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MAY, 2019 VOL.

The Blue and White

ISLK's Only Newspaper

LUCA BERARDI by Jolana Kampfová
Interested in finding out how does Luca, our school's biggest star,
16 PERSONALITIES: juggle all of his hobbies and help the enviroment at the same
time? Continue reading and find out!
Where did your interest to protect the environment start?
I've always had a love for nature as a whole since I was very
ACCURATE” young. I was particularly fond of animals and had toys and
books all about them, but as I grew older, I slowly began to
DESCRIPTION OF WHO learn about the issues that the natural world was facing and I
YOU ARE? knew that if I wanted to save the animals, I'd have to save the
environment, too!

MARVEL VS. DC: WHAT So, that was where it started, but what is your motivation
DO YOU THINK? My motivation is simply the need to make a change: some
people have goals to visit every country in the world and others
hope they can tick names off a bucket list. I just wish to make as
THE DISHWASHING SOAP much positive change in as many peoples' lives as possible.
There's a quote that goes, "People may forget what you said, but
WE USE IS WORSE THAN they will never forget the way you made them feel." I want
YOU THINK people to remember me for the way I made them feel.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

You, as anyone who had tried doing something different,

had to face obstacles - what were some of them?
Getting people to take me seriously in the beginning,
mostly. Then, of course, there is also pessimism - especially
on topics like climate change. And also understanding -
because, if people don’t change their attitude, then nothing
is going to change.
Well, seven books, workshops, protests and music - that’s a lot to
And how did you make people take you seriously? handle. Did you ever think of quitting any of the activities
Well, I just did my projects the way I wanted, even though you're doing?
they didn’t help me. So you know - You may not want to Never. I love what I do to the core: music gives my life
help me, you don’t want to make me see what I do, but I’ll meaning, nature gives my life purpose and all the others are
do it anyways. irreplaceable as well. I feel like I'm going to be doing this
So you would consider yourself a hard worker?
Ehm… yes? I don’t want to be too humble (laugh), but yeah, Now let’s focus on your environmental work. Could you give us
sure. an example of some of your environmental work?
I started out collecting paper from offices and schools to be
Well, you sure are a hard worker with so many projects. One sent to be recycled, held speeches at schools telling young
of your projects was a book - could you tell us more about it? people about the importance of wildlife (especially African
The Breakout is the first chapter in the stories of Max and Wildlife) and what job young people have in preserving the
his brother Lax, as they try to save the world, animals and natural world.
the environment from the problems of poaching and
others. I haven’t asked you about music - Where did you start in music?
I started singing when I was three and playing the piano when I
How long did it take you to write the book? was six. When I moved to Kenya, it was a real kickstart of all of
I started the first draft when I was eight - It was a very long the projects - acting, singing, environmental work. I think I did
process because then I had a lot of things, especially my first song when I was ten - ‘A better place’. Then it was
school. So then I had a break and came back to it two years ‘Money Can’ and more recently Our Present Planet for the
ago and it was published last year in August. Earth Day.

What was your problem when writing the book (except for it And what was your biggest project ever?
taking it to long)? My biggest project? I had organised a few workshops back in
I personally love writing books, I absolutely love the feeling Kenya and the biggest one of those had 400 or so students in
I get when I start to write. So, I'd say that there weren't attendance, and the Earth Hour Walks that I organised in Lund
that many problems with the writing of books. Of course were pretty big, too!
there are days where you can't help but run into walls with
your plot, but otherwise, I think that people learning about You had achieved a lot - but what do you plan to do in the future
my book existing is actually a lot harder than it was (in any field)?
creating the book in the first place. Acting. Actually, that is the main profession I want to do in my
life - So hopefully, some development will come up there.
So, you said that The Breakout was just the first chapter.
Could you tell us more about your second book? Are there any near events you’re looking forward to?
In Max and Lax's second adventure together, they venture No at the moment, really. After Earth Hour and finishing the
to Brazil where they uncover a plot to destroy the Amazon second book - I think I’ll just relax for a little. But hopefully, I
Rainforest, the people living in it and being the Loris might be going to London to a conference.
Brothers, have to do something. This book will test Max
and Lax's ability to adapt under dangerous circumstances So, let us end with something motivational - What are you
and to use their heads as well as their passion if they want grateful for?
to save their favourite endangered species. I'm grateful for all of the overwhelming support that I have
received over the years. I owe a debt to my parents, my schools
and peers and all those believed in me from the day that I
And how many Breakout started doing what I still do today. It's because of them that I'm
books can we the person that I am and it's because of them that I still
expect in total?
Seven! x7 continue to do it.

