Critical Data in Physics and Chemistry: David R. Lide, Jr. Bettijoyce B. Lide
Critical Data in Physics and Chemistry: David R. Lide, Jr. Bettijoyce B. Lide
Critical Data in Physics and Chemistry: David R. Lide, Jr. Bettijoyce B. Lide
Bettijoyce B. Lide
National Institute of Standards and Technology
I. History of Critical
Data Programs
II. Role of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology
III. International Activities
IV. Methods of Evaluating Data
V. Dissemination of Critical Data
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storage medium for these data. By the end of the nineteenth partment of Energy, Department of Defense, and National
century, this literature had grown to the point that locating Aeronautics and Space Agency have supported selected
previously published data was time consuming and diffi- data projects relevant to their missions. Certain industrial
cult. This led to the practice of compiling data from the trade associations (e.g., Gas Producers Association and
primary literature and publishing this information in hand- International Copper Research Association) have spon-
book format. An early example was the Landolt-Börnstein sored data compilation projects of interest to the industry
tables, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in in question. Many professional societies take an active
Science and Technology, which first appeared in 1883. Sci- role in sponsoring or coordinating data projects. Exam-
entists came to depend on such tables and handbooks for ples include the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
quick access to data on physical and chemical properties. (Design Institute for Physical Property Data), ASM Inter-
The process of compiling data from the literature often national (Alloy Phase Diagram Program), and American
revealed inconsistencies and discrepancies, which indi- Society of Mechanical Engineers (steam properties and
cated errors in the original research. Thus, it became evi- other data). The National Academy of Sciences–National
dent that some form of critical selection or evaluation of Research Council has helped to assess needs for data and
the published data was highly desirable. The first broad- has examined several national issues associated with ac-
coverage handbook to attempt this was the International cess by scientists to data needed in their research.
Critical Tables, a seven-volume set of data books pub-
lished in the 1920s. Experts from many nations evalu-
ated the available data in their specialty areas and selected III. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES
recommended values for the final publication. Further ef-
forts of this nature were started in the 1930s and 1940s Like many other aspects of science, data compilation ef-
in such important areas of physical science as thermody- forts can be carried out more efficiently if there is co-
namics and atomic physics. In the 1950s, programs for the operation at an international level. This is particularly
collection and evaluation of data in nuclear physics were important when physical and chemical data affect tech-
established at Brookhaven and Oak Ridge National Labo- nological issues, such as performance specifications for
ratories. As scientific research has expanded and the tech- articles in international trade or rules for custody trans-
nological applications of research findings have increased, fer of commodities. An early example of the need for
it has become more and more evident that a critically eval- international agreement on physical data is provided by
uated base of physical and chemical data is essential for the International Association for the Properties of Steam
the orderly progress of science and technology. (IAPS). This group was established more than 60 years
ago with the aim of reaching international agreement on
the thermophysical properties of water and steam, which
II. ROLE OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE are crucial in specifying the performance of turbines, boil-
OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY ers, and pumps. Its international steam tables have been
adopted as standards for trade and commerce, as well as
Scientists from the U.S. National Bureau of Standards for scientific applications.
(NBS), whose name was changed to the National Institute Several international scientific unions have played a role
of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1988, played a in data compilation. In particular, the International Union
prominent part in these early critical data projects. In the of Pure and Applied Chemistry sponsors projects that deal
mid-1960s, NBS was designated as the national focal point with various types of chemical data. Unions in the geo-
for such activities in the United States. It undertook the sciences are concerned with data such as terrestrial mag-
coordination of a set of activities, known as the National netism, where correlations with geographic location are
Standard Reference Data System (NSRDS), conducted at important. There are also intergovernmental organizations
universities, industrial laboratories, and NIST itself. Some such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
of these projects were long-term efforts, referred to as which has evaluated data from nuclear and atomic physics
data centers, in which relevant data were systematically that are important in energy research and development.
compiled from the scientific literature, evaluated, and or- In 1966, the International Council of Scientific Unions
ganized into databases. Examples of such data centers established a standing Committee on Data for Science and
include the Atomic Energy Levels Data Center and the Technology (CODATA), with a mandate to improve the
Crystal Data Center at NIST and the Radiation Chemistry quality, reliability, processing, management, and acces-
Data Center at Notre Dame University. sibility of data of importance to science and technology.
