non-power
increased its solar FIT by more than 70% and set FIT rates for technologies, though to a far lesser degree.
Figure 4: Number of developing and emerging countries with EE targets and policies, end-2016
Figure 5: Number of RE policies and number of countries with policies by sector and type, developing and emerging
countries, end-2016
Number of countries
78 with Power
70 69 69
60 62
2013 2014 2015 2016
50 with
34 35 35 37
9 countries
30 had other
Countries with
Heating and heating &
20 Cooling (H&C) Policies cooling
7 7 7
0 3
Power H&C Transport Power H&C Transport Power H&C Transport Power H&C Transport
Feed-in tariff / premium payment Solar heat obligation Biodiesel obligation / mandate only
Tendering Technology-neutral heat obligation Bioethanol obligation / mandate only
Net metering Both biodiesel and bioethanol
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Non-blend mandate
Previously successful tendering programs in South Africa and an environment of enabling technologies, such as energy storage
Brazil each saw setbacks in 2016. In South Africa developers and smart grid systems, to better integrate renewable technologies
faced challenges securing power purchase agreements (PPAs) in global electricity systems. For example, Suriname held a tender
with the national utility, while reduced demand for electricity for solar PV systems including battery storage in 2016.20
and economic challenges caused by Brazil’s contracting national
RE deployment in the electricity sector through mechanisms
economy forced officials to call off previously planned auctions,
such as those described above can also have a significant impact
marking the first time since 2009 in which the country did not
on the efficiency of power generation by shifting from thermal
hold a tender for wind power.
power plants, which convert only approximately one-third of
Policymakers have also continued to support renewable electricity primary energy to electricity, to more efficient RE installations.21
deployment through enacting mandates for specified shares of
renewable power, often through Renewable Portfolio Standards Renewable heating and cooling technologies are directly
(RPS), or requiring payment for renewable generation through promoted primarily through a mix of obligations and financial
net metering policies, such as the new policies added in Suriname support, though the pace of adoption remains well below that
in 2016. In addition to regulatory policies, several countries seen in the power and transport sectors. By year-end 2016
provided public funds through grants, loans or tax incentives to renewable heat obligations or mandates were in place in 21
drive investment in RE development or deployment. This includes countries, including seven emerging and developing countries
India’s 30% capital subsidy for solar PV rooftop systems.19 (Brazil, China, India, Jordan, Kenya, Namibia, and South Africa).22
Governments are also adapting mechanisms that long have been RE heating and cooling policies frequently focus on the use of
used for the promotion of power generation technologies to develop RE technologies in the buildings sector, and are often adopted
in concert with building efficiency policies and regulations.23 Fuel economy standards are a primary means of increasing
Several countries advanced EE through new or updated building energy efficiency of passenger vehicles in the transport sector.
codes in 2016, of which 139 are in place worldwide at the At least eight countries plus the EU have now established fuel
national and sub-national level, including in at least 9 developing economy standards for passenger and light-commercial vehicles
and emerging countries.24 This includes Indonesia’s efforts to as well as light trucks, including Brazil, China, India, and Mexico.25
develop a Green Building Code, and members of the Economic No developing countries have yet adopted policies for heavy-
Community of West African States (ECOWAS) implementing duty vehicles.
building codes in accordance with a regional directive.
RE in the transportation sector is often promoted through
Specific financial incentives, including grants, loans, or mandates specifying required shares or volumes of renewable
tax incentives, targeted at renewable heating and cooling fuel use. Developing countries are often at the leading edge of
technologies have been adopted in at least 8 developing and nations looking to promote fuel switching to renewable transport
emerging economies. In certain cases, such as in Bulgaria, fuels. Biofuel blend mandates were in place at the national or
support to RE heating technologies are included in broader EE state/provincial level in 36 countries as of year-end 2016, with
financial support programs. New developments in 2016 included developing and emerging countries accounting for 26 of that
Chile’s extension of its solar thermal tax credit and India’s new total.26 In 2016, Mexico expanded its blend mandate to cover
loan incentives for solar process heat developers. Renewable nationwide fuel use, while Argentina, Malaysia, India, Panama,
energy tendering has also been used to scale up deployment Vietnam, and Zimbabwe all added or strengthened biofuel and/
in the sector. Bids for South Africa’s long-awaited solar water or bioethanol blend requirements.
heater tender closed in early-2016.
New financial incentives also were introduced in 2016 to promote
The industrial sector also has a significant EE policy focus; biofuel production and consumption, biorefinery development,
however, the development of targeted mechanisms for the and R&D into new technologies, including in Argentina where
promotion of RE in industrial processes remains a challenge for biodiesel tax exemptions were expanded, and Thailand which
policy makers. For EE, both Mali and Morocco now require energy provided subsidies to support a trial program for biodiesel use in
audits for large industrial energy users. trucks and military and government vehicles.
Transportation-focused RE and EE policies have both been While national policies remain an important driver of renewables
adopted to accomplish a wide range of sector goals, including and energy efficiency development, municipal policymakers
increasing fuel economy or fuel switching to renewable fuels or are taking a leading role in the promotion of both RE and EE
electric vehicles. The vast majority of policy attention, particularly within their jurisdictions, often moving faster and enacting
in developing countries, has been focused on energy use in the more ambitious goals than their national counterparts. As cities
road transportation sector. While energy use in the maritime, rail, continue to band together to mitigate the impacts of global
or aviation transportation sectors is gaining attention, concrete climate change, they have turned to RE and EE to transform
RE and EE policy mechanisms have been adopted in only a their energy sectors. A number of cities around the world are
handful of locations. now seeking to achieve 100% renewable energy or electricity,
while a growing list of municipalities in developing and emerging
economies such as Cape Town (South Africa), Chandigarh (India)
and Oaxaca (Mexico) have established ambitious RE goals.
In cities and regions throughout the world, governments at all jurisdiction levels are
collaborating with private companies, funding organizations, and civil society to
implement renewable energy and energy efficiency programs. These activites reduce
carbon emissions and create co-benefits including enhanced environmental quality,
improved public health, economic growth and job creation, social inclusion, and
gender equality. This chapter includes six case studies of successful public-private
collaboration, as well as a discussion of the emerging low-carbon business paradigm.
Kampala, Uganda
Kampala aims to
replace 50 percent of
household charcoal
use with alternative
cook fuels, such as
biomass or briquettes
made from organic
Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency projects (EE) in between US $330 billion and $1.8 trillion (₹2-12 lakh crores) per
developing countries often require collaboration from implementing year by 2050 – up to 6 % of the country’s GDP – while producing
partners, such as the private sector and subnational actors. This significant savings for households.44 Altogether, the New Climate
chapter features six case studies that demonstrate some of the Economy estimates that global low-carbon urban actions could
strategies that cities, businesses, and other collaborators are using generate US $16.6 trillion between 2015 and 2050, while reducing
to support RE and EE activities across developing and emerging annual GHG emissions by 3.7 GtCO2e by 2030.45
economies. These examples showcase the social, economic, and
Increasingly, different kinds of actors are working together to
environmental benefits of RE and EE initiatives, demonstrating the
realize this potential. One assessment found that three-quarters
incentives driving businesses and cities to take leadership roles in
of the challenges facing city climate action require support
implementing them.27, 28 It also includes an excerpt from Thomson
and collaboration with national and regional governments or
Reuters’ forthcoming ‘Global 250 Report: A New Business Logic’,
the private sector.46 Cities and companies, in particular, have
exploring the motivations and process of companies seeking to
grown increasingly interdependent. Businesses aim to capture
decarbonize their business models.
a share of the growing US $5.5 trillion global market in low-
Cities and the private sector will be vital to limiting global carbon and environmental technologies and products, which is
warming to well below 2°C.29 As of 2013, over half of the global often concentrated in cities.47 Energy service companies, which
population and approximately 80 percent of global GDP resided base their business model on delivering EE solutions, generated
in cities.30 By 2050, the urban population will account for two- US $24 billion in revenue in 2015, and employed over 600,000
thirds of the global population, and 85 percent of the global people in China alone.48 The global RE sector employed 9.8
GDP.31 Since cities concentrate people and economic activity, million people in 2016, a 1.1% increase over 2015; by 2030, this
they also shape energy use; urban areas currently make up number is expected to grow to 24 million.49 Engaging in climate
around two-thirds of global primary energy demand and 70 action also helps to mitigate the risk climate change may pose to
percent of global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.32 an organization’s business model and supply chain, and enables
The goals of the Paris Agreement rest on the ability to chart a companies to meet internal and public commitments to address
sustainable urban future – through the adoption of renewable global warming.
energy, increasingly efficient use of energy, and the design of
The private sector can also help develop, implement, and scale
resilient and low-carbon infrastructure and transport.33
climate and development solutions in urban areas that often
Many cities already host innovative climate strategies, driven by struggle to access adequate finance. Aside from tax collection,
governments, businesses and other actors who see opportunities most cities face limited options to raise or spend funds; the
to lower costs, appeal to investors, generate new forms of private sector can help access capital to initiate or expand
industry, and improve quality of life. Activities that help cities successful projects.50 A C40 analysis of some 80 mega-cities
address climate change also offer opportunities to make progress identified 2,300 high-impact, “shovel ready” climate actions that
towards meeting the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable could mitigate 450 MtCO2 – close to the annual emissions of the
Development. Low-carbon forms of development generate co- United Kingdom – by 2020, if US $6.8 billion in funds could be
benefits, such as reduced traffic congestion and improved air unlocked to implement them.51
quality and public health.34, 35, 36 Between 2007 and 2015, solar
Many of these collaborations are already underway. One survey
and wind power in the United States produced air quality benefits
of 627 climate change initiatives, across 100 global cities, found
of US $29.7–112.8 billion, mostly from 3,000–12,700 avoided
that private and civil society actors accounted for approximately
premature mortalities.37
one quarter (24 percent) of urban climate action, and 39 percent
The transition to a low-carbon economy can also reduce poverty of climate action in Asian cities.52 Private sector organizations
and spur job creation.38, 39 Implementing the RE strategies fund and invest in climate action; act as service providers; deliver
articulated in the national climate action plans of the United operations and maintenance support to projects such as transport
States, European Union, China, Canada, Japan, India, Chile, and or waste management; and design and build infrastructure.53
South Africa would generate roughly 1.1 million new jobs, and Companies have also helped to fill gaps in infrastructure by
save about US $50 billion in reduced fossil fuel imports.40 If these creating new models for delivering city services, such as ride-
countries committed to a 100 percent RE pathway, they would sharing.54 Strategies like microfinance have played important
generate 2.7 million new jobs, and save US $715 billion from roles in further unlocking the upfront capital vital to developing
avoided fossil fuel imports.41 Collaboration with civil society and and implementing urban innovations.55 As urban areas expand,
local stakeholders can help ensure a just transition to a low- public-private partnerships that harness different forms of
carbon economy, that maximizes job creation, helps citizens expertise, technology, and data can help overcome barriers to
develop new skills, and fosters community renewal.42 action and keep pace with cities’ rapid rate of change.56 National
and regional governments can also help foster this process, by
Building compact, connected cities also reduces the cost of
crafting policy and financial environments that help RE and EE
providing services and infrastructure for urban transport, energy,
strategies take root.
water and waste.43 In India, smart urban growth could save
About the City
Population: 23 million
(metro area)
GDP (2016): US $ 293.6 billion
Land Area: 1,483 km2 iii
New Delhi
Initiative Accomplishments:
The Ghazipur waste-to-energy plant will save...
