Learner Activity Sheet/Worksheets in Understanding Culture Society and Politics
Learner Activity Sheet/Worksheets in Understanding Culture Society and Politics
Learner Activity Sheet/Worksheets in Understanding Culture Society and Politics
Department of Education
Human Cultural Variation, Social Differences, Social Change and Political Identities
I. Introduction
Culture, society and politics are concepts. They exist in the realm of ideas and thoughts. As such,
they cannot be seen or touched and yet the influence the way we see and experience our individual and
collective social beings.
II. MELC with code
Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science.
III. Strategy
A. Explore
Activity 1 Directions:
1. Get one whole sheet of paper.
2. Write your name inside the circle.
3. Draw follow figure 1 on the sheet of paper
4. Write the following information of yourself in the 4 spaces:
a. gender b. socio-economic class c. ethnicity d. religion
Directions: Based on the output from the previous activity, the students will write their observations based on
the following questions:
1. What are the similarities and differences of every individual?
2. Do these similarities and differences affect the life of the whole community? Why?
B. Learn
1. Human Cultural Variation - It refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures
exhibit around the world. What may be considered good etiquette in one culture may be considered bad
etiquette in another.
RELIGION - ‘religare’ a Latin word – ‘to bind together’ • is a system of beliefs
and practices as well as systems of actions directed toward entities which are above
men • is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural
ETHNICITY - It is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct
ethics or indigenous group.
NATIONALITY -It is the legal relationship that binds a person and a country. It
allows the state to protect and have jurisdiction over a person.
2. Social Differences -The differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and
GENDER -It is the socially-constructed characteristics of being male or female.
Serve as guide on how males and females think and act about themselves.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS -It refers to the category of persons who have more
or less the same socio-economic privileges
•Upper class
•Middle class
•Lower class
EXCEPTIONALITY -It refers to the state of being intellectually gifted and/or
having physically or mentally challenged conditions.
• Personality/ behaviour - Communication (learning disability,
speech Impairment, and hearing problems)
• Intellect (mild intellectual & mental development disabilities)
• Physical appearance (blind-low vision)
• Or combination of more than one specific exceptionality/disability.
Cultural Variation Between Cultures - If human cultures modify the natural environment, it is also
true that the natural environment initially shaped, and still shapes to some extent, the culture of society.
3. Social Change - refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. Social change may include
changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviors, or social relations.
Sources of Change
Direction: Choose your answer from the box. Write the letter of your correct answer on the
blank provided.
________1. The differences among the individuals on the basis of social characteristics and qualities
________2. It refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the
world. What may be considered good etiquette in one culture may be considered bad
etiquette in another.
________3 It is a Latin word for Religion which means “to bind together”.
________4. Social creation and institutionalization of new ideas
________5. It is the expression of the set of cultural ideas held by a distinct ethics or indigenous group.
________6. It is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural.
________7. It is a system of beliefs and practices as well as systems of actions directed toward entities
which are above men.
________8. It refers to the category of persons who have more or less the same socio-economic
________9. It refers to the state of being intellectually gifted and/or having physically or mentally
challenged conditions.
_______10. It is political arguments that focus upon the interest and perspectives of the groups which
people identify.
C. Engage
Concept Mapping
Direction: Complete the following sun diagrams.
Cultural Variation
Social Difference
D. Apply
Direction: Write your Observation
Observations of a community as a Social World. This activity aims to get you think about
familiar world that you see around you, for an hour go to your window and observe how people in
your community conduct themselves.
IV. Guide Questions
The following question are serve as your observation guide:
1. What sort of people do you see?
2. What they do?
3. What sort of interaction takes place between people of different categories (e.g. gender and
V. Rubrics
VI. References
Antonio P. Conteras Ph,D.(2016)Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Phoenix Publishing House.
Teaching Guide (2016) Understanding Culture, Society and Politics By: DEPED
Prepared by
SHS Teacher 1
Secondary School Principal IV