Fo Reword: From Widely For Industrlal, in in

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Fo reword

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has established a program

by which the results of aerospace-related research and development from a
variety of sources are collected, evaluated, and disseminated widely for
the benefit of the industrlal, educational, and professional communities
in the nation. New technology thus collected and processed is announced in
appropriate documents issued by the Technology Utilization Office of NASA.
These documents contain the latest developments in materlals, processes,
products, management systems, and design techniques.

This document is one of a series of reports dealing with the development of

a class of high-temperature materials called superalloys. This development
has been accelerated by the demand for better materials to meet the special
needs and requirements in the aerospace fleld. NASA has been a major con-
tributor to the overall effort.

The discussions in this report deal mainly with the latest techniques in
processing superalloys, with emphasis specifically on vacuum meltln 9 and
casting. NASA contributions to the technology are set forth, and equipment
and techniques presently used in processing the metals are described. The
information has been compiled by Battelle Memorial Institute-Columbus
Laboratories. The document should be of value to investigators as a basis
for further research in materials technology_ and to manufacturers of equip-
ment in which metals having high-temperature characteristics are required.

Ronald J. Philips, Director

Technology Utilization Office


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