The Blue and White - ISLK News - Vol.1 PDF
The Blue and White - ISLK News - Vol.1 PDF
The Blue and White - ISLK News - Vol.1 PDF
LUCA BERARDI by Jolana Kampfová
Interested in finding out how does Luca, our school's biggest star,
16 PERSONALITIES: juggle all of his hobbies and help the enviroment at the same
time? Continue reading and find out!
Where did your interest to protect the environment start?
I've always had a love for nature as a whole since I was very
ACCURATE” young. I was particularly fond of animals and had toys and
books all about them, but as I grew older, I slowly began to
DESCRIPTION OF WHO learn about the issues that the natural world was facing and I
YOU ARE? knew that if I wanted to save the animals, I'd have to save the
environment, too!
MARVEL VS. DC: WHAT So, that was where it started, but what is your motivation
DO YOU THINK? My motivation is simply the need to make a change: some
people have goals to visit every country in the world and others
hope they can tick names off a bucket list. I just wish to make as
THE DISHWASHING SOAP much positive change in as many peoples' lives as possible.
There's a quote that goes, "People may forget what you said, but
WE USE IS WORSE THAN they will never forget the way you made them feel." I want
YOU THINK people to remember me for the way I made them feel.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
What was your problem when writing the book (except for it And what was your biggest project ever?
taking it to long)? My biggest project? I had organised a few workshops back in
I personally love writing books, I absolutely love the feeling Kenya and the biggest one of those had 400 or so students in
I get when I start to write. So, I'd say that there weren't attendance, and the Earth Hour Walks that I organised in Lund
that many problems with the writing of books. Of course were pretty big, too!
there are days where you can't help but run into walls with
your plot, but otherwise, I think that people learning about You had achieved a lot - but what do you plan to do in the future
my book existing is actually a lot harder than it was (in any field)?
creating the book in the first place. Acting. Actually, that is the main profession I want to do in my
life - So hopefully, some development will come up there.
So, you said that The Breakout was just the first chapter.
Could you tell us more about your second book? Are there any near events you’re looking forward to?
In Max and Lax's second adventure together, they venture No at the moment, really. After Earth Hour and finishing the
to Brazil where they uncover a plot to destroy the Amazon second book - I think I’ll just relax for a little. But hopefully, I
Rainforest, the people living in it and being the Loris might be going to London to a conference.
Brothers, have to do something. This book will test Max
and Lax's ability to adapt under dangerous circumstances So, let us end with something motivational - What are you
and to use their heads as well as their passion if they want grateful for?
to save their favourite endangered species. I'm grateful for all of the overwhelming support that I have
received over the years. I owe a debt to my parents, my schools
and peers and all those believed in me from the day that I
And how many Breakout started doing what I still do today. It's because of them that I'm
books can we the person that I am and it's because of them that I still
expect in total?
Seven! x7 continue to do it.
during Mentortime
- How helpful is it?
It wasn’t a big adventure, to be true. Our task was to Since the event has only started not long ago, it is
go around classes and pick their boxes with paper. understandable that there has been some issues
After that, we threw the paper into the trolley and and confusion, but we do hope this article can
went back - to give the boxes to the classes. make students more aware of what to do during
Everything finished and it took about twenty minutes the collection and the procedures will be further
maximum. I was surprised at how well this event improved.
went. It was smooth, fast and helped the school. But
what do the other people think? (see next page)
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
Student Q&A:
DIY Homemade
Dish Soap Recipe:
1 cup Dr Bronner’s Organic
Pure Castile Liquid Soap
1/4 cup soap flakes or grated
Castile soap
4 tbsp. super washing soda
1/2 cup distilled water
20 drops essential oil of your
preference (lavender is very
Breyer, Melissa. “Is Your Dish Soap Toxic? Here's How to Know.” TreeHugger, Treehugger, 11 Oct. 2018,
Fraser, Carly. “These 12 Dish Soap Brands (Like Palmolive) Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals (Avoid At ALL Costs!).” Live Love Fruit, 29 Oct. 2018,
Lin, Doris. “Dawn Kills Animals.” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 6 Mar. 2017,
“Yaya Maria's Video.” Vimeo, 12 May 2019,
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
Choose the option that best fits you and add the points that option gives
you to your total. Are you under 10.5 tonnes CO2?