Other organizations have also been active in data com- CODATA has representation from the major countries and
pilation and evaluation. Such federal agencies as the De- scientific unions and approaches data issues on both an
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Source: Mohr, P. J., and Taylor, B. N., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, in press.
international and an interdisciplinary basis. It has provided ments in common. However, a technique effective for one
recommended sets of certain key values, such as funda- physical property may be entirely unsuitable for another.
mental physical constants and important thermodynamic A common feature of most evaluation efforts is the re-
properties, which have been generally accepted for inter- duction of all published data to the same basis. Corrections
national use. CODATA also serves as a forum for reaching for changes in temperature scale, atomic weights, funda-
consensus on standards and formats for presenting data, mental constants, conversion relations, and other factors
and it carries out several educational activities such as must be made before a true evaluation can be started. This
conferences, training courses, and preparation of tutorial often requires considerable effort to deduce the subsidiary
publications. data used by the original authors.
The best current values of some frequently used physi- Critical evaluation implies a process of independent as-
cal and chemical data published by various data evaluation sessment of the reliability of data appearing in the lit-
groups are presented in Tables I to VIII. erature. This process should be conducted by scientists
who are familiar with the type of data in question and
who have had experience in the measurement techniques
IV. METHODS OF EVALUATING DATA that produced the data. There are usually some subjective
elements of the evaluation process. For example, the eval-
The question of how to evaluate published data is not easy uator will generally have a feeling for the accuracy of each
to answer in a general way. Specific methodologies have measurement technique and for the pitfalls that can lead
been developed in some fields, and these have certain ele- to unsuspected errors. The reputation of the researcher or
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Note: Numbers in parentheses represent the uncertainty in the last digit. Values in brackets are the mass numbers of the longest-lived isotope of
elements for which a standard atomic weight cannot be defined.
Source: Pure Appl. Chem. 68, 2339 (1996).
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TABLE III Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms
Ground-state Ground Ionization
Z Element configuration level energy (eV)
1 H Hydrogen 1s S1/2 13.5984
2 He Helium 1s 2 1
S0 24.5874
3 Li Lithium 1s 2 2s 2
S1/2 5.3917
4 Be Beryllium 1s 2 2s 2 1
S0 9.3227
2 o
5 B Boron 1s 2 2s 2 2 p P1/2 8.2980
6 C Carbon 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 2 3
P0 11.2603
4 o
7 N Nitrogen 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 3 S3/2 14.5341
8 O Oxygen 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 4 3
P2 13.6181
2 o
9 F Fluorine 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 5 P3/2 17.4228
10 Ne Neon 1s 2 2s 2 2 p 6 1
S0 21.5646
11 Na Sodium [Ne] 3s S1/2 5.1391
12 Mg Magnesium [Ne] 3s 2 1
S0 7.6462
2 o
13 Al Aluminum [Ne] 3s 2 3 p P1/2 5.9858
14 Si Silicon [Ne] 3s 2 3 p 2 3
P0 8.1517
4 o
15 P Phosphorus [Ne] 3s 2 3 p 3 S3/2 10.4867
16 S Sulfur [Ne] 3s 2 3 p 4 3
P2 10.3600
2 o
17 Cl Chlorine [Ne] 3s 2 3 p 5 P3/2 12.9676
18 Ar Argon [Ne] 3s 2 3 p 6 1
S0 15.7596
19 K Potassium [Ar] 4s S1/2 4.3407
20 Ca Calcium [Ar] 4s 2 1
S0 6.1132
21 Sc Scandium [Ar] 3d 4s 2 2
D3/2 6.5615
22 Ti Titanium [Ar] 3d 2 4s 2 3
F2 6.8281
23 V Vanadium [Ar] 3d 3 4s 2 4
F3/2 6.7462
