Elizabeth Petroff

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Elizabeth Petroff:

1. Through reading autobiography students can discover how different writers express
their own experiences, and as a result write in new ways, and through the act of
writing their own experiences students gain a new understanding of their own lives
as well as coming to be better readers of autobiography
2. A search for self-knowledge and a desire to place ourselves in the world. The
autobiographical text is the mediator between the lived experience of the author
and the reflective experience of the reader. The life must be lived before the text
must be narrated.
3. Autobiography, as a genre, is characterized by questioning one’s experience. It raises
questions about chronology and causality: how can someone tell his or her life story
when the ending is not yet known?
4. Autobiographers are not limited by formal considerations, they can write about the
experience of exile, escape from slavery…spiritual autobiographers: the central focus
may be on the portrayal of a person important to the autobiographer’s self-
understanding or a moment in which the meaning of life for the autobiographer
changed utterly
5. What is important if spiritual autobiography is to affect a change in the writer, is the
actual writing of the words that an autobiographer finds perform a kind of alchemy
on hidden suffering, in which the leaden experiences of personal or collective pain
are refined, transformed into gold, as if it were liberating the writer from isolation
and loneliness, able at last to forge links to other human beings.
6. The density of inner pain becomes expansive, stony hearts melt, and the experience
provides metaphors and structures for the perceived new life.
7. According to Petroff, how spiritual autobiography effects transformations in writers
and their readers also derives from understanding the impact of trauma on the lives
around her. Pain creates fractures in the self, severing the person who undergoes
pain from the person who remembers, often burying the pain in another self, leaving
the dominant personality with a kind of amnesia in the deepest levels of the psyche.
8. The autobiographer performs a kind of anamnesis, a recollection that reconstitutes
the inner pain by standing outside it in order to record it. This remembering forge a
dialogue in which the broken pieces of the self may communicate with the social or
public self-representation. It is this dialogue that not only brings forth healing, but
speaks to the audience to engage us, the readers, and to bring us to a higher
understanding of what it means to be a human being.
9. The act of writing autobiography not only unifies the divided self, it creates a
luminous space in which readers begin to recreate and understand the creative uses
of their own suffering and its relation to their own survival.
10. Since pain often brings guilt with it, as one tries to justify ones suffering to oneself,
the autobiographer must forgive him or herself and forgive those that caused the
suffering. This circle of forgiveness also embraces the reader, as the readers own
suffering comes to light.
11. What is spiritual autobiography? it is the inscription of an inner life far deeper than a
mere listing of events in which the protagonist denied agency and subjectivity, is
engaged in a deep inward search for meaning and in which the exploration of
interiority may come to represent a universe, a cosmos that is home to the
12. Authors rules when it comes to writing spiritual autobiography:
1. Avoid large, generalized topics
2. Create assignments that allow for individual to experience to come forward
3. Create a progression of assignments that will build confidence in one’s ability to
reflect on one’s own life, beginning with short narratives in which the writer
presents his or her perceived reality
13. When the author distributes the assignments, she urges them to remember an early
memory, the mood… in order for the event to be remembered students need to
describe colors, the scent, the room in which it happened. Also, they need to
observe their own feelings. Memory plays a major role when it comes to writing
one’s experience in life. As well as the importance of feeling , many students have a
difficulty in the past with identifying and expressing their emotions.

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