... 8.2 million tons ...US $ 0.4 per kWh ... 200 acres
in avoided methane in avoided of land, valued at over
emissions – equivalent waste treatment costs Rs 2000 crores
to removing all cars from (US $308 million)
Delhi’s roads for
100 days
Each day, the Integrated Municipal Waste Processing Complex at IL&FS Environment also worked with a nonprofit organization,
Ghazipur, New Delhi, receives approximately 2,000 tons of waste, Institute for Development Support (IDS), to establish Gulmeher,
about 20% of the city’s 9,500-ton waste stream.57 Through a public- a community center that offers employment and training to
private partnership between the East Delhi Municipal Corporation approximately 200 local women, who previously earned a living
and the Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Environment collecting waste at the Ghazipur landfill.72 The center, which
(IL&FS Environment) the landfill now includes a waste-to-energy launched in May 2013, grew out of brainstorming sessions
plant which generates an annual 12 MW of power.58 It also produces IDS held with waste-pickers, IL&FS Environment, and other
127 tons of fuel, an alternative energy source for cement and power stakeholders.73, 74 To help boost their future employability, the
plants.59 The Ghazipur plant, which began operating in November center provides training in a variety of jobs.75 Women reuse
2015, will save a projected 8.2 million tons in avoided methane materials from a nearby wholesale flower market to create
emissions over its 25-year life span.60 products including boxes, cards, diyas, and natural holi colors.76
In mid-2014, the center partnered with Delhi-based start-up
The project’s benefits extend beyond its climate impacts. Reusing
Aakar Innovations to produce inexpensive sanitary napkins that
waste will prevent 200 acres of urban land, valued at over Rs 2000
low-income women can afford. Aakar Innovations helped train
crores (US $308 million), from being consumed by the landfill.61, 62
the women and buys and re-sells the products they produce.77
For IL&FS Environment, the plant enables it to engage in India’s
environmental goods and services sector, estimated to be worth In 2014, the community organization converted into a private
Rs 250 billion (US $3.9 billion) and projected to grow 10 to 12% company, with participants also acting as shareholders of the
annually.63 Across its operations, the company reuses 95% of every Gulmeher Green Producer Company Limited.78 Earnings for the
tonne of municipal solid waste through recycled products or energy participating women average approximately Rs 5,000-6,000
generation.64 (US $77-90) every month.79 For Badru Nisha, the first woman to
join the center, this income has enabled her to save 70,000 Rs
Converting waste to energy, and avoiding the expansion of the
(US $1,100) and to build a house for relatives.80 In India, where
landfill, also lowers the health and safety risks of an open solid waste
only 26% of women participate in the labor force, compared to
disposal site.65 The plant reduces the amount of leachate the landfill
almost 75% of men, this organization helps build women’s skills
generates, saving US $0.4 per kWh in annual treatment costs.66 In
and confidence.81, 82
managing the Ghazipur plant, IL&FS Environment relies on best-in-
class technology67 and a Continuous Emission Monitoring System, Without intervention, New Delhi is expected to generate roughly
which publishes real-time emission parameters online, to meet strict 15,750 tons of garbage daily in 2021.83 For cities facing a similar
air quality standards.68 challenge of managing high volumes of waste with limited
land, the Ghazipur plant offers a successful strategy; plans for
The project also focuses on supporting the surrounding community
replicating it are underway in New Delhi and other Indian cities.84
of 373 local wastepicker families who live near and work in the
The city’s most recently constructed waste-to-management
landfill, salvaging and reselling waste. Providing support and
plant, Narela-Bawana, also relies on a public-private partnership
retraining to local families is critical to efforts that affect access
model, and produces compost as well as energy.85 As the city
to the landfill and its materials. The Ghazipur plant employs over
and its waste stream continue to grow, the private sector plays
70 former waste-pickers directly in the plant.69 To foster financial
a powerful role in converting challenges into opportunities for
inclusion, 400 families received bank accounts and Permanent
Account Number cards, and kiosk banking was provided to the local
community through the State Bank of India. Since July 2014, 2,075
bank accounts have been opened.70, 71
About the City
(metro area): 3.5 million
GDP: US $25.528 billion
Land Area: 1,895 km2
Current situation:
-22 % -50 %
Reduce greenhouse-gas Replace 50%
emissions by 22 % (compared of charcoal with
to business-as-usual) alternative cook fuel
Market in Kampala, Uganda
64 x
1 billion
installed in 15 primary schools,
saving of 9,300 € (US $11,029)
in firewood costs, reducing
1,671 tons of CO2
Ugandan shillings
annually, and benefitting (US $276,860) raised eco-stoves
15,631 children and by MTN Uganda to install installed in Kampala’s
staff members. bio-toilets in 10 schools. markets.
Kampala has grown rapidly over the past decade, becoming home low-carbon briquettes from organic waste, food scraps and
to nearly 2 million people, and generating approximately half of other materials. The briquettes burn cleanly, without releasing
Uganda’s GDP.86 In 2014, the city launched a five-year Climate smoke or ash, and help avoid deforestation. In the words of one
Change Action Strategy87 to guide its rapid evolution and to ensure customer, they are also “cheap to use, time-saving and energy-
it “drives development in the most sustainable way.”88 The plan draws saving.”98 The briquettes have gained popularity with restaurants,
on a diverse array of goals – from planting half a million trees to hotels, households and poultry farmers. Kampala’s administration
creating traffic-free paths for pedestrians and bicyclists – to build is developing a program to further expand the supply of low-
Kampala’s resilience and protect its most vulnerable populations.89 carbon fuel and connect producers with more markets.99
The early years of the Kampala’s Climate Change Action Strategy In addition, the city has installed 220 eco-stoves in the city’s
have focused on creating pilot projects and building partnerships marketplaces. These stoves can be linked with solar photovoltaic
that lay the groundwork for expanded action. In particular, the city panels that extend stoves’ cooking time and can generate
has made great strides in implementing a complementary array of electricity for other uses, such as lighting a kitchen or charging
clean cooking initiatives. Its Climate Change Action Strategy seeks a battery.100 This approach improves working conditions, protects
to replace 50% of household charcoal use with alternative cook the health of the women who typically cook and serve food in
fuels, such as biomass or briquettes made from organic waste.90 these spaces, and helps test and fine-tune this technology. It also
To pursue this target, Kampala provides seed capital and funding builds awareness and comfort with cleaner cooking technology
to organizations that train youth and women in making biomass among smaller business owners, who often face financial barriers
briquettes; brings biogas digesters and improved cook stoves to to the purchase of new equipment.
public schools; and installs eco-stoves at city markets. These proof- The shift to cleaner cooking technology can deliver vital
of-concept demonstrations build confidence and connections improvements in public health. More than 90% of Ugandan
with the private sector, civil society, and bilateral and multilateral households,101 along with many restaurants, schools, and other
funders, to help scale up these strategies. places that serve and prepare food, cook with wood charcoal.
MTN Uganda, the country’s largest telecommunications company, The World Health Organization estimates exposure to cookstove
for instance, has committed 1 billion Ugandan shillings (US smoke contributes to 13,000 premature deaths every year in
$276,860), raised through two annual city marathons, to install Uganda.102, 103 In Kampala, over 80% of households rely on
biogas digesters in 10 public schools.91 Their commitment will charcoal for cooking, with dramatic impacts on air quality and
expand a program piloted at the Kansanga School, which turns public health.104 Women and girls often face the highest levels of
human, animal, and food waste into methane gas, halving the risk, as they can spend up to five hours daily cooking in smoky
amount of energy used to cook meals. This biogas digester produces kitchens, and can face safety risks in traveling to forests to
approximately 2.6 MWh annually, lowering operating costs and collect firewood.105
reducing pollution from the firewood or charcoal it replaces.92 The use of clean cooking technology also lessens the risk of fuel
A collaboration between the Kampala Capital City Authority shortages. The balance between biomass supply and demand
(KCCA) and French development agency Expertise France remains fragile, with large deficits in materials forecasted
supports a complementary effort to bring higher efficiency in and beyond the 2020’s.106 Since Kampala concentrates
cooking stoves to 15 new public schools,93 with technical support Uganda’s economic activity and, as a result, its energy demand,
from the Ugandan company SIMOSHI Ltd. This effort, which has it is especially vulnerable to these projected shortfalls, but also
distributed 64 stoves supplied by Uganda Stove Manufacturers particularly well-placed to test and develop solutions.107
Ltd., builds on the successful implementation of an eco-stove The city’s approach to promoting clean cooking technology
at another school.94 The program has saved schools 9,300 € reflects the need to ensure that the transition away from the
(US $11,029) in firewood costs, reduced 1,671 tons of CO2 charcoal market generates jobs and creates revenue.108 Funding
annually, and benefitted 15,631 children and staff members.95 will also continue to be crucial to the city’s ability to facilitate and
Earnings acquired through the Clean Development Mechanism accelerate the adoption of clean cooking technologies. Kampala
will be reinvested in the schools to support annual maintenance, has teamed up with the World Bank and the University of
monitoring and management.96 Eventually, the project aims to Washington to develop a climate-smart capital investment plan
install 1,500 stoves in 450 schools, benefiting 340,000 children that aligns new projects with the city’s climate action goals. It will
and reducing 31,286 tonnes of annual CO2 emissions.97 continue to leverage partnerships with private and international
Kampala also works with emerging businesses, providing seed partners to scale up public funding as it takes the next steps in its
funding to organizations that train women and youth to produce climate and development roadmap.109
About the City
Population (metro area): 8.21 millionxlv
GDP (2016): US $146.4 billionxlvi
Land Area: 6,598 km2 iii
Current situation:
R Shortlisted as one
of China’s National
US$ 16 million.
? g
Nanjing’s initiative to promote electric vehicles closely aligns Private sector engagement is another important factor in scaling
with China’s national climate, energy, and macroeconomic up EV adoption. The private sector plays a key role in Nanjing’s
policies, and it receives support from the central and provincial expansion of its EV sector, by providing solutions, products, and
levels of government. On a national level, China has set specific services to meet demand. The Nanjing Municipal Government’s
targets to develop a sustainable and renewable energy-driven policies have made Nanjing a pioneer both as a market and a
transportation sector, as highlighted in both the State Council’s manufacturing center for the EV industry. The Nanjing Municipal
Circular Economy Development Strategy and Near-Term Government offers incentives for manufacturers to base
Action Plan and the Ministry of Transport’s Guiding Opinions their production in Nanjing, thereby promoting its economic
on Accelerating Development of Green Circular Low-Carbon restructuring.
Transportation.118 Electric vehicles are a key part of the solution, The government also fosters companies’ engagement in the
as they enable China to achieve GHG emission reduction targets sector’s future. In August 2017, the Nanjing New Energy
as well as to grow and restructure its automobile industry. Automobile Operation Alliance was launched. It consists of 37
At the provincial level, the Jiangsu Provincial Government has companies across the entire EV value chain – including carmakers
signed a Framework Agreement119 with the Ministry of Transport like BYD, real estate developer China Fortune Land Development,
to promote Jiangsu’s development of low carbon transportation. and charging station solution provider e-charger. The alliance is
The Jiangsu Provincial Government also released the Green, supported by the Nanjing Municipal Government’s EV Office and
Circular and Low-Carbon Transportation Development Plan of the Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone.125
Jiangsu Province (2013-2020),120 which included a target to make Platforms like this will enable Nanjing to expand its volume
35% of public buses and 65% of taxis run on renewable energy of EVs and develop a transportation sector that runs on clean
across Jiangsu. pollution-free renewable energy.
Population 4.6 millionxciv
(metro area):
GDP (2016): US $35.3 millionlxix
Land Area: 22,140 km2 iii
Current situation:
Across Colombia, micro, small, and
medium enterprises comprise:
90% 80% 35%
of private of the
of all Colombian sector GDP national
businesses employment GDP
Initiative Accomplishments
Under the leadership of Network participants
of energy in a new housing increasing production of construction
development, saving +US efficiency 110% activities
$200 in the first 8 months of
its projected 20-year life span
About the City
Population: 20.4 million
(metro area)
GDP: US $421 billion
Land Area: 1,485 km2
7.7million tonnes of CO e 10
Cut Commercial and Reduce
industrial buildings’ million tonnes
energy use generates of CO2e
between by 2020, and
2008 - 2012 =
more than its
original targets million tonnes
of CO2e
of Mexico
by 2025.
City‘s carbon
21,949 80-95%
Reduce annual emissions by
of green roofs on schools,
hospitals, and public buildings or limit to 2 metric tons of CO2
per capita, by the year 2050
2mt CO 2
About the initiative
Mexico City’s Sustainable Buildings Certifi-
cation Program incentivizes sustainable
commercial, industrial and residential
buildings, creating benefits for building
owners, tenants, and the city government.
About the City
Population: 16 millioncxli
(metro area)
GDP: US $136 billioncxlii
Land Area: 999.6 km2 cxliii
Current situation:
Nigeria’s 7,500 MW power supply
lags behind the estimated
170,000 MW demand,
costing the region 2-4% of its annual GDP
Initiative Accomplishments
MTN Mobile Electricity... Solynta...
... brings solar power ... benefits over ... creates ... aims to reach ... reduces
Table 1: Companies in the Global 250 include the Top 15180 (listed below), which alone account for about 10% of global
annual emissions181, and therefore play crucial roles in our global transition to a low carbon economy182:
Notes: 1) 2014 scope 3 emissions data for Thyssenkrup AG and United Technologies Corporation vary significantly from 2015 scope 3 data; therefore,
the change in scope 1+2 emissions between 2015 and 2014 is used in conjunction with Thyssenkrup AG’s and United Technologies Corporation’s
respective 2015 scope 3 emisssions data to determine scope 3 emissions values for 2014.
2) * indicates a Decoupling Index that is susceptible to fossil fuel commodity prices
Table 2: Credit ratings among Total and its leading competitors, showing Total’s competitive advantage on this metric.
Model Implied The full “Global 250 Report, A New Business Logic”, provides
Rating answers to the following questions as a changing climate
AAA disrupts markets and ecosystems:
AA 1) Who are the 250 public companies and value chains which are
A responsible for the largest emissions of greenhouse gases?
2) Among this critical group, how are emissions trending by
company over the past 3 years?
CCC 3) Is there evidence that decarbonization creates a drag on
CC financial performance, or a premium?
C 4) Given the long-term transformation challenge confronting
C CC CCC B BB BBB A AA AAA these large emitters, how can we assess a company’s progress
Agency Rating Average and define leadership?
5) How are policy and investor leadership evolving in a post-
carbon economy?
This section has been contributed by “David Lubin, Constellation
Research and Technology; John Moorhead, BSD Consulting; The report will be available at: https://blogs.thomsonreuters.com/
Timothy Nixon, Thomson Reuters. sustainability.
The case studies featured in this chapter highlight the diverse 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals. Continued action
benefits that renewable energy and energy efficiency activities across both developed and developing countries will also be
generate. These projects have catalyzed economic growth vital to meeting the Paris Agreement’s targets, and protecting
across all levels of development, creating opportunities for small these development gains. Partnerships among cities, regions,
construction firms and multinational companies. In improving companies, civil society, and national governments can help
air quality, reducing pollution, expanding energy access, and leverage these actors’ respective strengths, to further accelerate
creating jobs, RE and EE efforts move the world closer to the the development of RE and EE solutions.
This chapter outlines a new approach that can be used to determine the compatibility of
policies, individual projects, and entire sectors with scientific scenarios that limit global
temperature rise to 1.5°C and 2°C. It provides sector-level compatibility tables and project-
level guidance, and demonstrates how these criteria could be applied to individual RE and
EE projects. Applying these compatability conditions to internationally supported RE and
EE projects can help identify and develop specific policy recommendations to create the
local and national conditions necessary for 1.5°C and 2°C-compatible pathways.