24 Cr Chromium [Ar] 3d 5 4s 7
S3 6.7665
25 Mn Manganese [Ar] 3d 5 4s 2 6
S5/2 7.4340
26 Fe Iron [Ar] 3d 6 4s 2 5
D4 7.9024
27 Co Cobalt [Ar] 3d 7 4s 2 4
F9/2 7.8810
28 Ni Nickel [Ar] 3d 8 4s 2 3
F4 7.6398
29 Cu Copper [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2
S1/2 7.7264
30 Zn Zinc [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 1
S0 9.3942
2 o
31 Ga Gallium [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p P1/2 5.9993
32 Ge Germanium [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p 2 3
P0 7.8994
4 o
33 As Arsenic [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p 3 S3/2 9.7886
34 Se Selenium [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p 4 3
P2 9.7524
2 o
35 Br Bromine [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p 5 P3/2 11.8138
36 Kr Krypton [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4 p 6 1
S0 13.9996
37 Rb Rubidium [Kr] 5s S1/2 4.1771
38 Sr Strontium [Kr] 5s 2 1
S0 5.6949
39 Y Yttrium [Kr] 4d 5s 2 2
D3/2 6.2171
40 Zr Zirconium [Kr] 4d 2 5s 2 3
F2 6.6339
41 Nb Niobium [Kr] 4d 4 5s 6
D1/2 6.7589
42 Mo Molybdenum [Kr] 4d 5 5s 7
S3 7.0924
43 Tc Technetium [Kr] 4d 5 5s 2 6
S5/2 7.28
44 Ru Ruthenium [Kr] 4d 7 5s 5
F5 7.3605
45 Rh Rhodium [Kr] 4d 8 5s 4
F9/2 7.4589
46 Pd Palladium [Kr] 4d 10 1
S0 8.3369
47 Ag Silver [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2
S1/2 7.5762
48 Cd Cadmium [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 1
S0 8.9938
2 o
49 In Indium [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p P1/2 5.7864
50 Sn Tin [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p 2 3
P0 7.3439
4 o
51 Sb Antimony [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p 3 S3/2 8.6084
52 Te Tellurium [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p 4 3
p2 9.0096
2 o
53 I Iodine [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p 5 P3/2 10.4513
54 Xe Xenon [Kr] 4d 10 5s 2 5 p 6 1
S0 12.1298
55 Cs Cesium [Xe] 6s S1/2 3.8939
56 Ba Barium [Xe] 6s 2 1
S0 5.2117
57 La Lanthanum [Xe] 5d 6s 2 2
D3/2 5.5769
1 o
58 Ce Cerium [Xe] 4 f 5d 6s 2 G4 5.5387
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4 o
59 Pr Praseodymium [Xe] 4 f 3 6s 2 I9/2 5.473
60 Nd Neodymium [Xe] 4 f 4 6s 2 5
I4 5.5250
6 o
61 Pm Promethium [Xe] 4 f 5 6s 2 H5/2 5.582
62 Sm Samarium [Xe] 4 f 6 6s 2 7
F0 5.6436
8 o
63 Eu Europium [Xe] 4 f 7 6s 2 S7/2 5.6704
9 o
64 Gd Gadolinium [Xe] 4 f 7 5d 6s 2 D2 6.1501
6 o
65 Tb Terbium [Xe] 4 f 9 6s 2 H15/2 5.8638
66 Dy Dysprosium [Xe] 4 f 10 6s 2 5
I8 5.9389
4 o
67 Ho Holmium [Xe] 4 f 11 6s 2 I15/2 6.0215
68 Er Erbium [Xe] 4 f 12 6s 2 3
H6 6.1077
2 o
69 Tm Thulium [Xe] 4 f 13 6s 2 F7/2 6.1843
70 Yb Ytterbium [Xe] 4 f 14 6s 2 1
S0 6.2542
71 Lu Lutetium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 6s 2 2
D3/2 5.4259
72 Hf Hafnium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 2 6s 2 3
F2 6.8251
73 Ta Tantalum [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 3 6s 2 4
F3/2 7.5496
74 W Tungsten [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 4 6s 2 5
D0 7.8640
75 Re Rhenium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 5 6s 2 6
S5/2 7.8335
76 Os Osmium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 6 6s 2 5
D4 8.4382
77 Ir Iridium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 7 6s 2 4
F9/2 8.9670
78 Pt Platinum [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 9 6s 3
D3 8.9587
79 Au Gold [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2
S1/2 9.2255
80 Hg Mercury [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 1
S0 10.4375
2 o
81 Tl Thallium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p P1/2 6.1082
82 Pb Lead [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 2 3
P0 7.4167
4 o
83 Bi Bismuth [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 3 S3/2 7.2856
84 Po Polonium [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 4 3
P2 8.417?
