Philosophical Perspective Selflessness
Philosophical Perspective Selflessness
Philosophical Perspective Selflessness
This section uncovers the philosophical essence in understanding the self.
Discussions in this unit encompasses the discourse of ancient to contemporary philosophers
on their perspective of the self. This will serve as a scholarly foundation on one’s knowledge
and assessment of one’s way of thinking and behavior using the lens of selected
Specific objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:
Concepts of self, according to Philosophers from ancient times to contemporary
( In some books, they discuss Socrates and Plato separately. In our case, we are combining
both their perspectives because Plato is a student of Socrates, is the one who wrote the
ideas of Socrates and not Socrates himself.)
SOCRATES The First Philosopher who ever engaged in a systematic questioning of
self, known as the Socratic dialogue. The task is not to attain true knowledge; the task is
to keep on asking questions. Therefore, the self is the by-product of the constant
(Nugget of wisdom from “The Oracle of Delphi”, Wise is it to know that you don’t know
Every man is composed of body and soul. This means that every human person is
dualistic. This means all individuals have an imperfect, impermanent aspect to him--- the
body, which belongs to the world of matter. While the perfect and permanent aspect is
the soul, which belongs to the world of form.
PLATO (a student of Socrates) supports the idea that man is a dual nature of body and
soul. The soul is in the body. Plato added that there are three components of soul:
a. The Rational Soul- (Wisdom) forged by reason and intellect has to govern the affairs
of the human person. The rational soul can control the spirited and appetitive soul.
b. The Spirited Soul- (Fortitude) is in charge of emotions which should be kept at bay.
c. The Appetitive Soul- (Temperance) in charge of the basic needs, and these basic need
should be controlled as well.
The ideal state is attained when the human person’s soul becomes just and virtuous.
He Christianized philosophy by introducing the name God. He claims that humans
prone to mistakes and that, there is the restlessness of the soul, it longs to be with God.
The body is bound to die on earth and the soul is to anticipate eternally in a realm of
spiritual bliss in communion with God.
Adapting the ideas from Aristotle (who is a student of Plato), claims that man is
of two parts: Matter and form.
Matter (or Hyle) refers to the body.
Form (or Morphe) the soul.
The soul is what animates the body; Aquinas calls it “embodied soul”.
4. RENÉ DESCARTES – Father of Modern Philosophy
Descartes doubted the senses because the senses can deceive us (ex: the smell and taste
of the durian fruit.) The only thing that one cannot doubt is the existence of self, for even if
one doubts one’s self that only proves that there is a doubting self, a thing that thinks and
therefore, that cannot be doubted. Thinking assures us that we exist.
Mind is independent from the body. The mind assures us we exist; the body is
of the senses. Therefore, man is dualistic: mind and body.
Descartes is considered a rationalist (a priori), ideas comes first before experience.
Is on the empiricist side (a posteriori), we experience first before we can have
Borrowing from Aristotle: TABULA RASA, we can only learn to engage with one’s self
the experience we have with others. So we are blank sheets, then we fill it with experiences,
then we have the self.
Who is also an empiricist, does not believe in ideas. Man can only attain knowledge
experiencing. There is no self, but only an impression of self. He categorized the two:
a. Impressions are the basic objects of our experience and sensation. They form the
core of our thought. (When one touches an ice cube, the cold sensation is an
impression). Impressions are vivid because they are products of our direct
experience of the world.
b. Ideas are copies of impressions. (When one imagines the feeling of being in love
for the first time, that is still an idea).
To Kant, there is necessarily a mind that organizes the impressions that men get from
the external world. Time and space, are ideas that one cannot find in the world, but is built
in our minds. Kant calls these the APPARAUS OF THE MIND. Along with the different
apparatuses of the mind is the SELF. Without the self, one cannot organize the different
impressions that one gets in relation to his own existence. Therefore, we can have a unified
self through these impressions. The self is not just what give one his personality, it is also
the seat of knowledge acquisition--- the amalgamation of perceptions.
What truly matters is the behavior that a person manifest in his day-to-day life. The
SELF is not an entity one can locate and analyze but simply a convenient name that people
use to refer to all the behavior that people make.