The final chapter of the 1 Gigaton Coalition 2016 report, “Chapter 4.1 DEVELOPING 1.5°C AND 2°C-COMPATIBILITY
6: A Path Forward: New Concepts for Estimating GHG Impacts,”
suggested an alternative approach to assessing climate outcomes
at the project and sector levels. In addition to the problematic A growing community of scientists, researchers, and policymakers
exercise of developing a counterfactual baseline (i.e., a business- have begun to develop metrics to assess sectors, companies,
as-usual scenario reflecting what would have happened in the projects, and policies for their compatibility with global climate
absence of specific policy intervention or technology adoption), targets. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT), a scientific analysis
national governments’ Paris pledges or nationally-determined produced by three independent research organizations –
contributions (NDCs) often overlap with other actions within NewClimate Institute, Ecofys, and Climate Analytics – last year
countries, making it difficult to attribute specific emissions produced a list of ten short-term global targets that sectors
reductions to partner-supported activities. need meet in order to limit warming to 1.5°C. These goals include
building no new coal-fired power plants and reducing emissions
For renewable energy (RE) projects, evaluating whether a
from coal by 30% by 2025; ending the production of fossil fuel
technology or policy is compatible with science-based 1.5°C and
2°C scenarios can be straightforward. A wind farm, for instance, cars by 2035; constructing only fossil-free or near-zero energy
that offsets equivalent fossil-fuel based emissions from grid buildings and quintupling renovation rates of existing structures
electricity would be 2°C-compatible. Energy efficiency (EE) by 2020; and achieving 100% renewable energy penetration in
projects are less straightforward: a certified zero energy house electricity production by 2050.187
under the passive house standard is, for example, more in line Earlier this year CAT joined forces with a consortium of other
with 2°C development than an energy efficient house that just research groups convened by former UNFCCC chair Christiana
exceeds current building standards. Secondary effects, however, Figueres to produce an analysis of five of the heaviest emitting
will also need to be taken into consideration. If a bioenergy sectors. The resulting report, called “2020: The Climate
project leads to adverse land use effects and increased emissions Turning Point” and published under the collaborative’s name
through deforestation then this project may not be in line with “Mission2020”, isolates short-term, sectoral targets that are
a 2°C pathway. These significant secondary effects may not necessary to meet the long-term 2°C climate goal. Giving context
be captured using the GHG emissions reductions accounting to CAT’s list of ten sectoral targets, the Mission2020 report
method employed in the first two 1 Gigaton Coalition reports. shows that these targets are achievable under current conditions
This chapter outlines a new approach that can be used to and that meeting them would produce desirable economic and
determine the compatibility of policies, individual projects, human health outcomes.188
and entire sectors with scientific scenarios that limit global Sector-level targets are key tools for governments and
temperature rise to 1.5°C and 2°C. Drawing from other research policymakers to plan, assess, and implement climate actions
initiatives and the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2017 in reference to 1.5°C or 2°C goals. Applying global, sectoral
Energy Technologies Perspective (ETP) report, this chapter objectives at the project level, however, requires another layer of
presents criteria for 1.5°C and 2°C-compatibility at the sector analysis that incorporates a host of local considerations. Factors
level. It also demonstrates how these criteria could be applied
to RE and EE projects, drawing examples from the RE and
EE database compiled for this report. Creating 1.5°C- and
2°Ccompatibility conditions and applying these standards to
internationally supported RE and EE projects opens the door for
researchers to make key inferences and conclusions, including:
g E valuation of local and national conditions necessary for 1.5°C
and 2°C-compatible pathways.
g etermination of additional efforts needed to make projects
1.5°C and 2°C compatible.
g evelopment of specific policy recommendations to address
project- and sectorlevel issues that create 1.5°C and
g S ector level aggregation of emissions outcomes and resulting
policy implications.
pertaining to a locality’s policies, economy, development level, 2°C-compatibility and how these thresholds change over
energy mix, and deployed technologies need to be examined time. This process can also include decision trees and scoring
in order to develop appropriate and rigorous goals that are methodologies that help lay-persons use the compatibility
compatible with 1.5°C or 2°C pathways. method. Central to creating positive and negative lists are the
conditions that must be met to classify a project to either side.
Science Based Targets (SBT) is a leading international initiative
that strives to assess the complex conditions that determine 2°C Developing these conditions requires the distillation of complex
compatibility at the firm or project level, helping private companies information into a malleable and understandable format.
set their own science-based climate targets. A collaboration This balance of complexity and practicability is perhaps the
of the Climate Disclosure Project (CDP), United Nations Global compatibility approach’s greatest strength.190
Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and World Wildlife To develop meaningful compatibility conditions and positive
Fund (WWF), and with technical support from Ecofys, SBT aims and negative lists requires robust and current science. The IEA’s
to institutionalize climate target setting among firms in every Energy Technology Perspectives 2017 (ETP) provides the scientific
sector. SBT considers GHG emission reduction targets to be backbone for this report’s compatibility criteria as it also does for
“science-based” if they align with a level of decarbonization that SBT’s analytical tools.191 ETP features three scenarios through the
the international scientific community has deemed necessary to year 2060: a Reference Technology Scenario (RTS), representing
keep global temperature rise below 2°C. Using at least one of energy and climate commitments made by countries, including
SBT’s seven methods for setting emission targets, 293 companies Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) pledged under
have applied to have their climate benchmarks verified, of which the Paris Agreement; a 2°C Scenario (2DS) and a Beyond 2°C
SBT has approved 61 firms’ science-based targets. Scenario (B2DS), which feature rapid decarbonisation measures,
The NewClimate Institute has also pioneered 2°C-compatibility creating pathways that align with long-term climate goals. RTS
methods and in November 2015 published a report, “Developing illustrates explicit international ambitions, which do not produce
2°C-Compatible Investment Criteria”, in which the authors emissions reductions compatible with stated global climate
outline a methodology for investors to evaluate whether objectives. RTS would nonetheless represent a large emissions
their investments are compatible with a science-based 2°C cut from a historical “business as usual” scenario. 2DS and B2DS
scenario.189 Distilling complex science and policy issues into are centered around 2°C and 1.75°C pathways, respectively, and
easy-to-understand “positive” and “negative” lists, NewClimate depict scenarios in which clean energy technologies are pushed
shows how investors could apply a compatibility approach to to practical limits. These scenarios align with some of the most
the projects they finance. Employing positive and negative lists ambitious aspirations outlined in the Paris Agreement.
that use quantitative and qualitative conditions to determine
This report synthesizes current research on climate compatibility
a project or sector’s climate compatibility offers some relative
and incorporates targets from ETP’s 2DS and B2DS to create
advantages to a counterfactual baseline approach.
sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility criteria and conditions.
A positive and negative list approach incorporates minimum Demonstrating how one could apply these conditions to RE and
and dynamic quantitative benchmarks, giving clear markers of EE initiatives, graphical and flow-chart schematics are provided
for guidance, and an example project is drawn from a database of 4.2 COMPATIBILITY TABLES
bilateral- and multilateral-supported projects that was compiled
for this report. The challenges inherent to this approach are
Key factors to consider when reading the sectoral Compatibility
discussed, as well as how one might overcome these issues and
Tables (Tables 3.1 – 3.15):
the policy implications of results.
g ll compatibility conditions must be met for a sector to be
In May of 2017, the 1 Gigaton Coalition convened a meeting of
positive listed (i.e. compatible).
climate policy experts in Bonn, Germany, initiating a dialogue to
inform the development of 1.5°C- and 2°C compatibility criteria. g Yet the suites of conditions in this analysis do not mean to be
Dialogue participants evaluated questions prepared by this comprehensive: there may be other conditions or a suite of conditions
report’s authors and discussed research challenges. This section that must be met under alternative 1.5°C and 2°C scenarios.
strives to address all of the most pertinent issues that came to g 1 .5°C compatibility conditions are inclusive of 2°C conditions
the fore through the Bonn dialogue. Many of the challenges unless otherwise noted.
inherent to 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility are addressed in Tables
3.1 – 3.15 below, and potential methods for tackling those beyond
g 1 .5°C and 2°C compatibility conditions are combined for some
the scope of this analysis are discussed. sectors depending on data availability – this analysis does not
distinguish between 1.5°C and 2°C compatibility in these cases.
Sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility tables were developed.
The tables are categorized by sector, including by RE technology
g E nabling policies are considered to be required for positive listing,
type and various sectors that are grouped under EE, a broad except in instances in which effective proxy policies are in place.
categorization encompassing transportation, buildings, and g onditions are considered met when sectors, firms, or policies
industry. Sectors are divided into sub-sectors where data demonstrate alignment with long-term, global targets. See
availability allowed. There are clear science-based targets, for Figures 7 – 10 for illustrations of this alignment.
instance, for rail, shipping, and aviation, allowing the creation of
compatibility criteria for these transportation sub-sectors. The
tables do not represent every societal sector – agriculture, for
example, is missing, as is hydropower. The compatibility analysis
is therefore limited to this project’s research scope as well as to
the availability of scientific information. The tables are tools for
assessing 1.5°C- and 2°C compatibility and they are also proofs
of concept that can and should be expanded upon to the limits
of current scientific knowledge.
The compatibility conditions in each table were largely drawn
from the IEA’s ETP 2017 and its 2DS and B2DS models. ETP’s sectoral
targets were cross-referenced with other scientific sources, and
were in some cases altered according to the researcher’s judgement.
It should be noted that ETP’s 2DS and B2DS models correspond to
a 50 percent chance of limiting temperature increases to 2°C and
1.75°C, respectively, by the year 2100. This level of uncertainty carries
over to the compatibility tables and should inform the perspective
of those undertaking any science-based compatibility approach. In
this analysis, the 1.5°C sectoral targets do not correspond precisely
to 1.5°C of warming. The 1.5°C conditions are rather aspirational
targets that align with a level of warming at least 0.25°C below 2°C.
It would imply a false level of certainty to assert that the emissions
targets and warming trajectories in this analysis precisely align with
1.5°C or 2°C of warming. There are also drawbacks inherent to using
one report, ETP, as the backbone of the analysis. The compatibility
conditions are, however, based on the most current and robust
science available, and it is believed they provide the best estimate
for 2°C and below 2°C pathways.
Table 3.1. Renewable energy-powered electricity production aggregate sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
Renewable Power:
Compatibility Conditions Enabling Policies
by 2025 compared to 2014. >2,000 GW
transmission capacity deployed by 2060.
Large-scale R&D and deployment of
electricity storage technologies.
R&D and deployment of carbon negative
technologies including BECCS, which achieves
2% share of electricity generation by 2060.
Deployment of comprehensive demand-side
management systems.
Variable renewable energy integration with
natural gas baseload systems.
Triple investment in interconnected high-
voltage transmission from 2015 levels by 2025.
Power sector achieves near-full decarbonization
by 2050.
Power sector achieves full decarbonization by
2050 and is carbon negative thereafter.
CCS systems account for >10% of total
electricity production by 2050 (including BECCS).
BioEnergy with CCS achieves 4% share of
electricity generation by 2060.
Nuclear has 15% share of electricity
generation by 2060.
Table 3.2. Renewable energy-powered electricity production disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
Increased integration of advanced biomass
with industrial processes.
100% sustainably sourced by 2060.
Net negative carbon source by 2060.
Global direct emissions from industry are Energy and material efficiency standards.
halved by 2060.
Immediate adoption of ISO-certified energy Policies that improve scrap collection and
management system (EMS). recycling rates.
~30% improvement in industrial energy
intensity by 2060.
Catalyzing investment for R&D and
Demonstrated BAT implementation. commercialization of new technologies.
Portion of fossil fuel sources declines by >4%
annually through 2030. Improve data reporting and collection.
intensity by 2060.
Demonstration of zero- and negative- carbon
Proportion of fossil fuel sources declines by
>7% annually through 2030.
Electrification in industrial operations
increases ~27% by 2060 and electrical power
use is 98% decarbonized by 2060 compared
with present levels.
Table 3.4. Industry: cement disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
captured by 2060. recycling rates.
Diminished use of coal as source of energy for Incentives for BAT adoption.
cement production, so coal is <50% of energy
mix by 2060. Remove fossil fuel subsidies.
Increase use of cement clinker substitution
materials. Catalyzing investment for R&D and
commercialization of new technologies.
Direct carbon intensity decreases by >20%
by 2030. Improve data reporting and collection.
25% carbon captured by 2030 towards
>75% captured by 2060. Carbon pricing.
Table 3.5. Industry: iron and steel disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
30% reduction in CO2 intensity of crude steel Energy and material efficiency standards.
production by 2030 compared with 2014.
Aggregate energy intensity of crude steel Policies that improve scrap collection and
production reduced by 25% by 2030 recycling rates.
compared with 2014 levels.
Incentives for BAT adoption.
>10% carbon captured by 2025 towards 40%
captured by 2060.
Remove fossil fuel subsidies.
50% of energy used for crude steel
production is from electricity, natural gas, and
Catalyzing investment for R&D and
sources other than coal by 2060.
commercialization of new technologies.
Improved metal scrap reuse and recycling;
towards 100% end-use scrap recycling. Improve data reporting and collection.
production reduced by one-third by 2030 Develop advanced life-cycle assessments
compared with 2014 levels. for industrial inputs and products.
>20% carbon captured by 2025 towards 80%
captured by 2060.
>50% of energy used for crude steel
production is from electricity, natural gas, and
sources other than coal by 2060.
Table 3.6. Industry: chemicals and petrochemicals disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
Industry: Chemicals
Compatibility Conditions Enabling Policies
and Petrochemicals
Annual emissions < 1 GtCO2 in 2060. Energy and material efficiency standards.
Depending on chemical produced, emissions
intensity decrease by between ~15% and 40% Policies that improve scrap collection and
by 2030. recycling rates.