2 o
85 At Astatine [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 5 P3/2
86 Rn Radon [Xe] 4 f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6 p 6 1
S0 10.7485
87 Fr Francium [Rn] 7s S1/2 4.0727
88 Ra Radium [Rn] 7s 2 1
S0 5.2784
89 Ac Actinium [Rn] 6d 7s 2 2
D3/2 5.17
90 Th Thorium [Rn] 6d 2 7s 2 3F2 6.3067
91 Pa Protactinium [Rn] 5 f 2 (3 H4 ) 6d 7s 2 (4, 32 )11/2 5.89
92 U Uranium [Rn] 5 f 3 (4 Io9/2 ) 6d 7s 2 ( 92 , 32 )o6 6.1941
93 Np Neptunium [Rn] 5 f 4 (5 I4 ) 6d 7s 2 (4, 32 )11/2 6.2657
94 Pu Plutonium [Rn] 5 f 6 7s 2 7
F0 6.0262
8 o
95 Am Americium [Rn] 5 f 7 7s 2 S7/2 5.9738
9 o
96 Cm Curium [Rn] 5 f 7 6d 7s 2 D2 5.9915
6 o
97 Bk Berkelium [Rn] 5 f 9 7s 2 H15/2 6.1979
98 Cf Californium [Rn] 5 f 10 7s 2 5
I8 6.2817
4 o
99 Es Einsteinium [Rn] 5 f 11 7s 2 I15/2 6.42
100 Fm Fermium [Rn] 5 f 12 7s 2 3
H6 6.50
2 o
101 Md Mendelevium [Rn] 5 f 13 7s 2 F7/2 6.58
102 No Nobelium [Rn] 5 f 14 7s 2 1
S0 6.65
2 o
103 Lr Lawrencium [Rn] 5 f 14 7s 2 7 p? P1/2 ? 4.9?
104 Rf Rutherfordium [Rn] 5 f 14 6d 2 7s 2 ? 3
F2 ? 6.0?
Source: Martin, W. C., and Musgrove, A. (2001). NIST Physics Reference Data Web Site, www.
laboratory from which the data came is also a factor, since calorimetric measurements of enthalpy changes in chem-
some research groups are known to take greater care in ical reactions, heat capacity measurements, equilibrium
their work than others. constants as a function of temperature, entropy calculated
When there is a high degree of interrelation among a set from molecular constants, and perhaps other pertinent
of independently measured quantities, a systematic cor- experimental measurements. When reduced to standard
relation scheme can be devised. Thermodynamics pro- temperature and pressure, all the data relevant to a given
vides the prime example. Here one may have available reaction must satisfy well-established thermodynamic
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Source: Lide, D. R., ed. (1999). “CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics,” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
relations. Furthermore, the energy and entropy changes cross sections, theory can be used to place limits on data
for a process must be independent of the path followed. values.
These constraints enable one to check the internal con- Ideally, the aim of every evaluation effort is to present a
sistency of large data sets whose individual values come “best” or “recommended” value plus a quantitative state-
from a variety of sources. In this way, faulty measurements ment of its uncertainty. If the dominant errors are truly ran-
are frequently recognized that would not be suspected if dom, a standard deviation or 95% confidence interval can
examined in isolation. be quoted, which gives the user a sound basis for deciding
Chemical thermodynamic data and thermophysical the implication of this uncertainty for a given problem.
properties of fluids are routinely evaluated in this man- However, this situation almost never applies; instead, the
ner. Computer programs have been developed to assess most significant errors are usually systematic in nature,
large data sets and select recommended values through deriving from either the initial measurement process or
a least-squares or similar fitting procedure. Other fields the model used in analyzing the data. The correlations of
amenable to this approach are atomic and molecular spec- large data sets described above are very helpful in un-
troscopy, nuclear physics, and crystallography. In still covering such systematic errors, but the judgment of an
other cases, such as chemical kinetics and atomic collision experienced researcher is also extremely important.
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TABLE VI (Continued )
Source: Excerpted from Cox, J. D., Wagman, D. D., and Medvedev, V. A. (1989). “CODATA Key Values for Thermo-
dynamics,” Hemisphere Publishing, New York.