And a inspirational quote, maybe?

Oh, God. I don’t want to end with something cheesy… (laugh)
Just believe in yourself and remember that there is no one
else in the world who wants to do the same thing as you want
to do.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

The Good Place - Is

it really so "good"?

You might think that after amazing series

like Game of Thrones, nothing can surprise you.
Well, let me introduce you to The Good Place.
The story starts when Eleanor Shellstrop, the
main character, dies - but in this show, no tears,
only laughing (yeah, season 3 gets emotional, but
literally every episode is stuffed with so many
jokes, that you’re scared that it will explode). She
is welcomed into her afterlife by its architect
Michael (of course, an immortal being) and
assured that she got into The Good Place,
because she led the best life she could: got
innocent people off the death row. Then she
meets her soulmate - Chidi, an ethics professor
This show will exceed your expectations. There
at college.
is always something happening, you don’t have
However, how much this might seems sunny,
boring episodes just to fill in some space. The
after Michael leaves them alone, Eleanor
characters are 3-dimensional and the casts’ actings
immediately confesses, that there was a forking made them truly alive. Plus, it teaches you morals
mistake and she wasn’t supposed to be here (no, that is not what this show is about, it’s just the
(“Wait, why can’t I say fork? Fork!“ “Some people cherry on top) and the plot twists are more than
obviously don’t like swearing, so it was banned.” just amazing. The Good Place should be a more
“That’s bullshirt!”). Then Chidi starts teaching her popular show because it is so forking great.
ethics… Maybe Eleanor might get good after all!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Collecting trash Latest News

during Mentortime
- How helpful is it?

“Before this event, I didn't really want to pick up and

recycle trash. After I realized it wasn't bad and I'm
helping to clean the environment.”

As proposed by the Taking Action Group,

mentorgroups have started to collect the recycling
materials (including paper, cardboard and plastic)
during mentor times. To get more detailed information
and see how well the event is going, our newspaper
writers visited two mentor groups collecting the
recycling materials, including MYP5 Tomas’ group,
and MYP3 Margareta’s group. Below is the report from
one of our journalists:

On a classic Monday morning, when everyone is

tired, half sleeping and nobody has the mood for While most of the feedback we have got is
school, we crawled into mentor time. But today, we positive, there have been some problems. As seen
were not supposed to talk about school rules or on one of the pictures above and reflected by a few
complain about them, today we were actually helping students, plastic bags have been used for collecting
the school - especially Tuukka. Yes, we were going to the materials. We hope that this won’t happen in
collect trash. Some people rolled there eyes, some the upcoming collections. Another thing
looked neutral and some even excited (it was concerned by one of the teachers was that not all
definitely not because we were missing mentor recycling boxes were returned back to the
time). In a while, we got to be separated into 5 classrooms and she hopes this can be sorted out as
different groups so we can each cover a part of the soon as possible. After discussion, we decided that
school. After that, we listened to some instructions the boxes should now be labelled with the room
from Tuukka and we were ready to go! number it belongs to.

It wasn’t a big adventure, to be true. Our task was to Since the event has only started not long ago, it is
go around classes and pick their boxes with paper. understandable that there has been some issues
After that, we threw the paper into the trolley and and confusion, but we do hope this article can
went back - to give the boxes to the classes. make students more aware of what to do during
Everything finished and it took about twenty minutes the collection and the procedures will be further
maximum. I was surprised at how well this event improved.
went. It was smooth, fast and helped the school. But
what do the other people think? (see next page)
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Student Q&A:

1. How has your opinion on this event changed

before and after?

