Pampalona Vs Moreto
Pampalona Vs Moreto
Pampalona Vs Moreto
neighbors each believing that the area occupied by the private concurring in the result.
respondents-vendees was the one so sold and petitioners had not
questioned the sale made by their father of the area in 778
FIRST DIVISION Pamplona vs. Moreto
776 issued in the name of “Flaviano Moreto, married to Monica
776 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED“The spouses Flaviano Moreto and Monica Maniega begot
during their marriage six (6) children, namely, Ursulo, Marta, La
Pamplona vs. Moreto Paz, Alipio, Pablo, and Leandro, all surnamed Moreto.
question.—Again, there is no dispute that the houses of the spouses “Ursulo Moreto died intestate on May 24, 1959 leaving as his
Cornelio Pamplona and Apolonia Ante as well as that of their son Rafael
heirs herein plaintiffs Vivencio, Marcelo, Rosario, Victor, Paulina,
Pamplona, including the concrete piggery coral adjacent thereto, stood on
the land from 1952 up to the filing of the complaint by the private Marta and Eligio, all surnamed Moreto.
respondents on July 25, 1961, or a period of over nine (9) years. And “Marta Moreto died also intestate on April 30, 1938 leaving as
during said period, the private respondents who are the heirs of Monica her heir plaintiff Victoria Tuiza.
Maniega as well as of Flaviano Moreto who also died intestate on August “La Paz Moreto died intestate on July 17, 1954 leaving the
12, 1956, lived as neighbors to the petitioners-vendees, yet lifted no finger following heirs, namely, herein plaintiffs Pablo, Severina, Lazaro,
to question the occupation, possession and ownership of the land and Lorenzo, all surnamed Mendoza.
purchased by the Pamplonas, so that We are persuaded and convinced to “Alipio Moreto died intestate on June 30, 1943 leaving as his
rule that private respondents are in estoppel by laches to claim half of the
heir herein plaintiff Josefina Moreto.
property in dispute as null and void. Estoppel by laches is a rule of equity
which bars a claimant from presenting his claim when, by reason of “Pablo Moreto died intestate on April 25, 1942 leaving no
abandonment and negligence, he allowed a long time to elapse without issue and as his heirs his brother plaintiff Leandro Moreto and the
presenting the same. (International Banking Corporation vs. Yared, 59 other plaintiffs herein.
Phil. 92). “On May 6, 1946, Monica Maniega died intestate in Calamba,
Same; Same; A co-owner has the right to sell his portion of the co- Laguna.
owned property. The sale of a particular lot thus co-owned by one co- “On July 30, 1952, or more than six (6) years after the death
owner where within his right pro-indiviso is valid in it’s en-tirety.—We of his wife Monica Maniega, Flaviano Moreto, without the
reject respondent Court’s ruling that the sale was valid as to one-half and
consent of the heirs of his said deceased wife Monica, and before
invalid as to the other half for the very simple reason that Flaviano Moreto,
the vendor, had the legal right to more than 781 sq. meters of the any liquidation of the conjugal partnership of Monica and
communal estate, a title which he could dispose, alienate in favor of the Flaviano could be effected, executed in favor of Geminiano
vendees-petitioners. The title may be pro-indiviso or inchoate but the Pamplona, married to defendant Apolonia Onte, the deed of
moment the co-owner as vendor pointed out its location and even indicated absolute sale (Exh. “1”) covering lot No. 1495 for P900.00. The
the boundaries over which the fences were to be erected without objection, deed of sale (Exh. “1”) contained a description of lot No. 1495 as
protest or complaint by the other co-owners, on the contrary they having an area of 781 square meters and covered by transfer
acquiesced and tolerated such alienation, occupation and possession, We certificate of title No. 14570 issued in the name of Flaviano
rule that a factual partition or termination of the co-ownership, although
Moreto, married to Monica Maniega, although the lot was
partial, was created, and barred not only the vendor, Flaviano Moreto, but
also his heirs, the private respondents herein from asserting as against the acquired during their marriage. As a result of the sale, the said
vendees-petitioners any right or title in derogation of the deed of sale certificate of title was cancelled and a new transfer certificate of
executed by said vendor Flaviano Moreto. title No. T-5671 was issued in the name of Geminiano Pamplona
Same; Same; Succession; Heirs are obliged to deliver land sold by married to Apolonia Onte (Exh. “A”).
their parents to the vendee thereof.—Under Article 776, New Civil Code, “After the execution of the above-mentioned deed of sale
the inheritance which private respondents received from their deceased (Exh. “1”), the spouses Geminiano Pamplona and Apolonia
parents and/or predecessors-in-interest included all the property rights and 779
obligations which were not extinguished by their
777 VOL. 96, MARCH 31, 1980
Pamplona vs. Moreto
VOL. 96, MARCH 31, 1980 Onte constructed their house on the eastern part of lot 1496 as
Pamplona vs. Moreto Flaviano Moreto, at the time of the sale, pointed to it as the land
parents’ death. And under Art. 1311, paragraph 1, New Civil Code, which he sold to Geminiano Pamplona. Shortly thereafter, Rafael
the contract of sale executed by the deceased Flaviano Moreto took effect Pamplona, son of the spouses Geminiano Pamplona and Apolonia
between the parties, their assigns and heirs, who are the private Onte, also built his house within lot 1496 about one meter from its
respondents herein. Accordingly, to the private respondents is transmitted boundary with the adjoining lot. The vendor Flaviano Moreto and
the obligation to deliver in full ownership the whole area of 781 sq. meters the vendee Geminiano Pamplona thought all the time that the
to the petitioners (which was the original obligation of their predecessor
portion of 781 square meters which was the subject matter of their
Flaviano Moreto) and not only onehalf thereof. Private respondents must
comply with said obligation. The records reveal that the area of 781 sq. sale transaction was No. 1495 and so lot No. 1495 appears to be
meters sold to and occupied by petitioners for more than 9 years already as the subject matter in the deed of sale (Exh. “1”) although the fact
of the filing of the complaint in 1961 had been re-surveyed by private land is that the said portion sold thought of by the parties to be lot No.
surveyor Daniel Aranas. Petitioners are entitled to a segregation of the area 1495 is a part of lot No. 1496.
from Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-9843 covering Lot 1496 and they “From 1956 to 1960, the spouses Geminiano Pamplona and
are also entitled to the issuance of a new Transfer Certificate of Title in Apolonio Onte enlarged their house and they even constructed a
their name based on the relocation survey. piggery corral at the back of their said honse about one and one-
APPEAL from the decision of the Court of Appeals. half meters from the eastern boundary of lot 1496.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. “On August 12, 1956, Flaviano Moreto died intestate. In
E.P. Caguioa for petitioners. 1961, the plaintiffs demanded on the defendants to vacate the
Benjamin C. Yatco for respondents. premises where they had their house and piggery on the ground
that Flaviano Moreto had no right to sell the lot which he sold to
Geminiano Pamplona as the same belongs to the conjugal
GUERRERO, J.: partnership of Flaviano and his deceased wife and the latter was
already dead when the sale was executed without the consent of
This is a petition for certiorari by way of appeal from the decision the plaintiffs who are the heirs of Monica. The spouses Geminiano
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 35962-R, entitled