Mind and body are so intertwined that they cannot be separated from one another.
living body, his thoughts, emotions, and experiences are all in one. Reality can be
as multi angular façade--- the self is also multi angular. There are many sides to one’s self.
1. Write an essay on the 3 philosophical perspectives that best describes the self.
Social Comparison Theory: Our Sense of Self is Influenced by Comparison with Others.
Social Comparison occurs when we learn about our abilities and skills, about the
appropriateness and validity of our opinions, and about our relative social; status by
comparing our own attitudes, belief, and behaviors with those of others.
Self in Families
The kind of family that we are born in, the resources available to us (human, spiritual,
economic), and the kind of development that they will have, will certainly affect us as we go
through life. Individuals internalize ways and styles that they observe from their family. By
imitating, babies learn language and ways of behaving.
“ What is normally accepted in one place, may not be accepted in other culture”.
This section attempts to understand humankind in relation to their culture.
The self is both a biological and cultural entity.
Biological Cultural
➢ We are considered an animal specie ➢ Adaptation to the environment for
that underwent the process of survival, the self develops a culture
biological evolution. resulting in behavioral changes.
Two very important concepts in anthropology:
Culture Enculturation
➢ Systems of human behavior and ➢ The process of transmitting culture
thought. to infants and other new members of
➢ Culture is symbolic. Used tools and society through both informal and
symbols become an integral part of formal processes.
the culture. Burial sites, ancestral ➢ Hearing stories and seeing
homes, landmarks of significant and performances of rituals and dramas
historical events, rituals and are other long-standing forms of
customary actions. enculturation.
➢ Culture is a historically transmitted
patterns of meanings embodied in
symbols, a system of inherited
conceptions expressed in symbolic
forms by mean of which men
communicate, perpetuate, and
develop their knowledge about their
attitudes towards life.
➢ Culture is learned and is very much
integrated in one’s customs and
What is Choice Theory? Developed by psychiatrist William Glasser, Choice Theory
states we are motivated by a never-ending quest to satisfy the following 5 basic needs woven
into our genes: to love and belong, to be powerful, to be free, to have fun and to survive.
1. The only person whose behavior we can control is our own.
2. All we can give another person is information.
Another psychological perspective is the notion of the multiple self and unified self:
Multiplicity of Self States Unified Self
- Our self concept is greatly - Is connected to consciousness,
influenced by the “audience” we awareness and agency(sense of
initially narrate to. Change the control).
audience, and we change the self.
Other Perspectives
Confucianism is the main ancient philosophy of China. It implicitly embodies key
aspects of Chinese culture. Confucian beliefs have constantly changed and developed over
the past 2,500 years.
What Confucianism Is
Confucianism has been the code of ethics adopted by most of the great Chinese empires (206
BC – 1912 AD). The ideas of Confucius, Mencius and Xun Zi were codified and adapted over
millennia into system of doctrine known as Confucianism.
His version of the golden rule: “Do not do unto others, what you don’t want done to
Things Confucius wants us to remember:
1. Ceremony is important. Even the simple food that is served to us when we are
sick is considered a ceremony. He valued ritual propriety. Our yearly birthday
celebration or the wedding vows, rituals gives clarity to our intentions and it helps
us how to behave.
2. We should treat our parents with reverence. Obey them when we are young. Care
for them when we are old. Mourn for them when they die. And make sacrifices
on their memory thereafter (honor dead ancestors). Filial piety, is to be there for
our parents whenever they need us. For moral life starts within the family.
3. We should be obedient to honorable people. “Let the ruler be a ruler; the subject,
a subject; a father, a father; and a son, a son.” We should be modest enough to
recognize the people whose experience and accomplishment outweigh our own.
4. Cultivated knowledge can be more important than creativity. Moral character and
wisdom is a work of a lifetime.
Taoism (Daoism)
Taoism is also referred to as Daoism, which is a more accurate way of representing in
English the sound of the Chinese word.
Taoism is about the Tao. This is usually translated as the Way. But it's hard to say exactly what
this means. The Tao is the ultimate creative principle of the universe. All things are unified
and connected in the Tao.
Founder is Lao Tzu. Introduced the “Wu wei” way of life. Flowing or effortless action.