“Before this event, I didn't really want to pick

up and recycle trash. After I realized it wasn't
bad and I'm helping to clean the environment.”
“I think that it is good that we did it but there
was not really any point because it was already 4. Would you like to do this again?
in the bin and was gonna be thrown out
anyway.” “It depends on where we are going to
recycle, the location.”
2. Have you done this before (at home)? “Maybe.”
“Yes, it was fun.”
“I have recycled trash before in beaches and
nature parks.” 5. How has the event changed your
“I do this at my home as chores.” understanding of recycling?

3. Any suggestions? “I thought recycling was kind of unnecessary

at first but later I realized it was more
“Widen the perspective, (maybe) recycle important than I thought.”
outside of the school.” “It makes me understand that recycling is
“We shouldn’t use plastic bags when collecting.” easier than I thought.”
“I would like to collect more outside than inside “Helped me to realise how much paper each
because I see more trash outside.” class uses.”
“This can be our Service as Action project.” “It’s doesn’t take long to empty the trash and
it helps a lot (for the environment).”

Photo: Nicolas Palacios Perez

Text: Wenmiao Jin &
Jolana Kampfová
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Environment & Health

The Dishwashing Soap You Use

Is Worse Than You Think By Nina Swart

“For the sake of your

health and that of the
aquatic environment, get
to know what’s in your
dishwashing liquid!”
Our environment and our health are one of the
most important things to consider in our lives, of
course among many other things. But how would
something like our dishwashing soap have any effect on
our health and the environment? Isn't dishwashing Go on the Environmental Working Group (EWG)
soap supposed to make us germ-free (healthy and website to see whether your dish soap is safe or toxic.
clean)? Well, of course soap is good. It is used to clean Even products labelled as “natural” or “green” and
our everyday objects like dishes, our hands, you name even “earth” can contain ingredients that are harmful
it… However, NOT all soap is good. Especially our to the environment and your body, just washing your
dishwashing soap. It can be that liquid soap you use hands with toxic soap can be harmful. Just remember
which works to get rid of any oils and fats that might be even if the soap at home is labelled as “natural” or
on our pans from cooking or our plates from eating. “green”... you still need to research and make sure it is
That's why we all use it, it works for almost any greasy safe to use!
Now most of you reading this could be wondering
It may seem so innocent for a little squirt of soap, a “Why dish soap? We do not even consume it” - Well
few wafts of “Yes”, “Orchard burst” or “Sunlight liquid” like I just mentioned: when washing the dishes your
etc. There’ll be some bubbles only to clean the plates skin can absorb it. When placing your hands in the
and then it’s all gone, down the drain it goes and all water they absorb the water, just like in the bath when
that remains are the sparkling clean dishes, the water your fingers and toes wrinkle. They have absorbed the
will get cleaned anyway. Except that’s not exactly the water and in this case the soap in the water. This is
case. Sadly some brands of soap we use have toxic also why some people wear dishwashing gloves, It's
chemicals that are harmful to the environment and not only because it protects you from the hot water or
your health. Ever wondered why you should never that you have more grip of your dishes, but actually to
wash your body with dishwashing soap? This is why! protect your hands from harsh dish soaps you might
There are brands of soap that have cancer-causing be using unawared. Using dishwashing gloves,
chemicals or the ones that kill animals: “Dawn” or however, does not solve the problem easily. For some
“Palmolive”. [to find out more go to soaps the chemicals will stay on your dishes even after
Thoughtco.com/dawn-kills-animals & you have rinsed them.This means that the next time
Livelovefruit.com/dish-soap-brands-contain-cancer- you eat you could be consuming those chemicals; not
causing-chemicals ] just you, but also your family and your pets.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

DIY Homemade
Dish Soap Recipe:
1 cup Dr Bronner’s Organic
Pure Castile Liquid Soap
1/4 cup soap flakes or grated
Castile soap
4 tbsp. super washing soda
1/2 cup distilled water
20 drops essential oil of your
preference (lavender is very

