Adjectives Quiz Student
Adjectives Quiz Student
Adjectives Quiz Student
Level A
6. The food at this supermarket is
1. Her hair is long and _________. always _________.
A) curly A) gentle
B) happy B) hopeful
C) slim C) empty
D) late D) fresh
2. He drives a bright red sports car. It's 7. Her new husband is very ________.
very _________. A) high
A) wild B) smart
B) shallow C) urgent
C) fast D) relaxing
D) tall
8. Take care of this letter, it's ________.
3. Today, the weather's going to be A) urgent
___________. B) round
A) hopeful C) blonde
B) warm D) fresh
C) blue
D) urgent 9. I had a brilliant holiday. It was really
4. This house is _________ and old. A) relaxing
A) awkward B) loving
B) electric C) low
C) large D) straight
D) fat
10. I have fallen in love with a
5. I'm feeling really ________ today. _________ woman.
A) late A) closed
B) long B) beautiful
C) happy C) wooden
D) round D) handsome
Adjectives quiz
Level B
5. I can't afford that coat. I need to find a 10. 'Angrily' can be an adjective
_______ one. A) True
A) black B) False
B) cheaper
C) fashionable