Activity1. Opt and Management
Activity1. Opt and Management
Activity1. Opt and Management
Answers to these study questions are to be submitted for assessment.
Submit your output online (via Edmodo) on or before September 27, 2020
Study Questions:
1. Identify the three major functional areas of business organizations and
briefly describe how they interrelate.
Finance is responsible for securing financial resources at favorable prices and
allocating those resources throughout the organization, as well as budgeting,
analyzing investment proposals, and providing funds for operations.
Marketing is responsible for assessing consumer
wants and needs, and selling and promoting the organization’s goods or
Operations is responsible for producing the goods or providing the services
offered by the organization. To put this into perspective, if a business
organization were a car, operations would be its engine. And just as the
engine is the core of what a car does, in a business organization, operations is
the core of what the organization does.
It doesn’t matter whether the business is a retail store, a hospital, a
manufacturing firm, a car wash, or some other type of business; all business
organizations have these three basic functions.There is significant interfacing
and collaboration among the various functional areas, involving exchange of
information and cooperative decision making. The three primary functions in
business organizations perform different activities, many of their decisions
impact the other areas of the organization.Marketing’s focus is on selling
and/or promoting the goods or services of an organization.
Marketing is also responsible for assessing customer wants and needs, and for
communicating those to operations people (short term) and to design people
(long term). That is, operations needs information about demand over the
short to intermediate term so that it can plan accordingly (e.g., purchase
materials or schedule work), while design people need information that
relates to improving current products and services and designing new ones.
Marketing, design, and production must work closely together to successfully
implement design changes and to develop and produce new products.
Marketing can provide valuable insight on what competitors are doing.
Marketing also can supply information on consumer preferences so that
design will know the
kinds of products and features needed; operations can supply information
about capacities and judge the manufacturability of designs. Operations will
also have advance warning if new equipment or skills will be needed for new
products or services. Finance people should be included in these exchanges in
order to provide information on what funds might be available (short term)
and to learn what funds might be needed for new products or services
(intermediate to long term). One important piece of information marketing
needs from operations is the manufacturing or service lead time in order to
give customers realistic estimates of how long it will take to fill their orders.
Thus, marketing, operations, and finance must interface on product and
process design, forecasting, setting realistic schedules, quality and quantity
decisions, and keeping each other informed on the other’s strengths and
Depending on what exactly what you use your computer for, that would
determine whether you’ll upgrade or buy when the time comes. Do you have
an immediate use for this item? If not, you might want to wait until you truly
need it and make a plan to save up for it. Patience ain't sexy, but it pays off.
need. But if we really need it, it is better to look for a durable computer which
because you're able to target your advertising budget at a more select group