Even if you do not do the dishes at home, you

should still care for your parents and other people
Now you know how bad it can be for us, just
around you. Using toxic soap to wash your hands it a
imagine how much effect it's going to have on the
bigger problem than we realise, even when it’s just
environment if it gets into any lake, river or even
once or twice. Some people are so much more
the ocean. It can affect thousands of lives.
sensitive than others when it comes to soap and we
Remember that animals are not adapted to soap
really shouldn’t risk our own well-being and the
as much as we are, and it is a much more
environment for just a cheaper price.
threatening factor for them. Now you can
imagine how many people in the world use soap
every day and wash it down the drain. Even Some people can get rashes from almost any soap
though the water does get cleaned, many people and not knowing why, but thinking it's just an allergic
realize how difficult it is separating soap from reaction to the liquid soap meanwhile this could be a
water. This is why they add something called completely natural reaction to the harmful chemicals!
“chlorine” used to clean the water. However, the Just reading the labels from soaps in the supermarkets
chlorine will most likely remain in the water and is a step towards being more environmental friendly.
chlorine is also a toxic chemical to us humans and So let’s become labels readers and empower ourselves
animals. Just when we throw a small squirt of with the knowledge that is provided. It only takes 5
soap we affect an environment much bigger than seconds but gives a huge impact. WHAT ARE YOU
we realize! WAITING FOR!?

Remember that it is not just you washing a small

square of soap down the drain but it is also many
other people in the world. If you have been
wondering how you can help the environment,
changing your soaps is one of them. The change
needs to start somewhere in the world and why
not you? It is such a small action that takes little
effort meanwhile it can change the environment
around us for the better!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Soaps to avoid: (These soaps also apply to

a dishwasher)
Specific ingredients of highest concerns:
Cocamide DEA
- Seventh Generation
DMDM Hydantoin
- Green Works
- Cascade
- Finish
Sodium Borate
- Sunlight
Sulfuric Acid
- Palmolive
- Dawn

These ingredients can cause chemical release,

Recommended dish soaps:
irritation/allergies/damage of skin and eyes,
chronic aquatic toxicity, acute aquatic toxicity,
- Yaya Maria’s
general ecotoxicity and effects to the respiratory,
- Dr Bronner’s By: Tatyana Mastepanova

general systemic/organ, the nervous system, the

developmental/endocrine/reproductive, the
immune system, the circulatory system and the
digestive system.

The problem of non-specific ingredients:

In addition to the list above, there’re many
ingredients which are vaguely described. And
since there is no requirement for companies to list
all the ingredients in household cleaning products,
companies can choose to use more overall terms
for highly toxic chemicals. If a product lists one of
these nonexclusive terms, it is most likely that
they are trying to hide away a specific ingredient
as it is the most toxic ingredient in all the

Non-specific ingredients of (potentially) highest

Buffer/buffering agent
Foam booster/foaming agents
PH Adjuster
Water softener/water-softening agent

Breyer, Melissa. “Is Your Dish Soap Toxic? Here's How to Know.” TreeHugger, Treehugger, 11 Oct. 2018, www.treehugger.com/cleaning-organizing/your-dish-soap-toxic-
“EWG.” EWG, www.ewg.org/.
Fraser, Carly. “These 12 Dish Soap Brands (Like Palmolive) Contain Cancer-Causing Chemicals (Avoid At ALL Costs!).” Live Love Fruit, 29 Oct. 2018, livelovefruit.com/dish-soap-
Lin, Doris. “Dawn Kills Animals.” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 6 Mar. 2017, www.thoughtco.com/dawn-kills-animals-3970280.
“Yaya Maria's Video.” Vimeo, 12 May 2019, vimeo.com/241459438.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

How Environmental Are You?

Are you over the Paris agreement goal? Take the Quiz to find out!