Reduced aggregate energy intensity;
Incentives for BAT adoption.
amount reduced depends on energy
expenditure on CCS.
Remove fossil fuel subsidies.
>15% carbon captured by 2025 towards
30% captured by 2060.
Catalyzing investment for R&D and
Waste plastic recycling increases to >40% commercialization of new technologies.
by 2060.
Improve data reporting and collection.
Annual emissions decrease by 70% from 2015
levels by 2060 (reaching ~320 Mt CO2 ). Carbon pricing.
Depending on chemical produced, emissions
intensity decrease by between ~25% and 60% Large scale shifts in investment.
by 2030.
>25% carbon captured by 2025 towards Develop advanced life-cycle assessments for
90% captured by 2060. industrial inputs and products.
Table 3.7. Industry: pulp and paper disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
CO2 intensity is cut by ~40% by 2030 and Energy and material efficiency standards.
reduced by ~75% by 2060 compared to 2014
levels. Policies that improve scrap collection and
28% reduction in energy intensity by 2060 recycling rates.
compared to 2014 levels.
Incentives for BAT adoption.
Deployment of Best Available Technologies
(BAT) as well as low-carbon and CCS Remove fossil fuel subsidies.
Substitute heat, biomass, and electricity for Catalyzing investment for R&D and
fossil fuel energy supply. commercialization of new technologies.
66% end-use paper product recycling by 2060.
Improve data reporting and collection.
CO2 intensity is cut in half by 2030 and
reduced by >90% by 2060 compared to 2014 Carbon pricing.
Large scale shifts in investment.
30% reduction in energy intensity by 2060
compared to 2014 levels. Develop advanced life-cycle assessments
66% end-use paper product recycling by 2060. for industrial inputs and products.
Specific building energy use between Mix of policy and financial incentives
10 - 150 kWh/m2 or under 4 MWh/person. and requirements for energy efficient
construction, deep renovations, and BAT
1.5% annual improvement in building
envelope performance.
Limit global energy demand to 130 EJ. Strong Mandatory Energy Performance (MEP)
Shift to electrification to supply ~70% of final targets for all buildings and financial penalties
energy consumption in buildings globally by for substandard performance.
Upfront financial incentives (e.g. rebates, tax
Renewables (on- and off-site) supply >85% of
breaks, guaranteed loans).
final energy consumption by 2060.
Shift to BAT electric heat pumps in temperate Comprehensive support for BATs.
Aim to achieve 350% efficiency improvement Special emphasis given to heating and cooling
in cooling equipment and 120% efficiency demand efficiency in cold and hot climates,
improvement for heating equipment, with respectively.
further improvements through 2060.
Immediate scaling up to 3% renovation rate In countries with large portion of 2060
(global average). building stock to be new construction, MEPs,
integrated efficiency policies, and incentives
Retrofits improve energy intensity by at least for near-zero energy building construction
30% with plan to move to “near-zero” energy (nZEBs) are given weight.
In countries with large portion of 2060
Specific building energy use under building stock already built, renovation
3.5 MWh/person. policies are given weight.
Decrease energy demand by around 0.2%
annually through 2060 to around 114 EJ. Integrated urban planning that encompasses
Shift to electrification to supply ~70% of final construction that increasing building
lifetime and reducing secondary and tertiary
energy consumption in buildings globally and
near total elimination of fossil power. emissions.
Renewables supply >95% of final energy Policies designed to develop a robust market
consumption. for high-efficiency building construction,
Immediate scaling up to 5% renovation rate renovations, and BAT uptake.
(global average).
Retrofits improve energy intensity by at least
50% with plan to move to “near-zero”
energy use.
54% GHG reductions by 2060 compared to Regulatory GHG targets at national and
2015 (75% in OECD countries; 29% in non- international level.
OECD countries).
Fuel, technological, and material efficiency
Move toward electrification, biofuels, and full standards.
decarbonization by 2060.
Mandates and financial incentives/support for
Efficiency improvements (systemic, BAT adoption.
technological, material, and fuel) that reduce
Elimination of fossil fuel subsidies.
life-cycle energy intensity by more than half.
Carbon pricing and fuel taxes.
Intermodal shifts (e.g. replace aviation with
high speed rail). Regulations and financial incentives
supporting transition to zero-emission vehicles
83% GHG reductions by 2060 compared to and electrification of transport modes.
2015 (95% in OECD countries; 72% in non- Alternative fuel development and
OECD countries). technological R&D.
Demand management.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization on
policy effectiveness.
Table 3.10. Transportation: Bus disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
Large-scale adoption of electric engines and Regulatory GHG targets at national and
other zero-emission technologies. international level.
Implementation of negative cost efficiency Fuel, technological, and material efficiency
measures, including technological upgrades. standards.
Intermodal shifts from light-duty vehicles Mandates and financial incentives/support for
(LDV) to buses. BAT adoption.
Passenger kilometers more than double Elimination of fossil fuel subsidies.
through 2060.
Carbon pricing and fuel taxes.
80% energy efficiency improvement by 2060 Alternative fuel development and
(urban). technological R&D.
47% energy efficiency improvement by 2060 Regulations and financial incentives
(intercity). supporting transition to zero-emission
vehicles and electrification of transport modes.
Passenger kilometers nearly triple through
2060. Demand management.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization on
policy effectiveness.
Table 3.11. Transportation: Rail disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
2060. Fuel, technological, and material efficiency
Intermodal shifts from aviation and LDV to
high-speed rail and light rail. Mandates and financial incentives/support for
BAT adoption.
Rail’s share of transport activities increases
from 10% to 15%. Elimination of fossil fuel subsidies.
Carbon pricing and fuel taxes.
100% light rail electrification by 2045.
Regulations and financial incentives
Passenger kilometers increase sixfold through supporting transition to zero-emission vehicles
2060. and electrification of transport modes.
Rail’s share of transport activities about Demand management.
doubles from ~10% to ~20%.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization on
policy effectiveness.
Table 3.12. Transportation: Aviation disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
50% reduction from 2005 levels by 2050. Regulatory GHG targets at national and
international level.
70% reduction in direct emissions by 2060,
without offsets. Fuel, technological, and material efficiency
Shift to ~70% advanced biofuels by 2060.
Mandates and financial incentives/support for
2.5% annual reduction in specific energy use
BAT adoption.
per passenger kilometer.
2°C /
Elimination of fossil fuel subsidies.
Intermodal shifts away from aviation toward
high speed rail. Carbon pricing and fuel taxes.
Regulations and financial incentives
supporting transition to zero-emission vehicles
and electrification of transport modes.
Alternative fuel development and
technological R&D.
Demand management.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization on
policy effectiveness.
Table 3.13. Transportation: Shipping disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
use per tonne kilometer through 2060.
Mandates and financial incentives/support
62% improvement over 2010 levels in energy
for BAT adoption.
per efficiency by 2060 (except only 53% for
container ships). Elimination of fossil fuel subsidies.
Continuous ship capacity growth through Carbon pricing and fuel taxes.
2060: container ships 0.9%; bulk carriers
Regulations and financial incentives
0.4%; general cargo 0.6% (annual rates).
supporting transition to zero-emission vehicles
and electrification of transport modes.
Emissions reductions beginning in 2020;
50% reductions through 2060. Alternative fuel development and
technological R&D.
Shift to 50% advanced biofuels by 2060.
Broad retrofit program.
Demand management.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization on
policy effectiveness.
Table 3.14. Transportation: Trucking disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
78% reduction in road freight emissions Regulatory GHG targets at national and
by 2060, compared to 2015. international level.
technologies. and electrification of transport modes.
Demand management.
Intermodal and systemic planning.
R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
technologies and infrastructure.
Systemic data collection and organization
on policy effectiveness.
Table 3.15. Transportation: Light-duty vehicles disaggregated sector-level 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions.
Compatibility Conditions Enabling Policies
Light-Duty Vehicles
30% fuel efficiency improvement in all Regulatory GHG targets at national and
new cars in OECD countries by 2020. international level.
ownership of zero-emission LDVs.
40% of all new vehicles of all kinds are
“ultra-low” or “zero emission” by 2030. Demand management.
13% of new LDVs are PEVs in OECD and Intermodal and systemic planning.
China by 2020; 32% by 2030. R&D support for zero- and negative-emission
>70% of all energy use by LDVs is electric technologies and infrastructure.
by 2060. Systemic data collection and organization
Electric driving share for plug-in hybrid electric on policy effectiveness.
vehicles (PHEVs) increase to 50% by 2020 and
80% by 2030.
Figure 6: Graphical schematic showing how projects of the same type in separate development contexts could achieve
1.5°C- or 2°C-compatibility.
Compatibility metric
(e.g. Carbon Intensity)
Project A in
Country B
Project X in
Country Y
Figure 7: Decision tree schematic that could inform whether a sector or nation is positive listed for 1.5°C- or 2°C-compatibility
Sector / Nation X
Negative listed
* Characterized by low income and rapid development trajectory, limited use of BATs
Note that sectors in high efficiency, developed national contexts All nations or sectors that currently meet or exceed global
would have to exceed global targets to be positive listed, thereby targets would have to demonstrate a transparent, actionable
balancing out less efficient sectors in developing countries. plan to share resources with those not currently meeting global
targets in order to be positive-listed.
Figure 8: Decision tree schematic that could inform whether a project or policy is positive listed for 1.5°C- or 2°C-compatibility
Project / Policy X
Transparent, actionable
plan to meet/exceed 2030 targets?
* Characterized by low income and rapid development trajectory, limited use of BATs
Figure 9: A recently-approved Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project based in Hanoi, was chosen for a demonstration of the
decision tree schematic.
Transparent, actionable
plan to meet/exceed 2030 targets?
Figure 10: Approved in 2013, a project supporting the development of the Tunisian Solar Plan was chosen for a demonstration
of the decision tree schematic.
Transparent, actionable
plan to meet/exceed 2030 targets?
With more than $3.5 million in grants from the Global Environment
Facility (GEF) and UNDP and more than $63 million in public and
private co-financing, the Plan includes one 10 MW solar PV plant
and one 24 MW wind farm as demonstration projects and has
a target of achieving 30% RE penetration by 2030. This meets
most of the 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatibility conditions for RE, Solar
PV, and Wind power (see Tables 1.1 and 1.2). Yet this 2030 energy
mix goal falls short of the global 2060 targets. The Tunisian
Solar Plan fits well within the sector’s enabling policies goal, and
considering Tunisia’s status as a low-income nation, this project
is conditionally positive listed as 1.5°C- and 2°C-compatible. This
initiative, however, is a prime example of a policy ripe for positive
influence and aid from funders and outside governments.
Considering Tunisia’s rich solar and wind resources, the country’s
national plan should be expected to incorporate a greater mix of
RE in the long term.193
Building from a custom 600-project database compiled for the second 1 Gigaton Coalition
report, this report has expanded the analysis to assess 273 of these projects, including
197 renewable energy (RE), 62 energy efficiency (EE), and 14 classified as having both
RE and EE components. With implementation dates ranging from 2005 through 2016, the
projects are found in 99 countries. Of the 273 projects, 100 are supported by 12 bilateral
institutions and firms in 10 different countries, and another
173 projects are supported by 16 multilateral development banks and partnerships.
Project-level data were collected from these organizations, including information on
assistance levels, energy capacity, energy savings, supported technologies, and impact
evaluation methodologies. The resulting database was not intended to include all of the
developing world’s RE and EE efforts, but instead exhibits a representative cross-section
of bilateral- and multilateral supported projects.
Valle De Cauca,
Across Colombia‘s
Valle del Cauca
region, entrepreneurs
are transforming
their firms into green
The projects encompass every sector taken into evaluation for 1.5°C- and 2°C compatibility,
including wind and solar power generation; geothermal, small hydro, and biomass; energy
efficiency in buildings; rapid public transit systems; electric vehicle deployment; electricity
transmission; industrial efficiency; and other sub-sectors. The sample of internationally
supported RE and EE projects in developing countries will reduce emissions by
approximately 258 million tons carbon dioxide (MtCO2 ) annually in 2020. Total emissions
reductions from internationally supported RE and EE projects from 2005 through 2015
could be up to 600 MtCO2e per year in 2020 if the sample’s emissions reductions are scaled
up to a global level using total bilateral and multilateral support figures for RE and EE (US
$76 billion).
After a historic year in 2015, when global investments in 5.1 AGGREGATED IMPACT
renewable energy (RE) projects reached a record high of $286
billion, new investment in renewables (excluding large hydro) fell This section seeks to build on the 1 Gigaton Coalition 2016 Report
to $242 billion in 2016. In developed economies, new investments and update the evaluation of emissions impact of bilateral- and
decreased by 14% to $125 billion, while in developing economies, multilateral-supported RE and EE projects in developing countries
they went down by 30% to $116.6 billion.194 The decrease implemented from 2005 – 2016.199 Project-level data were
in investment is explained by two main factors. First, solar collected from organizations, including information on assistance
photovoltaics, onshore wind and offshore wind saw more than levels, energy capacity, energy savings, supported technologies,
10% decreases in average dollar capital expenditure per capacity. and impact evaluation methodologies. The resulting database
These technologies have become more cost-competitive. Second, was not intended to include all RE and EE efforts in developing
countries, but instead exhibited a representative cross-section of
financing slowed in China, Japan and some emerging markets.
bilateral- and multilateral-supported projects.