5 What class do you usually fly?
1 How many times do you eat meat in a
I do not fly = 10p
Economy class = 5p
I do not eat meat = 6p
Business class = 0p
1 to 7 = 3p
Flying emits A LOT of carbon dioxide, the
More than 7 = 0p
less flying per person, the better.
Meat has a higher environmental
footprint than other types of food.
6 Over how long a distance do you fly
during a year?
2 From where is most of your food?
Under 11000 km - 10
From Sweden = 3p
11000 km to 35000 km - 5
From the EU = 1p
Over 35000 km - 0
From anywhere = 0p
The longer you fly, the more CO2 you emit.
The less the food has to travel, the less
emissions for transporting it.
7 What do you do to electronics when you
are not using them?
3 What type of motor does your usual
I turn them off and unplug them = 2p
transport vehicle have?
I turn them off = 1p
Electric / None = 6p
I leave it on = 0p
Hybrid / biofuel = 3p
Turn off your things and unplug as plugged
Oil / Petrol / Maize biofuel = 0p
in things still use up electricity.
Some fuels emit more into the
atmosphere than others.
8 What type of meat do you usually eat?
None / mostly chicken - 3
4 How much of the food you eat is
A blend of everything - 1
Mostly beef - 0
80%-100% = 4p
Cattle emit methane which is even worse
50%-80% = 2p
than CO2 for the environment. Chicken do
0%-50% = 0p
Organic food is better for the
16 personalities:
Another scam or a
“freakishly accurate” An then, showing how much percentage of each
you are, they build your personality type out of it.
description of who On the next side, you can look at each of them with
detail. They are also divided into four groups -
Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels and Explorers.
you are? Diplomats are guided by their principles, while
Analysts by logic, Explorers by excitement, and
Sentinels by practicality. But, what does this help
“It was great fun and... totally me:)” you with, actually?
If we look deep in history, people have tried to
- Magali, MYP French teacher somehow describe and divide our personalities. In
ancient civilizations it was the four temperaments,
It’s everywhere. You must’ve heard of personalities now as we are progressing in psychology, we are
test and you’ve probably already taken one or two. able to fit the dangerous and extraordinary human
Well, after taking more test, you’ll find out that they personalities into well-defined models. Yes,
don’t usually fit you and if they do, than they don’t go sometimes, it doesn’t fit every person, there are 8
into much detail - practically to just fit everyone. But milliards of us, after all. Still, the current models do
16 personalities claims to have a “freakishly accurate” highlight the important personality traits and can
description of what person you are. However, is that predict our behaviour with a quite high degree of
true? And how does this actually work? accuracy.
Well, if you are curious enough, open your The 16 personalities test is one extended
Chromebook and type in variation of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, a green button (MBTI). Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs
‘take the test’ will appear. Then they give a few Myers based their MBTI theory from Carl Jung's
instructions - to answer honestly and to not leave writings in his book Psychological Types.
many ‘neutral options’. They also assure you that it Unlike some other personality tests, in the MBTI
won't take any more than twelve minutes. Well, after tests, it is to be believed that no personality type is
you show if you disagree or agree with a hundred of better or worse than another. Another interesting
statements, such as ‘You enjoy vibrant social events fact is that some people have gotten different
with lots of people.’ or ‘You often spend time results from the test after a long period of time,
exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas.’, you get showing that it is possible for your personality type
your results. to change.