Choose the option that best fits you and add the points that option gives
you to your total. Are you under 10.5 tonnes CO2?
5 What class do you usually fly?
1 How many times do you eat meat in a
I do not fly = 10p
Economy class = 5p
I do not eat meat = 6p
Business class = 0p
1 to 7 = 3p
Flying emits A LOT of carbon dioxide, the
More than 7 = 0p
less flying per person, the better.
Meat has a higher environmental
footprint than other types of food.
6 Over how long a distance do you fly
during a year?
2 From where is most of your food?
Under 11000 km - 10
From Sweden = 3p
11000 km to 35000 km - 5
From the EU = 1p
Over 35000 km - 0
From anywhere = 0p
The longer you fly, the more CO2 you emit.
The less the food has to travel, the less
emissions for transporting it.
7 What do you do to electronics when you
are not using them?
3 What type of motor does your usual
I turn them off and unplug them = 2p
transport vehicle have?
I turn them off = 1p
Electric / None = 6p
I leave it on = 0p
Hybrid / biofuel = 3p
Turn off your things and unplug as plugged
Oil / Petrol / Maize biofuel = 0p
in things still use up electricity.
Some fuels emit more into the
atmosphere than others.
8 What type of meat do you usually eat?
None / mostly chicken - 3
4 How much of the food you eat is
A blend of everything - 1
Mostly beef - 0
80%-100% = 4p
Cattle emit methane which is even worse
50%-80% = 2p
than CO2 for the environment. Chicken do
0%-50% = 0p
Organic food is better for the

0 - 15 - You should definitely consider how you affect the

environment and reduce on your flying.
15 - 23 - You are just over the 10.5 tonnes of CO2. Could you
consider doing something extra, just for the environment? By: John Hedin
Ilustrations: Tatyana
24-33- You are just under the 10.5 tonnes of CO2, good job! Mastepanova
34-42 - You are an environmentalist, keep up the awesome work!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

The Cruel Prince

“Of course, I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as
blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever."

"And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate

him more than all the others. I hate him so much that
sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe.”

Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and

she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the
treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude
wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her
mortality. But many of the fey despise humans.
Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest
son of the High King.

To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face

the consequences.

As Jude becomes more deeply embroiled in palace

intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity
for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to
When opening the book, you expect a classic YA
drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to
(Young adult) book, with a girl that is different from
risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters,
her environment, finds a place where she belongs
and Faerie itself.
topped with a sweet, happy ending. The Cruel Prince
doesn’t offer any of this. Yes, we have a character that
is some sort different from the place where she was
raised - but she’s not the main character. It’s classic
to include also a spoon of killing, but Holly Black has
spilt a whole pot (it is not like Got, of course). The
main character is dynamic, changes fast and doesn’t
have a problem to kill anyone - Jude is surely going to
be a favourite character of a sprinkling of people. She
is an untraditional character, with a nice backstory.

“If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much


The ending is a little bit upsetting, after the whole

story, you may expect something more. It is an
average ending for a marvellous, unusual novel.
Otherwise, it’s an enthusiastic rollercoaster that set
the bar very high for other books. Looking forward to
the next book…