Across different renewable technologies, solar capacity additions
rose from 56 GW to a historic-high 75 GW, while wind capacity Despite the harmonized framework for calculating GHG emissions
additions slowed down to 54 GW compared to 63 GW in 2015. savings from RE and EE projects that International Financial
Overall, the total amount of new capacity installed increased Institutions (IFIs) agreed upon in 2015, current aggregate GHG
from 127.5 GW in 2015 to a record 138.5 GW in 2016. For two impact data are incomplete to accurately assess these efforts’
years in a row, renewable power comprised more than half of the total effects.200 The new framework’s influence has extended
world’s added electric generation capacity. Investment in energy beyond Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and has been
efficiency also rose 9% to $231 billion in 2016.195 incorporated by as many bilateral groups. Yet the framework is
still not detailed enough to provide sufficient methodological
Bilateral and multilateral development aid organizations have information to meet the criteria for this analysis. Organizations
for decades played a key role in energy projects in developing generally describe how their aggregate estimates attribute
countries.196 From 2004 to 2014, development institutions in reductions from projects with multiple supporters and, despite
OECD countries financed more than US $247 billion for RE and the harmonised framework, calculation assumptions may vary
EE projects in developing nations. Bilateral development finance widely from project to project. Project-level research is therefore
institutions, such as Norway’s Norfund, and bilateral government needed to overcome these issues.
agencies, such as Japan International Cooperation Agency
Communications with aid organization representatives and
(JICA), are the vehicles for state-sponsored foreign investments.
extensive desk research yielded sufficient information on 197
Multilateral development banks (MDBs), including the Asian
RE, 62 EE projects and 14 RE/EE projects for calculating GHG
Development Bank (ADB) and European Investment Bank (EIB),
emissions impact estimates. The project-by-project emissions
have joined forces to finance RE and EE projects throughout
reductions estimates were made using a common calculation
the developing world, investing more than US$100 billion from method that accounts for Scope 1 emissions (see Annex).
2004 - 2014, according to OECD estimates.197 These groups also
build policy and administrative capacity among governments and The supported projects on energy efficiency and renewable
businesses in recipient countries. According to OECD estimates, energy have significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions:
they invested US $4.7 billion in energy policy and administrative g T he analyzed sample of internationally supported RE and
management in 2014, more than any other recipient sector EE projects in developing countries will reduce emissions
besides electricity transmission and distribution.198 by approximately 0.258 gigatons carbon dioxide (GtCO2)
Figure 12: Emission reductions in 2020 from scaled up public mitigation finance for RE and EE projects.
Mitigation impact
in 2020
Mt CO2/yr
400 2005
Year the
projects are
annually in 2020. The 273 analysed projects generate these g I f public finance for mitigation is scaled up through 2020,
emissions savings by displacing fossil fuel energy production emissions would be reduced by more than 1 GtCO2 per
with clean energy technologies or by conserving energy in year (Figure 12). Countries agreed to mobilize US $100 billion
industry, buildings and transportation. RE projects contribute in total climate finance (mitigation and adaptation, public and
around 0.085 GtCO2, EE projects contribute 0.113 GtCO2e, and private). For this estimate we assume that a quarter of the US
RE/EE projects contribute about 0.059 GtCO2 to the analysis’s $100 billion is public mitigation finance.
total emissions reductions. These projects received direct foreign
assistance totalling US $32 billion.
g Total emissions reductions from internationally supported
RE and EE projects since 2005 could be up to 0.600 GtCO2
per year in 2020. This estimate is derived by scaling up the
analysed sample’s emissions reductions to a global level using
total multilateral and bilateral support figures for RE and EE
($76 billion between 2005 and 2016).201 International support
flows to markets that are in the early stages of development,
where barriers to private investment have to be lifted for RE and
EE finance to mature. This foreign investment, which includes
critical support for capacity building, is essential for spurring
RE and EE development, despite the fact that foreign support
accounts for less than 10% of total RE and EE investments in
developing countries.
5.2 SELECTED BILATERAL INITIATIVES The bilateral groups featured in this analysis include state-
owned investment funds like Norway’s Norfund; government-
Outreach to bilateral organizations and desk research yielded owned development banks like the China Development
detailed data on 100 projects from 12 bilateral groups in Bank; and some are private companies operating on behalf
nine countries: China, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, The of government ministries, like GIZ in Germany. The full list
Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom, and the United States. of bilateral organizations included in this analysis is shown in
The eight OECD countries invested more than US $9 billion in Table 4. Bilateral development groups generally mobilize public
RE power generation in developing nations from 2006 – 2015.202 funds from national budgets to finance initiatives abroad. Some
Data on China’s foreign energy investments is difficult to obtain, groups raise capital from private markets and others use both
yet it is known that China has in the past 15 years begun to public and private financing in their operations. Development
invest in RE abroad. China has supported at least 124 solar and institutions finance projects via grants and/or loans distributed
wind initiatives in 33 countries since 2003. Fifty-four of these to governments of recipient nations, which in turn distribute
investments – those for which financial data is available – sum to funding to ministries, local agencies, and firms in charge of
nearly US $40 billion.203 project implementation. Promoting development abroad is
central to the mission of all the groups considered in this report,
and the analysis focuses only on funding for RE and EE projects,
which may comprise a relatively small portion of a bilateral
organization’s total portfolio.
OECD-reported National
Assistance for RE and EE
Bilateral Organization Country Year/Established (millions current US $) 205, 206
FMO 1970 38 521
RE and EE # RE
Investments in and EE
Bilateral Development Organization’s Bilateral Organization’s Estimated
this Analysis Projects
RE and EE Achievements GHG Emissions Mitigation Impact
(millions in this
current US $) Analysis
549 4
5.3 SELECTED MULTILATERAL INSTITUTIONS attract co-financing to a significant portion of the developing
world’s RE and EE projects.218 The Climate Investment Funds (CIF),
Building on the data collected for the 2016 1 Gigaton Report, created by the World Bank in 2008, is another catalyst of MDB
the analysis this year includes 173 projects supported by 16 support. CIF now consists of four programs, two of which focus
multilateral groups. The multilateral institutions featured on developing and expanding RE in middle- and low-income
include multilateral development banks (MDBs) like the Asian countries.219 These collaborations help mobilize funds and they
Development Bank (ADB), European Investment Bank (EIB), also act as data hubs, collecting information on the projects that
and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). These institutions their partners implement.
are often intertwined, as, for instance, the International Bank MDBs’ collaborative approach to project finance makes double-
for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International counting individual efforts – i.e., counting individual projects
Finance Corporation (IFC) are both part of the extensive World more than once – more likely when creating an initiative
Bank Group. Some are affiliated with bilateral institutions, such database. One project may have multiple groups supporting it,
as Proparco in France, which is a private sector subsidiary of all of whom report the initiative and its outcomes as their own.
the bilateral Agence Française de Développement (AFD). As the This overlap means that if an analyst were to combine different
name suggests, multilateral development groups draw public and
sets of MDB-reported aggregated data, there would be projects
private funding from multiple countries to finance development
counted multiple times. This problem of multiple attribution and
initiatives throughout the world. These organizations often fund
double counting can debase the credibility of an otherwise sound
projects in collaboration with each other, employing multi-
analysis (see Section 4). With detailed project-level data on RE
layered finance agreements that include grants, loans, and
and EE projects, this analysis is able to avoid the hazard of double-
leveraged local funding.
counting MDBsupported programs. Any overlaps between
Organizational frameworks and funds that pool resources projects in the database were discerned and appropriately
and coordinate project support among MDBs have become addressed so that each project was only counted once. Note
increasingly influential in recent years. The Global Environment that in Table 5, overlaps among projects from “Supporting
Facility (GEF) is perhaps the most prominent of these organization reported” sources are not disaggregated, so these
collaborative efforts. A partnership of 18 multinational agencies data may exhibit double counting, demonstrating the difficulties
representing 183 countries, GEF’s investments support and of aggregating data at this level.
OECD-reported Develop-
ment Assistance ($ millions
Multilateral Firm, Fund, Institution Number of Member Countries Year/ current USD) 205, 206
or Partnership and Structure Established
Asian Development
67 member countries; MDB 1966 350 4,227
Bank (ADB)
African Development
80 members; MDB 1964 58 1,824
Bank (AfDB)
Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank 56 countries; MDB
in 2016
Public company in China. 2009
Investment Corp
RE and EE # RE
Investments in and EE
Supporting Organization’s Reported RE and EE Supporting Organization’s Estimated
Analysis Projects
Investments and Impacts GHG Emissions Mitigation Impact
($ millions in
current USD) Analysis
43 1
Achieved abatement of
Invested $165 million in one EE project 165 1
16,400 tCO2 per year222
273 5
115 1
OECD-reported Develop-
ment Assistance ($ millions
Multilateral Firm, Fund, Institution Number of Member Countries Year/ current USD) 205, 206
or Partnership and Structure Established
Finance Corporation 184 member countries 1946 422 2,394
Development Bank 48; MDB 1959 588 3,959
July 2014
The BRICS New signed)/July
5; MDB
Development Bank 2015
(Treaty in
RE and EE # RE
Investments in and EE
Supporting Organization’s Reported RE and EE Supporting Organization’s Estimated
Analysis Projects
Investments and Impacts GHG Emissions Mitigation Impact
($ millions in
current USD) Analysis
95 2
134 4
Invested $911 million in RE projects in 2016 equaling These investments are expected to avoid
911 5
1,920 MW in capacity. 3.236 MtCO2e/yr.
In 2015, the World Bank catalysed $28.7 billion in 588 MtCO2e reduced with the support
private investments and expanded renewable power of special climate instruments in 2015;
generation by 2,461 MW. 1,270,000 in MWh in projected lifetime 504 11
energy savings based on projects
implemented in 2015.230
International Financial Institutions (IFIs) are banks that 5.3.1 MULTISTAKEHOLDER PARTNERSHIPS
have been chartered by more than one country. All of the
MDBs featured in this report are also IFIs. These institutions In addition to bilateral and multilateral initiatives, multi-stakeholder
adopted the “International Financial Institution Framework partnerships of both public and private actors also extend financial
for a Harmonised Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting” and capacity-building support to developing countries, spurring
in November 2015, in an important step toward developing a innovation and new policies. This section features some examples
global methodological standard for GHG accounting.232 As the IFI of initiatives that are operating in developing countries as models
framework gains widespread adoption, there are opportunities for demonstrable mitigation impact.
to add specifications that would improve and further unify the
methodologies. The framework in its current form could provide
more detailed instructions to ensure that results are reproducible.
This way, a third-party analysis would be able to combine GHG
emissions impact estimates of different projects from multiple CLIMATE AND
sources. Nevertheless, in many instances, supporting MDBs CLEAN AIR
present project-level emissions mitigation estimates, citing COALITION (CCAC)
the recently harmonised framework, yet without providing
the precise assumptions inherent to their calculations. The IFI
framework is a very promising development, and widespread www.ccacoalition.org
sharing of methodological approaches is a powerful tool for Established in 2012, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition
catalyzing harmonization efforts. (CCAC) is a voluntary partnership uniting governments,
Accounting for Scope 2 and 3 emissions remains a difficult task intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations,
and a near-term goal for groups financing RE and EE projects. representatives of civil society and the private sector
With an annual investment of US$11 billion, internationally committed to improving air quality and slowing the
supported RE and EE initiatives in developing countries are rate of near-term warming in the next few decades by
less than 10% of total investment. Yet this class of funding taking concrete and substantial action to reduce short-
can have outsized effects, as foreign investment leverages lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), primarily methane,
other financing, builds capacity in local institutions, and helps black carbon, and some hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
mainstream RE and EE project finance.233 According to OECD Complementary to mitigating CO2 emissions, fast action
to reduce short-lived climate pollutants has the potential
estimates, aid groups invested US$4.7 billion in energy policy
to slow expected warming by 2050 as much as 0.5 Celsius
and administrative management in 2014, more than any other
degrees, significantly contributing to the goal of limiting
recipient sector besides electrical transmission and distribution.
warming to less than 2°C.
There is, however, no harmonized method for estimating
emissions impacts from such activities. Analysts from several Reducing SLCPs can also advance priorities that are
bilateral and multilateral institutions interviewed expressed their complementary with the 1 Gigaton Coalition’s work, such as
desires to accurately measure the outcomes of capacity building building country capacity and enhancing energy efficiency.
efforts as well as policy and administrative aid. As funding for For example, replacing current high Global Warming
these initiatives grow, developing rigorous and harmonized Potential (GWP) HFCs with available low- or no-GWP
ways to do this evaluation is key to fully capturing the results of alternatives can also improve the efficiency of the appliances
foreign investments in RE and EE projects. and equipment that use them, potentially reducing global
electricity consumption by between 0.2 and 0.7% by 2050,
resulting in a cumulative reduction of about 5.5 Gt CO2e.234
Another example of this alignment is the SNAP Initiative of
the CCAC, which supports twelve countries to develop a
national strategy to reduce short-lived climate pollutants
and identify the most cost-effective pathways to large-
scale implementation of SLCP measures. This initiative has
resulted in a number of countries, including Mexico, Cote
d’Ivoire, Chile, and Canada submitting NDCs that integrate
SLCP mitigation.
ctc-n.org districtenergyinitiative.org/
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) delivers The District Energy in Cities Initiative is a multi-stakeholder
tailored capacity building and technical assistance at the partnership coordinated by UN Environment, with financial
request of developing countries, across a broad range of support from DANIDA, the Global Environment Facility,
mitigation and adaptation technology and policy sectors. and the Government of Italy. As one of six accelerators of
As the implementation arm of the UNFCCC Technology the Sustainable Energy of All (SEforAll) Energy Efficiency
Mechanism, the CTCN is a key institution to support nations Accelerator Platform, launched at the Climate Summit
in realizing their commitments under the Paris Agreement. in September 2014, the Initiative is supporting market
transformation efforts to shift the heating and cooling sector
As countries around the world seek to scale up their energy-
to energy efficient and renewable energy solutions.
efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development, the
CTCN plays the role of technology matchmaker, mobilizing The Initiative aims to double the rate of energy efficiency
a global network of technology expertise from finance, improvements for heating and cooling in buildings by
NGO, private and research sectors to provide customized 2030, helping countries meet their climate and sustainable
technology and policy support. Over 200 technology development targets. The Initiative helps local and national
transfers are currently underway in 70 countries. governments build local know-how and implement enabling
policies that will accelerate investment in modern – low-
The Centre is the implementing arm of the UNFCCC
carbon and climate resilient – district energy systems. UN
Technology Mechanism. It is hosted and managed by UN
Environment is currently providing technical support to
Environment and the United Nations Industrial Development
cities in eight countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Organization (UNIDO), and supported by more than 340
Chile, China, India, Malaysia, Morocco, Russia and Serbia.
network institutions around the world. Nationally-selected
focal points (National Designated Entities) in each country Since its establishment, the Secretariat has been leading
coordinate requests and implementation at the national level. and coordinating the development of, as well as facilitating
global access to, the best relevant technical information
necessary to address regulatory, economic, environmental
and social barriers to enable successful and sustainable
district energy programmes.