Now, here is where the interesting bit comes. You Some people state that if you understand your
will get five letters (the last one is not so important as personality type, you’ll understand yourself better,
the first four): but it is also good to keep in mind that the online
test doesn’t always give the best results, as many
Mind: Introverted/Extroverted people choose their answers based on “who they
Energy: Intuitive/Observant think they are” instead of “who they really are.” So if
Nature: Thinking/Feeling you are willing to make important decisions based
Tactics: Judging/Prospecting on your personality type, it is better that you get
Identity: Assertive/Turbulent proper feedback from psychologists and
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
this LP quiz! school/story.php?title=mtazmdy5mq==3b4r
M v . DC
B : A S D
Marvel and DC are two amazing and inspiring cinematic universes
based on superheroes/supervillains. They both have a variety of heroes
such as Venom, Iron man, and Spiderman over on Marvel’s side and some
such as Batman, Superman and The Flash on DC’s side. Most of you
readers will have probably heard of them, probably even watched movies
made by them. Marvel and DC even have their own groups of superheroes
that unite to avenge the dead ones and find justice amongst the good and
the evil. Marvel have THE AVENGERS and DC have JUSTICE LEAGUE.
But Marvel VS. DC isn’t really a big deal; it’s just like comparing Vanilla
Ice cream to chocolate ice cream. Different people have different
opinions, but sometimes one option might rule out the other.
Based on a sample survey taken a week ago, most people like Marvel.
We do not know if this is true for the whole school (if you would like to
find out, answer our survey and the results will be in next year!:
( ).
Even though Marvel and DC are the most popular
cinematic universes in the world, few people know
about their past. For example, did you know that even
though Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) says
that Captain America was the first avenger, actually the
V .S first Iron Man movie was released before that! It was
released in 2008 and some people think and know that,
technically, Tony Stark (Iron man) was the first Avenger.
Did you also know that most people believe
Superman was the first superhero to ever exist; well,
they thought wrong! The first ever superhero to exist
was called “The Phantom” (see above), according to the
Guinness World Records website. The first official “The
Phantom” comic was published in 1989 by DC. When you
hear the name “Phantom”, you might think of a ghostly
flying… ghost, that can walk through walls and will
haunt your brother's toys during the night. And yes, you
are not wrong to think this but the Phantom that we’re
talking about, “Unlike most costumed heroes, has no
superhuman powers, relying only on his wits, physical
strength, skill with his weapons, and fearsome reputation
to fight crime” (Wikipedia).
But that’s all we have for Marvel vs DC… if you have
Work Cited
any more thoughts or comments make sure to tell us on
our form.
“Phantom (Comics).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 May
You are more than welcome to send the form to
“Superhero Timeline.” Guinness World Records, relatives or friends outside of ISLK. Wait until next year for the results to MARVEL VS DC!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
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Free Verse Poems Blindfold
by: Eshia Teeduis
Save Ourselves
by: Vai Chimona Look around yourself,
what do you see?
Listen, you might not care about the polar bears Your friends, maybe even me?
Dying because of global warming Do you see feeling stuck in the air?
Nor the seabirds What’s hidden under your cold stare?
Who suffer to death from plastic containers What can be seen, but isn’t told?
People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants You know that some people cannot eat.
have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer You know that global warming brings heat.
And that’s not the only number Or do you?
Air pollution is estimated to cause about Some kids run from their nation.
25% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths, some get killed for there orientation.
17% of ischaemic heart disease and stroke,
and 26% of respiratory infection mortality. But what can I do? I’m just a child!
It’s far from me, it’s somewhere in the wild…
This is a World War I’ll forget about it, in an hour or two.
But unlike the second or the first But the problems live forever - they don’t vanish with you.
This time, we are fighting against ourselves
In order to save ourselves The blindfold.
Made out of excuses,
Let me explain sewn by evil.
People say ‘save the planet’ The blindfold makes you forget.
But you know what You will do something - but not yet.
After Homo sapiens extinct We forgot what is war.
After billions and billions of years We forgot hunger.
Earth itself recovers, even though it suffered But they still are!
But we’ll be gone They didn’t surrender!
for La
Upcoming Events
Biodiversity Day
Date: 22nd May 2019
Description of Event:
Documentaries will be displayed about the environment and
biodiversity in the common room.
Musical Performance
Date: 29th May
Description of Event:
After 6 months of hard work from our scriptwriters, musicians,
artists and actors, let’s see what they have to offer!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1
We also hope to see many new students joining our newspaper group (It'll be
one of the extracurricular activities)
Special thanks to Jaryn (MYP English Teacher) who proofread the newspaper
and approved it to be published.