“If you'd hurt me, I wouldn't cry. I would hurt you

MAY 2019 VOL. 1

16 personalities:
Another scam or a
“freakishly accurate” An then, showing how much percentage of each
you are, they build your personality type out of it.
description of who On the next side, you can look at each of them with
detail. They are also divided into four groups -
Analysts, Diplomats, Sentinels and Explorers.
you are? Diplomats are guided by their principles, while
Analysts by logic, Explorers by excitement, and
Sentinels by practicality. But, what does this help
“It was great fun and... totally me:)” you with, actually?
If we look deep in history, people have tried to
- Magali, MYP French teacher somehow describe and divide our personalities. In
ancient civilizations it was the four temperaments,
It’s everywhere. You must’ve heard of personalities now as we are progressing in psychology, we are
test and you’ve probably already taken one or two. able to fit the dangerous and extraordinary human
Well, after taking more test, you’ll find out that they personalities into well-defined models. Yes,
don’t usually fit you and if they do, than they don’t go sometimes, it doesn’t fit every person, there are 8
into much detail - practically to just fit everyone. But milliards of us, after all. Still, the current models do
16 personalities claims to have a “freakishly accurate” highlight the important personality traits and can
description of what person you are. However, is that predict our behaviour with a quite high degree of
true? And how does this actually work? accuracy.
Well, if you are curious enough, open your The 16 personalities test is one extended
Chromebook and type in variation of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
https://www.16personalities.com/, a green button (MBTI). Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs
‘take the test’ will appear. Then they give a few Myers based their MBTI theory from Carl Jung's
instructions - to answer honestly and to not leave writings in his book Psychological Types.
many ‘neutral options’. They also assure you that it Unlike some other personality tests, in the MBTI
won't take any more than twelve minutes. Well, after tests, it is to be believed that no personality type is
you show if you disagree or agree with a hundred of better or worse than another. Another interesting
statements, such as ‘You enjoy vibrant social events fact is that some people have gotten different
with lots of people.’ or ‘You often spend time results from the test after a long period of time,
exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas.’, you get showing that it is possible for your personality type
your results. to change.
Now, here is where the interesting bit comes. You Some people state that if you understand your
will get five letters (the last one is not so important as personality type, you’ll understand yourself better,
the first four): but it is also good to keep in mind that the online
test doesn’t always give the best results, as many
Mind: Introverted/Extroverted people choose their answers based on “who they
Energy: Intuitive/Observant think they are” instead of “who they really are.” So if
Nature: Thinking/Feeling you are willing to make important decisions based
Tactics: Judging/Prospecting on your personality type, it is better that you get
Identity: Assertive/Turbulent proper feedback from psychologists and
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

However, now that we have known a little

about the test, it is actually accurate? To find
out, we asked a few classmates, and even a “It was actually quite scary… how accurate
few teachers to take the test, below are the
16 personality types and under the it was.” - Margareta, MYP Music teacher
description we wrote down the teachers
with the personality type.


Ex. Jens Ex. Florence, Thomas

Ex. Teresa, Jaryn, Margareta

Ex. Magali, Aysheh Ex. Adriaan Ex. Darrell

MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Do you think the personality types

fit the teachers above?
Interested in which type you are?
Try it yourself and compare your
results with the others!

www. 16personalities.com

Are You a True IB

You can go to this website and take the quiz to
Student? Take find out!

this LP quiz! school/story.php?title=mtazmdy5mq==3b4r

Maybe you’ll also be able to link which quality

You might be curious, what is the LP quiz?
mostly represents you with the results you’ve got
Now, as a true IB student used to all kinds of
from the 16personalities test!
abbreviations (such as IB for International
Baccalaureate and ATL for approaches to
learning), to should have probably recognised
that “LP” stands for the IB Learner Profile.

We, IB learners strive to become inquirers,

knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators,
principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers,
balanced and reflective. However, have you
ever wondered which of these 10 qualities fit
you the most? Here’s the chance to find out!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

M v . DC
B : A S D
Marvel and DC are two amazing and inspiring cinematic universes
based on superheroes/supervillains. They both have a variety of heroes
such as Venom, Iron man, and Spiderman over on Marvel’s side and some
such as Batman, Superman and The Flash on DC’s side. Most of you
readers will have probably heard of them, probably even watched movies
made by them. Marvel and DC even have their own groups of superheroes
that unite to avenge the dead ones and find justice amongst the good and
the evil. Marvel have THE AVENGERS and DC have JUSTICE LEAGUE.
But Marvel VS. DC isn’t really a big deal; it’s just like comparing Vanilla
Ice cream to chocolate ice cream. Different people have different
opinions, but sometimes one option might rule out the other.
Based on a sample survey taken a week ago, most people like Marvel.
We do not know if this is true for the whole school (if you would like to
find out, answer our survey and the results will be in next year!:
(https://forms.gle/KuWZaH1VmUroDnSf6 ).
Even though Marvel and DC are the most popular
cinematic universes in the world, few people know
about their past. For example, did you know that even
though Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) says
that Captain America was the first avenger, actually the
V .S first Iron Man movie was released before that! It was
released in 2008 and some people think and know that,
technically, Tony Stark (Iron man) was the first Avenger.
Did you also know that most people believe
Superman was the first superhero to ever exist; well,
they thought wrong! The first ever superhero to exist
was called “The Phantom” (see above), according to the
Guinness World Records website. The first official “The
Phantom” comic was published in 1989 by DC. When you
hear the name “Phantom”, you might think of a ghostly
flying… ghost, that can walk through walls and will
haunt your brother's toys during the night. And yes, you
are not wrong to think this but the Phantom that we’re
talking about, “Unlike most costumed heroes, has no
superhuman powers, relying only on his wits, physical
strength, skill with his weapons, and fearsome reputation
to fight crime” (Wikipedia).
But that’s all we have for Marvel vs DC… if you have
Work Cited
any more thoughts or comments make sure to tell us on
our form.
“Phantom (Comics).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 14 May
2019, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_(comics).
You are more than welcome to send the form to
“Superhero Timeline.” Guinness World Records, relatives or friends outside of ISLK.
www.guinnessworldrecords.com/products/books/superlatives Wait until next year for the results to MARVEL VS DC!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