The Initiative works with a wide range of committed
partners and donors. Partnerships are a key enabler for
EN.LIGHTEN combatting climate change and fostering sustainable
development, and are firmly embedded in the way the
initiative works at global, regional and national level. By
http://united4efficiency.org/ joining forces with other players, the initiative leverages
additional resources, expertise and technical know-how to
The en.lighten initiative is a public-private partnership be-
help countries and cities in their effort to move towards
tween the UN Environment and companies such as OSRAM,
modern district energy systems.
Philips Lighting and MEGAMAN, with support from the
Global Environment Facility (GEF). The initiative’s main aim
is to support countries in their transition to energy efficient
lighting options. en.lighten has taken a regional approach
to standards implementation. Through this method, coun-
tries are able to share the costs for innovation and testing
centres, as well as recycling and waste schemes to manage
disposal of the new products (e.g. lights containing mercu-
ry). To date, the en.lighten initiative accounts for over 60
partner countries with a number of ongoing regional and
national activities and projects. Over the next several years,
the en.lighten initiative – as the lighting chapter of United
for Efficiency – will focus its support for countries to leap-
frog to LED lighting and assisting countries and cities to im-
plement efficient street lighting policies and programmes.
http://www.globalabc.org/ http://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/
The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GABC) The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an
promotes and works towards a zero-emission, efficient and international alliance of cities and local governments with
resilient buildings and construction sector. It is a voluntary, a shared long-term vision of promoting and supporting
international, multi-stakeholder partnership serving as global voluntary action to combat climate change and move to
collaborative umbrella organization for other platforms, a low emission, resilient society. The Covenant focuses on:
initiatives and actors to create synergies, and increase climate g Local Governments as Key Contributors: The Global
action scale and impact for decarbonising the buildings and Covenant of Mayors works to organize and mobilize cities
construction sector in line with the Paris Agreement goals. and local governments to be active contributors to a global
climate solution.
The GABC’s common objectives are:
g City Networks as Critical Partners: Local, regional and
(a) Communication: Raising awareness and engagement global city networks are core partners, serving as the
making visible the magnitude of the opportunities and primary support for participating cities and local
impact in the buildings and construction sector. governments.
(b) Collaboration: Enabling public policy and market g A Robust Solution Agenda: Focusing on those sec-
transformation action to achieve existing climate tors where cities have the greatest impact, the Global
commitments, through implementing partnerships, sharing Covenant of Mayors supports ambitious, locally relevant
technical expertise, and improving access to financing. solutions, captured through strategic action plans that
are registered, implemented and monitored and publicly
(c) Solutions: Offering and supporting programmes and
locally adapted solutions to achieve climate commitments
and further ambitious ‘well-below 2°C path’ actions. g Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fostering
Local Climate Resilience: The Global Covenant of May-
The GABC has five Work Areas for addressing key barriers to ors emphasizes the importance of climate change mit-
a low-carbon, energy-efficient, and resilient buildings and igation and adaptation, as well as increased access to
construction sector: Education & Awareness; Public Policy; clean and affordable energy.
Market Transformation; Finance; and Measurement, Data
Created through a coalition between the Compact of Mayors
and Accountability.
and EU Covenant of Mayors, the Global Covenant of Mayors
Specifically, the GABC focuses on: is the broadest global alliance committed to local climate
g orking towards a common vision and goals by
W leadership, building on the commitments of over 7,477 cities,
developing a GABC global roadmap and issuing an annual representing 684,880,509 people and 9.31% of the global
GABC Global Status Report. population.
https://www.itf-oecd.org/ www.endev.info
The International Transport Forum (ITF) at the Organisation EnDev is an international partnership with the mission to
for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) is an promote sustainable access to modern energy services in
intergovernmental organization with 59 member countries. developing countries as a means to inclusive social, eco-
The ITF acts as a think tank for transport policy and organ- nomic and low carbon development. EnDev is funded by six
ises the Annual Summit of transport ministers. It serves as a donor countries: Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, Unit-
platform for discussion and pre-negotiation of policy issues ed Kingdom, Switzerland and Sweden. EnDev was initiated
across all transport modes, and it analyses trends, shares in 2005 and is currently implemented in 26 countries in
knowledge and promotes exchange among transport de- Africa, Asia and Latin America, with a focus on least de-
cision-makers and civil society. The ITF also has a formal veloped countries. EnDev promotes sustainable access to
mechanism, through its Corporate Partnership Board (CPB), climate-smart energy services that meet the needs of the
to engage with the private sector. Created in 2013 to enrich poor: long lasting, affordable, and appreciated by users,
global policy discussions with a private sector perspective, while also fulfilling certain minimum quality criteria. The
it brings together companies with a clear international per- most widely promoted technologies are improved cook-
spective in their activities that play an active role in trans- stoves for clean cooking, solar technologies for lighting
port and associated sectors. CPB partners represent com- and electricity supply as well as mini-grids.
panies from across all transport modes and closely related
EnDev has a robust monitoring system, which provides
areas, such as energy, finance, or technology.
donors, partners and management with verified data and
reliable assessments. By now, EnDev has facilitated sus-
Together with its member countries and corporate partners,
tainable access for more than 17.3 million people, more
the ITF has developed a wide range of projects, including
than 38,600 small and medium enterprises and 19,400 so-
transport and climate change. In May 2016, the ITF Decar-
cial institutions. In 2016, through the measures of the pro-
bonising Transport project was launched to help decision
gramme, CO2 emission reductions totalled 1.8 million tons
makers establish pathways to carbon-neutral mobility. This
per year. Since beginning in 2005, EnDev has contributed
project brings together a partnership that extends far be-
to avoiding more than 8.5 million tons of CO2. This figure
yond the member countries of ITF. There are currently more
is a conservative estimate: it includes various deductions
than 50 Decarbonising Transport project partners from in-
for sustainability, additionality, free riding and replacement
tergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organi-
or repeat customers. The majority of the EnDev’s avoided
sations, national governments, city networks, foundations,
emissions are generated in the cookstove sector.
universities, research institutes, multilateral development
banks, professional and sectoral associations, and the pri-
vate sector.
www.irena.org www.pfan.net
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an The Private Financing Advisory Network is one of few actors
intergovernmental organization that supports countries in in the climate finance space addressing the barriers to success
their transition to a sustainable energy future through ac- for small and medium enterprises (SME) in developing coun-
celerated deployment of renewable energy. tries and emerging economies – a shortage of bankable proj-
ects on the demand side and difficulties assessing risks and a
IRENA’s Roadmap for a Sustainable Energy Future, REmap conservative lending culture on the supply side.
2030, demonstrated that doubling the share of renewable
energy in the global energy mix by 2030 is both economi- PFAN’s goals are to reduce CO2 emissions, promote low-carbon,
cally viable and technically feasible. Through its Renewable sustainable economic development, and help facilitate the tran-
Readiness Assessments, IRENA helps countries assess local sition to a low-carbon economy by increasing financing oppor-
tunities for promising clean energy projects. PFAN accomplishes
conditions and prioritize actions to achieve renewable ener-
this by coaching and mentoring high-potential climate and clean
gy potentials. The Agency’s regional initiatives, such as the
energy businesses; by developing a network of investors and fi-
African Clean Energy Corridor, promote the penetration of
nancial institutions with an interest in and extensive knowledge
renewable electricity in national systems and renewable en-
of clean energy markets; and by presenting to these investors
ergy cross-border trade. IRENA is organizing dialogues with
projects that have been screened for commercial viability, sus-
a broad range of stakeholders to advance specific regional tainability and environmental and social benefits.
concerns, including efforts to strengthen renewable energy
objectives in countries’ NDCs. To date, PFAN has raised over US $1.2 billion in investment for
the projects in its pipeline, which have led to installing and
IRENA makes its data, knowledge products, and tools a operating over 700 MW of clean energy capacity.
public good so that many can benefit from the Agency’s
unique mandate and reach. These tools include, among PFAN is a multilateral public-private partnership, founded by
the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) and the United Nations
others: a Global Atlas that consolidates renewable resource
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It has
potential worldwide; a Project Navigator that guides the
recently been relaunched under a new hosting arrangement
preparation of high quality project proposals; and a Sus-
with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
tainable Marketplace that facilitates access to finance to
(UNIDO) and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
scale up investments.
Partnership (REEEP). Under this arrangement, PFAN’s opera-
tions are set to scale by a factor of two to five by 2020.
REN21 is the global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder d iverse viewpoints from both private and public-sector actors,
network that connects a wide range of key actors. REN21’s goal serving to dispel myths about renewables energy and to ca-
is to facilitate knowledge exchange, policy development and joint talyse policy change. It does this through six product lines: the
action towards a rapid global transition to renewable energy. Renewables Global Status Report (GSR), which is the most fre-
REN21 brings together governments, non-governmental or- quently referenced report on renewable energy market, indus-
ganizations, research and academic institutions, international try and policy trends; Regional Reports on renewable energy
organizations and industry to learn from one another and build developments of particular regions; Renewables Interactive
on successes that advance renewable energy. To assist policy Map, a research tool for tracking the development of renew-
decision making, REN21 provides high quality information, ca- able energy worldwide; the Global Future Reports (GFR), which
talyses discussion and debate and supports the development of illustrate the credible possibilities for the future of renewables;
thematic networks. the Renewables Academy, which offers a venue to brain-
storm on future-orientated policy solutions; and International
REN21 facilitates the collection of comprehensive and time-
Renewable Energy Conferences (IRECs), a high-level political
ly information on renewable energy. This information reflects
conference series.
http://www.ndcpartnership.org/ www.reeep.org
The NDC Partnership is a global coalition of countries and in- REEEP invests in clean energy markets to help developing coun-
ternational institutions working together to mobilize support tries expand modern energy services, improve lives and keep low-
and achieve ambitious climate goals, while enhancing sustain- ering CO2 emissions. Leveraging a strategic portfolio of high-im-
able development. Launched at COP22 in Marrakesh, the NDC pact investments, REEEP generates, adapts and shares knowledge
Partnership aims to enhance cooperation so that countries to build sustainable markets for clean energy and energy efficien-
have access to the technical knowledge and financial support cy solutions, advance energy access, and combat climate change
they need to achieve large-scale climate and sustainable de- in order to facilitate economic growth where it matters most.
velopment targets as quickly and effectively as possible, and
REEEP invests in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
increase global ambition over time.
in low and middle-income countries and develops tailor-
In-Country Engagement made financing mechanisms to make clean energy technology
The Partnership engages directly with ministries and other accessible and affordable to all.
stakeholders to assess needs and identify opportunities for
Market transformation is complex and multidimensional.
collective action across sectors, regions, and international
REEEP monitors, evaluates and learns from its portfolio to bet-
partners. Through the Partnership, members provide target-
ter understand the systems we work in, identify opportunities
ed and coordinated assistance so that nations can effective-
and barriers to success and lower risk for market actors. The
ly develop and implement robust climate and development
knowledge we gain is shared with government and private sec-
plans. Leveraging the skills and resources of multiple partners
tor stakeholders, influencing policy and investment decisions.
towards a common objective, and delivering with speed, is a
unique value proposition that the Partnership brings. Current major projects and activities by REEEP include: man-
aging the Sweden-funded Beyond the Grid Fund for Zambia,
Increasing Knowledge Sharing
which is set to bring clean energy access to 1 million Zam-
The Partnership raises awareness of and enhances access to cli-
bians by 2021; Powering Agrifood Value Chains, a portfolio
mate support initiatives, best practices, analytical tools, and re-
of eight promising clean energy businesses in the agrifood
sources. Information to address specific implementation needs
space; market-based clean energy and energy efficiency
is made available through online portals, as well as communities
solutions for urban water infrastructure in Southern Africa;
and networks that generate opportunities for knowledge sharing.
and the hosting and execution of activities of the Private Fi-
Governance nancing Advisory Network PFAN (see p. 72).
The NDC Partnership is guided by a Steering Committee com-
Founded at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Devel-
prised of developed and developing nations and international
opment in Johannesburg, REEEP works in close collaboration
institutions, and is facilitated by a Support Unit hosted by the
with a range of public and private sector partners at the early
World Resources Institute in Washington and Bonn. The Partner-
stages of clean energy market development.
ship is co-chaired by the Governments of Germany and Morocco.