We have to let go of our anxiety, our schedules and simply experience the world. “Nature
does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”. Breathing, growing wiser, having
relationships only happen on their own schedule, like the changing of leaves in the autumn
or the blossoming of flowers. We have to open our minds to nature and people. We have to
be in touch with our real selves. We spend a great time worrying about who we ought to
become, but we should instead take time to be who we already are. In a world so preoccupied
with technology and social media, one should give importance to stillness, openness, and
discover buried yet central parts of ourselves.
“ The way never acts yet nothing is left undone”.
Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development and
the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life. There are 376 million followers
Buddhists seek to reach a state of nirvana, following the path of the Buddha,
Siddhartha Gautama, who went on a quest for Enlightenment around the sixth century BC.
Buddhists believe that life is both endless and subject to impermanence, suffering and
uncertainty. These states are called the tilakhana, or the three signs of existence. Existence is
endless because individuals are reincarnated over and over again, experiencing suffering
throughout many lives.
It is impermanent because no state, good or bad, lasts forever. Our mistaken belief that things
can last is a chief cause of suffering.
The history of Buddhism is the story of one man's spiritual journey to enlightenment, and of
the teachings and ways of living that developed from it.
The Buddha
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was born into a royal family in present-day Nepal
over 2500 years ago. He lived a life of privilege and luxury until one day he left the royal
enclosure and encountered for the first time, an old man, a sick man, and a corpse. Disturbed
by this he became a monk before adopting the harsh poverty of Indian asceticism. Neither
path satisfied him and he decided to pursue the ‘Middle Way’ - a life without luxury but also
without poverty.
Buddhists believe that one day, seated beneath the Bodhi tree (the tree of awakening),
Siddhartha became deeply absorbed in meditation and reflected on his experience of life until
he became enlightened.
By finding the path to enlightenment, Siddhartha was led from the pain of suffering and
rebirth towards the path of enlightenment and became known as the Buddha or 'awakened
Key facts
The Four Noble Truths contain the essence of the Buddha's teachings. It was these four
principles that the Buddha came to understand during his meditation under the bodhi tree.
In the first two Noble Truths he diagnosed the problem (suffering) and identified its cause. The third
Noble Truth is the realization that there is a cure. The fourth Noble Truth, in which the Buddha set out
the Eightfold Path, is the prescription, the way to achieve a release from suffering.
Suffering comes in many forms. Three obvious kinds of suffering correspond to the
first three sights the Buddha saw on his first journey outside his palace: old age, sickness and
But according to the Buddha, the problem of suffering goes much deeper. Life is not
ideal: it frequently fails to live up to our expectations.
Human beings are subject to desires and cravings, but even when we are able to satisfy these
desires, the satisfaction is only temporary. Pleasure does not last; or if it does, it becomes
Even when we are not suffering from outward causes like illness or bereavement, we
are unfulfilled, unsatisfied. This is the truth of suffering.
Some people who encounter this teaching may find it pessimistic. Buddhists find it neither
optimistic nor pessimistic, but realistic. Fortunately, the Buddha's teachings do not end with
suffering; rather, they go on to tell us what we can do about it and how to end it.
Our day-to-day troubles may seem to have easily identifiable causes: thirst, pain from
an injury, sadness from the loss of a loved one. In the second of his Noble Truths, though, the
Buddha claimed to have found the cause of all suffering - and it is much more deeply rooted
than our immediate worries.
Buddhists recognize that there can be positive desires, such as desire for
enlightenment and good wishes for others.
The eight stages are not to be taken in order, but rather support and reinforce each other:
The eight stages can be grouped into Wisdom (right understanding and intention), Ethical Conduct
(right speech, action and livelihood) and Meditation (right effort, mindfulness and concentration).
The Buddha described the Eightfold Path as a means to enlightenment, like a raft for crossing
a river. Once one has reached the opposite shore, one no longer needs the raft and can leave
it behind.
Western thought
- Is concerned in the formation of self.
• Values equality
• Emphasis on the hierarchy as the
culture wants to keep things in
• Westerners calls their bosses, harmony and order.
parents, seniors by their first name. • Respectful terms for seniors.
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