dent work displa
Free Verse Poems Blindfold
by: Eshia Teeduis
Save Ourselves 
by: Vai Chimona Look around yourself,
what do you see?
Listen, you might not care about the polar bears Your friends, maybe even me?
Dying because of global warming Do you see feeling stuck in the air?
Nor the seabirds What’s hidden under your cold stare?
Who suffer to death from plastic containers What can be seen, but isn’t told?

You might be busy for your profession A blindfold.

or education A thick piece of ignorance,
While these are great excuses covered by envy
hold back your defences and sprinkled by fear,
Do you not even have a minute to care about Ourselves? Do you ever wonder why nothing's clear?

People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants You know that some people cannot eat.
have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer You know that global warming brings heat.
And that’s not the only number Or do you?
Air pollution is estimated to cause about Some kids run from their nation.
25% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease deaths, some get killed for there orientation.
17% of ischaemic heart disease and stroke,
and 26% of respiratory infection mortality. But what can I do? I’m just a child!
It’s far from me, it’s somewhere in the wild…
This is a World War I’ll forget about it, in an hour or two.
But unlike the second or the first But the problems live forever - they don’t vanish with you.
This time, we are fighting against ourselves
In order to save ourselves The blindfold.
Made out of excuses,
Let me explain sewn by evil.
People say ‘save the planet’ The blindfold makes you forget.
But you know what You will do something - but not yet.
After Homo sapiens extinct We forgot what is war.
After billions and billions of years We forgot hunger.
Earth itself recovers, even though it suffered But they still are!
But we’ll be gone They didn’t surrender!

We need to save ourselves Do something.

By fighting against ourselves Think.
Our greed and selfishness And help.
Is our enemy’s most powerful weapon
Which may seem as first causing no harm The blindfold make you see light,
But in fact, these are the true sources but in reality, there is dark night.
Of all the pollution When a little bit dark touches you,
you´ll be surprised, that you can die so fast.
We don’t need to save the planet, but
We do need to save ourselves Nevermind, dear peer.
From ourselves Looking at you, it’s quite clear.
Because you’re not only blind,
you’re also deaf.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Ethics and Moral Philosophy -