The Moroccan Climate Change Competence Centre (4C Maroc) 4C Maroc works to strengthen national actors’ capacities in cop-
is a national capacity building platform for multiple stakeholders ing with climate change by collecting and developing information,
concerned with climate change, including government entities at knowledge, and skills pertaining to climate change vulnerability, ad-
all levels, private companies, research institutions, and civil society aptation, mitigation, and funding in Morocco. It also develops tools
organizations. 4C Maroc acts as a hub for regional climate change to improve and aid decision-making regarding climate change. 4C
information. Maroc is particularly focused on creating a link between policymakers
and scientists, aiming to ensure that universities and research centres
get necessary funding to work on topics most relevant to improving
public well-being. This effort’s goal is to enable the public sector to
make the best decisions on matters relating to climate change.
www.seforall.org united4efficiency.org
Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) was launched in 2013 The UN Environment-GEF United for Efficiency (U4E) sup-
as an initiative of the United Nations with a focus on moving ports developing countries and emerging economies to leap-
the importance of sustainable energy for all center stage. frog their markets to energy-efficient lighting, appliances
Following the adoption of the SDGs, SEforALL has now tran- and equipment, with the overall objective to reduce global
sitioned into an international non-profit organization with electricity consumption and mitigate climate change. High
a relationship agreement with the UN that serves as a plat- impact appliances and equipment such as lighting, residen-
form supporting a global movement to support action. tial refrigerators, air conditioners, electric motors and dis-
SEforALL empowers leaders to broker partnerships and un- tribution transformers will account for close to 60 percent
lock finance to achieve universal access to sustainable ener- of global electricity consumption by 2030. The rapid deploy-
gy as a contribution to a cleaner, just and prosperous world ment of high-energy efficient products is a crucial piece of
for all. SEforALL marshals evidence, benchmarks progress, the pathway to keep global climate change under 2°C. A
tells stories of success and connects stakeholders. In order global transition to energy efficient lighting, appliances and
to take action at the scale and speed necessary, SEforALL’s equipment will save more than 2,500 TWh of electricity use
work focuses on where we can make the greatest progress each year reducing CO2 emissions by 1.25 billion tons per an-
in the least amount of time. num in 2030. Further, these consumers will save US $350
billion per year in reduced electricity bills.
Founding partners to U4E include the United Nations Devel-
opment Programme (UNDP), the International Copper Asso-
ciation (ICA), the environmental and energy efficiency NGO
CLASP, and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
UK INTERNATIONAL Similar to en.lighten, U4E also partners with private sector
CLIMATE FUND manufacturers, including ABB, Electrolux, Arçelik, BSH Haus-
geräte GmbH, MABE, and Whirlpool Corporation.
In 2010, the UK established the International Climate Fund
(ICF) as a cross government programme, managed by BEIS,
DFID and DEFRA. The Fund has delivered £3.87 billion in Offi-
cial Development Assistance between 2011 and 2016. It now
has a mature portfolio of over 200 programmes with global
reach, working through private sector, multilateral, and bilat-
eral channels, and has committed to spending at least £5.8
billion over the next five years. The ICF aims to spend half
of its finances on climate mitigation and half on adaptation.
Up to US $90 trillion will be invested in infrastructure globally
over the next 15 years in energy, cities, and transport. Much
of this will be in developing countries where the ICF will try
to influence finance flows to lower carbon investments by
making visible, distinctive and catalytic investments that can
be scaled up and replicated by others.
Since 2011, the ICF has directly supported 34 million peo-
ple, helping them cope with the effects of climate change,
and improved energy access for 12 million people. ICF in-
vestments have also helped prevent 9.2 million tonnes of C0 2
emissions –and generated US $2.86 billion of public invest-
ment and US $650 million of private investment.
Meeting the Paris Agreement’s climate goals will require an immediate and worldwide
shift toward decarbonizing human activities. According to the IPCC, global emissions
will have to peak in the next few years and then rapidly decline over the following
three decades, approaching zero by 2050, if the world is to have a likely chance
of limiting warming in line with the 1.5°C or 2°C goals established in the Paris
Agreement. The annual emissions gap, however, is growing, and will equal
11 – 19 GtCO2e by 2030 unless efforts to reduce emissions dramatically ramp up.
Timing is crucial, as the global carbon budget shrinks each year and the window of
opportunity for achieving our shared climate goals narrows. Emissions benchmarks
that correspond with 1.5°C or 2°C scenarios are moving targets, and if the world
misses them in the short term, climate trajectories would worsen and long-term goals
would become more difficult to meet.
Lagos, Nigeria
Private companies
are making solar
energy accessible and
affordable, helping to
meet the vast demand
for reliable energy
access across Nigeria.
Renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) initiatives are Decarbonization is occurring throughout the world, as cities
the most prominent and effective means for cutting carbon and other subnational jurisdictions have aligned their actions
emissions while promoting sustainable economic growth. As with national governments and partnered with private firms to
with their timing and scale, the location of these efforts is implement innovative RE and EE programmes. Public-private
crucial to achieving global climate goals. Developing countries partnerships, particularly collaborations at the subnational level,
are projected to drive almost all of the world’s energy demand are assuming an increasingly prominent role in international
growth this century as well as the vast majority of new climate efforts, and these collaborations will be a main focus
buildings, new modes of transportation, and new industrial at COP23. Yet these actions are not happening at the speed or
activity.236 These countries must balance domestic development scale necessary to achieve the 1.5°C or 2°C goals. Developed
needs with global climate goals, and they cannot be expected to countries need to transfer resources, including policy and
do so without support from the rest of the world. Developing technical expertise, best available technologies, and financing,
countries are installing RE facilities at a record pace, accounting to developing countries in order to create the enabling
for more than half of the nearly 140 GW of RE that came online environments necessary for RE and EE expansion at a scale
in 2016. These nations are also developing and implementing commensurate with what international climate goals demand.
more RE and EE policies than ever before, as documented in Nations, project implementers, and supporting organizations
Chapter 2 of this report. must determine which policies and programmes do in fact meet
the ambitious climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement
In cities and regions throughout the world, governments at all
while also achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
jurisdictional levels are partnering with private companies to
This report provides some of the key elements that could be
implement RE and EE programmes, achieving carbon emissions
used to assess projects, policies, and initiatives according to
reductions as well as co-benefits for their localities, including
their promotion of global climate and sustainable development
enhanced environmental quality, human health, economic
outcomes, social inclusion, and gender equality. Section 3.1
of this report details six cases from various cities and regions, Information is a key resource that is little discussed. This
where public-private RE and EE initiatives are proving successful. report’s 1.5°C or 2°C compatibility exercise finds that data
These efforts are prime examples of the global movement to transparency and information sharing are essential components
decouple carbon emissions from development. It is challenging, of compatibility at the national, sector, and project levels.
however, for many policymakers, project supporters, and International efforts to improve data availability need to
implementers to determine individual RE and EE projects and ramp up immediately. Bilateral and multilateral development
policies’ contributions to closing the emissions gap. Judging organizations are among the groups best suited to catalyze
these efforts’ compatibility with global 1.5°C and 2°C scenarios these global changes. This report finds that these international
is also an unchartered territory for many actors. organizations leverage large emissions reductions for relatively
small RE and EE investments. These groups are shown to
Evaluating internationally supported RE and EE initiatives’
foster enabling environments helping to create homegrown
measurable emissions reductions and creating a 1.5°C or
low carbon trajectories in developing countries. International
2°C-compatibility framework for RE and EE sectors and projects
development authorities now should expand their support to
is the focus of this report. The results show that, when scaled
advance transparency and resource transfers at an ever greater
up with proposed funding figures, supported RE and EE projects
scale and speed.
in developing countries could produce 1.4 GtCO2e in annual
reductions by 2020. The compatibility framework presents a
practical alternative to using counterfactual baseline scenarios
to estimate an RE or EE project or sector’s impacts, allowing
funders, policymakers, project implementers, and other laypeople
to quickly determine if a programme, project, or policy is 1.5°C
or 2°C compatible, and to isolate crucial determining factors
of project and sector-level compatibility. The compatibility
analysis illustrates the need for integrated, system-focused
policy promoting decarbonization in every sector. This means
policies that link electricity generation and transmission with
end-use management; regulations and standards that address
upstream and downstream emissions throughout supply chains;
and a large-scale shift of incentives away from fossil fuels and
inefficient energy use towards RE sources and system-wide
This study performed a three-step calculation to determine the Whenever the project capacity size was reported, ESi was
GHG mitigation impact from bilateral and multilateral-supported calculated as follows:
renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) finance in 2020.
In the first step, the annual emission reduction for a project ESi = PCi x 8760 (hours/yr) x CFi
number i in 2020 were calculated as follows:
where: PC i : Capacity of project i (MW)
CF i : Capacity factor of project i (dimensionless)
CO2R2020i = ESi x EFi
where: CO2R2020 i = Direct CO2 emission reduction in
2020 by project number i (t/yr)
ES i = Annual energy saved or substituted
by project number i (MWh/yr);
EF i = country-specific grid electricity CO2
emission factor for project number i
Following this step, the analysed projects’ aggregate mitigation impact was scaled up to estimate the total mitigation delivered by
bilateral- and multilateral-supported RE and EE projects in developing countries between 2005 and 2016. The scale-up was done by
using the following equation:
CO2R2020tot,2005-2016 = Sj (S CO2R2020j,Dataset x
where: CO2R2020 tot,2005-2016 = total mitigation in 2020 by bilateral- and multilateral-supported RE and EE projects in
developing countries committed between 2005 and 2016 (MtCO2 /yr)
CO2R2020 j,Dataset = CO2 emissions reduction in 2020 estimated for a project under technology category j
in the dataset developed in this analysis (MtCO2/yr)
FINj,tot,2005-2016 = total finance committed by bilateral and multilateral institutions on technology category j
between 2005 and 2016 (million current USD)
FINj,Dataset = Finance committed by a project under technology category j in the dataset developed in this
analysis (million current USD)
In the final step, the analysed projects’ aggregate mitigation figure was used to estimate the expected mitigation from bilateral and
multilateral support that will be committed through 2020 in line with the US $100 billion global climate finance goal.237
FINj,tot,2005-2016 + FINj,tot,2015-2020
CO2R2020tot,2005-2020 = Sj S CO2R2020j,Dataset x
SFINj,Dataset ) 4
where: CO2Rtot,2005-2020 = total mitigation in 2020 by bilateral- and multilateral-supported RE and EE projects in 2020 in
developing countries committed between 2005 and 2020 (MtCO2/yr)
FINj,tot,2015-2020 = total finance expected to be committed by bilateral and multilateral institutions on technology
category j between 2015 and 2020 (million current USD)
Further details about these steps are given in the following sections. CO2 emissions generated through the construction of RE facilities
are excluded, as these are generally less than emissions from fossil fuel power plant construction.
Country Solar Wind Hydro Geothermal
Range for the countries in which projects
5-20% 10-36% 10-84% N/A 42-84%
were implemented
Simple average across all countries
15% 22% 42% 40% 63%
in the IRENA database*
Table 3. presents total CO2 emission reductions expected in 2020
from 273 RE and EE projects per area and technology analysed
in this study.
Table 3: CO2 emission reductions expected in 2020 from 224 RE and EE projects analysed in this study.
EE 62 113.8 10,831
Table 4: Total amount of development finance committed to RE projects by all supporting partners between 2005
and 2015 (million current US dollars).
Sector 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total
Energy generation,
347 274 363 734 1,172 1,799 2,561 1,763 2,030 2,447 1,742 15,233
sources – multiple
480 720 1,181 442 208 716 586 997 1,387 1,285 806 8,808
power plants
Solar energy 64 53 25 155 328 243 103 621 971 1661 718 4,942
Wind energy 126 93 147 322 219 990 78 140 92 488 82 2,776
Marine energy 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 1
225 10 8 3 43 673 397 48 290 606 372 2,676
15 20 35 105 132 53 26 43 117 83 71 701
power plants
Total 1,258 1,171 1,760 1,761 2,102 4,474 3,751 3,612 4,886 6,571 3,791 35,137
Note: data for 2016 is not yet available at the time of writing.
Table 5: Estimated total mitigation impact in 2020 from RE and EE projects financed by bilateral and multilateral
institutions between 2005 and 2015.
Several assumptions were made to estimate the expected total of that figure was assumed to be public finance. This means that
mitigation impact from finance commitments made between the public finance for RE and EE projects would comprise 25%
2005 and 2020. First, it was assumed that the global finance of the US $100 billion. Third, the US $25 billion was assumed to
target of US $100 billion in 2020 will be achieved. Second, half of be distributed to RE and EE at the same 2014 ratio as reported
this US $100 billion was assumed to address mitigation, and half by CPI.
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167 Interview with Eitan Hochster, Director of Busines Development, Lumos Global. Finance. (2017). Retrieved from: http://fs-unep-centre.org/sites/default/files/
30 August 2017. publications/globaltrendsinrenewableenergyinvestment2017.pdf
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170 Are Off-Grids the Answer to Nigeria’s Energy Crisis? Heinrich Boll Stiftung. 197 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2016).
Available from: https://ng.boell.org/true-cost-electricity (accessed July 2017). Creditor Reporting System. Retrieved from: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.
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Creditor Reporting System. Retrieved from: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.
172 Interview with Uvie Ugono, Founder and CEO, Solynta, 31 August 2017. aspx?DataSetCode=CRS1#
173 Rotshuizen, S. (28 July 2017). From the Practitioner Hub: Interview with Ron 199 For this analysis, “implemented” projects are those that have been approved by
Margalit from solar home system provider Lumos. Inclusive Business Accelerator. the end of 2016 and will achieve emissions by 2020.
Available: https://iba.ventures/2017/07/28/from-the-practitioner-hub-
interview-with-ron-margalit-from-solar-home-system-provider-lumos/. 200 World Bank. (2015). International Financial Institution Framework for a
Harmonised Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting. Available: http://www.