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There are also many handbooks with a broad cover- users of data taken from the Internet to evaluate the relia-
age of physical and chemical data; among the most fa- bility of the source and assure that it is truly critical data.
miliar of these are the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Some of the important World Wide Web sites for eval-
Physics, The Merck Index, and the American Institute of uated physical and chemical data are listed below:
Physics Handbook. Such handbooks are very convenient
r NIST Physics Data, covering fundamental constants,
data sources. While they cannot provide the backup doc-
umentation found in the data journals and monographs atomic spectra, and X-ray data; <>
r Fundamental Particle Properties, prepared by the
discussed above, the better ones carry references to more
detailed publications. Particle Data Group at Lawrence Berkeley
The decade beginning in 1990 saw a major change in Laboratories; <>
r NIST Chemistry Webbook, whose topics include
the manner of disseminating all types of information, and
scientific data were no exception. There are many advan- thermodynamics, ion energetics, infrared and mass
tages associated with computerized data dissemination. spectra, fluid properties, etc; <>
r Beilstein and Gmelin Databases, covering chemical
One consideration is economic. While the costs incurred
with composition and printing have continued to increase, properties of organic and inorganic compounds;
computer costs for data storage and network communica- <>
r Hazardous Substances Data Bank, maintained by the
tions have decreased sharply, thus making the electronic
dissemination of critical data more attractive. Often the National Library of Medicine and containing physical
sheer volume of data makes a machine-readable format the property data as well as toxicity and safety data;
only practical way of storage and distribution. Electronic <>
r CRCnetBase, including the Web version of the CRC
databases lend themselves to easy updating, thus promot-
ing the currency of the data, and search and retrieval are Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, The Merck
far more powerful. Having the data in electronic form also Index, and other databases; <>
makes it easier for the user to carry out calculations and
Crystallographic databases are maintained for different
look for trends that may lead to new scientific insights.
classes of materials:
Although these advantages were recognized much ear-
lier, the transition to electronic dissemination of scientific r Organic compounds: <>
data did not begin to accelerate until the mid-1990s. Two r Inorganic compounds: <> and
factors have contributed: the expanding availability of per- <>
sonal computers with CD ROM drives and the explosive r Metals: <>
growth of the Internet. The CD ROM has proved to be r Proteins: <>
an efficient means for distributing physical and chemical r Nucleic acids: <>
databases and the accompanying software to individuals
for use on their personal computers. The Internet provides SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES
an inexpensive way for users to access large databases
maintained on institutional computers. The graphical ca- CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS • DATABASES • MECHAN-
pabilities of the World Wide Web have also contributed ICS, CLASSICAL • PERIODIC TABLE (CHEMISTRY) • THER-
by making it easy to display special characters, chemi- MAL ANALYSIS • THERMOMETRY
cal structures, and other non-text information. Finally, the
growing use of computers for data analysis, process sim-
ulation, engineering design, and similar applications has
created a demand for data in digital, as opposed to paper, Anderson, H. L., ed. (1989). “A Physicist’s Desk Reference,” 2nd ed.,
format. Amer. Inst. of Phys., New York.
The ease with which information can be posted on the Dubois, J.-E., and Gershon, N., eds. (1996). “The Information Revolu-
Internet has had one unfortunate consequence. There are a tion: Impact on Science and Technology,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Glaeser, P. S., ed. (1992). “Data for Discovery,” Begell House, New York.
great many sites that purport to provide physical and chem-
Lide, D. R. (1973). “Status report on critical compilation of physical
ical data, but the quality is highly variable. Data quality chemical data.” Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 24, 135–158.
is a consideration even when dealing with printed com- Lide, D. R. (1981). “Critical data for critical needs.” Science 212, 135–
pilations, but on the Internet the traditional filter of the 158.
publication process can no longer be relied upon. A search Maizell, R. E. (1998). “How To Find Chemical Information,” Wiley-
Interscience, New York.
for a specific property on a standard Internet search engine
Molino, B. B. (1985). In “The Role of Data in Scientific Progress” (P. S.
is likely to turn up hundreds of sites, most of which have Glaser, ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam.
no documentation and provide no basis for confidence in Rumble, J. R., and Hampel, V. E. (1984). “Database Management in
the correctness of the data presented. It is important for all Science and Technology,” North-Holland, Amsterdam.