Never sleep in a waiting

room of a utilitarianist doctor

Moral philosophy might sound boring to many uneducated

ears - who would care about some rules that don’t even Utilitarianism
affect the world. But if you dig deeper, you’ll find that moral Utilitarianism is based on seeing how much pleasure
philosophy is all around us, every single action can be would the actions bring to the world, simply said.
judged by moral philosophy. Knowing more about it might The famous problem of utilitarianism is the trolley
help you make difficult decisions (or the other way around, problem. You are in a trolley that is unstoppably
exceptions exist), both ways, it brings a new, interesting riding down a hill, going to kill five workers, that are
perspective to life, which is always needed. In this article, I on a rail. However, you can push a lever that will
am going to introduce you to two of the famous moral make the trolley change tracks where there is only
philosophy theories. one person working. What would you choose? Killing
one person or five. Well, most people choose to save
Note: Please, understand, that the theories in this article are five. But what if that one person is someone you
very simplified. know, or even one of your family members? Will your
choice be different?
Deontology (Immanuel Kant) And now imagine that you are a doctor who has five
What would happen if everybody did what you were just people dying, needing five different organ
doing? Yes, that is exactly what goes in the head of a transplants. You also know that there is someone
deontologist. Very vaguely said, Kant (who is taken as the sleeping in the waiting room. Would you kill one
father of this theory) stated that it was not the person and save the five? Most of the people say no.
consequences that showed if acts were right or wrong, but But in the eyes of utilitarianism, it is the same thing -
the motives of the person who did it. five people live for a sacrifice of one. Therefore you
There were many other rules for an act to be considered can see, when you apply theory in real life, it seems
‘good’, but all of them were based on imagining that your very different, doesn’t it?
act was done by everyone. Let me give you an example - There're also a lot more variations of the trolley
perhaps lying. Lying wouldn’t be considered good, as if problem. Look them up yourself if you're interested!
everybody lied, nobody would trust each other. But… isn’t
that just my opinion? Yes, Deontology is very subjective, as
an act can be shown in many different ways.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

If you want to know more about philosophy in general,

here is a list of recommended books:

The Complete Philosophy Files (Dr Steven Law)

If you have been one of the ones thinking philosophy
is a boring subject, “The Complete Philosophy Files”
is a great starting point for you to be introduced on
some of the most interesting topics about
philosophy, such as: “Does God actually exist?” and
“Is time travel possible?”

The Philosophy Gym (Dr Steven Law)

This is another fun book from Dr Steven Law, only
that there's even more fun as there are more
questions being discussed. (ex. Is it morally
acceptable to create designer babies?)
“The Philosophy Gym” really
gives exercises
to your brain!

Sophie’s World (Jostein Gaarder)

This is a perfect blend of a storybook and some
philosophy introduction courses. It follows
the events of Sophie Amundsen, a teenage girl
living in Norway, and a mysterious messenger
who introduces her to philosophical thinking
and the history of philosophy.

Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction

(Oxford University Press)
There are also many other books about
philosophy along with other topics in the “Very
Short Introductions” series. They are fairly
short making it easy to carry around
everywhere. It is a great book to start with
especially that there is also a more extended
and advanced list of books recommended by
an expert in philosophy.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

for La

Which word in the

dictionary is
spelled incorrectly?

Who makes it, has no need of it.

Who buys it, has no use for it.
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What has a head and a tail, but no body?
What is it?

What kind of tree can you carry

in your hand?
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Upcoming Events

Biodiversity Day
Date: 22nd May 2019
Description of Event:
Documentaries will be displayed about the environment and
biodiversity in the common room.

ISLK International Day

Date: 24 May
Description of Event:
The day when we show ISLK’s diverse backgrounds and rich

Musical Performance
Date: 29th May
Description of Event:
After 6 months of hard work from our scriptwriters, musicians,
artists and actors, let’s see what they have to offer!
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

World Bicycle Day

Date: 3rd June
Description of Event:
Students who ride their bikes to school that day will be
credited with snacks and stickers.

MYP5 Students Good-Bye & End Of Year Breakfast

Date: 12th June
Description of Event:
An opportunity for MYP5 students to spend your last
morning at ISLK with your fellow classmates, mentors and
teaching staff.

Last day of Spring Term

Date: 12th June
Description of Event:
Assembly in P.E Hall and early release at 11:00.
MAY 2019 VOL. 1

Other Info & Contacts

If you want to send any material or have any questions (you are also
welcomed to give us feedback so that we can improve!):

We also hope to see many new students joining our newspaper group (It'll be
one of the extracurricular activities)

The management team:


Special thanks to Jaryn (MYP English Teacher) who proofread the newspaper
and approved it to be published.

We hope to publish our next volume sometime in September next school

year, looking forward to your contribution!

/The Blue and White editors

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