174 Interview with Uvie Ugono, Founder and CEO, Solynta, 31 August 2017. worldbank.org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/IFI_Framework_for_
175 Solar Nigeria Programme, “Solar Nigeria adds 170,000 solar homes in just 1 Harmonized_Approach%20to_Greenhouse_Gas_Accounting.pdf
year” (16 February 2017). Available from: http://www.solar-ng.com/2017/02/16/ 201 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2016).
solar-nigeria-adds-170000-solar-homes-in-just-1-year/. Creditor Reporting System. Retrieved from: https://stats.oecd. org/Index.
176 Shalev, A. (9 February 2017). Solar Power Taking Hold in Nigeria, One Mobile Phone at a aspx?DataSetCode=CRS1
Time. Inside Climate News. Available: https://insideclimatenews.org/news/07022017/ 202 World Bank. (2015). International Financial Institution Framework for a
solar-energy-nigeria-africa-renewable-energy-climate-change-lumos. Harmonised Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting. Available: http://www.
177 Rotshuizen, S. (28 July 2017). From the Practitioner Hub: Interview with Ron worldbank.org/content/dam/Worldbank/document/IFI_Framework_for_
Margalit from solar home system provider Lumos. Inclusive Business Accelerator. Harmonized_Approach%20to_Greenhouse_Gas_Accounting.pdf
Available: https://iba.ventures/2017/07/28/from-the-practitioner-hub- 203 J. Bai. (2013). China’s Overseas Investments in the Wind and Solar
interview-with-ron-margalit-from-solar-home-system-provider-lumos/. Industries: Trends and Drivers. Working Paper. Washington, DC: World
178 Thomson Reuters and CDP have collaborated on this report to bring together the Resources Institute. Retrieved from: http://www.wri.org/publication/
latest data from companies that do report emissions and the latest estimates china-overseasinvestments-in-wind-and-solar-trends-and-drivers.
for those which do not or incompletely report emissions. The finance sector was 204 Cells shaded grey indicates no data available.
excluded, as there are insufficient estimates on its Scope 3 emissions. 205 Official Development Assistance + Other Official Flows
179 This is measured against total anthropogenic emissions, including land use of 206 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Creditor Reportign
approximately 52 Gigatons CO 2e. This number includes direct, indirect and value System. Retrieved from: https://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=CRS1#.
chain emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) adjusted for a double counting of 60%.
207 Agence Française de Développment. (2016). 2015: Our Work Around the World.
180 Top 15 in terms of total annual aggregate emissions. In the table, a Retreived from: http://www.afd.fr/webdav/site/afd/shared/PUBLICATIONS/
GHG Index above 100 indicates an increasing emissions trend; a Revenues Colonne-droite/Rapport-annuel-AFD-VA.pdf
Index above 100 indicates an increasing revenue trend; a Decoupling Index
above 100 indicates that revenues are increasing faster than emissions; and an 208 Soular, R. (2016). China becomes world’s biggest development lender. The
Employment Index above 100 indicates an increasing employment trend. Third Pole. Retrieved from: https://www.thethirdpole.net/2016/06/01/
181 This is measured against total anthropogenic emissions, including land use of
209 UK International Climate Finance. (2016). 2016 UK Climate Finance Results.
approximately 52 Gigatons CO 2e. This number includes direct, indirect and value
Retrieved from: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/
chain emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3) adjusted for double counting of 60%
182 Values which are “N/A” for 2016 are not available yet because they are not
210 FinnFund. (2016). Annual Report 2015. Retrieved from: http://annualreport.
provided by the companies in a manner which allows for peer comparison, and
therefore require further analysis; all values will be available by end of 2017 and/
or in the full Global 250 Report. 211 FMO. (2016). 2015 Annual Report. Retrieved from: http://annualreport.fmo.
183 Note this is an abridged version of case study as it appears in the full Global 250
212 The International Climate Initiative (IKI), the German government’s climate
184 Of the examples of emerging leadership in this report, Total Group represents funding instrument, supplies the funds for many GIZ RE and EE projects. GIZ is the
an underlying thesis that even the most carbon intensive firms have the implementing organization for these projects while IKI is the supporting institution.
opportunity for transformative business model change
213 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
185 According to Total completed CDP Climate Change information request submissions Projects. Retrieved from: https://www.giz.de/projektdaten/index.
186 http://www.annualreports.com/HostedData/AnnualReportArchive/t/ action?request_locale=en_EN
NYSE_TOT_2015.pdf 214 KfW Development Bank. (24 February 2016). Presentation on KfW Development
187 Kuramochi et al. (2016) “The ten most important short-term steps to limit Bank 2015: Environment and Climate Commitments & CO 2 – Monitoring.
warming to 1.5C”. Climate Action Tracker. Available: http://climateactiontracker. Retrieved from: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.
org/assets/publications/publications/CAT_10Steps_Summary.pdf kfw-2Dentwicklungsbank.de_PDF_Entwicklungsfinanzierung_Umwelt-
188 Mission2020. 2020: The Climate Turning Point. Available: http://www.
189 N. Hoehne, et al. (2015). Developing 2C Compatible Investing Criteria. mYpLVbZF3u_UtYA0frxBmccQMurQoKFFk&m=z0-IQV0b8MFl57AlNkF_
NewClimate Institute, Germanwatch and 2° Investing Initiative. Available: zVMGgXCzaqh3KPZ-K_-AgW8&s=W9Ezfc2ZuAIrScF_-ljhjQYyn0PGffRYH23Qo_
https://www.newclimateinstitute.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/2criteria-final.pdf dQTgA&e=215 Retrieved from: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/publications/
190 Ibid. reports/annual/2015/c8h0vm00009q82bmatt/c8h0vm00009q82o5.pdf
191 International Energy Agency. (2017). Energy Technology Perspectives. 215 Retrieved from: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/publications/reports/
Available: www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/ annual/2015/c8h0vm00009q82bm-att/2015_36.pdf
EnergyTechnologyPerspectives2017ExecutiveSummaryEnglishversion.pdf 216 Norfund. (2016). 2015 Report on Operations; Norwegian Investment Fund for
192 Asian Development Bank. (2016). The Asian Development Bank and the Climate Developing Countries. Retrieved from: https://issuu.com/merkurgrafisk/docs/
Investment Funds Country Fact Sheets. Second Edition. ADB Climate Change and norfund_virksomhetsrapport_2016_bla?e=13799334/35569369
Disaster Risk Management Division. Retrieved from: www.adb.org/sites/default/ 217 Overseas Private Investment Corporation. OPIC Annual Report 2015. Retrieved
files/publication/167401/adb-cif-country-fact-sheets-2nd-ed.pdf from: https://www.opic.gov/sites/default/files/files/2015annualreport.pdf
218 Global Environment Facility. (2016). About us. Retrieved from: https://www.
219 Climate Investment Funds. (2016). What we do. Retrieved from: http://www-cif.
220 Cells shaded grey indicate no data available.
221 Asian Development Bank. (2016). 2015 Clean Energy Investment Project
Summaries. Retrieved from: https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/
222 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. (2016). The People’s Republic of
Bangladesh Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project. Retrieved from:
223 Climate Investment Funds. (2016). Empowering a Greener Future: Annual Report
2015. Retrieved from: http://www-cif.climateinvestmentfunds.org/sites/default/
224 Climate Investment Funds. (2016). Empowering a Greener Future: Annual Report
2015. Retrieved from: http://www-cif.climateinvestmentfunds.org/sites/default/
225 European Investment Bank. (2016). 2015 Activity Report. Retrieved from: http://
226 European Investment Bank. (2015). 2014 Sustainability Report.
Retrieved from: http://www.eib.org/attachments/general/reports/
227 Green Climate Fund. (2016). Resources Mobilized .Retrieved from: http://www.
228 Global Environment Facility. Behind the Number 2015; A Closer Look at GEF
Achievements. Retrieved from: https://www.thegef.org/sites/default/files/
229 Global Environment Facility. About Us. Retrieved from: https://www.thegef.org/
230 World Bank Group. (2016). Corporate Scorecards. Retrieved from: http://
231 Proparco. (2016). Key Figures 2015. Retrieved from: http://www.proparco.fr/
232 World Bank. (2015). International Financial Institution Framework for a
Harmonised Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting. Available: http://www.
233 Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre/BNEF. (2016). Global Trends in Renewable Energy
Investment 2016. Retrieved from: http://fs-unep-centre.org/sites/default/files/
234 Höglund-Isaksson, L., Purohit, P., Amann, M., Bertok, I., Rafaj, P., Schöpp,
W., Borken-Kleefeld, J., 2017. Cost estimates of the Kigali Amendment to
phase-down hydrofluorocarbons. Environmental Science & Policy 75, 138–147.
235 UN Environment Programme (UNEP). (2017). The 2017 Emissions Gap Report.
Available: http://www.unep.org/emissionsgap/.
236 International Energy Agency. (2017). Energy Technology Perspectives.
Available: www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/
237 Westphal, M. I., Canfin, P. A. S. C. A. L., Ballesteros, A. T. H. E. N. A., & Morgan,
J. E. N. N. I. F. E. R. (2015). Getting to $100 Billion: Climate Finance Scenarios
and Projections to 2020. World Resources Institute Working Paper. Available at:
238 IRENA, 2016. Data & Statistics. International Renewable Energy Agency: Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Available at: http://resourceirena.irena.org/
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239 IEA, 2016. Energy Technology Perspectives 2016. Towards Sustainable Urban
Energy Systems, International Energy Agency: Paris, France.
240 IGES, 2016. List of grid emission factors. Update August 2016, Hayama, Japan:
Institute for Global Environmental Stratgegies (IGES). Available at: http://pub.iges.
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241 OECD, 2016. OECD.Stat: Query Wizard for International Development Statistics.
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242 Buchner, B.K., Trabacchi Chiara, Federico, M., Abramskiehn, D. & Wang, D., 2015.
Global Landscape of Climate Finance 2015, Climate Policy Initiative.
243 USD 49 billion was identified for renewable energy projects and USD 26 billion
for energy efficiency projects.
The entries in this glossary are adapted from definitions provided Double counting: the situation where the same emission
by authoritative sources, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on reductions are counted towards meeting two parties’ pledges
Climate Change and UN Environment. (for example, if a country financially supports an initiative in
a developing country, and both countries count the emissions
Additionality: a criterion that stipulates that emissions savings
towards their own national reductions).
achieved by a project must not have happened anyway had the
project not taken place. Emission pathway: the trajectory of annual global greenhouse
gas emissions over time.
Baseline Scenario: the scenario that would have resulted had
additional mitigation efforts and policies not taken place. International Financial Institutions (IFIs): banks that have
been chartered by more than one country.
Bilateral Development Organization: a bilateral development
organization mobilizes public funds from national budgets to Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs): financial institutions
finance development initiatives abroad. Some groups also raise that draw public and private funding from multiple countries to
capital from private markets and some use both public and finance development initiatives in developing countries. These
private financing in their operations. Development institutions organizations often fund projects in collaboration with each
generally finance projects via grants and/or loans distributed other, employing multi-layered finance agreements that include
to governments of recipient nations, which in turn distribute grants, loans, and leveraged local funding.
funding to ministries, local agencies, and firms in charge of
Scenario: a hypothetical description of the future based on
project implementation.
specific propositions, such as the uptake of renewable energy
Bottom-up analysis: a method of analysis that looks at the technologies or the implementation of energy efficiency
aggregated emissions impact from individual renewable energy standards.
and energy efficiency projects.
Top-down analysis: a method of analysis that uses aggregated
Business as usual: the scenario that would have resulted had data, often supplied by organizations that support renewable
additional mitigation efforts and policies not taken place (with energy and energy efficiency projects in developing countries, to
respect to an agreed set). determine global impact of a certain policy, measure, group, etc.
Developing Countries: this report uses the same definition of
developing countries as used by organizations such as the IEA or
£ British Pound Gt Gigaton
€ Euro GW Gigawatt
2DS 2°C Scenario kg kilogram
B2DS Beyond 2°C Scenario kWh Kilowatt hours
AFD Agence Française de Développement LED Light Emitting Diode
BECCS Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage IFI International Financial Institution Framework for a
Harmonised Approach to Greenhouse Gas Accounting
BEIS UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
IKI International Climate Initiative
AFD Agence Française de Développement
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ADB Asian Development Bank
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
CAT Climate Action Tracker
ISO International Organization for Standardization
CCS Carbon capture and storage
MDB Multilateral development banks
CDP Carbon Disclosure Project
MWh Megawatt-hour
CF Capacity factor
NDCs Nationally Determined Contributions
CIF Climate Investment Fund
NDEs National designated entities
CO2 Carbon dioxide
NEEAPs National Energy Efficiency Action Plans
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent
ODA Official development assistance
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs of the
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
PPA Power purchase agreement
DFID UK Department for International Development of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland PV Photovoltaic
EC European Commission PWh Petawatt-hour
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States R&D Research and development
EIA Energy Information Administration of the United States of REN21 Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century
America REEEP Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership
EIB European Investment Bank RPS Renewable Portfolio Standards
EJ Exajoule Rs Indian Rupee
ES Energy saved or substituted RTS Reference Technology Scenario
ETP Energy Technology Perspectives SBCP Sustainable Buildings Certification Program
EV Electric vehicle SBT Science-Based Targets
FIT Feed-in tariff SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency SE4ALL Sustainable Energy For All
GDP Gross domestic product TWh Terawatt hour
GEEREF Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
GEF Global Environment Facility US $ United States Dollars
GHG Greenhouse gas WEO World Energy Outlook
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit WRI World Resources Institute
GNI Gross national income WWF World Wildlife Fund
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page 33: Bariadi, Tanzania, Flickr, Russell Watkins, Department page 89: Isla Contoy, Mexico
for International Development, CC BY 2.0
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